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Ei: "Who?"


Tao, yeah.


Lan what?


Tatsumi island?


Tatsumi Port Island






I got the first few, but now I’m just confused


got confused Halfway, but I'm pretty sure they're just persona 3 fans.


Port island is the location for Persona 3, and the battle theme has the above lyrics


Lancau you cibai 😭


I heard she's kinda crazy bruh 👀






I do wonder though in theory he only eliminated himself as kabukimono kunni and scara. Wouldn't ei remember creating him and not of him getting out?


She would remember creating the prototype, but she wouldn’t know he ever left the pavilion she left him in, and wouldn’t really have any reason to believe he woke up


How about the the ornament that symbolizes that the puppet is created by Ei? He still wears it. It's just that, she only needs to see it to start questioning Wanderer's existence. haha!


Nahida: "Uh oh, I'm sensing some sort of glitch in Irminsul. Speaking of glitch, who's this person named Rukkhadevata???"


R..kh...ta: I... am... Nahida: WAIT A MINUTE!


Lord of Dendro... you shrunk again. "Goo goo gaga"


Bundled in lettuce


Ah shoot. Alright, Lesser Lord Kusanali, I'm gonna need you to look right here for a moment, keep it still. *Flashes Neuralyzer* Now, once you wake up, you'll know you're the only ever Dendro Archon and there was never anybody else, got it? Got it. Now, how do I get to the Shogun...


Nahida: why am I crying.


True that, she'd have to actually meet him tho for it It would be interesting to see tho


Yep, it'd be totally possible for story involving Scara meeting Ei and YeaMiko. Not to mention the massive amount of story development that's been established for plot line involving Scara and Kazuha, still excited for that!


Tbf, both Neuvilette and Nahida were able to sense divinity on Furina and The Ever Lasting Lord Of Arcane Wisdom respectively, but I suppose he isn't divine enough now.


Yeah she would remember creating the prototype.


History rewrites itself to fit the change, as Nahida has always been the Archon of Sumeru now, so maybe now the Shogun was immediately successful or there was a prototype that was succesfully disposed of


Well the differnce is that scara wasnt sucessful at erasing himself meanwhile rukkedvheda was sucessful due to nahidas help so history was rewritten to fit rukkedhvda being gone from the world and scara mentions a creator before he gets his memories back so there is gurantted to still be someone who created him as a puppet aka ei meaning ei still created and threw him away but doesnt remember anything past that


That’s not what happened to Nahida at all tho. The memory of Rukkedvheda was removed from the world, and replaced with the idea that Nahida was always the first Dendro Archon.


Yeah thats why i said erased it was changed withg the idea that nahida was always the 1st dendro archon but ofc thats not the case its just rukka was sucessful in making everyone but the decensders forget her


Thats what I thought too, she might be able to recognize that his body is the Prototype of her Puppet Body. That being said, if Scaramouche still existed, she would probably don´t know him as a person anyway as they probably haven´t met each other ever since the creation of his body. Realistically, even then, they would have no reason to talk to each other anyway. Ei probably doesn´t care about her Prototype and Wanderer just hates her anyway.


Her voiceline about him disappears after doing his Interlude. She doesn't remember him.


irrelevant. Scara expressed his desire to remind everyone about himself and what he has done


plot twist, she can.


At least 5 subreddits would go apeshit if Ei could.


headcanon: Paimon just can't remember because she is sealed/without powers and in goetia she is one of the kings... the other king is "baal" the others are dukes and presidents


Did Paimon have a nickname for Scara because I feel like those can be functionally equivalent to Nahida's coded stories.


Ei isn't Baal, Baal is dead homie.


I didnt explain this part, did I? So... beelz isnt in goetia.


That'd be a high-tier plot twist. It's also already partly supported since Ei was aware of the Sakura tree's sudden existence. Everyone else believed it always existed prior 500 years ago. It's a leyline manipulation similar to what happened to Irminsul + time travel. You notice both wanderer and Nahida affected themselves by their own changes to the leylines/irminsul but Ei wasn't, being the one who planted it herself isn't enough to explain it. Then again, hoyo makes a lot of plot holes so whatever.


I also dont like the fact that her name beelzebub isnt in goetia (I think?) and she wasnt supposed to be an archon... maybe?


Her name is Beelzebul not Beelzebub.


