• By -


Same here, used it all on hutao


Are you me?


I live in your walls


New titan just dropped




Based lmfaoo esp with 4x JP VAs


Standby for titan fall


Rap tap tap


harrow is that. u


Calm down Man in the Wall


Pop them as I get them. Some unit always needs something I can use it for


Same, I've been trying to get every character to level 80 and I always need more resin for EXP books. Over 100 fragile resin would be my dream come true, I could just finish a character in a single day


I just used them all up trying to get artifacts for Neuvillette and Wriothesley... 🫠


Same only got like a feather and a flower from like a 1000 resin


1000 resin is like 5 and a half days, a good feather and flower in that time is very lucky. I'm farming deepwood and emblem, hell sometimes even vv for a em 5 star circlet, only got one from the game what the hell.


1000 resin takes about 129 hours, so yeah, it's close to 5 and a half days. It's sad how low the rates are. Not only do you have to wait for an artifact with good substats, you'll then have to hope for good rolls. So far, not a single character of mine has the perfect set that I desire. I usually like building all characters that seem ok, which makes things even worse. For example, there's my Xiao with 98% CR, but only 168% CD, then my Hu Tao with 49% CR and 276 CD. Most of the time when I farm talents, I get 4 blue and 4 green, and that's with a condensed resin. Once every 5 condensed, I sometimes one purple drop. I always thought that they were going to increase the drop rates, or at least optimize the artifacts farming system, but then we got HSR, with the self modeling resin, which is equally useless, because while you get the desired main stat, the sub stats are random. I don't know what to say anymore. Sorry for wasting your time if you've read this.


It’s all in the vein of keeping you online as long as possible per login. I’m hoping Project Mugen isn’t as bad


What's Project Mugen? Another open world game like Genshin? I play no more than an of Genshin per day, nowadays. Unless there's a quest I have to complete.


it will be as bad if it wants to retain its players. Once people have fully decked out characters, they're going to have nothing left to do.


Man this why I just refuse to get into the artifact grind As long as the main stat and the set are what I want that's fuckin it for me, fuck repeating a domain 50 times lmao


It sounds bad if you say it like that, but it takes like 5 minutes a day which makes it pretty chill.


Yea but you can’t do anything else if that’s what you’re doing. No ascending new characters, leveling weapons, talents, anything. And all that resin to just still not get a good piece


There aren't enough characters to farm for to be doing those things every day...


Speak for yourself. I’ve been playing consistently since 3.4, although I played from 1.0 - 1.2 back in the day and took around a 2 year break in that time. I have all but 6 or 7 of the 5 star characters and all but 2 of the 4 star characters, and 2/3 of my roster is sitting completely unbuilt or built to a very sub par level. I have so many characters to build still that it feels like I’ll literally never be done


You're the outlier then as a "new" player. You're gonna agree with me as soon as you reach a certain baseline.


Facts he be talking outta his arse


if you take a 2 year break, then you've been playing for less than a year


But what else are you going to do with the resin? Farm leylines?


Yeah dude Leylines, talent books, bosses and so on I want to be able to play as every character I roll for even if they don't crit mega hard


Valid, but just understand that ur characters will never be that good


So what that his characters are not super good? It's not like everyone must do 36\* in abyss.


No, they’ll never be good compared to a standard build. Everyone can 36*


Some people touch grass and have countless other things to worry about than maxing a drawing in a video game


It’s not really maxing. I just kinda build my characters until they’re decent. I like having good characters but it doesn’t outweigh how much I hate grinding artifacts


You can make character playable with 4\* artifacts with proper main stats. So what exactly is "standard build"?


Like low effort 5star artifacts with like 10-15 CV. Just something everyone can pretty easily achieve


This game is not that hard, so no one \*really\* needs to be that good unless they want to though. After nearly 2 weeks the only time the game is challenging for me is after a WL increase that I wasn't ready for. And there's nothing 4 star and up food won't make it even playing field after that. Plus I level all my artifacts over lvl 10, even the temp 3 star ones so my low lvl characters stay stacked. I also prefer only 2 from a set to get 2 bonuses per character, so perhaps that is easier for farming 🤔. I'm still trying to determine from this fandom if the game actually gets harder later, or if people just enjoy the numbers and personal challenge scores vs the game being actually difficult. It's fine either way, but I'm not expecting end game to be difficult. From what I've seen there isn't a lot of endgame available period, so maybe it's a way for people to up the ante to make more endgame content?


