• By -


How do i change my email linked to my game


Are daily missions the same thing as daily commissions?


I have this one artifact that my Xiangling used to have on her. But I got a better piece for her and I need to know if the old artifact is still usable on other characters? I can't post the image here but it's the last thing I posted on my profile.


Can I get 44 wishes worth of primos before Baizhu leaves? I'd like to at least get a chance to win my next 50/50.


Is 68% enough CR for Navia?


It's not ideal because you want reliable crits on your big hits, but it all depends on the balance of stats in the end.


So I can do 68:200 or 99:150. What is better?


That's tough. On paper the latter definitely has more CV = more average damage, but it will also overcap on crit rate as soon as you pick up an Abyss buff or eat food. I'd still take the former spread, all things considered. (My own Navia is also 68:203, lul. It's not what I wanted, but it's what I got, and it's enough for top 8% on akasha apparently).




Okay got it. I'll switch it out.




I just keep dying with childe international (childe, kaz, bennett & XL). Are there other teams with childe that are strong?


There aren't any that are *as* strong, but quite a few that are strong enough to clear abyss if they aren't hard countered by enemies (rip freeze vs bosses). My favorite (since I don't play Xiangling) is Childe burgeon, which I play as international but with Nahida instead of Xiangling. He can still vape his burst, and then spends the rest of his fieldtime generating blooms for Kazuha to pop. Thoma burgeon is an option too, with either double hydro, a cryo flex slot, or double pyro with Thoma *and* Bennett. I just prefer Kazuha for grouping. Hyperbloom is also always an option, although I prefer burgeon for Childe. If you run hyperbloom I might recommend double hydro to cover his downtime (since otherwise you'll stop making blooms as soon as he switches off). For more comfort you can also try Childe taser (Beidou Fischl flex), or Childe freeze (usually double cryo + anemo). They don't take advantage of his fast hydro application, he can't vape his burst, and they do a lot less damage than national, but they work well enough to clear abyss. You can also *technically* use him for mono hydro or Nilou teams, but those are kinda weird choices for him lol. Fingers crossed we get more teams in Natlan, he has *such* good synergy with pyro-related teams and only one good off field option rn lol...


Xingqiu instead of Childe and you die a lot less, the cost being noticeably lower AoE. Equally good in single target though if Xingqiu is C6. Or just remove Kazuha for Zhongli, it's also not as good but better than dying.


Childe, Kazuha, Zhongli, C1+ Neuvillette. Childe acts as an NA+1 buff bot for a Furina-less C1+ Neuvillette and he will stay off field entirely forever and does not spend a single second on field at all.


Lol the thing is childe has in my opinion the most visually satisfying attacks with all the riptide effects so I want him to be unfield


Not really. You could do like taser or something if you had to, but Childe is kind of infamous for having one really strong (and relatively hard) team and nothing else coming close.


so im tryna sign into my genshin using twitter but instead of signing me in my genshin is acting like my twitter homepage and i dont remember what email i used for my account so im stuck logged out please help


Sign into the hoyoverse site (https://account.hoyoverse.com) with your twitter account and check that you've linked an email in the account security settings tab. If you haven't linked one, do that. Then you can sign in with that email instead of using twitter.


The issue is I do have an email linked and idk how to unlink it cuz I forgot the details and I’m used to using my twitter but for some reason it isn’t working


Did you use a random email or something? You can try the forgot password option and reset your password? If you can't access the email you linked to, then you'd have to contact support.


Trying to play genshin in an internet cafe but it always says 'too many requests' how to solve this ;-;


I have c4 layla and have only ever used a shielder for arlechino, bennett, kazhuha team. Laylas shield is strong enough. AR 59. Any point in pulling zhongli during rerun?


If you want to run this team with Kazuha specifically then no. Zhongli's res shred on top of Kazuha's doesn't make much of a difference What you could do with Zhongli is Arle, hydro, Zhongli, Bennett and this gets you a bit of res shred while using a shielder. But you lose the DMG bonus and grouping of Kazuha. Hard to say if it's worth it, the team would probably perform slightly better because vape, but at the same time depending on the chamber Kazuha's grouping might be more valuable


Viability of maining beidou to play around with the parry? (not as a off character or for burst only)


A bit cope but you could you could play around her C4 with 4pc TF as a Aggravate driver for Fischl. Its still reliant on enemies hitting you, but you wont have to time it.


