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I got Sigewinne’s bow while pulling for Furina’s sword. Is Sigewinne worth pulling for if you have her bow?


Imo no


Never pull a character just because you have their weapon, that's a terrible idea. And no, it doesn't even make her particularly better. It allows her to build crit while also maintaining good healing but at C0 her burst still won't do a whole lot of damage


Honestly, who wins lore wise, Neuvillette or Lisa? This [idiot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/B8KRpJ9GMU) has the gall to even say Lisa could even stand a chance against Neuv when the dude whacks her real easy even pre-Flood.


Please just leave the powerscaling to r/JujutsuFolk


Calling out people in public for a powerscaling dickmeasuring contest is super fucking cringe bro


Dude says Neuv will have difficulty handling Lisa, which is objectively false when he wrecks her with ease. I'm calling him out in public to point out his falsehood.


Can I receive the account verification code on my phone number instead of my Gmail if I login my account from another device? I still haven't linked a phone number to my account yet.


Will siggewinne get better in natlan maybe?


not really, but might get more characters that work with her off field skill buff


I lost 50 50 and I am at 12 pity. Already completed the game exploring and everything + can clear abyss. If I save my guaranteed for Natlan, would I manage to get 1 character from there + the pyro archon?? I have 50 days of welkin as well. Basically could I get enough for another guarantee for pyro archon in Natlan if I go for someone before her because of this guarantee? If not I think I will get Sigewinne..


You should get enough. We have 4.8 ahead and then we will get a lot of primos from Natlan quests and exploration so it shouldn’t be a problem for you to save enough for guaranteed pyro archon.


Are there any official 2D artworks featuring the Eremite enemy models? Besides the based Jeht Valentine illustration, and besides the TCG cards.


I have C1 gaming. Is it worth building him? If it is then what are some of the best artifacts and weapons I could use?


If you like him then I recommend building him. I also have C1 gaming and he’s not very strong but very fun to play! I’m using 4pc of marechaussee hunter and skyward pride (unfortunately I don’t have any better claymores). Aside from marechaussee hunter you can use crimson witch of flames, and serpent spine or any 5 star claymore you have. If you don’t have any good claymores (like me) you can give him any weapon with elemental mastery.


Yes, he's a great dps especially if you have xianyun. Give him 4x Marecheusse hunter and any claymore with a good atk or crit substat.


his best 4 star besides Serpent spine is Rain slasher assuming its a vape team best f2p weapon is tidal shadow


Will a resonance stone for oculi work as long as you have one or more missing oculi? Same with treasure compass. Going through interactive map and adding all my gotchas but worries I might accidentally add one by mistake and ruin my count


The Oculi resonance stones get used up when they find something. So the more Oculi you miss the more stones you need. Them finding something requires you to be in the correct area - not finding something doesn't use them up.


Oh so how big is the area when you use one? Because I used one in mindstadt and it showed me an oculi in wolvendom which isn't far but it isn't super close either. Is it based off of what area names you can see when you are fully zoomed out?


Very big, but not unlimited. However if the stone does not find one within its detection range, it will not be consumed. So you can just go to each Statue of 7 or waypoints and try to use it until it finds a missing one.


That I couldn't tell you. I used a resonance stone for my surplus Inazuma Electroculus and I don't remember if I had to travel to the island to find or I got the map marker while being in Inazuma City. It was the one on Seirai above the ship.


How does Wolf Fang’s 2nd passive work with Ayaka burst ? Does every hit from burst increase the crit and gives u like 20% crit from second passive ? Does it work if she is off-field ( Dash E Q > swap ) ? I am looking for her best 4 star wep. My Ayaka has only 8% crit rate + 140% ER from sub stats (no wep equip) so I thought Wolf fang would be the best but many ppl say other 4 stars are better.


Effects usually don't work off-field if not stated otherwise - that's the case for Wolf's Fang. Only works when the weilder is on field. And yes, each hit of the burst increases the effect. 


Thanks good to know. Rechecked the passive and it seems I need to be on field for 0.4s after casting burst so all good.


if sigewinne considers herself/is a doctor, why does her outfit represent stereotypical nurse uniforms? nurse's cap, apron, syringe


Her positions is literally head nurse. And there is npc in the fortress whose position is doctor


she says she's a doctor in the beginning of her SQ


And she is called head nurse in the same quest. inconsistency? Anyway she is mainly called head nurse


yeah i've just continued her quest. where can i find out about this npc doctor?


[https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Arderne](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Arderne) Don't think he has any significant role in quests, just a npc


Her official title is “head nurse.” Also it’s cute, idk.


When Faruzan uses the Elegy of the End, do the non-first pulses of her Burst still count as hitting opponents (for 0 points here)?


