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Lesson learned: In some leaks, just a single typographical error or some small mistake in info will definitely cause a problem. I wouldn't blame people for maldling out cuz 300 a week is so damn expensive. Thank you for the clarification.


the time i would spend mining for it would be better spent farming crystal flies if it really needed 300


That's still true even with the new cost. 30 ore takes longer to get than 15 crystalflies.


Expedition can easily cover that


Except my expeditions are my only source of Crystal Chunks, which later become my Weapon Ore.


Those expeditions also give white iron ore, which can be used for this as well. Not to mention that, at least in my experience, you have overflowing amounts of crystal chunks after playing for a while. Pretty sure I have several thousand in stock and thousands more weapon crystals. Hell, one of my friends recently capped out on the latter.


You can go through thousands of ore quickly making housing items.


Do you unironically make housing items? Where are gonna put it? In your teapot with a load limit smaller than Xiao's height?


I don't just make housing items to consume resources, obviously. In order to make anything in the teapot that's interesting, you need to be conscious of how load limit works, which means re-using whatever items you are using. Want to make a maze out of courtyard walls? That's ~200 items @ x4 ore each (and 2x that much lumber). Want to make a big patio? That's 16 floors @ x8 ore each, just to make the flooring before you put anything on top of it. Decide to change to a different flooring? That's 16 *different* items @ x8 ore each.


I usually end up using some ore to exchange for cuiha wood because farming that is such a pain, and lots of the new blueprints need it


i dont like xiao but bro, you didnt had to use the manlet as an example




I have all weapons that I need at lvl90. Could get some more 5* ones but I have enough exp materials left over that I could easily go and level up some 7 or 8 of them from 0 to 90 without making more. So yeah, my stocks of upgrade mats are safe for a while.


I deleted at least 1k crystals in the last few months, and I don't even farm them. I got tired of having to upgrade useless weapons.


As someone with 5k purple ores and 20 level 90 weapons this is a win for me


For crystal flys. Go to the SotS near the big tree monstade. Run round tree get the four flies. Passively complete over time the Strange Hillichurl quest who can appear here. Win win


5 actually, there is 1 one in the nearby bush with 2 hydro slime


I aimed to get to 9999 mystic enhancement ores but now I realized it was a bad idea. If you're not one of those who whale on the weapon banner, you'll eventually get more weapon exp ores than weapons to upgrade. I often have to trash enhancement ores or I can't claim rewards from events and spiral abyss since my enhancement ores reached the item limit. However, even though I know I kept getting more ores than I can use, I can't bring myself to trash enough to get my mystic enhancement ores to below 8k. I still have that "what if I need it" mentality. Also, for anyone not aware, cystals chunks in the underground chasm have a high chance of dropping 2+ crystals. Mining them all can net you ~~200-250~~ 160-200 crystals depending on your luck. Edit: the underground chasm has a total of 83 crystal chunks, so my estimate of 200-250 was way off. I might have included the ones from the aboveground chasm which are around 30+ crystal chunks since


>Also, for anyone not aware, cystals chunks in the underground chasm have a high chance of dropping 2+ crystals. Mining them all can net you 200-250 crystals depending on your luck. It's closer to 160 crystals on average. Also the chasm has "dense" ore, which spawns 2 crystals *Minimum* Regular ore is 1-3 and dense ore is 2-4.


Im think i have enough weapon exp lol, have to fodder 1000 another day because it reached 9999 limit




I can get 4 a day just from one teleport near the winery, all I really ever need.


Mihoyo trying their hardest not to power creep some fucking gadgets


I have thousands of the lowest tier ore sitting around that'll never get used for anything. I'm glad to finally have a sink for those.


Yeah. Like 4 at Windrise take few seconds to get. And it's good spot to get Unusual Hilichurl if someone didn't get it yet (like me). Plus 3 birds for Yelan to hunt + fox + 2 slimes. And there is a lot of flowers around as well. So it's good spot to generally farm for stuff, like seeds for teapot or flowers for ascension.


With the availability of Sayu and Yaoyao, I'd still rather not lose 30 ores to get extra 15 crystalfly cores. Mine is floating around 500 cores just by catching them whenever I see some. The new gadget will only become a sidegrade. An upgrade would be if other crystalflies around you don't fly away when you catch one using Sayu. Crabs, unagis and frogs don't do this so I wonder why don't they code the same behavior into crystalflies?