"You took everything from me!" "~~I don't even know who you are~~ Who?"


No no no, that's Shogun speaking. Ei will speak more politely like, "I don't know you but I'm sorry if I offend you in some ways. You're somewhat similar to me though? And that Golden feather..may I know your name?" And cue to Wanderer just fly away, not entertaining Ei lol


She can Nahida has the save file


Lets put kazuha there too to make the situation even more akward


With as much of a mary sue as he is, he'd solve the situation in seconds. Kirito ain't got shit on this guy.


Wait: Mary Sue? She's a Mary Sue for doing her job...?


? I'm talking about Kazuha being a mary sue.


...I'm an idiot and I deserve the downvotes.


Add Yae Miko, because that fox loves to troll around.


Ah that's why he didn't want to talk


She doesn’t even know that he exists


he's over there for a reason


Ei confirmed to be the worst mom in Genshin


I think Crucabena takes that title by a league. Ei is neglectful, but, TBF, has entirely forgotten Scaramouche due to the Irminsul data wipe, which also happened before either reached a point where they might be able to start reconnecting in a healthy manner, and it's now entirely on Hat Guy to reach out if and when he's ready. Crucabena was... something else. Not just outright actively abusive towards Clervie, Peruere, and every other person in the House, but also incredibly brutal and manipulative. Ei was an unprepared person who didn't understand the responsibility of creating a life and left it to fend for itself because she genuinely thought that was the best route. Crucabena is actively malicious.


"Can't be bad mom if you're not one" -definitely not Ei




Crucabena is also a mom...


Even if we ignore the fact that clervie was her biological child, she was certainly trying to act as a foster/adoptive mother to the children in the house of the hearth. Shed still qualifies as a mom (and a terrible one)


Ei: \-Creates a prototype puppet just for practice sake. \-Decides that just because it's a puppet doesnt mean she should just destroy it when she's done with it. \-Builds a goddamn mansion for the puppet. \-Refuses to let Miko destroy it when asked. \-Gives it an Identification so if he ever needs her help, he can come to her for it. \-Treats him as an adult son. Allows him to live his own life and refuses to dictate how he should live, while lowkey worrying about him and trying to make herself available if he needs help, since she sees him as his own person. \-Only reason she wasn't able to help him during the taratsuna events is because it was timed by the fatui to happen exactly when she's busy switching over to the plane of euthymia, so she wasn't available. And even then Yae miko understood her wishes and tried to help but they arrived too late and he was already taken. People call her the worst mom in genshin, because Scara (Who's self-centered enough to call it a 'betrayal' when a chronically ill child he raised who has no sense of his own mortality actually dies instead of living together forever like the child promised) thought she betrayed him. Meanwhile Crucabena is just chillin with fans going like "Damn she hot, is she single?"


IMO it’s also worth pointing out how Wanderer has a pattern of eating shit over his vendettas, which also lines up with the clown themes of the Fatui. Like, the little-kid-dies vendetta. Big part of drive to become a god, he wanted the power to prevent his followers from betraying him through death. Net effect? Gets his ass beat by the god he was trying to supplant and sent to the therapy dungeon. His vendetta against Kazuha’s bloodline? Discovers that the guy was loyal to his last breath, and he’s been playing minion as Scaramouche to the real perpetrator for *centuries*. And the prominence of Ei’s feather in Wanderer’s design feels like set up for another chance for a vendetta to get clowned on. The feather wasn’t specific to Wanderer, so its meaning would not have been erased with him. Which could justify Ei seeing the feather when the Wanderer is in need, deciding to act first ask questions later and make the kind of grand rescue she failed to do before. Or, worse, reach out to him later wanting to know more about someone who sure looks like he might be family.


In other words, Mr. "I hold grudges" keeps taking Ls for his grudges when the best thing he could do is forgive and forget. Like the rest of the entire world.


I’d disagree? Like, Ei still did him wrong. Wanderer’s assumptions for *why* she behaved the way she did were off, but that doesn’t erase what she did and did not do. The real culprit for the tatarasuna incident was Dottore, do you think Wanderer should forgive and forget him lol? And while the little boy dying wasn’t at fault, it does suck that Wanderer didn’t have anyone in his life with a comparable lifespan to help him cope. It’s tragic that at Wanderer’s lowest, when he was confronting the *same tragedy of impermanence* that had motivated Ei to hide away, the person who reached out to him was Dottore. Who quite happily guided Wanderer’s heartbreak and loneliness into the unhappy tool he became Also feel it’s worth pointing out that he’s not the only one Dottore broke like that? In the prequel comic, Collei had a similar outlook. Yes, Wanderer fucked up *way harder* than she did, but she is another example of a fundamentally good hearted person being twisted by Dottore.




