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I need help with passing Ascension quest 50 I have been stuck on it for over a month! Admittedly, I am pretty new to Genshin & don’t know too much about building a team so that might be my problem. I’ll take any advice anyone can give, please! My current team is: Beidou- Lvl 90 Weapon prototype archaic lvl 90. All of her artifacts are 16+ Lynette-lvl 90 favonius sword lvl 90 her artifacts aren’t maxed out but they’re close Bennett- lvl 90 favonius sword lvl 90 max artifacts Kaeya-lvl 90 prototype rancour lvl 90 with maxed artifacts.


I pulled the legendary weapon (Atlas.. something) at less than 15 pity on teh standard banner. Is that a good thing or a bad thing. And what should i do with the weapon i dont have any characters that use a catalyst so what should i do?


I am a new player and i dont get how its supposed to work. I get those blobs out of the water and when i defeat them more just keep coming and its getting really tedious. How many of them am supposed to defeat to move on, or am i missing something? I thougt maybe i was supposed to run from them but i just teleport right back.


So I have a guaranteed Furina but I only have 73 primos and have done 45 wishes. What's the chances that I'll be able to get enough for her by the time her banner ends?


thats a mater of how much you have left of world to explore


I still have Sumeru and Fontaine to explore.


then its a yes


Thank you!


How do you claim rewards in the new event? Do you have to finish it first?


Go back to the book? Yes, I think you have to finish or at least end the run before claiming it


Im a new player and have decided that Raiden is going to be my main (I dont have her yet but saving my primos for her rerun). I want to build my teams around her and have planned the below teams. Any thoughts on whether the below is a good set to have and is it worth pulling for Furina this banner? I have guaranteed banner character and am at 43 pity - so I could probably grind to get Furina before her banner expires. I only have Bennet and Xiangling at the moment and am low spender (BP and Welkin), so trying to make good team decisions before I spend primos. Where possible I want to repeat characters across teams so I dont overspend. Rational Raiden Shogun Xiangling Xingqiu Bennett Hyperbloom Raiden Shogun Collei Kokomi Nahida Taser Raiden Shogun Kokomi Yae Miko Kazuh I've seen Raiden Furina Yelan and Jean teams, but is it worth getting Furina and would I be able to utilise her elsewhere?


Skip the hyperbloom team for now. She needs an entirely different build for that than her normal on field build, and you don't really even use her on field in that scenario. It sounds like that's not really what you're looking for? (You can always look into it later down the line if you want.) The Rational team is solid, and extremely f2p friendly. You can get Xingqiu and Xiangling from Lantern Rite and the starglitter shop, and Bennett from the starglitter shop. None of them really NEED cons to be good, but they're fairly accessible. You can swap Furina for Xingqiu if you want to pull for her, but if you don't want to get her she's not mandatory. Don't get me wrong, she's VERY good, and Furina + strong healer can be slotted into pretty much any team to make it good, but don't feel obligated to pull for a character if you don't like them. The game is perfectly playable without her. The taser team you posted is good, but it's all 5 stars, so it's going to be very expensive. It could be a long term goal for you if you really want these particular characters? Both Kazuha and Kokomi are very good units in general (don't have Yae, so I can't say much about her), but there are 4 star units that you can sub instead (Sucrose, Fischl, Xingqiu) until then.


Thank you this is so helpful! I agree that National was going to be my go to team. I'm trying to build up my Bennett (who's actually on C2 now) and Xiangling to prepare for when Raiden reruns. I'm guessing by that time I will have got Xingqiu from starglitter shop. Taser is the long term goal - I just love Yae Miko and Kokomi's aesthetic and know I'llenjoy playing them (although this feels like the wrong reason to get them). Do you think its worth trying to get constellations of 5 star chars?


Liking a character is honestly the best reason to pull for them in my opinion lol. If you like Kokomi and Yae, both of them are very good units and flexible enough to work in multiple teams. I generally don't recommend pulling cons for 5 stars if you're f2p or a low budget player, but there are a handful of exceptions. Raiden has a very good C2, especially if you plan on using her a lot on field. Kazuha, Nahida and Furina also have good C2s as well. There are a handful of characters that get some nice QoL upgrades with their C1s as well (Chiori, Neuvillette and Wriothesley come to mind, but there are more). This kind of thing is more on a case by case basis though, so it might help to read/watch guides on the characters you're going to pull for to see if going for cons is something that might interest you. [KeqingMains](https://keqingmains.com/) is the go to for written guides, and I personally like [SevyPlays](https://www.youtube.com/@SevyPlays) and [Zy0x](https://www.youtube.com/@Zy0x) for video guides.


Thank you!!


I don't particularly like the Raiden Furina Yelan Jean team, but I'm also not a Raiden main. Furina is extremely good and can be used in tons of teams, so even if you don't like the team she will definitely still be useful.


fav or fishable sword for furina in neuvi zhongli kazuha neuvi has tome, zhongli has black tassel, kazuha has freedom


Pipe. If the team desperately needs a fav user then Zhongli is right there


Pipe, unless your Kazuha desperately needs the extra ER from Fav to be able to burst every rotation.


PAUSE. Does the Fantastical Blessings buff apply in Spiral Abyss also?


It does!


Are you serious?


Hoyo stated it in their post about IT before the patch even hit.


