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At least three new voicelines for each character, and new poses for clearing. Seriously why did they put so much effort into this, the art, animations, amazing ending credit roll, music, level designs and even Wolfy and new lore implications.


Just wolfy walking has more animation than entire anime's I've seen like look at that goofy ass walk


You ask why did they? Because longtime players (and some of the biggest spenders) have been asking for endgame content for years?


Counter point, this is 10x better use of their resource than card game.


Counterpoint, TCG team would be a different team anyway. They won't take away from the team who does, say, world design or action combat. They need different skillsets.


Still, not everyone working on the TCG is only capable on doing this specific thing. Balance, Art Design and more could be used somewhere else more important. Give us meaningful profile pictures or cards with every huge event instead of another copy a furniture of said event. I'm not even in the boat to make Genshin a MMO or offer tons of endgame content. But this game really needs some fresh air in terms of the endgame systems. And a TCG and a Ikea with tons of restrictions aint it. This is a huge step in the right direction. I do hope its not the last one for another 4+ years.






Probably less that people are hating on tcg players and more that we get more genshin gameplay. I played my fair share of mtg/hearthstone/shadowverse and nowhere do I go into those games expecting tcg and getting open world rpg. Conversely, I suspect a good portion of players don't/didn't go into genshin expecting open world rpg and getting a bunch of tcg updates. I think from their perspective it can be frustrating to see tcg updates for a game you predominantly go into for open world rpg combat. Not that people like different things.


You're right, but that's some ass backwards logic honestly, this game caters to everyone, why would I get mad if something that's clearly part of the game gets consistent updates regardless if it's teapot, exploration, Abyss meta or TCG? People getting pissy about it when there's a separate team handling TCG is so silly. Every time we get TCG updates, people feel compelled to comment that nobody plays this/nobody wants this/give us something else when it's clear as day that the content doesn't cater specifically to them so they get on their little keyboards and type out essays why it's "unfair" that this gets attention and not the thing they want like be serious with me for a second.


I didn't consider that there was a group of people who got onto posts for content updates like teapot and TCG to simply shit on it. I absolutely agree that these people should just fuck off. There isn't a point to looking at a post when clearly someone enters with the wrong mindset. I usually avoid even opening up posts about content like TCG or teapot since I know I personally don't engage with it. The company knows its audience/metrics of people playing certain modes. After all, only a small portion of people even do abyss as well. I suppose this "TCG bad" line of logic are coming from the same type of people who bitch all day about endgame in genshin whenever some exploration content is released. These folks who clearly haven't realized mihoyo's modus operandi are barking up the wrong tree, and exist only to open a post clearly labelled do not eat if you don't want x content, and they open it and become upset because its x content. If mihoyo sees metrics on time played or feedback on surveys, thats really all there is to it. No need to bitch at other players. There probably is more tcg players time spent than abyss players anyways. Personally I accepted a lack of endgame for years, and am pleasantly surprised they even bothered releasing theater. If I am looking for certain gameplay, I simply play another game, no time to bitch about every piece of content except the ones you like going on in genshin. (To be honest, back when I actually did feedback surveys, the event this gameplay with character rotation came from I specifically said was fun. So this was extra pleasant for me because who knows if mihoyo actually reads feedback or maybe a lot of people gave good feedback on it)


Damn, not a physical and geo truther for nothing.


I don’t know how big this tcg thing is outside of Genshin anyway. Nobody outside of Genshin is going to play it. It barely gets any views on streams. The players are entirely from the southeast. I played a shit ton of hearthstone and the game’s flow is abysmal in comparison. I won’t speak about the mechanical depth since that may be for some people. But yea, to integrate such a huge level of resources, from the additional voice lines, card art, a whole fcking UI. It’s a monstrous feat, and I think it’s for such minimal returns.


Nah both, both are good


As much as I like the TCG, I feel like they should’ve made it a separate game, kinda like how LOL and LOR are different games.


No, I think the current implementation is better. You can get every card and cosmetic much faster than LoR and there is way better design/balance in the same amount of time.