I thought it was just 300 to create the gadget with no extra needed for fuel. NOW its definitely not worth holy...




I have been playing for 3 years and all of the expeditions are useless except for mora. I have never done the mora leyline except during the overflow events. Mora is used for everything so it always has some use. It only really starts to build up when you do not have a character to build.


So your telling me you don't need mora? I'm playing for almost 3 years too. And I often run out of mora even now




If you plan to max all your characters ascensions and talents wise. Your 30m mora is not enough. Not to mention the weapons too. If you want atleast 1 copy of every weapon to max thats 1m+ mora per weapon.


If you decide to max out everything ( character/ weapon lvl 90, talents lvl9). I decided to get everyone to lvl 80 with my weapons at lvl 90 and talents at lvl 6 at least. With that my character are all at a very appropriate lvl even for floor 12 and I get to keep a surplus of mats as well


Im almost done with all my characters. ( 55/68 ) i have 8 characters left, all of them are new characters because its gated on weekly talent bosses materials and a few millions worth of mora. 2 characters will join in my collection this patch ( Layla and Kokomi ). Already farmed bosses and talents books for it. Everthing else im done. For abyss I just bruteforce Ayaka and national variants. Weapons for me if its 5 star instant 90. For 4 stars I havent started yet because my resin focus more on talents. I always use my resin efficiently ( this is without using fragile resin or refresh). Planning ahead and calculated all mora and talent books I need. But support weapons like Favonious series, all r5 90 with some multiple copies.


Not to mention levelling artifacts too eats through your mora... Not needing to use mora just tells people you're at a point where you're satisfied with your characters builds, it's kinda useless tips since that all depends on the person




True, but after maxing all you have, then I'm pretty sure mora will become somewhat redundant even with new characters and weapons on the way. I'm bringing all my characters and weapons to level 90 and will eventually max their talents as well - so I can keep myself busy in the game; but once I do, the mora will overflow. I have been playing since launch, but I did have 2 3-months breaks, if I had played uninterrupted, I could see myself already being there. I have 63 characters and only 1(that I just got) to ascend to 80+ , 45 are already maxed and the rest are lvl 85. Most of my weapons are lvl 80 and 90. I still have to work for some characters' talents, so I still have things to do, thankfully, but not in the extremely far future I will have them maxed. So, then resources, especially mora will accumulate. Frankly, I'm dreading that time a bit, having something to do is fun :)


Yup mora will become redudant after maxing all your characters and weapon but thats a good time to farming start farming for artifacts knowing you already done all. Just save atleast 7-8m mora (14-15m if they release 2 new characters at the same time) for upcoming characters. Beyond that spend it for artifacts or food ingredients every reset. I have 55 characters, 8 characters left to max upgrade talents. All of them are gated because of weekly boss talent material. Also 2 new characters will be joining me this patch (kokomi and layla) so my 15m reserve mora will be gone after kokomi banner become live. As for my weapon all 5 stars are 90. For my 4 stars I only upgrade supports weapons (favonious series etc.) for now. My resin focus more on talents books for the past 3 years. No refresh and fragiles use. Just the teapot resin weekly. As for my abyss I just bruteforce Ayaka and national variants team for my primo allowance. Most of them just use statstick gladiators and wanderers. For NO and VV farming I just use strongboxes. Also I did farm my artifacts from strongboxes for Ayaka too. Next patch many of my characters will be upgraded to new strongboxes. I have 1200+ 5 star artifacts at my disposal ready to spend spree on Emblem strongbox. I just enjoy maxing my characters and weapon as my endgame. Game is too easy to play for us 1.0 players or AR 60. You dont need that much good artifacts to clear the abyss. Just get characters that will help you with ease then slap the mainstats needed. 36 stars since 1.x with just statstick arti with the help of strongboxes. Unless hoyo deciced to go wild on upcoming abyss enemies.


I mean there are ley lines. I don't do mora expeditions at all because I hoard foods. So things like carrots, mushrooms, pinecones and sweet flowers have more worth for me than mora.


I've been consistently stuck at 27 million mora. Not sure how I got here or why I can't significantly deviate from this amount for the past 6 or so months


Anything more than 1 ore per 15 flies is damn expensive. You can easily get 5 or more crystalflies daily, if You go to statues in Mondstadt. And there is probably more easy to get crystalflies, but because I have almost 1k already **after heavily using it every day for months**, I don't care that much. This gadget is yet another trash. Similar to the one from Sumeru.