The enemies attack won't line up with a fixed rotation, which means harder to have consistent uptime on buffs and make all the buffs coincide - like that's the reason people try to craft a rotation. You can do a showcase with Bennett Kazuha Mona and hit like 100k Parry, that's all. You even have the Golden Troupe set for that now. Teams like Sucrose Taser do give you enough opportunity to get parries when you anticipate it, but you don't want to drive Xingqiu or herself with Beidou's NA chain, it's slow. You can do something like C6 Bennett + Xingqiu + Nahida, where she'll be on-field, but you aren't giving any res shred to her so it's not the max potential play for parries.


I've got yaoyao, so should I pull for baizhu? is he a better dendro applicator?


Baizhu can heal the entire team with his E and has small shield + healing for on field character with his Q. Yaoyao is better applicator


Actually Baizhu's dendro application is even worse, especially if Yaoyao has cons, or her skill can keep your on field character healthy. Baizhu is a comfort choice anyway.


I haven't played for a long time, is skyward harp better than windblume ode for Fischl? Also is the best weapon for Gaming still serpent spine?


Yes and yes


what are the best r5 4 stars weapons for clorinde? I don't think i want to pull on her weapon banner


I guess lion roar or finale of the deep.


What would be the best Navia team right now?


Guys Wolf fang ( BP weap) R1 or R5 Pipe? For Furina


Wolf fang if you can burst, R5 pipe if you need ER


Can I get banned for spamming the furina laughing emote in windtrace


Maybe you'd get blocked by some people but I don't think it's necessarily banworthy


No, why should they ban you?


should i pull for furina or save for a kokomi rerun? i have no hydro characters except barbara, and the team i run usually is arlecchino, kazuha, yae and yaoyao, so i desperately need hydro chars, and ive been thinking about pulling for furina, but ive heard kokomi is good too, so any advice?


Furina is a great buffer. Arle is great dps. But Arle and Furina have anti-synergy together. To benefit of Furina buff you need hp variaton (she provide the hp draining to 50% but you need a heal to re-up your hp) and Arle can only be heal by herself. Kokomi hasn't a good hydro application for Arle (she won't provide regular vape to your pyro dps, but her medusa will steal vape, and her medusa don't do damage). If you want an hydro that works with Arle, it will be Xingqiu (C0+), Yelan (C0+) or Candace (C6) (if by any miracle you get it before the other options, but that is just to mention it). XQ will be available in the shop in september, so keep enough starglitter if you still doesn't have him at this time.


Furina is regarded by many as the best support in the game. Even if you don't end up using her in your Arlecchino team, I doubt you would regret getting her. Also, afaik, we don't know when Kokomi is reruning; it could be a while, and you could have saved fates back up for her if you wanted her. But in the end of the day, you must do you. If you are not feeling Furina or just want to improve your Arlecchino team and she is not a nice fit for it, pass on her. I'm personally saving (well, saved already) for Furina.


**Kitain Cross Spear R5** or **White Tassel R5** for Cyno? I am failing to clear 12-1, any advice on which team should I use ([Enka](https://enka.network/u/BarryAllen/DqKAh/10000052/3938501/)). Based on my current roster, which characters should I build next from my [current ones](https://i.imgur.com/neaDuq1.png)? PS: when will I get Kuki, last time I pull 160+ times on her banner but still didn't get her.


So if I understand correctly, the second half of 4.7 will have Furina? I really like the look of her and her kit, not to mention I've heard she's one of the best characters in the game, so is there anything special I could do to start getting ready for her besides just prefarming materials?


Build a healer to go with her.


Is it normal to run out of mora and character level up material at ar47 is it jus me


Yeah. Do consider exploring before using resin for mora, exploration and quests do give a lot of it.


Yes. Especially at AR30+. Below AR45 you're pretty much supposed to use your resin on Leylines and boss mats.


I'm AR 60 and I ran out of mora pretty recently actually, but I gained it back quickly. I also constantly run out of talent books. I just like raising a lot of characters.


yep, I've been ar60 for a while and I'm constantly running out of xp books and some more stuff since I stopped paying for bp


If you don't farm mora and try to level up a lot of stuff, yeah, normal


I currently have 26k primogems, and I REALLY want to pull for each of these 3 characters Baizhu, Nilou, and Yelan (whenever she reruns). Given my limited gem count, should i NOT pull for Baizhu?


