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lmfao, idk why they are making this so restrictive you can get like 10 crystal flies in 30 seconds, every day.


Ya, If I'm feeling lazy I just go to the 2 way points near the Dendro cube, easy 6 crystal dudes from that. Keeps me in a surplus, slowly but surely


Dude, the cave in the southwest of Liyue alone has 8-10 crystalflies. Combine that with the 6 at Dawn Winery, 4 at the Anemo Statue, 3 more on the way to Dawn Winery, 4 at the Vanessa's Tree, 6 at Liyue's weapon mat domain and so on and so forth you can get above 100 per day if you're trying hard for it.


Yes but he said if he was lazy.


Full Dawn Winery run from the statue is 12-ish. That’s my goto on mobile since they are spaced far away from each other you only lose a couple.


That requires me to run more than 4 seconds away from the waypoint. The 2 waypoints D-loyal mentioned take a 2-3 second run to pick up 3 crystalflies.


crystal dudes


The fact this thing needs 300 crystal ores for something you can do within a few minutes is what's blowing my mind


Maybe it's initial build cost. I can farm more than 100 crystal flies in time it would take me to farm 300 crystal ores


its a reputation reward, straight to inventory, spawns like parametric transformer


then 300 crystal ores for 15 crystal flies, yeah, a big joke , maybe one of most useless gadget, that had potential of being good. 15 crystals flies a week ain't bad per week, would have somewhat helped, but the astonishing price, it's worthless


Who said it's crystal ores, it's just written "ores" If it uses magical ores it's free real estate


Yeah miHoYos being stingy lol


That's new /s


They really should just screw this and make it an expedition for Fontaine. There’s no reason at this point in the game it shouldn’t be that easy to get at least 4 per day


I bet this is their way to make us spend ores. They chose Crystalflies as reward, but it could've be anything.


Only 10? Those are rookie numbers


its all you need if u dont refresh resin


It's more then enough for a day, it's for 2 days resin


> lmfao, idk why they are making this so restrictive I know why. They're miserable.


Isn't this a buff though? 4~6 (average 5) -> 15 3 days -> 7 days 100 ore -> 300 ore If you multiply left side by 3 12 ~18 (average 15) ->15 9days -> 7days 300 ore -> 300 ore You actually saved 2 days in this new update


I know why They are going to give us a crafting recipe that requires a lot of crystal fly that your entire world wort of crystal fly is going to be insufficient that not even farming another world can help They will probably limit the number of material you can farm from another world That you'll be relying from this trap for extras


i think you're on to something. this. definitely this. The more regions are released, getting cristalflies gets easier. So it adds up that they would add a crafting recipe (maybe something cyclical)


I would gladly pay loads of crystalflies to be able to condense more than 5 resin total. Or to have an item like the self-modeling resin from HSR. Or to craft billets. Other than useful things like that, I don’t see it ever being worth it.




if your entire world of crystal fly is insufficient, getting +15 once per week is not going to make any sort of meaningful dent in it.


Now 7 days ... fantastic How much until it's a full month?


it's a buff. worst case you'll get 3-17 extra flies over the course of 3 weeks compared to before the change the ore cost on the other hand...


At this point... I just give up


This gadget was designed by the same person who cooked Dehya


I'm just waiting for that person to cook themselves in the kitchen now.


i really hope it's the crafting recype's cost and not a weekly cost. 300 are insane.


It is most likely one time crafting, but 300 for something you can do literally in 5 min per day is mind boggling, not to mention it's Fontaine crystals which are the only materials you can use to craft Fontaine farmable weapons, similar to Inazuma ones. This will be forgotten before it came out lol


Not if they keep on moving the spawns higher and higher. If you farm the crystal flies around Domain of Guyun you might have noticed they keep on moving them higher. You can no longer reach them from the start with the shortest characters. Even tall characters struggle to reach them after they run for 1-2 seconds.


I noticed that yeah, ingot pissed by this, but at least the ones at Diluc's house are still easy to get.