15 in a week for 30 ore is waaaaaaaaaaay more reasonable. I think I'll still need to supplement this with occasional crystalfly farming, but not very often. Yay!!


If you don't refresh resin you'll need about 28 crystalflys per week. Add in the occasional "Ooo theres a fly over there" and you are set


And daily expeditions help cover the ore so those who don't want to go out of their way to get them basically get 16 crystal cores for free every week. Not the best thing to ever happen but it's more bearable this way


I think that machine only works with Fontaine ore and there is no expedition for those. Edit: I have discoverd that I'm blind.


Read the tweet again ?


I feel like an idiot. Thanks.


>I have discoverd that I'm blind Just in time for Reddit to remove support for blind people xd


We'll see, but 30 isn't that high anyway


If it works on the resin ores... Old players will practically have an infinite supply.


magical crystal chunk finally will have an utility lol


i'm getting the feeling that just like they introduced Ore-To-Wood conversion (super damn useful), and the ore-to-crystalfly this year, each year will introduce a system that allows ore conversion. This is limited to Fontaine Ore it seems though, so i might be off. Edit: was wrong


Luckily it’s not limited to Fontaine ore, or at least this image seems to imply it isn’t, as it says “all minerals can be placed”. Looks like I’ll continue my iron & crystal expeditions as they seem to be indefinitely useful for something.


Can't use Condenced Resin on bosses. That brings down requirements even more


Yeah but it's not like most people are farming for bosses every week lol


just the 4 condensed per day?


without refreshing yes


Doesn't it take about 23h to get 160 resin? So yeah 4 condensed a day


What are the Crystalflies for? I haven't been farming them cuz I haven't figured out what to do with them.


You turn 40 resin into a condensed resin with one crystalfly. Basically it allows you to farm domains (relics and talent materials in particular) twice as fast. It’s also useful for “putting away” resin if you’re capped and don’t have time to use resin one day.


Ah, okay neat. So on a day I don't need my resin, I can use Crystalflies to store it as Condensed. Thank you, that actually is really good.


Yes, but you can only store 5 condensed resins at a time, so use them before having to condense other


It's also to cut down the number of domains you have to do by half


No. It's not reasonable. If developer knows something is unfun, they should adress why it's unfun and change it, not reduce the ammount of unfun thing you have to do and act like they did you a favour. If they know crystalflies are cancer, why are they in the most important recipe in the game? Just fucking change it. Star Rail can have it at no cost and without having to go to crafting bench genshin can have it at no cost.


On Star Rail you cannot store resin, you can make tokens with it, but they can only be used on Simulated Universe. So it's not the same thing at all


Id just use the ore i get from expeditions cause I’m too lazy to farm lol


This more or less makes sense? You can cap condensed resin three times a week without a farming route using an amount of ore you’d easily pick up just running around.


you can use ores from expedition as well. As it says "any mineral"


Any kind of mineral, then it's basically free 15 crystals each week without an effort. That's nice


Will probably have to ditch mora expeditions


Did you have removed Bennet/Fischl, and Yelan/Shenhe/Chongyun/Keqing from the mines at some moment? Because the ones I have are there since 1.0


The lithium ain't gonna mine itself Katheryne.


The children, they yearn for the mines


Same, actually found use for white ores in crafting furniture for weekly bp missions but crystal ores are piling up.


Mora is more useful, it's a resin resource. Ever since Inazuma release, my ore stocks have consistently been going up, not down. Once you get a good collection of weapons built, you'll realise most characters just reuse the same old ones.


I've been spending ore on leveling duplicate sacrificial and favonius weapons so I don't have to swap as often lol


I build all my chars and each one of them uses just one weapon at lvl 90 because I hate the thought of people holding multiple copies of legendary one-of-a-kind weapons (i.e roleplay). I currently have \~85 weapons at lvl 90 and I plan to get every Fontaine 4\* and at least 4 or 5 new 5\* (without luck, is my mean per patch cycle) To me Fischl, Bennet, Chongyun and Keqing are dwarves


Ore level BP though, so I let one char farming it so I don't have to mine, since I don't interact with Teapot aside from collecting coins and don't play TCG I'm missing a lot of exp and cannot lose the daily exp from mine 10 mats.


Are there even more than three ore expeditions?


sadly nope


Now now I wouldn't go that far.


do people not have a stockpile of magical crystal chunk?