Is dark iron sword better than iron sting on kuki in a quickbloom team?


Kuki wants that EM




Does Yanfei aim attack is broken or just Catalyst character in common? her attack always goes to big hydro tulpa rather than the nearest mini tulpa.


[What quest is required to clear this barrier in the Morte region?](https://imgur.com/a/bQciwy1)


I don't think it's Narzissenkreuz. Isn't that the Edwin one? The follow up of the 4.1 area quest basically. 


World Quest. I believe it's part of the Narzissenkreuz quest line.


That is part of the Narzissenkreuz series of world quests as I remember it.


For the new Imaginarium Theater mode, does the character you borrow from your friend need to be the restricted element or is it anyone?


The correct elements


I haven’t been following up with Genshin with in the past couple years but something just randomly popped in my head a few minutes ago and now im a bit curious if anyone can answer me: >! What was up with the whole “Lisa and her lifespan being cut short” ordeal? !


That stuff was only ever mentioned in an interview and beta. There's been no mention of it in-game. Highly likely they abandoned it all together imo, but there's still theories around. 


Beta stuff, never made it in the actual game


What teams does Yoimiya shine in? I have c6 chev, zhongli, kazuha, yelan. Vape with a shielder is her classic team, right? Maybe yelan, bennet, zhongli? Or could chev overload a better option than vape? I am also considering pairing her with a Furina Jean core, with Zhongli or Layla.


Do you have Yunjin? The more comfortable Yoi teams I have played have been Hydro/YJ/Zhongli. The overload teams of Fischl/Beidou/Chev have some nice additional aoe with Beidou if you can work without a shield


I do have yunjin! But not built. I’ll keep her in mind for the future, I’ve never used 2 geos on a team before. Thanks!


If loses the 50/50 one banner am I guaranteed to get the banner character two banners later?


your guarantee carries over to future banners, if thats what ur asking


Thank goodness Navia here I come


Hey guys, can anyone help me out? I've been playing since 2.6 but took a big break at arround 4.2. 1 just started wanting to get back into genshin, but i've had a kinda hard time with Abyss. Can anyone help me out with team comps i can use and upcomming characters i can pull for? (Exept for Furina cus i just lost my 50/50 in her banner) My 5 stars are Lyney, Dehya, Nilou, Cyno, Ayato, Yae, ltto, Kazuha, Ganyu, Zhongli, Chidle, Venti, Keqing, Qiqi, and Diluc. I have all 4 stars except for Sethos, Cheveruse, and Charlotte


some team comps you can use are: * lyney-dehya-bennett-xiangling * nilou-xingqiu-barbara-DMC * ayato-fischl-bennett-kazuha * zhongli-itto-gorou-fischl




more of a technical question but i've been playing on my pc for a year and wanted to log into my account on my ps4 but when i logged in it made a new account even though my ps4 email is the same as my pc genshin account, is there any way for me to play on my pc account using my ps4 account?


Don't worry, you can fix that. Here's what you're gonna want to do: 1: On the new account, go to Settings


Is Skyward Blade or Aquila better for Bennett in national team?


Skyward blade and sapwood blade are best bennet options imo, they both give er and have good base atk, but if you want only base and don't care about er then just go with whatever sword gives you more base atk


always aquila. you can make up for ER using ur artifacts, literally thats bennett's only important stat anyway. but the base attack on aquila is irreplaceable in regards to his buff.


Even if I’m running Wavebreaker on Raiden?


if youre running him with raiden thats even more reason to use aquila over skyward blade. why do you need the ER?


Xiangling burst is lacking a little behind


skyward blade is not gonna do anything for xiangling


Do you have enough ER to burst off cooldown with aquila with your artifacts? If not go skyward blade. Otherwise go favonious sword if your teammates are having issues bursting off cooldown


get more ER on teammates rather than run fav on Bennett when you have a good sword for his buff


I'm building a team around neuvilette- so as an f2p i don't have a varitety of choice. for now my team looks like this- neuvilette, furina, sucrose and xiangling ive already built neuvilette and furina, how should i build the other two? im gonna save for kazuha to replace her in the future. is there any good replacement for xiangling?


If you want to vape, there's no replacement for Xiangling. And you should build her with full ER, she'll need it. Sucrose should be built full EM, and you can transfer her artifacts to Kazuha when you get him. If you don't care about vaping, Zhongli or Layla is good


It depends who else you have, but I’d recommend replacing Xiangling with any team healer or shielder who isn’t hydro/anemo. Layla, Charlotte, even Kirara. That, or a sub DPS who doesn’t need as much energy, like Fischl or potentially Kaeya. Xiangling will need a LOT of energy to use her burst as solo pyro on that team, to the point that she may be awkward to lose, and c0 Neuvillette will appreciate shielding (while Furina’s kit likes team healers). Build Sucrose on 4p Viridescent Venener. Her other stats don’t matter a ton on this specific team ngl, but I’d build her with full EM so you can give the build to Kazuha when you have him, and so she’s ready to be used on other teams too.


