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I think it's just because they're not planning to make more buff characters, so they don't bother making a new model just for one char and never using it again later.


What about Varka? I think he should have a buff body type tbh.


they will just use Diluc model and add him a very big fur coat, like Signora had, and will say that - "he is very buff, but have a big amount of clothes, so we can't see it"


Have we considered that Varka is just many Paimons in a trenchcoat?


I hate that this is more probable. At least give Varka sideburns Mihoyo!




Facial hair doesn’t exist in Teyvat


What about Diona's dad


I should’ve specified, playable characters don’t get facial hair


If Varka doesn't show up until the last one or two regions, they could go 2-3 years before they need to commit to his body type. So he could be buff, but we could be waiting quite a while until that future exists.


At this point thinking Varka will be buff is just copium.


He’s getting the Gorou treatment


he will probably be a femboy


My money is on shota


Id fucking die laughing of thats the case.


But shots would probably needxa new body type


Nah. The child model is neutral enough that you could just make it a guy. I actually thought Sayu was gonna be a guy when she was first leaked. The same skeleton would work for either gender because they’re kids


Well then Mihoyo better get to it then give me small BOI


imma be mad if they don’t make varka buff


Varka just gonna be a dark haired Kevin from Honkai.




I think that itto was never meant as a buff guy but more like a Japanese gangster, if you see them they are pretty slim but trong


idk man oni imo supposed to look either really strong or scary/serious compared to humans.....its just being laziness from mhy tbh, i mean u can see albedo, diluc and now itto


Nah bro, not all oni are pumped up Beast Look for otakemaru or shouten douji, also what you expected is different from what they promised, for the muscle definition i can say you're right but that's due to the graphic engine ecc ecc


Ok first shouten douji , idk much but she looks like what an anime will usually make that will most probably never be accurate (well genshin also isn't but it's fate man all kings have turned into women, what can I say here?even ei's friend looks like her )...also if u talking about otakemaru from nioh 2, idk what u on about ? Dude looks so good, bigass horns , scary vibes , literally a floating thingy around his head , looks truly like a demon.....itto has puny horns (idk if he is half oni or something) even raiden mei from hi3 beats this dude ....the splash art has good defination his arms , making it look like he is buffed (yes they didn't say itto is gonna be a buffed guy) . But U CANT MAKE A SKINNY GUY LOOK BUFFED.


Ehmmm I'm talking about real forklore not games, also where do you shouten douji being a girl? Even in nioh 2 he is a buffed oni, anyway yes you can make a skinny guy look buffed but for an anime engine to make that happen itto would have been a off design character, also if you see him in game he has biceps and abs so to me he seems pretty much skinny buffed. Also yes he is half only that's why he isn't super demonic and due to his childish nature mihoyo couldn't make him a scary dude (he plays a lot with kids and kids love him and yoimia)


The shouten douji was from fate 😂😂 she is a loli girl there.Even from itto's in game model and from the trailer , it looked way too skinny, the abs don't have a depth but just painted on him....I can't really see his biceps tbh even during his ult pose....I think there is difference between buffed and ripped ....and u can't really make a skinny look buff in any way, ripped is possible but that means more detailing on the muscle which I can't really see it in itto


Kinda sad we don’t have much body representation especially with people with bigger bodies


At least NPC are somewhat diverse lol


Hey now, we have the hydro fatui thing, he's pretty round. As far as characters go, they do have to be supported by a glider still. And traverse entire countryside, climb mountains and swim lakes. Even buff people would get pretty slim with all that cardio. So def. No overweight people


This is exactly the conclusion I came to when I say Cyrus again on the dragonspine event, it's possible but too much work for just Itto. Sorta like all the female models always having heels because just reuse assets bro


They don't need to make a whole new model. They can just modify the current one. Sculpting the arm won't take a good model artist more than a few days if they are careful, hours if they are not. Adjusting the animations to slightly thicker arms shouldn't be hard if needed at all.


That's because they're lazy or they just didn't give enough fucks because they may have something more important to do for the next next update🤔


Ah yes, miHoYo, the legendary 1 employee company.


