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if I take these leaks with any more grains of salt I’m gonna become Havria


It seems people's are forgot Fontaine story leaks shenanigans


ah yes, navia is the hydro archon, yes?


And mandatory "Childe would die" Leaks per nation. Strangely, Natlan isn't the case


What if, childe is already dead that's why there's no "Childe would die" leaks for natlan? /j


Skirk saved him from the death prophecy


That's what they want you to think


current childe is actually an oceanid mimic


strangely enough there was a leak that say Dottore will die in Natlan


Childe has passed his legacy to him before to disappear, just like his hydro vision /j


the true foul legacy


I SURE HOPE NOT... all my savings... rendered useless..


Weren't there also a few "Arlecchino will die and will not become playable" leaks? Those leaks aged like milk, lmao.


Those leaks were spoiled to begin with XD




AND fontaine has light and dark faction? And scara will be gliding in fontaine? and venti sq 2 yess.. i remember 


light and dark faction I mean this is true, mechanically speaking. XD I have never seen a leek this accurate and completely wrong at the same time. XD


its not entirely wrong as we hsd pneuma and ousia. leaks are suppose to be taken with a grain of sslt, not literally.  


What a time to be alive lmao


Anybody remember "Captain R from Hexenzirkel"?


Did that even happen? The leaks I remember said she would be the head of a faction (and Furina the head of the opposing faction), but not the Archon. I also remember a leak saying that the last and the current Hydro Archons were Seele and Durandal expies, that one lasted a while lol.


yes, it did lol, there wasnt just one leak trying to guess who she or who the hydro archon is; i think they saw navia and said "oh, durandal" and called her the hydro archon, since that had been a running fan theory for a while (that the hydro archon could be a durandal expy, and similar theories existed with seele expy).


Afair, someone even suggested that Neuvillette is a female lmao


Class war between ousia sewer people and pneuma upper class


I remember somebody saying Wrio was the head of the sewer people.




And then we can mine you for a steady source of income. BRING IN THE LEAKS, LADS!


That's brilliant.


There are two hydro archons. One is the blue one which is basically veliona expy and the other one is the yellow one. The yellow one is the previous archon. Fontaine will be about rich vs poor


Lol pepperidge farms remembers. Fun times.


I want my Genshin Napoleon 😡


The Iudex is a mermaid, there are 2 factions that oppose each other, British vs French What a fun time


Drop the tea leaves into the river !!!




Don't go out there, Freminet. The water is tainted by Primordial Tea water!


navia is the general of the navy and arlechinno will die and not be playable


two factions where the poor is living in the sewage while the upper rich people live above


We totally got the sewer dwellers but turns out they're happy about it and just living life.


It screams of developers getting cold feet. Like the aborted Inzauma "resistance". Imagine ripping off 90% of Arcane but then not having conflict between Not-Piltover and Not-Zaun. Wriothesley is basically Jayce but with a tea obsession instead of an eldritch dice obsession, for fuck's sake.


They realized most of the people playing genshin were probably playing HSR as well and probably didn't want to get accused of recycling the plot for Belobog.


Except they got cold feet with Belobog too lmao


Yep in the beta for HSR the plot was completely different for Belobog with the Geomarrow mining making the miners terminally ill and Bronya being a lot more outwardly hostile for longer. It was changed because they likely intended to make it the Overworld Belobog characters more sympathetic.


Light and dark factions 


Ousia and Pneuma, not exactly "factions" but still


You're missing the point, here. They were presented as "factions", that's the joke.


People give the Fontaine SQ leaks hell, but it seems to me less people bullshitting and more the story changed as they worked on it.  There are bits and pieces of all of those "wrong" leaks in Fontaine, making it seem like they had some legitimate information it just either got telephoned or changed as development went on: 1.  There were two hydro archons, essentially.  Maybe at one point they were meant to have models that were more different.  It is kind of odd that Focalars and Furina look so similar. 2.  There were hints at two factions.  Rich/elite like Furina, Clorinde, and Neuvillette, and poor/underbelly like Wriothsley, Lyney, Lynette, Freminet.  There's also Pneuma/Ousia that feels like it may have had more of a "faction" theme before they toned down that storyline 3.  Navia is the head of a mafia-like organization.  Clearly not the archon, but she may have had a more powerful role before.


