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Based. As long as you enjoy other contents and can clear some endgame for primogems izz all good.


It is not actually that bad. I did the math.. (excluding the IT Debut reward) Assume an average player that could only clear Abyss with 24 stars and for IT he can only clear Act 3 because he do not have enough characters. Maximum Primo for both is 620+800 every month. This player gets 220+500. For 1 year thats about 8400 primo "lost". He can buy 3 Welkin to make up the difference. Thats only $15. So there is no point forcing oneself to play that "hard" game for $15 saving per year.


To add to your point, the game is also a business, they need to make money. The price of Welkin is super generous, a true MICRO transaction. It could be worse, imagine it being something more market average like $20.


The actual price of the welkin (and the BP) is having an incentive to log in every day. Without them you could log in just for new content without "losing" much (the main reason I'm not renewing my welkin anymore, I feel healthier about the hobby since I started logging in once a week).


To each their own, and FOMO is very real. Not just the events but also the resources. Do what ever feels right for you.


After a certain point the FOMO is fake though. I can easily clear abyss and IT and have everyone except a small handful of characters geared (ones I never use like Sayu and Dori, and ones who didn't get their "turn" before I burned out like Sethos and Gaming) - do I have to roll for anyone? If I do want a character for simping reasons, can't I just use the non-daily primos and my wallet? Welkin/BP are a sunk cost fallacy yoke more than strictly YOLO, since I still do the events once a week. I'm grateful for encounter points snapping me out of the habit of daily quests the game grinded into me in 3 1/2 years, it also let me see that the daily losses aren't that awful.


Bro forgot weapon banner


Eh... Day 1 players know it was much worse. I think Tectone spent upwards of 3k to get one Staff of Homa when there was no pity.  I think I had to go through 4 5*'s to get my Pines when it first dropped.  Don't get me wrong, it should be the same as character banner or the fate point should carry across but it used to be so much worse


Doesnt mean its still shit


I read people bitching about IT being "too easy" so I was a little worried. Oh, no. I think it's hard! Maybe I just suck, but holy moly it's brutal to me.


I do think IT is harder than people give it credit for, especially the last stage. And I do think it requires more vertical investment than most people make it sound. I would also advise using up as many of the flower points you get on boons (while also balancing adding characters to the party).


I prefer it easy and fun than hard and annoying, looking at the abyss when I say that.


I think it depends on who are you maining. Truth be told, i main hydro characters. All my teams have atleast 1 hydro, usually 2, and this season just said "fuck you", and i basically can't play. The only teams that i use without hydro is spread/aggravate. And surprise surprise, there is no dendro either, aka "fuck you again" I barely made it work with "free trial" Arlecchino, and the boon that put her back in team after exhasting her "energy" :D


Me neither wooooo


I really don't know why I would want to beat information technology...


When unsure, beat it with wooden stick.


I thought that was the IT professional go-to


Time to get a proper baseball bat.


As someone who works in tech, IT is not sticking with me. I just call it Imaginarium.


Me neither. On hard mode I could only beat act 5.. too little time to beat all the enemies required (and the bosses). I beat abyss once, just floor 12 without stars (to get the achievement). I managed to finish the last chamber with 3 seconds remaining. Never again.


> Me neither. On hard mode I could only beat act 5.. too little time to beat all the enemies required (and the bosses). Yeah I'm stuck on act 6 too. "IT will be easier than Abyss and no time limit for the completion and primos" turned out to be not true :-/


Honestly I’m only trying to get the achievements before it resets because I already fear it will increase its difficulty. If it wasn’t for the time limit it wouldn’t even be *that* bad.. idk who thought 30 enemies/boss in 2 minutes was smart.


I can't even beat normal. The furthest I got was Act 5.


I think the trial characters are quite solid. I don't have wanderer and faruzan built and the trial ones was able to clear first 2 rounds with challenge stars with filler 4 star help. Then I think Arlecchino can clear 2 rounds by herself with minimal support and clorinde needs a bit more support but should be able to do 2 more. Saving one of Arle or clorinde for round 8 is a good idea. Then if you got venti kazuha or sucrose you can crowd control the mobs in protect the monolith. Finally using your own chars you gotta clear 2 more rounds. I found Bennett xiangling fischl sucrose to be the goats for this. Chevreuse if you got her and then a couple of main DPS to round it out like yoimiya, hutao Raiden yae keqing diluc. I don't have these but Xiao birb mom gaming also probably very strong.


I truly felt how trashy Faruzan is outside of C6, which really affects Wanderer performance. Synergy is everything for a lot of characters. Diluc is too slow for mob crowds. Yoimiya is single target and loses DPS with dodging (no shields).