The technical reason? An NPC model doesnt have the movement programmed into the ~~6~~5 base PC models they have. A relevant NPC model is hardly better than starting from scratch given what PC's need to be able to do. Edit: Turns out there are only 2 male character body types ahaha, MHY really needs to change that I'm just pointing out why technically it's hard/time consuming so they are avoiding it, not that they should be.


Animating them is actually not that hard or expensive (at least relative to the possible return), it's making sure that the animation interacts right with everything in the world + weapon + the character's own clothing that's gonna be hard and time consuming (which is probably their biggest roadblock, more than budget).


But didn’t they make Eula’s thighs thiccer than the others? Is making Ittos arm buff harder than that? Genuine question.


Is harder because the butt doesn't interact with objects like arms do. A slightly bigger geometry on Eula's butt has no things it interact with and so is inconsequential, arms on the other hand move a lot, grab stuff, swing things, etc, which make them a much bigger issue.


If I remember correctly isn't that the reason they reduced Rosaria's boob size? Apparently there were clipping issues.


In theory it make sense because the chest area is very close to the climbable surfaces, so large boobs would clip since they don't program them with surface squash physics, on the other hand it's BS because most of the time you see the climbing animation from the bottom and behind so seeing them clipping should be rare unless you actively look for it. The butt is alway opposite of the climbable surface so in its case is a non issue.


IIRC, the boobs "physics" are not actually physics, but a prerecorded animation. Edit same with other movable gadgets.


Normally is easier to handle boobs with world physics because otherwise you have to create animations for several moves that are quite time consuming for something minor, specially if done on every single female character. Boobs may have precoded motions when they need to move in tandem with other parts like attack animations, but for other standard moves like walking, climbing, running and getting hit it's much simpler to let a physics engine do the work. Now, the amount of movement vary from game to game, so you may have some absurd Dead or Alive boob physics, or more conservative ones.


\[off-topic\] I like this technical discussion on biceps, thicc thighs, butts, and boobs.


Well, I did took some 3D Maya clases a few years ago, so I am very aware of how things that may seem trivially simple could be painfully complex in reality. Beside, I'm the kind of guy that likes to learn about the inner workings of things I like. Is a great source of miscellaneous trivia to use to engage in friendly chats.


*All* character animation physics are prerendered in Genshin Impact. Just watch how your character's hair, loose fabric, or boobs move; they'll always shake in the exact same way every time you take a step, run, jump, climb (on a uniform surface), attack, and whatever else. There are no jiggle physics. That's why I always find the clipping restriction arguments nonsensical. They'll just prerender the animation in such a way that it doesn't clip. But good on MHY for animating things well enough to convince so many players into thinking there are jiggle physics. Characters even have prerendered isolated lighting, it's hard to spot but if you slowly walk next to a uniform surface during the night, like the stone walls in mondstat you can see the light your character produces bouncing onto the walls. My guess is that MHY wants their characters to always look perfect, so leaving any aesthetic variable to chance, like lighting or physics would ruin their artistic vision. Or they want to cut down on extraneous physics to lower the processing power required by mobile devices.


Honestly this game has so much geometry clipping that if I wasn’t already aware of other issue specific to character models (model bones in the boobs bending etc, playing hell with the physics causing the model to break etc) I’d say mihoyo was full of shit for changing it. Put simply, any part of the body that goes in *front* of the body becomes a liability, especially with standardized animations that all model types have.


Tbf they never gave a reason why they reduced her boob size. People just assumed it was probably due to clipping issues as that's the most logical explanation they can think of.


There are clipping issues with all characters. And a lot of characters similar or bigger than rosaria was before she was downsized, like Jean, ningguang, beidou, Raiden. The 'clipping' was just an excuse people on the sub made up and spread around, no actual proof, justification, or even other examples that give the theory weight.


I don't think it was clipping issues, it's that their "jiggle system" seems to scale exponentially with horizontal distance, so they went a bit out of control at the original size.