There are several waypoints with 2-3 crystalflies right next to them and easy to catch. I forgot abt the guyun ones long ago because of what u mention, feels really middlefingering if they did it on purpose


Of course they did it on purpose. It took you less than 2 minutes to collect 8 flies. Those are 2 days worth of dailies. So you could farm every other day or just keep it for awhile and then just stop for few months.


Yeah, it's a nice boost once crafted, but it's like... why


it's the same cooldown as the parametric transformer so you don't have to remember to use 2 different gadgets every week.


>parametric transformer I forgot this existed lmao!


CD : 1 month Cost : 2000 ores Reward : 2 crystal cores


They cannot actually think people will use this


Reminder that parametric transformer is a thing. Edit: I mean many people already keep forgetting about Parametric Transformer, there's no way they will remember this.


Parametric gives some nice resources if you know what to feed it. This, on the other hand, will save you, uh, *checks notes*....a 25-second trip to dawn winery per week


dont even need to do that anymore. Theres like 40 next to waypoints at this point in the world just pick a few and go rather than running around dawn winery


Fr, statue near Dawn Winery, Waypoint below Dawn Winery, Chasm Statue, that one Sumeru waypoint, Sea of Clouds artifact domain, that two Sumeru desert waypoint, Sumeru mushroom place statue, oh and Windrise statue... Those are waypoints with crystal flies that are close to them


Honestly just make a portable waypoint every week at that one southern Seirai Island spot and you're set.


That too, but winery is still my preferred place purely for the nostalgia and amazing themes


>Parametric gives some nice resources if you know what to feed it. Alternatively, just do what I do and feed it the ridiculous amount of horsetail my expeditions gather each week because they're set up to get specific ingredients for specific dishes (to sustain my NRE, mainly) from the 20hr 25% bonus expeditions and snapdragon is used but horsetail isn't.


You feed it horsetails? Mine has been on steady diet of treasure hunters medal since day 1.


According to the data gathering discord, feeding it plants/mushrooms (including edible) results in the greatest reward in resin equivalent, on average


yeah but this guy is losing resin by not using mora expeditions.


Is that true? The mora always seemed like so little that it was better for me to get food and save myself having to go farm other stuff.


Honestly, at that point the playability retention value is greater than the 5/3rds of resin you get from a mora expedition


The mora seemed little until I asked myself if I would buy random flowers for 5k mora. I never needed to farm anything for food maybe that's just me.


I've been feeding it all the valberries and silkflowers i get from trying to grab he farming achievement lol


Does feeding it the correct stuff still matter ? I've been giving it the same stuff but getting different results every time


Its more of a minmaxing thing really, but yea, you can modify the probability of getting mora/exp/ore. The result is never guaranteed afaik


Based on the [fuel used](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Parametric_Transformer#Fuel_Type) there's actually a difference in the rewards.


whoa what are the strats for that parametric thing? Edit: Thank you! Edit2: link didn't work for me sadly Edit3: Thank you!


Yo, that's actually useful


fr bonus mora and materials is always welcome


parametric transformer is at least resin equivalence and we have inventories filled with entire states of useless materials to convert. If they upped the usage it would actually be super good. the one for the crystalfly sound just like being dumb if you use it. You literally teleport 2 times and gain more than 15.


I just feed it potatoes, tomatoes, and wheat that you can buy from vendor and get resin items back I'd never use this piece of junk lol


Oh shit thanks for reminding actually-


Woah, this is worthless.


It's less than worthless my boy!


Somehow is more worthless than before


This changes nothing...


Well, they made it worse so it’s not nothing


As if it doesn’t take 20x longer to grind 300 ore than to catch 15 crystalflies. Sense, this makes none 🤦‍♂️


fr i could maybe imagine as this being a background farming thing (kinda like the parametric transformer) so you get like bonus 15 crystalflies every 7 days but 300 ore is crazy... 100 ore was barely worth it and they increased it x3 for some reason


tbf you eventually reach a point where you have max ore and can't spend it if you dont touch the weapon banner. Its not that bad for people with max ore and own Yelan. Even throwing in ore into parametic im still gaining 100-200 ore a week just from expeditions


**you need 300 of** [**these**](https://ambr.top/en/archive/material/101009/condessence-crystal) **ores; not just any ores you got lying around...**




Oh god thats worse


fr, this gadget is straight ass 😭


what if they drop like 10 ores for every 1 crystal you smash though? OR if its 300 ores as a building cost for the gadget that is the only way i can see this making any kind lf sense....


