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Is this actually possible without signature weapons or cons? Shit's insanity


I managed it as mostly F2P, but I was almost crying at the end. Believe it or not, the primovishap was the easiest


Did you use Arle? If not what team? I've been stuck at this one for a while.


I used arlecchino! My team was arlecchino furina yunjin and bennett Give furina fav sword becuz primo geovishap absorbs hydro… so her dmg will be resisted. So instead of focusing on dealing dmg, her main role is buffs and provide energy to yunjin and bennett Yunjin and bennett buff arlecchino, and give yunjin fav sword too just incase u need more particles Yunjin is important too becuz yunjin can counter geovishap’s ultimate, and thankfully arlecchino doesnt lose her pyro infusion if she is swapped out Lastly… use food buffs and… mental strength lol, i did it in 1:24 mins


Sorry mate, I asked OP if he used anything but Arle. I'm looking for strats without Arle. I did try a comp very similar to yours came in 10sec short with Wanderer. About your comp though, does Furina's buff trigger? Seeming as Arle is mostly on the field and I believe BoL prevents healing from Benny right?


Ah yeah sorry if i might answer a question that is not intended to me Furina’s buff will trigger becuz furina drains your remaining 3 chars’ HP. Yeah the buff fanfare stack will be slower but if swap to yunjin in benny circle to use her ult, her hp will be healed (if<70% hp) and getting full stack should be slightly easier


I can see it possibly triggering fully for the first ult draining the 3 characters, but second rotation it will only heal like 20% from Yunjin right? Will that be enough to cap the buff? If it does not have you considered running an Anemo healer? You could VV shred + fully heal the team. Healers that would apply being Sayu, Jean, Bird lady.


Can you explain how you get the shield reflect star? Does yun jin's counter count for that? My teams right now seem to be unfortunately split into two halves; those who can clear in 90s and those who have a shield to get the reflection star. I was beginning to think it's not doable without zhongli


Every one says arle but I used alhaitham with zhongli.


I love Alhaitham but I just can't do good enough damage with him. It's absolutely a skill issue on my side, I never really got the 'feel' for him that you get from playing a char for a long time.


Personally, I used my Wanderer abyss team. I used Benett, Faruzan and Wanderer. The fourth slot was reserved for the weaknesses of whatever opponent it was


Final slot zhong or did you dodge all the instakil beams? I wonder what my team is lacking. I tried this team as well. C6 faru/Benny and c2 Wanderer with widsith. What DMG was he doing each hit?


If you refer to the last boss then yes, for the previous ones I used a Noelle for the Vishap and a Fischl for the Terrorshroom and Xingqiu for the Pyro Regisvine. Wanderer's stats are around 280 crit DMG and 60 crit rate and of course level 9 stats as well


You cleared plat with that? Or gold?


Yeah, plat with that. Took me some trial and error, tho and a couple of tears


Arle or Yoimiya both work in this fight. With Yoi you can play a bit faster and looser with your teambuilding and bring Furina. I managed a 2 minutes clear with Yoimiya and a 3.5 minutes clear with overvape Arle ZL.


Pretty sure they are asking about beating it in under 90 seconds. You can bring lots of comps if you do not care about the 90s requirement...


The vishap and chicken is the easiest for me. Kirara hard carry.


Why wouldn't we believe it? Primovishap just need a shield at the right time.


Your Builds please.


Same here, except platinum is impossible. I’m regretting skipping Kazuha; he seems like the absolute best support unit for obliterating bosses.


I got platinum on the Regisvine quite comfortably in 1:09. That one definitely felt the easiest.The Seahorse might also be doable if i manage to not die on a shieldless Lyney. Ngl, i don't know if i am skilled enough for that.


I did not realize this initially but I believe food and potion buffs work.


So true.....ppl like us without meta characters r going to suffer......the event is so friggin biased.......


thankfully, for those who don't care about vertical investment, all the rewards are super accessible by clearing the easier difficulties.


Idk, there are vids how sucrose national achieves platinum, it's all 4* with 4* weapons/5* standard wep, but u need good artifacts for sure.


