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Can traveler be there with a "?" haha


more than 999999999999999 years


Venti is older than the raiden twins, in zhongli's character stories number 5 it is literally said that barbatos is the second eldest archon, also the heavenly principles should be 14 billion years old according to one of istaroth titles "the mother of 14 billion years" in the before sun and moon book and she is the god of the thousands winds and venti is one of the thousands winds then he may have started existing shortly after her, pls read lore and don't reply with just "no" next  time 🙏


>said that barbatos is the second eldest archon I think the emphasis of that quote is on Archon ei wasn't on the original line up of archons, and so even if she may be older than Venti, when she took the title of archon, she was in that position for less time than venti and so she isn't the second oldest archon, but she can still be older than venti


does not match, for now, I will continue to think that he is the second oldest in being an archon and not in age, so no.


There’s notes about Dottore or his segments in an abandoned hospital around desert Sumeru


Morax is not 6000 years old, he is AT LEAST 6000. Quite a few things points to him being much older


he's likely older than 6,000 years old. makes me wonder how long ago the war of the moon sisters was because they said that he was quite young when it happened.


Yeah i find that description so interesting, because it was such a long time ago, and how could they know morax was young at that time? Its really interesting to me, like it could be that he only meant it as a way to say how old it was zhongli wasnt actually young


what makes you think "MORE" than 6000 years? lol


He said so himself, and also this description of the Mist Veiled Primo Elixir, a material from liyue: "An elixir of the highest quality. It embodies a state of intertwining order and chaos, and is said to mirror how the world was when it was first created. Of course, a certain someone knows that this was not the case." Wich implies zhongli was there when the world was created.


It doesn't, in the same description it is mentioned that this story is not true lol


Yeah, and how would you know that it isn't true if you weren't there when the world was created? That's the whole point of that deecription... and don't ignore the other comment. Zhongli himself said that he was older "As you know, I've dwelt upon this world for more than six thousand years. "


Stop talking nonsense pls.


Oh wow... why are you even in a lore sub if you don't want to discuss the lore? What you said is wrong, and was clearly said by the character himself, why are calling this nonsense?


You say that it has existed since the creation of the world when in the very description of that material, presumably zhongli, he says not true, it seems pretty stupid to me lmao.


You can read right? Let me help you trough this. So... The description of the material says it mirrors how the world was created right? But someone says that's not true, okay, that someone is implied to be zhongli when we take all the context into consideration, now how would he know that it doesn't mirror how the world was created? The most probable answer is because he was there and knows how it was. What part this is hard for you to understand? And again, you ignore the most important part, HE HIMSELF SAID HE HAS DWELT UPON THIS WORLD FOR MORE THAN 6000 YEARS.


>And again, you ignore the most important part, HE HIMSELF SAID HE HAS DWELT UPON THIS WORLD FOR MORE THAN 6000 YEARS. I still don't understand your point, you keep emphasizing that he is more than 6000 years old and I also wrote that he is more than 6000 years old.


Well, because he himself said it... "As you know, I've dwelt upon this world for more than six thousand years. " We have no idea how old he is or if he even is from teyvat to be honest, because more than 6000 years Old puts him at least around the age where the primordial one was first taking control of the world and the arrival of the second who came


I think Yae is exactly between 500 to 599 years old, based on that she has 5 tails and she is based upon a kitsune that gains a tail ever 100 years I believe


Now, I wonder if Yae attains godhood upon completing 1000 years. It would be neat.


I mean, she's already essentially a goddess, and the designated hair to the theocracy of Inazuma, should anything happen to both Ei and the Shogun.


Perhaps she will not attains godhood but she would be worshiped as one, Kitsune Saiguu, a kitsune who was more than 1500 years old at the time of her death was worshiped as a god.


The Shogun puppet could not be considered as older than Wanderer simply because she fought Ei for 500 years. You can think of that time period as similar to how Childe had trained with Skirk in the abyss for 3 months despite only being missing for 3 days. A "time-dilation" would be a simpler way to look at it .


