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I think the best time for me was Dragonspine. All friends were playing, i enjoyed a lot the new area, met Rosaria ~~my beloved darling~~, everything was fresh. Best memory was GAA II. Immernactreich and all that. I play daily, started playing 2 weeks after release. I have on and offs of excitement for the game but that's fairly normal and healthy, i have other games I like to play too, so it's a balance. Fontaine was very good overall. Sumeru desert too. Enkanomya was pretty interesting, but it was when my friends started to quit. Start of inazuma was when stuff happened in real life. I don't miss old times. I don't have regrets. I cherish the memories, enjoy the present and welcome the future.


I really loved enkanomiya, mainly because of the map, it had this enchanting feel to it iykyk


Sounds like you just miss traversing a new game where your characters were still growing and things were somewhat difficult. Not really gonna happen anymore when your teams can clear everything easily and all new characters can be built out instantly. I think the content and content release schedules have steadily been getting better over the years so there isn't a certain time period in the game I miss really other than that same feeling of character growth. I really wish they tied other sorts of account-wide buffs to collecting oculi so it felt like your power was still growing.


I'd be perfectly okay with just a few more stamina increases.


I miss the old Genshin, straight from the 'Go Genshin Chop up the soul Genshin, set on his goals Genshin I hate the new Genshin, the bad mood Genshin The always rude Genshin, spaz in the news Genshin I miss the sweet Genshin, chop up the beats Genshin I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Genshin See Hoyo invented Genshin, it wasn't any Genshins And now I look and look around and there's so many Genshins I used to love Genshin, I used to love Genshin I even had the pink polo, I thought I was Genshin What if Genshin made a song about Genshin Called "I Miss The Old Genshin, " man that would be so Genshin That's all it was Genshin, we still love Genshin And I love you like Genshin loves Genshin


Hoenstly great reference. Everyone is always so stuck up in the past while I would say Genshin is in a really decent spot currently, with a great region that was Fontaine and Natlan coming up, I'm sure it'll be bigger than ever. But you know as they say, nostalgia is one hell of a drug.


Probably people will say the same nostalgic things about fontain in few years. Honestly I don't miss the relatively empty areas in monstad or liyue, new maps are better.


That's true, I think and a lot of us would agree that genshin has improved immensely throughout the years, from map design to plot writing. But it's still really fun to reminisce about the earlier genshin. This shouldn't stop u from enjoying the current genshin though.


lyrical marvel, i shed a tear


i started genshin back at the start of 2020 and have played every day since; yeah, it may not have any quests to do at times (since i’ve done them all) and i engage in reasonless behavior, but i have fun every single time i’ve played it because i always find something new or just run around and look at the beautiful landscapes.


I could look at all those beautiful landscapes all day. Wait, I already do 🥰


i love that for u


Not gonna lie but sumeru era was the best for me. Even the voice cast are united at that time. The world quest are also easy to understand and have deeply feeling for me. Right now , it's just everything is blank. Even the world quest are complicated and no emotional for me.


Dang sumeru was good, but Narcissenkreuz is there with Jeht quest line.


I stopped playing after sumeru, i really loved the idea of playing again but when i log in the spark is just not there anymore. Recently genshin just felt like a grind game rather than the chill game i fell in love with


Best era: I think Inazuma. I did Coop regularly. Had a Coop buddy to visit. Got nearly everyone except Yoimiya from the banners. Explored lots and was always hyped for the game. Had some of my favourite events too! Like Ikki, the sword duels or Misty Dungeon. Worst era: Sumeru desert updates weren't my favourite. The game was constantly getting criticism and many of my regular Coop people quit logging in. I was too excited for Alhaitham and Fontaine to really quit tho lol.


I feel the same way. I also found the limited event area before Inazuma quite enjoyable too. Getting Kazuha in his first banner and fighting Maguu Kenki for the first time really helped me get excited for Inazuma. I also remember how awfully boring it was when the desert regions of Sumeru were released, and I only managed to complete the major story quests only a few weeks ago to get some primos for Arlecchino. Still didn't quit the game back then before I started my service.


And then people wonder why there are threads complaining about this sub's negativity...


is it negative tho? we're just sharing our experiences, what's our fav era and our least.


"when did you stop having fun in Genshin", excuse me that is certainly some toxic positivity right there.


i'm literally just asking their least fav era, it doesn't mean they can't have fun on the other latest content. Plus genshin isn't a perfect game, it has it's good sides and imperfect ones, don't prevent the constructive discussion of these topics as it could help improve the game


>i'm literally just asking their least fav era, it doesn't mean And asking when they stopped having fun playing genshin has nothing to do with that.


if it's your least favorite era that most likely you're not having fun playing it? at least for me it's that way for some of the eras like the inazuma era. i did have fun during sumeru tho


Actually, you never asked about their "least favorite era" just when theys stoped having fun and what their favorite memory of the game was. Also who calls them eras anyways.