Its doable but players who never minmaxed for artifact substats are going to suffer. Especially if you run 4 stars


Yeah it’s possible without signature or cons. Some teams will have a better time. And all need to be high artifact investment. The ones that stand out the most are arle and neuv. I don’t have any Fontaine 5 stars except for c0 furina and I did fine


It is but requires specific characters.


You need at least 2 of: Food Skill A few cons/weapons


People have done it with a 4 star team, but of course needs cons on them.




I have a top 1% c1r1 neuv and 2% c1 arle, those two carried this event. There are f2p clears that need specific chars and builds, check out some vids to see if you can run those strats. But really don't feel bad if it's too hard. The highest difficulty isn't for everyone and thats why there are no rewards at all


Oh no, worry not, I managed to complete the event right below the hardest difficulty, but I couldn't help but be amazed considering how batshit insane the hardest is. Got my ass whopped there more times than it would be wise to disclose. Also, happy cake day.


Nicely done! Thanks m8 :)


i have like 5 top 2/3% chars and couldn't get beyond all gold, but then i spend so much time building my chars because i suck at dodging and shit lol


The higher you get on Akasha the bigger the gap in dmg will be because the additional stats you get are multiplying off higher numbers (idk if that makes sense, but getting 7% CD on 150% CD might seem to matter more than 200% CD + 7% but bc that 7% CD is also multiplying 2500 ATK instead of 2100 ATK or whatever on the higher end build, it's actually adding more damage) Like for real examples, Rank 1 Arlecchino is like 1.82m, Rank 1500 (bottom of 1%) is 1.61m (13% DPS diff), but Rank 3000 (top 2%) is 1.58m which is only like a 2% DPS diff from that. The difference between Rank 1 and bottom of 1% is like the same as the difference between 1% and 33%. Another way to think about it is that Rank 1 vs. top 2% basically has another good constellation worth of DPS.


makes sense. good to know


I thought you are going to say you have few c6r5s when i saw the post header but you managed to achieve the highest difficulty with c1 neuvi and arle?! that's so cool!!


Thanks a lot! I'm no whale but just a chubby dolphin who spends too much time on character builds and reading up on Genshin stuff


"Chubby dolphin"? You can try and make it sound cute and harmless, but with those results, you're an Orca trying to beat the killer allegations


Chubby dolphin is my new favorite term LOL


*chubby dolphin* lol


Me too, and my arle is c2r1... Still can't finish in 90 sec. Guess I am bad.....


It really depends on good artifacts, not just for her but for the rest of the team, too. Personally, I decided to graciously accept that this is not something I can get even close to achieving :qiqi\_fallen: >\_>


Are you using food?


What team did you use for the sea horse? I guess arle?


Mine was Ayaka with Layla since they are consistent on applying cryo.


What was your team like on the 2nd boss? I’m struggling to platinum that one


Arle, benny, yelan, ZL yeah that boi is thicc AF


I haven't even fought the seahorse boss normally yet. That'll be interesting.


Saying best event ever is quite something, I I'll chalk it up as hyperbole. Well, this event is for the whale to enjoy, a validation for their spending, for casual f2p like me, I'm glad they gave the option to just do the hardest difficulty with all the buff on and you can be done with it.


I don't think you need whale accounts for platinum but you definitely need very specific setups, advanced artifacts and a FUDGING TON OF PATIENCE to chew through God knows how many re-tries. Personally, I couldn't be arsed. Did 3\* Gold for Reggy to see what the fuss is about, was mechanically fun but I found the other bosses to be lacking somehow, so I facerolled them on silver. :'D


>but you definitely need very specific setups, advanced artifacts and a FUDGING TON OF PATIENCE to chew through God knows how many re-tries. I.e. you need a whale account


I know reading is hard but if you actually NEEDED a whale account, no amount of patience and gear would help because the DPS requirements would be locked behind C6R5. So umm: No. Incorrect. Try again.


Its certainly a step in the right direction. It was a perfect balance of a challenging event for f2p with an extra reward for whales that doesnt take away anything from f2p if you dont achieve it (but if you do the pride is incredible). We need more like this for sure - no more "combat" events where you take a picture and everything evaporates for the love of god


You don't have to be a whale to platinum or enjoy the event. Source : me


For a whale this event is still easy though. Plat is perfectly doable as a welkin or even f2p with very high investment characters. I feel like this event is great, rewards are all gold 2 star tier which is super easy, then the 90 sec is quite difficult but still fair except for whales who can speedrun it.


