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r/GeniusInvokationTCG Welcome


https://discord.com/invite/gitcg They have a discord as well if you want to participate in tournaments. Afaik they do them on weekly basis


Many players like tcg, it's just not the majority. Plus the game mode has been massively improved since it's launch. I think many players that did not like the v1 of tcg would like the current version. Many QoL, many new cards, etc. 


I hate the current version. They nerf my Oceanid.


Lets face it, Oceanid was too op ngl, it had to be done


:O i haven't played in a few months, but i always use oceanid.. what'd they change??


They capped its summon limit to two instead of three. Honestly it’s still a strong card, just not used at the top level anymore because Mona just does its job better Edit: spelling


or they just don't like card games in general. If i want to play card game, i go play card games. I don't play card game inside another game.


They are following the witcher 3 gwent route like gwent was really popular along the witcher 3 game until it became its own thing


You left out that they fucked up the standalone game so badly it got shut down.


The issue is the OG Gwent was too shallow for a live service card game. The gamemode was perfect for a singleplayer game, had just the right amount of variety and complexity.


I wouldn't say it got f#cked badly, it just never got to achieve a decent, stable state because of the Homecoming kneecapping. The first standalone version (so called beta) was, IIRC, decently popular for its time, but it had a few pretty sizable flaws (notably the Spy system), except instead of just fixing them and riding the wave of a promising game not that late in the TCG war, and just adding a few ideas they had on top, CDPR straight up abandoned that version to remake an almost whole new game which then had growing pains and never really recovered its position. I've also heard the game was just a tad too generous, and while I can't confirm the **too** generous part, it definitely felt like the most generous TCG out there, so that could have contributed to it being abandoned since it took more players to support it.


Gwent and Triple Triad are the reasons I’ve been holding off on the Genshin card game. I get way too sucked into them.


my wife is serious player of gwent and she loves genshin tcg but she hates the game xD


then they can make it as a seperated game. I know i might get downvote for this but i wish it was the case. It help with saving spaces on device. And i think there are a lot of people feel this way too.


If the tcg became its own game it would need its own way of making money. No thank you.


I mean it would be neat to be able to play TCG without having to boot up the entirety of Genshin Impact, but yeah, Hoyo doesn't gain anything from that and I'd rather they don't add paid features to TCG because it features a PvP mode.


true though


Imagine if it was funded entirely off of the revenue from Genshin Impact. Basically the same game as it is inside Genshin, but would beat any other TCG on the market out of the water in terms of accessibility since they don't even need your money and you can obtain and play around with the entire card collection in like a month or two. If it really needs some monetization, maybe they could make it so that you still have weekly rewards, but they offer currency at a much worse rate that if you did the 4 weekly duels inside Genshin (maybe like a 1:6 ratio). Basically Genshin players would have better rewards, standalone TCG players would need to grind harder, and anyone playing both Genshin and the standalone TCG would reap the benefits of playing both. The standalone TCG would have microtransactions to buy currency, but playing Genshin would alleviate the F2P grind in the TCG. Basically, the standalone TCG could function as a way to either generate more money through microtransactions, or funnel players into Genshin in the hopes they like the game and pay money there instead. But that's enough copium from me though.


Fuck no I would not pay for cards. I much rather it now where it's free.


That's exactly why I did not say 'all players'. Of course many people don't like card games even if they are well made it's normal \^\^


It depends on the mini game inside the game. I generally hate card games, but FF7 Rebirth’s queen’s blood is so much fun and I freaking love it, plus they have a whole quest and story around it too. Overall, it’s just really well made. TCG is just not fun for me, nor is it interesting. It is what it is. It’s definitely not for everybody.


I was a considerable part of the Hearthstone community and could not have been more excited to see Genshin’s take on the TCG. I’ve seen other IPs crash and burn like Skyrim and Gwent, hoping that Genshin could be it. You were right that launch was painful af. I haven’t quite gotten back to it. I still think it’s clunky looking at videos.


I played it a bunch at the launch, now and then play a round, I do enjoy it but it's just all the slow in-between stuff that turns me off. To go from one round to another takes so long...


If you haven't touched it for a long time, they actually sped up all the menu animations now. Still take a bit long, but it's improved.


Me, the [Jeskai Prowess](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/2/827ecc44-0b00-4515-8953-bc91fa03705a.jpg)/[Combo Rogue](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hearthstone_gamepedia/images/0/06/ICC_910.png) player being constrained to 3 actions on a good turn:


I think we need another year of card addition to consolidate decks variants. Right now they introduced many archetypes but we need more powerful pivot key cards. A least it's always better after each and every update, which I cannot say of many other card games that tend to spiral down in absurdity.


