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great to finally see you, Yelan!


Those 2.X leaks still live on with Anemo YunJin


to be fair, im p sure on one of her chara sheets she had an anemo vision


Also the Moonchase cutscenes still shows her with an anemo (?) vision...


It was just wacky color theory, where it looked Anemo. Someone made a video swatching the vision color and it was geo


yeah that too! almost forgot abt that one


Lmaoooo. You just had to be there.


i wasn't. what does this mean? edit: thank you for the answers\~ <3


Basically a leaker leaked a character screenshot saying that it was Yelan but it was actually Madam Ping. Hence the “great to finally see you, Yelan!” Quote.


leaked cutscene pic of young madame ping (streetward rambler) from guoba event in 2.x dropped. Ubatcha smugly and proudly tweeted "great to finally see you, Yelan!" Turns out... that's not yelan at all.


Ubatcha commenting "Great to finally see you, Yelan!" to Ping's design when that cutscene dropped lol. We didn't have Yelan's design and he jumped the gun, not noticing she had Ping's Bell. Got clowned on for that.


The og leaks LMAO


Sometimes I still think about Baizhu being our Chasm tour guide


Yes because the Chasm was going to be our Dendro tutorial.


Which will be released in 1.5, no wait, 1.6 no wait…


free ayaka at AR42...


Remember yae miko being the previous electro archon ?


Omg...you brought back memories. Ah...so young, so naive.


OMG 😭😭 the leaks about madam yelan ping in 2.x 😭




We got cloud retainer, now its your turn Streetward rambler


Ah, kinda not hard to leak or guess after our birb mom release... But I'm wondering how it is what they got info on weapon and stuff about ~5.4 LR which is far away, but got little to no info about previous 5.x patches?


Two of Madame Piing disciples are polearm users, so it can be just random guess, both stat and that Xiao can wield it


The Moonchase cutscene did depict her with a spear, so that helps.


because iirc in Yaoyao's story lines it is mentioned that Ping is teaching Yaoyao *her own* spear techniques. So it's basically confirmed she's a polearm user


Imagine if Streetward Ramblers NA animations are just Yaoyao's but better, in the same way that Arle's NA's are better versions of Lynette.


This years lantern rite was either gonna be Ping or Cloud as they leaked some info about ping as well earlier this year but they chose cloud retainer. So it makes sense they'll have info about Ping 🩵


I’m assuming she’s gonna have her young form as the playable model from the cutscenes with Cloud Retainer right? Also, I forgot the reason, does anyone know why she chose to be an old woman and not her young beautiful self?


She chose to blend with the people of liyue and see it prosper, and live with the people rather than the other adepti who live in solace and isolation (I mean now not anymore), and so she chose to look like a personable old lady, so that she doesn't stand out. And look at her, it worked, no one looks at her and says...that's probably an adepti (ahem....xianyun)


But if she’s gonna be playable in her young and pretty form then I guess her whole stance and choices will change?


Yeah, probably saw cloud retainer and decided to do the same. They do have a rivalry of sort.


Either that or she’s found out that the serenitea pot itself is her weapon so she wants to look glorious as she brutally bludgeons people with a teapot


There will probably be some sort of threat that needs her to transform back to her prime


Adepti…roll out!


I'd 100% pull for her if she keeps her granny look. Would be hilarious doing floor 12 abyss with a granny xD


Other adeptus - "we must be as inconspicuous as possible" Cloud Retainer - *fly me to the moon*


Probably tho there's an argument to be made for old model with a slipper on a broomstick for a signature


It's probable that she HAD a youthful form, in the past, but given that she lives with humans she has to "age"... 


Yes, playable will be young. She chose to look like she aged with humans so she can blend in better.


I cannot wait to see what torture they put the plot through to try and excuse why she becomes young form again. "Oh see I was very wise and chose an old lady form so people wouldn't assume my identity. But today I said 'fuck it' and gave myself the body of a 19 year old and massive tits!"


Eh, I think it'll be quite easy to explain. She won't want to blow her current cover as an old lady, so she'll go on whatever combat missions she needs in a combat-appropriate form. She trained to fight in the young form, so why suddenly relearn combat in a different, more frail form? The better question is, if adepti can shapeshift at will, why not just shapeshift into a diamond golem dual wielding aircraft anti-materiel chainguns?


