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Its the hope that kills you






Danganronpa haunts me wherever i go(⁠‘⁠◉⁠⌓⁠◉⁠’⁠)


Hope is the thing with feathers. Sigewinne is a sea slug and hence has no feathers.


Hope dangles on a string, like slow spinning redemption


what are they snorting at hoyoverse like it's not even a meaningful buff for them to do it so last minute...


And all the buff does aside from the irrelevant bubble damage increase is give her the same CA multiplier that every other generic bow user has. I didn't even know that her's were lower than other bow users before to begin with...


Perhaps it’s to make her DPS build better? Then she’d be Siege-winne


Its not even worth 0.1k more dps on top of the fact that its atk scaling


Unless your are meming around you will never even use her charged shots as her CAs scale with ATK% and for meming around you will probably just use her normal attacks to throw giant pills at the enemy in which case the buff is irrelevant too.




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You people come and say “they mistreat female chars” and others come and say “they mistreat male chars” i think it’s time to shut up and realize it has nothing to do with genders 😭


because there are like 3 females for every male? obviously everything will happen to them more often, that is literally basic statistics


There's twice as many female characters so if they did it with the same frequency to male once there would barely be any worth to pull. Still, with males most of the 4\* ones released in last few years are mid or straight up bad dpses that no one uses. And in general most males are limited dpses so it's hard to make them as terrible since the worst that can happen is them having mid damage (or a Cyno that has too long rotation and is burst dependant)


Cause female characters make up the majority of the roster? Literally 3 female characters for each male character around. 


I wish they buffed anything else but her normal attack 😔


the little heart bubbles could have scaled from her hp


Yeah, at least that… Would be nice for people who want to build her for damage


her elemental burst is respectable for damage...why is it only a damage burst with zero utility is beyond me though .\_.


C6 bait


I think the same for Candaces Nas... like at least at c6 man, or Shenhe gaining Cryo infusion at c2, Baizhus nas getting em scailing, Yujin Geo infusion, Klee burst working off field... there's sooooo much I want not to be meta or strong yknow, just to have fun! I just wanna play with the characters I love using their kits, I love doing charge attacks with Childe while his e is on cd for ex.


That sounds like Dehya Cope right there…


ICD change and making her E buff quota individual to every team character would ve saved her but now she is just.....


having her E quota be unique per unit would have spawned so many fun teams..


Like a hyperbloom team with Nahida, Yae and Fischl, hiperblooms hitting hard because of Nahida while also every skill hitting like a truck, or Navia, Furina and Chiori, just imagine how much every doll and umbrella warfare would hit... but noooo they decided to just kill her and sell her based only on cuteness Thing is, they will buy it. They'll complain a lot but will still buy it xD


Last time I checked she barely apply hydro with her skill and burst. So hyperbloom with her would suck


Shenhe isn't exactly an OP character with her quills, so no idea why they don't give this to Sigwinne


Shenhe's quills aren't OP coz cryo characters in general aren't OP. All cryo characters are attack scalers, and mostly balanced around freeze. If you can't freeze the opponent, the difficulty to clear abyss with cryo characters increases. Melt teams are limited by the Pyro appliers, and reverse-melt is pointless from a cryo perspective. Hydro on the other hand have 3 damage dealers scaling on HP, balanced around the fact that there are no HP buffers in the game. Shenhe's same quill mechanics for hydro would not be the same as for cryo. It would also massively buff vape/reverse-vape teams to the moon. Hydro units have a lot of single big hit in their kits, which they can capitalize for vape, and their non-vape damage is itself significant enough to work with reverse-vape.


# Man Who Thought He'd Lost All Hope Loses Last Additional Bit Of Hope He Didn't Even Know He Still Had


They know how to properly buff characters as shown with Emilie but they chose to do this to Sigewinne.


I am convinced there are different teams working on kit/balance and they alternate characters. You have the ones actively trying to make a character competent, smooth and coherent, and the check stealers behind the 4.7 beta and their many other victims.


