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Putting standard banner 5\* weapons on any weapon banner at this point is just mean.


Especially because at least for bows and claymores, we have Hunter's Path and Beacon just kinda...lost in the shuffle right now, and I would rather see those run than WGS or Amos at least sometimes 😭


We also have Jade for swords.


Its always irked me how imbalanced the standard banner weapons are. You got all the skywards, that's fine. And then a random Jade spear, but no sword? Wtf is Aquila doing in there? Wtf is Aquila as a weapon period lmao. Weirdest 5 star ever.


oh buddy u really dont know the news aquila is for captin r because she is a sub dps physical -dies


I wish lol


I was happy to get my first Aquila to give to Bennett. I’d be pretty bummed if I ever get a second one though.


I got a second one a few weeks ago, so now I have one for Bennett and one for Jean.


Omg same


I got a second one as my most recent standard banner 5\*. Bennett got the first. The other one is just kind of sitting there... I don't imagine it will ever have any use, but I also feel like if I ever dare to refine the first one that Hoyo will punish me immediately by making an incredibly desirable character for whom that's BiS.


I have 3 of them...


But jade always comes back from time to time


With Albedo, assuming they don't pair him with Summit Shaper.


That sword is going to become rare as hell.


I absolutely assumed that was a standard weapon because I've never seen one...and now I know why lmao


Those two and the Liyue series should just be added to standard since no one “owns” them so they’re unlikely to ever get a feature again on limited since they pretty much only do character specific weapons now until Albedo reruns and they put up PJC or Summit Shaper.


WGS have not Been on, wep banner it's, been ages since 1.3


fr was boutta ask what they have against wgs being on weapon banner cause i’d kill to have it again. havent seen that guy since the whole homa weapon banner drama and i miss him (tbh i just want it for that diluc skin drip i hardly even use him)


Wtfym we had wgs on weapon banner like twice two years ago both


Because it's Klee's "weapon" since she doesn't have a 5* limited time one


They could've just went the Tartaglia way and create a catalyst for her, easy money. 66 Crit DMG. Increases all elemental DMG by 12%. Dealing charged attack dmg, elemental skill and burst DMG increases all elemental DMG. Good on her and Ning and ok on other catalysts too Yes it's a catalyst mistsplitter


It's weird, with Klee and Albedo they gave them "signature" 4 star weapons. Cinnabar Spindle is obviously Albedo's BIS, but Dodoco Tales for Klee isn't nearly as good, yet it was clearly designed with her in mind, an attempt to give her a non-banner BIS weapon. So now they have a choice. Do they make another one and sell it, or do they make another event weapon that might not work? Weird situation.


That's the thing about Cinnabar vs Dodoco tales, Dodoco tales is the same as most event weapons, catered towards one character but works decently on multiple options, Cinnabar Spindle on the other hand is not an event weapon, it's an Albedo buff


Imagine you can miss your character buff because you did not play the event


Yeah, that's the problem with it


I mean, Dodoco was so early in the game that I'm pretty sure they didn't know then on which direction the game should go. For sure they didn't want to make a 4* her BiS, but they also made Ode for Venti (then made Venti better with EM than ATK) and later released Elegy Cinnabar was later in the game so looks like they didn't plan to give Albedo a 5* after so long, even though they made one for Tartaglia It's all too weird tbh. Looks like a lack of planning by Hoyo


Ode was in the same patch as Elegy, Venti's first rerun in 1.4 Dodoco tales was made after they introduced Elegy, as well as Homa, SOBP and Freedom Sworn, they were already creating 5-star signature BISes for 5-stars, they even did one on a rerun already


I'm convinced they made Cinnabar for Albedo to encourage people to get him if they were on the fence, and potentially spend if they also wanted Itto/mono Geo. There was a lot of hype around it at the time since it was basically a free 5 star weapon, if only for one character. I still think they should just put all the 4 star event weapons in the star glitter shop after a year.


They really need to just give it for free again. Spending glitter on it would feel sucky/grindy. Instead, I'd just put it in an event shop, and make it so you can't buy more if you already had it.


The problem with giving a character a 4* BiS is that either they have to have a niche kit that you can take advantage of by abusing main stat distribution, like def% swords, or you have to give a free weapon a passive busted enough to outstrip 5 star stat differences, and hoyo isn’t going to give out something like that.


