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So that's the catch


No the catch is the spear you get from the fishing association in Inazuma




*Cyno has recently been getting approached by a lot of nudists asking for medical advice. Perhaps he stop wearing his “Certified Cynocologist” T-shirt*


It's also Yelan's Q


here comes the catch!


Love to use Yelan’s burst and immediately switch to Raiden and just whale on them with the Catch.


No that's Depth-Clairon Dice


Based and cyno-pilled


Us of cyno-pill CY NO to bad humour


No catch is what u would be playing with ur dad if hadnt left home for getting milk all those years ago.


So what team do they promote with that constraint lifted? You don't want Pyro in Quicken teams, but with this change you'll need it, otherwise she's kinda sucks (according to redditor above, she loose dmg, application, duration etc. if lamp or whatever is lvl1)




or overburgeon nahida xingqiu kuki toma teams have this weird interaction where the anime starts burning mid-way


genshin anime confirmed?


Good weird or bad weird?


weird weird


let it work like a brand ult from league of legends, with those in the explosion getting their own dot that can expload.


Overburn sounds neat. You have burnmelt, burnvape, overburn, maybe quickburn as well. So it's like you're having moderate electro application but intense dendro and pyro application.


Overburn is great specially in aoe. Overburn Dehya is one of my favorite teams with her and probably one of the few she doesn't feel like a downgrade to someone else since her tankiness means she can be on field while everything burns and explodes.


Yae, Fischl, Emilie, Dehya


Thundering Furry.


It's nothing? Without burn she can't get lv2 E anyway. So before this you get 2 restrictions in quicken/bloom, now you only get 1, without any new downsides. For some multiple reactions team it's supposed buff too. And for pure burn nothing's changed.


Gouba, get the~~m~~ catch!


She is still really good with Overburn team


Honestly, not the worst.


I mean, if you can’t get a reaction in eight seconds, I think that says more about the player than the ability 💀💀💀 I'm pretty sure scent is easy to trigger


The Level 1 case is 200% MV less than the Level 2 case (like 70% scalings vs 270%) so uhhh yeah she sucks sucks in Quicken, you can just use an electro now in your burning team as well if you want to I guess


Good for Cyno teams I believe since you can trigger overload and quicken at the same time iirc


Yup it’s good for Cyno teams since you can quickburn with Thoma


I prefer to call it Quick Load


Burningload makes it sound like an STD so that's my favorite


Quickburn reminds me of curry night.


It’s usually referred to as “Chaos Cyno”.


Chaos Cyno has the additional hydro for blooms/burgeon/hyperblooms. Removing hydro from the equation brings about overload and burning, aka overburn.


Chaos Cyno is just Thundering Furry for people who want to make their 5 star play like a 4 star


Quickburn? Nah, I’d Overspread.


Overburn, anyone?


What about burning load


See a doctor for that


Me! Overburn is the way.


It's BurnOver 😭


Who do you use in the 4th slot? Thoma Emilie cyno sounds fun.


I'd think anything really; I was thinking double Pyro/Dendro for ATK/bonus EM would be helpful, but so would double Electro for ER or an Anemo for swirlies, or just any healer from those elements. It does sound like a really cool team :)


Probably Fischl or Beidou or Baizhu


Well, you could just juggle between burning and quicken then since it is just 8s and scents only need one enemy actively burning to be registered. So it's a Chaos Cyno thing.


Chaos Cyno is a Curry team, akin to Thundering Furry (Bennet-Razor-XQ-Nahida), in which the team consists of Electro, Pyro, Hydro and Dendro characters. Without hydro, it becomes an Overburn team instead.


I see. (Pretends to understand)


They basically made it so that she can be used with quicken reaction but there she can only have her tier 1 skill. If you want her skill to be upgraded to tier 2 you need burning reaction. It basically allows you to run overburn (overload + burning) teams, so accidentally triggering quicken in those teams won't be a harsh dmg loss.