The time period still passed for them though. At the very least they would be physically older so it still counts.


if it's measuring mere chronological age then aging stops when the person dies. That makes Guizhong 0+ years old.


Thank you for pointing that out.


Now that I think about it, in Inversion of Genesis, I vaguely recall there was a part where someone mentions that Scaramouche is to stay in the abyss until further notice. Wanderer's voiceline about Pierro also mentions the same thing (him being sent to the abyss in not one but multiple instances as the plural "trips" was used). Although, the thing here is that we can't be certain as to how long in total was the time he spent there.


Oh I forgot about that. We can’t know if all sections of the abyss have similar dialation but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s basically 500 years old at this point.


Don't forget that, due to his own Irminsul tampering, he has the memories of being a nameless Wanderer for his entire life on top of the memories of being the Puppet, Kunikazushi, and the Balladeer.


I thought Wanderer was the prototype and came before The Shogun Puppet? So why is he younger than The Shogun Puppet? Or am I not understanding the increments for age?


Yes, Wanderer was created earlier, but the Shogun spent 500 more years inside a plane where time did not pass the same as it does outside.


Doesn't it require the ascension of a new archon for the sovereign of the same element to be reborn, and as far as we know, egeria was the earliest hydro archon, and neuvillette has no idea what egeria was like nor anything with the ancient past, so shouldn't he be less than 500 years old after focalor ascended


No, as long as the "second heart" was within the Primordial Sea, no reincarnation of the Hydro Sovereign could be born.


I would hardly count the time that Ei and the puppet were fighting as 'time alive'. That's more like time spent in a dream, because the time spent took no time from the outside.


The physical and temporal wear and tear on both Ei and her puppet could be observed, giving them a mental, physical and affinity experience in a combat in proportion to 500 years.


Considering they are very much trying to avoid erosion, if 500 years in a fake dreamscape has any measurable effect on them, then they aren't really resisting erosion. Ei wouldn't have spent 500 years in there if it meant she would end up suffering 500 years of erosion in no time at all


Even if she is inside the poe she will still have her birthday lmao, she resists erosion by meditating.


I don't think sucrose Is that old I think albedo means more that they look the same Age or close rather than that they actually are the same Age


sucrose isnt a normal human.. probably?


she is very likely the same as diona, maybe not the same bloodline but very likely they are just more or less normal humans and she is definitely not 300+ years, otherwise there would be someone that talks about it but most of the other people in the city consider her a teen, if she was in fact that old someone on the city would definitely know and it wouldn't be something that isn't talked about also after 300+ years would she really still only be an apprentice of alchemy and not a master already?


They doesnt know about albedo, and she looks like yae... she can be a youkai/illuminated beast


because albedo only came to mondstadt relatively recently (at the same time as klee) on the other hand we know sucrose was born in mondstadt, she even still has parents around in the city and she isn't from another region she is also not like yae, it's the same comparison between diona and kirara


fair. Lets accept a middle term, where she isnt that old but grow slower than a normal human. Edit: albedo could be 40-70 and sucrose be around there too.. and this explain the two?


Or that albedo is simply trying to hide his age so he lied


But why would he? He already told the traveler about his real age in 2.3 event


Albedo believes traveller more and also one of the person who knows albedo's secret,the voiceline was before 2.3 and hasn't been updated since 




I would add the witches of Hexenzirkel (at least, some of them, like Alice).  If I remember correctly, it was mentioned that they were opposed to Barbatos around the time of the cataclysm, and probably active since before. Of course, some of them died already, but at least Alice is one of the originals.