Cries in Dehya


Cries in Clorinde's 9 sec skill duration 


Sigewinne charged attack new meta not clickbait real Seriously? This? Of all the things to buff, her normals?


Oh for the love of- is it so hard to buff the relevant things in her kit hoyo? like maybe increase the measly 8% hydro bonus? better hydro app? no instead let’s buff the attack scaling normals that were soooooo useful beforehand on the hp scaling character.


didn't Ganyu had her burst cd reduced from 20s to 15s right before her banner?


they changed the energy cost too, also i think that was during preload


Holy shit Ganyu had a 20s burst cooldown?? LMAO


Kind of, but in Ganyu's case the change was made after final beta patch, and before the preload, probably since she was on the first banner of her patch. Here Siggy got unchaned in 4.7 preload, and got """"BUFFED"""" after 4.7 started and before 4.7 second banner dropped


Ganyu was on the second half of 1.2. First half was Albedo.


Still coping for a last minute ICD change


We're all here with you, snorting copium in unhealthy amounts


Not even Sigewinne can cure our copium addiction now.


*dies of copium*


We are gathered here today to remember our dear Redditor.


If her ult had zero ICD and her niche was melting pyro shields it would at least be something


I’m there with you


*looks at his dehya* Ah, first time mate ? :)


I think her ICD is okay though ?? I think they should change the aim charged bubbles to scale with HP


Her e ICD is ok would prefer it to not have icd as it is single target . Her ult applies hydro twice which is really bad . Remove both icds. Make her charge attacks scale with hp or atleast the bubbles . Reduce that stupid a1 passive hp needed or giga buff it.


And give her a passive that converts hp to crit at C0


Needing 65k seriously gimps her entire kit, I have no idea why the fuck they did that to her. It's a worse version of Baizhu's, and his caps at 50k, the value that *everything else in her kit caps at*.


Ik ... That's why I am so conflicted with how she's supposed to be built . If she didn't have that one stupid thing I would reckon she needed a dps build . Idk what's hoyo cooking with this one . But if natlan is dual dps meta then crit is better and her passive is just a waste like baizhu .


I mean this doesn’t really matter when playing her normally instead of trying to make her dps. The A1 passive is really her saving grace rn without needing to redo parts of her kit


So neuvillette powercreep?


Yep, fraudlette could never >!...Hoyo for the love of God please tell me you buffed app or anything else really helping sige performance ant not only goddamned CAs...!<


reading homdgcat gave me enough copium to think that she had more buffs that can’t be seen in talent descriptions i meaaan i’m still glad that she got a buff, they got the right spirit 🥹


Wow! Surely this buff will make her relevant!


Unprecedented. But ultimately useless, no one will use her normal attacks to do damage EVER. At this point they must have done that to mock the leakers.


Nah, casual players definitely use NA attacks with characters in overworld. Even on ones meta players wouldn't even think to use them on. Although if you're talking about from a time sensitive abyss chamber clear standpoint, then yeah I agree.


Sigewinne co-op stonks are up.


Neuvillette powercreep, Arlecchino in shambles, Kokomi will never see usage again!!


most bizarre 5 star release ever, beats dehya imo since she’s limited


I wonder how the balance team makes these buffs... "She can kill a hilichurl in X amount of attacks in the account of my daughter so let's buff her"


still so confused as to why they made her a 5 star honestly Then they give her this atrocious ass kit


One of the times I wouldn't have questioned her addition to standard.... it makes dehyas situation look a lot weirder though




I never cared about Siegewinne, but these low effort so-called buffs is honestly annoying.


I want Sigewinne to be good with all my heart. I've never seen a limited character being so bad, the balance team in Genshin genuinely baffles me. Paycheck stealers.


I just know this will the most skipped banner ever


Chiori may be a contender. From abyss stats she has the lowest appearance rate among 5\* and she has a curse of geo. Sigewinne is very mid but being hydro and healing may save her for players who didn't pull for baizhu and kokomi.


Charlotte, Sayu and Mika are right there and honestly are better. It's hard to really justify her.