At least there were two archons


There was one.


Formally you are right. But Depending on what you count as Archon you can get two or three (there were human part of archon and spirit, + Neuvillette at the end becomes new divine ruler). Also about the leak of Navia and Furina as “archons”, and poor vs rich, at least during story Navia several times opposed the rulers of Fontaine. And was a representative of people that literally live in sewers and cave cities.


Mihoyo saw me being happy that archon collection was a reasonable goal as f2p since only one a region and decided that needed to change. 🤣


Egeria and Focalors


Xbalanque is literally everything at this point man


Bro could be Bennett's missing father that refused to pay child support at this moment


Bro could be Bennett alter ego, just like Layla have one when she's sleeping




He is the johnny sins of genshin impact


1. He knows about the dragons 2. is allegedly the pyro archon’s master 3. It was never stated that all the og archons were dead..just not in the possession of authority.


so I went back to check what he says about Neuvillette: > someday, when they return, their true ordeal shall begin. Now that we’re clear that Xbalanque isn’t the Pyro Sovereign, I’m wondering if we have an actual dragon Sovereign (like Apep) in Natlan who’s undergoing/about to undergo their own rebirth. It would fit with the theme of resurrection in Natlan plus explain how Xbalanque is aware of the Sovereigns and their ‘return’.


Can you hear it? The Bennett fans are ready to scream he's the Pyro Sovereign!


Benny is already Sovereign level as a 4*, Is he gonna provide a Damage buff instead of an ATK buff in his 5* form?


5\* Bennett Level 100 special ability: **Wheel of Calamity** Upon usage, there's a 50% chance that all enemies spawned in the current battle just dies (no matter how much HP they have), and a 50% chance that all your teammates except one die instead, and they are put at 1 HP. If there are multiple waves, it only kills off the current wave. This ability can only be used once every 10 minutes. Edit: Seems like it wasn't painfully obvious to some people, but this is completely a joke - not a serious suggestion.


Still less CD than Childe Skill


Wasn't there a bunch of leaks about Electro Sovereign being in natlan? And the purple feather in Murata's hair being from said Sovereign?


(I'm sorry in advance for the Wall of text, but this is the leak i mentioned, I've decided to completely eliminate the story progression mentioned in the leak, i don't know how to mark spoilers on reddit) [Suspicious][4.7+] Tonight, a certain old uncle from the 1.0 era suddenly resurrected on the forum and revealed a lot of information, which is now organized as follows: Pyro Archon's Dual Forms    - Girl Form: The image that circulated some time ago, with a golden mask, red and white dress, and blue-purple feathers mixed with white. The feathers on her head are from a robin, and the design prototype of the Electro Sovereign is also based on a robin (female, with very little screen time, not playable).    - Adult Female Form: A red and black hat with red feathers, flame pupils, red hair with a gradient to gold at the ends in a low ponytail, and two long locks of the same color in the front. There is a decoration of stacked white feathers on the chest, a waist belt, white tights, black leg rings, black long boots, black and red gloves, and a red cloak with golden edges. . Map Design    - The tribes of Natlan are not distributed horizontally but mainly vertically, downward. Similar to the Creations Mountain in the "Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru," but not the kind with seven floating layers.    - There is a gameplay feature of volcanic steam cannons used for long-distance travel. These are all concept designs and subject to final released. Character Skins    - Sucrose and Amber have designed skins that were completed a long time ago but have not been released. The style is similar to Albedo's knightly appearance. Storyline Progression Uncertain Content    - The Pyro Archon has a loli design, but it is uncertain if it is related to the storyline or if it will be implemented at all.    - There is also a Natlan character, a girl wielding a large sword, with braids, and a primitive style (concept design). source: ark, via #seele_leaks


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Thank you bro


electro sovereign as a girl, based on robins (for some reason) and an npc who dies and isnt story relevant was the combo of the leaks... feels weird to say that