While we don’t have exact ages, Mona mentions in the Fontaine archon quest that her master should be a couple hundred years old, and that Nicole should be even older, so the Hexinzirkel definitely has some mileage on them


again I forgot to add Alice


Why do you think the Archon war begun 3700 years ago? As far as I can know, we have no evidence when the Archon war began, only when it ended. The Guili's assembly's fall could well have been part of the archon war. I'm not sure there was ever an intermediate period between 3700 to 6000 years. The First Era is impossible to date simply because we don't know how long it lasted. 1000 years long is a good a guess as any. I also tend to assume that Rex Lapis's "demotion" also happened around the same time as the war with the second who came but I don't think there's really evidence for this. Its just more simple to assume that. I think the big thing that's missing in this timeline is where does the third descender come in since you would think that the third descender's arrival would also be a world level event that would've severely affected the world, same as the other descenders.


in Xianyun’s story quest, Xiao mentions that the Archon War reached its peak after Guizhong’s death also OP assumes that the Archon war started and ended simultaneously across Teyvat, inflating the ages for many


>Why do you think the Archon war begun 3700 years ago? As far as I can know, we have no evidence when the Archon war began, only when it ended. Guizhong dies and the Guili Assembly is destroyed 3700 years ago when the Archon War began, yes, it may have started earlier but it is the only record we have. >I'm not sure there was ever an intermediate period between 3700 to 6000 years. It has been said that before the Archon War the gods roamed the land until the Archon War began. >The First Era is impossible to date simply because we don't know how long it lasted. 1000 years long is a good a guess as any. The end of the First Era occurs when the Second That Came arrives and Celestia casts Divine Nails into the earth over 6000 years ago, assuming that the unified civilization had hundreds of divine emissaries until they lost customs and built huge cities across the world. world, for a civilization to flourish it has to be at least 1000 years old.


> it is the only record we have Again this is just not true and you're relying not on the facts but on what people have just said a lot. Nothing in the Guili account says it was during the Archon war - it's obviously a good guess but it's based on nothing but "it's old and it's a war". And that's fine but many other conflicts that are old have been recorded. For example we're told that Remus was defeated by Deshret and kicked out of Sumeru. Probably before Zhongli was even born. So why isn't that the Archon war too? Again when the people living near the Chasm get Nailed they are worried about heading East as they hear that there's already other people living there. That suggests a fear of conflict indicative of a period of war. If so then that would be even older than the Deshret-Remus thing. Remus has a bunch of fighting in Fontaine as does Deshret in Sumeru. > It has been said that before the Archon War the gods roamed the land until the Archon War began. I don't think there's any record of any gods ever roaming anything except when they just got their butt kicked (Remus fleeing Deshret; Orobashi fleeing Zhongli and Makoto; Havria fleeing from everyone) so therefore it's all post-Archon war start. Gods don't roam. They sometimes run off to find a new bunch of humans to rule over (Remus, Orobashi). Because of this nature it's a fair bet that the Archon war begins pretty soon after gods exist. There were wars before the gods existed too (recorded in Sumeru texts from before Deshret) but I don't think they should be called "Archon war" if there were no gods yet. > for a civilization to flourish it has to be at least 1000 years old Why not make it 100,000 years instead? it's completely arbitrary. Plus time didn't work the same back then. There's no point trying to say X years ago when time just didn't work that way in those days. We're told in pretty plain language (considering the topic) that time in the modern era just isn't the same as what they had back then. As such dating anything before the 2nd throne is kinda pointless. You'd need to acknowledge the other system of time and come up with a way to measure it, if that's even possible.


>Again this is just not true and you're relying not on the facts but on what people have just said a lot. Nothing in the Guili account says it was during the Archon war - it's obviously a good guess but it's based on nothing but "it's old and it's a war". And that's fine but many other conflicts that are old have been recorded. It later came to pass that **the gods each strove for dominance**, which brought catastrophe upon the land.Though the adepti fought to protect the Guili Plains, they could not stop the tide of war, which ravaged the plains and took the life of its ruler, Guizhong. —Stone Tablet Compilations: Vol. I >Probably before Zhongli was even born. Zhongli was young at the time of the calamity that befell the Moon Sisters and King Deshret was not yet born. >So why isn't that the Archon war too? Yes it was during the Archon War. >There were wars before the gods existed too (recorded in Sumeru texts from before Deshret) but I don't think they should be called "Archon war" if there were no gods yet. Can you give me the texts? most likely the war between the Primordial One and the Second Who Came >Why not make it 100,000 years instead? it's completely arbitrary. AT LEAST, I could have easily put a much higher date but there is nothing to base it on other than the "minimum time".