Diluc is good if you have Xianyun, but of course not as good as usual without XQ. And Yoimiya does definitely suffer without Zhongli; however, if you have Yanfei and/or Beidou they can provide her some shielding. Or, I was lucky enough to use my friend's Baizhu which also have her shielding and healing, so she was enough to take out the Vishaps and Copelius.


One of my runs, yoimiya actually came in clutch when she was able to shoot down some flying enemies. I think I had some okayish supports that round as well like Bennett at least and maybe an anemo. I think yoi was hitting non vape na's of 50k-70k which is pretty solid.


Yeah, with Bennett she can output some very good straight Pyro damage.


The main issue Diluc and Xiao have (and why I didn't bring them to my retry) is that they're so reliant on Xianyun (or Faruzan for Xiao, but Faruzan will use her stamina up on Wanderer) and you can't guarantee you get a specific character. More flexible DPS like Yae feel a lot better.


True, you need both - hence the problem with the RNG in IT. I was lucky enough to get both of them in my successful run, however, and I used them to clear 2 mid-level floors.


Maybe the difference between Faruzan C0 and C6 would have been mitigated if Faruzan C6 was available as a Wondrous Boon buff.


I think its really important to make sure your best team comps are available to fight the bosses.


real i dread abyss bc i can pass it with 2 stars at most but every time i finish my hands r shaking and i feel like i ran a marathon. and for the logest time i didn't feel like trying to get that achievemrnt bc i thought it meant i needed to 36 star 😭


i stopped doing floor 12 at all even tho I could get 35-36\* consistently because i would finish and i wouldn't feel accomplished at all i would just be angry and tired after even tho it's just clicking buttons 💀


real, god. i dont have anger issues or anything but i had headphones in and my mom was yrying to get my attention and she messed me up and i like. it wasnt even a scream i Roared?? at her 😭 then i knew i had to take a step back goodness


Same. It was interesting first couple of times to see how far I can push. But then I kinda forgot about it.


This abyss is especially brutal tho. They tend to roll out the hard ones before a new nation drops. I know the feeling, I was just trying to clear with 4 stars only and it feels impossible lol. Just retry after retry and shaking when finally cleared (and only first half being a 4 star team, second side neuv furina kazuha Layla). My account just not strong enough to do both sides 4 stars.


Keep grinding brother! I managed a 1.x 4 star clear (posted on my profile!), which I do every single patch to make sure I'm not rusty lmao. If you need any tips and / or tricks, I can help you if you'd still like to try again!


Hey I think I saw your post when it came out! I definitely agree with one commenter saying you>sevy>iwtl on this abyss 4 star run. So I guess my problem is my kaeya and rosaria is not fully built. They are 70/80 with okay but not great sets I don't swap artifacts between chars so they kinda got leftovers. I think my rosaria is running a noblesse very high crit rate support favge build for my old Eula team. I'm considering fully building them to the same standard as my xiangling xingqiu and fischl. I think the team I managed to clear with is either good old national sucrose xingqiu Benny xiangling or newer chevreuse Bennett fischl xiangling both on the first side only (with neuv furina carrying the second side). I think I've tried taser team against the second side lectors but my beidou is probably not built enough and I'm not sure if xingqiu fischl can break those lector shields. Any tips you have on what I can try? I can list some of my 4s chars and how built they are: Fischl is my best build DPS 4 star I think with aqua bow 4 piece golden troupe 230ish CV Xiangling and xingqiu on emblem catch and sac sword 200ish CV and high ER some em on xl Bennett 4 noblesse very hjgh er on sapwood Sucrose 90/90 vv sac frags full em Beidou emblem 200ish (or maybe a bit less CV) serpent spine Rosaria 4 emblem 80cr and high ER fav lance Kaeya 4 blizzard harby of dawn I think I have some dendro 4 stars fully ascended all on support builds kirara Yao Yao collei (and DMC) Chevreuse c1 only on a high HP noblesse fav lance Yanfei wanderers troupe widsith 200ish CV Layla full shield bot fav tenacity Charlotte full er healing noblesse Yunjin support build I have a decent Noelle team (c6 gorou) recently built but it relies on furina (and chiori to a lesser extent) I think I do have all the 4 stars except kaveh and the old ones all c6. Amber gaming dori heizou Mika are not built though (although I'm slowly working on amber).


and some ppl 36 star w f2p characters 🥶 part of 36 starring must be some technique and tuming bc i do Not have it


