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Natlan bosses being killed and revived 100500+ times per hour on 28 of August: please spare me


***There is no mercy!*** [Force Lightning Intensifies]


Kore ga Requiem da!


Capitano, I've come to bargain.


That's why it's called the Incandescent Pde pf Ressurection!




What's with Emilie's glowing hand?




she's beginning to believe


Do you believe in life after love


I can feel something inside me say~~~


I really don't think you're strong enough, no


*pull out gun*


So... it is just her Fontainian citizen ID?


Do you believe in gravity?


Is working against me


Emilie that have glowing hand is a giga whale


it's her burning finger ult




She's a glowie!


Considering she could be a secret agent for the marechaussee hunter that's definitely possible.


They really love that glowy hand thing for C6 don’t they, first ganyu, then ayaka, and now her. I guess mona sort of counts as well. Great way to make the fanbase who can’t afford to C6 feel incomplete and poor.


So Yelan is a secret c6 character confirmed?/s


She definitely has the power of a C6 :)


With this treasure she is summoning something


Shining Finger


green thumb


Hopefully next they add some respawn animation after you claim the reward or sthg. Having to teleport far away then teleport back is still annoying


You can just join the trial and leave


Or teapot or logout. Kind of a inconvenience but better than what it currently is.


If you exit teapot via the actual teapot item you arrive exactly where you entered the teapot from (even if you teleported in via the map(


trial is faster


what trial?


the character trial domains you get for banner characters


Or they could just make a basic feature to circumvent this, what is with the workaround "it is what it is" attitude all the time.










People love to accept the bare minimum or below.


Exactly. Just put a darned domain key that spawns the boss again. And make the key respawn after you collect the ley line reward. It's not that hard, ffs. The steps to making domain farming less annoying were also equally half assed. Ah, yes, the main issue is definitely that I have to walk to the key, and not that I have to constantly reload the entire area just to repeat the same challenge. They couldn't make the key itself spawn again after you're done with the challenge so that you can do it again and at the end you claim all the rewards at once (you know, like it already works in the character trials). People accepting bad design and refusing to validate QoL suggestions that all speak of using features that the game already has implemented... Yeah, quite tragic...


idk the opposite hasnt really found a healthy way to flourish. tectones whole lifestyle was that method, but its not hard to see how he goes about it wrong and what kind of social results that produces... plus, living that way just ruins your perspective on all the positive things in genshin, and being easy to trigger like that sucks




**Rule 1**: Be Respectful. Please engage in respectful and civil discussions.


A lot of people are more interested in showing how good they are at facing problems than in actually getting problems solved.


and what exactly is this basic feature??




this is not a domain though, this is in the open world


after claiming the reward from the ley blossom, they could add a "hold x to summon [boss name]" prompt that resets the boss




so what other games with this model do what you just said?? since you seem to have played a lot of games with this feature you speak of


Game with random mobs spawning aren't rare lmao. Even for this game, they can spawn a bunch of mobs with a simple command from chat as you can see private server videos. It has been done for over 20 years, not some sorts of advanced technologies


"With this model" - are you really going to attempt to use this cop out? Literally WuWa already does this, you can sit in the same spot and once the countdown ends the boss just respawns. You can make a visual prompt -> Claim rewards -> Fight Boss again? and it sets the countdown to 0 immediately and just respawns the mob. Holy shit this is not hard to understand.


May I ask why are you so triggered by this? I don't really care for this QoL one way or another but you seem rather... Pressed about this


Because instead of having a productive convo and going, "yeah that sure would be nice, I hope Hoyo implements this" all I get are "spawn the teapot and load back out so it respawns this works!! Do you understand the concept of a bandaid fix? I'm not pressed, I'm just annoyed by idiots who can't fathom something improving.


Mate it isn’t that deep lmao, go outside


**Rule 1**: Be Respectful. Please engage in respectful and civil discussions.


There should just be a respawn button on the screen where you collect the rewards


Yeah it's classic case of Genshin getting a nice QOL but not going the whole way. Like with the key respawn in domains they shouldve allowed you to skip the stupid tree animation entirely and just get instant loot drop and reset after killing the mobs. Or the daily quest improvements should've had an option to do them during your resin dump like HSR and not have to return to Katheryne. There's always gotta be some tedium attached


Why not just make it instant clear domain then instead just removing the tree animation? Something like as long as the party you're using detected as strong enough, it let you instantly clear the domain. So you just go to domain > choose the difficulty > select the party > system detect the party "level" and if it's strong enough it lets you instantly claim the domain reward without fighting. That's way better than just remove tree animation. Or when you're claiming the reward, instead choosing between using condensed resin or just normal resin, just add another option that let players chose how many times they want to claim the reward at once, like x5 or x10 normal resin (max resin is 200 so x10 is good enough). So they only need literally a single run to clear their resin. It can be applied to world boss as well. >!partially /s!<


I like going back to the tree and Katheryne, so I personally wouldn't want to see these features removed.


