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My refresh addiction will never be cured


\-This- Until Furina kit animations come out I'm living here.


I’m just resisting the urge to sleep so I can see her leaked splash art😭😭


if you go to sleep time will fly faster and the splash art will be closer 🤔


i really want the animations, but id be satisfied with just the datamined kit with skill descriptions, no more "sensitive information"


When are those expected? Is the 4.2 beta starting already?


Same I literally have nothing else interesting going on in my life


I was refreshing like every 10 minutes. Then I finally gave Honkai impact a 3rd chance and got incredibly lucky with my pulls and now I can't stop playing


agree fr


Man I love the concept of tcg, but without an animation speed up feature this game mode will remain dead to me, no matter how good the system is.


And a dice roll cut scene skip


The worst rng is the dice man. Completely makes or breaks the game. The only reason I play double Inazuma is so i can use the 'convert to Omni' card


Double Jade Chamber feels like a MUST in every deck.


Bro jade chamber is bad If you need dice fixing play 2 bestest and 2 toss up


Lmao me too 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wait...it converts all of them to the element type of the active character...unless you're talking about another card I don't remember/know all of them, I just use a few repeatedly and buying stuff for Aesthetic lmao...


There's a purple one with ei on it that you get for having two Inazuma characters on the team! I literally cycle between this and that 😭😭😭 And fr fr i didn't change out a chunk of my deck because of aesthetics until i had to


Lmao ikr 🤝 I didn't change my deck either I just use the same and sometimes do the weekly challenge for bp, if not I wouldn't even bother... I'm still low level and don't have that many cards 😶‍🌫️😮‍💨


the card get buffed, now it changes to omni instead of active character


Wow I didn't know, I guess Omni is better if we switch characters that doesn't have the same elemental type. Thank you ❤️


It is SUCH a slow game. I can't with it because of that.


You guys have never played a trading card game before or some thing or have never sat down and touch grass played a real one at that


Genius Invocation is not long by TCG standard, but it is long by Genshin standard. In one single match of TCG, I can finish four daily commission, probably even two to three artifact domains if I’m using a slower control deck. It’s by no means a bad game, but a large part of Genshin players are not it’s target audience.


why have people become so impatient? I do not find a problem with the speed, and I got so many downloads for just saying that. There is supposed to be not a lot to do in Genshin if you are caught upa nf TCG is literally more of a past time game. This community I feel is over critical sometimes.


Playing a TCG IRL takes more time, but that's only because you're using that time to actually think about your next move and calculate the numbers, while also socialising with your opponent. It's time well spent, and basically an inevitable and understandable part of having fun. GI TCG is entirely *artificially* slow. There's no reason to do a physics simulation of a dice roll, no reason to animate every attack (with no option to skip all animations), and no reason to have NPCs utter mandatory dialogue before, during and after each match. It's filled with the same "run 10 seconds to start a domain" style of pervasive slowness to plagues Genshin, except GI TCG isn't really fun enough to compensate for the delay.


Well said.


I don't mind more time investment, but most of GI TCG gameplay is watching cards or dice play out animations that are way too long. If complex things were happening I'd tolerate it but if it's going to be this simple they should've made the presentation simple too.


Yugioh is much more explosive. This is just a slog and boring


Bro has never watched a YuGiOh match where 1 turn takes 8 minutes.


I know it can turn into solitaire if you have no handtraps but it’s still a lot faster than this slog fest


To you


Do you want me to hold your hand and type “in my opinion” each time I say anything or can you use context clues next time


If Slay the Spire can have sped up animations there's no reason Genius Invokation TCG can't And this is coming from someone who has dealt with 20-30 minute MtG turns


Genshin TCG does not take me to 20 to 30 minutes though so I don’t think that’s a good comparison


You literally said on your previous comment that the people complaining must've never played real tabletop because it takes longer. I didn't compare Genshin TCG to MtG. I compared it to Slay the Spire. Another digital card game that the turns take me very little time compared to the animations. But StS has an animation speed up mode.