I actually feel like I've been left behind with all the cards they added. I didn't used to play much but I had an alright handle on the game. Now I feel lost and just ignore that it exists.


Hoyoverse loved that card game idea so much they made an entire game around it called Honkai Star Rail.




There's no exact data we commoners have, but the fact they keep giving the TCG major updates every few Versions, balance patches, official tournaments, suggest that there ARE a sizeable playerbase. These billion dollar companies aren't stupid. They have all the data while all the armchair redditors only go by anecdotes / personal exposure or incomplete data like Discord server size (I play the TCG a lot, as well as my friends, but none of us join the Discord for example).


My one gripe is how there’s no “official” or in-game integration for the tourneys. I don’t really want to join a discord server, fill out a form and then wait for specific time slots so I can queue with somebody and have them join my world so we can duel and then file the result.


Maybe is to help them manage quitters and stuff like that, ie: if someone is in discord then they really want to play the match But I think it could be done if tcg had a ranking system ingame, let's say "players that reached Challenger in the previous season can join the tournament queue at X time slot"


This. Doing CTG is downright painful for me


Yass, agree with this. I enjoy the TCG a lot, but I can't really bother with all the registrations.


I didn’t know that was a controversial opinion! I loved TCG when it came out, and was a little bit addicted to it, had all the cards cleared out of the store at one point. While my interest leveled out after a few months, I’m definitely still glad it’s around. Wish they gave it a store with items like the teapot has to incentivize it more, though.


I don't think it is at all, you don't really miss anything and you aren't forced to play it (except if you are a minmaxxer )


Seems like a love it or don't care about it thing. I played Magic The Gathering, Pokemon, and YuGiOh TCGs back in the day, so by now I'm just very done with them and don't want to bother. But the system mostly seems fine. 'Cept dice rolling for energy, not the worst but that kind of added RNG is just... nah.


I think mini games like these are just fun in a bigger game. Like Omokk in MapleStory. I even remember having a chess add-on in TBC WoW many years ago, and would challenge guild members while we were doing breaks in raids and such. Only issue with TCG is that it's not snappy enough. It feels very slow and drawn out to play one match.


If you didn’t know, they added an option to accelerate a match (making animations quicker and more smoother). Dueling feels less slow-paced now:) 


>'Cept dice rolling for energy, not the worst but that kind of added RNG is just... nah. I could almost accept it if not for 2 things: - You roll *after* you pick your starting character. - Switching character is just too slow and costly for being the solution to the roll RNG


The TCG is really well designed, they did a great job. I like it, I just have a limited amount of time and prefer to do story and exploration when new patches are out while building characters in between. If there was a regular primogem incentive, then I'd be on it, but I'm glad we aren't pressured into playing in that way. Actually, I might play if you could do TCG instead of the Abyss (that is, if you could choose) for those primogems, but Hoyo's not going to change that since their income is based around people buying characters and making them more powerful.


It just takes to long. If it was a bit snappier I’d probs play more


They added an accelerated mode! You can enable it in settings during a match. I agree with you fully and I’m totally in love with the TCG now that they added it.


Even with this enabled it still feels sluggish. Bots sometimes stuck for few seconds on one action. Also it feels strange that in MTG Arena you have more fluid game play (where you play vs real peoples) than here vs bots.


TCG is really strange. It is very polished in terms of an additional game mode you can enjoy casually, which I am one of those people and love playing with npcs with various goals. But in terms of a multi-player game? not so much. I do enjoy playing with npcs every week( I always play all four after grinding the weekly bosses) But multi-player is just not so good, no ranking, poor rewards, quitters, and meta decks just bashing me in like 3 turns without knowing what the heck I am facing against, etc. Kinda wish a daily duel where people add up every day, equalling to a 7 people to duel. I won't mind reducing the lucky points, I just want to play more games, especially when I load the game with like 35 resin and need something to kill time.


Yeah there aren't enough cards and it's not balanced enough to be multiplayer yet.


I would love more npc fights, I'm on/off with tcg obsession but when I'm in the mood 4 a week isn't enough 😭😭


Hi Cyno!


I had fun for a while but meta slaves and quitters ruined it as usual. Now I only play against npcs for BP’s weekly task.