Ye I think people are underestimating account power levels because of their own accounts. It makes sense with a lot of the comments you see on other posts about giving up on artifact farming, not worrying about 36-starring, or pulling for who they like. If you pull based on meta (specifically Neuvilette, Kazuha, Arlecchino) and farmed for artifacts actively, even an F2P would be fine on this event. This event really exposed the power gap with some of the meta teams though, Arlecchino is actually really OP wtf


Don't know why you're downvoted. I'm a BP/Welkin player and got full platinum with no food. If you're just doing standard rotations and teams you're gonna have a bad time. They're theorycrafted for DPS with perfect uptime, not shieldbreaking and stalling bosses.


Maybe they are salty they can't do it. I've seen whales clear it on YouTube in like 20s with one neuvillette charge attack so it's definitely easy for c6 whales. F2p it is incredibly hard to plat but not hard at all to get the primos and likely even gold 2star. Then pushing for plat as a welkin/bp player (like myself) is not a cakewalk but still doable with a bit of team building and practice. It's nice that we get a challenging combat event once in a while. Genshin really is one of the few games where casuals are more toxic than the hardcore players which is pretty weird. And I come from Warframe where everyone is nice except eidolon tryhards lol.


Agreed. I'm on the same boat. Never bought genesis crystals directly, I just get them from welkin. I don't see why people should cry about not getting platinum and go "whale event" or whatever. It's not like we get rewarded with anything when we get platinum. We get such high quality stuff (just the music alone says a lot) because they are earning a lot and have no reason to cut corners when it comes to budget. If anything, if I were completely f2p, I'd be thanking the spenders. I like this event since most enemies die before you even get to enjoy the combo of the characters you worked so hard building. I'm sure saitama would agree :(


I don't have the right units to Platinum the Pyro Regisvine. It's a stain on my record!!


Sorry brotha but hey enjoy your rewards and you wont see the the event page anymore in a few days


This is what I get for being a Dendro main. This event is dope tho.


Pyro main here, I feel your pain. Good news is we still get 3 star gold so long as we beat the bosses.


That one big star is not worth the level of stress I must endure. I play game to de-stress, not adding more to it. I just get in, got 3 stars and the rewards and call it a day.


Same here. But that's why it is well designed: slamming your head against a brick wall for 90s it is entirely optional. :'D


>Best. Event. Ever. not even top 40


or even have limited 5★ weapon.


Lol, you made me laugh so hard xD While I personally don't think it's on my Top 40 either, I'm really happy they made the even for people who enjoy challenging themselvs like this. I hope they make more, perhaps I'll be forced to up my game \^\_\^;


I couldnt get a single platinum but this event was very fun. Reminds me of days when it took like 5 minutes to beat a single ruin guard...


Allow me to disagree.


Ah yes that artifact called "wallet of the vanity" somehow unlocks all constellations I wonder how


i don't have the characters for this event lol


It was literally Dark Souls expirience for my characters obtaining gold in like 5-10 minutes each boss, I cannot imagine doing it in 90s and less


my garbage builds can't take this


Well, i dont have time for testing and playing around. So i dropped fast as primigems are achieved. Not my cup of tea.


Generic but hard event = best event ever? You have low standards.


Nah, some people enjoy difficulty. Skill having more value than it usually does in this game is going to feel great when they're able to clear this.


I get that but it doesn't only take difficulty for an event to be good. Just because it gives min-maxers validation it doesn't mean it's automatically a good event. An example for a truly good event would be the alchemical ascension event in 4.5, it almost felt like a whole separate game, kinda like tcg. It had infinitely more effort put into it than this generic event that just satisfies the whales.


how is the event where we randomly become an international alchemist tycoon any better? i can't even buy frogs from anywhere in game after opening the business; i still gotta catch them. the game mechanics behind the event was fun, sure. but you know whats also fun? the combat of genshin impact! do you think that they put more effort into event mini games than the characters kits? how the characters and element systems interact with each other? i understand that people play this game for a number of reasons and they may not care at all for the combat, but it's still part of the game that the devs care about making fun. and even if it is to satisfy the whale, so what? it's not like every event has something for them. there are far more events that are easy and mini game than truly difficult combat events for a whale lmao


And I thought the potion event was boring as fuck. It was easy to "solve" since you couldn't really fail, and after the initial crafting you just put it on auto and collected stuff once a day.