Aint no one who loves tcgs as much as you touchin grass bro


I don’t play trading card games I just know that most last long and I don’t think Genshin TCG takes long if you’re playing correctly at least.


It is grueling. It pretty much defeats the purpose of what Genshin is day to day by being that slow 😅


5 minutes to do dailies and spend resin. 20 minutes to play a tcg match against an NPC who is cheating and beats you. ~10 seconds to decide you'd rather not play tcg anymore


> 20 minutes to play a tcg match against an NPC who is cheating and beats you. Skill issue? There are like 2 npcs that are remotely losable to, and they aren't the repeating weekly ones. The repeating weekly ones are total freebies and doing one takes maybe 10 minutes tops if you're playing slow. I agree that they either need animation skip or better action queueing (or both), but if you're losing to NPCs that's a you issue.


The solution is what, to use a meta deck and have others tell you what cards to use? Skip me with that. If I can't use my favorite character with a rotating roster of supports to build friendship with, there's no point to doing TCG.


For the first couple weeks of each patch I’m using an utterly non-synergistic deck of whatever the 3 new characters for that patch are to hit their 10-game proficiency reward, and I’ve never had trouble with the weekly PvE challenges.


I literally just throw together random teams just for fun and use meme decks against the npcs. You definitely don't have to use meta decks to win vs the npcs lmao


I have never netdecked for GITCG. That feels ridiculous. If your own decks are getting stomped, you probably just aren't very practiced at deckbuilding in TCGs in general.


> to use a meta deck and have others tell you what cards to use? Skip me with that. If I can't use my favorite character with a rotating roster of supports to build friendship with I don't think the TCG has friendship building? Also, I don't use meta decks I'm pretty sure and I run over NPCs.


They have. The character cards will give "card backs" after reaching a certain "proficiency" which you can reach by playing matches with those cards.


I love how you got upvotes for this and I literally got so many downloads. This was a literally like my point. I don’t know why people are taking so long to complete TCG but it should not be that difficult. Edit: Wholeheartedly I'm just so tired of the community finding something new to pick at every week and it's always a player problem and not a game problem


I've had them take actions and the action count/dice count didn't change. They legitimately do cheat sometimes.


That is not a thing that happens. You may be confusing things like Nobushi "prepare action" on their burst (does not consume an action since it is part of a prior one), or effects that reduce dice cost.


Unironic skill issue if you’re losing to an NPC


Skill issue lmao


Pov : you're addicted to HSR 2X SPEED


Swear to god the normal speed is slow motion. I know people are going to say that I just got used to the 2x speed but the normal speed felt slow to me from the start lol.


Yeah, it's so painful to play on 1x speed. I would like to sometimes, for boss encounters and such, for that cinematic feeling, but I can't stand it.


It doesn't help that the voicelines in 1x speed are so slow. They have awkward pauses in 1x speed that I feel like 2x speed was supposed to be the normal one.


It has to be slow motion. With Seele it's all the more apparent. Its so jarring to look at her barely moving from one spot to another as she does her E animation. It completely goes against her theme of being swift and stealthy.


I swear I remember seeing in the HSR subreddit people talking about this & someone said that "Normal Speed" is actually slower than 1×, & "Fast Speed" is faster than 1×. (Not sure if was 2×, slightly less or whatnot.)


HSR combat: 2x faster Genshin dialogues: 2x slower Perfectly balanced, as all things should be 😭


When the TCG came out, it was better than my (very low) expectations, played it a lot and enjoyed it somewhat. But coincidentally, about a week later I started playing Runeterra's PoC, which is really fast-paced and way more fun. Since then I can't stand how slow Invokation is and only play it once in a blue moon to unlock the new cards. The dice system is also kind of undercooked, honestly. I guess folks who still play it must enjoy the mechanics, but it's just too much of a slog for me to be interested in that. I keep asking for faster animations and better tooltips in survey, as well as a music selector (like the teapot one) so it's not the same song repeating over and over again.