It would also fit if ressurection of Durin in 4.8 actually happens. Durins incarnation in 4.8 would guarantee that some dragon is getting reborn in Natlan, though im betting on Nibelung if thats the case


That's what I said before in another comment, about the one being resurrected being the pyro sovereign. Since it's their whole deal that no matter if they get killed, they will come back. Also Xbalanque speaks of dragon sovereigns in third person which suggests he isn't one. And his title in Neuvillette's drip marketing was One Entombed with The Primal Fire which sounds to me that he might be a sort of guardian watching him and the sovereign is sealed or maybe his remains are. The Primal Fire does sound like it pertains to the sovereign and Xbalanque is entombed WITH him. Another thing is that Natlan was marketed from the beginning as a nation of war, yet from what we keep hearing lately it's a popular turist spot and it's a very lively, competitive nation, but that's it. No mention of war (although if I remember right Liben mentioned in one of his events a long time ago that dark clouds are gathering over Natlan so some trouble might be brewing there). What if said war is what's to come and the spark leading to it is the pyro dragon sovereign's ressurection? Cause aside from Capitano there's no other reason as of now why there'd be war there, and I don't think they'd just scrap that whole theme out of the blue.


I do remember bits and pieces about them always in a warring state; with the place having a native american bent I'd spitball that their usual wars are more ritualistic like the garland wars (organized tussles for glory instead of conquest), and that the new problem will be a catalyst that escalates this into a war of conquest and survival. Classic natlan archon passing on his authority to the new-age (conquistador) archon without bloodshed in a society that has the human and saurian races in harmony -> pyro sovereign arises/resurrects and goads saurians to rebel to help them get their pyro authority back. After all, we've got the sovereign standing down (apep) and the archon stepping down (Focalors)... the next step is "what if both want the power?"


It’s implied that he’s dead, considering the whole entombed thing. But, that possibly means that Natlan’s last archon quest is about him instead of the current archon.


Entombed is a purely EN word choice CN/JP translate better to imbued than entombed


counterpoint: Faruzan was entombed. Well, not exactly but she still spent years in ruins and lived.


NO it was said they were all dead by Ganyu. Not that this can stop Hoyo from changing it but it was said 


"Teehee, whooopsies" - Ganyu in 5.0 patch


I'm wheezing


Somehow Xbalanque returned


The line Ganyu said was just about Rex Lapis...


i thought venti and zhongli were the only 2 remaining of the original seven?


Technically this still holds true because xbalanque is no longer a part of the seven


>venti and zhongli were the only 2 remaining of the original seven miHoYo really wrote themselves into a corner with that lore, now every region the writers twist themselves into crazier & crazier knots trying to avoid a retcon * Ei is actually the IDENTICAL TWIN SISTER OF MAKOTO?! * Nahida is actually A BRANCH OF RUKKHADEVATA?! * Furina is actually the SPLIT OFF HUMANITY OF FOCALORS?!


Focalors wasn't even the original Archon of Fontaine... It was Egeria. Furina is *technically* a third generation "Archon" if you think about it.


Furina in the story: I've spent 500 years pretending I'm the archon but I have no powers, I'm not the archon and never have been.   Everyone in the community: She's the archon 


because mihoyo will never stop selling her as an archon


Furina in the story:Not an Archon Furina in gameplay: Archon level of power


Don't get me wrong I own her partially because of that, but I just mean canonically she ain't


She is literally Focalors. Like not even a twin or her kid, she is Focalors herself.


Focalor wasn't the original archon,  egeria was.  Her consciousness lies in that big lotus in the desert which was fighting the abyss crack in the sky.    Also unlike other archons focalor wasn't a god to begin with,  the only divinity she holded was of the hydro sovereign power and gnosis.


I don’t see how any of these are a retcon? Makoto, Rukkhadevata and Egeria were among the original seven, and now their successors have taken over, leaving Venti and Zhongli as the original ones remaining, the lore still stands true. The only thing the devs did was give them slightly creative succession stories instead of the same “so and so died, and so and so took over”.


pretty sure they had most of that planned out from the begining. And those are not retcons btw


[Take a look at this part of this video guys](https://youtu.be/F-vUemQz9sw?si=gJ2WtBGjK2cKAVR4&t=3m34s) They edited his Character Story 5 from one of the last living two to one of the last ruling 2 after Sumeru AQ


Erroneously, this video implies the character story is Zhongli narrating, but he isn't.


