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day 1 player only 3/5 šŸ˜


960 days active. 1/5. I dont think Im ever finishing this one.


Even if you do finish it (and you will due to how they changed the commission rotation), now you have to deal with the much harder AWOL pidgeons bullshit.


2.8 player. 5/5 and just over a year of RNG.


Im currently at 92 days active, and have 2/5! (But I probably had mondstadt as commision region for like half of the time)




I don't... What are you trying to say? English isn't my native language, so it could just be a weird sentence. I can send some screenshots as proof if you want?


their comment is worded pretty poorly but i think theyā€™re trying to describe the commissions that happen in mondstadt.


Ooooh, that makes way more sense. Thanks!


edit: The comment below was removed and the user banned, good work everyone!


Ah, thanks!


Iā€™m 3/5 as well. But I was like ā€œfuck this, i ainā€™t doing itā€.


Not day 1 and I'm also stuck at 3/5.


Bruh what i have only played for 5 months and already completed this. How bad are the chance for you to still not complete this




This is a spambot, reposting a fragment of [someone else's comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/17o8ahb/3_years_of_rng_has_come_to_an_end/k7wtdon/) to farm karma.


Day 1 still sitting at 1/5. I'm doing rotations on my regions for daily commissions, desperately hoping I can clear everything on at least one region.


also day 1 player, finished this but only finished snezhnaya achievement a few months ago and I've done like no sumeru commissions


Been there and I understand your pain. Now go find the unseen razor.


I had the one where you clear out the camp, not sure how many more are in that questline


I think it ends with fighting a ruin hunter


I don't want to spoil it but there's more.




Chasm addition continued at least 2 commission storylines.


Now go to Liyue and do the 5 RNG based one's over there.


I did all the Mondstadt and Liyue ones no problem, it's the INAZUMA ones that will be the death of me. I'm at 4/5 for beating that doushin and damn Tang Wen NEVER asked me for food yet.


The only one left for Inazuma for me is the whole gourmet supremes crap, and then it carries over into Sumeru (screams)


I've had the Inazuma gourmet supremes done for four months now. It's just that Liyuean that's holding me up, and she's never in Inazuma ANYWAY!


Gourmet supremos in Sumeru is literally just a quest,not Rng at all,so you're already halfway through the hard part!


You have to get it all done in Inazuma first. And, after Sumeru came out, you had to still do it again. It didn't count it if you did it already.


I have none of them yet, just pieces of cliffhanger *cries*


Sumeru is even worse. I'm going to be here forever


Cant wait for this commission line to get a follow up like Annas did where Glory finally finds out Godwin has been lying to her and moves on and you have to wait another 3 years to complete it


Donā€™t give them any ideas!!


These have not been RNG based for over a year. They are far more timegated than random as you receive 2 Whispers every commission cycle. Have a read: https://m.hoyolab.com/#/creatorCollection/482990 RNG only contributes to a difference of a month or 2.


The first words are literally ā€œcycle theoryā€. Is any of that confirmed to be true and accurate by Hoyo? If it is, Jesus just let us pick 1 commission once a week to tip the BS scales on our favor


I've tracked mine with the Adventure's guild discord server for around 4 patches now and the cycles are all correct. They have quite a few players constantly tracking commissions and the data all aligns.


Itā€™s that kind of stuff that really bugs me like if thereā€™s 100 commissions and you need one specific one, just let it be at a percent chance, donā€™t tie the commissions to only appearing at certain intervals


yeah, no thanks. I had been doing Mondstadt commissions right up until Inazuma's release and I had gotten whispers only once... and it didn't count, because Whispers was bugged. You had to actually go out of the city, collect a dandelion and only then give it to Glory. I've been back to mondstadt for about 50 days now and currently am at 2/5 whispers. I am GURANTEED to be done with this shit in another 80 days, give or take. Also there is more to Cycles. Check Commission blocking etc. It's a way to remove certain commissions out of the available pool


It used to be only once per cycle for whispers of the wind now it's twice


Why? In the second case (which is how it works currently) you have a guaranteed deadline for when you get it. In the first case, you'll have a couple of people who get unlucky and still don't get it after hundreds of days. You'll be happy if you're one of the lucky ones and get it quickly, but very unhappy if you're unlucky and still don't have it after 2 years.