Important question - how does one do melt? I cannot seem to do it consistently, even when I use the characters I have that seem to be able to apply elements quick enough, there's little to no melt.


That's why people use vap instead of melt, cus it's way more consistent.


element application has an internal cooldown. xiangling is known to have the best pyro application, and can be built as a subdps. pair her with a cryo dps and both your melt and reverse melt will do good dmg. if you're using a pyro dps, chongyun and rosaria is best at cryo application.


When will the top up bonus reset?


anniversary in september.


How many primogems do you think I can farm? Quit for a while, thinking about coming back for Furina. On Act 5 of Sumeru, 0% exploration in Fontaine and 2 regions missing in the desert. Also half of the companion quests/hangouts.


You'd get 8 wishes simply from doing the Archon quests, due to the adventurer's handbook (9 if you haven't finished Act 5). In addition to whatever primos they grant. Fountain of Lucine has 10 wishes, Rainjade Votive has 2. If you haven't unlocked the area north if the Desert of Hadramaveth, the Amrita Pool has 600 primos. With world quests, chests, puzzles, etc etc... The amount is surely north of 150 wishes. It would take a lot of work to complete it all, though.


Thanks for the breakdown, much appreciated. Quit last time because of burnout + my device being not up to par, so I’ll be sure to take my time this go around ^ ^


Good luck! May you win your 50/50s and get early pity. :D


Same to you! Best of luck! =)


If you got the chest compass you can farm like 1-5 wishes a day depending on how much exploration you have there. Also try it in the new area besides Fontaine that just got unlocked, and the game gave a teleport waypoint there, it comes under liyue, so liyue's treasure compass works there, and there are so many big chests and so many good mechanics for exploring the area, if you farm hard enough, you will definitely get 5 wishes in a day. Also complete quest which gives primos first, and also unlock the desert part, there is a place called "amrita pool" which gives you 100 primos on each time giving it 6 of those things that are only available in that area, I forgot the name of those things but they are only available in [this](https://i.imgur.com/EvFKSPz.jpeg) area. Also they chest you farm will give you sigils of that region, and you can exchange those sigils for rewards, and some rewards are 2 pulls on standard banner or 2 pulls on limited banner. You can exchange the sigils at sakura tree in inazuma, at a thick tree in sumeru near aranara area, at a fountain in Fontaine. You will need 25 inazuma sigils, 35 sumeru sigils and 30 Fontaine sigils to get 1 reward.


Really appreciate it, thank you! 🙏


A good 200 probably. That's a lot of zones to get through. More exact math here if you want to add em up. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ_6w/htmlview


Sounds good, thank you! Appreciate the help =)


I recently changed my team from zhongli, neuv, kazuha, Fischl, and changed fischl for furina but my Neuvillette seems to be doing less dmg, any help please?


yea this is a problem i noticed because people calculate neuv dps over a 30s rotation, but shit feels bad when you usually clear content on ur first CA. pulling c1 on either neuv or furina should fix this but it’s an expensive fix. it’s the same as arlecchino’s highest dps calc needing 3 rotations to ramp up lmao. it’s just not realistic most of the time


If you're setting up your rotation right you should be fine, but also be aware that Furina's buff has some ramp up time. With c0 Neuv, running double hydro is a DPS loss *without* something like her buff to make up for it, so while it's still ramping up (i.e. his first charged attack) his damage may be lower. Looking at my Neuv teams on Genshin Optimizer: without *any* Furina buff his damage is lower than the Fischl version, as fanfare starts to build up it'll reach equal damage, and by the time it's maxed out it'll be higher. If you're comfortable playing shieldless, using a team healer instead of Zhongli will sacrifice his comfort + some resistance shred to max out Furina's buff right away. Furina should also be doing more damage than Fischl and makes it easier for Kazuha to swirl hydro, so your team DPS should be higher regardless.


Hmmm I also have baizhu but I was told the best team for neuv was that one, yeah my issue is that I killed my enemies with the first CA so I didn’t get to do the whole rotation thanks


This may sound really dumb but, when I see rotations with zhongli, Neuv, furina and Kazuha, they never pop the shield first, why?