Tbh as a side activity I enjoyed it during events that made every dice universal element. It really highlighted to me how much time is spent on rolling/rerolling dices in normal mode and how fun it can be to just use your cards and unleash skill combos without getting cockblocked by element reqs


Yeah definitely, the omni-dice events make it more bearable. We're already so limited in how many cards/actions we can do per turn and, unlike in many other tcg, that aspect doesn't naturally increase over the match. The elemental dice is a cute idea for flavour, but in the end it's needlessly restrictive and cumbersome.


Aw hell yeah another PoC player! Always nice to see another fellow LoR PvE main.


Heh yeah! Although that game has its own issues, the mechanics (keywords, powers, etc.) are just so varied and fun, I'm still not bored of it almost a year later. Every run is different and (usually lol) keeps you engaged, building synergies and busted combos. Unfortunately can't say the same about Genius Invokation, even though there's a lot of good ideas in it (I like how they adapted the characters' kits for the cards), I'm not sure realistically what they could do at this point.


Couldn't agree more! PoC's roguelike gameplay of utilizing randomized powers and items on cards makes most runs feel different. Recent champs and their respective powers/decks have also been well designed, each one promoting a unique playstyle for the most part (absolutely love Volibear and his ability to enable playing ramp while not falling behind PoC's aggressive pace).


>!I also wanted to shout out how much fun I've been having playing Voli but couldn't work it into the comment haha!<


I think the animation speed is okay, but as someone who has played heaps of board and card games, I feel like the innovation and reason to keep playing is just not there. It's by no means a poor game, it's just not thrilling enough. When I see new cards, I get excited for a moment but then I realize the amount of effort and what I get from it. I think there is a lot of opportunity to improve the game from a game design perspective and make the game more exciting, but I am unsure if that will happen. Some limitations that aren't game killers but limit the potential: \-only 3 characters = much less variety in what you can do \-characters are simple enough to understand and balance, but because the characters are all too similar and set from the beginning of the match, it's not terribly unpredictable what happens. In other words, I don't feel like I am uniquely playing Klee when I use Klee, I feel like I am using some watered-down version of her that's sort of like her but not enough and not enough different from other characters. \-RNG die and the game's reliance on die - so many skills and abilities are about die management, it is a bit boring \-besides using them for energy, cards typically only have one purpose - the single ability listed on them \-everything feels sort of inconsequential... why is it exciting or important that I bring out x character? why is it exciting or important that I defeat an opponent? etc. \-similarly, everything is sort of telegraph-able after you play for a bit. nothing really unexpected happens and if it does, it's usually to your disadvantage and you feel cheated.


Also it might have gotten better, but the cards in your deck when it first came out where much less consequential than your hero choices, meaning every game played more or less than same unless you got particularly unlucky.




I would love if they had some weekly meaningful rewards like the Sim Universe in Star Rail


Nah. If they did that, people would be incredibly mad. Just look at all the drama for ONE TCG minigame in ONE event, that you don't even have to win...


In Genshin, SU's weekly rewards would translate to: 2-3 fragile resins 18 Purple Sanctifying Essence 1 Acquaint Fate 225 Primogems 1 Crown of Insight 300k Mora