I haven’t played TCG since a year. I want to get back, but I feel like I’m so far behind I don’t know where to start or what to do


I LOVE tcg too it's absolutely amazing


It was fun for a little while, but I grew bored of it quickly. Now I’m getting all worried because I want the 6” primos from the final level, but I don’t want to play TCG.


I only ever did it for battlepass. But then got a wild hair to get all my achievements for it. And ended up enjoying it more than I had realized.


I've played it for probably a total of an hour and I absolutely loved it. I've just been to lazy to get back to it or just plain forget, thanks for the reminder


It's neat, but I play other paper TCGs and the Genshin one doesn't have enough going on/don't enjoy the mechanics as much as the other ones I already play. I beat all the NPC, made different decks and dueled friends, but it got stale and I don't really bother with it anymore. I'm happy for the people that enjoy it, but I'm not stoked that it's taking resources away from the main aspects of the game which I enjoy much more.


You should try joining the TCG genshin discord. Recently theres a tournament you can join which gives real money (16k usd for 1st place i think?) as well as other players you can duel.


My profile signature literally says Play TCG


imagine the size of the tcg rules book every npc must have.


I really liked it and I played all challenges many times per week for the first 3~4 versions it was introduced. But I definitely enjoyed more when there were rewards. I don't mean to say it needs a ton of primos or anything, but weekly materials instead, a shop similar to the Serenitea Pot, would already go a long way.


yep its a lot of fun, I played in a few tournaments as well, not exactly great at it, but its fun to play anyway, both pve and pvp are cool. constant meta changes mean there is no one constant deck just beating everything, dont like the current meta? wait like 6 weeks, and a new one usually comes around.


Look up what unpopular means.


It's niche & polarising. I, like many others, don't like it because we didn't start playing an open world action game to play TCG. I've tried it & even getting through the tutorial was excruciatingly boring from how long the dice animations take, the faux delay from the NPC AI to make it seem "natural". I don't enjoy it, but others do. No biggie until they forced it into quest dialogues. You're in the middle of a long world quest? Have you heard of Genius Invocation TCG? Let's play Genius Invocation TCG while we're trying to find the fragments of this jinni's, who used to serve the gods, soul in the middle of the desert! This happened several times in Sumeru & I'm glad they haven't done it with Fontaine. I hope they'll develop a standalone game like Gwent so we'll do away with the random ass Genius Invocation TCG ads when talking to quest NPC's.


I think it's a fun idea and pretty well designed. I think I completed everything that was available in like the first 1-2 weeks of them releasing it but I haven't really touched it since then. My problem is that there's wayyyy too many cards now and it's very overwhelming and hard to keep up with. But I'm close to finishing every quest and all the exploration, so if that ever actually happens, then I'll probably try getting back to TCG.


I loved Gwent in TW3 and i think i’d like GI TCG a lot more if the UI didn’t take 3 years to complete a single turn.


They add double speed a while ago


Wish it gave some real reawrds


There are tourneys that give primos


There are official tournaments for real money


I just want to play it casually for some primos lol


I mean, technically you can buy primos using the prize money


I'm not into the pvp aspect but i really like the pve battles and all the card art is very lovely so collecting all the holographic cards has been enjoyable for me


I like it and think its well-designed for that type of gameplay. I just don't feel like I have the time to really dedicate myself to learning it and stuff to do the harder fights lol.


I really enjoyed Queens Blood in FF7 Rebirth but can never get into Genshin TCG


It's super fun except when you have a cryo team and you get 0 cryo dices and 1 rainbow


I wish there was a Genius Invocation app.


Not controversial to me. Haven't played Genshin in a while, but last time I did the TCG was one of my favorite ways of having fun when tired of heavy missioning.


I love it too! I use a Eula deck since I don't have her outside of TCG! It's really cool how much work Genshin put into it since it's a game inside of a game!


I just don’t care for card games so it’s not a part of the game I interact with lol.


I like TCG even if I do think I'm bad at it because I get beaten by the NPC playable characters that visit Cat's Tail lol. It also makes me have/use the characters I'm not interested to pull in-game via their TCG cards so that's fun. I always look forward to the new card designs especially for the Arcane Legends, the art is amazing


I used to be really into it, but then just spontaneously fell off.