I thought the alchemy event was awful lol. Felt like a drawn out idle tapper game to me tbh.


you lost me in the second half not gonna lie.


You missed the point. Nice. It being good is relative. There's going to be others like you who say the alchemical event wasn't good either, but you liked it and that's fine. The event is generic, but that doesn't mean it isn't good either. It's good for combat enjoyers, min maxers, dolphins and whales. You can be reductive and narrow all you want. Doesn't change anything. You just want easy stuff, but others like more difficult content.


Yeah, imo the best part of this event were the Natlan crumbs. Other than that it was just generic boss fights? 


Do you have any team recommendations to get Platinum for the seahorse that don‘t involve Arlecchino?


Burn-melt Wriothesley did it for me. The burning really helped to take down the shield fast, along with the cryo.


Is your Wrio C1? Mine is not sadly, but I‘ll give it a try later when I’m home :) Thx for the recommendation.


Yes, mine is C3, but I used Zhongli instead of Bennett for comfort. I think C0 may be manageable with Bennett and the N3C rotation, but it will probably be quite tight. All the best!


Ooh I see. Yeah it‘s probably not doable for my Wrio team then but I gonna give it a try none the less :)


Any team with enough dps that uses bennet and kazuha/sucrose. Those two breaks sea horse's pearl in ~10s with right timings and boss becomes punch bag.


Thank you so much, this did the trick. Got platinum with Neuvillette, Furina, Kazuha and Bennett! :)


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


Aww no problem 😊 I am actually really greatful since I was able to get platinum on every other boss easily but the seahorse gave me so much trouble since I skipped Arlecchino. Would have felt really bad if I wasn‘t able to get platinum on this boss as well 😭


Skill issue on my side, since i prefer to play with underused 4\* dps and overall i dont have many universal 5\* supports. Electro is also the element i invested in the most, and its not the best pick during this event. taking the l, no platinum this event


Its just… a boss fight? Why y’all overhype everything lmao 😭💀


It's very rare for Genshin to present us with enemies that force us to take survival and mechanics into account. Managing survival, mechanics AND high DPS to hit the 90s is fun to people.


Unless you do the platinum thing a normal, average Zhongli tanks all the bosses with 0 effort.


Yes I was referring to the Fearless/No negotiations mode. Zhongers can mitigate a lot but not everything. E.g.: Reggy's laser attack will still kill you very quickly if you stay inside the beam.


because genshin bosses are laughably easy and we build these insanely strong units with nothing to use them on. these bosses feel like actual bosses where you have to learn attack patterns and actually dodge. felt like i was playing monster hunter


boss fight with actual difficulty. we get it once a year


Damn you are goat i am however got burnt out so ill wait for the next patch


Actually, how?


You know maybe Im just bad at this game


Best event for people who have well invested characters who have cons, sig and top artifacts. But for a casual who can 36 star the abyss this event is just a huge damage check sponge without any good mechanics attached besides existing ones like food buffs...


Is it? Maybe if you like to suffer and have top much of a free time.


isn't just a fighting event?


best for those who can pay for it


You can get all the rewards fairly easily with a f2p account. The highest difficulty doesn't grant anything and is here purely for those who want a challenge.


"if you pulled specific meta characters like neuv and arle* " getting rewards pretty easily means you have to beat this stupid sponge for 3 minutes straight, looks like 0 fun for me


it good cause everybody can enjoy it.  f2p-low spending with more team building food and strategy. high speender with enjoy their op build toward harder enemy, and the low effort guy still got reward. if you feel it to hard doing it solo you can always do it coop.




yes, but unfortunately you can't use dupe unit, cause i wanna see can 4 neuv bully this boss.