Oof, that's why I prefer using them for talent books or boss materials. You're guaranteed to get those things.


I usually spend them like that, but I got frustrated from the lack of decent artifacts.


I have the exact same thing. Ended up using a couple for Cyno and Wriothesley but they're not being kind to us hahah


The beauty of RNG 😐 I got a 85/233 Crit Rate/DMG set for Wriothesley in no time at all but couldn't get a solid 4pc Emblem for my Raiden Shogun until I could strongbox the pieces.


I swear Emblem, Deepwood, Noblesse and ToTM are coded to have way worse luck than the others. Oh, and Viridescent while I'm at it too.


I was gonna say VV was an absolute pain. At least there's some variation in main stats needed for each character on those others, but needing almost all EM for Kazoo, Venti, Jean, and Sucrose etc was brutal. Thankfully you've been able to strongbox it for a while but I swear my luck with that is even worse. And the chances of getting proper substats AND an EM piece isn't even worth trying imo. But hey at least I have a lotta HP and Def lol


I have three characters I want NO on and have been grinding for two weeks with zero usable pieces so far. It definitely feels cursed. I've also bricked my fair share of VV pieces that started out decent, but at least I found decent bases to begin with.


I've aways had AWFUL luck with "both sets are great" artifact domains. My Raiden is just BARELY built


Farming since 4.0, and then last week used 43 fragile didn’t get shit. I only need 1 more piece too to complete my Furina set I am in so much pain


I gave up getting decent substats for wanderer's atk sands when I couldn't almost get one. The same may happen to Wriothesley cause I haven't gotten an atk sands after a thousand resin


I hate farming for artifacts on this game so goddamn much.


They make it hard to grind since there's no end game content...


How? I never use them because I can barely handle the artifact inventory I have now. I have over 100 already.


I like playing a lot of different characters and want them all to have their own set. Maybe I'm weird 🤷‍♀️


Stop hoarding.


used 2.4k resin worth of condensed on neuvil artifacts didn't get over 15 cv on any, the only c dmg circlet I got in 2.4k resin also rolled 5/5 def despite having crit rate and %hp as substats. Guess it's a skill issue


I still have the 105 I have earned these past 3 months I have been playing. I really need to just no-life in domains to get my artifact sets up and running (I need 3 emblem sets for Rational among other things) but I keep procrastinating doing so.


Please use only original resin on artifacts, use the fragiles for materials that are guaranteed will progress your account. Boss materials, weapon materials, talent books, even exp books and mora. I spent like 50 fragile resin on artifacts when I started playing at AR45 and still regret it to this day.


At the end of the day, fragile resin is just resin. Resin regenerates over time, thus fragile resin just saves time as long as you’re not capping your resin. Personally, I only keep 10 fragile saved so that I can immediately farm a new boss for a new character if needed (like will be the case in 4.2). The other fragiles just get used to speed up whatever I’m farming for at the time, whether that’s talents, boss mats, or artifacts. I don’t think you should regret doing that at AR45. I’m of the mindset it’s objectively correct to get a usable set of 5* artifacts for your main team ASAP when you hit AR45. I know until I hit AR45, normal fights in the overworld felt like a slog. For the record, I don’t even mean good artifacts, I just mean usable. Even attack/attack/attack for Ayaka is usable for the overworld even if you would obviously rather have a cryo damage goblet. Getting a usable set might mean spending 40-80 or so fragile resin, but at that point in the game’s difficulty progression, it’s worth it.


Why, it doesn't even matter. resin should be used on things you want/need regardless if it's guaranteed or not at AR45+ maybe even lower if you really need something


Fuck that domain! It refuses to give me decent artifacts for Neuvillette and I'm sitting at like 200+ for both sets. Maybe I can at least make an okay GT set for Fischl. Well, maybe not as much as the VV domain when I'm looking to build mastery. That's just torture.


Another reason why i won't farm artifacts


26. I vary between 5-30 most of the time. When I get a new character that needs investment I spend it until they are decent. Then I start saving again and use regular resin to improve their build. I like to keep a small amount "in the bank" at all times in case I need it for some reason.