Mmhh maybe in thundering furry she can substitute Nahida...


Thundering what now


You didn't see anything. Edit: real answer is I think that's what Razor team comps are called.


Ooooo Razor That name makes more sense now


Currently, it's Razor, Nahida, Xingqiu, and Bennet (he has to be c6). Razor's burst is unique in that it summons the big wolf to do electro damage at the same time Razor is hitting with physical damage. With c6 Benny burst, he can infuse Razor to do electro and pyro damage at the same time. It's a rainbow hyper burgeon team. Lots of colors, a lot more damage than you'd expect, and is unironically a better Razor comp than a superconduct physical team.


Also Razor infuses himself with Electro and so does Bennett's burst. So he's always proccing Overload from his body too.


Does Razor build EM for that, or is it still crit?


since razor's burst gives him additional electro hits rather than converting his physical damage to electro, he can trigger burgeon with his normal attacks and hyperbloom with his burst attacks, so people usually run him with full EM in thundering furry !


I saw someone mentioning that the team does burgeon and hyperbloom, so this does make sense, thank you very much!


I call it "Rainbow Razor" because it's cute.


Razor, Nahida (or any dendro off field), XQ and Bennett prefer c6. Basically you build full EM Razor with C6 Bennett the application of XQ hydro and Nahida dendro you can proc both hyperblooms and burgeons with him in his Burst form since he apply both hits of electro and pyro. Is a really strong team in single target can work in multi-waves but overloads can make you suffer since it is a circle impact team.


Razor stocks are rising


Which is a very healthy approach. She will still protect you from the burning effect, deal a considerable amount of dendro damage in burning-centric teams and their offshoots, while still being an option (just an option, focus on that part) in more traditional teams. I hope this is how she ends up playing. Variety is the spice of games like this, I love the trajectory they seem to be taking!


So, in the end, the only change is that she doesn't get that dmg drop......that's cool


Damn, that unit fuckin sucks! You know what doesn't suck? BURNLOAD !!! What's burnload you ask? Well, lemme tell you , burnload is team comp in Genshin Impact that revolves around using only transformative reactions to deal INSANE HUGE damage. Thanks to burnload my wife has come back to me and my kids are in college cause i burnt down all the banks and killed all the workers with my 22k overloads , that's right b\*tches 22k YOU TOO CAN BE LIKE ME!! Ive tried burnload for only 1 week and my skin feels softer! There has to be some caveat right? RIGHT???? Well sadly yes... those who arent able to deal with burning self dmg will fall VICTIM TO THE SUPA HOT FIRE and perish like weaklings. Burnload isnt for the faint of heart it takes someone strong , smart , sexy , superfluous , spectacular , smagnificiant , swonderful , spassionate , special , psychotic , S! Those who arent up to the task will be left in the dust with OPPA X and hyperbloom (cringe ass meta slave ) as us chads kill things with explosions and PURE SWAGGER!1!1 Come, experience pure FUCKING EXCITEMENT!


The Zy0xification is real..


if no burning, do less damage


Multiplier is reduced by 3.78x, application is more than halved, damage is reduced by 36%, and her A4 doesn't proc. Her skill used to retain level 2 for the full 22s duration but now it lasts 8s unless you're constantly triggering pyro. Safe to say she's at least 5-10x worse without pyro.


at least she can now function in overburn


So….roughly 90% less damage =)


You would never want to run her without burning anyway. This change allow Overburn teams Just like Running Nilou without full Hydro/ dendro team


> application is more than halved Not true, all you're missing out on is her A4 Dendro procs, outside of those your Dendro application is basically the same


Dendro Chiori


Nah Chiori is a different beast when it comes to restrictions,anything is better than having to run a geo construct.(A useless awful horrendous object that gets destroyed by a gust of wind-except Ushi that thing is built different .)