It needed Fontaine ores or am I crazy?


ok you're right i thought it was the crystal ore this is worse lol


I thought it was 300 ores of whatever the Fontaine equivalent is for Inazuma Electro Crystal Ores


How the fuck is anyone at max ore. It just feels like you don't play the game at that point.


Ive been playing for 2+ years. How often do you actually make weapons whenever they add a new f2p 4* and maybe once a patch if you're building a character? Expeditions every day nets you 60 a day. You only spend 150 of them a week on parametic transformer and weapons. Like you will get a surplus over a long enough amount of time. Especially when you add in daily check in + events + exploration rewards + having to actually use 3* weapons for exp.


How are you getting 70 ores a day from expeditions? Unless you mean a week? There's only 3 ore expeditions on the entire map and they each give you like 8-12ish crystal chunks which you need 80 of which to turn into 20 actual upgrade materials, 120 per day for a total of 30 weapon upgrade crystals. That's 720 crystal chunks a week. If there's something I don't know about I would love to know about it because I'm constantly at zero weapon upgrade materials and zero crystal chunks/amethyst clusters.


I've never had to worry about weapon ores since 2.0 and I have 18 5* weapons and 24 4* weapons leveled to 90 with 4300/2500 mystic ores/crystal chunks. They stockpile like mad from expeditions and occassional farming if you pause upgrading your weapons for a while.


Yelan + Bennett + Fischl skew that number its more like 60 in reality i was over exaggerating a little since its been so long since i actually cared. I just do them for the daily at this point. I genuinely dunno what you are using them on i gotta be honest lol. I guess you do the weekly forge daily rather than TCG can kill 80 a week but that isnt much in the grand scheme of things. I've been sat on so much ore that I have no idea what to do and its not like I don't have built weapons like quick run down: * 1 thousand floating dream 90 * 1 Skyward spine 90 * 1 Aquila favoinia 90 * 1 ibis peircer 90 * 1 Fading Twilight 90 * 3 Favonius warbow 90 * 1 Oathsworn eye 90 * 1 favonius codex 90 * 1 missive windspear 90 * 1 catch 90 * 1 dragon bane 90 * 1 mailed flower 90 * 2 Whiteblind 90 * 1 toukabou shigure 90 * 1 xiphos moonlight 90 * 1 ameonama kageuchi 90 * 2 iron sting 90 * 1 prototype rancour 90 * 1 sacrificial sword 90 * 1 favonius sword 90 * 1 stringless 90 * 1 prototype starglitter 90 * 1 Kagotsurubu issin 90 * 2 widsith 90 * 2 thrilling tales 90 * 1 magic guide 90 I never really have issues with this and im currently sat on 4600 Crystal Chunk and 6300 mystic ore. I guess my real advantage is ill never build a character that isnt meta or useful to a team i'd actually run so i only wish for hyper meta characters like Yelan / Nahida / Nilou


60 a day.. are you literally setting a timer and logging on exactly when the expeditions finish to set them out again? And doing that on two accounts? Bennett and Fischl both give a max of 8 per expedition every 15 hours, if you do them both ON cooldown you can only get a max of 32 every 30 hours from them. And Yelan only gives you 12 every 20 hours. Even if you average that out over 60 hours that's less than 38 crystal chunks every 24 hours. That's full optimization, re-sending expeditions the second they complete. I have no idea how you even came close to the 60 a day number. And also, how the hell are you getting the "only spending 150 a week" number? You use 120 a day just to craft the max amount of mystic enhancement ore.