Charlotte is excellent on Furina teams, they should have ran her on this d*mn banner!


I think they didnt because she ran with furina last time


Chiori is sitting at 18% appearance rate in abyss. Beating CR, Navia and Nilou.


Oh right, it's not appearence, it's ownership. She's dead last.


Chiori got absolutely annihilated by being sandwiched between bird mom and Arlecchino.


Hydro characters are the most stacked category, and healers are only attractive now because of Furina. But since Sigewinne is a hydro healer, she won't be that valuable even in Furina teams, because most people would prefer to run Yelan and Neuvillette or someone that can deal dmg. At least Chiori is a waifu so that's reason to pull for some people. But what is Sigewinne? But hey you never know, I won't put it behind me what genshin players are into.


also while she's """"hydro"""" her app is so bad you don't pull for her being hydro, she could be even like geo and be the same lol


IMO, she's be more useful as a geo character. At least there she would be strong on Navia's teams, with a single tweak (make her skill DMG buff work while on-field). Navia love skill DMG buffs and wants a geo ally that buffs her DMG and heals up Furina's drain but that doesn't really exist right now. As it stands, Sigewinne is BIS on...zero teams? Furina doesn't even want her. At high investment, she's WAY better off with Xianyun.


Geo really would be better, cause there you don't care about application, Itto could use a healer to slot in Furina, and she'd buff Albedo/Chiori. Even if she stayed HP scaling, it's not like she really cares about getting Gorou's buff if you don't use her Q.


exactly. Not to mention the game is now pushing for reactions. Like Neuvillette can't use more than one hydro in his team with R1. Hyper or quickbloom reactions can also slot one hydro max without having to give up an essential support like Nahida or Fischl. At least kokomi can be a driver. but what can sigewinne be used for?


Being cute in the team /jk


What being Albedo 2.0 with poor  animation does to someone.


i still don't understand why she's a 5 star...


Design. Kit is pretty good too. She’s just niche.


shes not even niche her only niche is buffing off field skill dmg and its not even good and doesnt get better with cons at all


She’s niche in that she does really well with Furina. Most of her teams needs Furina. She does very well in those teams.


Furina doesn't do really well with Sigewinne, is the problem. The niche is "using specifically a hydro healer besides Kokomi with Furina" which isn't a good niche.


Actually, she’s very good with Furina. What’s what beta testers are saying. She seems to be more damage-y than Kokomi. Also, curious about the bubble for CC. We shall see.


At like, C2, or...?


Her passive at C0 buffs Furina’s damage. Her C2 is good too though for Furina. “When the Elemental Skills of your own characters on standby, other than Sigewinne, deal damage, consume one stack of Convalescence, and increase the damage dealt by this instance of Elemental Skill damage. Every 1000 HP, Sigewinne has above 30,000 increases the damage by 65. The maximum damage increases for Elemental Skills that can be gained in this was is 1800.”


I'm hesitant to call that "very good" when alternatives include VV healers (Xianyun/Jean/Sayu), Baizhu, Kokomi, and the classic Bennett.


There’s a really good team out there that uses Kazuha for VV shred, Furina, Sigewinne, + flex. The team I was used Yelan and it was a mono hydro team alternative to Neuvillete. Though, anyone is going to be hard pressed to replace Neuvillete. Not sure how he would do on this team with mono hydro.


Kokomi on field with Furina + Yelan does vastly more damage than Sigwine. If solely as a healer for a team, it's a nice addition but Baizhu is more useful for Neuvillette and dendro teams that wants Furina, so she is just in a weird spot for now.


I’ll be curious what they have planned for her. I wonder if it’ll be like Kokomi when she first came out. Super disliked and underrated. Now, she’s a staple.