It's not really the same because Chiori isn't as gimped. Level 2 is 3.8x the damage, Chiori still does well over half damage with just one doll (because of burst and passive). So even without a construct Chiori is better than Zhongli and Albedo with Navia at C0. So I just don't really think they're the same in this regard.


I don’t think OP is saying they’re the same, they’re saying that chiori is worse. Only being slightly better than Zhongli is not saying much when you’re just competing with 20% res shred - you’re missing the whole shield.


yea, not having to lose uptime to avoid mechanics + shread is going to give more damage to most players.


Hoyo giveth and hoyo taketh away Honestly this is probably the best solution, this way Emilie doesn't do no damage against enemies with electro aura, and is still not BIS for any quicken team(Unfortunately so she's shoehorned into burning now).


Overburn team is winning.


I'm really curious why they are going this route and didn't go to a more reaction damage focused burn character.


Strong personal dendro damage in non quicken team is a niche that hadn't been explored yet. Also strong personal off field pyro damage is reserved for the pyro archon and Xiangling.


Looks like you accidentally mentioned the Pyro Archon twice


man, Xiangling getting the DanIL treatment to actually become the pyro archon would be poetic.


emilie is probably just the first part of a burning focused team. one of natlan's characters will most likely be the burning support.


Two (probably) limited characters for an unpopular archetype is an interesting decision imo.


Look either they make characters for already covered archetypes and power creep the old characters or they make support for currently unused archetypes


I agree, but until things like cryo, geo, and physical are given valid options I think it’s strange


there is still a chance for cryo and physical in snezhnaya but we are in natlan right now. it's not crazy to expect they might focus on the most neglected pyro reactions besides the popular archetypes. however, geo is most likely a lost cause and i say this as a geo lover.


I truly hope that when we get to Khaenri'ah we get a new element-like attribute with Dein and that it can react with geo and anemo in fun ways.


“Don’t worry cryo will get better after only three years, there’s no issue with that”…?


Geo should have gotten better support by now I agree. Cryo will probably get the support it needs in Snezhnaya. As far as Physical goes I don’t think there is any hope for that given how important the reaction system is to the game.


Why not ?? Xiao/ Xianyun


Every character in the game can plunge.


the last, and only, time they did that was with Nilou bloom. I'd be more surprised at another Nilou like character than a character that gets buffed by the presence of a reaction, which is how reactions have always worked. melt/vape/quicken are all direct buffs to your character's personal damage. Freminet uses shatter, Navia uses crystallize, Chevreuse uses overload and Emilie uses burning in the exact same way.


Because it wouldn't add up with her artifact set or her weapon. I think the balance to strike would be for her to provide some team smg bonus on burning enemies so like team deals 36% more dmg to burning enemies


Because there’s no way to save the poor burning reaction damage


When X character is in the party, Burning deals 2X dmg to enemies and -90% dmg to team mates. Or When the party is only Dendro and Pyro, Burn becomes Super Burn. Enemies with Super Burn take double the dmg from Pyro and Dendro attacks and have their Pyro res lowered by 30% (since you can't use VV and there's no Deepwood for Pyro).


Maybe they still have ptsd from when they poked some numbers in WL and suddenly burning grass started oneshotting chars


That's probably why Emilie negates most burning dmg. However that has nothing to do with her not buffing the reaction itself. They could easily make her buff Burning dmg and still give her a passive that stops burning from hurting the team. Instead she only buffs her personal dmg when the enemy happens to be burning.


That’s just repeating Nilou and probably something heh don’t want to do… besides it would take like a 10x multiplier on Burning for it to start doing worthwhile damage


I think having more characters with Nilou or Chevy like kits would be fun tbh. The 2X burning dmg was just a random number, put whatever amount you think would be needed to make it good there.


