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EU: 760720703 I got some decently built characters: https://akasha.cv/profile/760720703


Does anyone have a Sigewinne that I can try? - Server: NA - UID: 628562887


Ok but what happens if you dont have 12 pyro/electro/anemo characters? Are you just.....not allowed to play?


Unless you have enough from Baizhu, Alhaitham, Sigewinne, and Wriothesley to complete 12, yes. (Note that they don’t get trial versions; you must have already downloaded them and at L70.)


EU: 716903189 I have 80 characters(I don't have cyno, albedo, ayato and wriothesley), almost all of them 80 9/9/9, others are 8/8/8. Feel free to add me, if you need a specific character I can put them in supporting lineup. c1 Hu Tao, c6 Furina for future theater, all 4* are c6 except for Kaveh, Mika, Yao Yao, Candace, Sethos, Chevreuse , Freminet. [my characters](https://imgur.com/a/i5oBvvX)


I need to build one more character to level60 for the last difficulty but i no longer have characters of those elements that i actually use. I do have c6 dori. Is it a good idea to level her up or should i go with any other character? I really dislike her so I wouldn't be happy about leveling her up.


For hard mode you need lv70




I personally like IT. I think it’s funny that you can have like 2-3 dpses and one support in one team though I do think the RNG of cards to buff characters and the next set of characters needs to be improved


Frankly, I dont think they could have made a worse gamemode if they tried. Its a boring snoozefest of an gamemode that gets even worse since you have to rng your teams from a limited pool of characters. Which in turn is a big hurdle for newer players, so why not design the rest of the theater for endgame players anyway? I mean, if I have to have played the game for long enough to fulfill the char requirement, at least make it so I cant faceroll every chamber with 1 or 2 chars without even caring for the buffs. The worst thing about it is, that now the only semiinteresting mode, the abyss, resets half as often. The only good thing about imaginarium theater is, that its only like 10 minutes once a month or so and then you can ignore it for the rest of the time. The funniest thing is, you just have to look to Star Rails simulated universe, which is made by the same company, to see how to make a good roguelike gamemode xD


I like to read this thread and laugh at the noobs complaining about this mode, cry more people




lol no they only said they're improving the mode, and even adding up to act 10 people will still cry about it being hard after the changes cuz that's what the majority of the playerbase is, babies


Oh nice, they've [acknowledged](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1dvs5xd/encounter_points_will_be_accumulated_and_bosses/) that the current iteration of the Imaginarium Theatre has some shortcomings (and that's putting it lightly). >In addition, following the official launch of the new gameplay mode "Imaginarium Theater," we are also continuing to monitor Travelers' feedback. >The initial intention behind the design of "Imaginarium Theater" was to provide Travelers with new and diverse combat experiences through the introduction of new scenarios. However, there are indeed various shortcomings in the current gameplay, particularly in the lack of sufficient positive feedback for different party lineups during battles. Therefore, in the upcoming adjustments, we will continue to focus on elemental reactions and consider designing more strategically powerful and user-friendly mechanisms for everyone to consider. I am definitely hopeful that they do change up the system to make it at least more accessible, rather than a hard barrier. I have my wishlist for what I want in this mode, but I will wait to see what they want to cook up first.


I facerolled it and had 0 fun. At least in Abyss I could feel some satisfaction at beating away overtuned enemies with a team I like playing that's way too strong for anything else, but this gamemode is just playing awkward teams in easy content that's not fun or satisfying to clear. While I theoretically like how it emphasizes adaptability and more strategizing than raw numbers/meta teams like Abyss, I think the restrictions are a bit much and the buffs irrelevant compared to just trying to RNG your ideal roster of characters so you can actually plan effectively. Required 4-team, 2 vigor, and element restrictions with 18 characters is just too much. If it's left as-is that's fine and I see it being somewhat easier to build for than Abyss for new/casual players, but if they decide to just start randomly jacking up the difficulty in the future I definitely want changes to the character economy. I'd change it to only need 16 characters, 3 vigor with boss fights requiring 2 vigor, and allow one character from your alternate cast to be included for your "opener".


Imaginarium Theater is GARBAGE. Mobs have way way way way way too much hp and damage. There is a ridiculously unfair timer ON EVERY STAGE. Being limited on the number of times you can use characters is garbage. It is trash in every way. I hate it and the people who designed it. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. And yes you do need to complete hard mode for all primo rewards. The last 180 primos can ONLY be earned from hard mode stages 7-8.


I dont disagree with you that its a terrible gamemode, but if you have problems clearing it the fault really lies with you. Or rather, you probably havent played the game for long enough. Its ridiculously easy clearing everything even on the "hardest" difficulty.


If you're struggling with Imaginarium levels of HP then you're just not endgame yet, so just keep grinding. Focus on building up 4 or so DPSes since you won't really be getting much out of nonmeta supports here anyways.


I'd suggest just improve the buffs / card picking stuff It's like a shitty budget version of simulated universe, also sad there's no dungeon crawling aspect anymore


The new mode is very fun and gives me a reason to build characters that I considered otherwise useless. Examples of this would be building Gaming, Dori, Layla, etc. 😋 Finally there is a new combat mode to challenge me on a regular basis. I always 36* the abyss, but it was tedious doing it every 2 weeks and 3 times before they gave us something new. 🤩 I didn't 36* the abyss the first time I tried and never expected to. It took me a while before I even got to floor 12, and then many more months before I could full clear it. 💪🏻 Why do you casuals who main hangouts expect to be able to 8* it first try when your characters aren't built? If the difficulty was such that you could achieve this with poorly built characters then it would give veterans nothing to do. There is no shame in clearing it on easy difficulty while you build up your account, you know! 🤔 If it is giving you too much anxiety, then maybe there will be another cat petting or photography event announced soon? 🥱 The 3 element restriction is actually brilliant design because it requires you to innovate with unorthodox off-meta teams. If you are struggling, it's probably because you were relying on a national team or hyperbloom as a meta slave 🤭 I agree that the boons and caches feel incredibly underwhelming and wished that they were more noticeable in both visual effect and damage 🤷🏻‍♂️ The beauty and success of Genshin is that it has activities to appeal to a huge breadth of gamers with combat, rpg elements, puzzles, exploration, narrative, co-op, etc. I 100% Elden Ring and appreciate difficult combat. If you don't like combat, then there are plenty of chests to go open. 💎 Tl;dr - git gud 🤓


I play in this game for 3 month and I could not understand for whom this "Imaginarium Theater" designed. It easy walk if you have enough 5\* DD on your account especially if they do not match "free characters" on event. But it is a really hard time if you have limited list of 4\* characters. Good luck to defend monument if you could only chose mono pyro "dream" team for example. Looks like event force you to play random party with your non-favorite weak characters. And for the endgames this event doesn't create any challenge. So only benefit from this event is to get 20% temporary upgrade for some characters.


All they need to do is revamp the buffs to make up for limited team members/elements.