I truly hope we are missing something and that she is secretly hyper broken or shits because I really love her but i cant justify throwing my limited currency to her seeing how NICHE niche she is to the point she doesnt really benefits others characters at all to begin with :(


her stacks get used up instantly and other healers do her job but better and providing more than just the healing. shes not even good in her niche


I’d debate otherwise. I think they will be plenty good. Time will tell for sure. She’s no Dehya though.


shes kind of a dehya but shes limited so im not sure thats doing her favors of being "better" than dehya


You’re making some pretty bold claims for a character that isn’t fully released. She’ll at least do more damage than Koko.


doing more damage than koko? thats firstly not a high bar and secondly no she aint they are competetive depending on if you on-field them or not of course sigewinne kight do more dmg off-field cuz she can crit and scales off hp but thats a BAD thing cuz then stacks get used by a no damage dealing character


Her kit is not good.


It’s good with Furina. She buffs Farina’s damage. Her healing is just fine. She can do damage, unlike Kokomi. She’s a fine character. Her design is excellent.


It just isn't, man. Come back to reality. This is beyond just coping, you're straight up lying to yourself and others. We have better 4* healers like Charlotte (with actual application for reactions like Freeze), her buff is non-existent and her damage is too low to be worth field time. Not to mention Kokomi *can* do damage in those Mono Hydro teams. If you like the character, like I do, then you should be giving proper criticism to Mihoyo rather than defending this half-assed job they call a kit.


She’s a main dps now with this. /s


Gigachad Kokomi, gets ICD change while Sigelose gets this, Kokobros stay winning


People forget that a large part of the player base was STILL shitting on kokomi on release and for a few patches and/or months later until they finally realized how good she really was. It takes time for people to recognize a character’s true potential, especially if their main purpose isn’t to deal big damage numbers.


That's because Kokomi was shadow-buffed with an ICD change between last day of beta and first day of release. Nobody knew it had changed, and Kokomi was garbage at end of beta. The ICD change on release literally saved the character from uselessness and mediocrity.


Because she WAS bad at release. I pulled for her, I got her. I mained Barbara since Genshing launch, and I've mained Kokomi since her debut, and she was BAD. -She released into a paradigm where any healing stronger than XQ or Bennet was generally overkill. -We didn't have the Clam set to claw back some personal damage due to her negative Crit Rate. -Rift Wolves weren't released yet, so the only damage in game that hit through shields was Dragonspine's environment. -The husk soldiers weren't out yet, so there wasn't even any anti-shield enemies. -Her signature weapon was/is a sham considering how much it can end up costing, and it's definite advice in the community that any weapon paired with it on a banner isn't worth it cause you could get her donut instead. Kokomi came out when we already had Qiqi, Barbara, and Noelle to cover any real issues with healing. Release Kokomi could only get better, and woooow she sure did. So, so amazingly better. She's fantastic now, and easily in the top ten 5 stars for all around usefulness across the whole roster. She makes so many things WORK (especially thanks to that ICD buff she got right at her release). But I can't stand people claiming Kokomi was "just fine" at her launch. She was not. She very certainly was not. So yea, Future Impact is a thought to consider, but Kokomi made it out alive because of the great ICD buff she got. Sigewinne isn't getting that it seems, which will make it all the harder for her to rise in usefulness as the patches come and go. From her kit and possible synergies, she may end up being a pocket support for some future character or character archetype, but if that happens, why is she is 5 star at all? It's feeling like Dehya all over again...


And we learned from that mistake by having future impact be a thing. Sigewinne legit doesn’t even have application to save her


What is future impact?


The “this character might look bad now but they will probably get OP later on”. Think Kuki, Dehya (not true btw), Baizhu and technically Kokomi (but she doesn’t really fit here), and now Candace (though she’s like Dehya).


not OP but usable at least


If we're talking future impact then there are some ways to save her. The first thing that comes to mind is an on-field DPS whose damage is amplified directly by the amount of healing (including overhealing) the team receives. At least Sigewinne is pretty good at healing itself so this would be a good way to make use of that. Even better if that DPS is HP-scaling since they would make use of hydro resonance from Furina + Sigewinne that way. A bit of copium but hey, it could happen.


Why not just use Charlotte then, though? Or Jean? Or even Qiqi? Without application or buff or battery, she's not really bringing anything new.