Another thing is that since burning works differently from bloom ( only one owner can exist at a time). the Nilou passive can’t really work for this. Chevereuse also works differently from Nilou since she just acts like VV with an atk buff. I think the current Emilie is still better than creating such a restriction for a reaction that wouldn’t be worth it in the first place(you’d still need pyro characters who don’t rely on vape) due to the design. As a result, you can play Emilie in burning, melt, vaporise and Burgeon teams with all the external elements and still get a dendro character with strong offield damage which is what these teams have lacked


Could just have Emilie increase the AoE of burning by threefold so quadratic scaling dmg go brrr. Basically would be the only reaction with quadratic scaling .


Even if she tripled the AoE of burning it’s still not gonna be effective versus a lot of elites and bosses on top of the limited damage mechanics of the reaction. I think translating all the burning buffs to personal damage on Emilie is the right move. This way it’s effective on all enemies as well as not limiting the other two slots in her teams. Now she can run melt, vape and burgeon teams instead of being locked to dendro pyro anemo in an attempt to make the most of the burning damage


Yeah, it was the safest bet Hoyo made in making her run for burning teams.


To be fair she we already knew she would be burn focused, at least she is usable in other teams now so I'll take it as a positive from just being completely unusable


Watch me still proceed to use her in every dendro team I can make xD


4.8 beta is definitely hotter and burning more than 3.8 beta. 3.8 we were so bored we were very aggravated. Our boredom spread into the deepest part of the miracle bottle land. We were simply waiting for the seeds of Fontaine to bloom.


go home cyno


8 seconds ? That's not that problematic actually (one singular Pyro, even with not amazing application, should do the trick just fine) I'm wondering about how weird quicken teams with a pyro unit would work now I think these changes are quite good honestly


You can get the Pyro from Kazuha Don't ask where he obtained it


That mf will bring pyro from fucking Natlan if he wants a pyro swirl.


Bennett self-infuse ?


against multi-wave content, electro doesn’t seem totally out of the question although practically speaking it would be hard to sustain burning against bosses, having an electro unit doesn’t seem viable unless we get nuke electro DPS in the future with low burst cost and cooldown which is just wishful thinking


Bennett/emilie/fischl/flex, probably electro most of the time


Bennett was already used sometimes with Tighnari, now it will be Emilie


W change honestly, I thought having a passive that basically said “you cannot have this element” was pretty weird for a game like this


nilou and chev: haha, imagine...


Difference is that Nilou made Blooms deal a fuckton more damage in exchange for the elemental restriction, while Chev gives a lot of buffs in exchange for the restriction (40% ATK, 40% Pyro/Electro shred, and 60% Pyro/Electro damage bonus at C6). The elemental restrictions are understandble because of that.


Chevy C6 doesnt care about the restriction. nor does the A4, the only thing Chevy has that cares about the restriction is the Shred. U can use Chevy or dance around with your 1 Kazuha to shred both pyro and electro with VV


Technically it does, since it only buffs Electro and Pyro (so bringing other elements is useless).


eh, restriction is restriction. I'd rather her halve her bloom damage in exchange for being able to cc with her.


> I'd rather her halve her bloom damage in exchange for being able to cc with her. Do you play Nilou? Cause as someone who plays her a lot, I'd rather not. Her super bloom AoE is pretty damn big, and enough to hit all enemies at once in most situations. She can even hit the green kenki in the current abyss even if he is a little away from the other two. Not to mention you won't be able to CC bosses, so you'll just cripple her dmg for no reason in those situations. You might say "Nilou is not good for bosses anyway", but her dmg is actually nowhere near bad even against bosses, even if it's a bit on the lower side. She can still kill bosses like Wenut and Wolflord in the abyss quite easily and even the current Icewind Suite.


sure idc by this point. just gonna avoid units like her. damage is easy to get (like it's laughable to obsess over that point so much in this game lol) . killed flexibility stays killed forever.


