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I have this one artifact that my Xiangling used to have on her. But I got a better piece for her and I need to know if the old artifact is still usable on other characters? I can't post the image here but it's the last thing I posted.


If genshin were to have a Dot character, how would that Dot work differently to sub dps, or is Dot basically just sub dps?


Just a quick question: if I have an NA and EU account on the same email, is there a way to separate them? Thanks in advance!


Accidentally posted on previous mega thread, here it is again haha: Just started, managed to pull Arlecchino, who is trivializing content thus far. Main question: assuming I can pull only 1 more 5*, should I pull for Lyney, pull for the 5* spear for Arlecchino, pull for a constellation for Arlecchino, or just save resources? Thanks in advance


Does anybody have a fix for Hoyolab being broken its just a dark blue screen, and yes i have tried restarting my computer, clearing my cookies, changing my chrome security, and more


please help quick im losing 20 primogems per day


just curious on how much damage would a C0 f2p ayaka would do? she has no shenhe, just sucrose rosaria and kokomi. i'm kind of stressed on how little damage she does then i see videos of some with high damage, are those accurate? thanks


Someone please send me a dm if you’ve gotten every hydroculus in Fontaine. I’m currently trying to find one in the fortress and I have no idea how to get to it, I want some help if that’s okay.


Why can't I login? Whenever I try to login it just says that there's a network issue(I'm tempted to just re-download genshin)


[Akasha.cv](http://Akasha.cv) says my Yae is better with the Eye of Perception rather than the Widsith, should I just use the Widsith on my Yanfei and Eye on Yae?


Akasha doesn't take your weapon into account. Just artefacts. In leaderboards, it will assign you one of the two situations that are pre-set. In Yae's case it's Kagura's and Lost Prayers. It's calculating with one of those weapons Akasha isn't an optimizer. Use the actual Genshin Optimizer if you want to know what's best Do not use Eye of Perception. It's shitty


When do regional specialties needed to ascend characters like Rainbow rose respawn?


They respawn two days (48 hours) after you've picked them originally


Oh. Really should be 24 hrs considering how many of the specialties you need.


It's designed that way to keep you logging in over a longer period of time. Usually you only need 2 resets to get enough, though you can bypass this by going into co-op and harvesting them from other player's worlds.


What does OPPA mean when people are meming about Xianling?


It literally means "big brother" in Korean, which itself has multiple meanings and implications. But more closely related is that it's also a [twitch emote](https://betterttv.com/emotes/635c8fb5ed98a03da0ce230c) and if this[ thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/okZyox/comments/17vpv7w/genuine_question_how_did_the_oppa_meme_even/)has anything to do with it, is used because Xiangling is often regarded as the solution to many problems. The Korean meaning and the origin of the twitch emote are related, but not directly connected - but it's still funny hearing people talk about Xiangling as the "dependable" big brother, always there to fix any problem you might have. But put more simply since she's so good, she appears and is mentioned in a lot of situations and, because she appears a lot, gets memed upon. So much that any mention of her immediately triggers OPPA responses.


Is this a good ER for Xiao in this team comp? My Xiao has 116.2% ER in this team. Xiao, C2 Xianyun, C2 Furina & C6 Faruzan. I've been trying to get good artifacts for Xiao for awhile now, and this is the highest his ER can get with the artifacts he has without significantly effecting his CRIT DMG stat.


Won my 50/50 to get Arlecinno but not sure I can face farming that new artifact domain. What's her 2nd BiS and if I'm running a rainbow set, what stat targets should I aim for?


i guess if she's DPS, if you don't have Gladiator, maybe 2 set of 18% ATK sets could act as a placeholder of sorts till you get something decent?


I hope I can find a Glad 4pc having played since 1.1 but otherwise I'll look at that. Thanks.


I gave her a 4pc Gladiator set for now, since she's a melee character that focuses a lot on normal attacks. Atk% sands, pyro% goblet, crit circlet. Focus on crit and atk% substats.


4pc Gladiator's is about 8% behind it afaik.


Finally got Freminet to C6, I love using him and a physical carry. Currently on 4pc Pale Flame and Bacon Sword. Is there anything better for him? Also, as for teammates I'm using Freminet, Mika, Fischl/Yae and Furina/Yelan/Xingqiu. Any recommendations for his teams/playstyles?