They would never do the multi domain rin anytime soon. Why would they actively remove the gameplay from their own game?


It's barely gameplay as it is, I clear the rooms in like 5 seconds and have to tediously run up to a tree and click skip every single time


You'll still have to leave and return, unless you want the respawned boss to instantly re-start attacking you once you collect the loot, whether you want to fight it again or not.


They could just put a prompt on the leyline to choose to immediately respawn the boss or not.


That is how I thought they were going to do it tbh. The way they are doing it seems like the laziest way.


>The way they are doing it seems like the laziest way. Definitely the super laziest way, just change the 5 min spawn timer to 2 secs lol


Or do it like wuwa where it's just like 3 minutes then respawns 


Yeah, this is the double-edged sword people don't really think about. Bosses in wuwa for example just spawn out of nowhere, and I've found myself leaving and coming back to a wiped party more than once after forgetting to pause. People could get used to it, sure, but there would still definitely be a bit of complaining - especially from the more casual audience. Though actually, most weekly bosses in Genshin don't really start attacking you until you move first, right? They could do the same thing here.


If someone really forgets to pause a lot then its not a big deal since there is 0 punishments for getting party wiped in Genshin. You don't lose mora, artifacts don't get damaged, weapons don't break, your inventory stays the same, absolutely nothing other than a loading screen to respawn and Burst Energy which is barely inconvenient since everything rolls over and die in the overworld.


This is my thing. If it doesn't respawn instantly then any other change will still be annoying. Needing to force a map/zone change doesn't make it better.


Offtopic but I REALLY like Emilie's skirt animation here, especially how it opens up like a flower when falling and the animation when she sprints


Her design is super cute from the back and a nightmare from the front it’s so funny


this is true for 80% of the characters, specially yae miko and raiden in my opinion


80% is way too high but I fully agree about Raiden


Raiden looks just as gorgeous from the front lol she just has amazing details in the back as do most genshin characters.


nah, I don’t think so. she has a mini kimono with a coochie flap and thigh high boots. but to each their own!


Her design being geared towards the male gaze doesn’t make it bad. The way you described it just dumbs it down to what it is. You can do that for a ton of characters easily


It really catches the eye huh


I wish they went with a full skirt instead of the slit they have in almost every dress. It would look so nice…


it makes the animation easier, that’s why they avoid full skirts and dresses


Imagining running or climbing with a full skirt, that's very hard to do irl. So even if they animate it, it's gonna look weird anyway.


literally what i was thinking about the whole time


I just wish she'd look best with the dendro glider. The base one looks too amazing on her already.


I really dislike whatever that dangling stuff is from under her hat. It looks like a dried up snake carcass.


Lmao 😭🐍 




Emilie punted that bitch, damn


Damn Emilie kinda crazy




Woahhhh Emile one shot him


is the weird blue lines effect when teleporting new? Or just not on mobile perhaps? I don't think i've ever noticed it.


it is new, it immediately caught my eye, not sure why no one is talking about it


ah thought so! Thank you for replying and confirming it! Maybe it just wasn't enough to catch people's attention?


Imagine if they put some effort into this and instead of having to teleport away, which is quite slow for some players (specially old phones and PS4), a ray of light appeared and you interact with it to spawn the boss again. And yes, I know you can relog, go to a trial or TP to teapot, but it's still a bunch of unnecessary loading screens.


To me them not doing that smells more like a hard coded issue that is more work than its worth to change. but all we can do is guess about the behind the scenes stuff.


Considering how bug free my experience has been these 4 years I'm willing to excuse a few conding limitations like this one tbh


I doubt it, I think they just change the spawn timer from 5mins to 2 secs, thats it. lol


boss > daily > boss > daily > boss > daily > boss > daily so there is no wasted time.


You do dailies? So old schooled!