But her butt interact with me- /j


Take away the /j we all know youre serious. Say it loud and say it proud my friend








in a game where upskisrts are totally a part of the marketing strategy, yeah no /j needed




It's funny to me people will be like "Itto can't have buff arms, then it'll clip" as if they don't already make current arms do stuff like this regardless https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/589885846694395934/913586902991515698/unknown.png Straight from a cutscene in this current event, for reference, not a janky wall climb or something.


Cutscenes are different, you prioritize look over most other factors, specially since you have a set camera angle. If you see any dynamic pose from an angle outside the one on the cutscene, you will probably notice not only way more clipping, but also things like body parts way out of scale to achieve cool poses. [Gohan Kamehameha out of set camera angle](https://external-preview.redd.it/c0s-SzXAA-cG2gbbUnlB9PfBWHnjuidce6OVDfjPv0Q.png?auto=webp&s=6b763200249a7cecf1217112817f223a22233fd9) [Gohan Kamehameha within camera angle](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0TDaHqUujQs/maxresdefault.jpg)


Sayu with unforged weap. And tons of others. Simply put, those claymores clip through her fingers.


>Animating them is actually not that hard or expensive (at least relative to the possible return) You're high as a kite. The character model has no bones; it would basically have to be remade ground up just to be able to move as they touch each and every inch to say how it would move in what situation based on how the previous part moved in what situation. They cannot just copy the regular models or it'll look like one of those GMOD stretched units because it'll stretch the skin to fit over the tiny model; so the only option is to literally ground up build it. ​ They would also have to redo every weapon in the game to make sure it fit this new model type, as well as making sure it didn't collide with anything in a bad way in the world and look like garbage. ​ This would take an exceptionally large amount of time and effort all so a select group of people could get excited about muscles when they play this one character.


Yeah, and considering they aren’t even willing to make new NPC models I question if they’re willing to put in all that effort for character animation.


Yup, rigging and clipping and resolving all kind of issues is a massive time bottleneck. There are computational technique and machine learning aided animation that can speed up the process in the future. But for now, the task is quite more difficult than what general public assume.


Damn, they really shouldn't care about how "expensive" it would be considering how much money people burn into this game, and how big the player base is


It's probably not the money that bothers them. Creating a new model wouldn't require much external cost, if any. It's the development time that matters here. Do you want the animators spend time on just one character's animations or do you want them to make the next story quest animations look cool? I doubt their development team even have any extra time in between the six week patch cycles.


Honestly though they REALLY need more body types in this game. Tall-male frame is fine for Zhongli/Childe/Diluc but we are starting to see the limitations to it with Itto.


If I have to choose between story delay and new character model so all my male chars don't look like twigs, and new story with no models I'll gladly take story Delay


story matters more than character models ever will


Story has never been on a 40 million dollar banner.




exactly the story/world is the most compelling part of genshin impact the characters just add life to the world through their backstories


Yeah that’s.. unlikely? Given just how I think a majority of people interacts with games and the general size of genshins base. Like I don’t know or care about half of my rosters backstory and I can say that I’ve never rolled on a banner for wanting to know who a care IS.


The thing is your saying it like doing this would cause a few weeks delay on new content but what your asking is tantamount to so much more then that. In the end by the time they finally got these new character models working people would be raging over the lack of content. Then when the final product hits and all it is is a few new character models people would be in an uproar that they wasted so much time on something that has very little effect on anyone and only a select sub set of people would even care about it. My guess would be they probably do have a small team working on this stuff while the majority works on new content. I would guess within the next year we will see another character model or two. Just my guess though


A lot of us would love a longer development time for quality content. Problem comes with investors. Investors fund the gaming process and they have a contracted deadline. These investors usually don't play the game and just want their money returned ten fold in a timely matter. So if there's a deadline the investors put in a contract, fuck the players we have to make sure the investors get their money back.


Isn't Mihoyo primarily a private company though? Pretty sure the primary shareholder is the president...


There are already a ton of complaints about a lack of content lol. Don't assume what you want is what most players want


Hmm can't they recycle the buff model later on with new buff characters like, maybe, Varka?


Just comes down to how many "buff" units they are planning to make. If it's only one or two, it doesn't justify the extra time and people put into the work. If there's demand and they plan to actually release them more, comparable to other body types, then they will. Really depends on the demand, especially from major markets like JP and CN.