30 fragile resin makes you a decent build? i spent 39120 resin on raiden and she still sucks i barely got her any artifacts bro


Well definitions of decent vary. You might also have bad luck in artefact domains! Typically with that many runs I can make two two-piece sets with ideal main stats and some not terrible sub stats, with an off piece goblet from my stash of artifacts.If I get lucky I can make an ok four-piece set. I've got more fully leveled 4-star weapons that characters, most at R5. I have enough purple xp books and mora to immediately level two characters to 80. So yeah, five days of original resin spent on world bosses, fragile/transient spent on artifact runs, and any new character is good to go quickly. If I like the character, I continue artifact runs until I have much better artifacts, while saving fragile resin.


Its mostly about "farm some extra talent books or weapon mats today, because you have to wait a few days before you can do that again" or for boss materials, to quickly make character atleast decent in the main stats. Spending fragiles on artifacts is quite wasteful, imo.


Bro it only took me 4 days to get nice artifacts fro scara.. I think i only spent like 10 fragile on it Meanwhile on neuvi domain i spent like 20 and NOT ONE good artifact. It really varies 💀


i mean i spent 30k resin on raiden and she still sucks


Idk about you but my line for “decent” is all main stats are correct and I have the set bonus I need. If you chase sub stats you’re going to be unhappy for a long time, absent god tier luck.


195-244 days spent directly on artifacts only? Do you have proof of that?


Sometimes I get something I wasn’t expecting to like a new weapon. When I first pulled WSG I used some of my resin upgrading it to lvl 90 asap.


Resin? What's that?


Resin? is this some sort of Honkai Star Rail reference i dont know about?


Happy cake day


0 I don't see a reason to postpone my account progress. So I spend instantly when I get one.


You save fragile so you can build new characters easily. I have saved 9 just to claim furina boss mats for her ascension


For the time I've spent on the game, my characters and artifact builds are stronger than average and evenly spread out. I think it is a fair tradeoff to wanting a new character to be built instantly.


You're dreaming if you think saving a few fragiles for new characters put you at any kind of disadvantage when it comes to artifacts


I wasn't sure about about getting Wrio, decided to get him day before his release and thanks to majority of fragile resins I had I could quickly lvl him and his talents


Yeah I got Yelan on a complete whim during her first banner, all because of a reddit comment talking about how great she was with Yoi. So I pulled for her and started popping resins to max her within a couple of hours. Talents still took a bit though, but it's very handy


A handful of them don't' change anything, but it was meant for the ones who have 50s or 100s of resin and plan to use for a future possibility. I've played some MMO games before and seen people quit with a stockpile of gems or gold or whatever the premium currency is. So I don't have the habit of saving more than 150 wishes or things like resin as long as I can extract maximum value out of it.


Sure, hoarding them is one thing. But keeping a small stash around for when you need it is definitely the best way And while it's not an mmo, when I went back to warframe after not playing it for a couple of years and saw that I had 1k plat and 10mil credits it felt pretty great. Made it so much easier to get back into things


you’ll still need to wait several weeks to level her talents though. since you need to do the weekly domain after level 6


In special cases like furina yes, but its only every once in a region. With characters like neuve the same thing applys but you can prefarm for weeklies.


yes well they’re using it for other things


Dont you need like 15 to bring a character up to 90? You need 46(?) boss mats. That means at up to maximum of 23 runs(2x drops each time). This totals out at 920resin, since the cost is 40 to claim boss ascension mats. 920/60 = 15.3333 fragile resins. Even if you save 160 resin, at best you can save 2 and 2/3 of a fragile resin, but i cant see it being 9 for the life of me, unless your luck is godtier enough to get 3 drops every run.


If you count some of them dropping 3 instead of 2 and have 5 condensed I see 9 being enough EDIT: I forgor 💀no condensed on bosses


I dont think you can use condensed resin for bosses


oops ye mb


I don't see a reason to waste resources for a marginal upgrade right now Better to save it to get a good set of a new artifact set quickly


this.. once i have gotten good artifacts i stop wasting fragile resins to gain marginal upgrade.. then i save the fragile resins for the time when new and better artifacts are released...


You can save it for a character, like I used most of mine on neuvilette talents since I couldn't prefarm


The problem is that this way you get more artifact than money to level them up enough. At least for me. You also use resin on gold leylines?


Because there's 0 fucking reason to spend them to begin with. You got so overloaded with resources at a baseline that the resin are basically useless unless your one of the people stupid enough to think you need top 80% artifacts to accomplish anything.