Only remaining in power, the others don’t have to be dead. What this also tells us is that archons can be put out of power during their rein and replaced..


Ganyu pretty much makes it seem that they're all dead. >Ganyu: Yes. Now that the spirit of Rex Lapis has returned to the heavens, only Barbatos of Mondstadt remains of the first Seven.


Kind of sad that rex lapis died , in his place we got this broke guy zhongli


Except we know that Rex Lapis' spirit did not return to the heavens when he's somewhere in the depths of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor or walking about Liyue Harbor. Ganyu is an unreliable narrator in the sense that she says the things as she knows/believes them but that those things aren't necessarily the truth. There's always a possibility that there are other archons that may have faked their death just like Zhongli did.


Not really, she just implies rex lapis is dead by saying that


That quote doesn't actually make it seem like others died, just that after Rex Lapis died, the only remaining archon of the first seven is Venti


ganyu doesnt know them all personally, lets be fair


oh yea your right, they never explicitly mentioned if the first archons died so replacement can also be true then as well


Maybe xbalanque shrunk too like Nahida after he lost the power and perhaps the pyro authority. Hence, the boy model.


Only 2 remaining of Seven in authority. Others no longer holding Archon authority, dead or alive. Natlan seems to have already chosen their successor, hence he's not Archon anymore...


That's only after the events of the Sumeru Archon Quest. And it's changed to benefit Nahida as the presumed original Dendro Archon. Prior to completion of Sumeru Act V it states: >As time passed, many of The Seven's titles changed hands, and only two remain of the first Seven: Rex Lapis and the Anemo Archon.


this really doesn't discredit the idea that the remaining members of the original seven must have died for venti and zhong to be all thats left


They are. This leak feels fake as shit.


Fake or not, the original were never stated to all be dead. Hoyo can work some way for them to be alive and out of power if they want to


And even if there's EN texts that somehow implies they're all dead (there's none), we still have to consult the CN text to be completely sure. Like CN never mention Dendro Archon's pronounce so when it became necessary to correct Lesser Lord Kusanali's pronounce, they went and change every concerning texts. And there's also the case of Pierro where EN doesn't distinguish between "first to join" and "The First ranking" whereas CN has been very careful with Pierro's position and never used the phrase that indicates his rank like the other Harbingers.


I mean, that line is bullshit anyways Ei was the Archon 50% of the time and after Makoto's death she just... did it full time, she's basically one of the original 7 too, and not only is Nahida basically a clone of Rukhadevata, but after Irminsul as far as most people know she has always been the Archon too Only the Hydro Archon has a clear, no asterisk distinction between first Archon and current Archon


There is currently no hydro archon. It's basically the 6 now.


Neuvillette will probably throw you in Meropide if you call him an Archon


surely they mean egeria and focalors


well the statue of the 7 still exists in fontaine


Somehow it's give "Navia is an archon" vibe lol.


It's Alhaitham all over again...


Alhaitham knows Zhongli, remember?


Yae is the real archon Then... Alhaitham is the real archon Then... Navia is the real Archon I mean yeah the real archons don't have the best designs but come on, doing the same comments every year at the same times should be considered a mental disease at this point LMAO


Shit. My curiosity fucks me everytime. I wish i wouldnt have clicked that


Dont worry man people used to think that Navia and Alhaitham were archons when they were first leaked. This leak is most probably fake as shit


fr like for anyone reading, if this ends up being true this is HUGEEEEE story spoilers


After Fontaine, I doubt this'll be anywhere close to the truth


I was so sad that I read the spoilers about Neuvi being the hydro sovereign. :P Luckily it wasn't the twist in the story. ;P


I mean, the hydro archon dying did get leaked


Same here man, I used avoid story spoilers like the plague but for some reason this changed.