>And also, how the hell are you getting the "only spending 150 a week" number? You use 120 a day just to craft the max amount of mystic enhancement ore. Yeah heres the thing i dont craft the mystic ore


I thought this wasn't consumed on use..?


yeah, it doesn't get consumed on use (because it's a fully built gadget from fontaine's rep), but you still need to fuel it with the ores to get the crystalflies anyway 300 ores for 15 flies per week is just ridiculous edit: to add, the ores are fontaine-specific, like amethyst lumps from inazuma


There is no way it costs 300 per week. The parametric gives you resin items (significantly more valueable) and that only costs 150 of a variety of items. Its a 300 up front cost.


yeah that's what gets me, blue ores take way more time to farm in this case bc of just how many you need here. hell personally I tend to reach the enhancement ore cap enough that I just throw away 1k each patch, and I have around 3k blue ores, and I'm still not sure I'd use this crystal fly thingy simply bc of how inefficient it is. I'm sure there are people our there that'd use it even in its current state but for the vast majority I don't see it being popular bc of how long it takes to get 300 ores in comparison. (even on mobile)


Genshin Impact continue their trend of making useless gadgets, gadget bloat, if you will. Most of the gadgets are cool and interesting, but utterly pointless in their usability. This one just takes the cake. 15 crystalflies? Why? Why couldn't they just make it an expedition? It's like they simply HATE the idea of making this convenient for their players. They wouldn't be breaking the bank or anything. There is literally a record of collecting 100 crystal flies in 5 minutes. Of the top of my head I can think of 5 places with 3 or more crystal flies near waypoints that are very fast and easy to get. 7 Days Cooldown... what a joke.


Whoever came up with this shitty gadget deserves to be fired tbh


The whole kit/gadget design team needs to be laid off. They’re a bunch of talentless hacks that don’t deserve to work in the industry.


I think this is a bit too harsh, the stove that lets you insta-cook ingredients is pretty neat and the tengu fan is awesome.


Fan has a function, its fine. Not sure how you can rationalize the stove though. I can't think of a single reason to use it when a stove is always going to be 10 feet away on a daily basis.


By stove I meant the Sumeru pressure cooker thing. The portable stove is useless indeed.


Hoyo once again showing how much they hate giving anything substantial to the players. I mean, this is genuinely insulting, do they not play their own game?


I said they have to change it, but this change is not much better... Only so slightly that it's insignificant.


Wow with that kind of design, I expect the next gadget they introduce will be: Ore machine Rewards: 10 crystal ores. Needed: 100 crystal ores.


Same vibes as Bowsers coin making machine in Mario party 1. Makes you a coin. Then he charges you 20 for it.


Bro what...? I'm so confused why they're being so extra..about crystalflies. I literally thought this would be the equivalent of The Boon of the Elder Tree where you'd just activate it near them and catch all of em in a set radius..


Wow they made it completely worthless still, nice


In fact this gadget is so fucking insulting, I'm plugging in the vid of [100 crystal flies in 5 min](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/107e2yp/speedrun_100_crystalflies_in_539_by_%E5%B0%8F%E9%BA%A6%E5%85%AC%E5%AD%90/), ~~and this was BEFORE Sumeru~~


he goes to sumeru in this video


Fixed 👍


This 5 min videos always took me 1h lmao


Unless you are a leviathan who actually buys all the primo resin refreshes when do you actually run out of crystalflies lol. windrise, petra domain, and you're done.


I do most of my dailies on mobile and its kind of a pain in the ass to collect them on my phone. Seems nice to quickly get crystalflies in a pinch. I only collect them when I log into the PC, usually to do a event/abyss so its only once every couple days and its not a set schedule so I routinely don't have crystalflies.


I’d say it’s easy on mobile too since you can just tap anywhere instead of just the collect button


Definitely not as easy as on PC though. Latency and touch play a big factor. Even if you can tap anywhere, some of the times it doesn't register. Not to mention most people who play on mobile don't have phones strong enough to run the game at the highest FPS, so it's a pain when you tap the button but nothing happens and you just see the crystal fly go away


use sayu/yaoyao (or someone else i forgot) and you can get at least one or two per teleport per day. I think that's already better than this item. if you don't have sayu/yaoyao, i guess just ignore this comment lol