> and not her young beautiful self? I don't think she stopped being beautiful by having the form of an old lady.


Please give us moon carver next 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Tired of Liyue 5 stars honestly. Most out of any region I think.


Swear, they put Mond in limbo despite both Mond and Liyue releasing so close to each other. While only staggering releases for Liyue to keep them up with powercreep. Even Inazuma's fallen behind.


Liyue, tied with Fontaine, does have the most 5 stars, but not really by a huge margin compared to the other regions: Mondstadt = 7 (Jean, Diluc, Mona, Albedo, Venti, Klee, Eula) Liyue = 10 (Xiao, Zhongli, Keqing, Qiqi, Xianyun, Baizhu, Yelan, Shenhe, Hu Tao, Ganyu) Inazuma = 8 (Kazuha, Ayaka, Yoimiya, Raiden, Yae, Ayato, Itto, Kokomi) Sumeru = 7 (Tighnari, Cyno, Nilou, Nahida, Wanderer, Alhaitham, Dehya) Fontaine = 10 (Lyney, Neuvilette, Wriothesley, Furina, Navia, Arlecchino, Clorinde, Sigewinne, Chiori, Emilie)


Forgive me if I'm blind but you forgot Tartaglia. If you're not willing to count him then don't count Arlecchino too because she isn't Fontainian. Edit: Chiori counts as Inazuman because of her vision


Madame Ping in her granny form is a plunge carry!


Xiao : LAMENT! Mdm Ping : MY BACK!!!!


Eons of karmic suffering vs Eons of arthritis


coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Yeah, clearly karmic suffering is nothing compared to arthritis


yep that’s the joke


Signature polearm is called walking stick


Talking stick and walking stick


What's with the sudden influx of leaks💀


Because they’ve had them for months. They just decided to start showing them now


We only needed 1 leaker to start, then the others follows because they start sometime will outleak them


A leak in the dam causes the flood.


kind of like lemmings.




They're not even reliable leaks


they don't have anything. most of the "leaks" right now are just guesses. the leakers just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks this year.


This is their last chance for Natlan bullshit rumors before beta.


this is a speculation not a leak..


Full stop is insider, not reposter. They mainly leak about banner but they have almost 100% accurate record so far. This seems more believable than Foul who's also insider but has many imposters pretend to be him. Or Team Mew who repost very piece of junk he found on CN side.


I wouldn't call this a leak. there is practically no new information. Madame ping and her weapon was revealed a long time ago. Her being in lantern rite is obvious if U look at past lantern rites. So tell me how this is a leak.


Madam Ping burst - reduces everyones in game ping by 80%


80%? I can finally play with 120 ping then. Insta pull.


As it was destined to be.


Her burst permanently sends enemies into the ~~eternal abyss~~ Serenitea Pot


And there they recieve a warm welcome from all the companion we placed there 


Qiqi, they’re not getting out alive


Okay but if her kit and animations are tea themed that would be sick


Her passive increases teapot load limit


I love how her and her disciples have the same weapon ^(Don't be shy leak her element too)


Well I mean her younger form is all blue and have carp scales and is fish themed all over the place so surely she is geo right makes sense


No, it’s definitely pyro


It's be funny if she's another anemo that buffs Xiao


I admit anemo could fit her well but I kinda want her to stick to the obvious hydro theme she currently got because then liyue would just need an electro polearm and the region would basically have the polearm power rangers : zhongli/yunjin for geo, xiao for anemo, OPPA guoba for pyro, yaoyao dendro, shenhe cryo...


not the hutao erasure 😭


Oh LMAO i knew i forgot someone... my poor hutao i got her to C1 and play her all the time i think shes going to kill me for that brain fart 💀


Xianyun : This town ain’t big enough for the two o- Faruzan : THREE of us! Furina : Make that FOUR!


if she can replace Furina it's a huge W, because it frees her up for the second half. I find myself unable to play two of my teams if Furina is taken on the other side since she is a core member of 3 of my teams.