So I guess Travel Time isn't wasted time to you? What do you think is faster, Boss > Travel to Daily > Daily > Travel back to Boss > Boss or Boss > Boss > Travel to Daily > Daily. You are also under the assumption that all bosses have a convenient teleport right next to them which they don't. There is zero excuse for why they don't just add a "respawn" button on the Leyline blossom itself to immediately bring the boss back.


I swear these dudes just defend and make excuses for everything for the sake of it. It's so hard to understand


Ofc he in on assumtion that all bosses have a convenient teleport since there is the craftable one


That's what the craftable teleport is for.


They could add like a spawn point like the one at Oceanid.


Character Leak: Sleep Quality of life update: YEAH!


It's good but i still wish it didnt take teleporting.


Just open the Character Trials/Teapot and it reloads too


The trial character/ teapot actually just reset you there


You should be able to log out and log back in and it should be faster than teleporting + travel. As it is thats what I do is I log out on the boss then wait 5 minutes and log in or I wait 5 minutes in game looking at the respawn timer and then log in once the timer expires.


Yea but thats still loading screens in my open world game. Just make it so that if you interact with the leyline thingy that collects rewards it has a button "respawn" on it, it's really that easy.


Wait why would you stop playing the game for 5 minutes? You can just teleport away and continue doing other stuff and teleport back and that should actually be faster.


Well travel time does vary between what boss you pick and how close the teleport is to them.


I edited my comment because I reread yours.


Well simply put is most of the time when i'm personally farming bosses, its the only thing I have left to do on Genshin. Each sunday I spend my resin and 4 fragiles to work on a character. Often times that means sitting and waiting for bosses to respawn so this happens to me often. I only have the Clorinde story quest left to do in terms of content and i'm not really in a rush to do it. Plus I do other stuff on my PC during those 5 minutes or I do things irl. Either way i'm glad for the change.


Fair enough. Doing other stuff in between seems more productive. Either way, we both needed to wait 5 minutes but they are finally changing it.


I just place a temp waypoint and then wait at some crafting table. I don't want to have to flash my eyes every time I log in, and I get to do something like leveling artifacts or convert some materials.


It goes with the Ode of resurrection of Natlan


Good QoL,we needed this a long time ago.


Better than the 3 minute wait that we have right now, but it's a bit annoying that you have to do two teleports for it to spawn again. Definitely worse for anyone with bad wifi/ping.


Emilie's dress is so pretty though


Now we wait for tp qol lol


FYI you can use the trial or teapot, it's gonna be 2-3 times faster than this


How hard is it to implement a button than will respawn the boss?


Is a respawn button so hard on the ley line … what are they smoking


why did they took so long to implement this feature??


I think it is called "game design". They just want that mechanic work this way for that period of time


Because the other new game has already done it, and it's better because you don't have to teleport.


Pretty much this, now they have competition. If they dont do anything to improve they will just keep losing players.


Is this competition in the room with us at the moment?


Found the guy highly invested in Genshin. (Or what Hoyo game you play)


Found the coper


And when they did it’s like halfdone. Why not allow to reset boss by pressing on the flower after receiving rewards


That would kinda suck for doing bosses in coop


Artifact domains have it solved. Have everyone accept first.


this is boss in the open world lmao, not a domain


Ok, so one person claims, then the other players get a "Claim? Y/N" popup. They could literally reuse the UI for matchmaking events. 10 second timer, yes/no, presses no automatically if someone's afk.


I meant it for "Respawn boss?" and claiming is individual, like domains. But yeah, this.


Likely not possible because of how the game is coded. Domains get to be their own separate environment, different from the rest of the game, so a feature like that isn't bad. But the whole open world is like one big environment and they likely don't have ways to isolate certain parts of the game and designate them as a "domain" in the way the game can understand without it treating the entire open world as a domain. Otherwise you'd get a notification to accept the respawn of the anemo hypostasis while you're in Fontaine and the three other coop members are doing the boss


Events already did this so no, this isn't the case.


It’s probably because I don’t do stuff in coop but how would it be bad? Surely just waiting for everyone to loot then spawning the boss would be fine?


Not everyone even loot them. TP away is easiest way here without breaking any previous logic. They just set timer to 0 and everything else works exactly same.


Then give people a prompt to accept the new spawn and give them a warning if they haven’t looted, and they choose to go ahead and skip their loot or go back to loot what they missed. That makes far more sense than getting 4 people to teleport away and then check to see they’re all far enough away before respawning the boss.