In tiktok attention span metric, I guess one year is equivalent to "an era" X)


When I say “the Inazuma era,” I’m actually speaking metaphorically, not in the literal sense of an historical era. In this context, “era” refers to a specific period of time within the game Genshin Impact marked by the introduction of the Inazuma region and its associated content. It’s like emphasizing the significance and impact of this new addition to the game world, rather than referring to a specific chronological era in history.


A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes a subject by asserting that it is another thing, typically unrelated or dissimilar, but which shares some common characteristics. It’s a way of understanding and describing one thing in terms of another to create a vivid comparison and evoke a deeper understanding or feeling. I hope this google definition helps you, understand better what i meant by "era". you see i don't actually mean a span of few decades or centuries.


i'm sorry if my wording doesn't align with yours, i understand that there might have been some confusions mainly because of how i worded my statement and I apologize if it came across as negative and i made you feel bad. but what i truly intended to ask was what i just mentioned earlier


Look no one is believing the whole "I do constructive criticism to improve the game", you probably don't even believe it yourself. People just like to say that to justify venting on it, while they already stopped playing and don't intend to come back. I stopped playing several gachas and guess what I don't intend to make dumb threads on their subs about how I don't enjoy FGO/Granblue/Epic Seven anymore to piss on other's parade.


i didn't really make this post to argue, if you don't believe it then so be it, i know what's true for me and u don't get to change that. i hope u have a good day


My best memory was playing co-op during early 1.x patches exploring and helping friends. Everyone was low AR and no one knew much of the game Nowadays everyone knows the meta and how and when to farm stuff Another great memory was playing the first tower defense in co-op


Peak Jenshin was when we all rage from Food delivery.


Mondstadt and Liyue when I first started playing were truly magical, same nostalgia applies to Inazuma. However the region that I consider best is Sumeru. I think the story, lore and music peaked there and the cast was the most enjoyable. Home to the most banger harbinger ost (imo) and my favorite character as a nice bonus. Dance of Sabzeruz, Scaramouche fight, Rukkhadevata's deletion, those remain some of the most memorable moments in the game imo. Though I will be honest, I didn't care as much for the Sorush desert expansion. The region I enjoyed least is Fontaine. I like it of course, but the music just isn't hitting as much and I barely care about the cast. While I loved the plot twist with Furina/Focalors, I don't really care for Furina on her own. I empathise with her a lot but I can't deny I find her to be kind of boring. Fontaine is also the first region where I didn't bother to read all of the dialogue of world quests. I am still against skipping dialogue but I completely lost track of that Narcissenkreuz quest (I tried, I swear) so I gave up and went to watch a recap video instead. The lore is good, very good even, but I didn't expect it to be harder to follow than the Aranara quest. It's a shame that I wasn't able to understand and experience it properly. The Meropide Fortress part of the archon quest was also insanely tedious to get through, I had never been that bored during an archon quest. Neuvillette would have been one of my favorite things that came out of Fontaine, but I find his gameplay to be so boring that it ruined him a bit for me. If I think of what I like most about Fontaine it would be Lyney's story quest, Neuvillette's story quest (the music really hit me in both of them) and Navia's part in the archon quest where she said goodbye to Melus and Silver. That really hit. I do consider Fontaine's story to be second best so I definitely don't dislike it, I really enjoyed it. It's just that the region as a whole felt like something was missing and I think the music especially played a huge role in that. It was only later when I heard Yu Peng Chen had left and it made a lot of sense why I felt that way, his music was truly one of my most favorite things in the game for me. It even managed to make me go from disliking a character to them becoming my favorite with the music ALONE which was such a weird but wonderful experience that I won't ever forget.


Isn't that just nostalgia? The feeling of new game experience and progress. That joy or honeymoon only happens once in games, you might get hyped from time to time but nothing will compare to early days.


maybe, but a lot of people here really love fontaine and sumeru, even tho they're more on the later releases


I take hiatuses, sometimes months at a time. Feels fresh when I come back. Usually, there is a lot of content to work through, lot better than just doing dailies+event. Would recommend.


Been playing very on and off for two years. With months or even a year apart. I still enjoy it immensely every time.