Lots of resets. Then you get muscle memory and memorize enemies pattern. You're welcome.


yeahh im a lot better now ever since consecrated animals had been in abyss for a while but im j so spoiled by zhonglis shield so im still a little rusty


Sevy plays and iwtl can usually do it, although this round I think iwtl had to drop in a 5 star


Sevy got a clear with 3 sec left on an almost 4 y old account with c6 4* , take away one con and it's not a clear. Iwtl has multiple years of resin ahead from normal players on top of 4 y because of resin refresh. He used c6 mona, because it's "f2p" . He used c6 chev when most people have none.  For reference c0 chev is a bigger damage buff in overloaded comps compared to c0 kazuha . He often uses r5 ss which is better than most 5* claymores. Don't take his ""f2p"" advices literally.


OMG same! At some point I looked it up and realized I only needed to complete floor 12, no star needed. I felt incredibly stupid because others times I was really close but I always abandoned the challenge as I didn:t have the stars☠️ the pain.


o wait i hope it was clear i meant 1 or 2 stars per chamber on floor 12** 😅


i can only beat act 5 of normal mode T\_T


if you can even try hard mode your lucky. I;m currently levling two random 4\*s just for a chance at normal mode.


I got to beat it on a lucky run after 3 hours of trying. Just keep trying until you get the best comp of buff and characters. I find that in this game mode, you'll run out of support before you run out of DPS. Note: I can't clear floor 12 of the abyss.


I can clear IT with ease, Abyss on the other hand....


I knew I was mismanaging things but I pushed through it and cleared act 7. Kinda believe I can do it on the retry. The abyss on the other hand, I just clear floor 11 and don't even bother for floor 12 lol


We found it boys, the genshin players that touches grass and does not obsess over BIG NUMBERS


Or the bragging rights, or the all so juicy primogaems. You miss out on a few, so what? You don't HAVE to have everything to enjoy the game


YESSSS. So what if I have resin sitting at max for a few weeks (yes, weeks)? Sometimes I just logged in, roll with my Sayu for a lil bit, then off.


honestly, valid. like you don't need godly characters to enjoy the game or content. minmaxing only brings pain and misery. at the cost of a like only 5-6 pulls a month is worth it ngl.


People are loosing their minds over this new feature and some of the takes are hilarious , fo the record I couldn't completely clear it either and got like 6 of the purple stars


99% of the player base is used to free ez primogems and ez events. Elden Ring players were playing like Stardew Valley and shit right before DLC dropped.


I kinda expect to sweat in Elden Ring. I expect to relax,, listen music and "pick mint' in Genshin.


It's the same thing with every soulsborne game tbh, I remember the complaints when Sekiro came out, and I think that game is damn near perfect


and afaik the rewards don't change as long as u clear.the stage even if u dont get rhe two bones star/rewards? the world is healing


Counterpoint: they both suck.


abyss has enemies with high hp, therefore I can use my favorite characters for longer than 5 seconds in combat, therefore abyss is chill. IT bans my favorite characters, so it sucks.


I appreciate the addition of new endgame content, but LOSING abyss frequency is such a pain.


Personally I prefer abyss to not rerun this often, it's so annoying and I hate this current cycle so much, I 36 starred it and I never wanna have to do the same thing again.


But only once every MONTH? It's the only actual end-game content we have. I want a challenge more than once a month ...


I completely get you tbh, adding more endgame content to then take away endgame content is a stupid move I really don't fully understand. My complaints about this abyss really is just limited to this abyss. They've made the most infuriatingly annoying abyss ever and I just felt fed up with it. But really and truthfully, having it reset every month now is just dumb, not every abyss is gonna be complete ass like this one. I hope they add more permenant events without taking stuff away.


You can't clear abyss or don't bother? Or do you just mean you cannot 9star floor 12 because the last one is relatable But clearing is usually possible, even if it ends up with 0 stars


i’ve come close to clearing a few times, but i keep forgetting to even try cause it stresses me out so much lmao 😭😭 i think i could definitely at least clear at this point if i decided to put myself through that


I always clear because you get the mora and artifact boxes regardless of how many stars you get - which is very useful


IT isn't that bad. I didn't have enough characters to enter the hard mode, but in two day after leveling two characters I was able to. The first two runs I was barely able to finish stage 8 to claim the rewards. After five run knowing the game better I was able to get all 8 stars. I think the trick is to claim the additional characters asap, and save your best DPSs to the last two stages.


Bold of you to assume the average genshin players have enough brain cells to manage such "complex" planning.