Who else can use Lyney's sig?


Preferably an on-field bow user, but off-field bow users can utilise it just fine too. Basically any archer that is not purely a buffer - so pretty much everyone except Gorou/Diona, even Faruzan and Sara can use it once you have enough ER to not need a Fav. Great stats and both passives are much easier to use/activate compared to most bows. Even if you don't use CA's the atk bonus is nice. Of course it gets worse if you don't use either passive but it's a very rare case. While there are some bow users that have a better option, that better option is generally just their signature, which tends to be a lot less usefull for other characters (and the difference in dps would not be *that* big). It's probably the easiest bow to find a user for tbh, so arguably the most valuable 5\* bow you can get.


What about off-field Fischl? She's my second most used bow character. The first is Yelan, but I already have her sig.


It's a great pull for your Fischl, significantly better than any 4\* bow in all cases. See [mastersheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O0BmAhp3WaND9bwnKMGhNhaKKy5PKffG-sw2lfE5OWA/edit#gid=1803222706) for comparison with a few different teams.


Okay thanks! I shouldn't have pulled on the weapon banner this time round, but I did and suffered for it lol. Since I got this, I might as well build it.


Hey, at least it's a generally usefull bow that many character's can utilize! I've attempted to roll for it and got Arle's signature instead, and I don't think I have any use for it at all lol


I wish we could swap😭😭😭 It was difficult to control myself to not get Arle's sig and the only reason I want it is for the aesthetic.


Pretty much every other dps archer. It's Ganyu's overall best weapon for example.


Any DPS archer that likes to do charged shots, like Ganyu or Tighnari (...or Amber).


Does Neuvilete Raiden Nahida Dehya works as Hyperburgeon team ? Can someone suggest rotation for this comp ? I played that in a few abyss because my Neuvilete need IR and hyperbloom seems strong. No issue clearing but I don’t know what I am doing. Just doing random E Q (except Raiden and Dehya). Want to optimise if possible.


Who would be easier to get to top 1%, [my Hu Tao or Raiden](https://imgur.com/a/ZCR0B6T)? I'm thinking my Raiden since the circlet is not the greatest and the sands could be higher CV. Or maybe a better question is, which one should I farm for first. Because if I can get a better feather for my Hu Tao, that feather might be an upgrade to my Raiden or another Emblem character. But if I farm emblem first, I'll also be able to upgrade my other emblem characters (off the top of my head, I have 6 including Raiden). Or perhaps I should farm for the harder one first, since I'll be strongboxing for now, but going to the emblem domain eventually, farming for both at the same time. Alternatively, I strongbox Xiao and maybe Childe first, but tbh I don't use either of them much and I kinda prefer having a top 1% Hu Tao and Raiden before improving my Xiao or Childe.


Go farm for Raiden first. Why? Shimenawa is a competitive artifact vs Crimson Witch on Hutao. It is more resin efficient to farm for Emblem/Shimenawa and strongboxing the useless artifacts for *another* different set for a differenr character.


The plan is to strongbox TF for Keqing and CW for Hu Tao before strongboxing Shim or Emblem. I want to have a top 1% Hu Tao build on all three of her sets and shim will be the last one. So when I get to it, I'm just deciding whether to strongbox shim or emblem first. At this point, I'll either still be on the MH domain or I'll already be back to the Emblem domain. The only other characters to strongbox for are Xiao and Childe but I'd prefer to have a top 1% Raiden and Hu Tao build before improving them, despite the resin efficiency stuff. Also gonna wait for Nymphs for Childe probably.