That would be pretty great on Wanderer or on-field Yae too actually


They really could've just make her a 5 star signature weapon at this point bruh... Like, make something that works specifically only on her or very similiar, like "using elemental burst grants additional pyro% damage" or something


Ganyu,Klee mains be like Heck tbh even Xiao got the same treatment except for his is at least solid And Ganyu somewhat but eh And Klee awk... See the thing is Childe,Venti were in same group before but no more so.... Ganyu,Xiao,Klee future hopium


Jade spear is Xiao signature, he and only he wields it (from the start of the game) on official promo arts/splash art/promo vids etc. Lore, weapon effect and looking fits okayish for him. While amos was not ganyu signature at all (except weapon effect), seems it is now; tcg art - ganyu with amos, so probably no turning back now.


Xiao is understandable cause its real sig, Ganyu's is basically not sig but "forced sig" ..they just forcing it everywhere cause as of now that's what she has so cause she doesn't have any else thsy just sticking with Amos sadly... Whatever their plan for her or r just lazy or don't care about Ganyu, they be like let her be like this we don't care... Sad...


Well Klee's weapon is on standard so obviously there's a standard weapon on the weapon banner


True Klee's weapon is unobtainable though


Easy skip patch. Funny how despite all the people whining about a Eula rerun, her banner revenue is guaranteed to be garbage.


I fail to see the funny. We should be happy for eula wanters.


I think everyone was just memeing,only new players and her simps gonna pull for her.


As a Xiao main I disagree but also agree


Cute presentation thanks leakers


Cute presentation to hide the crappiness of the weapons. Everything balances out 😁


Still don't have a single copy of alley flash and mitternachts waltz, seems like it will stay so. I just would like one cause the designs are nice


I run Alley Flash on Kaeya just because it looks so good on him.


Yeah but it works very well on him. 610 base attack is no joke for any 4 star. In certain teams, slight EM gives better damage. It's passive is also good though idk if it works when you switch to other characters.


Dragon's bane finally took the L


*Suddenly appears in the 2nd half


Suddenly? It's more guaranteed than hard pity.


someone at mhy has a kink for screwing over eula mains in every way possible


I think the same. Crappy weapon banner, awful Mika (I don't acknowledge him as a physical support), ignorance of minor bugs on her. Something's off...


the only one who showed her love is character designer


Fattest slappy in all of Teyvat


Shenhe would like a word ~~(and her belly button back)~~


I cant see why they removed it from her design tbh. There are obviously cases where less is more, but not here.


Doesn't Itto have the biggest ass in Genshin? Eula's only third.


Fatest slappy in all of Teyvat


what's wrong with Mika? I didn't try him with my Eula yet cuz I'm procrastinating on building him but in theory he increases physical damage and has the highest na speed buff which helps Eula with getting stacks for her burst, and can also heal. the only thing he could use is an attack buff like Bennett, Sara and Faruzan based on his base atk. isn't he a good support? edit: ok that's fucking bullshit hiw can they fuck up a character this badly 🤦


Well, attack speed is bad for claymores cause of hitlag mechanic, his phys. bonus depends on the amount of enemies, his C6 is not enough for him to be on par with Gorou and Faruzan in their respective teams, his damage contribution is non-existent even if you equip him with clam set, because he heals so little. Oh and also don't switch Eula for quick explosion against quick enemies like Wenut, cause Mika's buffs will just dissapear from Eula.


>Oh and also don't switch Eula for quick explosion against quick enemies like Wenut, cause Mika's buffs will just dissapear from Eula. ok that's just fucking bullshit like if eula isn't suffering enough with all the physicals resistance enemies , oh and these new monsters she can't tank hits to use her burst to it's maximum dmg .


Basically, there are multiple factors: 1. Being Phys. This affinity is NOT in a good spot 2. His attack speed buff doesn't work on claymores 3. The Phys buff is nigh nonexistent against bosses 4. His damage is miniscule to none even with Clam taken into account 5. You lose attack speed buff if you swap Put simply, he's good on anyone BUT Eula


my masochism kink gets triggered when I look at this banner


At least your main wont rerun with the donnut…


counterpoint; at least your main got a rerun in a shorter time than almost two years 🤡


Idk what is worse - donut or rerun every 1.5 year.