Oooh icic It's OK. I feel it's more satisfying if you're able to platinum it on your own anw :')


with some of the coop experiences I've had lately, I think I'd be more impressed by someone not doing it solo xD




I mean you don't need platinum, not even gold 3 stars to get all rewards


I don't own Neuv, got plat on them. Just because you have a skill issue doesn't mean it requires specific units.


sure the "skill", skill to get god tier artifacts, skill to farm them for 40 hours a week, skill to get cons for 4* units, and skill to use your cracked characters against the boss resistances


Bro I just killed the geovishap in silver with a 2p emblem Xinqiu, Bennet and Zhongli. 3 characters, no 5* weapon, poor builds. I did it in 26s. You have 150s to do clear it with silver medal and get all the primogems


Not even close. GAA1 was the best Genshin event. This event wasn't even top 100


But yeah. I enjoyed this event thoroughly also. Very fun. Only other hardcore I do would be speedrunning abysss.


Good on ya. As for me, i will be satisfied with my 3.5 minute clears.


I couldn’t do this bruh. I can at most get 3 gold stars. But my fastest clear was 2:30. I can’t get under 1:30, not even close. Maybe if I tried with food buffs, but I genetally hate using those. You have to either be a whale or have INSANE investement into your account to clear these in 90 seconds. I mean cracked builds, BP weapons, and c6 4 star characters at the VERY LEAST. But more likely c1-2 5 star characters. Still, this is a good way to do difficult content in the game. Make it an option just as a challenge but not a requirement for rewards. You get all the rewards in this event at 2 gold stars. And all the primogems at just silver. So no one is missing out on primos just because they can’t beat the enemy in 90 seconds. And it can be more of an aspirational goal for the future rather than something that affects your primogem budget.


Same, any event where enemies are tuned enough to actually be a threat to survival instead of just clear times is peak Genshin Impact as far as I'm concerned. Most of these enemies on top difficulty could 2-3 shot my non-DEF/HP scalers.


Ungh. I’m the opposite. If the damn thing can one shot your character, and you run out of dodge easily in say the sea horse fight. It’s just artificial difficulty. Im a orca level spender and i’m struggling to get even gold on that stupid seahorse. Chicken and primo geovishap were easy. I cheesed resivigne with nahida furina raiden hyperbloom coordinated attack kiting. I still would never be able to get that chromatic/rose/platinum emblem on any of these. I tried arlecchino (mine is mid with no wep, and does maybe 30k dmg in normal situations.) kazu, bennett, flex and it just runs away and starts that aerial bombardment bullshit. Ran out of time using zhongli, bennett, arlecchino, rosaria (teleport and orb killing). damned thing still had half health.


>If the damn thing can one shot your character, and you run out of dodge easily in say the sea horse fight. It’s just artificial difficulty. No, that most likely means you dash or charge attack when you are not supposed to and waste stamina.


Well, some attacks don’t let you iframe with the dodge, only ults. And so it takes two dashes to get out of each lightning bolt radius. Unless you propose i casually walk till the last second and then dodge once. Fastest way out is dodge twice, and it was skin of the teeth / soak with shield most of the time. Finally beat it by throwing nahida in with arlecchino but sheesh


Worst. Event. Ever. I mean, you do you, i'm glad you a lot of other people liked this event, but honestly i didn't like it at all, would probably say one of the worst in my personal point of view...


it just... wasnt fun at all. they made some buffs, but we couldnt even use them, cause we wouldnt get full rewards. so it was just the same old combat as always, nothing fresh about it. coop was reduced to just pairs. no random matching. bosses were big sponges. you don't have top tier damage? fuck you. you don't have the select few charas this event was obviously made for? fuck you.   props for making bosses very aggressive though, that was new. but why do they keep leaping around? why does so much of jenshin combat involve chasing after a boss?


>why does so much of jenshin combat involve chasing after a boss? Because the game is unbalanced as fudge. Employing stall tactics (teleports, shields, resistances, invuln phases) in combination with timers is the only thing Hyv can do to add challenge. Also, a boss that stays put like a target dummy would be pretty boring. After all, a bossfight is about you being able to pull of clean rotations while the boss does it's best to sabotage just that. Encounter knowledge, pre-planning and quick reactions while remaining calm under pressure from the timer. THESE are skills and platinum definitely demands them (unless you're a Leviathan with all C6R5s).