Yep. Sevy confirmed in her video on the Imaginarium [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUz31nrGjOw) (around the 2min mark) and it's also been posted in the sub [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1dszyqq/fyi_imaginarium_theater_buff_works_in_spiral/)


Is there a way to connect your current exploration progress to any interactive map in a way that won't risk my account? I never rlly got to 100% most of the areas even in mondstadt and I just wanna know what chests I'm missing


No. You just need to make an account on the interactive map, and start tracking everything on there yourself. You may need to just go chest by chest, and verify the ones you already have. This being said, there are a couple tricks I picked up doing this... Assuming you have like 80% or more in an area, but you haven't tracked anything on the interactive map yet, I would start with oculus. Use the resonance stones to find them until yuo get them all in the region. And take note that those stones point you to the nearest one. So if it gives you one really far away, you can go ahead and mark off all the ones on the interactive map that would have been closer. And once you max out your statue, plus you get 1 extra, you can just go through and mark them all off. As you are traveling to each oculus, continuously use your treasure compass to find chests. And go grab them when you see one. Mark off those chests as you find them so you don't have to go back later. And if there are any other puzzles and chests near the oculus, check them while you are in the area to save time later. After you have done that, go for all the random puzzles, while ignoring just plain chests. Things like time trials, bloaty floaty, pressure plates, torches, and the like. These are the most easily missed things, since they won't show up on your treasure compass. And as with the oculi, make sure you are using your compass while walking to these locations, and mark off chests as you find them. Hopefully after you've done that, you should hit 100%, or very nearly so. If not, then you'll just have to go chest by chest until you do. Take note however, that just because the in-game says 100%, that doesn't mean you actually found every single thing. It rounds up. There could still be a couple chests and puzzles out there. Also take note that you can get exploration % from floating crates and rock piles that give Mora. I wouldn't prioritize these, since they don't give primos. But if you have found all the chests and done all the puzzles and still haven't reached 100%, then you might need to get some.


Thanks for the advice 🙏. I was losing my shit running around and using the treasure compass and having it show nothing even tho I'm still at 98%




Is there a website where you can listen to a characters voice lines in all available languages?


[https://ambr.top/en](https://ambr.top/en) Character -> quotes


The wiki has many voicelines in other languages, for example: [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Clorinde/Voice-Overs/Japanese](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Clorinde/Voice-Overs/Japanese)


What’s best for an Ayato Furina core? Should I go hypercarry and use Benny and Sayu, should I go taser with Kuki and Miko? Idk who to go for :(


Bennett and Kuki won't heal nearly enough for maxing Furina's fanfare. Sayu's initial teamwide heal is a lot more effective for that. Don't get me wrong, it is kinda feasible "reaction soup" to use Sayu then Bennett's burst, then Ayato dishes it out, just don't believe it's powerful enough without strong artifacts. If have Fischl or another built electro (self-battery?), can bring Jean or Sayu for resistance shred and a decent taser team. Kuki and Dori are the only electro healers, and neither's kit counters Furina's HP drain that well.


Bennett and Xiangling is probably best. Bennett should heal enough on his own that you don't need Sayu. Xiangling will do more damage than your Ayato. She more than makes up for the lack of Anemo VV shred. Taser should be able to work though. However, I would swap Kuki for an Anemo healer, ideally Jean or Xianyun, but Sayu should work if she's all you have. Kuki's healing isn't quite enough to keep up with Furina. Sayu's heals are weak too, but at least she can heal off-field characters as well, so that puts her a little ahead. And her Swirls will spread Electro and Hydro around, triggering more Electro-charged reactions. You could try using both Kuki and Sayu, but I think you lose too much damage if you don't have Fischl or Yae in there.


Quick question, but I need to know. Okay, so when I started this game a bit ago, I looked into how the summoning mechanic worked in this game and learned of the pity system and how it carries over between limited banners. Now, my question is that in the tutorials there was only one limited character banner, but there are two currently and two when I started. Does the pity account for both, or is it only on the one I've been trying to get a character from? Like, I am just at the 70th, which I think is my guaranteed 4 or higher wish result. If I randomly click on the other banner from the one I am pulling from, will it count towards the 70th, or does it have its own count? Does it also count the five or so pulls I made on the previous limited banner in the same slot? Or dos that not matter? I apologize if these are stupid questions.


Both limited character banners share pity, so say right now, I’m at 0 pity, and do a 10 pull in Sigewinne’s banner, then a 10 pull in Furina’s, my total pity is 20, bc it’s shared!


Oh, thank you for clearing that up.


Np! Remember if you’re F2P to never pull on weapon banner too, pity does carry between new and old banners, but guaranteed does not, and you have to lose 2 times to get guaranteed


All regular limited character banners share the same pity count, including both the ones that are currently active, and all past and future ones.


Is the Fillet Blade good for anyone? I personally thought it looked pretty cool, and especially for a 3-star weapon, but is there anyone who can actually use it?


Only 3* worth using are normally Black tassel, TTDS and Harbinger lf Dawn. Maybe White Tassel if you’re using Benny


Any ATK-scaling DPS can use it, ideally an on-fielder... Ayaka, Keqing, Alhaitham, to name a few. However, you wouldn't want to use it, as Fillet Blade is completely outclassed by several easily accessible 4-star weapons. Notably, the Kagotsurube Isshin has a very similar passive (chance to dealing extra damage on hit), and also comes with ATK% secondary stat. However, being a 4-star, Kagotsurube has higher Base ATK, and gives more ATK%, so it's just better in every way. And you get the Kagotsurube for free by completing Kazuha's quest, so there's no reason to use Fillet Blade over it, unless you care more about drip than stats. The Flute also has ATK% and a similar passive, and it's available in the Standard Banner, so you're likely to pull one eventually. However, I should note that any weapon that gives you a chance of triggering some extra damage like these weapons is generally considered to be a very weak passive ability on a weapon. The extra damage is just too weak, and too infrequent to be a significant source of damage, and therefore it's better to go for weapons that have a more useful passive ability if one is available. And weapons with better passives are readily available... The Amenoma Kageuchi is another 4-star with ATK% scaling, but with much better passive ability that refunds energy to your character. And this sword is craftable, so it's available to everyone for free. Lion's Roar is another 4-star ATK% sword, with a useful passive that increases all damage against targets affected by Pyro or Electro by a good amount. Very good in certain teams if you can utilize the passive. And it's on the Standard Banner.