1. Just FYI Tenacity does nothing at all for that team (Furina and Neuv don't scale with attack), but 2. hydro needs to be on enemies before you use Zhongli regardless of what set he's using, to ensure he triggers hydro crystalize for Neuv's passive. Zhongli's pillar is the only part of his kit that applies geo off field, and it can get destroyed by enemies/if you summon it in the wrong spot. Making sure hydro is already on enemies before you use him means at minimum he triggers a reaction when he uses his hold E. Also, Furina's summons last longer than his shield, so no reason to use it before them.


also it saves time bc the carrier of petra is the one that needs to pick up the crystallize shard, so its faster to go hydro->shield->pick up shard instead of shield->hydro->swap back to zhongli to pick up shard


Alright thanks, should I farm him a petra 4pc? I thought tenacity was fine


You can if you want! I don't bother, personally, since I play him on other teams where Tenacity is useful. If you primarily use Zhongli for Neuvillette and/or want to make your team as strong as possible it's worth farming. But at the same time, even an un-optimized Neuvillette team should do more than enough damage, so if you have more important things to farm/strongbox don't worry about it.


Okay haha I’ve made a goal of clearing abyss this year and rn I have neuvillette on one side and a whole unbuilt alhaitham and nahida on the other so I was wondering what degree of priority it had thanks


apply hydro first for a neuv passive stack and 4pc petra


I don’t have him on Petra I have him on tenacity


What characters are good to integrate in a team with Neauvilette and Furina?


Anemo + a flex slot that isn't hydro or anemo. Usually either a team-wide healer (to build Furina stacks faster and increase her damage by keeping the full team above 50% hp) or a shielder (to give stagger resistance to c0 Neuv). If you use an anemo healer (Jean, Sayu, Xianyun) the flex slot is usually a sub DPS like Fischl, Rosaria etc. If you use a non-healer anemo support (Kazuha, Venti, Sucrose etc), the flex slot is usually your healer or shielder. Someone like Layla, Zhongli, Charlotte, Baizhu, even Dehya. You can also run other types of team with them — Nahida + Kuki or Dehya for hyperbloom/burgeon, for instance — but having anemo to shred resistance for Furina and Neuv is really nice, so I'd say it's the strongest and most popular archetype.


My team right now is the two aforementioned characters and Jean + Zhongli (My neavi is c0). So based on what you said I’m good then. Thanks.


what are some good c0 dps? specifically ones rerunning/releasing soon but if not its ok heh


strongest DPS units at C0 rn are prolly neuv>arlecchino=lyney>alhaitham>hutao>navia neuv is just undisputed best unit in the game, he has everything in his kit: sustain, strong aoe, good ST, easy playstyle arlecchino and lyney basically sheet the same, just arlecchino is easier to play but has a bit lower damage ceiling. she does beat lyney in DPS if you go past 3 rotations, which you never will alhaitham has very strong teams and is more than competitive with the other units when all is said and done, and doesnt need nearly as much investment as them to get to a usable point hutao has aged very well and is pretty competitive to arlecchino/lyney but needs furina/xianyun to reach that level. navia is just a cut below them and aside from her ease of use, is honestly not that much stronger than inazuma/liyue DPS units


Arlecchino is one of the top meta units and works fine at C0. Neuv works better at C1, but he's still workable at C0. Alhaitham, Childe, Nilou, and Navia are all good. For f2p, Nilou is a great character because she has a low floor and high ceiling of investment. You can get away with some really scuffed Nilou bloom teams. I checked Paimon.Moe's calendar and she's one of the characters waiting the longest for a rerun, so she should be back at any moment, too. Childe is obviously known for Childe International, a powerful but not as comfy team. It's pretty easy to get Xiangling and Bennett since they're in the shop, making it an easier team to form outside of needing Kazuha. Childe hasn't run since 4.0, so he should be coming back soon. Navia has a wide array for team comps she can work in. Xiangling, Bennett, and Ningguang being an option. Outside of Wrio (and Emilie obv), she's the only Fontaine character to not yet have a rerun, so she should be high on the list of potential reruns. Of course, we're also gonna get a slew of new characters coming for Natlan and surely there will be new Meta DPSes along with it. Might be worth it to wait and see.


Most recent 5 star DPS characters are good at c0, tbh. A lot have strong c1s or c2s, but that doesn't mean they're weak at c0. >!Navia!< is getting a rerun next patch according to leaks, and while she's not a *top* meta unit she's quite strong at c0. Arlecchino, Neuvillette, Alhaitham, and Lyney are other fairly recent units who don't need cons to be strong. Xiao needs good *supports*, but is strong at c0. Hu Tao's c1 is good but not necessary. Childe is more a driver/enabler than a strict DPS (although his damage is good), and his cons are fairly useless on most of his teams. The list goes on. Tbh a lot of characters depend more on good *supports* and teams than they do on constellations. Hu Tao without c1 is perfectly fine and just takes a bit more effort to play, but Hu Tao without Xingqiu, Yelan, or Furina is a lot harder to make work. We should also be getting a lot of new characters in 5.0 and 5.1, we just don't have many leaks about them yet and don't really know who they are. If nobody running in 4.8 interests you, wait for 5.0.