> the calamity that befell the Moon Sisters That's mythological. There never were any Moon sisters. > most likely the war between the Primordial One and the Second Who Came No just human tribes in Sumeru before Deshret turned up, but after the war with the 2nd throne. It's a good source for dating the gap between the end of that war, the Nails falling and the appearance of the first gods. Probably no more than a few centuries. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Gilded_Dreams#The_Sunken_Years In the beginning, the various tribes lived alongside the sands, their bloodlines connected to the earth. They followed the law of blood, and feared the memory of famine that ran deep in that blood. Later, time swept across the land like gravel, and the God King rose up as a result, casting a long shadow. In that forgotten era, the gods shaped the land, creating oases and flowing springs. Following the God King's example, the tribes would build high walls, thrones, and gather in prosperous feudal kingdoms. Imitating the God King's appearance, the feudal states also recalled the days long-past when they had kings and priests. In those days, the wise kings received oracles from the high heavens, and the land knew not the meaning of disaster... ---------------- So it starts off talking about just after the collapse of civilization ("in the beginning", "law of blood" and "famine"). Later it talks about the coming of the first gods. Finally it has an odd throw back to the only human memories recorded from the Ancient Civilization ("recalled the days long-past") where human leaders were priest-kings like at Sal Vindagnyr, and there were Seelies, and before humans had experienced anything but the peace and safety of the Primordial One's rule. It's a really important text for chronologers.


So two things: where is it said that the PO arrived 7400 years ago? I don’t recall a date like that. Also where’s Aether and Lumine?


The Primordial One and his Four Shining Shades created humanity 400 years after their arrival, I assumed that the Unified Civilization lasted 1000 years before the Second Who Came arrived over 6000 years ago.


Those numbers of years before the 2nd throne are pretty poetic. They don't (and can't) mean normal years.


—Book: The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol. 2 - Before Sun and Moon


Ok I can understand that logic.


My reading of Before Sun and Moon is that Teyvat's Human realm is 6400 years old. Around 6000 years ago, is when the Second Throne arrives, at least that's my understanding, BSaM records events up to 404? years prior to 6000 years ago, when the 2nd throne arrives and the Moon Sisters fall. "When the Doves Held Branches" - Marked the arrival of the Primordial One who would do battle with the dragons. "Forty Years After the Held Branches" - Marked by 40 summers and winters, where by the dragons would fall and the Primordial One would then begin the establishment of the Human Realm. "Four Hundred Years After the Held Branches" - 400 years later, Human Realm is established. "The Year of the Ark's Opening" - Covenant is established. "The Year After the Ark's Opening" - people learn to be society. "The Year of Jubilee" - Divine connection between humans and the Heavens? "The Funerary Year" - 6000 years ago, 2nd arrives and war is rekindled. Could it be that between "400 Years After the Held Branches" and "The Funerary Year" is an undisclosed amount of time?


According to you, the unified civilization would not have lasted a single year, I remind you that they had generations and generations of divine emissaries until the roots were lost and Celestia punished them, they built enormous cities all over the world after spending some time in the caves. It is only known that 400 years after the arrival of the Primordial One, humanity was created and that more than 6000 years ago the Second Who Came arrived, it is not known how much time passed in between, and I took into account that for a civilization to flourish it has to It will take at least 1000 years, if not more.


I agree with the timeline. Though I'd say that perhaps Morax was born around the year of the Ark's opening because contracts and some of the things that were given to Humanity quite sound like things related to him such as the treasures of the earth as the God of Wealth and prosperity. And after all he only "descended" 6000 years ago after all.