The treatment ittou has got is why I don’t want varka playable anymore


This. And then listening to ppl "but yoU CAn'T buy tIme, yOu sHouLD bE gRaTefulL fOR wHat wE GEt".


Varka is gonna have a child body, mark my words. -_-


Probably gonna look like dainsleif model. Just a handsome man. Like zhongl/childe Fuck it. They might just reuse a char, like Thoma & Childe


Slower development but with better quality > doing a half-assed job just to dump content faster.


That might be true for some maybe. But I'll never accept waiting 6 weeks of no content just so some people can get one piece of thick arm on a character that I don't care about. Most people don't actually.


Expensive in development time, not money.


They're probably running into optimize issue which is the game getting bigger and more lagging. Each update mean some old device can't run the game or run game smoothly anymore. So they will try to limit new thing add into the game. Probably same thing happened for Rosaria spear kick animation.


you can't buy time


6 ? Don't they have 5 PC models ? Little girl, teenage girl, Woman, teenage boy, Man. What is the 6th type ?


The dendro user body type


5 PC models. 3 female, 2 male.


My b, i was guestimating. I thought there were 3 male pc models.


THANK YOU. I've been seeing this complaint more and more lately and the answer is just as simple as you laid it out.


Every time I see this brought up I think back to an image I saw of NA servers voting on the most appealing characters in League of Legends compared to China’s top picks. In America, they picked a lot of non-humans and buffer guys. In China… yeah there was only rather feminine men and women being selected. If Mihoyo really thought that making a buffer model would have gained the interest of their main Chinese player base and made them happier/spend more money they would have done it a long time ago. Here in NA/outside of Asia we might value these things but here we are not the target audience, and will probably not be appealed to unless we start whaling harder than the entirety of China.


It seems very relevant to me that LoL can have pretty men and women *as well as* buff dudes and monsters, and so they manage to appeal and profit from different groups. I don't doubt that pretty men are popular, but they really think it's going to give them more money to release the 20th pretty man than the 1st buff one? There are always outliers, even on China, and they know what they want.


My guess is that Mihoyo is still trying to strike the iron while it’s hot and make the most out of their time with a huge fan base and play the most safest options. I hope that as the game progresses in the future they will consider more variety in models because it’s going to get old seeing every adult man and woman with the same handful of models. I’m not too adamant about putting a buff model out right now since personally I don’t think it matches Itto’s personality at all but if they put out Varka like this I would be pretty confused.


Well, I'd have to see him in action but it seemed like Itto was supposed to be the dumb and strong type, so being muscular sounded fitting. I'll be waiting for Varka but their hesitance in making new character models is concerning me. We have 4 little girls but no little boy, what's up with that?


> so being muscular sounded fitting Different cultures leads to different perceptions of muscular. Western paradigm more quickly associates muscular with buff and bulky, but lean muscular is a big thing in the East (much more so than the buff and bulky type). Itto *is* muscular by Eastern standards, just not the kind of buff and bulky that would be top of the mind in Western culture.


I think anime style games in general prefer little girls because on one side they generally seem more innocent and can portray the ‘cute’ feelings more, like in Moe culture. Seeing a little girl swing around a huge sword is more surprising than a little boy, for example. And on the other side you just have weird people but I think that’s a minority of people. In many other anime games I’ve played, little girls seemed to have much more popularity than boys, but it’s also an untapped market Mihoyo should be investing in some time in the future.




I would say being a dumbass is his most defining characteristic. If anything I think the appearance suits him pretty well, he is definitely more of a show-off rather than actually being strong


It's worth noting that in recent years LoL has been tailoring all its newer designs to Chinese preferences while tacking on any western ones as only an after thought. Fact is China spends more on these games while the west complains about predatory gacha mechanics.