~~plz help the last stage in the event is making me want to myself~~ ~~I forgot how Arlecchino teams are built and it's taking an eternity to kill 5 enemies for credit. I tried Charlotte > Thoma > Kaeya > Arlecchino but it's not working, and the vishaps aren't helping~~ Nevermind, I got it, but whatever excitement I got out of playing Ayaka/Xiangling Melt is now gone because I hated the Arlecchino Melt stage 🥲


Thoma probably isn’t helping, and frankly neither is Charlotte. I just used Arlecchino Kaeya Rosaria and Layla. You could replace one of them with anemo or Zhongli. If you want your pyro unit to reliably melt, don’t bring someone else with pyro application (Thoma), and ideally bring multiple cryo units. Charlotte’s cryo app isn’t particularly good and will disappear when a new wave of enemies spawns + Arlecchino can’t be healed. You can also just bring Xiangling or something, idt you *have* to use Arle.


i used arle+kaeya+bennett+layla, arle e > bennett eq > layla qe > kaeya eq > arle combo. in your team thomas pyro application is removing the cryo aura so arle cant melt


Are there any Fischl team compositions that anyone would recommend? I have no idea how to start since I just found a character I really like the gameplay style of!


She is used in too many teams to name them all. Ones that come to mind that use her very effectively are aggravate and e charge. Aggravate usually follows the template of: Fischl, second electro, dendro, anemo. A lot of chars work well in there so the teams can range from 4* comps like Fischl, beidou, YaoYao, Sucrose to stuff like Fischl Clorinde Nahida Kazu. A good e charge or taster team is Fischl Beidou Xingqiu Sucrose. 




I would just read over [all of this](https://keqingmains.com/fischl/).


Will do! Thanks!


she works in a lot of teams but the best for her dmg is aggravate: electro+dendro+anemo, for example clorinde+nahida+kazuha or keqing+yaoyao+sucrose


ty! I'll keep that in mind


If leaks are true and Yelan is getting a rerun next patch, what's the better artifact set for her in both 1. Hyperbloom Team with Alhaitham, Nahida, and Shinobu (would she be a good replacement for Xingqiu?) 2. Double Vape Hu Tao with Xingqiu and Zhongli EoSF vs. Noblesse vs. 2PC HoD + 2PC ToM? How much ER does she need in either team? Does she need a certain amount of HP? Ideal Crit Ratio? Fav Bow vs. Stringless vs. Sac Bow?


>would she be a good replacement for Xingqiu? She's a *sidegrade*. She has a DMG% buff for the on-field character so team DPS is overall higher, but XQ has higher Hydro application and gives interruption resistance + damage reduction + Hydro Res-shred at C2. So it's a matter of how much you care about XQ's quality of life support. How much the difference in hydro application matters depends on how much you want to Hyperbloom vs how much you want to Spread. But do note her DMG% buff does not affect Hyperbloom damage even if Kuki's on the field. For everything else, [read this](https://keqingmains.com/yelan)


I'd always run her pretty much always on Emblem with Fav at C0.  Er depends but for the second team just fav should be enough on its own. Er rolls are still good since it's some damage with emblem and I did run some wierd team before where she needed like 240er. No hp threshold, the more the better. Same with Crit and optimally you want to get close to the usual 1:2 ratio. 


[https://keqingmains.com/yelan/](https://keqingmains.com/yelan/) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-vkmgp5n0bI9pvhUg110Aza3Emb2puLWdeoCgrxDlu4](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-vkmgp5n0bI9pvhUg110Aza3Emb2puLWdeoCgrxDlu4)


Returnin to genshin and I need teams and how to use their rotations. my character are, furina, wriothesley, arlecchino, neuvillette, navia, Lynette, gaming, Bennett, xiangling, Jean, ayato, heizou, beidou, collei, Xinyan, sucrose, diona, ningguang, chongyun, group, Noelle, faruzan, Charlotte, freminet, Layla, rosaria, dori, kuki, yaoyao, kirara, Candace, xingqiu, Barbara, thoma, tighnari, Yun Jin, sethos. Ps. I'm not a PC player so please use skill/ult when describing rotations of possible.


recommend Genshin discord if you want more active discussions and likely better answers but besides that, i also recommend checking out Hoyolab and taking screenshot of characters shown there, conveniently shows cons as well, quite relevant for 4 stars mostly. easier to plan something than seeing just names as text