I am also ar 60 and have played since 1.3. Abyss was just mediocre, but this new one is outright shit. I can clear both, but this one makes it much more frustrating.


I don’t understand how everyone played it within an hour of it coming out on a Monday afternoon. I still didn’t get to try it. I might find some time tomorrow to do it.


From what I saw on Reddit it seemed like it would take hours but in reality it tops at 30 minutes of gameplay hindered by cutscenes


"hindered by cutscenes" could be the tagline of this whole game.


I mean I enjoy cutscenes in general but I kinda instantly realized that place was gonna be meaningless as soon as I stepped into it so I didn't bother, if you remove cutscenes from the rest of the game, the game loses all it's appeal


Maybe if you remove cutscenes from \*the entire rest of the game\* it would indeed undercut the game's enjoyability, but you could cut 90-95% of the tedious filler unskippable dialogue and the game would be immeasurably more enjoyable.


Especially daily commission repeat unskippable cutscenes


It took me awhile but I talked to everyone after every fight to hear the voiced dialogue.


Realized that they were hanging around when I finished, talked to 2 character and it was mostly meaningless


If you got the sense of what to pick each round minus cutscenes, the gameplay is around 10 mins top. At least, hat's what the credit told me lol. Idk if the credit includes the time it took when choosing boons/gift and picking characters, or not. If it is, then it surely short for a monthly content.


It's actually pretty fast. I only got 6/8 stars on my first try, but it doesn't affect the primogem reward, so I'll try again eventually. I think it took slightly under half an hour. but you can finish it faster if you have decent characters


As someone who's extremely casual, which basically means, do main story, event stories, and do dailies every day. It is just something I'm gonna ignore this forever like the abyss, I don't feel like wasting my time grinding artifacts and materials just level up Characters, so both are non existent to me as I just chose not to do them.


Yeah never really care about either of those endgame content too, only really play for the exploration and story


Hey, im on your level then. Cant also neither clear abyss (best was 10-2), nor theatre (best was normal). Started in june 21.


Thats dedication I respect highly. I'm currently hating both, IT and Abyss. In the Abyss I only got 35 stars and IT I can't beat stage 8 xD


Thanks for making this so I don’t feel alone — been an F2P for nearly 4 years and can’t 36* or beat act 8… basically just am suboptimally built on tons of characters but don’t really jive with the playstyle you end up with when fully optimized plus like building for the characters’ abilities’ particular scaling. Sometimes posts make me feel like I should be embarrassed and like I’ve wasted my time when I just… clear what I can, get a good number of primos, and vibe playing comps based off who I think looks cool or has a nice personality


my two mains are my favorite characters in the game - xiao and tighnari. are they the best dps? no. are my builds for them spectacular? no, but they’re good enough. do i enjoy playing the game as my favorite characters? absolutely! some people in the replies of this post are trying to criticize me or help me do better with my dmg, but i wholeheartedly believe that you don’t need to try and clear the abyss or IT unless you really want to. i don’t enjoy that kind of playstyle, so i don’t do it. like yes, i have hu tao and neuvilette, who i could build to the point of clearing the abyss, but i simply don’t want to! and there’s nothing wrong with that :)


It's funny everytime when something challenging comes along and they just complain because it's not catered to their manner of playing but way oh way if it's easy! If it's easy it's too trash as well! There is no winning lol. I'd say if they complained of Abyss being the only "end game" content and there is nothing else to do until the next update... well whyyy not work on the other characters? Create more teams? They ain't all gotta be meta just decent to be able to help in a team, depending on the kit even a dps just with a lower crit. Really I have mostly been laughing at these post complaining their other characters are not leveled or the specific element needed they don't have build haha.


i dont bother because i dont like timers, if im going to fail i want to fail because i couldnt beat the enemies, not because a random timer told me i had to have certain amount of dps to do it.


A certain amount of DPS for a team you won’t even have built properly mind you


Bold of you to assume that casual people (like I) have built anything properly. I have been playing since 1.6 and I have exactly 0 artifacts with CD over 30. If it has 15-20 CD its a good artifact, 20+ CD means its probably the best its gonna be. I have one cryo goblet with 20 crit rate tho. I dont have the gear. Never will. Spent like 30+ fragile resins for my main to be 59/127 :(


in that case people would probably just spam healers of different elements to chip the bosses health. it's not the fastest, but if it works, why not this is also why i feel like endless mode with harder and harder bosses will not work, because at some point the boss is going to one shot you, healers alone will not save you. and thus people run no healers, go for most damage just so that there's less opportunity for bosses to do their things. and we still end up in a situation where DPS is king. just my 2c.