Nah. 3* weapons generally need a strong passive to be worth using and the passive on that one is very weak.


Since I have many characters, including all the featured IT units, I have a question. Are people going to get locked out when they don't have all -1 of the featured 5* s and 4* s even if they have the 18 elemental restriction units? (The -1 is since you can bring a friend)


The "bring a friend" feature doesn't help you meet the minimum required number of eligible characters for each difficulty level.


You don't have to own the initial 6 characters, if you don't have them you get trial versions. But you have to have 18 eligible characters (or 12 minimum if you don't have any of the 6 and use their trials instead) in order to participate in hard mode at all. If you only have 17 it won't let you start it, even if you plan to borrow one from a friend later


Alright, thanks for the explanation


No you just need the correct units not the featured characters specifically


Ayo do those 4 off element special invitations characters add to the 18 characters in IT? I have none of the characters included this season so I couldn't check.


If you don't have them, they don't count.


So if I have them then they do count. Nice less characters for me to build then next IT season


Who are the Fontaine and Sumeru craftable catalysts good for? I need more prototype amber refinements for Neuvillette and Baizhu but I dont wanna waste any potential good midlander billets


The Fontaine craftable is Wrio and Wanderer's best F2P weapon option. No one uses the Sumeru one.


fontaine: wriothesley sumeru: nobody


I’ll just craft one for my future Wriothesley and convert the rest then thank youu


if you have widsith or any 5* they're better than flowing purity


Both my widsiths are taken :( I have skyward atlas and lost prayers though so they should be fine




Hmm. Switching felt more jank than usual despite ping being low as usual. But maybe that was just awkward animations on some of the characters I was using


Personally I didn't feel anything in that regard. Oddest parts (to me) where having to skip that 1st cut scene every time; and my (auto?) targeting felt a little off in a couple of fights; but could have just been because I'm not used to having so many enemies all around?


Hello just got furina and the ascension boss is so hard for me to beat :’( is there a discord server that can find peeps to help me or anyone on asia server willing to help me thanks! 🥹 Or is it better for me to lower my world level and speed run x46 materials for furina


just google Genshin discord first result is official discord, volunteers are easy to get if request is specific likr a boss or a couple


Change your signature to ask for help with a boss. I'm sure it won't take long for someone to take notice and show up


Lowering the world level also lowers the rewards. I would ask for help in just the official discord server. Alternatively, you can just open up your multiplayer with a message of "need help with X boss"; and resinless bored people will probably flock in your help, grateful to have something to do and lend someone a hand while they showcase their strong characters :-P


The weekly team/character build megathread doesn’t lead anywhere…. can I just post normally?


Reddit search is wonky, that thread [is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1dobxws/weekly_teamcharacter_building_megathread_june/) but asking for help in _this_ thread is fine too. Making a new post would not be, though.


Thank you!


which is the easiest/most comfortable for abyss: national, rational or childe international?


Rational. Raiden helps with the energy recharge, and doesn’t have downtime like childe.


My little nephew is one of the luckiest players around, he won the 50/50 this weekend and got furina and now he also got sigewinne not even 10 pulls later.....he is still building his neuvilette, miko and many supports though.  He does have some GT pieces to make furina okayish, but doesn't have a single clam piece for sigewinne. Any way to kinda make m work with maybe 2pc sets that don't require a lot of resin?


HP main stat pieces should be a good enough placeholder till they can strongbox


Anyone know when we will get the next live stream previewing Natlan? I remember the next major patch is usually right around now ish


It should be in 3 days.


Wow so soon. Thanks!


Remember to get the Codes and use them quickly before they expire! :-P


Never forget!


Between TTDS and Fav Codex, which weapon is better for C0 Sucrose? Using her in Arlecchino teams


Ttds for sure arle doesnt need much energy




What’s the best artifact set for a C6 Faruzan? I see mixed opinions on different build guides. Is Skyward Harp a good option or should I stick with Favonius?


Tenacity. Even if it's already on someone else and especially if that someone else is Zhongli because Zhongli procs Tenacity once a season Both work but personally there is no point in choosing Skyward over Fav. Faruzan's personal damage is irrelevant so there's little reason to make your energy situation worse over gaining a bit of it


Skyward harp is excellent on her at c6 if you build into her damage. She’s capable of doing a substantial amount of it at c6 because of all the off field pressurized collapses and the fact that her ER requirements are now much more reasonable (generally between 180% and 220% depending on the team). For set, you’ll generally be picking between Golden Troupe and Tenacity. I advocate putting her on GT because I’m a DPS/sub-DPS Faruzan shill but tenacity can be better if your anemo DPS is highly invested. If you’re running her either outside her traditional teams or your anemo carry team has a sub DPS like Furina, Fischl or XL who does a substantial amount of PECH damage, VV will be BiS. 


Depends on the team's artifacts. VV is excellent if she's the only one holding it. Noblesse, GT, and ToTM are other viable options if she's not the VV holder. Favonius is still her best weapon. Skyward Harp's passives and CR are mostly wasted on her unless she's on-field. I don't remember her having potential to do massive damage.


I just got the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear from the Standard Wish and I don't know who would be good with it. I have Xiangling with Homa, Raiden with The Catch, Zhongli with Favonius, Rosaria with Dragon's Bane and Yao Yao, Yunjin, Mika and Chevy with support polearms. Who should I give it to?


For now, its a minor upgrade for Riaden, but personally I'd take Catch for ER. Or if you're using Atk sands with Catch and your ER sands has better stats. For now there are 3 users that use PJWS well : Xiao (bis), Cyno, Arle.