There’s definitely potential for bond of life specific mechanics aiding her more than other characters, and I doubt they’ll just have 3 characters with bond of life in their kits and that’s it.


Honesltly that was more a lot of us having no clue how the game worked.


People had been out for a year at that point. People had a good idea already.


I mean as far a the player base not the TC. Like Zajef already said Kokomi was good at that point. He obviously did not say it for Siegwine.


Release Kokomi didn't even have the Clam set and was a sidegrade to Barbara. She was buffed afterwards with teammates like Shenhe, Nilou, and Furina introducing new meta where her hydro application and healing were more useful.


Release Kokomi didn't have the clam set, but she did have access to Thrilling Tales and the ability to easily proc Tenacity of the Milileth. Combined with her powerful healing she was still really good before the clam set. Not at all a sidegrade. Clam set only improves her personal damage, but a lot of people were running her as a buffer + healer before that without much concern for her personal damage output.


This is sort of hindsight bias, imo. Healing was *fucking stupid and pointless* when Kokomi came out. Kokomi pre-dated corrosion (rifthounds), harder hitting enemies (consecrated beasts), and shield-punishing enemies (serpent knights). And healing only *really* took off with Furina's release. I won't entertain any arguments in defense of pre-2.2 healing. But she was unfairly dunked on for her crit passive.


It literally isn't hindsight bias because I remember thinking she was awesome even before the clam release, you can't read my mind to know why I'm saying this, I'm talking about my actual opinion at the time. The argument in defence of pre-2.2 is not everyone owns or uses Zhongli or a shielder and Kokomi was one of the few healers back then able to keep up without a sheilder. She was comfortable to use and that gave her loads of value to many people. And as I said in my comment, one of the biggest uses for Kokomi wasn't just her healing, but her ability to buff when given the right weapon and artifacts.


can't forget that kokomi self-hydro application only lasts like 1 second, compared to barbara's lol. against cryo enemies she's not painful to use, u get frozen maybe once or twice, meanwhile u're permafrozen with barbara


I can confirm kokomi was doing just fine before Furina and Nilou, and Shenhe is just a weird shout considering she’s niche already. People had already turned around on her before sumeru came out, I was moreso just saying in the initial time following her release people were just dogging on her bc of negative crit rate and bad damage, but as it turns out that didn’t really matter. Clam set was welcome, but not a necessary buff. I’ve been playing Kokomi literally since her first banner, and she’s always been an asset to my team and only aging finer with each patch because hydro supremacy.


And her damage wasn't really that bad if you built into how they want you to build her, her burst was plenty powerful and single handedly lets you carry groups and heal up back in those days. People just didn't understand how to handle anything that didn't scale like a normal DPS


Why do I feel with some kits recently that Hoyo is in a crunch and doesn't have enough time to properly receive and implement beta feedback? Feels like they could use some actual meta players in their pre-beta inhouse testing him, idk. I don't believe they want to sabotage certain characters, but it looks like they don't have time to experiment with all the options and see what they want them to do. I'll still pull for Sig nevertheless, I love her and healers always come in handy. But I wish she could work with my faves better. There's always hope the lvl 100 leaks will come true at some point and save her. She is definitely meant for some specific support niche that we don't have in the game yet, they couldn't have made her solely a Furina Taser slave this late into Fontaine when it already looks like they'll be pushing Overloaded and Melt soon.


Nah they know what they are doing. Some characters are just chosen to be good and other to be bad. I mean look at Emilie right now. 


yes and no. yes in that they have gone on record that some characters (like xianyun) they had ideas and whatnot to implement that they just did not have time for or something went wrong and it was easier to do something else than implement their original idea but no in that, characters like sieg and dehya, they are very intentional in these changes


This changes everything


Sigewinne? More like Sigelosse.


Oh sûre she really needs that.... I mean it's not liké a 10 E buff / character and not for team should bé a good change no... No she really needs to buff thoses charge shot sûre 😶.... I don't know what hoyo is doing making a cute Mélusine with a garbage kit just working with one character (at least working goodish) and jiaoqiu (hsr) beautifull foxian that just wirk with acheron only.... They try to sée if people pull for good looking character only? But if thé character is useless, not weak but useless, for your account...


neuvillette could neva /j


I don't really care about Siegwinne so one more character to skip is great and all. But why is she so bad ?