Xianyun and furina is both a damage buff from healing and a plunge buff. I feel thats hard to replace


Guessing Dendro or Hydro with an off chance of Cryo/Anemo


Wasn't there another leak talking about a geo polearm user?


that was for 5.0 and a 4\* so


If she is anemo , she is xiao support, take it or leave it , the whole liyue is xiao support at this point . Ganyu :- provide freeze and crit rate buff Hutao :- provide atk resonance and crit rate buff  Zhongli :- provide shield and shared  Xianyun :- plunge and atk buffer  Yelan :- provide DMG boost  Shenhe/chongyun :- cryo xiao  Xiangling :- pryo resonance and off field support 


Virgin Cloud Retainer: Her and all her disciples have different weapons  Chad Madame ping: Teaches the art of polearm so good that they still could not bring Xiangling down from Meta 


Imagine her being a upgrade ver of xuangling but hydro/geo/dendro or whatever she weilds 


Displaying her mastery over both water and polearms, Madame Ping sends a Hydronado whirling around her. The Hydronado will move with your character for the ability's duration, dealing Hydro DMG to all opponents in its path.


Displaying her mastery over both rock and polearms, Madame Ping sends a Geonado whirling around her. The Geonado will move with your character for the ability's duration, dealing Geo DMG to all opponents in its path.


Make Moon Carver & Mountain Shaper playable too please. It's okay if they're both 4\*s


They're saving them for 6.4 and 7.4 :(


Objectively speaking, it's good enough if Mihoyo really did release them in 6.4 & 7.4. Better than being stuck in NPC hell forever. But damn, if I were to follow my desires, 6.4 is still too far away. If I had control over when characters are released, I'll drop those two at a random 5.X patch like how they dropped Sethos in 4.7.


Or at least show us their proper character forms and not the NPC models we got


I need them to be playable with at least decent designs instead of those pathetic and generic NPC ones 😭


6.x lantern rite will introduces those two old fossils banner


They’re gonna have to come together bc I can’t wait until 7.x for the other one lol


Following what they've done with Shenhe and Xianyun, she's gonna be another support for a specific playstyle or element ig


Displaying her mastery over both wind and polearms, Ping sends an Anemonado whirling around her. The Anemonado will move with your character for the ability's duration, dealing AoE Anemo DMG to all opponents in its path.


Gonna start calling tornadoes anemonadoes from now on o7


Does she do more Anemo damage than C6 Ayato?


unfortunately, no…. But shes does do more than c4 Yae though, if it helps.


Imagine a summon buffer! Baron Bunny boutta upgrade to Archduke Rabbitson real quick with a 5000% damage multiplier.


Finally bringing Furina into the meta.


Hooray Jing Yuan and Topaz buf-whoops wrong game!


seems like a dps because of the high crit dmg weapon


Support for XL, Yao^2 and Yanfei


Watch it be Xiao again. Nyahaha.


I can't even trust her weapon leak, they've betrayed me too many times 😔


she is a polearm user in lore though and has taught 2 polearm users so surely that's gonna be her weapon...


Then she use a bow that shoot spear, like radhan /j


Its defense scaling beleive me 


Yunjin covers normals and Xianyun covers plunge. So maybe Ping covers charged attacks? Or maybe she's hydro Shenhe? Hydro, pyro and dendro are the only elements left without a cheerleader support unit


Now that Xiao’s kinda peaked she might just be Xiao powercreep.


everyone and their mother is a polearm huh🗿


Ok but she literally canonically uses a polearm and taught 2 polearm users, would be weird if it was anything else


I will still forever lament that she won’t be a catalyst with a teapot signature (even funnier if she were melee catalyst)


Get this redditor into Hoyo's kitchen


Her normal attack string involves pouring hot tea unto the enemy


Liyue has a thing for polearms while Mondstadt has a thing for swords.


Mountain Shaper and Moon Carver mains found dead in a ditch


Hoyo grabbed a couple of npcs, painted a streak of color on their hair and called them MS and MC. We were deader than Signora mains from the start 🥲


If this is true, then will Madame Ping disappear from the overworld? Iirc, there isn't any playable character (so far) that ever appears in the overworld outside of events.


i think old Madam ping will stay there. She kind of has to because of the teapot quest. Young ping will be there only during events and SQ.