I'd rather have a niche unit that's really good at their niche than a flexible unit that's mediocre at everything. Pretty funny actually, how people who don't even play Nilou always whine about how "niche" she is, even tho the amount of character choices for her team is actually the not that different with other characters. Most characters also only have like 2 team archetypes that they're good at, and often a limited amount of teammate choices, especially characters like Eula, Itto, Hu Tao, or Xiao, yet no one's crying about how niche they are lol


+ Not only cc, Nilou teams with electro or cryo could be so fun. The blooms would be unhyperbloomable but there's electro charged and quicken reactions, and they help creating more seeds. Or keeping the enemies frozen with cryo, so the most chill Nilou teams become even more chill. I hate it that Hoyo seems to try to dictate for the player how to play and make kits uncreative instead of trying to expand our options :(


Nilou likes flowers blooming and Chev is an American who likes explosions so it fits


It's different, you are restricted only on your side, as long as you have those elements you are good, doesn't matter what the enemy brings. Emilie was very screwed if an enemy decided to bring an electro aura, it was reduced with the first change so only the enemy with said aura was screwing Emilie, now is not the case and even enemies with electro aura will be the one getting the short end of the stick since you can get your lv skill and emilie will aggravate them.


The word hotfix has traumatized me ever since the Clorinde incident


wait what happened with Clorinde? i guess i missed it


1.5 second reduction on her skill infusion, it went from 9 seconds to 7.5 seconds.


I'm just happy my Overburn team is now so alive again. :>


Is this relevant? If you have boosted it to lvl2 then you have burn already. Or people are planning to do something janky like just having 1 burn at the start of the fight and then chaining her Q's for the rest? You still need a pyro character, nobody is gonna rub against a pyro slime, swirl it onto enemies and then continue like that.


This is relevant for no pyro teams bcs people were fine with her bot doing much dmg to replace Nahida with her for Cyno team in multiwave fights, and she can now work in Overburn(Electro+Burning) teams bcs electro aura on enemies don't matter anymore


That’s fair. Burning team will always have no issue.


Like, if you run her with a pyro teammate you'll have burning regardless, I dont see how this'll change anything. Unless your talking about a 3 character core you slap a 4th pyro member into in order to not use him for 90% of the rotation.


So you gave to trigger burning rvery 8 sec right? Which isnt an issue tbh


Yeah, I mean, you already had to trigger it once for it to level up so this just asks you to trigger it through the rotation


You don't even have to trigger it again, just keep the initial burn going.


Yeah sorry that’s what I meant


This is a pretty elegant solution to be honest, better than just slapping her with a -90% damage, it does mean she can't do Nilou teams anymore tho.


Emilie: *Points at Bennett and Thoma* You see them, yes wish for these green eye blondies in the first phase of 4.7 so you can make a team for me.


Cyno, Emilie, Nahida, Thoma XD


Oh yeah Thoma is the only useful Pyro Shielder we got I hope even if Pyro Traveler is shit, they give shield


Does Dehya count? Idk Im prob coping


Well, Shielder we're talking about She's more of a Increase RES and decrease DMG received so there's still a chance you'll fly high if you hit by a ultra heavy attack


She also provides full interruption resistance. It's only 9s granted but still applicable if you rotate right - although for cyno, I would still just thoma


Allows for potential Overload/Burn teams, but mainly this change is to stop you getting fucked over by enemies with innate Electro


I mean, you aren't getting a level 2 if you don't have burning to begin with so this really isn't changing much.


I would use her in Clorinde's team with Kazuha and Bennett, I think this would work.


I actually assumed this was always the case.


I’ll take it. You can still all in on her em and get ok spread damage if you really want.


I just wanted to have someone for Wrio to keep him from dying under Nahida's dome in burnmelt, but if she's not gonna be much of an update might as well pull for his cons (since I'm convinced they'll run them in the same patch). I'll wait until her release though since this sub loves to doompost everyone. Shout out to "Baizhu is worse than Kaveh and Yaoyao" and "Arle and Alhaitham are unplayable after nerfs" sages.


I would imagine a team like Nahida/Bennett/Thoma would make it pretty easy to keep Wriothesley alive tho?