I believe it’s a small upgrade for Raiden over the Catch. 


PJW is best for on-field DPS. Sounds like yours limited to Raiden and Zhongli? Workable on Rosaria. XL can use it, though need to do some NAs to stack the passive before her burst snapshots it, meaning longer rotation. Far as I know, this weapon's chiefly for Xiao's kit.


Pretty sure it's not better than Homa or Catch for Xiangling and Raiden. Zhongli and your other supports don't care for it... Might be an improvement for Rosaria.


Yeah I'll try if it's useful for Rosaria, thanks!


Save for future units? Mine is also unused lol.


Yeah probably, I was planing on pulling for Xiao since i got Xianyun, so this would be good. Thanks!


i’m confused why i cant progress past act 6 in imaginarium theatre on normal mode even tho i’m passing all the levels and meeting the requirements ???


Because there is nothing beyond act 6 on normal mode


Normal mode only has 6 acts. Hard mode has 8 acts. You need 12 allowed characters to play hard mode (18 total, but they offer you 6 for free: Arlecchino, Thoma, Wanderer, Faruzan, Clorinde and Kuki).


Easy - first 3 acts Normal - 6 acts Hard - all acts  (It not very noticeable, but grafic changes when you swap difficulties and shows how many acts for each difficulty) I guess you don't have enough characters for hard


[here](https://youtu.be/BRwo0wwvuag) is my abyss attempt first chamber but I can't seem to finish within 1 minute and a half... I haven't been able to 36* abyss ever so if anyone could give me pointers what I'm doing wrong, it would be much appreciated. Thanks ;;


You can make some rotation improvements, but you were unlucky a couple of times. Yelan skill didn't mark all opponents on first wave which wouldn't make a huge difference but it comes up again later when you finish the last drake and move to the summoners (yelan skill didn't connect to get you energy). You don't need to remark enemies with Nahida as frequently as you do in this clip. You remark the last triangle right before the next wave spawns. You remark the ruin guard as he is falling over (and then spend half a rotation without any dendro). You play the team a bit like Nahida is the carry of the team and you setup her supports and then bring her on field to level the enemy when the team is more quick swap capable and your last rotation is actually much closer to how I would expect the team to be played (you didn't have energy for your XQ so you went to Yelan to skill into XQ burst to skill into Yelan burst and did all of this while the enemies were marked with Nahida to generate cores). Generally, mark with Nahida first. Use the hydro characters bursts early can allow you to use any skills to let all of the characters on the team catch the particles. Don't spam Nahida skill on an enemy that is already marked and about to fall over. Always be normal attacking.


u/azh2016 I made a vid to try and show some improvements you could make. I changed my builds to try and match yours a bit better. Your Kuki has a bit more EM than mine and a better set (flop vs guilded) but mine is c2 so I tried to use her burst in the moments that the c2 would be impacting the most, your nahida has slightly more em but less crit rolls, your yelan has a better crit ratio, my Xingqiu has a better crit ratio (+10 crit rate and fav). I could have run Yelan a bit better in this run as you can sneak in two skills per rotation but it relies a bit more on Kuki c2 uptime. https://youtu.be/mCFrAt3OEBI?si=6Zszgi7juDtJyED2


Oh my god thank you! I’m too burnt out from retrying abyss today but your video will help immensely. I appreciate it


On sac XQ, you’ll want to skill-burst-skill Earhart than burst-skill-skill like you’re doing. It’s faster for funneling the particles. I don’t know much about Nahida, but I think it’s typically faster to do a quick hold and spin, especially since you’re on PC. Also you’ll want to start out with her rather than XQ so you can get her damage and app going right away. For the eremites, try running to the anemo one instead of Babel; since the anemo one is ranged she won’t group to you. Finally, I’d take advantage of Yelan being on the team and use her skill for to get across the chamber when the ruin guard and eremites spawn; it’ll shave a few seconds off compared to just running. 


Sometimes one side is way easier/faster than the other; you don't have to do both under 90 seconds. Maybe you do the 1st one in 120, and the 2nd one in 55 seconds, and that's good enough. From what I saw in that video (and this is coming from a nub that only does 33/36 so far), it looked quite alright; though it was a shame that you couldn't hit/kill both desert dwellers at the end at the same time. Sometimes you get unlucky and may have to restart to get some extra seconds if they get separated like that (thought in here it wasn't that big of a time waste; nothing compared to the 3 Samurais from last month).


rotation could use some work: nahida e > xq eq n1 e > yelan q n1 e (catch the particles from xq's second e, hold alt when swapping to instantly use that characters burst) > kuki e n1 (q if charged) > nahida na spam. nahidas skill should always be active to generate blooms, and na whenever possible for more xq/yelan burst procs when a new wave spawns in immediately run to it and mark them with nahidas e. if you have stamina to spare bunnyhopping with xq is fastest, or you can use yelans e


I have tried this rotation but what happened for me was that, the seeds that were generated from xq and yelan's EQ they got wasted as in by the time I used kuki's E the seeds burst before I could hyperbloom them ;;


Use nahida burst more often as it gives more em to kuki, Your rotations could be lot more optimized. You don't have to use yellan burst if you don't need it. Like the first 3 primal constucts can be killed easily in a single rotation. Open with Nahida use skill and burst and go to kuki use e and go towards constucts use xingqui burst/skill. Hyperbloom is consistent damage factor, if you are not triggering hyperblooms at point in time you are losing out on damage. The only challenge you will have is against the last group of enemies because they are hard to group up, you can try killing their pets first before focusing on them. First 3 waves should be done within 50-60 seconds.