They can just remove her after you complete the quest just like every other NPC that is in a quest?


There's Xiangling who shows up in that cooking commission from Inazuma


Xiao too, in Liyue's daily quest \^\^


Also Mona in a Mondstadt one about her rent.


Ah, I see. I didn't know about that commission.


Fischl and Bennett appear during comission in Mondstadt. In Anna's comission.


Which commissions u guys doing? Never seen these


maybe you haven't completed Anna's commission chain yet? https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Anna_the_Adventurer!?so=search#Treasure_Hoarders_Ending_2


Mona in mondstadt commissions.


If the bird and the npc granny can become playable, surely there's still hope for Xingqiu's brother... or Menogias... or a better version of Mountain Shaper and Moon Carver, right... right... sigh... All potential Liyue husbando designs went to HSR, the men have gone to space, only boys remain 😭


Why yes. A leak about a character so far ahead from patch release. Can't even give a new character *name* that hoyoverse itself hasn't given officially. These leakers clearly don't have anything but "safe guesses"


Leak on the upcoming patch ✋😒 Leak 8 months into the future 👈😏


Also I'm pretty sure this whole Madame Ping coming 5.X thing is old news... Wasn't there a leak that said that either CR or MP would be coming 4.4 and that the other would be released the year after?




This information is from the last Lantern Rite where the leakers said that either her or CR is going to be released, and the other is saved for the next year. Both kits (=weapon + element) were known at this point.


How come they know information about a patch like a year in advance but don't know shit about 5.0 💀


Yet another Hydro 5* lol


Was there any doubt she would be the new lantern rite character? Like unless they have already come up with playable models for Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper, she’s the only one possible


i think there's enough time in the next 9 months to create a new model for MC or MS. It's inevitable imo. If not next year then the one after.


If this Lantern rite as NOTHING to do with Baizhu be because it's the year of the snake, I'm going to fcking lose it...He was in non-playable jail, and now he's in non-event jail, he like did not appear ever since his release




the eternal oasis!


Xiao has gotta be the favorite of some developer, because the way he just keeps getting indirect buffs despite being a character from 1.x is crazy.


hello it is me some developer


This gives hope to people that were upset about Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper's NPC forms.


well i mean the same hope was given by Xianyun whose form was a crane until she released.


cloud retainer and madame ping having a grandma-off


So >!mountain shaper and moon carver!< in 2026/2027? Or hoyo gonna add new adeptus?


Pls lol it would be funny to have Zach Aguilar finally get more speaking roles lmao


He deserves it. Such a missed opportunity, using his amazing voice for characters that isnt playable yet and barely ever talks


waiting when yanfei father and mother to come visit their daughter


Guizhong 2028


Not even crazy I wouldn't be surprised if they were to start releasing the dead characters after the main story is done in 7.x or 8.x


Signora 2029


If not granny form, do not bother 😤


First 88 CD Polearm, Hydro hp scaler?


If the weapon is good on Xiao, I doubt she scales on HP.


None of the 88 cv weapons are designed for atk scalers if I'm not mistaken, they are all signatures for em/hp/def scaling characters. The important thing is that it doesn't give bonuses based on the bearer's HP. Or maybe Madame Ping is a Plunge DPS.


Maybe she is a HP scale that do Plunge dmg


So next year, we'll get the boys, sorry.. the old hags


Plz synergize with Yanfei Plz synergize with Yanfei Plz synergize with Yanfei Plz synergize with Yanfei Plz synergize with Yanfei Plz synergize with Yanfei Plz synergize with Yanfei Plz synergize with Yanfei


Imagine a charge attack buffer! We have a pretty wide range of charge attacks at this point, so that’d be interesting. From Neuv to Ganyu, from Yanfei to Sethos, there’s a pretty wide variety in characters who might benefit from a dedicated support, depending on the element.