I would love that, if that were true


But SU is basically an artifact domain but for relics. Perhaps if it became a stigmata system like with Honkai Star Rail, being character exclusive, then that makes it fairly compatible in parallel. Like the whole point of SU was to get those relics the globe and the link rope. Without SU, you'd probably have a calyx for the relics. If SU were to be implemented into Genshin. It would be akin to character-exclusive stigmata domains. Would probably be referred to as Emblems, badges, insignias, sigils, or lore-relevant name. Tbh, SU is just a glorified and expanded domain, like very reminiscent of a roguelike. SU is necessary for HSR since it's the container for collecting the link ropes and globes. Genshin has no necessity for its own SU, unless there was something to achieve or grind with the SU as the medium to do so. I could see an SU being implemented if there was an addition to the artifact system or as a means of collecting items that are used to reroll artifacts or to craft a new type of artifact, like a character-exclusive artifact that adds to character's kits. For example, an Amber-exclusive artifact would prolong her burst for longer and increase its AoE. A Candace-exclusive artifact would allow her to create a shield for x% of her max HP when burst is cast. A Chongyun-exclusive artifact would make Chongyun's skill increase cryo dmg bonus of cryo-infused characters, etc, etc.


For Genshin, they could just make the planar/orb to goblet/hat since these two are more uncommon. Then just like SU, players can choose which roguelike(like Labyrinth warriors) artifact domain to clear.


This, so much this. I've maxed out the TCG player level and got the achievement card. After that, even when they add characters I love to it like Lisa, I just don't feel any incentive to play it anymore due to there just being no meaningful rewards available whatsoever. Which is quite sad tbh.


I just want to use cards right away on my own turn. It's so painful waiting for nothing to happen before I'm allowed to keep playing.


And it doesn't help people takes so much time picking a move 😭


Fully agree. I don't even do my weekly challenges because of the slow animation speed.


Just like Fu Xuan taught us, Dehya kit is actually pretty good in a turn based setting where you can't just dodge everything.


and where it isn't beat out by full shields or consistent team-wide healing


And the minimum damage/heal/mitigation is 10% of your max health per action instead of like, 1/15000 for the average DPS.


OK we get it there is no way for us to cope that she is good us 50/50 losers 😭


Just like Dehya taught us, her kit would be actually pretty good if her numbers weren't trash.


Literally, just change the field duration, the cooldown, increase interruption resistance and put more HP scaling on the burst, and you have a good support/burst dps


The field duration mismatches with the A1 passive which gets worse with the C2 and her weapon buff has mismatched timers too It frustrates me how easily they could fix her by just standardizing the durations of the buffs/effects


That would require effort and we can't have that


And decrease the the 2.5 wait time to 1-1.5 sec for better reaction usage.


The kit itself isn't bad, it has some ehm let's call them quirk's. The numbers, those are the bad ones, damage, mitigation, uptime, they lowballed her on everything so hard that despite having really good constellations she just reaches Hu Tao C1 levels of DPS at C6. That brings the next question, if she isn't supposed to be a DPS why the flying fuck did they give her so many damage oriented cons? Aw man I remembered that I was mad at what they did to Dehya...


IKR. They could've focused the cons on E. I was hoping her E's functionality will be preserved when she's using Q so it becomes a mobile version.


> if she isn't supposed to be a DPS why the flying fuck did they give her so many damage oriented cons? Much like how off field 5\* has on field C6. If you are gonna whale for that char, they need to have a lot of field time coz most of the time you C6 someone you simp for. She may have been planned as a limited 5\* but her direction may have changed at some point.


And we ended up with a character that's mediocre at defense and offense, nice...


I don't care if this is lethal amounts of copium but since the Fontaine cast is not entirely out, that someone among them would work well with Dehya. I am not sure about Furina but if she does drain everyones HP, it would be pointless to have Dehya on the team since you will need both a shield and a healer to be comfy having Furina as a support.


Furina likely heals as well though.


Maybe, the problem is that she seems good for a character that's already released, Lyney. The uptime makes her useless there, you either run out of Bennett burst or res to interruption and as far as I'm concerned Bennett is bringing far more than her. It would have to be a character that doesn't care about attack buffs, needs res to interruption but the current shielders ain't it and doesn't auto attack. Yeah that sounds awfully specific.