They need to do much more than that. The buffs arent even worth going for in the first place because a) you can jsut faceroll the entire theater and b) 8 rounds is way too short for it to be even worth to go for buffs anyway. The entire mode is such a bad copy of Sim Universe it makes you wonder if they both came from the same company


b) can be mitigated by rewritibg the buffs. i agree the current ones take too long to be active. a) idk mannnnn im definitely gettjng facerolled alright 😅😅😅😅 no clue what SU is, im guessing its an HSR thing?


to a) I mean, for me theres no point in even getting buffs, I already faceroll the entire gamemode, so I dont really care what they do with them to b) nothing personal, but I'd wager that your chars arent fully/well built then SU is indeed one of the endgame modes in HSR, its basically a roguelike gamemode just inifinitely better than IT. It has like 3 different modes, various difficulties including mutations and a deep, useful and, frankly, necessary system of buffs that actually has deep implications on the gameplay. Not really good at explaining, but maybe look up a video about it if youre interested, ignore the combat and think about why they didnt implement the exact same system in IT. Wouldve been so much better. Implementing the exact same system would maybe defeat Hoyos idea of forcing you to play other chars - which I'd argue isnt very well implemented in IT anyways - but they could just do something similar to HSR, where there are basically 3 abysses and different chars are good in different abysses.


a) dont see how this is relevant, you can opt to not use buff if you dont need it b) well duh i use the same 3-4 built teams for abyss ever since 2.0 and they're definitely not overload teams lol i think this is actually closer to Elysian Realm in HI3, except i also hated that gamemode lmao


a) my point exactly b) I'm not really talking about teams, I'm talking about single chars. I might be a bit over the top with my hypercarries, since they are lvl 90 10/10/10, some with cons, but I pretty much only used 4 chars for the entire run. And I dont think you need nearly that much investment, espescially when you tactically use some supports, like xl or fischl. I guess what I wanna say is, usually teams become more than the sum of their parts because of their synergies. IT takes away those synergies, so imo the best tactic is to take 4 hypercarries, that are built well enough and just solo all chambers. Thats what I mean with the idea of forcing diversity isnt very well implemented, in my experience going even less diverse than normal makes everything way easier, since you are no longer relying on getting the right chars at the right point. So maybe you should invest a bit more into your carries if youre having trouble? And HI3 is something I never played, so I cant say much about that one.


I feel like the weird character restrictions could be forgiven if the buffs were actually insane. Imagine if you start out struggling with a jank team and then become god by the last fight. That's my favorite part of Simulated Universe, picking the buffs to make my team most powerful. None of the buffs here feel useful. The effects are barely noticeable, or are limited to weak "shockwave" attacks, or have long cooldowns and are realistically only activated once, or clearly not tailored for this season (why did I keep getting cryo related buffs when only one cryo character was allowed??), or worse, they could be \*decent\* but have built in downsides. Why? How is that fun?? I struggled the first time because I didn't get Venti for the defense monolith. The second time, I got Venti, and it was easy. Lyney solo'd the second to last stage because it was all those flying ruin machines who move slow and can be quickly knocked down. This just makes the difficulty feel very inconsistent regardless of character strength. People saying "It's basically Simulated universe" are straight-up lying, this is just Abyss with janky teams, given the buffs are pretty much on par or worse than the Abyss buffs. I was so hoping for something like Labyrinth Warriors, which had rng stages and endless replayability. Or at least something where this could be a steady repeatable mode for grinding materials, even if only mora. But it's not, I beat it in 8 minutes, and there's no reason to go back until next month. My dailies took longer to do.


I don't find it difficult, but my god, if it isn't the most unfun time I've had in Genshin not counting the events that force me to do coop... It would be more bearable if they didn't take away the start of the month Abyss reset from us.


I think my main gripe with this mode is that its difficulty for a lot of people is going to fluctuate wildly.  This is season is a struggle for me - I do not have great Electro DPS who don't rely on dendro, all my Pyros kind of rely on Vaporise - but I can kind of tell that it's gonna be way too easy for me once Geo gets featured (as I've been doing nothing but build Geo since Chiori's banner - she got me to play Itto and I'm obsessed now - also because many of mine can kind of standalone because that's how I've been farming friendship), and probably Hydro if they don't ban Neuv and Yelan. I also suspect that my tendency to build off-meta characters whose gameplay I like is biting me, especially since a lot of them are 4 stars. My Raiden build is kind of bare minimum because I have admittedly spent nearly no time on her, but my Gaming, who I have actually spent quite a bit of time on, is struggling to clear - maybe because he's at the limit of what a relatively young, light spending account can manage, and losing access to hydro means I can't vape?        One thing this gameplay has absolutely cemented for me is that I hate, hate, hate playing Wanderer and will never actually pull him. This is a gameplay issue. The floating feels clunky. I hate that Faruzan and shielded is basically mandatory. I'm also very annoyed that my Faruzan isn't C6 because I would rather play her on-field. I am really annoyed that I'm forced to use the trial one every run. For Wanderer, I've got whatever the opposite of FOMO is.


The mode isnt difficult - its just a question of wether you have enough chars to participate in it.


I am right there with you on absolutely hating wanderer and faruzan gameplay, having half the mandatory starting roster be characters I don’t enjoy playing made me feel super gimped in the first few fights. Ironically the later fights felt so much better because I was using my own characters.


I figured out IT's gimmick for hard difficulty (other than being a roster check) You have to hold on to your heavily invested characters until act 4. You yourself need to have at least 2 invested dps and their 2 supports, 1 each. other 2 characters can be whoever, but if they have synergy with your invested characters, then even better. If you have one additional dps, this becomes a lot easier because now you have an option to clear third act and not have to exhaust vigor for one of your main dps characters. Just make sure you dont use your best supports with them. Your guest character can be this 3rd dps. ALWAYS CHOOSE CHARACTERS OVER BOONS boons suck so hard, only go for boons when you're sure you don't need another character or when you've collected all characters. What about trial characters? Well idk about arlecchino but I did try wanderer and clorinde and they were ass. They struggled to do meaningful damage and depending on your choices can be your downfall. ALWAYS USE TRIAL CHARACTERS FIRST, use them to clear first two acts which are easier. Thoma was good. Almost always, encounters with fewer enemies are always easy to deal with. It was fun to figure this mode out without any guides since I almost always need to watch sevy for abyss, especially for current abyss.


Yeah, this all is what seems to be the best strategy.


You guys need strategy for IT? xD


Whew, just finished the hard mode! I was expecting it to be easier, since a lot of people kept saying that it's too easy. Not for me, I was struggling. Got carried by my Arlecchino tbh. 😂 Had a great time though, next goal is to get all the stars.


Akasha: https://akasha.cv/profile/619899251 UID (NA): 619899251 All C0 but heavily invested, some with sig weapons: * Venti - Top 1%, would come in handy for the stage where you defend the monolith. * Yae * Kazhua * Al Haitham * Wirothesley * Raiden * Bennett Waiting in the wings for future IT, heavily invested geo and Arlechino: * C2 Itto * C1 Arlecchino * Neuvillette * Navia * Zhongli * DPS Kokomi with 7k heals


If I don't get all the stars can I rerun imaginarium theater again to try to get more? When you rerun, if I miss a star on a stage that I got before, I won't lose it right?


Stars mean nothing other than bragging rights but to answer your question, im pretty sure your star count is updated like a high score counter, so only the run you got the most stars in counts, it's fine because unless you want the bragging rights you don't need stars to get rewards, just clearing the rooms is enough.


No, Your Elysian realm is a garbage engame system. I'm not wasting 2 hours of my time gachaing for my own characters for measly 600 crystals. I'm not wasting my life learning your bosses patterns to kill them without a shielder. I'm not doing these stupid DPS checks again like an autistic monkey. Make a normal skill-oriented physics-based content or normal Mechanicus or something.


skill issue 🤭


ROI issue


Idk why ppl complain about the new theater very fun and good rewards and challenging




It's not fun if you don't have enough level 20 artifacts. I hate grinding artifacts. There's really limited ways to get the artifact EXP outside of grinding, and since I don't have that much time to play daily, I wanna spend that time on actually enjoyable activities like world exploration. as a result, I have very few artifact sets and my character builds share pieces - since before this, you never need more than maximum 8 characters at a time.     If they want to do this, artifact EXP bottles need to be in the starglitter shop or on the battle pass - maybe as an item that you can spend to guarantee the random X2 or x5 exp boost. I also wouldn't be opposed if artifact domains worked more like overworld ley line encounters (in that there's a randomisation element) and isn't just literally replaying the same damn fight with predictable enemy AI over and over.