>I want to have a top 1% Hu Tao build I advice to not do this. This is a very bad descision. Do you know *how long* that would take? 2-3 years of the same domain for a singular character set. Genshin is a game of RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG on top RNG on top of RNG. Aiming for a too 1% build is incredibly foolish and it *will* drive you insane and make you have the game. Did you know that even within the same stats, there's different upgrade values? This is why getting a 50 CV artifact is super damned rare. Here's the list of RNG 1) RNG for the correct set 2) RNG for the correct piece 3) RNG for the correct mainstat 4) RNG for the correct substats, double crit line 5) RNG for a 4 line substat at +0 6) RNG to roll into the desired substat 7) RNG to have high rolls into the correct substat 8) RNG for steps 6 and 7 four more times until artifact is +20 9) Repeat for another piece


My apologies, I copied the comment over from another thread but I just realized the embedded link wasn't copied over. I just edited it in. [This my Hu Tao and Raiden](https://imgur.com/a/ZCR0B6T) They are both already 2% so 1% is not far off. My shim build was 1% before they removed Hu Tao's CA leaderboard. I already have a 1% MH set for her. Raiden has a 1% catch build and I'm working on a 1% EL build. I have 7 1% characters already. I've already farmed Shim/Emblem for a very long time and I'm used to artifact grinding. I'm already aware of the RNG involved, this is more of a "which should I aim for next" all things considered.


Can Someone explain clorinde's kit in razor language for me pls


Better not. This early on, their kits can change a lot. Like Arrlechino, he kit is vastly different from when she was in beta.


Basically Yoimiya


i need to do domain of forgery sunken sands for weapon acension but i have zero idea how to unlock it


It's on Narukami Island, the first island you visit when you get to Inazuma. If you don't have access to Inazuma yet then you need to progress the story more, but once you do, it's at the base of the mountain that the great Sakura resides on, facing north. Just walk up to it and you should be able to unlock it.


yea today is thursday it should be sunken sands today but its nowhere to be found :(


You are probably playing in the NA server. It hasn't reset yet and will be in about 25 minutes.


ok thx boss


well i do have that but then problem is its just flowing sands does it change on thursdays or something


How long does it take for new characters to rerun? I just started about a month ago and want arlecchino but I’m pretty sure I won’t have the materials to do much with her. I just finished the inuzuma archeon quest line.


It could be as short as 4 patches, and it also could be as long as more than a year.


What ER should my Xiao have in this team comp? Xiao, C2 Xianyun, C2 Furina, C6 Faruzan. Currently, my Xiao's ER is at 104.5%, which I'm aware isn't good.


Doesn't C6 Faruzan give a lot of particles? And you are running 3 anemo so Xiao's ER need won't be that high. I don't know the exact number but try around 120.


Like 115 ER. Theoretically less with Furina on Fav and not just Faruzan (I assumed Xianyun on ATK weapon) Personally though I wouldn't go below 120 ER


135% without favonius, 120-125% with one favonius, 110-115% with two favonius.


Someone mentioned that Arlecchino's signature wrapon gives her a special effect in combat,does it?


Her signature weapon transforms into a scythe, like in her trial. Other weapons just has a translucent yellow blade


A special visual effect, yes. Since it's a scythe, you just get to have, you know, a scythe full-on rather than the little ghost blade when she's using other weapons.


Is R5 white tassel better than R1 PJWS for Arlecchino?


No. Even with Bennett, pjws with 0 stack is still better.


I just started a brand new account for the game. Can i get enough pulls to pull for Arlecchino before her banner ends? How long do you think it would take


Doubt it. What you'd better to is grind, and pull as much as you can now. If you don't get her, save up and wait for her rerun. Any pulls you've done is not lost and will be recorded on future banners.


It's all about luck for new account. You can get fast 20 pulls, use those, if you don't get Arle, reroll. It takes around 15-25 mins to get the first 20 pulls, so good luck.


how do i get this 20 pulls? i dont think i got it.


try search "how to reroll genshin impact"


oh you meant for the beginner banner? isnt arlecchino a limited banner character?


No, not the beginner banner. There are a lot of youtube videos, just try search "genshin reroll guide". I mean you won't get free pulls right of the bat, but you can get enough intertwined fate/primo to do some pulls in a short amount of time.


Ah I see now, thank you for your answer.


Does anyone know how refunds work? My sibling got on my account and spent bought the 6040 genesis crystal pack twice and then used all those primogems. Can I still get a refund and how would that work? Thanks


Spent primos cannot be refunded back. If you do call your bank for a refund, HYV will make your account have a negative primogem balance, after 1 week that account will be banned forever. Unless you'll starve without said refund, bettee just brace the loss and scold your sister, and next time don't leave genshin running.