Yeah. This would be a smarter move I believe. Wrio's constellations would probably help in his survivability than a replacement dedro unit.


This changes everything *(I have no idea)*


Okay! Here's a question to all the big brains and meta slaves out there: would Bennet C6 be a good option for Emilie in a Team? (this comes from a I-pull-for-the-drip player)


i think this is a fair balance. it still encourages burning but it’s a bit more flexible


Can they hotfix her height?


Shouldn't be a problem since having a pyro character makes burning a side effect in some quicken teams. Might this actually be some actual help to Clorinde? So a team of Emilie, Clorinde, Thoma, and Nahida sound good.






Emilie screams "wait for rerun". It's 50% possible that Natlan Pyro units will catapult Burning, Melt and Burnmelt meta. Right now, I don't think she'll be meta in any team.


the way the existence os this make NO senss 😭😭


dead on arrival not playing into meta


I swear, doomposters are so easily starved to the point that they start being delusional.


Not every character has to play the meta tho? We already got really good meta units in 4.x patch. However, I wish she changed the burning reaction itself rather than just doing more dmg to burning enemies.


Classic leaks subreddit doomposting. You love to see it


are you saying the unit that reaches absurd levels of damage in Pyro teams is NOT meta when Natlan is right around the corner?


Good. She contunies to sucks so bad, and now there is no need to pull for her at all.




I am one of the people who hates her design, because it's nothing like any of her concept arts. So she have to be suck, so I don't need to pull her.


She's actually good though lmao


Well, good for you. But to me her design sucks. I really wanted that cat girl, parfumer, green and pink hair with a walking stick lady to be final design.


And your opinion on her appearance have nothing to do with her value in the meta. Feels like you're just lying to yourself because you're a meta slave obsessed with pulling for value in a game with no difficult endgame.


Are you projecting?


I was planning on skipping Neuvillette (and changed my mind after trying him because he felt good to use). I also skipped Alhaitham and have no plans on pulling for him. And I willingly pulled for Dehya on her banner, and I don't regret it. Do you think I'm obsessed with pulling for value?


You’re just saying random sht for the sake of it lol


He's just keeping with the tradition of doomposting every character.


Ah makes sense then!


Hate for the sake of hating


she becomes highly strong when in burning comps. burning = scents scents = level 2 constantly this is barely an issue.


Oh, I am popular now. Great.


srsly, if emelie will be added to the std banner. I will not be surprised.


"*RRREEEEEE wE nEeD tO bALaNcE tHiIiIiIiIiS!11*" -Hoyo getting assblasted about balance again, probably. Like fuck, I just can't put into words how bad I think they are as game devs. Downvote me, I don't fucking care, they just absolutely suck. BUT, they're not all bad, and have some cool ass things, but ffs, at least the balance team is an absolute joke. And no, this isn't the worst thing they've done, but seeing this same bullshit happen year after year triggers me, enough's enough. Them doing it even for the most inconsequential things imaginable (anyone remember Nahida's facial expressions getting nerfed lol?), just drives it home how completely moronic and stubborn their concept of "*gAeM bALaNcHé*" really is.


For me it's a fair trade-off to add this because they removed the -90% damage to quickened enemies which would have crippled her damage against enemies with innate electro aura. It makes her feel better to use, while also making her more versatile (on the condition there is at least one pyro character on the team).


That's really bad for Neuvillette teams :/


Nuevillette teams is just himself anyways


Not really you just need to trigger burning once every 8s something like Emilie Xianyun Xiangling could potentially work


Whenever Neuvillette overtakes the burning aura with hydro, no more passive procs > less total dendro procs with 3 sec between each, not 2 in a row anymore > can't retrigger burning. That was okay, but if goes back to level 1, it's a big nerf


You run Neuvillette to vape his damage right? Meaning the enemies retain a burning aura at least 50% of the time No?


Not everything need to be for borevillette my man