Personally, it's not fun or challenging. But I want it to stay roughly the same because I do not care anymore. Easy primos is easy primos. Primos is primos. For at most 30 minutes of my day per month? Hell yeah I am okay with that.


They should (and will) tweak both the difficulty and enjoyability though.


I imagine because it changes the goal of endgame. Spiral Abyss needs a handful of highly invested characters, IT needs many "good enough" characters. If you've invested yourself toward the former and left most of your characters to collect dust at level <60, you're gonna have a bad time, it you've decided against pulled puro/electro/anemo characters because you wanted to C6R1 one specific character, you're going to have a bad time, etc.


Having nearly all characters built up really well, it didn't make my gameplay any more fun. I just have my favorite characters and I want them to shine. Forcing me to play Kujou Sara, Shinobu, and Faruzan will not magically become enjoyable to me.


In defense of the theater, the gacha paradigm shifts to making every new character pulled be potentially useful in a future iteration of element restrictions. It gives longtime players a reason to build unused characters and spend resin outside of climbing Akasha artifact rankings (all I've been doing for the past year). I've preferred to invest vertically with overpowered constellations to counter Abyss difficulty increase and can still continue to do so. But resin/unused character building resources have a purpose again, instead of piling up unused in my inventory. In terms of lack of team synergy with random cast members, there were past threads challenging people to come up with teams with the least synergy. It was surprisingly difficult and usually involved pairing geo, cryo, dendro supports. This season,I played Thoma/Kuki overload for the first time ever and it worked well enough to clear stages, given the relaxed difficulty even on hard mode. The point is any random team can have useful synergy if the player utilizes some creativity and adaptive gameplay, especially given the lower difficulty compared to Abyss floor 12. My biggest complaint about the new mode is lack of replayability. 10 minutes of gameplay every 30 days doesn't satisfy my itch for more combat. If the push is to force players to build more characters during this month long season, the time-gated aspects of Genshin character building has to change. That point has been stated enough over the years but the issue is exacerbated by this new push to force horizontal account building. I feel there would be slightly less angst over the character requirements of theater, if it wasn't such a painful slog to build up a new character from scratch. Now I'm off to shore up my unused geo, dendro, cryo characters for future seasons.


No, gacha paradigm doesn't matter in case if you design battle for characters with maximum dps, but push players to build unused characters - most of them without good dps. What the reason to rise level for Amber or Dory, for example? But I have to, because I don't have enough characters to play hard mode. And how those 2 could help me with dps?


Amber applies pyro for reactions (and vapes the hydro mimic stage). Dory applies electro and provides needed sustain via healing/ER recharge , especially during boss stages like double Vishap. This sounds obvious because that's literally the point of their designed kits. Unless you are going for 8 stars which doesn't matter except for bragging rights, the DPS requirements to clear hard mode is far more lax than Abyss. This allows usage of these off meta/shunned characters. For the past four years, players who care about endgame and meta teams have been locked into the mindset that only a character's DPS matters and nothing else. This has been pushed by theory crafters/spreadsheet impact so forcefully that Zhongli has been mocked as 'dps loss'. So much time/effort has been invested to finding optimal rotations, combos to the point that players are trained to pilot these meta teams robotically. While these efforts have been valuable in helping clear/36 star abyss, this ideology is drastically devalued with theater. That's not necessarily a bad thing to shake up the game's approach to character building. Example: I have a C6 Sayu that I never needed to build. Why would I when I have other party healers, including Jean already built? Well now I have a reason, in case I need another Anemo healer for a season that restricts to Anemo. Obviously, theater can be cleared effortlessly if your account has a glut of high invested DPS for all elements, to the point that the other 3 characters in a stage are lvl 70 and never get swapped to. You can choose that approach if you want. But there's the idea that every character is useful if you use their kit as designed. And if the community can escape the mindset of worshipping DPS numbers over all else, this mode has potential to be more fun.


There are two things I couldn't do no matter how many times i retried, pls let me know if you know the reason: 1-defeating one opponent using charged attacks, i tried with scaramouche faruzan and kuki all individually and i still didn't get the thing 2- killing the chicken after its activated state is finished: i retried so many times making sure i was killing it during the time it was lying down.


1- The charged attacks is easier to do with Arrleccino rather than Scara cuz her charged dmg is bonkers. 2- That should do the trick. I used electro teams, let it tire out, then kill it while it's lying down.


I'll try it with her again


I flubbed the final fight on hard mode and killed the boss before I could restart so I'm stuck with 7 stars for the whole run however I still got all the rewards. Do the stars do anything or are they just for bragging rights? What determines how much of the rewards you get?


Stars are for bragging rights. They are shown in your profile card so friends can see them.


> bragging rights With the opinion this game mode has, I don't think there's much to brag about. The fewer stars you get, the "cooler" you seem.


Just bragging rights


The stars don't do anything. They're just there for show. If you were able to clear all of the Acts, then you get all of the rewards.


That's good to hear. That does make this quite a bit easier than Abyss, IMO. Especially if you just want the rewards.


does anyone know what the little yellow arrow on the corner of the characters in my character selection means? it’s only appearing on 2 or 3


They get a temporary buff from the current cycle in the Imaginarium Theater (this takes into effect outside of the domain too). So in this case, it's 20% bonus ATK%, DEF%, HP%.


Sounds like a pain for testers, since we don’t get an off switch


thank you!


I'd have a question - does anybody know the name of the OST that plays in the sixth chapter, where you fight the two Vishaps? It got stuck in my head but I've been going through the soundtracks and cannot find it. Many thanks!


The OST is not officially released yet, so there's no name for now xD While waiting for Hoyo to release official OST, people usually uploaded them on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXr76EF3lHo


The OST got announced in the livestream


Ohh, thanks so much! I was searching far and wide, couldn't find it. I didn't know it was brand new. Thanks a ton! :)


if they dont exponentially increase the difficulty this is a good mode for me (day 1 player with more than 30 full built characters and 4 c6r1), abyss every 15 days was almost a chore to me lately, this one is more relaxed, random teams is fun and my roster has more sense ppl tend to forget but da 1 players have been forced for months to pull characters for abyss: I for example, have childe, albedo, xiao, ayaka who i cant care less and it took me almost 2 years to play abyss only with my favourite characters now players are luckier because the are multiple banners and a bigger selection, both for 4\* and 5\* (and there is always the alternative to entirely skip the end game)


I just like how it is built for more like how I want to play, the whole "tall" vs "wide" accounts. The idea of farming one domain forever to get the best artifacts for 4/8 characters to make them absolutely amazing is just painful to me. I have my world team built... several actually, are they the best? No, most definitely not the best, but they've got good gear, the appropriate talents are at 9/12, a few are at 13 (Crowns are a consumable and must be saved until the best point to use them... as I sit on like 30 of them...), their artifact sets are appropriate, etc. I *could* farm more and try to get them a better crit rate/dam ratio, or more HP/Atk, or whatever, but I don't care. I'm more the type to go, "who's in the upcoming banner? Oh, they look fun!". Grab them, throw together a team, based off what KQM reccomends/have, realise this gives me an excuse to build, say, Yaoyao, and excitedly plan out which bosses and whatnot I'm adding to the rotation. Now when I'm doing my BP and I need to kill 10 bosses, oh, I need this boss for that character, let's go punch them in the face! I'm just sad when I had to choose my supporting cast characters I was limited to 7, like.. but I can offer more than that, please let me help people more...