that just means that is a mechanics problem where devs dont want to make interesting enemies, bosses with different immunities, or debuff, curses, weakness, etc, if bosses one shot, then make geo shields block that attack for example. But its easier to just put a timer and increase hp, lame.


we have immunities (kinda) in the form of elemental shields and weakness in the form of permanent aura on the boss. but where did it bring us to? more complains and whining. if as you said shields are going to block damage, i will be expecting people to complain regardless. "oh i don't use shielder, why am i forced to do this" or "oh i don't have shield of certain element, hoyo forcing me to pull, trash company". anti-heal / reduced healing will just incentivize players to not bring healers, so DPS race. as for debuffs, i don't know what kind of debuffs you are talking about so i cannot say what will happen. like reduce non Hydro characters damage by 90% kind of debuff?


Bro we have characters like Dehya who can literally win by being afk so long as there is no timer lol, the ship has long since sailed for them to create any kind of enemy that can realistically threaten unit combos like neuv + zhongli without instantly obliterating like 90% of the roster.


i love you




Huh? Current abyss 33/36 stars is 700 primos, IT normal mode clear is 440 primos, total 1140 primos. Previously 33/36 clear is 550 primos, twice a month is 1100 primos. It’s basically the same with a tiny extra


O_o ah wait hang on I subbed the wrong number in my calcs for the comparison (accidentally used old abyss earnings when calcing new monthly earnings). Nvm yeah you're right.


I accidentally cleared the hard mode first try When I saw others struggling I realised just how lucky I was with my built characters and the characters that randomly joined my team throughout the event


Dang, and I thought I was a bamf


Before, I could consistently clear the Abyss at 33-35 stars, so I lost 50 each time for a total of 100. I did it, but I never enjoyed it. Floors 9 and 10 are easy, 11 is mostly easy besides a sometimes dicey 11-3, and 12 is suffering. Now, I can full clear IT easily and I still only lose the 100 from the Abyss that I only have to endure once a month. My income doesn't change, but my suffering is halved! Woohoo!


I like both. But IT feels fresh so that's really nice. It's kinda fun to mess around with weird team comps.


act 5 and 11-3 for me at ar 57🤷‍♀️ honestly its kinda annoying how i cant do all of it but its also not that big of a deal. never cared too much about op builds and hydro is probably my best element anyway


I started playing just before Furina debut and still have not yet 36* the abyss. I was however, able to fully clear IT and a lot of it was because of the trial characters that were probably stronger than my own roster.


It humbled me a few times as an AR58 low spender. I really enjoyed the strategy and decision making it required though. I managed to clear it. Hilariously at the end it told me my highest damage came from my Bennett who I only saw towards the end and who is very badly built


i thought i was the only one who can’t clear the abyss all the way 😭 people made it look so easy


I’m a 1.0 player and up until 3.0, never bothered abyss at all. I don’t like dps check aspect of it. The thing is, once I completed it once, it has bothered me not completing it on succeeding abyss iterations. Same with IT. I don’t have that “wide” variety of team comps suited for it. Didn’t really like it. I was initially content on just normal level and that’s it. Then tried it again, it turns out I just didn’t fully grasp the mechanics the first runs. Can clear act 8 now.


What you mean to say is that the average Genshin player is akin to a chimpanzee on a keyboard and would perform just as well ? Genshin players tend to not understand any mechanics of the game and how to build teams


tbh most of the complaints for IT can be boiled down to the fact that you can't just follow a YouTube guide to cheese all the levels.


Is abyss so easy that a person can follow a youtube guide to cheese all the levels? Ive never tried following a youtube guide…


I've seen people complain about this mode before I tried it and it honestly wasn't hard, like at all


the average gamer, much less the average Genshin player is not very smart, believe it or not.


More like average Genshin player has been spoiled by events where you need not to understand everything and still get all rewards, if that’s what you mean by “chimpanzee on a keyboard”.


Spoiled by the game in general, the game is like butter, it offer no resistance at any point if you dont partake in abyss


I beat all of act 8 in one go. I was just fucking around. I shouldn't be surprised that there are people bitching on reddit about it being too hard. I personally felt very underwhelmed, I would have preferred there to be more difficulty.


Literally. On my first run it felt so easy that I thought it was just a tutorial run and I would have to do another "real" run with higher diff to be eligible for the rewards. Much to my surprise that I was able to claim everything after one run lmao. I went "wait wtf that was it???"




do you have to complete in a certain difficulty completely to get primos?