Nahida burst gives em only to the active character and Kuki isn't on field here


I just pulled furina and really Wana make a team with her and alhaithem. Would alhaithem (DPS), Thomas (sheilder), kuki (healing and for reactions), and furina (healer/sub DPS I think) work?


Thoma's Pyro application will really hurt this team. Also, Kuki's healing isn't gonna be enough to fully counter Furina's HP drain, especially since you will want to have Kuki on a full EM build for Hyperbloom. I recommend swapping Thoma for Baihzu or Yaoyao. If you don't have either of them, then you can use a Hydro healer like Sigewinne, Kokomi, or Barbara. But a Dendro healer is much better.


Only healers I have are Bennet, jean, and barbera


Then it might be better for you to use Xingqiu with Alhaitham instead of Furina. Then you can put any other Dendro you have wiht him (Collei and Dendro Traveler work well), and Kuki's healing should be enough then, even on an EM build. Then you can put Furina with either Bennett or Jean on a different team. Furina-Bennett-Xiangling is a very strong core, you can put wiht just about any ATK-scaling DPS. I should mention this advice is mainly applicable for Abyss, or taking on tough domains and bosses. If you wanna use your Furina with Alhaitham in the overworld, for just exploring and doing quests, you would be fine. You'll have time between fights where Kuki can slowly heal you up as you're walking, and you can always change stance on Furina to help with that too.


My kuki with the artifacts I have on currently has about 300 em. Is that enough?


If you have her, nahida would be a big upgrade over thoma, which would make it Alhaitham's strongest team


I don't :(


What dendro characters do you have?


Alhaithem, thignari, Collie , Dendro traveler 


Then I would say you could use DMC or Collei in that slot and it should work fine


I didn't think using 2 Dendro instead of an electro was a good idea


Right now my team I'm currently thinking about running is alhaithem, furina, kuki, and Jean. Not sure if I should use kuki or fichle. If I run 2 Dendro I'd have like no reactions 


Definitely use Kuki and not fischl If you use Alhaitham Furina Dendro Kuki you have enough reactions and a very synergistic team


Alhaitham really wants a second dendro character on his teams because he really benefits from the energy they provide him to use jis burst more frequently


Sounds like a fun team. Especially with all the reactions going on in there. Screen will explode from numbers :) , but maybe use a team healer instead of thoma, so furina will do dmg and your team ain’t at 50% all the time


Yes, but swap thoma for a team healer. Best Baizhu > jean > charlotte.


Don't both kuki and furina heal though? I figured having a shield would be ideal, and having pyro so I can proc more reactions


You usually don’t need both a shielder and a healer Furina can’t heal and do damage/buff the team at the same time, your dps plummets while she is in heal mode so it’s not typically used for harder content “More reactions” isn’t always a good thing. Al haitham wants to deal damage with spread, which he can’t do if enemies are burning. Pyro isn’t a good combo for him. If you run it, you’d want to build thoma to be the one carrying the damage with burgeon, however furina alone wouldn’t be enough hydro so you’d want to replace kuki with a hydro healer Check out : https://keqingmains.com/q/alhaitham-quickguide/#Teams And https://keqingmains.com/q/thoma-quickguide/#Burgeon_Thoma


But if I go alhaithem, furina, kuki, jean then my whole team is sword users lol I'ma run out of swords


Craft some more swords or replace jean with fischl


Furina can heal, but you don't want her to. She only heals the active character, has to give up all her(rather significant) damage to do so and does not generate any energy in that mode. In general you want healers over shielders with her with some exceptions(like Neuvilette teams). Especially healers that can heal the whole team at once.


Oh. Well I have jean leveled to 70 I guess. I just didn't think an anemo user would fit well. I also have fichle but idk if kuki or her are better for this team


huh, i have this screen, what can i do? its like froze in place [https://prnt.sc/zgaXmCIUTQxP](https://prnt.sc/zgaXmCIUTQxP) i play on pc with controller


Just counted, I have 22 characters at 70 or above. Does that mean I’m good for the new mode? If I don’t do the toughest part how much primos will I miss?


Depends on the elements. Need 18 (12 if you don’t have the trial characters) of the featured elements. Not many primos


Thanks. That sounds doable. Will check when I get home.


11 since you can use a character from one of your friends too


i was doing exploration in fontaine and idk why but chests with this device dont appear to me and i already missed multiple of them bc of that[round device thingy](https://files.fm/u/yruvy4uy8e)


Maybe you did the quest already? [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Still_Mouthwatering!](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Still_Mouthwatering!)


omg it was from the quest? yeah i did this but didnt remember those parts and the girl from the exploration video didnt write it up it’s for quest lmao, thank you!


Hu Tao, Furina, Xingqiu, ??? (who can I use for the 4th slot? I'm asking who I can use for the 4th slot, not "swap furina with etc etc")


Jean or Cloud Retainer


Xianyun preferably, or Jean. Otherwise Bennett


A healer, ideally Xianyun


Does Perruere have an "About Scaramouche" line?




Bummer. Probably means there'll never be another one.


I got dehya as my first five star character, should I delete my account and start from scratch again? I wanted furina, yes but I've been told that dehya is the worst five star so there's no point in continuing right. I've only started playing for last 10 days or something so I think I should be able to hit pity again if I start again.


Eventually you’ll have a bunch of characters you’re not going to use. Play long enough and you’re likely to get Dehya eventually. You have an account with a guaranteed limited 5-star now, so I wouldn’t throw that away. Also, Genshin is a long game. You’re going to make a ton of pulls, lose some, win some. I wouldn’t decide that it’s hopeless based on your luck in the very first 10 days when you may end up playing for over 1000 days.


Dehya isn't that bad as it used to be. However that is just missing the 50/50 part. Focus your efforts on getting furina now that you have a gurantee because you missed 50/50. Forget about dehya, the only good 5 stars on standard banner are jean (in furina teams) and Tighnari so its not that big of deal to get Dehya. Dehya also has niche uses these days.