No one pulls for weapons anyway so definitely the rerun


At least it's a good weapon. It could've be Memory of Dust XD


Hey now, my unintended Memory of Dust from Itto’s banner sits very comfortably on my Heizou thank you very much (in 2+ years of playing I have never gotten Atlas or Lost Prayer). It’s fiiiinnneee.


Don't you have the Widsith? It's way better than Memory of Dust, especially for Heizou.


Oh for sure but my R5 Widsith is reserved for my Yanfei, she’s more important haha.


If you have C4 on Yanfei, she is actually one of the very few who can use that weapon well


luckily apparently they don't wanna screw her as hard, she could be running with baizhu, you can use lost prayers on most meta catalysts


why would baizhu come so early


I don't even know, should I laugh on them or cry for them


I'm so glad I jumped when I saw it with Freedom Sworn and got it back then. I mean, I want Lost Prayers someday for my future Wanderer, but this is just an objectively bad banner- one standard weapon and one that literally only one character wants (Thundering Furry Razor > Physical Razor).


Whelp good luck to those pulling Eula's signature.


This is a test for every Eula main who waited for her to come back. If this picture made you flinch, you aren't a real one.


I mean worst case scenario I give Lost Prayer to my Mona or Yanfei or something. This is basically the last banner I'm gonna be willing to spend on anyways since Genshin making me wait a year and a half for Eula has killed my whole motivation to play. They told me they didn't want my primos for a long time already.


Your comment made me check dates cause no way they had her locked up for that long and it really has been 1 year and 6-7 months 💀. I wish you all the Eulas and Broken Pines!


Post says 3.8 weapon banner but the only weapon I'm seeing here is Fav Lance. OP seems to have forgotten to add the others haha it's ok we can wait for the updated repost


me when the voices take over


> [me when the voices take over](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w0261AkfLA)


me being delusional:


Me clicking epitomized path for favge


If only you could...


Me after the lobotomy


username checks out


Stage 1: Denial


The background is prettier than the banner


good fucking lord, they hold eula back for more than a YEAR AND A HALF and this is what they do to her weapon banner 💀 i'm rolling anyway because i want sobp for her but holy shit lol.


The cope angle is at least her teammates pretty much only needs fav lances. Rosaria literally becomes the best battery in the game with R5 fav lance, and Mika's bis is also fav lance if you choose to use him. Just gotta hope all you get is fav lance.


yea... i've already got two at r5 lmfao 💀 its literally a worthless weapon banner for me other than sobp so i just need to manifest me pulling sobp immediately and getting to peace out as soon as possible lol


Oh rip, well good luck my friend.


Lol are you me? I also have two R5 Fav spears and the whole weapon banner is useless for me. Yet I really want the SOBP for the sole reason to finish my Eula drip. Oh well this pulling session is gonna be agonizing :(


Is Diona a joke to you? Shield, heals, and best of all with Sacrificial Bow she requires 0 critical rate.


Meh, rosaria is better as an eula battery


We all know that the best battery is ofc qiqi /s




>i'm rolling anyway because i want sobp for her but holy shit lol. Well I guess we know why they do this


I am pulling weapon too cause can't risk it again, but yeah, holy shit the banner sucks


I don't understand, it's common knowledge that Klee always runs with that catalyst


lp? yes, i expected lp, i just didnt expect the 4\*s to be quite so shitty lol


Playing Devil's advocate but you can never have too many Favonius Lance. Yun Jin; Yaoyao; Zhongli; Shenhe; Mika; Candace, they all can use (and most of time WANT to use) a Favonius Lance, and refinement are sometimes worth going for.


The thing is, how often you will use them all at the same time? I have 3 fav lances built (Zhongli Yun Jin and Yaoyao), but only 1 is used.




I absolutely detest sharing/swapping aritfacts and weapons between my characters so the more fav lances (or fav weapons in general) the merrier for me lol.


You should have gotten beacon. It's better for Eula and the banner was better


The drip man, the drip. I have the Bacon and R5 SS but I simply find my no.1 waifu who I have since her OG banner without her sig to be... incomplete. So yeah I admit it'll be extremely stupid and a huge waste of primos and I also don't recommend anyone to do so, but I will pull for the fucking drip. People, don't do this unless you know what you are doing!