>but they really think it's going to give them more money to release the 20th pretty man than the 1st buff one? Yes, yes they do lmao


I don't see them being wrong either given how popular those type of characters are in jp and cn. After all, if gacha games can make shitload of money with all them anime titties, I don't see it changing for their male equivalent.


im not sure how accurate this is, but if this is true, global players spend nothing close to what china/jp players spend despite the download count. like 70% of mhy revenue come from china japan even though they are like 30% of the player base https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/j8y0zp/genshin_impact_went_over_usd_100m_since_launch/


One thing to also keep in mind that from a bird's eye view, this isn't Western vs Eastern market as a whole. Leaner men are much more popular in the East compared to buff ones, but it's not like the complete reverse is true. The leaner men are also very popular among the Western audience, especially since GI targets the audience who likes/are used to anime aesthetics. The currently released male characters have proven very popular among Western audiences as well. So it's between releasing lean men (very popular in the East, quite popular among Western audiences as well) and releasing buff, bulky men (not so popular in the East, very popular among the West), so even if revenue between Eastern and Western markets were equal, it would still be a safer investment overall, let alone when Eastern market in total is bringing more sales.


This is extremely outdated. Another outdated graph(I think September month) showed that us spends more than jp and not that far off from China. And of course no PC or PS4 for US either, where it's more common to play compared to jp.


Japan doesn’t seem to have this issue. Mihoyo takes a lot of inspiration from Japanese games and anime. Muscular male characters, monsters, adult/elderly characters, and etc. are fairly common in Japanese media. Yet Mihoyo particularly cherry picks ideas from Isekai and harem type shows/games. Not because those make the most money, but because the founders like those. In interviews they mentioned they wanted players to fall in love with characters. Hence why they focused on designing attractive/cute character types that are friendly towards the player. It’s a developer bias at the root of all this, not strictly business meta. Throwing in a buff guy here or there isn’t going to lose them business. It would at worst, rake in a small audience who enjoys the character arctypes associated with it. In Gatcha communities it’s common for some people stick around solely because they have a niche character or two they liked. At best, it would gain popularity and rake in a wider audience due to the roster’s diversity expanding. Judging by the Itto & Varka fans, it’s clear that there is a notable demand for muscular characters. The CCP wants to incorporate masculine male characters more in china’s media, and since Mihoyo recently joined the CCP, it would make sense to contribute with their game. Adding some muscular characters would be a win win for everyone.


You'd think they'd offer at least *one* buff dude. I don't understand why it has to be a zero-sum game of all dudes being effeminate and all women being super thicc and girly.


The issue is not modeling, it is rigging. NPC models are rigged to be NPCs, to have a VERY limited set of animations. Player models have a LOT of animations, and share most of them. Taking an NPC model like that and making it a playable character would require a lot of unique animation work, not impossible, but not trivial either.


Making a buff model is not impossible - but it amounts to time and effort, and both of those cost money. Animation rigs for the player models are very different than the NPC models, so it would be more involved than just putting the skin on top of this model instead of the other one. So the question isn't "why couldn't they?"; it's "is it worth the investment?" Most likely, they simply don't have enough upcoming "buff" male characters to make it worth it to create a new model type, so they instead opted to "fake it" with texture files and perspective tricks.


That and they painted themselves into a corner with the 6 week patch windows.


Probably for the same reason a buff or fat woman won't be released.


They describe itto as sumo king or something and then give him regular thin man body. Im salty abt it. Very salty abt it.


I still think that Beidou should have a buffer model. Like if there was anyone the model would be a good fit for, it’d be her.


Because they aren't as popular to asian audiences, they massively fell out of flavour after the 90s. Designing a new, bigger model(as opposed to, say, a male child model) has extra challenges because larger size mean more playtest to figure out a model that does not clip or get stuck every time a passage is narrower. Can they afford the extra work? Yes. Would it be worth if it sell less and it is not appealing for the creators? Probably not unless it's a character that outright require it(Varka). That said, for Itto speciphically, he doesn't feel like an adult to me, he is clearly a delinquent teenagers. He is big as hell for a guy that hasn't fully grown yet.


>Probably not unless it's a character that outright require it(Varka). even if childe says he's a titan i cant help but not expect anything anymore


I belive its s actually a ENG translation thing Iirc in JP he says varka is the top one of favonius knights or sth


Lowkey expecting Jonathan Joestar to just show up


With new Araki style


from Jojolion?


araki itto


Yeah I want my husbandos bishounen-y


Yeah it's obvious Itto is just some punk. He's huge because he's an Oni, but I see him as a teenager tbh


Say it to his face!