Treating a newborn like an adult is terrible parenting; she also didn’t tell him anything, all he sees is that his mother threw him out because she finds him too soft to be the Shogun (not to mention he’s kicked out of Tenshukaku without explanation when he tries asking her for help with the Tatarasuna incident). She’s not as bad as Crucabena, sure, but she’s still a terrible mother.


He WAS an adult by then. That all took place over the course of years if not generations. Dude literally had a house and raised a kid. Nahida mommy headcanons making people forget Scara had a mortgage and a stepson.


In defense of Scara, he was gaslit by Dottore who matched the God of wisdom in a game of wits.


No one's attacking scara, just pointing out he's an unreliable narrator especially when people are trying to judge ei as a parent. Literally talking about how he himself is a grown man who could raise a kid. Dunno how people are reading that he needs to be defended.


Oh yeah I seem to have gotten the comment threads mixed. I am a Genshin player after all; I can't read.


Scara isn't a baby, he was a well known part of his village even after the death of the kid. He's just not a reliable narrator. He's emotional and vindictive. Not childish. He can say he was abandoned for having feelings but like. Do you REALLY think he can handle running inazuma? Bro would declare war because of a minor trade disagreement. Letting him be a person is fine, but not every guy in town is leadership material. He has his strengths and weaknesses, but I think we all know he's not the best guy to give unbiased opinions on ANYONE, let alone his mom.


He was an incredibly friendly person to start, he only became the way he is after countless “betrayals”. The literal reason Raiden ditched him is *because* he was too soft.


*minister coughs the wrong way* scara: alright off with his head. since we're here, declare war too.


1. That was well after Raiden abandoned him. 2. They were friends, you entirely made up him raising the kid. 3. It's explicitly confirmed in Scara's boss theme that he was "thrown away" on the 5th night after his birth.


"They were just friends. The older dude and the sick kid living in his house who he takes care of" Thrown away. In a mansion. Built by your mom. Specifically for him. Dude is an unreliable narrator when it comes to his mom.


yeah remember that one guy who found him baffled because his clothes scream royalty from tenshukaku and he also lives in one good mansion. ei basically gives him free life


I sincerely hope you never have kids if you think ditching them for being weak is justifiable because you ditch them in a fancy place.


-They said, completely unprompted.


FINALLY SOMEONE WHO READ THE LORE!!!!! i wish everyone remember that scara SUPPOSED TO HAVE A MEANINGFUL LIFE at inazuma from the past but some asshole doctors ruined it. i can imagine if we have good timeline, scara can be an important political figure or refinest blacksmith from inazuma. its because of one goddam asshole to ruin so many people lives.


Hard agree with all of this. Except the child ’betraying’ part. I dont think he’d really understood death at that point in the story. Or had the emotional maturity (girl he still dont) to understand he was grieving and so it felt easier to try and rationalize the situation as the child’s fault. Anger is the easier emotion. So thats why he chose to react with anger and laying blame (and he still defaults to anger even now. Hes got a long way to go to understand emotions.) I just think the context is important. Hes still a brat either way.


THIS!! ^^^^^ Ppl rlly need to wake up and just actually read into character/story lore.


THIS!! ^^^^^ Ppl rlly need to wake up and just actually read into character/story lore. Although it’s understandable sacra’s disappointment with Ei, he’s just ungrateful at this point and he’s made that his entire personality. Heck, he even had another god take him in and mommy him and he’s still salty abt literally everything. Dude’s 500, like grow up 😭


Telling a character to grow up in a defense about Ei of all characters is pretty ironic. Same person who became a NEET instead of ruling their own nation and had to get smacked by the wishes of dozens to realize maybe letting AI cook was a bad idea. I don’t think you need to slander one to defend the other