As a long time TCG player (Yu gi oh, magic, pokemon tcg, hearthstone and shadowverse), the Genshin TCG is surprisingly fun and nice casual flow :d Been doing it more than the base game atm


It's very interesting, I just wish it had faster animations lol


It's alright but I only barely started it, so I don't really have much of a in-depth opinion. Reminds me of magic the gathering (a bit). Definitely get a small since of victory if you face a hard NPC using a beginners deck..


i think if they start being more creative they def have something good on their hands and could make a separate app for it (kinda like what tft is to league of legends) i just need to get good at it... xd


I like it a lot. I just think they should have a way to play it outside the main game. I have friends who I know will love it (they played a lot of MtG and Hearthstone). But they won't try it because they have to get into the main Genshin game. Which they are trying to avoid gacha games. If the game was a separate game, they'd probably try it.


It was fun when it came out but it’s just too slow and I’m not gonna sit there playing a card game inside a game. I’m glad they haven’t done any card based events since that one with the counterfeit cards it was incredibly boring


Good for u


I love the tcg but I have no idea how to get character cards. I've been rocking sucrose, fishcl, Diluc, and kaeya for Months 😂😂


i just can’t be bothered to learn it. props to those who do, i trust you’ve locked down how to build teams better than i have.


I'm with you! I take long breaks from it, but I check in at least once per patch. I'm not usually a TCG person but I've really enjoyed learning each new meta, and I like having a low stakes PvP option when I'm in the mood for it. I also think that, while everyone is *absolutely* entitled to hate it if they want to, people are *so needlessly dramatic* about it sometimes. I really don't get the argument that Hoyo is "shoving it down our throats," since the vast majority of TCG content is fully optional. When they've added matches you can play during world quests they're fully optional and can be skipped without missing anything; even the one TCG-themed event we've had didn't involve much actual TCG lol beyond one minigame. The card game exists in universe, and idt it's a crime to include some dialogue about it to reflect that fact.


I don't dislike TCG personally, but I wish they would regularly invest in other permanent non-combat content beyond TCG. Fishing is trash, gardening is trash, load hamstrings housing and it hasn't reached it's potential in general, Windtrace isn't permanent, Divine Ingenuity isn't permanent, beatmaps aren't permanent, hangouts have trash release rate, etc.


I wanted to play it for the primos but I got addicted to it instead, I didn't expect to enjoy it this much lol


I love the artwork in the TCG but the gameplay of the first few months when it launched left a really bad taste in my mouth. I won't try it again no mater how much Mihoyo tries to entice me.


I really like TCG but honestly I’d rather have had some other improvements in the game first


What I like the most are those 5 special levels they do every patch, kinda wish the weeklies also had more variety.


It’s not that I don’t like TCG, but more that there’s just SO much content in Genshin now that having to think about 100%ing TCG too as well as quests, farming, teapot, special events, etc. And I play Star Rail too. God forbid if I want to play another non-gacha game as well. I can already feel the anxiety just thinking about this lol


It’s awesome


I wish we could have quick access somehow (like u can start matches in the adventurer handbook/TCG gadget) instead of entering cat's tail. That extra loading screen sht adds up long-term especially on low-end devices bruh.


I just wish we had access to all the card art so i can use it as my phone background


TCG is fun but really slow. Even when accelerated, it still feels pretty slow. I'll occasionally play a couple matches maybe once or twice every 2 weeks, but otherwise I legit go through a process of thinking "hey! TCG could be fun right now, " only to remember how slow matches can be and just opting to turn the game off (since five already done everything else I wanted to do).


Well clearly it's popular enough that Hoyo thinks it's worthwhile to continue with updates for it. So probably not as unpopular as you might think. That said, a lot of people did not start playing Genshin for a card game so to them it's pointless fluff.


I'm not a fan of it, the RNG with dice just does not make it fun for me.


I still cant believed they added a card game mode but not a TD lol


I think it’s okay as a mini game, but personally I just don’t like turn based games, I think HSR story is really cool and the came looks fun, but I played it for a while and combining that with my experience with tcg, I think turn based games just aren’t for me.


It's OK as a separate game. I don't play it since it built in Genshin.


That darn Crab!


It's not unpopular, I don't think. The people that don't like it are just very vocal.


I've been playing tcg recently coz I've literally got nothing else to do. I have been enjoying it a lot more than I expected I wish I got into it a bit earlier than I did


There was a time period where I played wayyy more TCG than actual Genshin itself lmao


I like it :) I don't play the pvp mode though. I'm pretty casual. Once you understand how the game works, it becomes really fun. I think people just don't wanna subject themselves to reading what the cards does


I really enjoy tcg too! Except I don’t like playing with actual players because I get too nervous 😅😅


Lol, unpopular, everyone and their cat loves it, I don't know anyone who isn't interested in it except for me and my SO. Mb your side of the Internet is better suited for me, let's change.