I would personally put Qiqi as the worst 5★. And while Dehya can be quite subpar for normal fights where you try to get the most damage and best character combinations; she is an okay "shielder" against interruption (I personally pair her with my Neuvillette), has a great (personal, tied to personal opinions) character design, personality and voice actress (she is probably one of my favorite and less annoying characters) and she is the "strongest" to survive environmental damage in Dragonspine and the only character that can heal while fighting in Fontaine underwater (as she auto-heals when damaged bellow certain HP threshold). If you restart now... You will be in the same point you are now, but with 10 less days and 1 character less... And you could get Dehya (or Qiqi!) as your 1st 5★ again. The only thing you would "gain", is recovering the one-time-only Fates you got from early quests and chests... Are THOSE in particular worth setting your account back in time 10 days to you? Again, think about the possibility of getting back to where you are now after all that effort. Also, there is a BIG difference between spending 20 or 90 Fates to get Dehya; as well as them being Acquaint or Intertwined Fates. Rerolling a 10-day account because you got Dehya "the Worst" with 20 Acquaint Fates is stupid. Rerolling the same account after spending 90 Intertwined Fates to get Dehya is more understandable. Not to mention... what did you actually consume? 70 one-time-only Fates? Or 30 daily/monthly-reward Fates? Because ones you would "get back"; the others you wouldn't. For what is worth; I been playing since January, I got several built characters (even if nothing too great) and Dehya is both in my world-exploring team (to avoid interruptions on Neuvillette while providing some vape and breaking minerals) and one of my Abyss teams. Then again.. This is a GAME and you should have FUN. If for you is worth to reroll, and try again for Furina (assuming you consumed tons of one-time-only Primogems/Fate rewards), go for it and have fun. Just be aware that you may get unlucky again. But if you are really salty and with a bad taste in your mounth, and wana try again, maybe you get Furina or Diluc and become really happy about it. No wrong answer imo; just be aware that you can get unlucky 10 times in a row if you keep resetting your account (and you could also get super lucky and get Furina twice in 20 fates!); but if you are up for it and enjoy the re-rolling, go for it.


No that’s dumb Time in is the absolutely most important thing in this game. You are going to pull a LOT of characters you don’t like and won’t use. Just bench her and keep going. You’re guaranteed to get a limited character next.


And am I guaranteed to get 90 wishes again for furina before her banners ends? I mean seriously I want to know,


Depends on how much you play and how much permanent content Clearing the mondstat and liyue archon quests + some of the inazuma archon quest should be enough to hit pity twice. Collect all the chests/puzzles you can along the way


Each region has about 100 pulls worth of gems. Keep pushing and clearing content.


Do what you want. These sorts of self-pitying comments are just pathetic, though. Everyone loses 50/50 sometimes.


Nga how is that self pitying lmao ?


'Waaa I lost the 50/50' 'Waaa I read a comment that said dehya was bad so I choose to believe it completely and uncritically' 'Waaa I have to delete my account forever and start over because I got the wrong shiny JPEG' Build a bridge and get over it.


Yeah lol you definitely sound mad because I don't want to use dehya and spoke ill of her Youre the one who should stop obsessing over those shiny jpeg bud Wtf do you want me to do,? Play a character that many people have told me is trash Also, dehya is claymore user and a pyro. I wouldn't have any problem with pyro but I totally despise claymore in this game.


Dehya is mid at best, I don't give a fuck if you want to play her or not. But losing the 50/50 to shit you don't want is literally a fact of life in this game. Go ahead, reroll another account, play through all the story again and then get Qiqi instead. Hooray. Or you could suck it up, keep playing, and earn the character you actually want because now you have a guarantee, placing you significantly closer to your goal. There's no need to go bitching to reddit.


It depends on how much they played and what did they exactly lose imo. Is not the same to miss your first 50/50 after spending 10 days playing non-stop to get 90 Intertwined Fates from one-time-only content; that losing your 20th 50/50 after spending 4 years playing, and it costing you only 30 "daily/monthly" farmed Fates. What's really 10 days worth of Daily/Monthly/Event rewards? Like 10-15 Fates at most? How much did they paid for Dehya? 20 Acquaint Fates? 90 Intertwined Fates? If they rushed tons of non-repeatable content to end up spending 87 Intertwined Fates and got Dehya from it; I could see (even suggest) the account re-roll this early on. If they got her after just spending 30-50 Fates... Just be happy about an early 5★ and keep going.


I played for 35 hours something over the span of 10 days, and I hit pity around 85 wishes, yeah And yeah I think my efforts were futile and I'm better off starting from scratch Plus dehya is a pyro character as well as claymore, which I fucking hate so much. So I don't really see any reason to continue from this account


Well, if you do feel that way; and that restarting is worth for you, go for it, and wish you the best. Just be aware that you may get unlucky again; and don't get too frustrated if you end up in the same exact situation you are right now... XD If you like the game; it would be a waste to end up not playing it because you got "unlucky" twice in a row and feel like you "wasted your time". This is a game after all, and you should see it as something you feel like doing, and not a task that is not "worth" if you "do" it "wrong" (get unlucky). Be aware that even heavy spenders can't get all the characters or weapons and have to live with their results. Try to get (if you have it) the "completionist mindset" from other games away, because Genshin is about making choices (sometimes passing on characters you really needed/wanted to be able to save for other characters you need/want even more) and then rolling the dice and living with the results (some people will get three 5★ character banners in 70 fates; and you may end up spending twice that amount, and still only have Dehya to show for it... and a guarantee in 40 more Fates). XD Good luck if you start anew. Let me know if you can/remember and get nice results!