Nilou might come 4.8 - just my assumption, no hints whatsoever. I think so because it's about time and there should be no new 5* so I expect 2×2 reruns.  Baizhu is on his 3rd banner. There's no clue when his next rerun will be and we're on >1y for some characters.  I'd grab Baizhu now if I were you. If I'm right and Nilou comes 4.8 you should still be able to amass enough wishes. No idea when Yelan reruns. She was 4.0 but I'd expect her more in a Liyue-themed Chronicled Wish because Natlan is about to drop and there's some Fontaine and probably even Sumeru reruns which need to happen.


there is rumour of new in 4.8


The perfumer? Let's wait and see if she's a 5* or not.


id bet on it. did a 4 star ever come alone though? seems like someone good to run at same time as Nilou. just a guess


Rosaria, Thoma, Heizou, & Kirara all came in patches that were just 5\* re-runs.


i said id bet on it. not hiw good my chances were


I think heizou in 2.8 is the one time it happened edit: thoma in 2.2 too


We have no idea whenever Nilou nor Yelan are rerunning, if you really want Baizhu, why wouldn't you pull for him?


Is healer a must for running furina? I was planning to go for her neuvillete, kazuha, Layla team but I don't have a lot of healers, only limited healers I have are yaoyao, qiqi, kirara? From what I know, she needs a team wide healer to stack fanfare but I don't know if proto amber neuvillete provides adequate and consistent healing to trigger it. I'm f2p so I don't want to resources on a character I can't play. Second question, if furina is s not feasible option at the moment, than which DPS I should pull for second team based on my roster? My second team currently is, C3 XL, C1 Bennet, C3 XQ, DMC/fischl. Other characters that I have are are beidou, C5 yanfei, lynette , gaming, heizou, faruzan, Gorou, tighnari, Sucrose, diona, yunjin, kirara, yaoyao,


Not in that team. The best option there is Zhongli. But there's no real BiS in that team so you can just put Yaoyao there for now. Buy C4 Xiangling from shop and you are done. You can build Sucrose for the 4th, that'll be quite good, Fischl is ok there too for now.


So I don't need healer in this team for furina, right? Thanks for the help


No you don't but there isn't anything much better.




It's possible for doing so, but result won't be optimal..(i.e. less damage from your summon due to no more HP to drain once everyone has ≤ 50% HP and active character's survivability will probably be as good as your shield's thickness. For the current abyss cycle, I could run ZhongLi, C2R1 Yelan, C2 Furina, and C0R1 HuTao for the 2nd chamber. You'd want party-wide healer for Furina, Your Qiqi can actually work [Maguro head (JP) actually showcased this couple months ago ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmeCB4YjRDw&pp=ygUS5LiD5LiD44OV44Oq44O844OK)


It's in Japanese so I didn't understood anything, I just saw normal attack provide healing but I don't understand mechanic behind it or if it can be applied in neuvillete team.


So should I skip furina for now until I get a dedicated healer zhongli,?


If your sole focus to just make it work for that Neuvillette team, I don't see the problem. But I'm just saying that other than that team, she is open to other team composition as well, like the Qiqi team I said previously.


For the first question. Mostly yes, but there are exceptions, notably Neuvillette and/or double Prototype Amber meme-teams (also possibly Clorinde teams too, but we shall see with testing) can be run without a dedicated healer. But even then, it can feel a lot more comfy running her with a dedicated healer since otherwise your party can end up at half health eventually. For the second question, I would personally invest into a character who could open up a brand new archetype like Nahida. Sucrose works well in your current team setup, replacing Fischl/DMC so no need to go crazy there. Raiden will also work, but she's basically a sidegrade to Sucrose at C0 - albeit one that makes gearing Bennett and Xiangling a lot easier.


I'll definitely pull for Nahida, zhongli and raiden and try to build a hyperbloom team, I will need a hydro character for that but aside from XQ, I don't have any else, does he provides enough hydro for hyperbloom or will I need someone else?


XQ is really all you need for Hyperbloom. But if you are looking for another Hydro, then you can either double down with Hydro XQ with Yelan (one of the best Hyperbloom teams), or get a Hydro onfielder (Ayato, Kokomi, Barbara) combined with an off fielder like XQ or Yelan (or even Furina). Basically, Xingqiu is the only character who can keep up with Nahida's Dendro application since he applies just that much Hydro, and he does it off field which makes him very valuable in Hyperbloom.