I would take this a huge bucket of salt. Story leaks changes every second.


these story leaks feel fake as hell tbh ill believe when i see it in game 🤷 


And team mew has gotten a boat load of stuff wrong recently, so i pretty much take the opposite of wat they say now a days


BRO WHAT!!!!???


Team mew smoking naku weed at this point now 💀


First the leak that he is the current Pyro archons master and now this?


He could be the master in the sense that he trains his successor. He is the original one and he trains every successor he ever has.


it alligns with an old leak claiming Natlan have multiple archons (stated very vaguely)


Dev 1: Fk people save to only pull for Archon and maybe sovereign these days. There's only 2 more left. How do we make more money? Dev 2: Make more archons Dev 1: Genius


Yeah, this leak seems fake as hell, like most of the ones before i may add.


I guess that solve the issue of the Archon's gender imbalance. Also wasn't there a leak or something that said Xbalanque apparently chose the new Pyro Archon as his student/successor?


on the second part, iirc it specifically said >!“student/master relationship”!< so yes


it’s possible that there could have been a peaceful handover of power (ironic in the Nation of War). Archon seems to be more of a title than a measure of power or whatever; a whole bunch of archons no longer hold the Gnoses and they’re still referred to as such, plus Rukkhadevata was still (technically) alive when Nahida took on the mantle. Maybe there’s more behind the scenes on how the position of the Heavenly Throne is transferred but it’s not entirely unlikely I’d say.


>a measure of power or whatever; a whole bunch of archons no longer hold the Gnoses and they’re still referred to as such, plus Rukkhadevata was still (technically) alive when Nahida took on the mantle. If you want technicallity. Makoto was by that alive, so is Egeria.


Respectfully... WTF!?


If this is true I feel like the theory of the seat of pyro archon being some sort of "inheritence makes sense " but I doubt this is real .


Unless it's from Foul this is bullshit plus this is fucking TEAM MEW people lmao


I'd be glad that rules out the Pyro Sovereign talk if true. Could we see the first Archon that abdicated voluntarily?


people so desperate for leaks that we come to believe anything.. like watch next uncle Igotballs leaks that Iansan is the pyro dragon daughter or the pyro archon is probably dead all along


Damn kinda wish this is fake cuz this would be a huge spoiler lmao, but it's TeamMew so the chance of wrong ass leaks are pretty high


Inb4 "he's the real pyro archon". Also team mew it's always the opposite of what he says so he's not the first pyro archon


I cannot believe I got downvoted the other day for saying Iansan is in 5.1 and Xbalanque after the pyro archon's banner. 😔😤 *sees the second sentence* Nevermind. This is fanfic. Specifically fits [my fanfic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1b9bf8j/comment/ktxzqll/).


After U-batcha left the GI leak scene and the Emilie inaccuracies... Yeah these leaks ain't worth anything.


Some time ago, months IIRC, there were speculations of a Natlan character who, according to the leaker, had MHY favor. I don't remember the name, not even the details. Does anyone remember that? In that case, does that connect with current leaks?


I remember it was about Xbalanque


I think you're right. I don't know when I'll learn the new names and who's who. XD


Xblanque = Pryo Neuvillette


there was a leak earlier with pyro archon and xbalanque being a master-student relationship but I thought it was pyro archon being master, xbalanque student, not the other way around.


There was a second leak saying he was the master


The leak specifically said Xbalanque was the master though


Yeah, I don't buy it.


'Xbalanque is not 5.1' was not descriptive enough of a spoiler hidden image so I clicked anyway and learned too much I really wish I went back to 5 minutes ago where I didn't click this


The source is unknown so this might as well be fanfiction lol.


Idk why people take it as if it meant he’d be still an acting archon.


Leakers: Yeah, hoyo just wants superficial hype because of the garbage sigewinne sales. Mods: understandable


Does this mean Xbalanque is going to release in 5.3+ ? Since he's not in 5.0 or 5.1, and 5.2 is usually the (current) archon ?


Yeah, this one seems like the one about Navia was. I think it's pretty clear that the first pyro archon is dead. No way the game lied about it this whole time.