For me it's Inazuma/2.x I was constantly hyped and enjoyed everything from characters to map updates the most back then. There wasn't as much filler and the events were actually fun, like the 2.3 Albedo event was so peak... Core memory is definitely that whole sequence between Raiden's first appearance and Traveler getting away. Sumeru is when I stopped having fun, aside from the first desert expansions, Dottore screentime and some character releases I just didn't enjoyed much. Fontaine was a big improvement since I loved it's AQ and cast way more than Sumeru's. Arlecchino is such a Goat she even cured my Sumeru burnout.


I have been playing since year one and stopped having much fun after the Inazuma main quest line. I sporadically played, but really came back for the Sumeru main quest line + Fontaine and loved the game again. Maybe because I had a lot of personal quests open, or just because I reset the "grind" feeling. Now I don't care much for the battlepass, just explore, do what feels like fun to me and stop as soon as it feels like a chore. If you haven't been able to enjoy playing, take a break. What made me feel the happiest was paying attention to the music after a couple of months without playing :)


I only started playing a year ago, but I am already nostalgic for some of the early game charm. We don't get in engine cutscenes like we got in Mondstadt. My interest started to wane once I got to Sumeru. The exposition and textpocalypse, of the archon quest made it hard to digest. Aranara quest really hurt the open world experience by locking regional functions to an absurdly long story. Character stories got lazier and turned into help random NPC with X character. Fontaine really helped to renew my interest.


Perhaps surprisingly, Sumeru 3.0 to 3.4. It was the best time in Genshin I ever had. Exploration, new element are lore were all so impactful and memorable in their own ways. Inazuma still hits that nostalgia feeling and is the closest thing to “core” memory, but in terms of enjoyment, I think Sumeru was best.


When I walked into Sumeru City for the first time. I was a little noob player that started playing at the very end of 2.7, it was quite the magical experience.


3.8 to now has been hype, i started playing om dehya banner so it was my first time getting to a new country and getting the hype real time, playing the archon questlines as soon as the updates dropped, doing exploration building up my characters, getting archons and other characters i'd been waiting for when they reran, going from barely clearing floor 9 to 36 starring the last abyss cycle now i am almost AR59 (will likely hit before banner change) all the maps are +%95 to %100, there's only two world quests left to do, and the newest map was so small i already %100ed it within two days already starting to wait for the next version (where dainsleif quest will hopefully be) when we've not been halfway thru current version sucks a bit i am excited for natlan tho! i was alwasy looking more forward to natlan than fontaine tbh




my core memory is first event in mondstat ruin, arriving in liyue at first time and childe leaks in wuwang hill 


I did not enjoy Inazuma's map or mobs, and did not like anything in Sumeru. From the archon quest to the names to the NPC robes to the environment. In Fontaine the only thing I didn't like was parts 3-5 of the archon quest and Arlecchino story quest. I liked the rest of it.


I miss old character's development in lore events like GAA 1 and 2, Windblume, Razor parents event etc.. New events feels more like absolute fillers or advertisment for new chars like Gaming and Chevreuse. We barely see old ones and there is nothing actually interesting to see even if they present.  Idk, I just love traditional jrpg part (interesting characters and story) in genshin but not gacha ones (too many characters with questionable importance for story and filler events). 


Still love the game everyday and Fontaine being the best region yet.


1.2, i didn't know anything so exploring dragonspine was immensely fun.


Original GAA was peak.


Inazuma, the 2.0 live stream was pure hype Sumery was such a drag that I stopped playing for half a year But Fontaine is easily the peak


2.0 livestream chat was full of racists angry because of the subbed dev stream...


i play since day1, never missed a day= 1313 days and Genshin never was that good before, thanks to my C2/R1 Xianyun and also now C2/R1 Arlecchino 🥰.


Sumeru was and will always be my favorite and I have a lot of nostalgia for it. I don’t really care about Fontaine, I’m still playing mostly because of Sumeru, using Sumeru characters and spending my time fooling around Sumeru with my friends. Luckily there’s much more to Genshin than just the story, especially if you play with a friend, so I still enjoy it daily despite the plot having moved on


When I caught up with the story and 90+ explored every area. The game felt more like a chore with nothing to do after 5-10 minutes of daily cleaning... eh I mean playing. Best memory is just everything. Started in second half of Sumeru, there were tons to explore, so much story, and so many cool characters. Especially Cyno with his sick Burst animation! The god-tier comedian that pulled on my Yu-Gi-Oh-heart to try out Genshin Impact. Farmed the world like crazy and managed to pull him on one of his final days. The game was fricken great overall.


This is exactly me with ningguang, I hope they do create some occasional side quests that lets u revisit the earlier regions and unlock more lore with the older characters.