And then the comissions you want will never appear even after 500 commisions because RNG say "fuck you". No thanks


Do you have a link to the discord or a general overview of what constitutes a cycle?




invite invalid


https://discord.com/invite/sJvS7aP88b try this


Just sent a link, loads of resources on the server. If you're not sure just ask on there


Today i got the project baby comission 4th time in row because im skipping it until i get the correct camp for the achivement. It's the last comission in my sumeru cycle.


Are you skipping it by doing a friends world or the new alternate daily commission thing?


Yes, both works.


It may be a theory, but it's been well studied. I got Good Sign 10 days in a row because of the tech of skipping commissions until you get the one that has the version that you need, but do all other commissions without the same name. It took me 10 days to get my second fish and cat, but it was worth it. Whispers of the Wind can be done in 240-292 days from 0/5 since 3.0 (August 24, 2022) if you were able to follow the blocking mechanics of cycle theory. Without blocking, it's probably from 265-317 days. After 4.0, it takes around 135-188 days with optimal blocking from 0/5. Probably still needs studying though. The only way you can not finish the entirety of Mondstadt in those days is if you did not run Mondstadt for the entire time during the 3 years, or you've been skipping non Whispers of the Wind, which means the cycle never resets and Whispers of the Wind never reenters. I did that around the start of 3.1, which I subsequently stopped doing when I found out about cycle theory in 3.2. I had 3/5 prior to skipping indiscriminately in 3.1, so I finished Whispers in around 3.4/3.5. It's worth reading into for Liyue, because it's doable in 62 days if you are lucky, more if you are unlucky, but still less than if you go in blind. For example, if I hadn't skipped Good Sign to fish for certain versions of Good Sign, I may have need 180 days worth of NPC commissions (some days you don't get them, but it's not because of cycle theory) instead of just 70. Liyue has the chance of not dropping an NPC commission, which may make the amount of days bigger, but that happens even if you don't believe cycle theory. Best to get out of there asap so you could use the RNG and time on Inazuma or Sumeru which are longer. The whole 1% chance but you can get any of the commissions would result in an average of 500 days to complete, and that's only if you are lucky enough to get it within the drop rate. Yeah, you could do it in 5 days, but let's be real here.


"Theory" in this case is being used in the scientific sense of the word which is a predictive set of laws like the "theory of gravity". The actual basis of cycle theory came from examining the game's source code from an old data leak.


Not officially confirmed by Hoyo but has worked for me so far and I was able to complete both my Mondstat and Liyue rng commissions with it. Currently 3/5 done on Fontaine as well and I might get 4/5 before this patch ends if Iā€™m lucky.


Ever since 4.0 came out I set my dailies to random and incredibly Iā€™ve knocked out like 5 or so ā€œRNGā€ commissions, so I guess Iā€™ve just been lucky


What's the TL;DR? My brain isn't quite understanding the whole analogy used.


Imagine that the cycle is a bag, and that this bag has a maximum capacity of 5 balls (commissions), every time you take a ball out of the bag (complete an NPC commission) instead of putting the ball back into the bag, this is out and can only fill the bag once when it has 0 balls, that is, one player could have had the commissions in one order (2,5,3,1,4) while another had obtained another order (5,3,2 ,1,4) but in total they both got the same balls. It's like the pity 90 on the weapons and characters banner, it's not an "if it will come out" but a "when it will come out". Some extra details to take into account are: -The bag indicates how many balls there are, not how many types, that is, there are specific commissions that can appear more than once per cycle. Ex: there can be a bag with a maximum of 5 balls, but there are only 4 different balls where ball #3 always appears 2 times in the bag. -a rake with multiple versions is still counted as the same, i.e. ball #2 can be red, blue or green, but the bag can only have one ball #2 -If you do not complete a commission, it returns to the cycle, that is, if you look for the red ball #2, but get the blue ball #2, if you do not complete it, the ball #2 returns to the bag, but now it can be the ball of a different color or remain the same depending on your luck, the latter is where RNG remains, but now you can wait for the next attempt (day) and not refill the bag (cycle restart), that is, you can draw ball #2 infinitely until you get the color you want.