It's inevitable for the difficulty to exponentially increase at some point. Just like the abyss, the pot is on low, but you're still boiling.


hope not as difficult as abyss, cause it would be frustrating imho


Well, difficulty is relative. I feel like the absolute difficulty would not reach what we see in the abyss however the element restriction and rogue-like nature of character selection a significant artificial difficulty modifier. So at some point, it's going to feel just as difficult even if the enemies aren't necessarily so.


yeah, that's my point, cause it's a type of difficulty that could generate frustration (for example cant complete a stage cause they randomly give u an useless hero or an unbalanced team) let's see


I would like it if they increase the difficulty at least a bit. It feels way less challenging than Abyss floor 12. But it's ok for the first iteration. Balance changes will surely follow in the next versions


Have to say the whining about this new content is really strange. It's not that deep. The enemies are pretty easy compared to abyss, so you basically only need a moderately built on-field DPS to get all the rewards (I neither have C1, nor a character weapon and my Chlorinde didn't even have fully upgraded artifacts yet and she still made enough damage). Maybe one good support/Sub-DPS but that's it. You can get all the rewards through this. And oh look, you get Wanderer, Arlecchino and Chlorinde for free. And even Faruzan for Wanderer. Basically, the mode is already giving you the tools to dominate the first two stages and a simple choice for the next 4. If you are playing on hard mode, you only need ONE more on-field DPS character and you are set. Why are people so concerned for the randomness when you barely need a functioning team to beat this content? Is the most fun? Depends on who you ask. I had fun, because I was using characters that I hadn't been using for over a year in abyss at this point. So yes, I think it's fun if you actually have a variety of characters and no real need to use them. Are you expected to build as many characters as possible? No, the same way, you are not expected to beat abyss.


No the mobs have WAY WAY WAY too much damage and hp and the timers make it impossible at some point. There is no "hard mode" and "normal mode". There is only ONE MODE.


I mean, Wanderer literally flies over most of the mobs. AND they give you Thoma. What else do you need?


I don't understand this comment: "it is so easy". Yes if you have some dps chars with very good artifacts, sure maybe it's easy, but like me, there is players that focus on story and quests, and I don't find this easy at all. At act 5 hard mode it is stop. No way to pass that. I'm sure that in my case it is a combo of not so well built character and a personally game skill issue. But it still not easy. I read between the lines that many people see people like me as less worth than those that 36 star the abyss or clear IT. Why?


To me, the fact the game emphasises (and heavily rewards) people who use baizhu, sigewinne, alhaitham (and the other one, i can’t recall who) in order to make a cohesive team that can actually perform decent elemental reactions (yknow… the aspect of the game that the entire combat is pinned under?) is silly. I don’t have baizhu, sigewinne, nor alhaitham, purely because i don’t find their gameplay fun… and because of that, i get miffed with poor cohesion teams.


Even though I have access to Alhaitham, Baizhu and Sigewinne (not Wriothesley though), I never really felt like they fit any team even when I did get them, such that I don't think it heavily rewards using them at all. Alhaitham is the best since he's a powerhouse regardless of what team and elements he's with, but its just that two of the elements (Pyro and Anemo) are poor for Dendro teams and Sigewinne's Hydro application may not as well exist. Plus we have two boss chambers who actively punish Alhaitham (Dendro chicken and Coppelius). Healers in the form of Baizhu and Sigewinne are also kinda irrelevant simply because you heal between rounds, and you can just reset a round if you die. This kinda means that while they are promoted, they are in no-way going to be guaranteed to be good if the rest of the team is kinda all over the place. While I don't disagree with poor cohesion teams being an issue with this game-mode. I think it's mostly a matter of having access to the right built characters who work well regardless of whoever else is on the team and the guest supports have very little impact there.


Worst rougelike I've ever played in my life. Never cook again.


For some reason they like collecting these. Worst the Sims wannabe. Worst OSU attempt. The most mediocre card game possible... I just wanted to see many colorful damage numbers go brrr...


- first impressions as someone who completed hard mode on first try (low spender, been playing semi-regularly since 1.4) - - Unless they iterate on this gamemode, I think a lot of people will not find it fun. The elemental restriction + the randomness of acquiring characters + the vigor system + 4 character requirement turns team formation into a "what is the least bad combo of characters I can throw together to complete this". Something needs to change here. I don't think I ever had more than 6-7 characters available to form a team and I was choosing the random character tile most of the time. Finally, it's too short, maybe give characters more vigor, and make it longer. - Before this gamemode released I thought about the possibilities of a mono-element or duo-element challenge run just for fun, but that's impossible with the restrictions of this gamemode (forcing you to take the 6 opening cast characters). - Genshin feels best when you build a team that meshes (having a satisfying combo of skills/ults, managing energy across all 4 characters, picking strong elemental reactions for the content). You can't realistically do any of that in this game mode. They need to make the wonderous boons fill this gap or create more chances for elemental reaction within the stage itself (adding those rain stones to proc vape for instance).


Stopped playing since wuthering waves released, and i am a day one player, after seeing soo much ppl complain on this reddit about the new mode i had to install genshin again to take a look and my conclusion is that you all are a bunch of whini babies. It is by far much easier than abyss, it is fun and lets me play with characters that i dont use anymore because my newer characters deal twice the dps and even using characters with incomplete builds i was still able to clear the entire thing.


It isn't easier than Abyss. It is just as trash, unfair and unfun as Abyss. It has the same bullshit mobs with too much hp and damage and the same TRASH TIMERS. I HATE TIMERS. I HATE RESTRICTIONS.


I think many confuse the complains people have, overall its is more about the mode being straight up unfun or unaccessible because of restriction and for the few who complain about difficulty, i would think its mainly because the difficulty is artificial in its pures form, again because of the heavy restrictions


this is actually a good point i didnt consider yet, it was refreshing to use characters like venti etc again


I just tried the new mode and it's impossible. After 3 stages i was left with only my crappy diluc, cloud retainer, beidou and xinyan and they just don't do damage and no other options. I have no idea how this passed testing but there is nothing i can do to ocmplete this.


Post the characters you have. We can probably help you setup a roster.


lil bro cant clear with diluc and xianyun plunge, it's a lost cause save your time


You mismanaged your account then. That's how this made it past testing.


It's not ideal, but it's not impossible. Try to use the trial Wanderer and Faruzan to complete Acts 1 and 2 if you can, since they're the weakest characters, then use the Chlorinde and some other Electro supports for the Jadeplume. Save the Arelchinno maybe for the Vishaps, and of course bring in any of your strongest Pyro/Electro characters to use as well. A grouper like Kazuha or Sucrose can also be really good in the Monolith defense.


Hoyo is punishing me for choosing to dedicate myself to a small roster of characters and choosing to save primos for constellations instead of pulling on every banner. Can full clear Abyss every rotation. Yet here I am barely even allowed to participate in Normal mode all because Hoyo decided my way playing the game by focusing on a small set of characters and enjoying minmaxing their stats was wrong. I don't feel "incentivised to build more". I feel like I've been slapped in the face for enjoying the game a certain way


Post your characters, we can help you build a roster.


No need, I'm not critizing the gamemode because I can't play it. Building a roster isn't the issue, it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth being forced to level units I don't care about to meet a completely unnecessary investment check. Mostly just criticizing the amount of restrictions imposed on participating


Yeah, how about not making something up. Just so we can get on the same page here: Normal mode requires you to use 14 characters. Six of those are set and if you don't have them, you get a trial version. You can invite one guest character, which makes 7. Out of the remaining roster, you have Amber, Lisa, Lynette and Xiangling, because they were either given to you for free or you get them from abyss. Meaning we are already at a character count of 11. So three characters left. Of which a lot of them had events where you could get them for free as well. Including Bennet, Gaming, Fischl, Chevreuse and Beidou. And even if you didn't participate in ANY event, I doubt with you going for constellations, you didn't get three of the potential four stars at any point. And all of that isn't even including the potential 5 stars you did get or had to get due to losing 50/50 (of which there are 4 characters that you could lose to that you can use in the event).