True words. Everytime I see a post like this I say the same exact thing. Wester standard for appeal is different from Asian ones. People need to learn that.


A character can be wider without being taller. Genshin's terrain and domains tend to be pretty wide open. I wouldn't be against a smaller character, but I don't know if there is a single little boy in the works.


Fell off during the 90s? My guy, what bullshit did you spout regarding mihoyo advertising a buff character, to only not be buff?


Look at anime, going from the 1990s to the 2000s we see a very stark contrast when we started going from anime characters looking like WWE bodybuilders in anime such as Fist of the North Star to thinner more relatable characters such as those in Kanon/Clannad, although they might've overdone the noodle bodies in Code Geass.


Ah yes, I can't think of a single reason why FotNS characters *might* be more buff than those in Clannad


Jojos comes to mind when it comes to this subject


Jojo is an exception, not the norm. https://myanimelist.net/topanime.php I don't see Jojo here.


There are tons of series on that list with recurring muscular characters. Hunter x Hunter, Vinland Saga, Fate, Kizumonogatari, Ashita no Joe, Hajime No Ippo, Fullmetal Alchemist, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Kimetsu no Yaiba to name a few on that list.


I feel like people are forgetting that a lot of people that whale/spend on male characters are mostly female. So a better look at preference for girls probably would be otome games, bl manga, shoujo manga instead of Shonen ones. And in things like otome games etc, there is a very clear preference for pretty boys


Even Jojo manga noticeably changes during this time, early part 4 Josuke looks nothing like later Josuke, and after part 4 there are basically no more muscular main characters aside from few. The change from part 1, where basically every important dude is a Fist of the North Star reference, to part 5, where basically the whole cast is well-built but thin, is very noticeable.


It doesn't have to be totally over the top like FotNS, though. There's plenty of new, popular anime with buff characters, like Inosuke in Demon Slayer or Todo in Jujutsu Kaisen.


If I had a nickel for every post someone's made complaining about Itto not using this model I'd have paid off my student loans by now.


Lmao same


because every adult male needs to look like he could fit into some k pop band


Kpop male idols are really handsome!


True but a big beefcake would be a nice change... But i guess the average casual from east asia isnt really into that kinda stuff unless they look like a new bts member


I think the audience is pretty clear: small waist waifus for the man, and handsome slender husbandos for the women. Beauty standards are different in Asia. When people complain about not having "buff" male characters, I remember that the Japanese love Childe and Zhongli. When you think about the reasons why the japanese love Childe and Zhongli, how both of them look and what their personalities are, maybe we can understand why we might not get a buff man in the near future. Not only that, but I'm curious why nobody complains about the lack of "buff" women, even though that would be a fair question to ask as well.


>Not only that, but I'm curious why nobody complains about the lack of "buff" women, even though that would be a fair question to ask as well. ME IT'S ME GIVE ME THE BUFF SCARRED BEIDOU WITH LEGS LIKE TREE TRUNKS AND ARMS THAT CAN CLEAVE A SEA MONSTER IN TWAIN WITH ONE MIGHTY BLOW, MIHOYO YOU COWARDS


Mihoyo please give me buff men and buff women im an equal opportunity muscle admirer


lol same, i mean as a husbando exclusive collector i aint gonna complain when they release another slim husbando because.. you know.. tall male characters release are once in a blue moon? meanwhile we get all these teen and tall female characters with no diversity yet people are not complaining. im not complaining too because meh, im not the target audience for that. but it feels iffy to me that people complain about the "lack" of tall male diversity and nex thing you know they gush over the newest female character that is the same sexy/curvy/scantily clothed type since release. lol


Mihoyo: We want to invest 200 milion yearly to make GI best game. Also Mihoyo: We only have 2 body types cause making more cost money.


haha i just binge watched some episodes of Succession TV show and Shiv have a really good mocking phrase on why a millions worth company could not afford some ink and plastic to make her an extra pass Cuz **"fck you"** its not a cost issue its a mentality issue


Why would they create a new model if the current one can still get them money.