Not a bad way of explaining it.


From the moment I could I set my dallies to mondstad I did. Missed most of inazuma dailies and all of sumeru dailies (no idea what happens in those dallies). Only saw the fatui quest a few times in two years so took longer then a few months.


Do you skip the commissions that are not fatui?


r/fuckgodwin Glory deserves better than this lying coward


4/5 šŸ¤®


Monstadt daily commissions seriously suck! Itā€™s long, itā€™s weird and the moral story is wrong. Let help a guy lies to his blind fiance, a drunken dad lies to his concern wife,etc.. and donā€™t even talk about Ela musk.


You forgot the one where we help the guy guarding the gates lie to his father about his adventures, even bringing fake trophies to him. Oh, and that fucking creep Albert...


And the Noelle Story where you help out Beatrice with her date, when Quinn is *clearly* not into her! I wish there were a story outcome where you could get her to dump him!


As a man, I actually think Quinn doesn't even know that Beatrice is into him, all she does is pestering him at his store without telling him what she actually wants directly, in a typical female fashion. Men don't understand "hints" like that, like ever, and even if they do, they play it safe so they don't end up as assholes if they misread the situation.


Other way around, help Quinn tell that girl to fuck off.


Lol, that would also be a great outcome. Instead, the quest just makes you encourage her to cling to him.


Or the commission from the old landlord whose only contribution to society is owning property, a privilege he uses to house the Fatui; where we have to harass Mona for rent, so she can live in the house that was unusable until she dispelled the magic seal. Screw that guy.


I set mondstadt for over 3 months just for this achievement


Yeah itā€™s really dumb how long this one and the Viktor one took


That is not even that bad. I have every other Monstadt achievement and am still only 2/5 with this one after a full year of commissions. They changed it so that there are 'cycles' now, so you're guaranteed to get at least one of every quest per cycle. So you're guaranteed to finish it after x months now. However...when I was farming Monstadt commissions over a year ago this hadn't been implemented yet; it was pure RNG. So I have to go back someday for another 3 months probably.... Achievement RNG is so stupid. It ruins whatever interesting storyline is gated behind it, especially when you get repeats of the same stuff.


2 years for me.


1/5 and started 1 month after launch. Would be 0/5 if I didn't go back to Mondstadt commissions after Fontaine released. I have Liyue and Inazuma completed, but this one was cursed even though it was probaly the region I spent the longest on.


Do you complete the Timmieā€™s letter yet?


All Mondstats are now done


Hi, I'm a returnee here, is there a way to check what achievement is comissiongated? I can't find it , rather idk what to google


Every achievement in the game hidden or not can be looked up through Google. Plus thereā€™s multiple guides on HoYoLAB. ā€œGenshin impact achievements #ā€ Where # is the patch number


Congrats! Now, did you cure Anna?


All Mondstat commissions tied to achievements are officially done


Very nice, sincerely, good job


Tyvm, good luck on yours if you still have some open


Congratulations! šŸ‘ One less pending achievement on the list.


I've done this more than 5 times already but I still have 2/5


I think I read somewhere that along time ago near the games release this achievement was actually bugged and wasnā€™t counting for some people but if my understanding is correct, they patched that out long ago


It took me 2 years of Mondstadt-only dailies to get this acvhievment


Been playing since 1.0 literally got this yesterday




I just wanna ask for why does it have to take alot of years? Don't take it the wrong way, as I'm actually curious for the answer as I don't know why, I've been seeing quite some few posts about this commission stuffs on the game that took them 3 years... I really do not read these commission stuffs because cmon it's a daily quest just for the primos and I don't need to know that stuff that casually repeats it's line for quite alot with the same thing over and over... Does the questline change overtime? I've been like 8 months in the game and only been doing dailies from Mondstadt and Fontaine, and yes it only repeats every single time I seriously don't know how this commission quest stuffs work as it takes 3+ years just for a single achievement, I need to know


Well, disregarding the RNG factor, another person said in a post that you only get commissions that are tied to achievements a few times a month and because thereā€™s so many you have a small chance of getting the one you need


Ooo!! Ty for clarifying that to me, I guess I better watch out for different lines now, I'm just so sick of stuffs repeating all the time which I have done before


Finished it last month as well. The one which I have yet to finish is Viktor's because I always forgot which option I chose due to how long time has passed. Hopefully the next time I see it, I will choose a right option. I even wrote them in notepad to not forget.