Arlecchino and Neuvillette are the 2 strongest DPS in the game. Different playstyle but both very fun, personally I love how Arlecchino slices through everything. I play a melt team with her, 2 cryo (Layla/Kaeya/Rosaria take your pick, I usually do the first 2) + 1 flex, which could be anemo (Sucrose or Lynette) for res shred, or hydro (Xingqiu) for a mix of freeze + vapes, or Bennett for his ATK buff. Rotation is super easy, just Arle skill to mark enemies with an x -> cycle through other characters' skills and bursts for 5 seconds until little x becomes big X -> Arle charged attack to absorb the X -> button smash normal attack until her skill cooldown. Rinse and repeat. Arlecchino burst as needed to heal her. For Neuv you have several options but the best is probably Neuv, Furina, Jean, and a shielder (Layla, Kirara, Noelle, Thoma, Diona). I'm less of an expert on Neuv rotations so you might want to look at some guides, but you need to trigger multiple distinct hydro reactions *first* to maximize his DMG bonuses, so it's probably something like Neuv skill or burst -> Furina skill and burst -> Jean burst -> other character shield -> Neuv charged attack, repeat. Note if you're doing something like a hyperbloom team then you don't need to trigger the hydro reactions since his DMG bonus won't apply to hyperbloom.


I've always logged in with my email and forgot my username? Is it possible? I'm not talking about the name my character has in the game In setting, there are asterisks between it so I can't decipher it


Can you log in on hoyolab.com with your email and see your hoyo username?


No, I went to account management and it's there but it has asterisks between it.


Ah, my bad...hoyolab has its own nickname and I set it as the same as my hoyo account nickname and thus thought you could see it. I suppose you would have to write customer support then. Checked e-mails I got from hoyo themselves but they don't seem to address you by username either.


You can try guessing it using the forgot password option, but if that doesn't work, you'd have to contact support.


im doing the thaw out the ice shards quest in dragonspine and i was doing the one with the 5 cryo statues and two ruin guards, i finished the two ruin guards and was about to fight the bigger ruin guy (forgot what its called) when I switched a character while he was mid getting up he like sat back down and won't wake up and I can't fight him. very confused


That does just sound like a bug. Try to reload the area/relog completely?


I got off and got back on and it's still just sitting there and nothing happens when i go up to it.




not sure if you got help already but could change your in game profile i recommend genshin discord


I'm new to game, I was wondering how many side quests are in the game, game seems fun, but if it doesn't have many side quests or dynamic quests I don't know if I'll really stick to it


Game has a lot of side quests With great variations in quality however


There is a toooon of quests, I mean [just look at this list](https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/World_Quest/List) (PS: random quests and requests aren't actual "quests" it's usually just giving an item to someone for reputation or friendship exp)


It has quite a few, some of which are very long! Side quests ("world quests") really start kicking into high gear in Inazuma, the third nation — there's even an entire region/map (Enkanomiya) locked behind a world quest that you can skip if you just do the main plot — and by the time you get to the fourth nation (Sumeru) they get REALLY extensive. Some of the longest quests in the game are unconnected to the main story. There are also a lot of "story quests" for playable characters, which are basically side stories which involve a specific character (and unlike world quests are fully voice acted). It's also a live service game, and there are limited time events with quests and stories each patch. You may just be too early in the game to have access to much of the "optional"/side content, if it feels like there isn't much. Some lists of quests and quest-like content that isn't part of the main story, to give you an idea of how many they are (although they vary a LOT in length): [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/World\_Quest/List](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/World_Quest/List) [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Story\_Quest/List](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Story_Quest/List) [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Hidden\_Exploration\_Objective](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Hidden_Exploration_Objective) [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Hangout\_Event/List](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Hangout_Event/List)


I just completed Neuvillette's SQ to unlock Sigewinne's. Should I play Wriothesely's SQ too before starting Sigewinne's?


often unrelated unless a requirement but in order of appearance is a good way to do them


How come I did "When Flowers Bloom", I got the whooper scene but after the commission Paimon did not have a follow-up to find the whooper location?


Did you go after the Whopperflower? There's no extra quest or anything, you just have to go there immediately after


I read there are 3 versions, the two is whooper w/ and w/o follow-up of paimon telling to follow it.


There's only two versions, with or without the whopperflower. The commission ends once the whopperflower shows up and flees, so there's no quest indication that you need to follow it for the achievement. Paimon just has dialogue after the commission is completed that says maybe we should follow it, but it can be easy to miss. 


hello. currently having problem with the teatree slope viewpoint. it's currently locked in my handbook but the viewpoint indicator is nowhere to be seen in the map. i feel like i have unlocked this already, or at least i should have. i tried asking hoyo about this and told me i should look if there's like world quests that needs to be done first. so, is that viewpoint locked behind a quest or something? or is this a bug? thanks!