I still feel like I won’t ever use it tbh


Me neither, but if you time it so that Parametric and this thing are on the same day you will probably do it


I just don’t feel like forking out 30 ores weekly, would rather hoard those


Those blue crystal that costs resins can be used too


lavish reply command mighty aromatic political profit aware plants slave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What's UGC? But personally speaking I didn't even farm minerals actively, just collecting them with Zhongli if I happened to pass by a huge ore deposite, but doing that alone ady accumulates thousands of blue mineral which I can't use anyway so it doesn't feel excessive at all.


Underground Chasm I presume.


rock sand joke arrest gray somber close squeamish cooperative disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t mine


Ore from comissions?




Those give weapon crystals directly


why are you being downvoted lol, you're right. commissions give enhancement ores. it's expeditions that give raw ore. people are fucking blind


Eh, internet points ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


No, expedition bonus is crystals, and iron chunks


expedition is not commission


Don't be petty, you know what i meant


Damn forgot to use it this week, like every week.


Are the crystal flies automatically delivered or do you have to go check the trap?? Because if I have to check the trap, then it makes no difference to me.


This probably will be like with Parametic Transformer. After you feed it, it will start charging up (with or without your help) and after procedure is finished, you immediately obtain materials. Maybe it will have fancy animation where it constantly pulls crystalflies out of the thin air.


when you reach a point where you are only going around for daily commissions (aka already explored everywhere) and you've max leveled all of your characters, turning your resin into condensed resin for domains will be your regular. Granted, this is probably a small percent of people at this point.


>a small percent of people You severely underestimate how many of us are week 1 players lol


I guess I base my assumption on all of my friends with "last seen 31 days ago" tags. i think 1 other person on my friend's list still plays.


yea the problem with the clarification/changes theyve made is they aren't addressing the real problem. you just do not get enough crystalflies from this to justify using it. its much faster (and free) to just go collect them yourself, with a larger bounty. if they want people to use this, it has to be at least 30-40 a week. maybe lower the crystal cost too but eh


It's already worth using at 30 crystals. Expeditions give 7-8 crystal chunks and you can run 3 of those a day, so if you want you can passively get ~158 crystal chunks a week with no effort. Changing that to ~128 crystal chunks a week and 15 crystalflies is a great deal. Even if you only do 1 Expedition for ores a day (for the battle pass) you still get ~52.5 crystal chunks a week, which makes it 'free' crystalflies. It's not a replacement for picking up Crystalflies, but it's a free supplement with a 'cost' that is trivial. I'll already be using it weekly at those listed values.


Yeah. If this was a 24hr refresh with this cost and output, then I would consider it to have value.


What are you gonna do with 15 crystalflies every day?


Not run around collecting 15 crystalflies everyday.


What are you using that many crystalflies for was my question


I doubt we need that many crystal cores lmao-


Can we use the blue useless ores?


It says "all", so should be yes: [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Mineral](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Mineral)


Ohhh that makes more sense but still doesn't make it that useful


Literally have to spend more time mining than catching flies. Doesn’t everyone have like thousands of these anyway? I do… And while I have 9,999 of the big weapon exp crystals, I still wouldn’t waste my ores. Tbh I need iron and white more than anything for teapot building. I’ve been playing other games lately so I spent like 2 weeks just converting 160 resin a day to make those big magical crystals into exp items so I’m totally out of those too (and is probably why I hit 9,999 large exp crystals lol). You can catch 15 Crystal flies in like 3 minutes and 3 teleports. Honestly it’d be more of an effort to craft the trap and find it in the inventory than it would to just farm flies normally.


tbf I think another leaker clarified that "ores" means any rocks/ores ​ I'm pretty sure that a lot of people do the 10 per day thing for BP anyway ​ So it's really not a lot for 15 crystalflies


I always get the daily 10 from an expedition, I imagine many people do the same


Oh my gosh those count? I've only been playing for 4 months or so I just didn't realize I guess but that makes that so much simpler haha


Yeah! Don’t need to go out of your way to mine it. One expedition to ores is enough, if you choose the longest option


yeah, 30 is affordable. you can get 70 per week from expedition and unless you upgrade weapons a lot, you will always be in overabundance of blue crystals as they can't be used anywhere except weapon, levelling weapons and wood strongbox.


yes, I will be using the expedition ores, maybe some folks will say that crystalflies are easy to catch, which is true but I am pretty busy with life and anything to shorten the time to farm stuff is appreciated by me and I never run out of ores thanks to those expeditions.