I'm pulling the weapon banner because I got nothing to lose. Both Eula and Ningguang will have some new drip and I'm all for it


Wow. That sucks


Hoyo has recognised the predatory nature of gacha games and is now removing all incentive to gamble on wishes. Praise Da Wei 🙏


You joke, but there are idiots and shills genuinely writing like this over on the main sub (where toxic positivity and delusions rule the day).


Main sub is *full* of "white knights" who think Hoyo can do no wrong, **and** "black knights" who criticize everything. It's to the point where I question if either group has a life outside of Genshin sometimes. The former can feel like they're all either little kids or gigawhales, and I often wonder why the latter doesn't just quit.


> I often wonder why the latter doesn't just quit. there's no proper replacements yet that can give the same dopamin hit they are currently feeling with genshin. some people left for tof but that's just some people. i am expecting more people to leave when WW comes since that's a direct competitor


good guy mhy helping the playerbase save for Fontaine


At least it makes it easier for me to not waste Primos that I would rather save for Fontaine.


The last few weapon banners have been shit


LoFI + Freedom Sworn was a pretty good one


I don't know, Homa + Aqua was pretty recent and phenomenal. I was also very happy with Thundering Pulse/Kagura's Verity, and that was the previous one.


Eh, this versions banners weren't horrible.


Oh fair enough, but I was thinking of the 3.5 banners


True but I didn’t get the weapon I wanted. I definitely won’t spend on what could be another 150 wishes to get what I want when a ton of new characters are coming. The new characters are tempting me too much.


that is certainly one of the 4\* line-ups of all time


As punishment for the leaks this is the weapon banner every patch going forward


F2P players: meh


At this point why even add fav lance? Commit to your statement and get that Lithic Spear in there. JFC.


God gave his toughest battles to Eula mains


This is a whole new level and record of skippable banner lmao. I’m scared about what they’re planning for 4.0. Protect your wallets guys


I'm starting to think the HYV hates Eula jokes are true because wow...Yikes.


Obviously Eula had to be given this weapon banner on her long awaited return. Holy shit, that is *awful*.


is hoyoverse okay? because i'm pretty sure the point of a weapon banner is to make money?


I think they know very well it's not a "good" weapon banner, however my theory is that Mihoyo also knows people will NEVER go for more than R1 for these weapons. On the contrary, they bet that people (and especially whales) will put more money on the 4.X weapon banners, and potentially going for R2, R3 or even more.




I mean the current weapon banner is also pretty good. Even the 4 stars


True. I got both weapons from current banner and now my Alhaitham and Kuki are op lol


they made more money then any other time in genshin's history with hu tao and yelan weapon banner and then said fuck you, thats all folks, wild


What a cute design for a weapon banner! …that’s all I got.


God even the 4* are mostly dirty too… poor Eula


What’s the purple bow? I’ve never seen that before. Is that originally fischl’s matching bow?


Yes. It’s Fischl’s weapon, but there are better options for her.


But it’s pretty… and i like collecting pretty things 🥲


It's Fischl bow. I believe it was originally designed for her crossover to Honkai Impact 3^rd.


Fischl's bow. I have been waiting for it to come back. Alley Flash bring with it is a bonus.


Where is the background from?


I think it’s the battle pass namecard for 3.8


It's the BP namecard for 3.8, I believe.


visually, i like the blues and greens and purples tbh that's about all i can say though


I'll get Broken Pines next time. In 2 years.


2 years is being generous with more characters getting released


With triple banners, it'll be 2 years. If they stick to double banners, it'll be 3.5 years.


Oh yeah tripple banners in 4.0 was a possibility. Then maybe just maybe its possible in 2 years maybe. (But honestly ill prefer shorter banner duration and 3x double banner in a single patch otherwise i think weapon banner is gonna get worse)


Kinda want that Alley Falsh for my Bennett cause I don't think Aquila will come to my account ever.