Dehya C2 will give her more uptime on E so you can use her E before Bennett. it's just that it's on freaking C2. i wish it was on her C1 at least


Here is the thing: Her C2 is a lie since her defensive utilities run on their own fixed timer independent of the actual elemental skill (which already run out before the skill ends at C0 because fu I guess). Her C2 only extends the timer for her E i.e the damaging and particle generating part of her kit so it only extends the time Dehya is pretending to be useful to the team. The timers for her defensive utilities run out at 8/9 seconds as usual, C2 or not. She truly is a unit of all time.


Should be part of the base, solving a problem with a constellation is a thing, solving a problem that literally no other defensive character has with a C2 is a punch in the gut.


c6 Dehya is as good as other standard banner characters at c0, it ain't much to be happy about


>It would have to be a character that doesn't care about attack buffs, needs res to interruption but the current shielders ain't it and doesn't auto attack. Have you met monsieur Neuvillette? He also needs sporadic reactions being triggered. But yeah, that's probably as good a partner as she'll ever get.


One would think so but. Hyperbloom and Beidou exist and I forgot another requirement, she can't interfere with the reactions since she is energy hungry and builds HP. Being blunt, the calcs are already done, Neuvillete isn't Dehya's savior.


Sure, there are better picks, but at least she "fits", as you won't constantly feel she's either lacking or redundant. It's a pretty low bar.


Of course you'll feel like she is lacking. You could use a shield in HB, there's an open spot and others don't fuck up the reactions. Taser has Beidou. Vape ain't happening in any way that would make her a better pick that Xiangling. And everyone knows she isn't good enough for burgeon.


Probably >!The one who made Dehya's kit was a racecar driver from Poohland Racecar Competition.!<


The reason she has damage cons is because she's not a DPS at C0 lol. She needs them in order to open that role up to her. It's an essentially identical vertical path as noelle, who is not intended to be on field at C0 either, but her cons make her on field DPS usable. They gave Noelle as a shield for Cyno's trial. They didn't expect you to use her burst. Dehya, in her trial, was given 4pc tenacity and paired with Bennett against hydro (vape) and electro (overload) enemies. They literally tried to show you this was the intended path for her at C0. Her Q is a panic button, and a second reposition for her E. Her burst deals more damage than running away from hits. That's about it. You can tank some damage with it and move her E again, or give her something to do while on field of she needs to take a couple Bennett healing ticks. I personally quite like her over Thoma because I truly detest burst reliance in general, but naturally if you have Zhongli he outclasses her in most scenarios. Although worth noting when paired with Bennett, for her infinite IR uptime window, you actually have higher effective HP provided with zero risk of lost poise when a shield breaks than any shield including Zhongli. As for why not more defensive cons, well Zhongli has that and ask anyone how they feel about his cons. Instead she's basically a Thoma side grade at C0, but at the end of the road can on field quite well. Kokomi also has offensive cons, and her sig is only useful for her on field role as well. In general I'd say if Thoma energy isn't annoying to you or you have Zhongli she's an easily ignored option, but she's not nearly as bad as this community seems to think. A bit too much focus on her damage being poor, and just an overall bias where any and all DPS calcs completely ignore damage loss to stagger or dodging. I'd use her with like Wanderer or melt Ganyu over the alternatives mostly convenience of no energy, and I think it's totally fine and comparable to those team alternatives.


Dude just admit they fucked up, even Qiqi C6 feels more special than that, Dehya C6 is just what she should've been at base and the cons should've been to increase the comfort in the utility portion of the kit, or a middle ground at least.


Who would pull for cons on a defensive unit that makes their defensive capabilities better? Nobody. That's why nobody pulls Zhongli cons, and nobody thinks Kokomi's C2 is good, but they do think her C1 is good. If you want a middle ground, her C4 increases her self heal, and her C2 increases the uptime for her damage share. You can not like the decision but there's nothing fucked up here, the vertical path is perfectly clear, and she functions fine as a defensive unit at C0-2, and C4-6 she's a reasonable on field damage dealer. Idk it's not like F2P friendly or anything but I don't really think that's the same argument.