This is assuming all of them are Ascended or built to meet qualifications for the gamemode. Also assuming you have still actively playing friends or are willing to just add random people. Out of every character you mentioned, I have only ascended Bennet, Fischl, Beidou, and Jean. The rest remain at level 20 and benched. Or I don't have them. (Please hoyo give me a Chevreuse already), I never said I didn't have the characters, the issue is being forced to build or ascend those I don't care about for my account when I would personally rather spend resin where I feel it is rewarding and fun for me. I am not making something up when I say I barely meet the requirements for Normal. Most of my investment have gone into a small set of characters, and 4 of the 6 opening characters happen to be those. I have none of the 4 "guest star" off-element characters either. I have no doubt I could clear hard mode with my current roster, if I was only allowed to participate and try without having to throw away some weeks worth of resin on leveling things I don't care for


Like dude, if you have been building vertically, then you should have 1000s of books left over at this point. I have been building nearly every character (and I own a lot of them because I wasn't interested in building vertically) and I still have over 500 purple books left. So all you'd need to farm are ascension materials. In order to get a character from level 1 to level 70, you need 14. With an average of 2.5 drops per boss beaten, this means, you need to beat the ascension boss between 5 and 6 times, which isn't even 1.5 days of resin. And the event gives you 30 days to clear, so do the math yourself. If you truly want to just challenge the event, you can. It's not like it will take you ages to get there. It takes you at most one week to get all the characters to level 70. My point is that you easily CAN challenge the event, if you truly wanted to. And btw, I also like the fact that you are claiming everyone can just attempt abyss. Well, not really, because they have to beat the earlier floors with enough stars to unlock the next one. So anyone who isn't strong enough to beat floor 11, won't have a shot at floor 12. And in order to beat floor 11 with enough time left, you need to farm a lot more than just one week in my experience. Edit: Also just to add this here, Traveler counts as a potential character as well as long as they use the right element. And you get the ascension materials for free.


Reply to your edit: The fact that you have to beat earlier floors to unlock the next in abyss is what makes Abyss qualify as a decent "end-game" mode. Floor 11 is very generous with the amount of time you can spend for stars and very achievable with even basic investment, and has absolutely no hard elemental restrictions. (You might need certain elements to break shields sometimes, but you won't ever be forced to only run specific element, something that is beneficial for horizontally invested accounts) Horizontal Investment works for Abyss because you can work around that power-difference with strategy and the amount of options you have with horizontal investment. You might not need to spend ANY extra time grinding for artifacts if you can just.. take the okayish-artifacts you do have off your other characters for a moment, apply them to the party you need, and play well. I can't just take my ascensions and talent levels off of all my hydro and dendro characters and slap them on various pyro/electro/anemo units.


Tell that all the people that are stuck on Floor 11. You make it out like it's easy to do, but there is a reason why a lot of people don't even get to Floor 12. It's not because Floor 12 is hard, but because Floor 11 is also decently challenging. In order to get characters ready for Floor 11, you still need okayish artifacts as you say, but most of the time, you can't just swap them around. easily. You would need to have a lot of ascended artifacts already. There are only few characters where you can easily swap around and even then only if they have similar weapons. Because god forbid, one of them has another substat which throws around the whole artifact building process. Again, you claim, it's simple for abyss which it isn't. We can now try to argue which preparation needs more time, but both need time. And again, I don't think, having to ascend one or two extra characters, which again, isn't even random, because you just need ascension materials, is in any way close to the artifact grind. But that's all I have to say about it. If you still feel it's more necessary to complain about it instead of just getting the few ascension materials, then feel free to do so. People have been crying over mihoyo's statement of people feeling like they miss something when they can't beat abyss are now suddenly crying about how they might miss something when they can't do theater.


Look, I'm not trying to complain or argue with you man. I'm just saying what my view on things are. Isn't that what this thread is for? I simply think that Imaginarium goes too far in terms of restrictions. "Oh, you saved everything for many months for a C6R5 character you really like and want to use them? Too bad. They're the wrong element. Your previous investment means nothing. " It's just not a well designed set of restrictions, and spending a week or two farming ascension mats for characters I will never invest in isn't something I want to just flat-out accept. If you wanna run abyss with 8 level one characters.. you can do that! You likely won't win that fight, but you can try! There is no good reason for Imaginarium to have a level restriction in the first place. If you have the character, they should let you use them. Let us add fodder to the roster without making us ascend them to 70.


You're absolutely right. I can, but I hate this feeling of being FORCED to. The issue is being forced to do it to participate. At that point, If I'm just here to inject some trash characters to level 70 with no weapons or artifacts, what is the point of Imaginarium forcing you to have 18 characters in the first place. I would accomplish the same if the gamemode simply didn't have such a silly requirement, and allow us to do chambers with 1-2 characters at a time instead of making us run 4 every single time, but I wouldn't have to spend a week or two grinding ascension mats for characters I don't want to ascend. Then they're gonna change the elemental requirement again in two months time and you repeat the cycle of over again. Take Spiral Abyss. Sure, vertical investment is good for it since you need that investment to easily clear the gamemode, but does "not having over 50/100 crit rate to damage" outright prevent you from participating? No! You can still make an attempt without having to go grind artifacts, and that's where I take issue with Imaginarium


But that's the same thing with abyss. I hate that I have to farm artifacts in order to use the characters I like. I guess I can attempt lower floors, but I won't beat them so I will be stuck. For example, I have been farming for Chlorinde and gotten nothing of value for three weeks now. It's annyoing. Should they reduce abyss difficulty so I don't have to build her then? Or that they give me the artifacts for it? Or even allow me to tackle floor 12 without having to build her? The point is, a lot of people have been feeling FORCED to farm for artifacts in order to do abyss. This is why they made the entry for qualification a lot less random this time around. I am not sure how that is a bad thing. Again, we are not talking about you investing another 100s of hours, but just a week at most. And the whole "change in element" is a dumb argument (and I know you know this as well), because there are only 7 elements. So you only have to do it ONCE, not several times. Again, you can keep whining about it or you know, just do it once and then have it be over (compared to abyss where my whole investment into Freeze teams became less and less viable over time). For crying out loud, I even forgot the fact that you can use freaking traveler for the event as well and you don't need to farm ANYTHING for them in order to qualify. So with the four you ascended, this is already 12 characters that you have. Meaning you have to ascend literally TWO extra. And again, all this isn't including the fact that we haven't even talked about characters like: Hu Tao, Xiao, Xianyun, Sucrose, Yae Miko, Cyno, Dori, Kazuha, Klee, Sara, Lyney, Raiden, Sayu, Razor, Sethos, Heizhou, Venti, Xinyan, Yanfei, Yoimiya. You want to tell me in your vertical investment, you haven't invested into either Kazuha OR Sucrose? Or a lot of the other characters on the list?


> You want to tell me in your vertical investment, you haven't invested into either Kazuha OR Sucrose? Or a lot of the other characters on the list? Thats right. Out of all those you just listed, Kazuha and Raiden are the only two. Thats how vertically invested my account is.


So you have 14 characters then. You don't need to invest into anyone which was your claim the whole time. Thanks for confirming that you have been doing a stunt out of nothing.


Since the very first post, I said I just barely have what it takes to do Normal difficulty though. Thought that was already established. What's with the aggression here??


Well, think of it this way: players who prefer to build broad likely feel the same way about Abyss. This way there’s something for everyone.


But it's not like the game is stopping those players from attempting to run any stage of Abyss. Even if you build broad, you can still attempt and potentially succeed Floor 12. If you don't build broad, the game has put a hard barrier that stops you from even participating. I would much prefer to be able to try hard mode Imaginarium and fail, rather than be completely barred from even trying it in the first place


If you don't build correctly there's no way you can do Abyss. There's nothing stopping you from trying. If you don't build widely, there's no way you can do IT. There's nothing stopping you from trying. They give you characters and you can use friends characters. I'm sorry they've created an end game mode that doesn't focus so heavily on RNG artifacts and having "the best comp". I don't understand why anyone is confused? Hoyo have explained multiple times that Abyss won't continue as their endgame, hardly anyone does it, and their focus is on everything else. Why is this news?