Hutao catching buffs left and right


A charged attack buffer is very unlikely to happen because of how broken it'd make Neuvi. He's already really good and doesn't need another buffer. They can do a CA buffer that buffs atk or adds flat damage like Yunjin but then it'll just be a Bennett downgrade. If they make it not work for Neuvi with some criteria like if your hp changes too often you lose the buff then maybe I can see it happening.


they could put an ICD on the buff so that not every hit of his will be amplified. Or it will just have a trigger count of 5-10.


Maybe, but Neuv already has some incredibly strong teams. A charge attack buffer might not really be a huge buff to him just because Furina+Kazuha(or other VV) is just an insanely strong support core for him. They also provide buffs for the whole team, not just Neuv. Yes, those two are good with almost everyone, but they synergize especially well with him. Also, like you said, it really wouldn’t be too difficult to make the support unappealing to Neuv specifically, especially compared to what he already has. Anyways, only time will tell!


Madame Ping will make my ping better


Waiting for mountain shaper and moon carver. Still on strong copium those were just their npc forms and they have playable forms


LETS GOOOOO, moon carver and mountain shaper next please 💪


I was hoping we could get new 5* male this lanter rite, like mountain shaper or moon carver in human form. 🥲 But no, its always a waifu. i am playing three gacha games and STILL I am having drought of male characters right now. I am tired...


Same, im coping that the devs just wanna help us save money


She is long awaited but I wonder how they gonna justify waifurising the very happy retired old lady NPC


If I recall, her elderly form is to blend in with the humans. She was one of the few adepti who live among humans in Liyue, the majority of the other adeptus asked Morax to make them into statues out in the wilds or something. So she can just change forms. I think she only stays like that because she's still sad about Guizhong or something?


I don't think it has anything to do with her grief for guizhong. It's just her preference to stay as an old lady.


they’re probably gonna use the form she took back then when she was streetward rambler


Well yes but I meant it more like how they are going to justify her taking this form again for festivities since she has stated multiple times how she don't want to go back to it yknow


She could just come to terms with her grief and move forward


Another osial attack 


We beat up Osial, and his wife, next is either their kid or their dog


It's better to not kill his f\*\*\*ing dog unless you want to get stabbed by a pencil.


Ningguang's going to have a heart attack. 💀


Give the tentacle god a break he needs retirement too 😭✋


Same as we did with Ei -She's depressed because her Guizhong died -Traveler's talk no jutsu -Damn you're right, I have to move on


Something that always bothered me about Liyue's story quest was that it was HEAVILY centric on Guizhong, but the player wouldn't recognize it unless they did a deep lore dive into the Liyue books and weapon descriptions. Zhongli has us make a perfume for an older woman (Guizhong was older than him) He then sends us on a quest to find a certain Glaze Lily (Which was her flower symbol) And then has us repair her ballista And then there's a world quest where you activate the nine pillars under a sky of dust to open a mausoleum (As a god, her curse of dust should have been applied upon her death) And then they gave us more backstory with her and the other adepti in Lantern Rite 3.4 I honestly will not be surprised in the Tsaritsa's half of the contract was reviving Guizhong. They've already laid so much groundwork for it. And this would definitely get Ping to return as Streetward Rambler, imo.


Exactly, her circumstances is not like CR.She has already reside in the mortal realm and her being an old lady seems to be just a preference. Idk, i kinda hope this leak isn't true. Her being yassified bcaus she suddenly change her mind kinda cheapen her character for me. Of course, I'm not entirely against her being playable.


Maybe she's learning to move on from her grief now so she decided to go with her more youthful form? Hopefully we get Guizhong crumbs too if the event is about her


Man, I really am not looking forward to what the Genshin community make as her "art"


I’m thinking Hydro Polearm Plunge DPS? Would be nice if she worked really well with her bff Cloudy :”)


Playable Madam Ping wanters rise!!!


please let this be true, her young form is such a 10/10 design hoyo i'm on my knees


Ok hold on, if they said crit weapon then it would be like, okay that makes sense. But how do they know it's Crit DMG AND 88%, when we still know nothing about the characters in 5.1 - 5.3??? Also if it's 88% CD does this mean she might be an HP scaler? But if it supposedly suits Xiao then maybe not.


Could just be dmg% bonuses with a condition Xiao can easily trigger. Something similar to Chiori’s weapon where the bulk of the effect doesn’t care for defense.