There is the noblese domain and Seirai Island too, you can get enough for a week


Multiple waypoints in sumeru just have almost free batches of 3 nearby too. The Mushroom forest Statue, between the Dendro cube waypoint and the withered oasis, and the waypoint by the southern desert on cliff and by a tree, just to name my favourites. They're not difficult to get, even if you only need 5 per day, you can visit those 3 spots and miss like, 4 of them.


it's the most normal thing to run out of them lol? i just condense my resin all the time and run a domain 4 times instead of 8 times because i think it's time consuming enough


You will never run out of them when in addition to doing your domains 4 times you just tp to 2 sumeru waypoints and grab 6 crystalflies in 10 seconds


yes and i spend them the other day? it’s like a daily chore for me which is not much of a thing to do


Straight ass 🔥🔥🔥


WHO LET HOYO COOK ?!?!?! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯




Lmao this item is a bad joke, devs don't play their own game.


HAHAHAHAH they're not playing their own game, I'm 100% sure.


just remove crystalflyes..


\*reads the first line\* 15 lets goo \*reads the rest\* nvm its still bad lol


Is this 300 ores per week or 300 ores to craft?


It's a gadget isn't it? Especially since it has a cooldown I'm guessing its 300 to craft once and then it's reusable.


It is a gadget, but no one said if it is like Parametric Transform, the Compass or 1 time use like Wind Catcher


All three of those are reusable with a cooldown, Wind Catcher's only caveat is you gotta refill your anemograna when you run out. But I forgot that Oculus Resonance stones are both consumed *and* have a cooldown, so yea a cooldown doesn't necessarily mean permanent like I initially thought. All that said, 300 ores is still way too much for a consumable (oculus stones in comparison only cost one ore and some local specialties). I'm 99% sure it'll be reusable. But maybe it'll also require something as bait that can be refilled like the NRE.


300 to craft, idk why everyone's freaking out like they have to pay 300 everytime they use it. it's free crystalflies after the first payment, there's no reason not to use it.


People are freaking out because what you said is not confirmed. We know the materials but don't know how it is going to be.


Genuinely wondering, is there a source confirming this? Obviously I hope you're right, but the first post on it didn't specify if it's single-use or not either and they do seem to want to give us ore sinks (e.g. the wood conversion thing), so at this point I don't know anymore.


all of the gadgets that have super high ore costs are non-single-use/like the food bag (forgor the name sorry). also i'm almost positive that hoyo isn't crazy enough to make a 300-ore-cost gadget single-use. i don't have an official source though, genuinely, but that's all my speculation/inference.


Alright, true enough. it'd be great to have some practically-passive crystalfly income 'cause I'm lazy as hell about collecting them lmao


Big if true


I also don't get it lol. I know mihoyo does some dumb shit sometimes but please everyone, it's very and extremely clear it's a one time 300 cost.


it's not 300 to craft, it's a fully-built gadget from fontaine's rep (like the wood-cutting gadget from sumeru) look at [rank 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/14uv231/fontaine_reputation_rewards_the_number_of_some/) it's 300 to fuel it


That rank 3 reward is recipe. 300 to craft.


last i heard this was a reputation reward so we dont get to craft it in the first place 😵‍💫


Why did they make it more worthless


I would understand this if it was Luminescent Spine instead of crystalfly lol


Nah, imma do my own thing


If the crystals are needed only to craft the gadget and the crafting of them per se doesn't cost anything/is very cheap, then it's actually not bad. And I would prefer it to be reset once a week, instead of having to remember/check when it resets.


One time 300 ores is completely fine by me.


Yeah there's so way they expect us to pay 300 ores per week for this shit.


Into trash it goes in that case.


It’s weird to me that everyone is assuming it’s 300 ores per use. Like that is such a huge number that it would be insane to expect that it isn’t a one-time cost, in which case 300 ores is honestly fine to craft the gadget. If it is 300 per use though that would be cooked


7 days for 15 crystalflies 💀 even the parametric transformer is better than this. Well, not that I have an use for it, its me and my 1600+ crystalflies.