I don't think anyone is confused, I just think people are seeing that the restrictions Imaginarium Theater imposes on you are ridiculous. If the Imaginarium cycle happens to not align with your invested characters. You're just out of luck I guess. Maybe you have enough characters for the right elements laying around to meet the requirement to fight, but no, they need to be level 70 or else it doesn't count. If I am to just spend a week or two leveling them to 70 and not invest in them, they might as well be level 1, so why not just let me put the level 1's into the Imaginarium roster, and spare me the wasted resin? If you are F2P and someone who chose to save up your primos for years, never pulling for anyone, just so you could get that C6R5 you dreamed of, only for that character to just.. not be the right element to participate in Imaginarium Theater, it's genuinely a punch in the gut after skipping banners for so long. And yes, while hardly anyone does Spiral Abyss.. I think even LESS people are gonna do Imaginarium with these restrictions


Why isn't that the same as Abyss? The problem is people cannot understand how most of the player base can't do Abyss so they think that this should be easy too. Most players don't care about artifacts. They collect characters in a gacha. This game mode is aimed at them with some allowances for people who don't have as many characters. I genuinely am so confused at why people are pissed off when we knew this was coming, we know who it's aimed at, we know gachas try to entice you to pull. I don't get the issue? Lots of people breezed through it, myself included. Hoyo don't want people just having one character. That's not how they designed their game. If you restrict your game by making choices like that then that's on you. Most players don't do that. So here's my answer to everyone who can't do IT, and it's the answer I was given when I was struggling to do Abyss. Sounds like a skill issue 🤷🏻


> Hoyo don't want people just having one character Hoyo should not care whether or not you have 1 really strong character or 18 okay characters. Hoyo should give reasons to pull, not dictate how you do it. If you pull for C6R5's you are investing your resources in a mechanic intended to help you clear the game in the exact same way someone pulls for 10 different characters with the same amount of primos In Abyss, you can CHOOSE **either** approach and it will benefit you either way In Imaginarium, you're screwed by it. See the difference? You are pulling and spending just as much but because you chose one approach to spending your resources you may miss out on rewards because of it. How does this sound: "Oh, you don't meed the recommended amount of characters, this might be tough but do you want to try anyway? Yes or no?" Problem solved, allow people to enter the game mode without imposing unnecessary investment restrictions and give it a shot. Don't put a barricade in front of it that says "You must be this widely built to enter"


Well they're not going to do that? They want you to pull characters. That's how gachas work. Especially in a game all about comps and the interactions of different kits and elements. Considering they have sufficient data, I'm sure the case you're referring to is the minority. So I'm sorry that's happened, but it doesn't make the mode bad. It makes your style of playing incompatible with how they view their game. You'll just need to build your other characters like everyone else.


Hmm yeah, they might have a personal vendetta against you


guys, I need help with something. I am one character short to play theater in maximum difficulty. I tried to see If I could get a character from a friend but it doesn't let me. since building faruzan won't help me increase the character roster I need help to decide which character to build. This season Pyro, Electro and Anemo are favoured. I have to build either Dehya, sucrose, lisa or keqing (this last one doesnt make me enthusiastic to be honest). What would be a good unit? For Dehya I have her signature weapon


You do not need to build any characters at all tbh. Just take the one closest to Level 70 and level them there, thats what I did with at least 6 characters in my roster. You can skip that character too by just taking one from a friend, I ended up leaving out my Keqing which was my 18th char.


For your new, edited question, I'd personally say keqing=sucrose>Lisa>dehya. Sucrose is support with some grouping, and grouping is very useful in at least 3 of the acts I played. However sucrose needs 4 VV with EM mainstats so it might be a while until you have her ready. Lisa is best built as an aggravate DPS, which is not the play in IT, so whatever you build for IT might not end up being optimal afterwards. Keqing can function both as aggravate and electro without great EM investment, but if you don't want to build her that's moot. Not sure about how dehya plays, unfortunately.


Do you want to build faruzan just for the theater, or for general use? For general use, for c6, afaik, faruzan build is very team dependent. Firstly, noblesse oblige. If team already has someone with noblesse, then VV. If team already has VV/doesn't need VV, then tenacity. I will build faruzan for my xiao team, and I'll build tenacity/noblesse based on whether I have my noblesse benett on that team or not. Just for theater, I'd go with noblesse, because you never know when you'll get her, and having more than one noblesse support in the rotation makes sense to me. Imo you should give her fav bow because elegy is better on other characters, and she's just a support. Edit: my answer was for your earlier, unedited question


How do I restart my whole run?


IT is truely the Deyha of rougelikes


You must be the Dehya of gamers 🤣👉🏻


There are some really simple things they could do to improve this (either some of these or all of these): - First, make the trial characters Lvl. 90 with 9/9/9 instead of Lvl. 80 and 8/8/8. I know it doesn't seem like much, and most people will say 80 & 8/8/8 should be enough, but remember, that's 80 & 8/8/8 with usually bad artifacts, C0 and with an R1 weapon. So at the very least, make them 90 & 9/9/9 - If they're going to make the opening cast and supporting cast (meaning characters you can borrow from friends) so specific, at least let us choose 2 supporting cast from friends. - Alternatively, instead of having specific supporting cast members, they can just let you choose from '1 Cyro', '1 Dendro' and '1 Hydro', or something. So you maybe you still only get 1 character from a friend, but it can be anyone of that element instead of having to be Wriosthely, Alhaitham, Baizhu or Sigewinne, for example. - Let you cancel out of receiving a Mystery cache. There was one run where I had a 'Free Cache', so of course I opened it, but both of them had the restriction that I would stop getting additional cast members after each act. Well, I didn't want that, but I was forced to take one of them and then forced to have that restriction. Since you're opening it blind I think you should have the right to not take either.


Okay so I completed my first run on hard so here are my impressions that no one cares about : -As someone who tend to half build a lot of characters, and also used a couple of trials (like Thoma, Faruzan, Wanderer and Clorinde), the mode is definitely easier than abyss imo -I made the rookie mistake of including too many dps but to my defense damn, the teams of the curent rotation really are fighting for supports. Also my mobile ass with only one shielder (the trial Thoma) had me shaking a bit, I assume it's part of the reason why the enemy dps was overall on the lower side. -Ironically, the bosses were the easiest nodes because I kept my best characters for it although I still ended up with a weird comp (Arle, Sayu, Fischl, Thoma, yes Sayu was there for the moral support). Similarly, I started getting the stars n the second half because I tried to keep my best cards for the end. -The round selection may need work, as things were, most of my expenses were to buy characters, and the effects of the buffs are kinda hard to notice -While I think it's a mode that has flaws and can be refined (spoiler : it won't), and that it's not really a super challenging endgame, I still thought it was fun and different experience. I don't dislike working with restrictions. My biggest gripe with Simulated universe and its variant is that you have to do a run or two each week, and this one is only once a month, which is imo enough not not make it feel like a chore. So in the end my opinion is still positive, It's not the super duper harcore update that will make the sweaty gamers stop complaining, but it's a fun thing to do once in a while. And yes I DO find it more fun than abyss.


In hindsight, I should have [restarted the vishap until I got the star.](https://i.imgur.com/jdgjkuL.jpg) Also, I should have just kept Fischl in reserve and went in round 1 and 2 with 3 carries and a Faruzan like HYV intended. Also, man this was the [first time Zhongli got in the picture-picture in a while.](https://i.imgur.com/dr9lqP8.jpg) Not because I do not use him but because I exclusively use him in F12 and leave Dehya to do his job in the lower floors.


i cleared in it first try i am not whale just a old player playing since launch month I found it way easier than spiral abyss the only thing i hate was 4 character selection restriction


> I found it way easier than spiral abyss It is. And it better remain that way since what else am I suppose to kill when the theater tells me to do it with 3 carries and one trial anemo support with the wrong artifact set. I did it in one go but with 6 stars though. My eternal shame, missing those two stars, one for the chicken who I took on with trial Clorinde with effectively no reactions until the chicken enrages and the other because I just wanted the Vishaps to be over and forgot how to group them.