Or maybe the reason for trying to get good artifacts is that there is basicly no other meaningful progression in the game and 0 fucking things to do. Like have you ever played a game that has actual tought behind its replayability and end game and isnt relying on temporary content? Fucking arpgs, mmorpgs or any multiplayer? If so it surely cant be that hard to understand. Or maybe you are just the average 'more casual than casul' typ of genshin players who has no clue about who viedo games are and why gamers like them.


267 at the moment 👌🏻


Damn, I thought I was winning at 203


May I ask what you're saving them for? I am no stranger to hording like up to 50 with a new region release but at 203 I feel like you are probably hurting by not using them.


I'm not saving them, I just play casually so have no reason to use them. Some days when I login I don't even use my 160. Grinding out domains for several hours to then level artifacts for another hour to _maybe_ get a damage increase on one of my characters isn't fun for me.


omg this, i got yelled at sat i waste potential power for not using it someone assumed i had shit artifacts and im like... uou do get resin every day y'know... 😑


Same, there are days when I just explore and other days when I do quests, I usually avoid farming, it just makes me hate the game. I don't need to build my characters right away, I like to do it slowly so I never get bored.


For sure. I've been playing since 1.1 and can clear 11-3 with no sweat so outside of grinding for 12-3 (which I have minimal interest in) I just play as much as I feel like.


Fair enough! Best not to overdo it. I had to take some breaks from the game because of it. That being said I wish I was you. Having 203 would be a dream to me. I like grinding domains. OTL


I have a lot of them stacked too. I don't play for much time so I end up playing more casually. But every now and then I contemplate doing the grind and actually spending some of them in weekends or break days


if you don't care about artifacts, you can use it to spend it on bosses. Like, if it's a character you really like and you wanna use them as fast as you can.


My man, every character I own is at least level 70 (except Tighnari because FUCK farming those lotuses). Most of the characters I don't have >70 I have the boss mats for anyway. Benefits of playing since 1.1


I play since 1.0 but I'm talking about newly released characters that you wanna use asap.


As someone that has around 200 as well: I'm not. My characters annihilate content to a ridiculous degree. Even in A12, the limiting factor is ME and not my characters. So, I've -literally- no use for resin at the moment unless I pull a new unit. Even then, using 160 per day is quite enough grind, at this stage of the game. Domains aren't that fun.


That is also a spicy amount 👌🏻 I used around 50 when the Pale Flame Domain released, so i could've had around 300+ XD


225 here, not-enough-time-to-grind gang rise up!


oh hey dude. I just checked mine and i had the same exact number hahaha


I don't remember but I was thinking this exact number.... also OP posted this when I randomly thought does my fragile resin is a bit too much? oh mine's at 280


Hoo boy, awesome! You are a true saver i see.


haha , someone below has 400+ though, I've played since 1st month of release, at this point it's more like, if I push too much I'm gonna burn out from being bored lol


By god, that is an unholy amount. I also played since second day of release. Yeah, one does run out of things to do


Damnn, you artifacts must look like shit, flat def everywhere /j


And for absolutely no fucking reason, nice. I bet the servers will sut down first befor you ppl use up those, or come up with a sensible reason as to why you arent doing so. (But before the good ppl of genshin reddit come at my throat for bein "mean", let me make it clear, I think you should do whatever the fuck, I couldnt care less, Im just pointing out how stupid you ppl are. Please and thank you☕👌)


i think around 157-159. I've spent one when trying to get an achievement.


so what's the maximum amount obtainable if a day 1 player never used any and bought every single battle pass and did all the events that give fragiles?


300+, maybe 350+


Way more, closer to 1k than 300


It's not anywhere close to 1000 because I am this player. Started with the original BP and never bought and got every one that was free. I have spent about 30 - 60 and I currently sitting at 331. So it's about 350-400 total so far.


nahh, all the battlepasses since 1.0 are around 200-250 fragiles, exploration gives another 50-100 and every event and mail is probably another 50-100, someone who never missed any event and bought bp would have fragiles in the 400s


There has been 27 battle passes and you can get 15resin each. 27*15=405 there also was way more of them from events than you counted, not sure about exploration but its probably more. I would guess its about 700-800 overall


imagine having 8-9 months of resin in ur inv 💀 got a little over 2 months of resin myself


700-800 sounds about right. I'm at something like 422 and I've spent some. You also could get 1/week since the start of the game which is probably another 160.


How 1/week? I can only think of the teapot one but it's not pernament


There's a whale pack you can buy that has 1 and it refreshes weekly.