In most cases yes, but neuv teams are an exception. Since neuv fluctuates his own hp so much already, you don't need a healer to build fanfare stacks (though a healer will build them faster). sucrose is better in your last slot for that second team you mentioned. That is already a solid national team so you don't necessarily need to pull someone else for it. But the most commonly used versions of that team that can be made with some 5\* are raiden national (replace last slot with raiden) or childe international (replace xingqiu with childe, ideally last slot would be kazuha but if you need kazuha in other team sucrose is ok).


Thanks for the help, last question, I want to build another team for more variety, so based on what I have, what team should I try to build? I'm gonna definitely pull for Nahida, Zhongli and raiden, so I was also thinking about building a hyperbloom team with Nahida,raiden and XQ


How do I take photos of these animals for the iridescent arataki whatever event? None of the pics I take seem to count.


Use the camera from the Paimon menu, not any of the camera gadgets.


Oh ok thanks!


Furina C1 or Alhaitham C2?


Furina C1. Alhaitham C2 is probably some sunk cost shit if you got an accidental C1, or I'd question your decision to deliberately get his C1.


It was accidental for sure. Got it at like 10 pity


Yeah that's fine, leave it there, don't sink in 160 more pulls just to make something out of it.


if u already have haitham c1 i would go for his c2. otherwise, go for furina cons.


I already have him C1 and Furina C0. I use both about the same amount because I run double HB teams, with the hydro dragon and Nahida


yea id go for haitham c1


Furina. Alhaitham's con are useless until C6.


Bruh did the redemption codes always expire this fast before?


No. It used to be 24 hours, now it's like half a day or less


It has always been this way, never 24 hours unless the stream was delayed.


I definitely agree with op 'cause I rmb having until around the same time the next day to claim, now unless I do it pretty close to the stream time I lose the chance to claim


It's been what, 16 hours? That's very normal.


Is there any way to be reliably and *exclusively* notified of when the genshin version livestreams are happening and/or when the stream begins? Every way I've seen so far is through official genshin channels that notify u of miscellaneous stuff on top of it


Alternatively you can check some people who react to the livestream on youtube live, they usually schedule it also and you can get notified when it starts


Genshin has a pretty strict schedule and you can calculate well in advance when the next one is gonna be. Usually friday around the same time also.


it is always the same weekend (usually friday) a week and a half before the new patch. And its always announced a couple days before. So if you just check reddit or twitter or whatever you use around then you should be able to find the announcement with exact time.


I'm somewhat of a lurker on this sub but it always seems to slip past my radar, I'm giving the Genshin Helper app a shot but I don't have much faitg






do I pull for wanderer now or wait for yelan/navia?


Wait for Yelan.


Do you want Wanderer or Yelan/Navia?


I want all of them, but I can’t grind primos when time comes coz of life.


What would be the best current Arlechino team?


Chevreuse team as other commentor said, but know that Fischl deals a lot of damage there, so you won't see the biggest Arle numbers. 2nd best is Bennett + Yelan + Sucrose in single target. Sucrose is actually quite a bit better here because Arle gets a fuck ton of Dmg% on her own, and animation times matter a lot here as Kazuha E will eat into Bennett uptime (no snapshotting like here like National). Ofc that's ignoring grouping, else Kazuha hands down. My personal favorite is Bennett + Xingqiu + Kazuha, it's the right balance of offense and defense for me, has grouping unlike Zhongli options. This'll probably be your go to if you aren't 1 cycling enemies, cause then dodging starts to take a toll on DPS.


c6 chevreuse, bennett, fischl


Yelan + Kazuha + Bennett for the most DPS but just in my experience bc she can't heal so you really don't want to be hit compared to most chars that can just tank hits and heal back up, I feel like if you don't have the artifacts/constellations to outDPS a boss, it's better to just use Zhongli instead of Kazuha and dodging.


is kirara good with arle?


Not particularly She isn't too.bad, just no synergy apart from her shield


Are we at a point where we can tell if Chlordine will be better then Alhaitham?


She probably won't be better than him. >!Her biggest issue is a massive cooldown on her skill to enter her state and the state itself not lasting long. She'll have high dps during those few seconds but will massively fall of after.!<


No we're not


For character talent materials, what's the number you need for each rarity to max all talents? Like how many purple, blue, green in total for one character.


114, 63, 9. The enhancement progression calculator in Hoyolab is a great resource for something like this.