Hoyoverse does not have refund service. You can contact your bank to ask a stop payment, then when Hoyo find out they do not receive the money, they will remove those crystals from your account. Since they already spent, you will have a negative balance, then they will send you a warning message to ask you to buy it to make it positive with a deadline. If you fail to do so, your account will be banned.


With c0r1 yoimiya and c1r1 hu tao: Any gameplay reason to pull cappuccino?


She is basically Yoimiya but melee. Gameplay-wise, she is far easier to play than hutao. She has a lot of front-loaded damage.


If you like the gameplay. I have C6 Yoimiya and I pulled Arlecchino because I like how she plays. If you use the character, it isn't a waste. It's not like getting Arlecchino or any new character stops me from playing other characters. I don't know why people see it that way.


No. Her role and teams are very similar to Hu Tao


Not really. Pull only if you really like the gameplay.


How much crit rate is needed for Neuvillette on his artifact set?


Maximum crit rate for 4pc MH is 64%


'Need' depends on how comfy you are with the rate but he should have at most 64%. I have mine at 55% currently for example.


If you had to pick one with going for a 4-Star artifact instead of a 5-Star artifact for a support unit who still wants to do some amount of damage... Which of these gives less damage to the overall stats, Feather or the Sands? Feather has that flat atk of 232 (not 311) and sands 34.8% (not 46.6%)


Feather 311-232=79 ATK less Sands 46.6-34.8=11.8% The break even point is on 670 base ATK. If your base ATK is more than 670, use feather.


For 5 star char with 5 star wep. Feather lose fewer ATK as Atk % sand works on ur base ATK + wep. So if you have 1000 base ATK, sand would lose over 100 extra atk. Feather is always fixed 79 Atk loss.


Depends on the unit and sub stats


Should I pull arlecchino or wait for al haitham ? In the previous patch I pulled for neuv's weapon and got 2 freedom sworn. 1 went to kazuha and other I'm thinking of putting on al haitham when I get him. I really liked Arle's animation but am not sure if I should pull her or wait for al haitham ? I won't be able to pull for their weapons as I only have about 110 wishes. My other 5 star Pyro units are c0 hutao and c0 diluc. For dendro c0 nahida and c0 tighnari. Please help.


They're all DPS units, pull for whoever gameplay you like the most. No DPS is essential.


They are very different characters and freedom sworn is kinda irrelevant to al haitham. Al haitham also probably won't show up anytime soon. Arle's signature weapon is very good, but it's not necessary. Most 5 stars polearm works really well on her (pjs, homa, etc.) and if you have one of those already you can skip the weapon. There's also the 3 stars white tassel that preforms at around 80% of her signature weapon's DPS (other 5 stars would be around 85-95% depending on builds)


Foolish question but can anyone suggest best team to clear the new bond of life artifact set domain as fast as possible? https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ftm6lyunuokwc1.jpeg&rdt=49425


Geo teams if not the obvious Arlecchino teams.


Can someone give rotations for arlechino, xinqui, Yellan, Zhongli. I have 4pc glad with r4 lithic on arlechino. I am doing arlechino e, q, e, zhongli e, xinqui e, e ,q, yellan e, q and arlechino ca, na spam. Is this the best for double hydro teams?


Arle E > Zhongli E > Yelan EQ > Xingqiu EQ > Arle CA NA Spam > Arle E repeat rotation or Arle E Q E repeat rotation depending on whether or not you need to heal if you don't need to heal its optimal to keep the higher BoL


Apart from Hyperbloom Raiden and Kuki, I rarely play electro char in abyss ? Are there any other strong electro comp (non-raiden) that is not hyperbloom with 5* C0 ? I can only see Cyno but heard his best team is bloom


Some Electro-related teams I have used to full-star clear the abyss: [Yae, Fischl, Nahida, ZL/Baizhu] [Tighnari, Fischl/Furina, Nahida, Kuki] [Lisa, Kazuha, Fischl, Yaoyao/Kirara] [Barbara/Kokomi, Fischl, Beidou, Furina] ________ I'd say of these the [Tighnari, Furina, Nahida, Kuki] comp is the most reliable & fun to play. You have excellent damage against single target enemies, and Furina's (E) cast allows you to scale the Hyperblooms to some extend when fighting multiple enemies. I run Proto Amber on Nahida for more reliable & comfy healing, but assuming you know how to dodge Kuki will be enough. I think the performance of most non-Hyperbloom Electro teams depends a lot on how well your Fischl is equipped. It took me a while to farm good Golden Troupe sets for her, but now that she has them the difference is quite noticeable. And ofc getting her C6 is also a big jump in reliability & DPS output. That being said, on my secondary F2P account she is C4 and still carries pretty much everything, thanks to 85% @ 185% CV.