I’m not slandering him, and I never said Ei wasn’t a child either, but she tried, she was scared, and she witnessed the loss of everyone around her one by one slowly and painfully. She had existed and lived for way longer than Scara, and only knew how to act as a weapon. Even then, she still tried her hardest each time and thought she was doing the right thing while also taking at least a single moment to care for her own self/mental health. And just like you said, she needed her nation to tell her what they needed, and once they all did she changed. She is after all, the younger twin between makoto and herself, never wanted to rule and even “killed” her body after their victory in the archon war because she knew makoto would be more suited and mature for the job. Makoto later reforged her body much like a blade, makoto died, and the full responsibility of inazuma was at her hands after everyone’s death. You cannot “slander” her either. Ei drastically changed, scara on the other hand went after his own wishes to the very end even in the archon quest which is what earned him his vision, his ambition that grew and grew. Nonetheless, he was still selfish the whole way through, Ei, wasn’t.


While I agree becoming a NEET is a substantially better reaction to significant emotional loss than trying to tear the world a new butthole, Ei didn't get the same emotional manipulation/straight up gaslighting that Scara got from Dottore. Imagine if Ei had been mislead to believe that Makoto had died by the hands of humans rather than her sacrifice. May the Martial twin not have gone on a similar rampage? "Makoto loved you humans and you do this?"


None of this has to do with you slandering Scara out of nowhere


No actually it's clear they're saying "if you say Ei needs to grow up, consider that I'm saying Scara's mom could get it together, so can he. Stop babying him"


Thissss ^^^


Except he already, has? Like this would have merit in 1.x Scara but he’s way beyond that. Which is why it makes no sense. Prior to wanderer he was kind until the Fatui manipulated him and THEN he stayed there for centuries. Where in this timeframe would he grow up? He was already pretty mature as a figurative child and it was Fatui appeasement that made him resentful


I feel like after going "What about Ei" then going "Well Ei isn't relevant, what about scara" then going "Okay, Ei is relevant to scara, but what about the time period" I could either answer or realize you seem to be arguing for its own sake instead of engaging with what people are talking about.


I think you need to actually read the original argument first because you seem to be quite lost


I rlly can’t help you with text interpretation there.


I could say the same, you seem to just not have played past early sumeru if that’s what you got out of the interlude.


Ei was the worst mom until Crucabena said hold my vodka.


Dude doenst know Crucabena


More of this "Ei is the worst mom" misconception bullshit just because she was unable to provide their husbando with a good "childhood". He's an automaton, not a baby.


He's still a sapient being that could have used guidance and affection, he himself expressed that by speaking in an extra negative tone when saying that Ei abandoned him.


Ei did the best she could with what little she knew. She's a Raijin who only knew war. How would someone like that know how to provide guidance and affection? You can't force parenthood/mentorship if you don't know shit about it. At least she tried. It was the circumstances and the people around Scara that turned him into who he was. It's easy to blame Ei for leaving him but no one is blaming Dottore or the bad men influenced Scara.


Worst than crucabena and rhinedotter ?


Where is this?? Is this a hangout event??


Imaginarium Theater, They used a party that included Raiden + Wanderer which led to the two being in the same room after completing a combat event when you can talk to the characters you used


New permanent mode


Go collect the books you heathen


Not my dumbass thinking they were sitting on both ends of the table 😭


I was wondering why they didn’t put the NPCs in the same rooms and I suppose this is the reason. The clover like design of the room might just entirely be based around this function. (Having npcs in the room but not having to write a million interactions)


social distancing


NO !! he's my babyboi


ISTFG in my world they were literally in front of each other 😭


She forgor. His fault but I'm sure he's fine with that end result.


I really wish for a moment in archon quest where they would reunite, he doesn’t even have to forgive her but i want then to interact in a serious manner not comical event way


To be fair, playable Raiden is just the robot, not actually Ei.


her dialogue here proves its her though, Robot Raiden wouldn't talk softly about playing a board game with you.


Her LLM got upgraded.


False. Raiden “robot” does have her own sense of self and personality, but she also serves as the physical body through which Ei (the electro archon for you) can exist in the mortal plane. That said, it is also a popular saying that while you play as her and wield the pole arm you’re playing as raiden, however, as soon as you’re in burst mode you are playing as Ei.


The body is the puppet ei's real body doesnt exist anymore


Nope. The character is called "Ei" if you speak with her there and not "Raiden Shogun".