Can you screenshot your handbook, and also your minimap/location where you're looking for the viewpoint? The Yaodie Valley viewpoint is very close by, so I suspect you might be looking at that location in error.


handbook: [https://imgur.com/ZdOnvQV](https://imgur.com/ZdOnvQV) minimap: [https://imgur.com/owa3yf6](https://imgur.com/owa3yf6) location: [https://imgur.com/o5KBg2w](https://imgur.com/o5KBg2w) here's what i sent to hoyo (also why are we both downvoted?)


Oh yeah that's the wrong location. Check [here.](https://i.ibb.co/CQNBdnq/Screenshot-2024-06-28-22-52-19-06-40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg)


the link seems to be not working or something...




oohhh thankss!


In 5.0 will there be FSR 3.1 or DLSS frame generation & upscaling added into Genshin Impact?


Let me ask my uncle who works at Hoyoverse real quick


We have no idea.


So I would like a team wide healer (one of the instant ones) for my C2 Furina. I currently only have Yao Yao and Barbara and they are meh with Yao Yao being less meh. For some odd reason, when i was pulling for Furina, i got Mika who happens to be one of those insta healers but does some other stuff with physical dmg that i'd never use. From purely a healing perspective, is he the same (or close to) Jean or Kokomi?


I'd level Mika to 70, that might already suffice and give him the event weapon Desert Sages R5 if you have it. https://keqingmains.com/mika/#ER_Requirements


Mika only heals the team on initial cast. After that, only the on-field character dealing NA dmg. Jean & Sayu are proper team-wide healers. They continuously heal even off-field characters (Sayu more conditionally). Kokomi needs to be on-field dealing dmg in her burst to heal her team. Her skill only heals the active character.


This is actually not true! Jean and Sayu ALSO only heal the full team with their initial hit. Sayu’s burst and Jean’s circle only heal the active character after that first hit. The initial burst of healing is enough to max out Furina’s fanfare (when paired with her HP drain), so it doesn’t really *matter* — and the same is true of Mika’s burst — but they don’t heal the team continuously from off field. Pretty much only Xianyun and Sigewinne do that.


Kokomi doesn’t have instant team-wide healing — she needs to stay on field using her normal attacks to heal the team, so she’s a good “driver” for Furina teams but doesn’t sound like what you’re looking for. Mika heals less than Jean I believe, but it’s fairly close. He’s more than enough to enable Furina’s buff, and I use them together quite a bit. I ignore his physical damage buff 90% of the time and just focus on his attack speed buff! He’ll work as a generic healer, but you’ll get even more out of him if you use him with characters who like attack speed — most notably Ayato, Wanderer, Wriothesley, and Yoimiya, but to a lesser extent anyone who uses normal attacks a lot.  That said, one of the main benefits of c2 Furina is that it makes her less reliant on team healers, and makes her work way better with just Kuki, Bennett, and/or someone like Nahida on prototype amber. Team healing will still increase her personal damage, but def mess around with teams that make use of the faster fanfare stacking from c2.


Hi guys my thing is more of a plea of help cause I want to wish for furina but the game has been too big for my phone for about a year and all my friends who did play no longer do. I have no one to go to and I cant trust anyone with my gmail. What should I do, should I ask a big streamer?


I suggest using geforce now, you dont need much storage, but the only downside is for the free version, you can only have a 1 hour session, and when it's done you'll have to re-wait the queue and play again. Overall I'd still recommend it! I hope this helped!


I tried it a year ago but the service is so bad it's laggy. Where I am its not available and I tried to use a vpn but its just so bad it would just crash after i logged in and i didn't want to wait for 600 people to get in just to wish


A lot of "big" streamers have a lot of requests like these and honestly most of them have already done Furina pulls since they do it right away. Might be better to look into smaller but still reputable streamer


get the genshin cloud app or geforce now


I tried those but the service is so bad it's laggy


You're saying you have the primos, but no way to actually get into the game to do the pulls?