I don't have enought dps for the 90 sec and I hate this dps check. The difficulty was fine if not for the fucking timer. And to inform I play since the start every day etc...


But platinum doesn't give rewards, timer is 16 min for gold (all rewards).


This still show what is expected of player, what is the true value of your team and what is the goal ... dps check... yipie.




I don't find dps check challenging, unless you talk about challenging my wallet.


No rewards aren't tied to this platinum emblem. Highest is at gold 2 stars. So no need to be stressed out. Assuming they don't whale, day 1 player can expect around 2:30 mark clear with all of the buffs unchecked. I'll just chalk this event as their way gauging players DPS so that they can tune the HP for upcoming abyss/ imaginarium theatre. Ceiling need to be very high.


The most boring event ever




What are your builds/team for the event? I have a c1r1 neu but am struggling with the regisvine :( haven’t tried the other stages yet (dendro chicken is a no go for me, I don’t have enough electro)


I did venti ult to furina e q (need good timing to infuse hydro) and it shred the shield like butter. Although an easier way is just apply hydro and kazuha/sucrose q and e. Deandro chicken u only need lisa, her ult and normal is enough to get rid of the shield within 5s, i also run neuvillette for deandro chicken


Yeah I tried the venti ult thing but my timing is always off ☠️ is your Furina c2? I tried with c1 neu but there isn’t enough damage for the regisvine ah well >.<


Did furi, neuvi, koko, kazu some would recommend ZL over koko but her jellyfish is amazing for breaking the head and root


I think the event is pretty bad from a conceptual standpoint but your opinion is valid as well. I pretty much given up on doing plat since clicking a lot puts a lot of strain on my hands. 3 stars are good enough but that just means not engaging in the event mechanics at all. All you do is wail on a damage sponge until it dies or when you mess up a dodge. I do like combat events though but the boss selections aren't really good. Overall 2/5 event, could be better.


I don’t have any shielder to beat the big angry rock :(


Personal skill issue on my part, I have been finishing them at around 2 to 2 and a half minutes Though on my part, I've realized that bringing Hu Tao into fighting the dendro terror shroom was apparently a stupid idea XD Haven't had the time to really do a round 2 on them yet I hope I will have the time to aim for platinum.


What character did you use for the chicken? Every time I break his shield he instantly get another and I can't get over this part.


Let me guess, you used pyro? use electro ;)


I actually tried with neuvillette c0r0 hypercarry and a neuvillette ei nahida kuki team but in both cases it took ages to take the shield down. Should I just go for rational?


Kuki's application sucks so it takes forever to take the shield down, I can't imagine applying quicken after the shield is down to keep it down too, and she's not a DPS so it makes it harder to pass the DPS check. I think most people are using Fischl, Yae, or Lisa.


Ooh OK thanks. I'll give it a try with fishl then!


I only go for the primos tbh and then it's alright


It's very reminiscient of the original Hypostasis event. We need more of this.


the gap between my neuvi and the rest of my units is way too big, so i only managed to get plat on the regisvine and the chicken


Gg. Couldn't be me tho. Took 7 minutes with food buffs. I'll take the L at gold 3*


I don't have the time or energy to aim for platinum but getting 3 stars with constant fear of getting one-shot has been very fun for me. I love challenge events like this and vagabond/feast


I was crying on the pyro flower (I only pulled for all the pyro 5 stars for some reason)


I can see the fun in those boss battles but the event itself is a bit flawed. Like why the negotiations when you get all rewards for only using 1 or none at all for the harder challanges? Make the enemy more aggressive or faster or something but restricting the thing that's special about the Event is meh.


Would love to see this same event but multiplayer


Are you guys all playing on fearless difficulty or what?


As a fellow souls like fan, this event is really challenging and fun. The timing of this event also happens at the same time when Kuro released Wuwa, which is known for its difficult/complex combat mechanics. I believe Hoyo is trying to flex on Kuro and shows that they can make challenging boss fights too.