Yep same here. Not worth the hassle otherwise tbh.


Yeah, and now tou have a use for those.


I usually use those ores for the forge BP mission


Last week I hit cap on them in my bag so this is perfect


This. Sumeru has two crystal spots literally next to waypoints in the desert and they both give 3 each. That completely covers the daily need for crystalflies and it takes 30 seconds to do. The only way this could be useful is if you are sitting on extra ore from doing BP missions.


If this means I need to make my butterfly route one less time every week that's a huge improvement lol I have like 7800 magic crystal chunks that will never be used so it's a big yes to saving me the trouble of making the stupid chase 1 time at least.


this crystalfly trap leaks arc is definitely one of the leaks of all time


Time to burn off those extra blue crystals


Thats waaaay more reasonable ore-wise for a weekly only thing. Although, only 15 crystalflies every 7 days is still meh.


sorry, i should've put "mineral" in the title and not "ore" 🙇🙇 i forgot people also use ore to refer to enhancement crystals


Oh thank God it's 30 ore instead, I was upset at it being 300 and making the gadget basically useless because, it would not be worth it at all.


Just make it 300 and make it a one time thing.




Well whatever I will forget it anyway lol


Why in the flying fuck didn't they just add crystalfly expeditions? This game man... there's so much stupid shit


I'm guessing they need some new filler gadget for the Fontaine city reputation rewards


They need better ideas for those.


Gadgets are a cancer. They probably put in 5 more cameras in the next version. With new quests where the hard part is figuring out which of the 10 ways in the game they want you to take a screenshot this time only for me to not save it.


am i the only one that never have crystalfly above 10 crystalfly? Im too lazy to farm them lol so this is a life saver for me


Nah, you'll probably be in the majority of people. 2 for 1 any ore for crystalflies is pretty good as it's much easier to passively get ore than crystalflies. Most have high stockpiles of iron ore and white iron ore, but few have stockpiles of crystalflies


In Tatarasuna furnace you can get 16/18 crystalflies each day in 2 minutes without trouble and without using ores. This gadget is simply useless.


On the chasm you can get a 200 ores in 10 minutes, so what's your point? Everything is easy to farm so anything that gives the option of exchange something for another thing is good, nobody is forcing you to use it.


Reading these comments is always such a reminder that people play this game sooo differently LOL I'm AR 59, Welkin only with a couple times I got BP for Ayato's sword. I have 51 unused resins, 400 crystalflies from exploring only (I never farmed them on purpose) and 300-900 of each ore. Definitely haven't done enough artifact farming but I can usually clear 33-35* and that's enough for me, I'm not gonna pull a muscle for 50 primos. I'm absolutely stunned at how people have to farm crystalflies week to week or farm so many of them they call this useless, or say they'd have to farm ores for it longer than crystalflies. What do you guys get on expeditions then?? Either way, this gadget will be really nice to passively replenish my supplies and get rid of all that useless iron.


Basically a lot of players enjoy farming artifacts. I constantly run out of crystal flies because I condense my 160 resin every day, do 4 domain runs, get absolutely bad drops, log out, and get on with my day. Rinse and repeat.


I get upset when I dip below 500 crystalflies lol. The rate at which I naturally collect them over the course of exploring new regions and dailies seems to more or less keep pace. This includes accumulating useless iron ore since different kinds are always clustered together and if I'm breaking some magic or white iron rocks I may as well get the regular iron ones that are there too.


Ore is never enough cause I don't go mining. I also have too many lvl 90 weapons and continue to level more so that'd be why. Crystalflies are easy to have dry up, for 400 of them just have 3 consecutive busy months when you only do the bare minimum dailies and events. Still, they're also very easy to accumulate, 400 is a week of daily 10 minute route. The gadget is useless for me because I won't spend the ore for what I can just grab quicker otherwise.


Not even basic iron ore or white iron ore? Do you even use them outside of the occassional 50 for crafting a weapon?


Basic iron ore I have zero of cause I don't mine and there's no other source for them. The white iron ore usually goes towards the crafting furniture bp quest, but you're right, I think I might have enough of those, but they slipped my mind.


I wish it was 30 instead of 15. I spend 180 resins a day which is 4 condensed runs and 1 original resin run, except during sundays where I do 6 condensed runs since i spend 240 resin on that day due to expiring transient resin. 4x6 + 6 = 30.