Yes. Tbh idk my friend just abandoned my account after I got kazuha last year my pity is unknown but ik I have more than 30 pulls


I currently kinda have all my good characters fully built. Should I be building other characters that I haven’t been using like rosaria and etc or would that be a waste of resources? I’m thinking that if a character is not good enough for f2p to 36* star abyss with them then I might never see a reason to use them


Once you are at a point where you can comfortably 36\*, you can kinda do whatever you want with your resin after that. Personally I like chasing top 1% builds on my faves.


maybe level up talents of Sucrose / Kazuha. Rosaria is helpful against hydro shields, but now that we have dendro.. it's not necessary anymore. But something in that vain. I just leveled Thoma to 90, no clue when or if I'll even try him. And I farmed Thundering Fury for a while. Niche sets.


love Thoma put him on my Clorinde Chevreuse team and he is one of the few good burgeon choices


It depends, but also: MOST characters in the game are good enough to 36* abyss on the right team. Some are less strong for sure, but if you enjoy their playstyle you can find teams where they shine. I’d probably start by building either characters you particularly like, or who fit on teams you already play. Rosaria for instance can be used on hyperbloom/burgeon teams, on Neuvillette teams, as a support for physical and cryo DPS, or as a melt DPS with some combo of Bennett Kazuha Nahida and Xiangling. If you’d rather just make your existing characters stronger you can also stop building new characters and just try to perfect their artifacts + crown more talents, or stockpile mora and exp books for the next new character you get. Personally I like team variety, tho, so most of my 4*s are built.


Who else is Sigewinne’s weapon good for? I was rolling for Furina’s weapon and just got it, don’t want it to be a complete waste.


> I was rolling for Furina’s weapon That was your first mistake, I'm sorry. At least you can put it on Diona and pretend you got a use out of it


Both Yelan and Diona will appreciate the HP%, but no one but Sigewinne can fully activate the passive on it. Also both of them will probably want Fav or Sac more anyway for the potential team energy support?


>don’t want it to be a complete waste. Too bad


I would imagine it's at least a good stat stick for Diona, if you don't need the energy from Sac.


Yelan in situations where you don't need fav. Still worse than aqua, but 80% HP is a lot of HP.


No one lol


Where do I report bugs? I'm right now doing the Liyue Archon Quests and it was skipping forward through people talking mid-sentence when Mountain Shaper first appeared


There's a feedback button on the menu where you can go to the shop/quit/look at the archive etc. It's closer to the bottom iirc


Are there any good Genshin Impact animated shorts? Just saw a really amazing Star rail one that came out a few months ago and was wondering if there were any for Genshin


There's a bunch. But lately they have started doing longer ones, similar to the Star Rail style. Ones like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5-YMslEmxw&ab\_channel=GenshinImpact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5-YMslEmxw&ab_channel=GenshinImpact) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN5JACOEJFM&ab\_channel=GenshinImpact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN5JACOEJFM&ab_channel=GenshinImpact) But they also have short trailers like these: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAlymhPyKhQ&ab\_channel=GenshinImpact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAlymhPyKhQ&ab_channel=GenshinImpact) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RLhCbVtjEg&t=106s&ab\_channel=GenshinImpact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RLhCbVtjEg&t=106s&ab_channel=GenshinImpact) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVnfjTVZrWY&ab\_channel=GenshinImpact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVnfjTVZrWY&ab_channel=GenshinImpact) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv-Tr-sSoCs&ab\_channel=GenshinImpact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv-Tr-sSoCs&ab_channel=GenshinImpact) Plus a few unofficial from the HoyoFair: [https://youtu.be/mvS9QaiJ0GE?si=DLCUJSTHzXhEUCCg](https://youtu.be/mvS9QaiJ0GE?si=DLCUJSTHzXhEUCCg) [https://youtu.be/X4\_ALFwYTLQ?si=o1IDAKRr8cPGtPWH](https://youtu.be/X4_ALFwYTLQ?si=o1IDAKRr8cPGtPWH)


Awesome, thanks. I'll have fun watching these


If you mean official ones, then there's a couple. They've recently started putting out more to match with Star Rail. So far, the main two we've gotten are [this](https://youtu.be/tN5JACOEJFM?si=WAKDNebWW_tNLkny) one focused on Arlecchino and [this](https://youtu.be/T5-YMslEmxw?si=9OPPDtmw7l1jkRq3) one focused on the twins.


That's what I was looking for, thanks


I've maxed all the statues and went to do sumeru but the gadget is gone after searching it up people said use the lyre to fix monuments but what about the rocks with the roots you have to lift




Oh... im dumb




any hp scaling dps


So Neuv? Who I don’t have😭


Why did you level it in the first place?! No answer needed.


Furina, Dehya or Hu Tao.


What should i name my pookie bear ( Scaramouche/Wanderer ) Here are some of my ideas but I can't choose -Scarapookie -Scaramousse -Scarameow -Scarabell ( as in tinker bell ) -Scaranara -Juanderer -Fandango -Helikopter -Babygirl Feel free to give more ideas ( I want to name him something silly and funny )


Name him Ei.


surprised they'd allow that lol


Also im at that part rn so if you see this message PLEASEEE reply. Thank you!!!


Don Sombrero


Scaranara has always made me laugh, that’s my vote!