She heals (with bonus healing if party members have bond of life), she gives flat bonus damage to the next 10 damage numbers caused by off-field skill damage dealers, she has Hydro Abyss Mage bubbles if you do hold-skill (technically crowd control but you wouldn't bring her just for that), and she has Neuvillette's Charged Attack as her burst. You use her in Furina teams and Furina teams only. You can't put her in a team with three pillar men because the buffs aren't counted per-character, it's ten in total. You can't put her in reaction teams because she doesn't apply much Hydro. If you only have one off-field skill DPS, why not bring a buffer who also helps your main DPS? Even in Furina teams you could ask that question, but you need a healer anyway, so they're giving you a healer who happens to buff Madmoiselle Crabaletta a bit and I guess you can try to fit the Biden Blast into your rotation. For most, that's not enough to justify spending primos because Furina teams don't really need help.


She's an expensive Barbara.


to prep her for the standard banner I guess, its where they put all the trash


They know her kit is pretty bad but this isn't enough, her banner will be skipped by at least 80% of players


She will be paired with every broken character from now on.


RIP their favorite sig weapon wanter


Meta players, maybe. She is and continues to be extremely popular with Wrio and Neuvillette fangirls/shippers on twitter and elsewhere. I don't know a single person in our circle who will skip her. That's her actual target demographic lol


Your circle is the 20%.


More like the 0.1% The 19.9% are newbies, whales and probably some casuals who just want new characters to play with


Oh yeah, this fixed her /s


What the fuck does she even do? I genuinely don't understand why she seems so ass. She just provides blood of life right? She has 0 Hydro application from what I can understand and her damage is mid as a result


not even provides bond of life, that BoL increment is just for her + tells you to better have characters with high BoL for better heals. Seen from that perspective it benefits Clorinde but her null hydro app make it harder for the character to actually fit in a team with Clorinde since her tell you to use reactions.


She has hydro application from her skill and burst. The bubble just doesn’t reapply it continuously if it bounces on the same target. She’ll be an excellent healer with Furina.


..this was changed. her bubble has standard icd on the same target now iirc




The biggest joke is that this 5* is actually limited.


What are they doing man💀 what's the point of this character


Just to add to your cute people collection and run around in the overworld. They're expecting the kawaii factor to be so strong that it'll be the only thing needed to sell her.


Well that's the only reason I'm getting her... I'm day 1 with so many 5 stars anyways, I don't need them all to be useful xD


Fair enough. I respect pulling for characters based on non-meta things like personality, design and plain favoritism as well, as I do that myself sometimes (rarely for 5-stars, though). It's just that pulling for intentionally scuffed characters like Dehya sends a bad signal to them - that they can get away with that shit. I didn't need Dehya, Sigewinnne, Kaveh, Candace to be meta gods. Just viable like Yanfei, Heizou, Sethos, Layla, etc. would be okay.


This is the second character that got changed after their patch this year, hoping this doesn't become too common of an occurrence in 5.0


Sorry who was the first? Is it arlecchino with her particle on E?


Was something odd with arlecchino yea


Ah yes because her damage was definitely the problem


This is so bizarre. They recognized she needed a hotfix, and decided to waste it on buffing her CA, which is irrelevant to her kit, and doesn't scale with HP, so it's not even a proper alternative of damage for her. Like, what even is the point of releasing a limited 5-star like this? HoYoverse truly works in mysterious ways.


Exactly! Like what the fuck? If they just gave it some HP scaling it would be fine, but nah. That would be easy. Why would anyone want to use the cool and unique animations a character has, right?


Maybe they are molding her to be a healer designed for Natlan-centric playstyle???


She seems to be molded for Fontaine though, just not being very good.