Depends who you use and how well invested they are, and what your threshold for strong is. I still use taser and it slaps, but idt it's necessarily *as* strong as top meta teams. Kokomi Kazuha Beidou Fischl is a favorite. Similarly, "soup" teams (my go-to is usually Ayato Fischl Kazuha Bennett) are fun in AoE, and spam a lot of reactions. Sukokomon is another fairly well known example of what I'd call a soup team. Aggravate is also fun, mainly with Yae or Keqing but I've cleared abyss plenty with aggravate Lisa and Cyno as well. If you have Chev you can also run her overload teams ofc, although when I play them (mainly with Lyney and Arlecchino so far) they tend to center around a pyro DPS with 1-2 electro characters thrown in to enable her passives.


I would say a strong comp is a comp that can generally clear any side of abyss floor below 1:30mins in 1 RUN. Of coz sometime the boss floor makes it slightly longer but I think you get the point. I am looking for electric as main dps / major dps. I loved taser (childe fisc beidou) but I just feel I couldn’t do enough damage in floor with single boss. I tried soup with raiden. It was fun but hasn’t tried after Dendro came out. Are they still good in abyss ? Quicken comp feel like inferior version after playing hyperbloom with kuki.


Beidou's damage goes down by a TON in single target, which is probably why the team feels bad against bosses! Her burst only bounces in AoE. I use her a lot on the first half of abyss rn since there are lots of enemies. Soup is similar tbh, since the swirl and overload damage is AoE so it mainly shines against multiple enemies. You can also try some single target taser teams, although they tend to be double hydro + Fischl so electro is a smaller part of them. If you want a boss slayer electro team though, aggravate is definitely the way to go. \[Electro DPS\] + Fischl + VV Anemo + Dendro healer/shielder is a really solid comp, and the main DPS and Fischl will do a ton of combined damage.


What you said makes sense and the reason why I stay away from electro comp. They are really strong vs 1 type of fight. AOE or single target. The problem is I hate to swap team and do multiple runs. For example, In this and last abyss, I played Neuvilte and Ito Geo comp. Both are really good vs single or aoe type. Mainly looking for universally strong electro comp.


Cyno's quickbloom. The only other electro 5 stars are Keqing, Yae, and >!Clorimde next patch!<. Keqing and Yae both play aggravate.


Miko or Keqing Aggravate comps


Yae's is aggravate/quicken in general Cyno's best team is quickbloom if you count that as different


Thank you for the answer. I supposed in quick bloom team , Cyno is the one procing both quicken and seed so you would want to build purely EM on him ? Edit : just read KQM quick guide , they generally recommend full EM build for quickbloom. Thanks for the answers. It was interesting. Sand = Always EM Goblet= Electro or EM. Anything with better sub stats. Circlet = EM equals Crit.


you don't build pure EM you treat EM like its an ATK% stat on a normal DPS so EM, electro dmg, and Crit are all important


Hmm but those stats aren’t important for hyperbloom are they ? It just feel contradicting to build a char for quicken and hyperbloom.


That's because hyperbloom isn't your only source of damage in quickbloom. In fact, it's not even the main one In Quickbloom teams, some of the dendro aura is consumed to make a dendro core (which is then hyperbloomed) but the rest of the dendro aura stays in order to allow Cyno to do quicken (specifically aggravate) damage on top of hyperbloom damage. Quickbloom teams mostly deal talent damage with some hyperbloom on the side Why build it? Because a built quicken team will always have higher DPS than a hyperbloom team + it allows you to actually scale your damage further. While hyperbloom hits its own ceiling when your trigger has 900-1000 EM and that's it


no point in aggravate if all you do is build just EM, you want em and crit, electro dmg maybe with aggravate at least, weapon atk isnt wasted and Cyno doesnt need to be the one procing necessarily, could have off field Kuki for example point is both reactions on the team in general


Thanks but that also mean no point for hyperbloom if there is no EM right ? Why not just play him in pure Quicken comp.