As an F2P I could get 1 gold star but not 2…


I would love to sweat for these types of events but the rewards for the highest score were not very enticing to me I Always enjoy combat events tho


Very nice. I would have loved to take a crack at this but I haven't bothered to build up enough characters. Hopefully it comes back at some point, it made for solid endgame content.


I hate the event because I don't hit for a hundred thousand


Real, the last time we had something like this was 3.7. I hope we don't need to wait till 5.7 for another one


Good event overall


Please give us more challenging content like this. Those who spend time and effort (and cash) to build their characters need meaningful ways to enjoy them. Rewarding no primos for the hardest difficulty is fine but any small form of recognition would be nice e.g. teapot decoration Edit: Typo


Ehh, I feel like the platinum badge should be enough as recognition and not a teapot decoration. As someone who spends a lot of time in the teapot, I would *hate* if there was something cool that I couldn't get because I didn't have the characters for it or the DPS for it. Having a the platinum badge as a namecard deco similar to what they plan for 4.7 would be cool tho.


Sorry forgot about teapot mains, yeah profile badge would be sick even if it was temporary


Honestly just having a permanent giga thicc version of every overworld boss would be nice for damage testing and showcasing characters, no rewards or anything (aside from prolly the usual boss rewards in case you wanna farm it in "thicc" mode)


Copium Inbound: This guy is here from Natlan *specifically* because every boss in Natlan has a super-tough version like this that can be fought. This event is simply a testing ground for how to properly instance two different versions of an overworld boss, since every previous iteration of 'boss but harder' events have taken place within a unique and specific domain instead of loading into the regular overworld.


Imaginarium theater will do this, hopefully it isn’t as hard as this though. I wouldn’t want to do this difficulty every month


I feel like artifact boxes like you get for clearing abyss floors would be a good reward for these types of events. It matters for those that want to try the hardest content and negligible for those that can just do easier difficulties to get primos for characters.


I mean 650% HP in a minute and a half isn’t the kind of difficulty that should be praised.


I agree the difficulty is a bit high, but the concept is solid. If the HP amount was tuned a bit more for C0 or C0R1 characters, it would actually be a very meaningful game mode for most players. Being an RPG, Genshin should by all means incentivize and reward investment and strategy.    The spiral abyss does not quite require a high level of thoughtful team building, while the restrictions/challenges of this event are perfect for pushing players of all investment levels (F2P, spenders, and heavy spenders) to utilize all their units and roster has to offer.


People keep parroting this shit, they also do way more damage and have added mechanics, they're not just HP sponges. Also take all that HP away and the plat would have to be 20 seconds or less since they'll die instantly.


Now theres a difficulty for everyone, past events didnt scratch that itch for vets


I preferred ones like A Study in Potions (new players hated it) that required more than 8 built characters with around the average Abyss damage requirement. It wasn’t massive DPS check like this one. I liked when I was rewarded for having multiple teams.


I mean, I never used a character more than twice during this event. Beat the regisvine with a Navia 2 Hydro team, the minifrog with a gilded Eula team, the shroom with Yoi overvape, and the seahorse with Yoi Furina 2+2. If you only want the primos you can just whack essentially the normal version of the boss. If you're a veteran player you can cheese most 2 star gold fights with the damage reduce debuff. Hell, if you're good at dodging you can easily 3 star gold it all. You will still get 3 stars gold if you take 14:59 on the regisvine. And there's already no real incentive beyond bragging rights to get more than 2 star gold anyways.


You already got your recognition part. You shared your screenshot with all platinum and showed us how cool and skillful you are. Isn't it enough, man.


Meanwhile I'm here with my Platinum, Gold, Platinum, Gold lol


I used arle for the geovishap. 45 second in and it's Hp is not even halfway. I knew when to not kill myself for the platinum 😂 Haven't tried the last 2 though :')


Can someone give me tips on how to actually platinum all of these bosses? I especially struggle with the newest one




I couldn’t beat the first one and gave up


What's the best C0 5* team for each boss to get the platinum star?


Nice. Good job OP. Also, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


Thanks friend! Happy cake day to you too


Thanks too. Have a good year. 👍