I collect ores from expeditions for more than 5 months so it's not a problem the game is becoming more and more automatic and requires less time to do tiring things I liked it


15 flies is 3 3/4 days of domains, you get around that much with a perfect trip around dawn winery. So in practice this has reduced the amount of times I have to run around grape vines by half. Pretty good deal if you ask me


I don't understand why people are complaining about the ore price when we have expeditions. Ok, sure, all your ores go to weapon level mats. Alright, then farm crystal cores manually. You don't want to do that, that's fine. You can always reap domains with just normal 20 resin. The gadget is made to be reasonable, not broken. It's made to specifically be mid. It's not Jesus nor a 5 star character you love and want. It's mid, let it be mid.


Im pretty sure gadgets like this one and the parametric transformer are made for people who hoard mats and don't really have a use for them lol you can spend them and get something extra instead


Also you get a shit ton of magical crystal while going for the exp ones, and those are useless.


30 instead of 300 is more reasonable but still a whole week of waiting isn't really worth it. bro thinks he's parametric transformer


Being able to sync it up with Parametric is nice at least. It's not going to completely obsolete farming for crystalflies, but it's a nice boon


Not worth waiting? It's free bonus every week, no investment needed. You get enough ores from expeditions for that.


Yeah idk why people are acting like this is a considerable investment


Just genshin fans being genshin fans lmao as much as people are saying it's dumb now it'll become a thing where it's a waste to not do it just like the transformer was.


I honestly ravens her about the crystal flytrap. I am more interested in the wind fan what see some gameplay of that.


Me, who has thousands of unused magical crystal ore because I hate the resin cost of making enhancement ore with it: **my time has come**


300 one time: Worth 30 every week: Absolute shit


Whew *places pitchfork down*


this changes .... something ... i think??


Still a waste of reputation gadget.


You have not enough minerals! NOT ENOUGH MINERALS! NOT ENOUGH MINERALS! NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED! Celestial drops a nail


At last! Those magical ores has some use now. 9999 of it is sitting in my inventory, no use.


Thats acceptable


Hoyo: This quality of life gadget will be a big help for players. Hoyo: Now do something extremely dumb to limit it.


This changes everything. Oh wait, no it doesn't.


Honestly, this is much more reasonable. It covers half the cost of condensing every week and is easily paid for via expeditions.


So this is the way: Use up all your magical crystal ore and then never use it again except if you have spare ore


does this include magic ore as well?


Much better, I have a few thousand basic iron chunks I never use


Kinda useful now


they know it’s a pita to farm these things and they don’t plan to fix it, it must be a expeditions reward or stop requiring them


How is it used? Does it work like a portable TP where you place it and then it automatically catches crystal flies and I can just collect it and stays there for 7 days? or Does it work like Parametric Transformer which is a one time use and cooldowns in 7 days?


Hoyo said "Let's keep punishing those who spend money to refresh resin daily, eff them if they want to farm for artifacts, they have chosen suffering anyways"


im ok with this.


How bout this, we fix fontaine problems, and they give every gadget we need like this to make our lives better. Also speaking of fontaine problems, can anyone send link to the fontaine story leak or smthn that has been going around.


So on one hand, it's nowhere near as bad as some thought. (It needs to be fed for each use) On the other hand, it's worse than some thought. (300 was going to be the crafting price)


you don't need to craft it tho, it's a pre-built reputation gadget


The fact that all minerals can be used is great for those AR60 people that have their inventory capped.


Cool. Still trash.


Oh! That's not too bad


Still very meh, but not outrageous anymore. I’ll probably use it once or twice, then completely forget about it’s existence once I get too lazy to open the gadget menu.


Don't think I'll ever use this tbh


For anyone complaining about 30 ores now. You have the expeditions which is basically enough to cover you, and then you have multiple big ore areas most early players used to farm all the time. 30 is no big deal and is basically a free 15 flies a week. Pretty useful honestly


I don't understand why crystafly are treated as an uncommon ressource, I mean take sayu and just go to every statue of the seven


Usable at least lol


still not going to use it, i will hoard my ores tyvm


This seems useless. You can gather around 50 crystal flies in 15 minutes every day to restock when needed.


30 ores every week is still way too much for a couple of crystalflies Ore is just way more valuable, and you need them more often than you need crystalflies


Ore doesn’t run away so it’s good for people who have issues catching them due to lag or controls. It’s not gamebreaking or anything but it gives an extra option which isn’t bad.


I use crystalflies daily but rarely use ores idk