If there's no EM then there's no point in hyperbloom, but on a quicken build you won't *have* no EM. Quicken still wants a lot of EM, it just wants crit and electro damage (and attack) *too*, so if you build Cyno for aggravate he'll automatically be doing decent hyperbloom damage. The hyperblooms won't do as much damage as a full EM build would, but they still do a lot, and combined with his aggravate and raw electro damage it adds up fast.


Most of my main dps doesn’t have EM in sub stats. Close to 0 EM from artifacts. Usually focusing 2 crit stats , ER and Atk%. Having the need to go EM on top of those sub stats seems like a nightmare to build EM. Is there like a minimum EM requirement for quick bloom Cyno ? I feel like my gear (less than 50 EM) would be better off with aggravate Cyno.


Even for aggravate you'll ideally want more EM than that. Aggravate is heavily EM scaling, and Cyno's kit also has built in EM scaling, so even if you never plan to use him for quickbloom it's an important stat. I'd say you def want >100. It's not that hard to build though rly — just give him an EM sands and a couple substat rolls and you're already at 200, which is perfectly reasonable. Dendro teams also tend to buff his EM. My Cyno has \~200 EM on his own, but nearly 600 with Nahida's buff and dendro resonance, and his hyperblooms end up doing >30k damage each. Looking around online, it seems like the split between his electro and hyperbloom damage is around 60:40 on his best quickbloom team, so the hyperblooms contribute quite a bit.


I see. I see. So the key point is to go hybrid build with EM sands. For sub stats just go EM or Crit rolls becoz you will gain dmg one way or another via Hyperbloom and Quicken.


just keep in mind, youd want the same amount of em even without hyperbloom, and simple aggravate the difference between aggravate/spread and quickbloom is just the fact that, in most cases you try fitting in Xingqiu/Yelan to follow an electro or dendro drivers normal attacks


No build him for aggravate. The hyperblooms are just a nice bonus.


I see. So it is mostly 90% quicken damage and 10% hyperbloom comp.


How well is [this thing](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-rog-flow-x13-13-4-touch-165hz-gaming-laptop-qhd-amd-ryzen-9-7940hs-with-16gb-ram-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4060-1tb-ssd-off-black/6578923.p?skuId=6578923) going to be able to run Genshin?


Question on Blood Debt and more BoL. If Arle uses her skill and after 5 secs the flower blooms and you CA to get BoL, and you get more BoL (135%). This means her PYRO infused BoL attack will last longer right? It doesn't mean she gets bigger numbers?


It means both. While she has her pyro infusion, Arlecchino's normal attacks consume her BoL and gain bonus damage based on how much BoL she has. So if she has more BoL her infusion will last for more hits, and she'll *also* do bigger numbers. Her damage will go back down as she drains the BoL bar, but it'll still start out higher. (This also means that the max damage you can get out of her in *overworld* is by stacking her BoL all the way to 200% by using her skill multiple times without attacking between.)


Oh didnt know the more BOL you have the bigger the numbers, if BoL is full bar isnt that 100%? You can get 200%?


BoL can go up to 200% max HP, yes! It usually *won't*, but that's the max. It's displayed to look 1/2 as big as it actually is compared to your HP bar. So a half full BoL bar has a value of 100% of your max HP, and all the way full is 200%.


Who is a good member instead of benny with Arle XQ ZL






How good is Lyney? I’ve seen a lot of peeps saying he is really OP, also is his weapon good on anyone else?


> How good is Lyney? Very good when everything works perfectly. He's a regular in speed run videos. The comp for that is, however, a charged shot archer without a shield. The speed runners don't particularly care about the restarts but most people asking this question do. Aside from speed running I like [this channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/Sireula/videos) as a resource for general character comparisons. There are a LOT of runs by the same guy with similar and pretty good gear on most characters and generally pretty good execution. You can see how a character does across a number of abyss cycles and get a feel for how they stack up against another character you're interested in.