Okey so I have not really decided on who I want next in Genshin. Firstly I was like ”I need a healer” for Furina. - I do want a good 5* healer for her. - I don’t want Baizhu cause I don’t like him and I am happy with my dendro team. - I don’t want Sigwinne cause I don’t like her and her kit is weird. - I would like Jean but she is RNG - I have some reservations about Kokomi cause she must be perma on field (I think?) Okey so here comes the first one I guess Xianyun cause I have kinda warmed up 2 her. I watched some stuff and she seems fun her heal can be used and swaped away, she has anemo buff such as Jean with artifacts etc. —> Plunge: yeah so that’s her thing right. Annnnnd I know I didn’t pull for plunge earlier this year but I tried stuff in the events a couple times and the plubge robot in Fontaine and I kinda like it. —> More: But If I go this route I would also want Xiao. (That I have also warmed up 2. ) But I would lock in my two next 5*s. - Navia - big damage burst fun but she is Geo so I am not that hyped about that. Don’t like the big sword weapon type either. But she does big damage with Furina and she might not need more Geo so maybe. - Nilou - like her in lore and she seems fun in kit. But have already a bunch of dendro so I should skip and expand in different directions. - Emilie - already have dendro. Doesn’t seem that interesting. - Yelan. Cool hydro character. Damage buffs. Works with Yoimiya. Works with dendro. Good buy I think. But already have mini Yelan. Save for cool new characters? Natlan broken? But maybe most will be like Pyro so idk? Or maybe I go for something else first and go for Natlan later?


In case you have Qiqi you can use her in certain Furina teams. I have been running [Neuville, Kazuha, Furina, Qiqi] & [Qiqi, Furina, Fischl, XQ/Beidou] with surprising success on my F2P account. Regarding the other 5 star picks: I am a big fan of Nilou. Her teams are easy to play and quite flexible within her Hydro + Dendro team restriction. You can use anything from budget Barbara + Dendro Traveller (e.g. as a first 5 star pick on a new account) over whacky on-field Yaoyao + Candace to speedrunning Kokomi + Collei comps. Great when you want more flexibility for your other team. And I feel her AOE focus makes her teams quite distinct from your usual Aggravate or Quick/Hyperbloom teams. So you could grab her and then save up for Natlan. As for Furina, if you don't want Baizhu (who is imho her best partner) I'd just use a 4 star healer (or Qiqi) and then save for Natlan.


Thanks! I have Qiqi but she doesn’t feel that good (is lvl 60 and stuff so might just be that I haven’t given her enough love) so I have started building Chatlotte (C1) as a healer.


I think the key with the [Qiqi + Furina] combo is that you need enough healing power on her to off-set Furina's drain on at least one party member to consistently trigger Furina's overheal passive (especially when she is mostly off-field and can't constantly team heal with her NA spam). The exact healing power needed will depend on your party comp (character HP), and if someone uses Proto Amber (like my F2P C1 Neuville) that should also help with making the whole experience more consistent at lower investment. FWIW I did get the impression that bumping her (E) to lvl 8 did matter quite a bit (I assume because the effective gap between Furina's HP drain & Qiqi's healing wasn't that big). Unlocking her second passive is also very useful, because a free burst mark every 30 seconds allows you to rapidly heal whoever is on-field without having to waste time on her burst animation. If you take heavy damage you can pretty much go: [Qiqi swap-in -> E -> 2-3 NAs] and then either stay on Qiqi if you need heavy team healing or go back to your on-fielder. I run her on Sac Sword + 4p Clam ATK/ATK/Heal%, but I guess with Furina you might get better results with 2+2 Clam+Maiden or even 2+2 ATK% + Heal% (I haven't run any numbers on this, just a guesstimate). And it would certainly be easier & cheaper to build her with those combinations. I also want to point out that Qiqi's performance depends on the encounter. I feel she works best for shorter battles where you don't need/want to waste time on burst attacks (so particularly the overworld), and since you need to be in melee range for her own attacks she isn't great against anything stuff like the dancing Copellia duo (although you can still use her burst in that case to get a ranged mark application for your on-fielder). I did also build (C3) Charlotte on my F2P, expecting her to clearly outperform Qiqi, but to my surprise it wasn't really the case. Charlotte's high ER requirement & particle delay on the (E) is really annoying, and because of my sub-optimal ping (oversea server) I constantly get staggered or interrupted with her when using the (E).


Xianyun is a great pick for Furina teams, yes! If you want a 5\* Furina healer she's a solid universal option. She's a great plunge buffer, but even if you aren't using plunge she can hold VV to shred resistance and is a great healer without needing field time. Kokomi does need to be on-field to heal the team, which can be a good or a bad thing...? Her damage (especially with Furina buff) is quite decent, her range is good, and she has good AoE hydro application. I use them together a lot for teams like mono hydro, taser, burgeon, and hyperbloom. If you're looking for an easy healer to slot in that will work with any main DPS, though, Kokomi isn't ideal for that. She's better to pair with Furina and some off field DPS. **Edit:** If you getting Nilou, there's actually a lot more reason to consider Kokomi, since they're great together. I really like Nilou, yes she works on dendro teams but she enables a team archetype that nobody else can *effectively* use (~~sorry Kaveh~~), so it doesn't feel boring just because you already use dendro. Also, while you wait, don't underestimate your 4\* healers! Charlotte and Mika in particular are quite comfortable with Furina, along with Yaoyao (although she needs a couple seconds of field time to heal the team with her burst). Bennett and Kuki also offer enough (buffs + hyperblooms) to be worth using even without team healing, since you're trading a weaker Furina buff for other benefits.


Thanks for the advice :) Yeah I have started building my C1 Charlotte. Still thinking about getting a 5* option tho as I don’t really use her cryo/damage/skill.