It's not only that. If you have boss spawning right now, you now must solve other problems: \- have animation of spawn for every boss \- resolve somehow what to do with players/summons/constructs that may be in place of boss model \- maybe some aggro problems because trigger is now not coming from afar. a lot of problems for not very high priority task. This way is simpliest


This and we don't know if there is some possible hard coding issues that could make it even more work than its worth.


Like mihoyo cares about coop. Besides mini games, coop really just feels like an afterthought with how many restrictions it has. Besides they can just implement it like the leylines. Once a person claims it, there's a timer on it before it disappears and moves on.


Is it not a fundamental game design issue? Considering how Genshin was brought up without much experience


bad for coop. they should make it like the saurian event instead where there's something like a key/trigger that respawns the boss


I believe switching to a Trial character mode and then leaving will also work, wont it?


thb I hope they will add some features like in the saurian event where after we beat the boss, the key will come out and we can teleport there, and the boss will not attack us if we are close to them unless we interact with the key and choose to fight them, Teleporting to the boss is important because some world bosses have a long distance to teleport and it takes a long time just to defeat the boss and do it again.


Wait so this leak was actually real? Damn well now I’m happy


oh my god finally


This is such a great QoL fix!


one of the best changes ever


I might try pulling for Emilie for her kit, but god damn when I see it in motion, her black headdress/ribbon thing looks so annoying.




Another C6 glowing hand


I don’t care what people say anymore, the more I see Emilie I like her more.


This is perfect. Boss farming is so awkward currently.


I got downvoted to hell days ago but I'll say it again. This is halfassed. Just let us fight it again immediately


I agree, but then again as a software dev myself (not games though) I can understand. Every feature you build cost dev time. If you can get \~80% of the value in 10% of the time. You likely chose that path. After all, this implementation just lowers the respawn time to 0, but leaves all other mechanics intact. That means that they can spend the saved time on Natlan for example. Maybe they had to chose between doing this now, or wait until the majority of Natlan is done. But yes, I agree this is halfassed, but still an improvement.


as fellow software dev, i can attest to this. often times you have briliant idea but god of spaghetti code and god of inevitable deadline prevent you from implement sht.


Why not just let us claim it immediately instead as long as the party is good enough? Or just let players can claim the rewards multiple times with single run just like how condensed resin works. Why stop at spawn immediately when able to instantly clear is way better or at least let us claim it multiple times in single run by adding a multiplier when you want to claim the reward. >!partially /s!<


No doubt due to the spaghetti code this game probably has. Is it half-assed? Sure. But it's probably the only solution they can feasibly do right now. Maybe the engine update in 5.0 will alleviate the issue, who knows.


Damn, they respawn even faster than in WuWa (though still needs you to TP away).


It will nice to put imgr link as primary link of post




Emilie solos


Put a portable tp near it


I'm happy that Emilie should be dropping second half of 4.8. It means that if the first 5.0 characters are booty cheeks then I can grab her since either pyro Archon or a strong pyro natlan character would like her.


What am I gonna do with all my spare time?


Anyone knows what's that effect on Emilie's hand? Is it a constellation effect or sig weapon effect?




This is the real revival theme of natlan lmao


One day, maybe that will be possible without any loading screen, but technology isn't there yet


God news: boss spawn time reduced. Bad news: level 100 required 40 mats and 350 purple exp books


God news: boss spawn time reduced. Bad news: level 100 required 40 mats and 350 purple exp books. /s but not really


holy shit emilie one shotted the boss! strongest character in the game!


1 hit Emilie?!


did they actually add the faster respawn time for bosses one day after I finished farming the last boss for the last character to get the standard pulls


This is dumb if we have to tele away again. I have 235 fragiles and would take forever if I think it is time to use them.


HYV just can't get the QoL features right


they should’ve introduced this update back when it was popular then they would’ve appreciated this and lower the possibility of losing players


I mean this is what we do back then so Idk why they changed it. Fuck miyoyo genshin anyways.


Why the vid is not playing




Tfw you’re playing an Open World Game and you have to run around the map 💀


in Natlan they will complain they need to fight the bosses


In Snezhnaya they’ll complain that they have to login


In khaenri'ah they'll complain that they need to pull character instead of getting it for free.


Nah this is kind of a valid take for some bosses like Primo Geovishap, Geo hypostasis and Icewind Suite. There is no reason why they should be that far away from a teleport waypoint. This Qol would probably benefit the Icewind Suite the most but for the other two...Good God..


With this change it's no longer an issue. Just load into and out of a trial, the teapot or relog.


If only we could set-up custom teleporter anywhere, smh my head...😔