Maybe it doesn't appeals to the Asian market? It seems they prefer the bishounens.


I have no problem with that at all. My issue is why they made him look so buff in his splash art if they have no intention of designing buff playable characters. If they want all their male characters to be tall and sleek, that’s fine. But their splash art designs should match that too.


i don’t understand the outrage because i never expected him to be cyrus/wagner body type in the first place yknow? i keep my expectations low so that mihoyo can’t disappoint me. >!plus ive had alot of time to stare at and get used to his character model because he was the first character i followed the leaks for!< if you take a look at the number of female characters in the game, compared to the male characters (2 out of 7 archons are guys) you can start to see why ittos probably going to just stay that way, mihoyo has a vision for this game and that vision doesn’t include playable buff guys (at least not yet) you can even see it in the banners, them “drip marketing” 2 new waifus right before kazuha’s banner, eula randomly also getting a rerun during what would’ve been a dudes only patch. i dont doubt there are technical problems to giving itto a new body type, or expanding his arms. i know from experience that 3d modeling and animation is hard to do(and thats just for short animation clips). HOWEVER i hope people don’t genuinely believe that mihoyo couldn’t very easily overcome those difficulties with the resources they have, they literally have enough to spend millions on Twitter Hashtags, i dont think they even need to hire more people (and imo the story could use some delays maybe then it wont be so damn rushed) its not laziness or tech issues stopping them, they simply dont want to “fix” him. in their eyes itto is fine enough to send out and any money lost from him will come right back with shenhe. the biggest thing that scares me though is that people boycotting/skipping his banner wont tell mihoyo “hey we wanted him to be buffer” but instead send mihoyo the message that “we dont want any more boys”


Other characters refer to Itto as “big & intimidating”. He is the leader of a gang as well as an Oni. I don’t blame people for expecting Itto to be buff. Especially since a reliable leaker said he would be. Honestly I think most people would have been content with Itto’s design if the arms on his model were thicker, because currently they don’t fit his body. >the biggest thing that scares me though is that people boycotting/skipping his banner wont tell mihoyo “hey we wanted him to be buffer” but instead send mihoyo the message that “we dont want any more boys” Key is to submit feedback. Businesses wouldn’t take feedback/surveys if just looking at numbers and guessing worked.


Not to mention the next patch is 2 waifus again


Because they want to spend as little money making each new character/update as possible, and because whatever management to their design team doesn’t want to. In a similar vein, this is why all npc’s are the same few models repeated, why most weapon sets are still unfinished, why the KoF headquarters and Dawn Winery are still unfinished, and why the first archon quest has the most unique gameplay elements (the bombing, stealth section, air combat, and boss platforming)


I don’t really have a problem with his current model tbh


Honestly I look at his in-game model vs his art and he really isn't that much slimmer. Sure his arms are a little thinner but I think a lot of people saw a little bit of muscle definition and went 'totally got a bodybuilder physique'


Same here, I'd love a bigger man but I'm okay with this.


The problem isn’t that he’s not buff. The problem is the huge disconnect between his 2D splash art and the 3D in-game model. Imagine if Klee retained her small, cute character splash art, but her in-game model was the same height as Amber. If they don’t want to design a buff character, that’s perfectly fine. But then they shouldn’t have made him buff in his splash art.


Due to how he's clothed, I didn't even notice a difference in his arms until reddit posts pointed it out. It's not like his arms are that large in the splash art so the difference isn't even that significant. If the difference was actually jarring (like your Klee example) then I'd agree but this feels like nitpicking more than anything. His outfit is designed to draw attention to his abs anyways, which they did make sure to add. The arms seem inconsequential cuz the 3D model still strikes me as a buff guy if I'm not specifically looking for something that's off.


it's not that easy to make the same character in splash art (2D) and a real character model (3D), just compare every character from game to their splash arts, and you will see the difference between them