Lyney is good. A lot of people just hate him The thing is that he suffers from extremes. You have one side that sheets him as the highest C0 DPS in the game, however that's under teams and with assumptions that are basically unsustainable in actual practical combat. And on the other hand you have people that hate CA bows or just Lyney as a character and think he's shit and that Hu Tao is bae Neither are entirely true If you like the CA playstyle then yeah, he's good


weapon is a great stat stick in general its the second best weapon in ganyu freeze/mono-cryo, melt ganyu, tighnari spread in particular are very strong options


his weapon is good on any other charged attack bow user, better if you have some same element in team and Lyney is pretty nice but you are very limited into the three pyro team for most damage


My little brother cant complete his world lever quest and cant Coop until hes done, (IF I understod him correctly) is there anything he can do, like abandon quest or something?


you mean world level quest? like the ascension? in that case keep leveling up and trying again. or you mean some other quest?


But in short, hes locked from coop until he completes it?


I think its the world level ascension quest


why cant he complete the world quest


He was yappin about the mobs being too strong


yeah he just needs to build his characters and get through it, its not that tough just needs to keep up with his builds as he is progressing


I man hes 10 pretending to know it all, so I guess I help him this weekend xD


I think he just needs to build his characters then, maybe level some characters. What world level quest is it? They have made it A LOT easier from what it used to be


Think its 5>6


He should be able to build some characters then. What characters does he use?


Idk IF he actually tried he just said they are high level


If he hast then he should just try. Its easy enough


He got Diluc from arlecchino banner, he got jean and xing ling not sure abort his 4th


How does c6 faruzan need to be built as a support to wanderer ? I've currently just juiced her up on er so that I can reliably get burst every rotation. She functions purely as wanderer support. Like does she need attack or em or should I try to build crit ?


Does she have 4p Tenacity? Does she have enough ER to burst without CAs or even in energy hungry situations (like 220+ ER)? If yes, congratulations. You have built your Faruzan. She doesn't care about anything else. She preferably wants a crit build but her damage is pretty much insignificant


Yep she has 242 er , running tenacity and I've never had a problem with bursting every rotation. My crit substats for her are embarrassing being 32 cr 83 cd .


For C6 Faruzan, as long as you can get enough ER to burst every rotation, can built her however you like. ER/Anemo/Crit if you want her to do damage. But imo, she's there mainly as a support.




Finally got C6 Lyentte, what teams do I make for her to be an anemo driver like C6 Kazuha? Also do I build her full em or crit-scaling atk?


EM if you want to use her as a hyperbloom driver, which is what most people would think of using her as and Kazuha cant do the same without c6 of his own mostly Xingqiu/Yelan maybe Kokomi, Furina should work but not enough application as solo hydro, and you cant fit second one Nahida/ DMC/Collei and an off field electro of your choice a team outside of hyperbloom is possible if you want crits and atk, obviously likely need something like Faruzan and Furina though and run MH


I see, thanks!


Good evening, having some trouble logging into my account. I have the same userid for two accounts on but the saves are different?My original save was on ps4 (AR56) when I unliked the account. And now my primary psn is already linked to a different email.I unfortunately have already unliked my hoyo account from psn once so I can’t do it again, is there anyway around this? Sorry if that didn’t make sense


Currently running Arle/Kazuha/Dehya/Zhongli, is a pyro dmg goblet better than atk% goblet on her? With pyro damage i have 2000 atk in total before jade spear stacks and 135% pyro dmg, with atk% goblet i get 2550 atk before jade spear stacks and around 90% pyro damage. I don't want to use bennet so which one would be better? Atk% goblet has like 40cv and the other substat being er and flat atk so i really would like to use that one but just curious if pyro dmg is still better


2000\*2.35=4700 2550\*1.9=4845 So without considering subs and other factors second build is a bit ahead.


Oh cool, didn't know that the math works like that, ty very much :D


use the genshin optimizer


Now that clorinde kit and gameplay have leaked, have you decided who will be your new main between arlecchino and clorinde?


Got uh, a link?