Yes. The mode is divided in 8 acts, and you need to clear (only clear, no matter if you didn't achieve the extra objectives) all 8 acts to receive all primos available. That said, if you play on easy, only acts 1 to 3 are available. On normal, acts 1 to 6 and on hard acts 1 to 8. So in order to get the rewards from all acts, you have to clear hard mode. Some things to consider: To be clear, the difficulty of the acts depends on the difficulty selected. So act 1 in hard mode is more difficult than act 1 in normal mode, etc. You can only claim the rewards once, so if you clear acts 1 - 3 on easy and claim the rewards, and later clear acts 1 - 3 on normal or hard, you don't get to claim them again. To claim rewards, you need to first end your run, and then claim the rewards based on the number of acts cleared.


thanks so much for this, really made it clear!!


No problem!


"To be clear, the difficulty of the acts depends on the difficulty selected. So act 1 in hard mode is more difficult than act 1 in normal mode, etc." This is wrong actually. 1-3 is the same in all 3 "difficulties"


https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/401979 At least the bosses are more difficult, but I found all acts to be more difficult overall on hard mode.


it’s similar to the abyss, where if you wanna give up before act 8, you will get the primo rewards for whatever you’ve completed (but then if you wanna keep going you’d have to restart). i’ve only tried hard mode so far, so i’m not too sure about the other difficulties


My dumbass took me a good 30 seconds to realize “IT” was imaginarium theater


me in my most real essence


If I REALLY try on hard mode I can finish up to Act 7 but I feel there just isn't enough time to beat the ice people-


Nice to have a game mode that I could challenge any time without tryharding too much so it's good 👍 Plus the overall ambience of theatre is mighty chill aesthetic-wise and vibes


Right. I thought nobody cared about endgame max rewards. Abyss 12 wasn’t getting cleared, why are people thinking NEW endgame max rewards would be any different? I’d say I’m confused but I’m really not.


(almost) 4 year vet here, I can't 36* the abyss but I could clear stage 8 with little to no problem. Albeit, I only got 3 purple stars. I found IT a lot more forgiving than abyss, since you could get all the rewards without playing perfectly. I had a round where half of my party died and I still beat the level. My issue was that I had to use 4 characters and ended up wasting a charge for clorinde to fill that 4th slot. Need more utility characters in the featured characters too.


Personally I can do both up until the defense quest pops out. For some reason it's an annoying wall I can't pass and I'm not about to lose my nerves doing it


I have been playing playing for 1.5 years and I can clear theatrics after 3 days of trying and can clear the abyss sometimes


I always imagine a world where OP instead wrote . > “IT sucks!!” “Abyss blows” Then proceeds to diss at both permanent game play modes.


1.3 player, it was pretty fun. I never restarted levels so i ended up missing 2 of the little white stars (overload lyney was not the move) but still got all the rewards. I thought it was fun and pretty balanced overall


Ok, so it took me few days to figure it out (because why read the tutorial right 🤔🤣😭 ie. I thought the little lighting meant that the character is the best/ suggested for each given stage ) ... and I managed to beat the library tea party theatre of war. Abyss... I only managed to beat it last time. For the first time too... this new abyss tho... I play for 4 years, AR 60... I can't do it atm. Need to farm some more 😭😭🤷‍♂️


IT sucks not because you can/can't beat it. Its flawed in its core


I thought this content is optional


I love new content. Finally can flaunt with my only C6: Klee :)


IT Sucks Abyss Sucks I can clear both of them with no sweat They're boring and dull as fuck


I am the same lol


Same here. I stop at floor 11, get 33 stars on a good say I feel like floor 12 is doable. (i mean a did get 36 stars but that was at beginning of 3.0 for 1 patch and never happened again) And IT.. Let's say my first run died at the second boss. I hate those vishap boss even in overworld.


i finally tried it and i full cleared them all first try with the special emblem on all but the second boss (that boss is weird af). f2p without any particularly good units for the current setup, eg. i have 0 anemo carries and my best unit hu tao it didnt give me until the last battle xd. anyway that said, full starring abyss is definitely harder than this thing at least half the time, especially considering you can get a whale friend and use their op unit to do at least 3 maybe even 4 of the battles.