Whoever did those changes, and whoever even thought that the first version was a good idea too, I hope all your crystalflies fly away from you even if you have Sayu on your team, that you missclick the statue of the seven and then when you try to catch them up with Keqing, that you accidentally kill them


they might as well just remove it from the game


15 per week is much better but it still feels like shit


It's weird that thet are doing thus in this particular update where there are hydro crystalflies underwater that you can chase properly on top of everything else like being super easy to gather crystal cores in all regions.


They gotta look like they’re adding qol shit


Can’t have shit in Teyvat, not even Condensed Resin QoL upgrades.


Actual waste of resources


I can get this in 30secs for free


i'd rather place the teleport point in that cave in liyue mountain and go collect crystal fly there


someone's trolling us. first with those weird ass weapons now this.


if this is a craft once gadget it's really fine


Still bad. Shit should be free. At minimum. Please give them feedback if they know we hate the crystalflies then get rid of them in most essential crafting recipe in the game.


Basically they change same value from 9 days to 7 days, wow how generous


this became more worthless, such a waste of data..


I’m never going to use this in my entire life


If that's just a 1 time ore payment, It's worth it. I have too much ore rotting in my inventory as is.


Ei 🤝 whoever the fuck made this gadget Being the worst cook ever


Stop Hoyo , I know right now is fair/circus event but you gotta stop clowning with this crytalfly trap


Wait...it MUST mean 300 ore to make the gadget right??? not 300 ores every use????


I’ll just get 50+ crystal flies in 5 - 10 minutes rather than spending 300 crystals for 15 💀


15 flies should be free. Or make it 30 flies for 50 of the old ore. By the time player gets to Fontaine they should have enough of it to spend freely.


It’s 300 only 1 time to craft this item, you can use it for free forever


15 crystalfy at the click of a button once a week sounds decent to me. But my question is do we have confirmation if the Ore is used for the crafting or for using the gadget?


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


I thought it was some kind of net for the existing flies. Like the one we have for wood from sumeru rep. At least it would be fun to run around and catch the flies that are far away. This is useless.


They really never want to give us something worth it ir something to grind for This is completely worthless


300 ores ???? Im already having to farm daily for weapon exp, why not make this use something else... It was already pretty stupid to have it require ores to begin with...


The ore requirement is so bad


In before they add some new pneuma/ousia/fontaine crystalflies that are only aquired via this method /j


They should just give us expositions that give crystalflies at this point. Whats the point of a gadget that nobody is gonna use and isn't even worth using, its faster to just teleport around the map for 1 minute.


I don't even use the transformer because I'm just that lazy to go into my inventory and hit it a few times.


Didn't know dehya adjustment team working on this gadget


I’m convinced that there’s a department at Mihoyo HQ that specialize in making inconveniences for players. There’s fucking no way someone who actually play the game looked at this gadget and went “alright that’s good”.


My math might be bad, but we're going from an average of 1.5 a day (with 3 chances each week to forget) to a set 2 a day. I rounded down since you likely won't reset it immediately upon its completion. Assuming you never let your resin cap, condense all available resin, and spend 90 resin on weekly bosses, you need either just over 4 crystal flies a day, or just under 3 if you account for 10 world bosses each week. It's not great, considering how easy it is to get significantly more with minimal effort but depending on how you spend your resin, it could significantly reduce or completely eliminate the need to farm them.


Trap is correct, it's a trap to use 300 ores for that measly amount lmao


300 ores is crazy


This will be added on the list of items that nobody uses


300 ORES.


Unironically, this gadget belongs to r/DiWHY


What's with MHY and worthless gadgets? This can go straight into the same steaming pile as the Adepti Stove and Ultra Hot Burner Lamp. Honestly, the gadget would be more useful if it worked the other way round and turned Crystalflies into Crystal Ore...


7 days to get 15 crystalfly im just going to collect them myself with my sayu


Guys guys guys, it's 300 for the first crafting of the gadget then it's free use every week. It's not good but it's not bad either. It covers about half of the weekly requirement.




300 ore for just 15? Just farmimg them myself is better.




Ah yes so much better now


Funniest dev team of all time


300 ore??????????? lmfao