How to get it?


Mondstat daily commissions - whispers in the wind x5 times


Mine still continues 4/5


Congratulations! I am still at 3 out of 5. Been playing since 1.0 šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Nice! I just got this achievement yesterday myself. I ran Mondstat commissions from 3.8 until now.


Was at 4/5 for a while. Finished it the other day and then got the same quest again the next day as well


i finally done all the reputation quest just before fontaine came out. fuck that Garcia guy in Sumeru. that one took the longest


I got mine done last month, i decided to set my comissions to mondstadt to try and see if id roll even 1 whispers in the wind, or the hillichurl pidgeons gone awol. Welp i managed the pidgeons gone awol and got dear daddy. Then the next day i got a whispers, it was nuts. Then idk how tf it happened but i had whispers appear 2 more times over the next 2 weeks and finished off the achievement. Its such a relief to be done with it! I only have one more comission achievement in mondstadt left til im done entirely with mondstadt :) But well done!


I was wondering if they made a change to the cycle system recently. It wasn't long ago that I was at 1/5. I got the achievement a few days ago after getting this commission twice in 3 days, and the previous one wasn't all that long ago either. Even now they won't stop sending me to see Godwin and I'm supposed to be set to Liyue commissions.


I was today years old when I learned about the cycle system and peopleā€™s theory about it. I donā€™t manipulate anything in the game. I just let it take its natural course. If it takes three years to do all the Liyue achievements, then so be it.


in 4.0 they raised it from 1 per cycle to 2 per cycle effectively shortening the total time by half


Hey weā€™re similar! I got the pigeon commission special ending today. For the last achievement I need


I finally got this like a week or two ago. Iā€™m now all done with Mondstadt commissions achievements, and moved on to liyue. Just gotta ruin 4 signs of romance, and the unseen razor. Then I think Iā€™m done in Liyue too.


I got lucky with that one, it took me 2 years to finish mondstadt


I am still at 4/5 at this point I'll be surprised if I get this achievement before we get to Snezhnaya


The patience on this man is truly impressive.


I've set my dailies to Inazuma 3 months ago cause I had 42/45 quests done and the 3 remaining are Commission related. I never missed a day and have yet to complete even 1 quest.


There's also one inazuma commission that ties into a Sumeru quest so that's fun šŸ™ƒ


Funny that you still call it RNG when achievement hunters already knew cycle exists for over a year.


I call it RNG because I donā€™t get into the specifics of this stuff. I just let the natural course of the game take its place and when it happens, it happens, even if it takes three years.


I finished that in just a month playing


Since it's the com thread, let me ask - The Lengthy Reunion Follow the Sumpter Beast that has lost its owner until it finishes its journey. ​ This one, in Sumeru. I tried everything - from killing all mobs before, to tailing the beast from 1 pixel in front of it, but still havent completed it. Anyone got it?


I did I followed sumpter beast until it stopped near his master, after that you need to kill the master and the chest will appear


Day 1 player here. I have only just recently gotten the fatui achievement done. I missed 95% of inazuma dailies and ALL of sumeru dailies because I was set to only mondstad. So now I can do Fontaine dailies. No idea what even happens in sumeru


sharp versed price tie berserk zesty ring advise serious abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is more then one????


I have no clue what people are talking about


I donā€™t know what this entails. Iā€™m confused


Been playing since the beginning and still donā€™t have a decent hydro goblet. Itā€™s insane.


I've gotten the Godwin/Glory commission like 9 times in the last 2 months. Likewise, I haven't gotten the last 2 commission achievements since it cycles Glory/Godwin, picky diplomat guy, and Ella Musk every time


Since 2.8, daily commissions are not RNG anymore. It will pull randomly from every possible commissions in one region before it would repeat. If you find all 4 daily comissions are either all mob killing or timed challeges but no dialogue ones, it is a sign of a cycle is completed.


Wait what i did this achievement over the course of like 3 months


Oh myā€¦..itā€™s possibleā€¦