Both are bad tbh, IT just feels more like random event with how you can end up with random teams and no synergy, feels a bit counterintuitive since genshin is all about team synergy and reactions, and of course abyss is just dps check


That's just embarrassing tbh


I'll never umnderstand those who say that abyss is better, Abyss is not better, HELL NAH, I'm actually glad that the Abyss is once a month instead of every half month. They've been designing the abyss to waste time and annoy you and I hate it, I 36 starred this most recent once but I'm just really glad that I don't have to do it again. I base how good it is on how much fun I'm having, Abyss isn'r fun, IT is. I know OP's post isn't saying that Abyss is better this was more to those who say it is, and I know that in the end it really is based on how they played the game, if people only prepared for the Abyss and have 2 teams that they hyper invested in, IT would suck for them, As for me, I'm always investing in as many characters as I can, words cannot describe how glad I was to use the C6 Heizou I've had for a year and then seeing him in the end credits for dealing 166k in 1 hit.


If you want to enjoy a game, avoid the community at all cost


Honestly i liked both




I don't play either, I have too much exploration missions bakclog.


What have you been doing for 3 years? Collecting mint? After you're done leveling up characters and their talents and weapons, the only thing you'll spend resin on is artifact domains. Several months of doing artifact domains will give you enough good pieces to be able to clear abyss.


“several months” .. i don’t like artifact farming, so i don’t spend several months doing domains. i just don’t spend my resin! i use my time for exploration and achievements :)


Ah, so you don't spend resin. I see. If ever you decide to do it, it takes just around 5 minutes.


Heh, it's fine. This game's difficulty depends a lot on what you've pulled


You just have bad character builds then.


they’re good enough to clear every boss 😭🙏 i just do not care enough to grind artifact domains for weeks just to get an extra 150 primos


Resin has to go somewhere and it takes like 15 minutes a day to do artifact domains.


or you could just let resin cap you know... sometimes i do that when i just don't feel like playing.


and it takes me weeks or months to get actually good artifacts. why would i spend 15 minutes a day EVERY DAY doing something i dont enjoy just for 150 primos a month?


Why would you play a game where you don't even put in 15 minutes a day to make your account any better?


What if after all that grinding for strong builds you realized you enjoy the challenge of spiral? I didnt like spiral at all when i started out but over 3 years, i now run it multiple times for fun. Its fine if you don’t want to find out if this is the case for you, but hey. Ya never know


I like building characters, all my characters are decently built and should be able to clear abyss 36 stars, but sadly I still don't and can't find it fun. I did clear it several times, so I know I can do it if I want to, but most of the time it's just about grouping and dps check. Probably I just dislike time trials, especially a tight one like SA and IT. I enjoy challenge like fighting the legends, but I would hate it if it was timed.


i think i would enjoy it! one of my friends has a crazy raiden and arlecchino, and i’ve played through some of the abyss on her account. if i ever got my characters to the point where i could get through the abyss without sweating and panting, i think i would definitely enjoy it. but i am willing to admit that i am simply too lazy when it comes to farming. i like putting my genshin energy into achievements, exploration, and replaying through stories :)


It's a serious case of "skill issue". Brigade "Hands off Grass" is dispatched to your location. /s I did most outrageous blasphemy: didn't grind and cleared Act 8 anyway. That transgression cannot be tolerated.


let me guess, zero resin spent. actual playtime measurable in days rather than months or years.


i have actually played almost everyday since i started the game. there’s only been about like.. 2 months worth of days total in which i probably haven’t played. i just don’t enjoy artifact farming :) my builds are good enough for bosses and 11-3, so i just don’t bother


I have so many buildcharacters but im too stupid to use them xD So im in the sams boat


*Sign* people complaining about the IT department again /s


reminds me of that meme that has a person with 😈 face but it's actually just a mask with 😭 underneath. EDIT: [this one](https://i.imgur.com/p0W2gCZ.jpeg), that's you right now


Presently I favor Imaginarium over Abyss because I've been building up my entire roster since the start. Like, this mode was made for me or something. I can't do 36 stars but I did Act 8. Mind you, I do also think Imaginarium mechanics is convoluted. They made it to force usage of 18 characters at semi-random composition so you can't play your favorites. It's more of a puzzle than actual combat which is relatively easy.


Weird flex, pal


Skills issue 👍


I clear Abyss in 6 months playing. 2 years playing now, 55 characters, 27 are at least lv.80, still not qualified for IT Hard. Something surely need to fix... of course I'll not build dedicated 4 star that I don't have their dedicated dps or C3 below 4 star that needs cons to work and those unnecessary 4 star such as Freminent, Xinyan, Dori, etc. other than that, I build everyone and can clear Abyss using random 4 star.


Did you have a look at the line up and use the bonuses so you could plan your teams a bit? I didn't first try and couldn't clear, but after reading advice to get characters asap and think about teams for the boss levels, I could clear it all.