The NPC for the second Meeting of Melodies quest in Inazuma isn't there and I can't complete the event. How do I get him to show up?


The milk guy? If you have Ayato's quest started but not finished, he's in Ritou.


Is this a hidden location? The circular shape of this rock looks very like something is hidden behind it. [https://imgur.com/a/91gfiCK](https://imgur.com/a/91gfiCK)


IIRC, that opens after the Questioning Melusine and Answering Machine quest.


What are the creatures dancing around arlecchino during her weekly boss fight called?


They're not really called anything. They're just after images in her flames. Most of the after images don't get human forms like Clervie, which Arlecchino says herself in her story quest.


Are people beating the Primo Vishap on Fearless???


Yes. 1 star fearless is easy


Beating with 3 star gold is pretty easy, beating with a plat medal isn't. Which are you referring to?


Only teams I've seen work so far with C0 5-stars are Nahida teams or Arlecchino. I beat it really easily with a C1 Arlecchino that has a bad build but I can't beat it with my C6 Wanderer that I've farmed for a year on so I'm not sure what's causing that.


I was thinking about trying Kusanali & Alhaitham. I tried Furina, C0 Arlecchino, Yelan, and Zhongli like 7 times and I got destroyed every single time lol


It has a lot of Hydro RES bc it's a Hydro and Cryo Primo Geovishap so you gotta avoid those heavy Hydro dmg setups unlike the first day. Kazuha + Bennett + Zhongli + Arlecchino is what most people are going with.


I might try that, thank u!


I saw people saying that Arle monopyro with Zhongli seems to be fairly consistent. Tried it and got close first attempt and swapped Bennet off instructor and onto noblesse and Kaz off fav and it was enough. c1r1 though so probably can beat that with food buffs and potions.


Can't beat it under 90 seconds but very close. C6 Neuvillette or Yelan maybe possible.


What's the probability that my account will get banned if I play on Mac using playcover ?! In the worst case if it gets banned, do I get a chance to contact the support and explain the situation to get it unbanned 👀 Help me, cause I wanna play on pc, Im struggling by playing in my phone




You sure ?! 😮😮


Playing on Mac does not violate any ToS. Why would they ban you if you just play normally?


There isn't any direct way to install genshin on M1 macs , we need to use playcover (like bluestack) which emulates the Mac environment as an ipad. Which is not an intended use by genshin


Playcover, bluestack or whatever are just operating systems used to run certain programs. As long as they do not modify Genshin impact files or memory when running the game, there is no risk.


Ok thanks!!


As a F2P player, is it better to pull on reruns or new characters. For 4.7 I want a character from both and I’m wondering which is better time wise


Depends on your roster. You don't need 3rd/4th/5th main DPS of the same element.


If you want furina or alhaitham then you should pull for sure. They could go up to a year without a rerun. The other two look very skippable to me but either way they will be back within a few patches because new characters always get their first rerun much faster than later reruns But yeah, althaim is a great unit and furina is quite possibly the single best unit in the game. She's up there with Nahida and very very few others. And if the new ones turn out to be fun or strong or whatever you want it's better to miss out for a much short time IMO disclaimer/my biases: I think both new characters look mid and I think the bubble one will be really strong later on but not until we figure out who uses that niche (and that may be an unreleased natlan character, like how a ton of inazuma characters were literal dumpster fire tier until sumeru made them really good)


If we're talking just timewise, then new characters tend to come back for their next run sooner. There's always exceptions tho like kazuha and shenhe both had a year between their first and second runs. There's also some characters who have had very little time between their second and third runs. Ultimately it's best to just go for who you want more because reruns in general are hard to predict. 


Imo, older characters. Why? Their kit has been analysed and team rotations are optimised, and easy to look up online. Newer characters need time for TCs to test out.


which characters are you interested in? in terms of value it's prob furina > alhai=clorinde > sige.


I’m deciding between furina and clorinde. Clorinde just looks cool in gameplay and I think Furina looks neat


Doesn't really matter, a limited character is a limited character. Get the one you want more.


So there isn’t a big difference between a new character getting a rerun and an old character getting a rerun?


New characters tend to get their first rerun a little sooner, so I guess there's that. Still just get the one you want though, because either way you gotta wait months to a year+ in order to get the other. If it's a longer wait, it just means you have more time to save.