Genshin_impact_leaks subreddit


Thanks, but I found a vid out yt. Saving for her now. Best case I'll have 80 days to save. Worst case is 60 days


Neither. While Arlecchino's design is cool, she feels very awkward to pilot. And I am not very excited about Chlorinde


both.. both is good jk, already have a pyro dps, but have been waiting for an electro besides Raiden to use with my c6 Sara want Furina though, so hope to gather more


* my wish history isn't showing up and looks blank. This is happening on both mobile and pc. What should I do? and is this happening to anyone else?


have you not wished in like 6 months?


I have. It was working fine yesterday and stoped working earlier today


Then just a server issue. Wait for 1 hour amd re-check again


That has been happening for like 12 hours


I’m at adventure rank 45 and I’m stuck between getting Alrecchino or Wanderer. I like them both equally. The only two five star characters I have is Kazuha and Diluc. I want a pure meta answer for which character I should pull because I can’t decide… Is even pulling for ANOTHER pyro DPS worth it? The only DPS units I have are all Pyro…does this limit my gameplay in any way? Thank you for answering all these questions!!!


Without Xianyun + Furina, Diluc is at buttom tier of 5-star. Wanderer is one of the best for exploration, but damage is not great without Faruzan. If you only care about meta, then Arle is a lot better than Wanderer and Diluc. You will get more different elements DPS later.


Diluc without Xianyun isn't meta and is on the lower end of Pyro DPS characters. Wanderer kinda needs Faruzan to be run well. Arle has more flexible teams but much lower survivability in the trade off for good dps. The opportunity cost of either character is very similar for you but Arlechinno edges out slightly more because you have Kazuha. Other than that though it really doesn;t matter which you pick.


Will Faruzan be on the Wanderer banner?


very likely yes but idk for sure she is been on all of his banners so far


only cause you want both, if you have an already built Diluc, id pass on this banner.. if you dont mind, Arlecchino would replace him easily enough, might be a straight up upgrade with some added risk if you can get enough for Wanderer as well is up to you and your luck. hopefully you have Faruzan as well. gonna assume she isnt coming on that banner though


Diluc isn’t built at all and he only is using a Prototype Archaic R1 because I don’t have any other claymores, but I already have a lvl 40 primodial jade winged spear…


sounds good then, arguably best spear available other than her signature


If you're talking about meta, wanderer isn't worth it without c6 faruzan


I have enough pulls saved for next banner, but will Faruzan be on it?


normally people would assume yes, but she appeared in 4.3 with Xianyun, so not so certain


So I’m a returning player after about a year and a half and pretty sure I completed Sumeru. I pulled Arlecchino and want to build her, so I was wondering how long it would take to rush through story to get her level up materials & best relic set? Or is it possible for me to skip story and travel to farm her mats?


You should be able to skip story and farm her mats. I haven't started the Archon quest in Fontaine (where her materials are), and I already faced the new weekly boss that gaves her the Talent materials; and I'm being offered the quest into the zone with the boss with her Leveling materials.




Wrong place to ask, try the actual leak related subreddit havent heard anything yet at least


Whoops my bad!


Does arlekino consume more BoL if she hit multiple enemies?


how do I get the gourmet commission in Inazuma, I have literally been waiting for an entire year for the commission and I'm starting to think I'm doing something wrong....


you sure you did all the related quests? i leave my commissions on random location and i finished the gourmet stuff so its still rng


I did all the quests in inazuma besides that one. So I assume so. I started with the # Gourmet Supremos, Assemble! so idk.


Which characters can use unifinished reverie (the green artifact set) in the new domain?


generaly Cryo characters that are in a burnmelt team, so some like Wrio and Ganyu its a straight up 50% damage increase so most pyros can use it with Nahida, not sure who else can keep it up Tighnari maybe


who do u think will be getting a rerun next... i want zhongli/ayato/hu tao but they're all far away


Furina is due for a rerun soon, same with Wriothesley. I'm expecting one of those two.


do u suggest pulling for either of them?


Furina 100%, especially if you like Hu Tao and want to run double hydro + Xianyun. She's a fantastic subdps/support.


Anyone else noticed that, after the update, Neuvillette's sourcewater droplets aren't picked as fast as before when pressing charged attack?


How many primos Can I earn in 4.6(phase 1&2 combined), from events, dailies, exploring 80-90% of the new map, and up to f11 of the abyss.