The funniest thing to me is that they completely changed how her mitigation works. Now instead of taking half the damage for her teammates no matter what, she shaves 1 point off and only takes that damage herself if she's still pretty healthy - otherwise it's just *ignored*. Even here they recognised just how bad it is to have a 'mitigation' mechanic that does nothing but spread the damage around.


If Dehya had Fu Xuan's level of privilege she'd actually be good even in a real-time format. Imagine an alternative to Zhongli that drops the shield, res shred and petrify in favour of enormous mitigation, interruption resistance and crit rate buffs, all with with well beyond 100% uptime, with a small heal on their ult. That's basically Fu Xuan. If Dehya had that, someone like Hu Tao could could drop Zhongli and just facetank with Marechaussee Hunter.


Also, having the damage redirection being an innate 65% meaning she takes more damage personally than her party members do when she redirects. And it's independent of skill level too. Dehya requiring a crown in order to evenly split the damage between herself and her teammates is still so crazy to me. It takes C**5** for her to take more damage than her teammates. Oh, and you actually forgot something very important! If Dehya had the same buffs Fu Xuan did, she'd also have a max HP buff, which would be incredibly useful for some chars. It'd make her Hu Tao synergy even better!


Dodging in genshin is jank af, it's the least of Dehya's problems, otherwise all shielders would be useless too


Wait, so Wanderer can attack characters that aren't even on the field? That could be really good if the standby characters are more threatening than the active characters.




Diluc's Burst is 8.


Yes, but Diluc’s burst also costs one more Dice than Scara’s.


The better comparison is Chongyun


I remember how excited I was, cuz I was thinking it will be like abyss. Reseting rewards every 2 weeks. How naive of me.


Are there primo rewards in tcg?


Only when u re lvling your rank in TCG. After that not anymore. They are making only stupid TCG events where u get coins. That are used for buying cards.


If they actually put winnable primogems in there they would have far more activity there. I actually like playing it, but with no incentive that benefits the rest of the gameplay, I dropped off quick.


There are winnable primogem in the monthly tournament. But you gotta be good at pvp


I mean, have you seen the reception of the one TCG minigame in that one event? People were incredibly mad about it, and it didn't even require to win the game or build your own deck. Imagine how pissed off they would be with an abyss TCG


And on the other hand people that do not like TCG will cause an uproar as there would be Primos locked behind a game mode they despise. They would then dislike TCG even more and blame HYV for pushing the mode down their throats for some Primos. It is fine the way it is.


People would riot if they had to play TCG for primogems. A large majority of the player base simply has zero interest in the TCG.


People were bitching about a intro to an event that could be mashed through in 6 minutes. Imagine how pissed people would be if there were primos given in a event where a single battle takes nearly double the time of that prologue.


I prefer it this way tbh. People who genuinely like TCG can get rewarded with more TCG stuff, everyone else can safely ignore it.


If you join Cat's Tail Gathering, you can win Primos. Tho, you have to earn it A perfect 35/35 wins nets you 1800 Primos. A 34/35 score only gets you 1400


Same, I really enjoyed TCG but after u collect cards u want. It gets boring really quickly.


No thanks, I installed genshin to play an openworld ARPG not a TCG/Gacha mario party. I already struggle to understand why they felt the need to even make a TCG *inside the game* (they could have just made a standalone app if they really wanted to), please don't FOMO people who didn't sign for TCGaming into playing the TCG.


How many approx primos? Need furina funds


They are only one time primos and sadly Its not a lot. There are 10 lvls and u get like 60 primos per lvl if Im correct. There are also achievements u can do if u have patience.


About 600 when getting to level 10, I don't know if there are other primogem reward elsewhere or not. It is possible to do within 1 patch (6 weeks) but it can be quite difficult sometimes


I dont play anymore but why does it seem that wanderer is broken?