Yes, Imaginarium Theater could be better. But my god, most people complaining about it either have a major skill issue or simply forget that this is supposed to be ENDGAME CONTENT, and not meant for people with a couple weeks of playtime. But also, I think Hoyo caught themselves in a catch 22 with this mode too.


IT is just half-assed and worse version of Simulated/Divergent Universe in Honkai Star Rail anyway. :/


If you never cleared abyss, even the easiers ones like the ones we have at every start of new regions then you either aren't trying at all or you're actually avoiding to play a team that make sense combat wise, or maybe you are actively avoiding to build your characters. There is a groupe of players, me included that don't have anything to do in this game during patches like this one, strictly because there is no challenge, every abyss is easy mode and we are gradually losing any faith that it might get better in the future. IT was my only hope before turning Genshin into a game that i play once a month because all my relevant characters are already complete and the exploration feels less and less rewarding because i don't feel much about new characters like i did when it was so important to get Kazuha to unlock better team. I just feels like nothing matter anymore and i wanted IT to be my way out of this feeling. Anyway, its ok to be disappointed


have u tried other games


I keep asking the same question. It's like playing any other chill relaxing game then demand Elden Ring mode cause you're bored.


fr lmaoo. and they're always on casual players asses its so tired


honestly it mostly that i just don’t care to try and beat it. i have good teams that work great for most bosses, and that’s good enough for me. i can always clear floor 11 with three stars, so the extra primos i’d get from floor 12 just isn’t worth it. my daily routine in genshin nowadays is adding to my 1050+ achievements, since there are a few long term achievements i have yet to complete (ley lines, fishing, etc.) and also trying to bring each region to 100% since only about half are at 100%, some are 93%-99%. everyone plays the game differently, and my post was mostly a joke lolol, i know that if i spent many more hours artifact farming i’d be able to clear the abyss, i just don’t enjoy farming that much and dont think it’s worth it for the extra 150 primos (not even equal to a single pull!)


yess i value exploration and achievements more than spiral abyss im such a completionist and my profile says 12-3 and doesn't show stars so idc


Sadly, for you, it's been clear for a long time that Hoyo has very low interest in making content for 'hardcore' players. I guess part of the dissatisfaction with IT actually comes from frustration, either by it not being what people expected or people wanting to go easy at everything instantly for free primos.


They have interest in making that content, just not in Genshin 🤣


Other games with characters constantly being better than old ones definitely need harder content and rankings otherwise the powercreep doesn't have value, or am I wrong?


Hoyo literally has 0 games with hardcore content except hi3 ranking system at the very top


Sounds like you need a break from the game, dude. It's a gacha game. They're always like this. They're not meant to be played constantly. Maybe try some good single player games to scratch that itch of yours.


Gacha games are meant to be played constantly tho, that's a lie. The resin + welkin is proof of it, you can just take breaks if you want to but you will lose efficiency. It's always funny to me when people that don't farm anything in the game, don't bother to build character or teams, have shit artifacts and weapons, complain that they can't clear """"hard"""" content. And maybe I'm delusional but this new content was extremely easy compared to abyss


You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Logging in daily and using resources does not correlate to being bored when there's nothing else to do once you've exhausted what the game offers. They're complaining that the game isn't satisfying them because they want more from it. Once you're at endgame and have beaten everything, the game cycle becomes mundane, and that's how almost every gacha game is. Everything is boring because you've accomplished everything there is to do. You're incentivized to play more when new content drops. Then the cycle restarts. People have difficulty coming to terms with how games as a service work. Content is drip fed to keep you wanting more and coming back to the game. A lot of these people would be so much happier spending their time on other games instead of demanding more from a game that just isn't going to ever fulfill their desires because they're not made to do so.


Yeah i got you, some people are weird in how they expect Genshin to be their main game forever, maybe play 30 min to 1h a day MAX 90% of the time and play other games in the meantime, sure> STILL I think genshin does a piss poor job at making the game enjoyable for people that actually played the game already and farmed stuff, if you have multiple good characters built, you basically have 4 abyss floor where 3 of theses are fodder and you can just pick whatever, so you really only have 1 challenging floor every 2 weeks and now you can add 8 semi abyss floor easier than floor 11 every 30 days... Meh


Understandable. What i do is pull cons/weapons of my faves. And i look to the story for faves. Fontaine was a success bc i liked furina and Neuvillette. And Xianyun. Sumeru was not a success bc i only wanted Baizhu. So we’ll see if i score in Natlan.


Play wuthering waves, its better in combat and actually has hard content


I actually loved it tbh


Come on guys, there's nothing to fight about here, they're both awful.


Let us know of you want help