Ah that’s fair so I might just get Clorinde then. Thanks


How much primos did you all get from clearing Chenyu Vale? I'm trying to calculate whether or not I have enough primos to get both Clorinde and Furina


genshin bookkeeping shows 4.4 permanent content only has 16 pulls.


oof, thank you!


Hey did the livestream codes expire? I was just trying them and it’s saying it’s invalid?


No they didn't it takes 16hrs before they expire


Aight thank you for calming my fears. I tried the codes again and they worked .


Who should I go for? I have arlecchino, kazuha and mona as my 5\* and my built supports are Xiangling, Xinqiu, Fischl, Noelle, and Barbara (healer) and I'm working on faruzan. They basically are the only ones I use so with that in mind who should I go for? Clorinde or Alhathiam or Furina?


Furina is a core character because she can support in many teams. Alhaitham not really worth it, but Clorinde seems fun. Personally, I wouldn't pull Alhaitham or Clorinde unless I can guarantee I will get Furina. Because Clorinde is a sidegrade of Keqing who I can just get by losing 50/50 obertimr, and Alhaitham is kinda mid without Nahida or his signature weapon and he's insignificant for the upcoming predicted meta.


Thank you very much!!


The weekly friend request thread link is not working on mobile, it opens the posts tab. Anyway, where can I find Japanese(asia?) server players that would be willing to help me out with the adventure rank ascension mission as well as some boss fight from time to time?


You can't co-op to do the ascension quest because it lvls up your world as a whole, I'd suggest you make your characters stronger if you can't complete the ascension rank quest because boss's will just get harder if you don't. Assuming you're not AR 40-45 don't worry too much about artifacts just make your characters talents and weapon strong. Also if you picked NA or anything other than the Asia server you can't switch or find people in the Asia server. You can always make an alt, restart and then join the asia server but otherwise its no point in looking.


Oh right. Yeah it suddenly requires level 80 characters and most of mine are still 60 so it will take some time . Thanks for the advice :)


Np! but you don't need lvl 80-90 them till around maybe world lvl 7-8 I'm clearing lvl 90 stuff with teams lvl 70-50


Nothing 'requires' level 80 characters. The game offers suggestions to make clearing content easier, but they're just that - suggestions.




spend ur resin, do quests, do domains, dailies you'll meet her in liyue


I think we see her in her story quest first, which comes after finishing Liyue main story. World quests and exploration. Run around and unlock as much Liyue and Mondstadt main area map now (don't go to dragon spine).


Will pyro archon be a DPS?


Recent archons have been a support that you get a big damage bonus at c2. Raiden is somewhat of an on field battery, Nahida can be run on field but is also mostly a supportive role in her teams, Furina is a sub dps buffer. If this trend continues then they will likely be a supportive character of some kind that has more buffs or more options at c2.


my crystal ball is still broken, try asking in 3-5 business days


Let me ask my uncle who works at Hoyoverse real quick


Nah, archons are mostly support units ( raiden is a sub dps that can fulfill many roles)


The first part isn't wrong, but there's no way Raiden is primarily a sub-DPS. Her off-field presence is practically non-existent unless you happen to be Hyperblooming. Her whole kit is built around the collect energy > burst > attack for 7 seconds > refill energy loop. She's a main DPS with team support capabilities.


We have no idea. Check back in 5 months.


Who was the jade cutter made for? It’s not on standard so I assume it’s someone’s signature Edit: I forgot there weren’t always two character banners running


Nobody, back then the game didn't have double banners and early characters either didn't have signatures or dipped into the standard weapon pool (eg; Klee/Xiao/Ganyu) so they lined up a few non-signature 5 stars to fill out banners which resulted in the liyue weapon line and primordial jade cutter. Its initial banner did partially run alongside Keqing's unique 2 week rate up banner so if you really want you could consider it her sig, but it doesn't really fit her aesthetically or line up with gameplay thematics so most people don't consider it a signature.


Unofficially it's *kinda* Albedo's, as he doesn't have one. Some weapons are just like that, though.


Unofficially it is Keqing actually. Quite a few times where you get to use trial Keqing she comes equipped with it. Albedo's signature is the 4* Cinnabar Spindle. If you consider only 5* weapons then Summit Shaper is more likely since it debuted with Albedo. You might say it does not count since he only runs with it once, but so does PJC as every time Albedo is rerun he came with a different 5* sword.


it wasnt made for anyone specifically. the same way memory of dust and unforged and summit shaper werent sig weapons for anyone either


It wasn't really made for anyone in particular. It first came out alongside PJWS during Xiao's banner, so it wasn't attached to a specific character.