He's pretty similar to Jean/Sucrose in that he can chain swirls without any outside help. While they swirl and then swap a character with fresh elemental aura in, he can target off field characters directly. It's a pretty fun playstyle and I imagine a lot of people will try to make him work in decks like shenhe/anemo.


I liked playing with Jean a lot. Jean, xiangling and Keqing


he has a pretty high damage output and you can put him in a Shenhe+Anemo comp to dish out some real huge swirl dmg, the only problem I can think of is that by the time you've charged up his burst all your opponent's cards will be too weakened to be worth all that 7dmg, but because of that he may be very good against shield/stalling focused decks


Brute force it is, then


yes Rico, kaboom


He looks… interesting, not sure where he fits in the meta but looks like a better xiao atm


lmfao that sounds so ironic cause people used to say that about him out of tcg too


lol true


Yes, and non-tcg Scara is still better than Xiao


Cook🔥🔥🔥 I mean it's not by much but scara is stronger and also feels smoother to play no hate to xiao though


i agree to some extent about that 😦 but damn the amount of shade that comment has lmao


Xiao actually does a bit more DPS than him at C0R0... Given that you have C6 Faru. But by the time you have C6 Faru, you're already better off investing in Scara, cos you are already pullin him and probably getting C1 or C2 on him which put him far ahead Xiao anyway. It's really very twisted that Faru is not featured on Xiao's banners.


Xiao only has bit more DPS than him at C0 assuming you do high collisions which requires a lot of skill rng and malding. So his speedrunners end up resetting a lot. And of course, like you said he needs C6 Faruzan. Which only the most hardcore Xiao mains are ever going to get as you’ll end up pulling Scara cons or cons of whichever character he’s rerunning alongside with. So, you’re gonna end up spending more on a C0 Xiao w C6 Faru then a C0-C2 Scara for C6 Faru for a slight DPS advantage at C0-C1. So Scara has the huge advantage of having C6 Faruzan in his banner, on top of having much better vertical scaling via his cons, including having one of the best C6 constellations for a DPS. He also has a wider variety of flex supports that work well with him and buff his dmg. Still, Xiao is indeed a very strong hypercarry DPS, and one of the best DPSes alongside Scara assuming C6 Faru in fact. but he still has way lower abyss usage than Scara, and that’s bc c6 Faru is inaccessible to him and only the most hardcore xiao mains are going to have her.


i used to play too and he looks kinda fun but again i know nothing of the meta in this game


Is reddit mobile app glitched? It shows that this post is 1 day old Everyone's comment mine including shows 1d old


Probably, it shows 24 minutes ago to me on a browser


Don’t be alarmed. I think you’re from the future.


TCG enjoyers, is Dehya actually good at least in TCG or is it still despair ?


She’s useable. By comparison to herself, she does more damage with better consistency with her skill in tcg. It actually works for reaction teams and her burst cost is reasonable.


Is the Dehya card actually more meta than the real Dehya? Whoa.


One day we will get actual new gameplay. I really want to see the statistic on what % of players actually plays tcg regularly.


One youtuber who has insides in Mihoyo said it's about 10% of active players His name is Wizzu


The reddit community would lose their mind because it would be laughably higher than people who participate in combat content because Mihoyo already told you that number is basically fucking 0.


Perhaps it will finally become better (i.e. Inazuma Labyrinth fighters) when time and man hours are rightfully taken out of something that should not have been there in the first place. Randomized enemies, randomized buffs, some tiny bits of exploration, set it on a 1/2 week reset timer - and voila, you’ve got enough to supplement the abyss and make some people (for me - 100%) satisfied. Alas, we are more likely to get more web events in game (like the few latest festivals) or more cards for something only 10% might be playing.


Exactly. I love combat in this game. I don't play "how high can I push my score in the same stage of increasing difficulty", that's not interesting to me, and if it was then I would probably be playing a game with much greater skill expression. The events where you get random buffs across longer runs have always been a lot more fun. For very little extra work, you get a ton more replayability with or without rewards.