It was fun at the start but I'm too afraid of getting into the pvp scene. Also, looks like there's a ton of new mechanics to learn.


personally I love tcg its interesting and a good refresher from fighting


The Genshin TCG is pretty fun, sad there are no meaningful rewards for playing the gamemode outside of the few initial steps.


I love TCG!


I really like it too, but I would have liked it to be outside the game itself... It's hard to explain, but sometimes I would like to play it without having to open the whole game which consumes more resources. But I do really enjoy it (even though I'm not the best at it lol) :) it has changed a lot in all this time.


I used to play TCG alot during it's release. In fact, I once tried to beat almost all to TCG with the deck we get from the start. Although I took a break from it months ago due to getting burned out but it's a pretty good game mode to play in solo or even with friends when you have nothing to do in genshin. Also props to miHoYo for not locking TCG or anything TCG related items behind a paywall and made all of it free for everyone.


I like TCG but I think Hoyo should have made a separate app for it. I


same, i like it.


funny thing my wife hate genshin but she loves the TCG part. when i play TCG she stands near me and talk about it. Most probably she loves witcher 3 gwent very much and play every day.


Tcg is good enough to be stand alone game but for some reason, hoyo is making it event like so it's like a filler and ppl don't like that


I actually went back to it recently to get the remaining primos left. I ended up blasting through it quite fast after finding a deck I had lots of fun with. Too bad there’s no incentive to play it afterwards. Sayunara tcg, I’ll be back to buy the furina though.


Biggest grind for me, I'd rather catch 2000 fish again.


Not unpopular


Funny you got downvoted, because you're right; it isn't an unpopular opinion. TCG is literally one of the most popular and well-liked modes in the game. They LITERALLY back public tournaments, constant updates, fixes, card changes, meta switch-ups, and user-asked features faster than any other system in the game. Hoyo is not investing this much time in gamemodes; no one gives a shit about or that they get ACTUAL, large-scale negative feedback on . Especially when you consider what gamemodes and mini games they HAVEN'T brought back, even though the unwashed masses claim that blankety blank gamemode was "muh popular gamemode" "eVeRyoNe LOveD It" when it clearly isn't the case, otherwise the company whose SOLE game design thrives on player rebound retention would have fucking implemented the easiest fomo dunk possible. But sadly this isn't something you can explain to the midwits and mental midgets who echo chamber themselves, headcanon how game companies or game development in general works, and fellate/parrot severely uneducated e-celeb opinions. My favorite is trying to explain to troglodytes how TCG being updated every patch doesn't take away from the development time of mainline gamemodes and systems. That one is always a funny gauge because you can IMMEDIATELY tell they have no clue how modular systems work, how work is done, or time in general, for that matter.


One of us! One of us! For real though, join the discord or r/GeniusInvokationTCG. The community is super chill and helpful. A lot of people have hate boner for tcg so you have to bear with that. If you have time, check out Astra Carnival on youtube. It's streaming official mihoyo-funded tournament.


I like it, but I would like an option to speed up animations.


It's pretty fun but I didn't install an open world action RPG in order to play a TCG.


I wish to play tcg more, but it’s in desperate need of 2x animation speed


There's already a fast mode


Fast mode has already been implemented


There is a fast mode in the TCG settings (you need to be in a match first) I am not sure if it applies to actual PVP though. But it definitely works in PVE.


That has...existed for several months now


Yes unpopular opinion indeed.


Well I hate it with a burning passion. We should breed and ask our progeny what their opinion is


The TCG would be better if it was it's own app. I'll stand by this.


The only thing I don't like about TCG is constant balance changes. I don't like reading through all the patch notes to see what changed, what card got buffed or nerfed, etc. I'm not THAT big of a fan to follow the news around TCG, and it gets extremely annoying if some cards get changed and I only notice during play that something doesn't feel right.


I didnt like TCG cause Beidou in there is bad


TCG is good, I just wish it was either its own game, or more tied in with the base game. Like what I mean is being able to play tcg, and getting weekly rewards like primos for playing 5 games or something, or even a “tcg abyss” so to speak. I know some people hate the idea of that because they don’t want to be forced to play, but that’s a stupid argument imo because you can just not play it. These rewards would be in addition to not replacing anything