For imaginarium theater, do i need to get the stars to get the rewards like i do in abyss?




Nope. Just finish Act 8


Sweet, that makes it way easier lol. So what do the stars do?


Sit and look pretty on your profile. Or as an optional challenge to yourself




As a returning player. Which world quest chain would you deem “most important”?


The Sumeru long ones for sure (both Aranara in the Jungle and the Tablet from the Desert). Thing about those quests is that without them, you can't really explore properly the Sumeru region. You will keep encountering closed doors, unusable tomes and weird puzzles that (if you are not aware of you lacking the tools for them) could make you waste a ton of time and frustration before realizing you CAN'T do them with what you have. Unlike other regions (that can be 100% without doing their quest); I would be surprised if you could 100% ANY part of Sumeru without completing the corresponding World Quest first (Aranara's for the Jungle, Tablet for the Desert). This being said... I always recommend doing the World Quest you feel like doing at any given time. Maybe prioritize the ones you are halfway through; or the ones you already have in your quest log before going to look for more; or the one in the area you feel like playing right now... Just like with the TCG; if you play it when you *feel* like it (instead of forcing yourself on it as a task), it goes much better. Personally I had a blast with both the Aranara and Tablet quests; but I went in knowing they were long and that I would be for a long ride; and did them when I felt like doing them (not like some people that are "forced" into them because they "need" Fates right now before the banner ends).


Depends on the region. Most regions have a world quest chain or two which are really central, at least starting in Sumeru. The other comment mentioned the Sumeru ones, and for Fontaine it's the entire Narzissenkreuz Questline. I'd also say Kvarena of Good and Evil is pretty good, and if you like reading/paying attention to lore it does a lot of set up for Fontaine.


Sumeru has two that are really important if you want to progress exploration in there. Aranyaka for the jungle and Golden Slumber+Dirge of Bilqis for the desert


I always thought there was something wrong with my hardware when genshin preinstall caps its download speed at 10 MB/s on my desktop. Today, zzz preinstall downloads at 40 MB/s. Why? Confused. Hoyoverse restricts download speed for genshin?


Those of u that raised all your characters to at least 70/80 (5th ascension). Did u end up regretting using resources for this?


If it matters that much prioritize on only important characters. I have level 90 all characters because I had nothing next to do.


Nope. Not only I'm planning (on the very long term) to max all the characters; but I've been raising many characters to 70/80 just for the extra Fate... and on top of that, that helped me having (barely) the exact amount of required characters to participate in (and complete) the 8/8 Hard Imaginarium Theater. I can see you regretting 90/90 very easily. Or even 80/90 on a character you never use and didn't even bothered getting talents past Lv7 or 8. But 70/80 for the 5th Ascension? All fine: take your extra Acquaint Fate and go have fun!


No because you can farm them again, that's the only thing that one can do in end game.


Not really since I'm at a stage where resources aren't exactly a limiting factor. Certainly in my first year of play it was a struggle, but if you play the game long enough you're pretty much only restricted by boss material ascension mats and other enemy/world farmable mats.


At what point do u feel like your are done min-maxing your main characters? After all used artifacts have 25+ CV or some other way? Because the dilemma for me is that farming boss mats for characters that are not really used will take away from potentially improving my main characters


For me it's mostly if I have enough ER% with the right main stats. Secondary to this is just making sure the artifacts only have useful substats. For example, it's crazy to think that a feather with 12 CR, with ER%, ATK% and EM is a bad feather. However, the biggest factor is that I've pretty much only farmed Emblem/SR, Gilded Dreams/Deepwood and now Golden Troupe/Marechausee Hunter domains. And will continue to do so, but will most likely change to whatever the next general artifact domain gets released in 5.0. If anybody doesn't directly use those sets, then they're usually supports and they get the Strongbox treatment. If there's a DPS who doesn't directly use that set then 2pc/2pc or alternatives like Glad/Wanderers exist and I'm not going to farm a specific BiS set to get a slightly better set for them. The key is that those sets are basically interchangeable with so many DPS that it's not such a big issue. But of course not everybody can spend 1 year farming those domain, and this is often an unmentioned part of players who have been playing for so long.


Do you have enough leveled characters for the current Imaginarium Theater? What about the next one? What if it happens to be Geo+Cryo+Dendro? :-P


Lol I managed to have just enough this time by turning traveler to electro element. Might not be as lucky next time


I'm on the same boat. I was going to level up my Jean, when I saw a comment suggesting the Traveler switch (which got me to the exact minimum; over half of them not really properly built/geared). I will focus now on some Hydro/Cryo/Dendro/Geo, maybe still Jean. I was going to focus mostly on Geo/Dendro, but leaks seem to imply that next theater may be Cryo/Hydro/Anemo. Time to test/play Kaeya for the first time, I guess? XD


no, free standard pulls and i don't have to worry about imaginarium theater element requirements


I just lost my 50-50 to daheya whatever her name is i currently have raiden kazuha xingqui and xng as my team and i am currently at inazuma AQ so what do you suggest should save for a future dps or should try to get some rerun characters?


replace xq or kazuha with bennett


I don’t have him 😭


He comes around in the shop every few months and is frequently on banners.


Sad part being that he JUST was in both the Shop and a Banner. May take 5 months until we see him again (in the Shop). XD


The next theater is really hydro cryo anemo?


According to leaks, yup. With four extra characters who don't fit those elements of course (just like Alhaitham and the others this time).


Is it worth building Rosaria (I have her C1)? I liked her design and playstyle but heard that Cryo is an underwhelming element at the moment. Can she be useful, especially when my main 5 stars are Clorinde and Furina (+pulling Yelan when she reruns), and I am also building Bennet and Xianling.