Is it safe to go to the desert without triggering any story cut scenes? I would like to defeat a specific construct just to finish the ittou event.


Yep, it should be safe.


which is better keqing 72/220 with 1900 atk 160er or keqing 74/201 with 2400 atk 150er same weapon. same set


Second. However, that ER is way too much. 100% ER is enough if you're using TF set, maybe around 120% ER otherwise. If you're using her in aggravate team, her EM also needs to be factored (unless both have roughly the same EM already).


same em, but she's using 2pc glad, 2pc shimenawa because I am apparently allergic to good electro pieces what is a good em for her In a aggravate or overload team?


For aggravate, at least 100 EM. Beyond that EM and Atk% has similar value so just go with pieces that has better stats. For overload, your EM doesn't matter because overload's damage is terrible even with full EM build. Just focus on Atk% and treat the overload damage as a bonus.




Do the Fragile Resin and Midlander Billet Trove rewards from the Imaginarium theater also refresh once a month, or is it a one-time clear thing like floors 1-8 of the Spiral Abyss?


those are first time rewards.


Definitely not


That sucks. I understand the Fragile Resin not refreshing but the Billet Trove refreshing was something I was really looking forward to since I wanted to R5 a second Proto Amber for kokomi since the other one thats already R5 is with Baizhu.


Has anyone found a vid on YT with all the recent music event OSTs? LikeC the perfectly played OSTs, I couldn’t get them all on 100% accuracy 😭


>Has anyone found a vid on YT with all the recent music event OSTs? If you mean the Soundtracks used for the Itto Rhythm game event, those are the Soundtracks from the Character Demo videos.


Yeah exactly, but the OSTs aren’t officially out for Fontaine characters, so those Itto soundtracks are the closest thing we have to OSTs, and I can’t find a vid on TY that has them all in 100% accuracy


>Yeah exactly, but the OSTs aren’t officially out for Fontaine characters The Official [Stellar Moment's 4](https://youtu.be/QbYdd0iokd8?si=-qZtCD6G09v2K0U6) has all character demos and character trailers up to and including 4.2. (Furinas track is the newest character in the itto event) It's 4.3 (navia) and onwards that we don't have official tracks for yet.


Oh really??? I had the idea only Sumeru and before were officially released. In case of Navia’s OST, can her’s be found somewhere, even if it’s lower quality?


>I had the idea only Sumeru and before were officially released. Stellar Moments usually releases in January. Looking at all 4 Stellar Moments Albums, the Albums start after the previous Archon and end with the latest Archon (Stellar Moments 4 goes from Wanderer until Furina, Nr3 is Itto -> Nahida etc) >In case of Navia’s OST, can her’s be found somewhere, even if it’s lower quality? Probably. There's always dozens of direct ripsy covers and Remixes of character demo tracks even before Stellar Moments gives an official release.


I have just got back into genshin recently after three years and have reached to a point in the story that doesn't make sense to me. The destruction of khaenri'ah. I have seen cut scenes for it on the internet and other websites but where do or would you see the original version of this cut scene. All I see are people trying to explain in but I want to actually see this scene. I am going through chapter 1: act 4 and I got to the part where they are discussing about it but I just fell lost since I don't really understand what that scene actually is. I don't know if it was shown in the game towards the beginning and I just forgot about it since its been three years or I have yet to actually see it but my character talks about it like I have seen the cut scene before and I know you can replay cut scene to my knowledge of the game. So I just want to ask if there is anyone that knows where I can see the actually scene and if its because I have yet to come to that part of the story let me know since the story is kind of falling apart for me.


You'll see it soon. You're not wrong, the Traveler talking about Khaenri'ah comes out of nowhere. This is the first time we find out they actually have a memory of Khaenri'ah edit: actually nvm, the cutscene was upload to youtube before the game released and it doesn't in fact play in the game. You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO__VQZirJ4


Don't worry. You're not supposed to have seen it in-game yet. It's meant to be a bit of a plot twist that the MC has seen it. The closest thing we've gotten to seeing it from official media is via [this](https://youtu.be/SO__VQZirJ4?si=dgY1_41Wn_uuNVHK) story teaser that was released a little before the game launched. It's assumed that the destruction shown in the flashback was Khaenri'ah.