That’s…not even a comparison Firstly that wouldn’t have happened because Qiqi was already in the game and therefore Klee would have used the same body type as her, Itto doesn’t have that luxury as there are only 2 male body types Secondly Klee is super significantly shorter in the art than Amber would be, Itto’s arms are only a little bigger than Zhongli’s in his art Thirdly they really could make an Amber sized Klee work, like how they did with a Zhongli sized Itto, Klee would need a somewhat deeper voice, a more jokey than innocent personality and so on and so forth, kinda like Itto, his voice is significantly higher pitched and his personality is significantly more jokey than all of the fandubs and fan comics including Itto, people literally just got the wrong idea


He is absolutely buff. Just because he isn't a muscular hulk-esque character straight out of Dragon Ball doesn't mean he isn't built. He looks really close to most of his art as well. People can be fit and lean - see most irl athletes.


Sea Drake enthusiasts, thats what's stopping them.


God this is actually getting quite annoying now, did anyone TRULY expect MHY to create a whole new body type and have it not follow suit with the Female’s Child, Teen and Mommy body types? Moreover has anyone actually heard his lines, not even the leaked ones, I mean the ones from the trailer, he’s not a brutish meathead with a soft spot for kids, he’s an idiot, he’s determined and he’s overly competitive and this is reflected not only in his lines but in his voice in and of itself, why would a overly buff and muscular man have such a high voice? He’s like Bennett, the leader of a gang thing is pretty much just a comedy device, I would have welcomed a super buff Itto but he wouldn’t be able to have the same voice, personality, lore and stupidity that current Itto has People are getting their knickers in a twist over some pixels


Tbh, I prefer how he actually looks to how he'd look like this




Yeah, they've literally made an entire new map for a temporary event in 1.6 and people seriously say that the reason they don't add a buff male model is because it's too much work.


A map that we probably won't see again...


I’m entirely convinced they were testing the results of a FOMO limited area vs a permanent area (Dragonspine) and the effects it has on returning players. I’d be willing to bet it had minimal impact because >!Enkanomiya!< is on a separate map, but permanent. This is good news for me because I hated the concept of limited areas


Yeah, it's definitely not because of too much work, but MiHoYo's priorities are strange.


How tf can you look at Itto and say there was little or less effort put into him, people get the wrong idea about how a character’s meant to be designed and blame the company for the misconception


People will tell you it's due to issues with model configuration. While that's true, it doesn't excuse Mihoyo *refusing* to create new models and update existing ones after making billions of dollars from this game.


They don't want to or don't think it's worth the investment atm, that's the real answer.


They should start appropriating fatui models before npc models


Asian aesthetic


It’s ugly


Becaus by law all male genshin impact need to be twinks


This dudes face is cursed, off topic I know, but Lordy some of those default faces scare me


They didn't do it in honkai impact so I don't see them doing it in genshin


Hes just a leader of a gang full of teenagers. Hes not supposed to be maga buff


that is an npc


Henry Cavill playable character!


Time, effort and other priorities.


Thirsty fans wanting k-pop looking mfers, not the rock, would be my guess.


tfw a fanbase of people who have never touched code think a six week patch cycle with a game like Genshin is "lazy." Go play another game if it bothers you that much.


they could introduce a new male base model though…. there are 3 female models and only 2 male. i’m not seeing it’s quick and easy by any means, but it could certainly be done.


You're forgetting that the third female model is a small child model. Why make a second model for adult male characters? It's more efficient, storage-saving, and overall simpler to keep a singular category for each age group.


Twig impact


He’s buffer than itto 💀💀💀


Damn how you lose 2 stars


Man got meat there damm


it's supposed to be because it takes time to make a new model work but it's been a year




9/10 the answer will always be MHY simply don't find it worth it to make a new body type from scratch just for 1 specific character. With a game as animated add GI, alot of work has to be put in to make sure character models function properly and avoid clipping. Better to put that effort into an entirely new character type than a slightly buffer dude.


I am convinced that asian don't like buff body type, I rarely see them in anime, manhua or manhwa.


It’s definitely not as popular as the leaner body type here


Its difference of eastern and western preference.


That's because if you look old, you're useless, from a marketing perspective.


Technical stuff aside, there will be plenty more male buff characters to come, so they might as well put the millions to good use and buff Itto's body in the future