Funnily enough, this is one of my theories about his identity. It's that he will be proof that Archons can actually retire and give up their power (and responsibilities) to another without dying. Or he's the Jailer/Guardian of the Pyro Sovereign. I'm probably gonna end up being wrong on both accounts. This game is good at fucking with your expectations, and Hoyo sure as shit loves red herrings. I mean in a story trailer they showcased a pivotal ingame cinematic, but due to how they cut it together they made it seem like we were with Navia fighting against Clorinde and an army of robots. They both leave cryptic and obvious clues to the lore and basically giggle as they watch us overanalyze everything. Revealing that the obvious clue was in fact just a misdirect... Then revealing that the misdirection was in itself just a red herring and the obvious clue was true to begin with. I mean look at the Fatui and the Harbingers. First Fatuus, the very first Harbinger. Original. The word "first" is attached to Pierro constantly. But is it an obvious clue or a misdirect? Is he the first Harbinger in title and rank or just the first Harbinger chronologically who has since graduated to Director? Most of the time people say he's Director and Capitano is likely "First Harbinger" in rank, which leaves us with an unrevealed "mystery harbinger" at rank 10. Personally I think Director and First Harbinger (rank-wise) is one and the same and Capitano is the 10th Harbinger. But Natlan will finally reveal if these were "obvious clues" or misdirections. Thanks for coming to my TED talk on why I love Genshin Impact and its lore.


TeamMew? Xbalanque confirmed 5.1 lmfao


Knew it, he's anything but dragon


There was an earlier leak (which got Sumeru and Fontaine stories correct) that states there are two pyro archon (one boy and one girl and one of them rules underground and one on overworld). Maybe this is related to that.


This is belobog all over again


I really hope Xbalanque looks a bit like Ganyu, with horns and like half dragon, half human.


Xblanquecheque is whatever leakers need him to be that day.


The obligatory Male archon rumor. I see I see. Next!


Oh, that sounds quite interesting. Is team mew reliable because I like this one


They’re just reposting, we’d have to know who the unknown person is. Although their last unknown source leak was fake 


Mew is less reliable than white imo.


Oh, OK. I guess people until 5.0 beta for more reliable story leaks it seems


So Naltan has three archon thoughtout history? Genshin already showed that all the original seven except for venti and zhongli are dead and got replaced 500 years ago, and the manga had Venti remember Murata with her two titles


Soo the "murata" we all thought was xbalanque all along??? THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING ×D


so is it xbalnque-himeko- current archon?


What the hell are these leakers up to? smh


more time to save for my pookie.


hydro pyro separate furina from archon, so pyro archon is split into 0.5 ? when 2*0.5 mix = full form pyro archon?


How to pronounce his name ? I always pronounce as X Balance.




Honestly this can be a possibility.. It would feel odd if just a normal vision user introduces The Hydro sovereign. And we definitely know he isn't a sovereign and most likely isn't a dragon either. Whoever he is.. I feel like he's gonna be above normal cast members.


Ugh its my fault, but this one could have -big- story spoilers in title. Wouldn’t have clicked.


Just by the name ( a mayan God) i assuming that he Is they pyro dragon, Just because yes


good, more time to save for him and murata


we're going back to the Yae-Alhaitham tradition baby


so just like the 2 leaked hydro archons of Fontaine where 1 was the previous archon vs current archon. It then turned out that there was no archon at all..


Source: trust me bro


And here I thought there were only 2 male Archons.


so what you mean to say is that he is in 5.1 and he is not the first archon


Just like navia is the hydro archon naturally


Xbalanque wait for me. I will get you! if is not at 5.1, where?


Cant you fucking post these pictures insides reddit without this annoying link


It would be a nice twist. We already had archons dying and getting replaced so it would be interesting to see a retired archon actively training their successor.


i'm one with that mind blown emote 🤯 like woah, that was big *...if it's true*


watch him be 5.1 its a fucking bet


What a coincidence. I remember people said the same thing about Yae, Alhaithum, Baizhu and Navia. Yeah nah, the bullshit meter is going off the charts. 


Lol 😂


Lmfao even