Math is wrong here. First, it's 10 per pass right now, not 15. Second, the earlier BP didn't even have this many I believe. They changed the passes at one point.


I think this is the $20 pass that gives you 5 additional instantly.


Ah, I legit forgot that pass even existed. Do folks actually buy that one?


people buy the whale pack for 1 fragile every week, I'm sure the BP is more worthwhile. But it's not a lot of people that do that


I see no point in hoarding them, I use them when there's a new domain I want to farm.


I can't speak for OP, but I'm not 'hoarding' them. I'm simply too lazy to use them. I mean, as someone who has been playing since launch, there is nothing for me to use resin on anymore except better artifacts and even then I'm already at a point where I hit the item limit before I can manage to get something that's better than what I currently have. So these days I'm just using my natural resin to get trash artifacts, which I feed into mediocre artifacts, so I can have space for more trash artifacts again. I don't see why I'd want to expedite this process by using my condensed resin.


Yeah seriously what’s the point. Resin is resin, you can’t trade them in for primos in the future or anything. Use em up!


Well its better to save it if there’s nothing that need farming


Better artifacts always needs farming.


Save for what


New characters that release in X.0/X.1/X.2 that I want but couldn't prefarm for because their materials weren't released before


You don’t have to prefarm. You can just use your resin after you acquire them


0. I spent all my resin to try and get good artifacts for my Hydro Dragon King but the RNG said "fuck you lol" and gave me either shit DEF/dead ATK stats or Golden troupe artifacts.


Me, been weeks for MH set and got two broken GT sets... My only MH set is subpar and barely useful ngl Al least Fishcl got love... and Furina I guess


0, I spend them as soon as I get them.


Same. I’d love to have a stack of 100 for a lazy Saturday of just grinding.


11,started saving then for furina world boss when it comes out in 4.2,worst case senario i would get abt 32 mats from it which is enought to lvl 80


Lmao same. Can’t wait for her to come.


21 :D




143 remaining - after domain running some talent books and artifacts on my days off of work.. *Cries in Crimson Witch of Flames* 🥲


10 for speedrunning Furina's boss mats in 4.2


1 ☹️


2 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have 8. Neuvillette and Wriothesley ate about 40 between them lol




I think somewhere between 125-150. I use some when a new character or domain comes out. Otherwise, I don't even have any use for my daily resin anymore.




Like 30, you dont really get them anymore at high ar. I don’t know how people have them unless theyve been saving from a really low AR


5 per month from the free battle pass. That and having everyone you want built, so you prefarm for upcoming characters - so you’re never in need to burn through them. Or people who buy the Battle Pass, they get another +5 (or +10, if they get the Namecard BP too). I have 124, haven’t bought a BP since 1.2, haven’t had any need to spend them.


I had over 160, but farming artifacts for a certain Hydro Archon is rapidly destroying my resin savings, I'm at 120 rn


i got yelled at for this 205 for Genshin, i had 211 but used some for better artifacts for Wriothesley 115 for Starrail












heh same number, but for my case i dont want to burn out on farming too much plus i dont have time to farm, so i use it slowly


170+ Was over 200, but decided one day to just do a lot.


70-80 both accounts.


169 🫠


i think 15 need em for foc


140-ish,was near 160 but suddenly got whole 5 new character in my account so a lot was used on bosses & talents.


Like 19?


like 6


i already forgot this exist. lol


180 smth


Not enough to get one good piece for my neuvillete


177. I haven't have the time to spend it all.


80 something. Used to be 100+ pre-4.1 but then I remembered they exist and started using more of them for Artifs


7. used an enormous chunk on neuvillette, decided not to touch them until furina now


I dunno, i havent checked jn a while, but also more then a 100 i guess.


257 at the moment.


Like...47? Neuv & Wrio been dipping into my fund.


40 something. i'm saving it for furina because i can't pre-farm her boss mats lol




Bro I've used these like 2-3 times, farming domains in Genshin is too boring


Like 100 or so


12, waiting for furina


131 so far


Around 20 or so, mistakenly blew a bunch when I first started


29 I think


Sheesshhh I keep it around 60 idk why. I do occasionally use 5 or 10 depending what I'm doing and who I had gotten time to farm for a moment lol. Else I would've definitely have close to your amount haha.


130 I can be bothered to use them since I barely build any characters anymore.




96. Used ~10 for Neuvi stuff and dipped below 100.


41. I've been saving them for Furina