This type of changes make me so mad lmao, because they know the characters performance is abismal but they give meaningless buffs. So it mean they either don't know anything about how to improve the characters so they trow random things to see what sticks OR worst they KNOW why is bad but they refuse to do anything meaningful about it, and instead give a buff that only will impact the .0001% of the people that will pull or get a C6 Sigewinne.


I'm so confused about this change, like first of all, how do they even come up with that number? It even has three decimals. The buff is like 17.856% increase on aimed shot? Like why? No one even use charged attacks on bow minus Ganyu. And...why now? Like last minute, Hoyo was like, hmm Siggy's aimed shot needs some buff. I mean I appreciate they still trying to adjust numbers days before her release so hopefully there's more into it and they just started on the normal attacks. But only a few days left and we're finally off these crazy up and down roller coaster that is Siggy. From 4\* to 5\*, to rumors of being standard, for being paired with Sethos in the banner, to whatever this is and some stuff in between. Lemme go for one last big air and inhale all the copium I can get. I'm still determined to C6 her, not sure my chance, I'm sitting on 70 guaranteed pity, 85 fates, and 80k gems.


>From 4* to 5* She was always leaked as 5* right at the start of Fontaine. A leaker said a 5* would be downgraded to 4* and people spread it was Sigewinne. Leakers never said this. >rumors of being standard Leakers always said she was limited. It was the players saying she deserved to be standard. Leakers aren't the same as common players and their wishes.


"No one even use charged attacks on bow minus Ganyu"  Tighnari, Sethos and Lyney found dead in a ditch 


Good luck for your C6!


You've got a 56% chance to C6 with those numbers, and if we add like 25 pulls until the end of the banner, 65% chance


Thanks! I think I beat the odds, even though I lost the 50/50 four times (2 Dehya/Diluc) I got C6. Was able to nag her weapon as well and used the remaining and was able to get Furina's weapon as well. I'm all drained out though, hopefully I can earn more gems agai before Pyro Archon. I'm just a Welkin/BP player.


Each patch needs a Dehya for the standard banner


Trying to make the 4 people who want sigewinne a little happier at least


I haven't really paid a lot of attention to her beta and kit since I'm not gonna pull her but the comments are giving me the impression that she was originally designed to be a 4\* and got bumped up to 5\* somewhere along the way, probably out of greed or, at best, the design team's desire to give her more complex animations and they just didn't bother updating her kit a lot. If I'm allowed to put on a tinfoil hat for a moment, I think it's possible Sigewinne's banner would've originally been Wrio's rerun with her as a new 4\* and that's why he was left out of rotation for the 4.0 patches


instead of Sigewinning, we got Sigelosing...


Hydro Ganyu? Let’s go!


Ah, so she is charge attack ranged DPS now.


buff her buff!! make her buff other characters' burst too and increase the numbers!! 😭😓 i saved for her but i didnt enjoy her trial and i have no character who'll make good use of her kit 🫠🙃 istg hoyo 👿


Cool but why did they buff the part of her kit no one cares about xD




Everyone whining while i am here dancing because her aimed attack is exactly what i was going for with her dps build lmao


You're doing an Atk/DMG/Crit build with Wanderer's Troupe for the 35% CA DMG?


no i'm going with the harmonic whimsy set for 72% total attack bonus when she has a BoL, however i also have viable wanderer troupe sets, so i will probably compare the two and see which output is the best


Hm, I don't think she could get all three stacks, though. She makes two droplets (hopefully they still count for two even if you absorb both at the same time), but can't heal her own BoL until 10s later, which is after the first two expired (6s buff).


they should count as two yes, and also yes, that would not work *However* i am insane and because of the team i plan to put her in, she'd slowly consume her BoL thru time and gain stacks (this via a shinobu with so little hp that she can't heal shit and is just used as an EM tank for Nahida lol) and tbh she is not the only one whose build relies on her teammates or self buffs, my nahida is a gamble every time




She'll be added to normal banner I guess


She's a limited 5\*, what are you on about?? And after enough reruns, everyone except Archons will be added to Chronicled Wish anyway. Even Alhaitham and Neuvillette and whatnot lmao