Maybe you shouldn't risk it tho? Sapwood Blade is a new better than Prototype Rancour f2p craftable option for him because it has the same base ATK (565 iirc) but instead of phys DMG bonus it has ER and we all know Benny needs A TON of it sometimes. Alley Flash may have more ATK but still... Is it worth getting Painslasher or Eye of Painception in the worst case scenario...


Favonius Lance must be feeling very lonely in there lol


Saving for Fontaine got even easier wow.


Easy skip. Not even a little tempting.


Bruh...this banner is so bad, Hoyo should give you primos for pulling on it.


That is a very bad weapon banner, Beacon of the Reed Sea is better for Eula and 4 stars aside from fav lance are meh. This also conforms Eula/Klee first half and second half is probably Wanderer/Kokomi?


I hope so. I want Kokomi and Faruzan cons along the way.


I hope so because I want to pull for Kokomi asap so I can just save through Fontaine 😭


Is Beacon better for Eula? For the current event for example, all the whale Eula clears I see still uses SoBP.


Dehya's beacon is actually better than Eula's claymore, but when are you gonna see beacon again?


Whale Eula playstyle revolves around crit-fishing, so a CR weapon doesn't do much there.


hay at least the dragon bane curse has been stopped


Watch it appearing in Kokomi and Wanderer's banner


Favonius Lance is the best weapon on that banner.


Based on the character banners, we already knew it was gonna be terrible, but oh my god, they went above and beyond and made the 4-stars terrible too


Well I think it's fantastic that Mihoyo is taking the effort to help people save money. Thanks a bunch guys!


Do they hate eula or something wtf is this banner


Bomboclaat it gets worse🤦🏽‍♂️ Edit: That’s probably the worst weapon banner for 4 stars


Fucking hell


i get the feeling theyre just trying to sabotage eula's rerun shitty weapons + ok 4\*'s, and wanderer AND kock being after her it just seems...excessive you know?


Looking at the comments here... What else did people actually expect tho?


I have no idea. It was pretty obvious how this banner will look like


actually good four stars


Right? Klee is either gonna get LP or Memory of dust. The other characters said to rerun are Wanderer and Kokomi. So Another meh catalyst and the Donut. This is about as good as it gets with these characters having reruns.


I honestly have no idea. Klee and Eula are both appearing in the event and they are running together. We all knew both weapons would be on the banner. Whats the surprise? But honestly every weapon banner that’s not yelan/hu tao gets this reaction so…


Fav spear did not deserve this.


I can't even roll for fav lance because the banner is so bad. Rainslasher AND Eye of Perception?? Pain.


As a Yanfei main. Lost prayers is her best in slot. I'll roll for it. Also hope she's a 4* on th banner


Aww man, i knew i should've pulled Song if Broken Pines on the banner it shared with Aquila Favonia, i was so dumb back then to not roll. Well, time to use the Royal Claymore for a few more years


Pulling for Bacon was a wise decision


easiest skip of my life


One of the worst weapon banners ever. Only one great weapon in the entire banner imo


It stinks!




This is probably historically the worst weap banner ever ...holy..fortunately I already have SoBP but .. I feel so sorry whoever gonna pull for it


Eula just cant catch a W fr


So many 5* weapon lost to time, yet they still put a FREAKING STANDARD 5* WEAPON


Sobp = only good if ur doing something physical or someone let u cook LP= probably okayish ngl (as a standard weapon). Minnernacht Waltz= the honkai version Is just better than whatever dude made this thing into a bow solar pearl with no crit subs. Eye= memes Rainslasher= other than being useless most of the time it also has a part time job of being kinda good to ok now thanks to dendro (well people still has better options). This thing is actually quite goodge for vape Diluc. Alley flash= Bennett weapon Fav lance= actually good to have if u don't have 10 copies of r5 lance.


god fucking damn it im so fucking sick of lost prayer. i have this thing r5 + 1 extra. IM SICK OF IT.


Even favge can’t save this banner 😭


Srry eula weapon, but i prefer drip (dragonspine claymore)


why HYV released a banner w only one 4\* weapon?


Damn it. Alley Flash and Mitternacht elude me once again. As much as I want Lost Prayer I’m not risking getting Broken Pines


I’m glad I already have Eula’s weapon because this banner is horrible m.


I try to roll just 1 wish on the weapon banner each time just for fun. This will be one I skip lol.