704156367 Level 90 + Triple Crowned: C1R1 Hu Tao, C3R1 Raiden Level 90: C0R1 Kazuha, C6 Bennett (Mistsplitter), C6 Sara, C6 Fischl


what exactly are the stellas for? i failed to get the act 4 stella so i thought i wont get the completion reward. turns out i did get the reward, is the stella requirement just a cosmetic  in your profile? 


They're just cosmetic, yeah. There are no achievements or rewards tied to them whatsoever, and they do not offer any benefits during a performance like the Bonus Objectives do (by giving a small amount of flowers).


Yes, it's pointless. Even getting the 'bonus achievement' is usually not that important since it only gives you 20 extra flowers to spend. The only thing that really matters is clearing the Act.


US: 603286071 Hu Tao, Venti, Kazuha, Jean, Raiden, C6 Sara....


the idea of the mode is good, but implementation needs work. my biggest gripes are: -with the mode itself, the layers of restraint/restrictions are just one or two too many. if theyre going to limit character element and investment level, they can't also limit number of uses and if you even get characters in the first place. theyre going to have to remove or change one of those layers. the two easy option i think are to either give characters 3 or 4 vigor instead of just 2 or remove the full 4 party requirement. most people playing already do not use the full 4 characters anyway, so the second option seems best. also more in line with the resource management angle -with people's perception of it, i don't understand people who say the mode encourages alternate team building, because it doesn't. you can't change builds mid-run or anything, you can't run less than a 4 man team, and you can't pick your characters throughout. all the current system does is encourage people to only use 2 well built units to solo everything, and fill their teams with fodder they don't plan to use as vigor sacrifice. also can't even choose to balance buffs vs characters since you have to pick up characters or you can't keep going


I find clearing Spiral Abyss to be easier and less work than clearing IT. Both modes are unfun, but Spiral Abyss requires less effort.


That's certainly an interesting take, considering the current Abyss is one of the more difficult ones...


It is? Because of the Pyro Lectors or the Consecrated Beasts later?


Mostly because of 12-1. 7 waves of enemies that spawn on opposite sides of the chamber. Plus the pyro shields.


Asia 837502230 |Yae Miko C6 (Level 90/90; Talents 6/13/11)| |:-| |R1 Kagura's Verity & 4pc Golden Troupe| |ATK 2,090 ; EM 131 ; CR 76.3% ; CD 164.4% ; ER 105.2%| ​ |Xianyun C6 (Level 90/90; Talents 8/13/13)| |:-| |R5 Crane's Echoing Call & 4pc Desert Pavilion Chronicle| |ATK 3,116 ; CR 69.9% ; CD 119.2% ; ER 127.9%| ​ |Kazuha C2 (Level 90/90; Talents 1/6/6)| |:-| |R1 Freedom Sworn & 4pc Viridescent Venerer| |EM 994 ; ER 177.1%| ​ |Diluc C6 (Level 80/80; Talents 8/11/9)| |:-| |R1 Wolf's Gravestone & 4pc Crimson Witch of Flames| |ATK 2,315 ; EM 121 ; CR 52.8% ; CD 175.2% ; ER 122.7%| ​ |Yoimiya C4 (Level 90/90; Talents 10/11/9)| |:-| |R1 Thundering Pulse & 4pc Shimenawa's Reminiscence| |ATK 2,065 ; EM 56 ; CR 77.5% ; CD 210.2% ; ER 120.7%| ​ |Chevreuse C6 (Level 80/80; Talents 1/11/9)| |:-| |R5 Black Tassel & 4pc Songs of Days Past| |HP 40,006 ; ER 157.0%| ​ |Baizhu C6 (Level 80/80; Talents 1/11/11)| |:-| |R1 Primodial Jade Regalia & 4pc Tenacity of the Millelith| |HP 46,972 ; ER 132.4%|


I will not visit the library again until officials put this stupid garbage event in storage and announce improvements.


What kind of improvements are you expecting?


I guess it's good to know you have a case of "serious skill issue" 😂


I really want to put my feedback here that imaginairum theater is garbage and a slap in the face for all Genshin players It takes away from all the fun in playing GI and building characters and creates an incredibly stupid structure which negates all the effort and investment you put into building, choosing to RNG As a temporary event? Tolerable. As permanent regular content? Unacceptable. HYV needs to apologise for this substandard work and get rid of this crap I’m so unhappy about this content that I’m considering deleting my account, and no longer giving $$$ to be insulted, but are there better ways to make a statement and make HYV wake up and not have their work fall off a cliff?


mad cuz bad


Sure I regularly 36* abyss just for primos and if I can’t first playthru, I git gud As a result I’ve built 4 teams of 16 different characters, each with good weapons and artefacts to handle most endgame situations IT is just a steaming load of RNGjeezus crap that allows HYV to force players to get more random chars At least previously the pressure was always on HYV to produce decent characters worth pulling. If players didn’t like the characters or they didn’t add to their teams performance players don’t need to wish for them and HYV would make less IT negates the core advice in GI given new players on this sub - to pull only for characters you want. It really needs to be refuted


*permanent regular content that [partially] removed another mode and thus primos from us I'd have no problem ignoring it (although it is scary if this is the path they plan to take going forward) if they didn't steal primos and thus characters and happiness from me to implement it.


No, they do not steal primos from you. In fact we get more primos than before, because they increased what the Abyss gives. You just need to do IT every month for the remaining primos. You used to get 600 every 15 days, now we get 800 in the middle of the month and 620 at the start of the month, so it's 220 more. And even if you can't beat Hard IT you can just do medium which is brainless and get about the same amount of primos as before.


> No, they do not steal primos from you. In fact we get more primos than before, because they increased what the Abyss gives. You just need to do IT every month for the remaining primos. That's exactly what he meant. He can't just do Abyss twice per month and ignore theater because Abyss got reduced to once per month and the primos of the second half abyss effectively need to be earned from theater.


it isn't though. hoyo is not stealing primos, they are just reallocating them. he said IT removed primos and an additional abyss cycle each month, which isnt true, it only removed the extra cycle.


I mostly ignore the card game, it’s mid compared to Gwent or FF TT. No pain cos no primos loss This is just a slap forcing all players to go thru for primos


I'm so glad the collective playerbase of Genshin players nominated you to be their spokesperson.


This is my personal opinion. I’ve barely complained about GI content previously and was sad when they nerfed GA event after season 2 which I felt was peak (for fishcl and Mona) and should have been permanent This as perm content really infuriates and insults. I hope people who agree can help upvote and get it more visible. It might help more than a day 1 player perma deleting in frustration


> this is my personal opinion Yet the very first thing you say is "that imaginairum theater is garbage and a slap in the face for all Genshin players". So which is it, are you speaking for only yourself or attempting to speak for "all Genshin players"?


I’ve explained why it’s garbage and why imo it’s a slap in the face of all Genshin players. Hoyoverse CAN do much better than this content where they force all players to play or lose out on primos For example, I don’t like the card game, but I’m not bothered as I’m not losing out on primos skipping out


If it's your personal opinion, ok. But you're literally disguising your own opinion by trying to make it as if you're speaking on behalf of everyone. Nobody nominated you to be the spokesperson for "all Genshin players"


Newsflash: normal people use context to decide whether something is a statement of opinion or fact. That's why we can all say "bad movie," "trash game," "boring book," etc. without having to qualify it every time. The rest of the world is not going to flag each and every subjective statement for your benefit. Figure it out yourself.