The problem I have is that I need to open Genshin to play the TCG mode, and it’s kinda annoying :/ As someone who mainly plays Genshin on laptop, I want to play TCG on my phone instead when I’m outside or on the toilet or something. Idk, personal preference I guess


If they make it separate game, they would monetize it. And monetization is the worst (after metagame) part of other TCGs.


How about a game of Gwent?


Exactly this! 💯 this! Like LOL, TFT & LOR.


nope, TCG is mad fun


That's your preference. To me TCG is hella boring and I absolutely hate it.


Same tbh, every time I see Cyno in a quest, I just know that he'll ask for a round of TCG and I got to be careful because I might accidentally agree to it.


Regardless how fun/great TCG is, IMO putting it inside another game is adding an unnecessary barrier to entry, hence a backward move.


Wouldn’t it consume more resources as its own side game? Only genshin players are going to play the game anyways. It’s also so easy to ignore if you don’t want to play it.


It wouldn't ~~piggyback~~ consume resources allocated for Genshin but gets its own resources from.Hoyo, which means a proper team of devs, artists & etc. It would also mean TCG won't be limited to just genshin, we could be getting new players OR cards from other Hoyo games.


Low bar. . . And still somehow wrong.


You said counterpoint like he's mad about it lol


Are you complaining about new art and animations? Seriously? 🤣💀


It's an endgame content


Did you think this was a temporary event? It's a permanent endgame mode like the abyss, this level of polish is not surprising


The poses can only be used on one character. I hate it. Was really excited before now I don't even want to do the theater.




I guess some poses won’t fit most characters and the bloat would be kinda insane after a few years.. They are also quite strict about character image for some reason. Same for skins.


I like it a lot. Every Act I talk to the chars in the lobby.


Keqing screentime?? In this economy?!! Kequeen fans we are eating good!


Absolutely agree! There's a ton of other characters who could also use some screentime love too (not Itto, he's good). I'd love to see an event focused on just the Liyue folks. We got a smidge of it in this year's Lantern Rite, but many were left out for the Gaming/Xianyun expo and I'd absolutely love to see Ning, Keqing, Ganyu, Shenhe, Zhong, Bedou, Yelan, Yanfei, etc get revisited. Even if it were just for some not super lore important stuff like the poetry fest thing. Fuck even just Ning/Beidou only going on a food tasting/drinking road trip would be dope AF. They really not giving Ning the love she deserves.


Yep! In a way, she's the reason I started playing Genshin, my first 5 star and since 1.0 <3 I purposely kept her, fischl, baizhu and sucrose for the final act vs coppelius haha.


Xinyan finally got some screen time after being absent from Rock and Roll event and nation where this music originated.


https://imgur.com/a/NzlG6Iy Once again she decides to *almost* grant my innermost desire 😭 Sadly, it was only in my dreams.


She only asked me to get her snacks 💀


Seems like the 4 characters that appear in the room are the party used in Act 8 (or final act). They even have individual voiced lines as well, a nice little something they added. P.S. Wolfy isn't one of the party >:(


>Seems like the 4 characters that appear in the room are the party used in Act 8 (or final act). I believe it's more so the last 4 characters you use in any combat act, since you can temporarily return to the lobby anytime in between. Their standby positions will be randomized too, and they seemingly have different sets of voice dialogues ~~depending on their standby location~~ (seems to be random regardless of standby location).


I'm pretty sure their voicelines are randomized too. I left my Wanderer in the theater and he had different dialogue when I logged back in despite being in the same position from when I logged off.


Can confirm, funnily enough was about to edit my comment too. I've only done like 3-4 combat stages so only noticed now


I can also confirm, I had Fischl in theater n dialogue was different too. So far the mode is fun but I hate having to lvl up my characters past 12 chars I had at lv 80...


I think they have different lines depending on which corner of room they are on


Oo, this is good to know. So we can cycle through characters quickly if we want to hear their voicelines.


this means if dendro is ever available in it then kaveh might actually get attention


Seeing some of these character here is surreal, like don't you guys have a job to do ?


Wasn't theyre any characters you last used in a combat room?


Op please mark as spoiler


what is this even spoiling


Character in the quest or something?


Does this mean Aloy screentime!!?!?!??!?!?! (no i am delusional)