Yeah… we can dream :(


I actually really like the Genius Invokation though I agree with users saying that animations and especially Dice Phase should get some serious speed boost. But honestly, other than unlocking new cards and playing weekly matches against NPC I don't play it at all, because there's no rewards. I don't even say they should give out primo for that, because some people may not like playing TCG and may find it unfair, but at least make Prince have extra shop, similar to the one Tubby has that let's you exchange coins for exp books/artifact exp and similar not must have, but actually useful stuff


Oh right, TCG still exists


Dehya is mothering 🛐🛐🛐


Always has been


Dehya is actually useful in this.


living up to the x.1 wanderer cameo tradition


Fake leaks dehya should deal 1 damage in her burst


Can't wait to finally play Dehya


Ngl wanderer kit in tcg looks juicy And it looks like we're going to open a new comp in tcg, the one where switch characters left and right with Katherine and noelle support cards and deal dmg and get healed.(w/kaeya and yaoyao) and not use our turn.


To the 4 people who play tcg, are these any good?


dehya is super useful in like 1 deck archetype, scaramouche is gonna whoop ass and Yao Yao is


They seem decent on paper


Dehya is officially all I wanted her to be in TCG.


back to my wanderer main shenanigans i guess 💪


I actually like the CG and I LOVE Scara so I’m happy!!!


If only Mihoyo put as much effort in the actual combat of the game like they do with TCG. Imagine designing a good elemental combat system and then throwing some mobs in a chamber, slapping a timer on it, and call it endgame content. Yeah, seems a bit lackluster huh.


Finally Dehya buffs. All four of us that use her must be happy.


TCG is nice and all, but I really wish they would also put in effort for other forms of repeatable side content. They've made cool, fun, unique combat events. And never reuses them. What the actual fuck is up with that? Casual or not, I want to play around with teams against tougher enemies that isn't just spiral abyss.


What is a "Prepare Skill"? Is that like Candace's and Beidou's automatic two-turn abilities?




Are there going to be new cards in 4.2?


Of course


Does every update have new cards?


Yes when the TCG came out literally the first thing they said is the TCG is a permenant system that will see updates every patch and a major expansion or upgrade every now and then. Which we just recently had with the massive expansion that added all the archons and new card mechanics.


So far, yes.


Please make me stop to refresh and give me her kit…


Woah, that's great! Anyways.


Is this worth playing for the primos?


unless you end up really liking it, not really


where da kit at?


Pyro mom




I wish they pull the plug and just make tcg its own app


*starts panicking* 😢Argh, someone please help me! I need my daily dose of Furina Kit IVV (STC) and also (If you blame me, *brooklyn accent* Yuh Motha)


I used to like tcg but card text kept changing every update and it’s too much to keep up.


They nerfed the Wanderer's ult... it costs 3 dice now... Also, isn't his talent card kinda bad? It shouldn't cost 4 dice for what it does


They nerfed the cost. But they buffed the dmg by up to 7-8 whereas it used to he 5-6 which is pretty good.


the thing for me is: in the first version, he had the MASSIVE advantage of a FTK since his ULT only had a 2 energy cost with the downside of a bit less dmg. If you had a woven die (or something like it) in your starting hand + at least 6 Anemo die in your rolls, following the sequence E > NA > ULT you could deal 2, 3 and then 6 DMG. Assuming the opponent is starting with a card like Eli's and that they don't use any healing cards, you could have totes just wiped them out in 1 round. In addition to that, more DMG in exchange for a higher energy requirement isn't really good either, in most cases you'll be spending die on building energy just to end up with a weakened enemy where 8dmg would be kinda overkill and unecessary, and they could always switch to a low hp/disposable character to avoid taking a bigger hit. The only decks his current burst would really come in hand are the BIN type-ones, so yeah 🥲 edit: I just realized I *mayyy* have gotten a bit carried away with the rambling, sorry for that!


"You can't instantly win the game" sounds like a good thing to me.