Nobody asked you to infer it that way bro


Look at this creature trying to represent me.


It's kinda a mess


I still like it tho


"You gain more primos here than the abyss." Wait, really? I am not in-game but I think it's the same. The only difference is that for this round of theater, you get the first clear rewards on the second page of the rewards. That will not reset.


Now every month you get 800 for abyss and 620 for IT, adds to 1420/m. In the past you get 600*2 =1200/m.




I can't get any stars on floor 12 but I've completed IT on hard mode, so they've helped me earn more primos than their previous hyper invest in characters only route


sounds like braindead issue.


How do I invite more characters mid-performance?? I only have 3 available characters for the remaining two performances and it's telling me to invite more characters from the supporting cast but how the fu¢k do I do that???


You'll have to restart, that's a dead end. Next time, be sure to use the cards to invite characters at every stage, or you will run out of characters like this. It's a design flaw in the mode.


Lmao, this is even worse than I originally thought.


Oh really? I was wondering what happened in that case, I came extremely close to that scenario on my Hard run. I wish they made character invitations cheaper so we have more to work with. I hoped IT would be a mode where you craft together a team from a roster of characters, but atm at least on hard I am forced to play one specific comp on each stage because options are limited


Anyone with good supports on PlayStation and NA server? I prefer adding friends on PSN since you can't hit the friend limit in Genshin that way. You can PM your PSN if you're not comfortable dropping it here.


rdhight Venti, Kazuha, Jean, Hu Tao, Raiden, C6 Sara


A lot of people are downvoting stuff because they dont know that theres not only new players and day one-ers. People saying that its too hard for begginers and too easy for old players, do you really think that you just jump from unexperienced to experienced in a second? Theres obviously an in-between that a lot of people just dont know abt ig


Eeeeh, IT is easier than Abyss. If anything, it fits in that in-between zone between "newbie" and "veteran". Needs more effort and investment than overworld, but not nearly as much as floor 11-12 Abyss. Being given trial characters and being able to use friends's characters and the boons you can pick up helps.


My friends play this game and don't take it seriously. They don't care about farming non stop for "meta" artifacts. They like throwing characters together and making stuff happens. This mode is perfect for them. My other friend loves the Abyss. It's nice that there's now options and my casual friends get to feel included in the endgame. They loved it and casual players are the main player base of Genshin. Hoyo don't want another Spiral Abyss. They said so.


I would say it's more around Abyss 11. The main problem is that if the RNG is bad to you or have half built characters you can struggle. I had to reset a few fights because I had to try a few different character combinations to find what worked.


Need help with stage 6 bathysal vishap duo. Got Raiden, wanderer and furizan lvl 90 and sucrose with vv 4pc lvl 60. Having issues killing them in time, what's the basic strat here My other players are alhaitham, Bennett and dehya all level 70


I beat the stage with Arlecchino, Clorinde, and 2 filler characters. Bennett helps with buffing Arlecchino. Try to attack both at the same time and don't get hit by their energy ball that saps your burst. Save Arlecchino/Raiden/Clorinde for the boss stages.


>Save Arlecchino/Raiden/Clorinde for the boss stages. That's just good advice in general, one of my lessons first time through is if you get the characters for, say, a solid Clorinde Overload team, save them for a boss fight. You can get through the trash mods with a team with less synergy, but if you get the people for a really solid team all at once, use them on something good.




I literally used the Arlechino the game gives you as part of the debut chars, brought Fischl, Bennett, and Thoma and I cleared it easily


Hoyo acts like people have done Vishaps within the past two years.


The main thing is to keep them grouped together so you are getting Raiden’s big burst damage on both of them at the same time, Assuming your raiden is on an electro/crit build replace faruzan with bennet so you can buff raiden more, make sure to swirl electro with sucrose If your raiden is on a EM hyperbloom build RIP, keep faruzan, drop sucrose for Bennett and try to kill them with wanderer, don’t waste on field time with raiden if she’s built for hyperbloom


How do I keep them grouped together, they seriously keep moving away every time they do that duo blast together, they come together and then jump and separate


Hug the wall and make them jump to you


do you have fischl and xiangling? kazuha?


I don't I used them already


ah so you are stuck in a run Maybe consider to use the rewind feature or start over? Use weaker/trail characters for early acts


Hm if I rewind I'll get back arlechinno and kuki. That's an option


Posted this and was told to use the mega thread, so putting it here What I like: - More about resource management and playing smart - Better rewards than abyss - Requires more built characters than abyss does, encourages collecting and trying out more characters - You can use a character from someone on your friends list, which alleviates some of the pain of building characters, and also encourages communicating with other members of the community - Enemies are weaker than in abyss, making it easier to get away with worse builds, which is good considering you have to build more characters - New poses that look great - Ley Line Defense is actually fun here because you can specifically plan for it here, instead if it being lumped in the same floor as two normal challenges - Optional elite challenges that add a risk/reward factor - A mechanic I saw while playing on certain floors that adds pressure on the player by dealing damage over time to them if they take too long instead of through a time limit, which makes the mode more interesting because it paves the way for defensive play against the timer, The mechanic does feel underutilized, but I feel like it would be fun if this idea was expanded upon and maybe thrown into the abyss as an alternative to the timer that some floors could use - Wondrous Boons and Mysterious Caches are more useful than the Spiral Abyss blessings will ever be - The overall presentation is amazing, with the backdrops and the music - Wolfy is very adorable and must be protected What I don’t like: - The big one: Making it so you can only use characters from 3 elements each season is dumb. I get that this is a move to make the player experiment with characters they wouldn’t try otherwise, but at the same time, removing the trial characters and having you pick from say, 16 of your characters from any element would in my opinion be more fun, and accomplish the same goal, without forcing the player to conform to a playstyle they don’t enjoy. What I proposed instead still encourages the building and experimentation with more characters, while still giving the player the freedom to use the characters they enjoy the most. - The stars are useless outside of bragging rights, when they could have easily doubled as the medals that you buy the new poses with. - It replaces one of the abyss cycles, meaning those who do prefer abyss are losing out. - Wolfy isn’t playable >!This one’s a joke btw!< Overall Thoughts: I like that they’re trying something new for the end game, and how they fixed a lot of my problems that I had previously had with Genshin’s end game content as a whole. However, only 3 elements per season holds the mode back so much in my opinion. **My Rating: 7.9/10**


The main motivation behind elemental restriction is likely not to force players to use unfamiliar characters (the mechanic for that is the 2 stamina thing), but rather to *reduce the character RNG*. You can't get so unlucky that you only have unreactable characters left to choose since the elements are restricted to make sure that cannot really happen. Even with 3 elements, Chevreuse can feel useless a lot of the time, imagine the RNG for 4 or 5.


You’re only allowed to bring a certain number of characters that you yourself choose tho, so if you have a character that’s underbuilt, but they meet the level threshold, you don’t HAVE to use them unless you don’t have a character to use in favor of them.


I don't think I'm talking about characters being built/underbuilt? Im talking more about teambuilding archetypes RNG


I wasn’t talking about that. I was talking about the fact that it’s not gonna be picking from ALL your characters, it’s only going to be picking from the handful that you select. It’s not gonna have much of effect on the RNG, because it’s still limited to the characters you select. The only thing that’s different is that there’s more variety in the elements.


Well, allowing more elements definitely leads to characters like Chevreuse and Nilou being less valuable, and worst case scenarios where you are left with geo, anemo, and dendro possible. These bad RNG scenarios are curbed by the elemental restrictions (and it also makes teambuilding easier by forcing team archetypes...since players left on their own with random characters often make dysfunctional teams such as in that previous event).


Then it adds more skill to it! You have to know how to build good teams without adding to many parts that don’t function well together. And since I had said that the trial characters should be removed, you could probably pick four that you’re guaranteed to start with, so more specialist characters can still have their place in the meta