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*Turns on godmode* This game is so easy 


And the worst of all is that I can't turn it off anymore without getting obliterated by my skill issue


Omg I’m a suicidal player without Zhongli lmao.


Against Arle there is really no Skill issue to talk about. Her BoL Phase 2 attacks are guaranteed to apply it units that are even iframing when she delivers the strike, only for her to actually kill them the moment you are to be hit next. Shows off that she's a good assassin. But how am I gonna remove the BoL if she just OTKs my Kokomi.


"Archon power activated"


in all fairness, not having any weekly bosses so far that can actually contest a zhongli shield+healer is indicative of bad foresight. I'm not saying those things shouldn't be effective at all, it was very clear a long time ago how overpowered he is. So much so that enemies such as rifthounds hit through shields and inflict a DoT to more normalize dedicated healer usage, serpent knights fight shields with shields, etc... yet not a single weekly boss has good enough dps or any mechanical countermeasures. don't hate the player, hate the game


That’s the nature of gacha. If this was any other kind of live service game, Zhongli would get massively nerfed. But you can’t do that in a gacha, it’s one massive unwritten taboo.


Let's not forget initial zhongli was so bad that mihoyo changed him


It's not just taboo it's punishable by law


I just gave examples where you can design around a character's specifics instead of directly nerfing them, and that hoyo has done so on multiple occasions. You absolutely could mechanically soften him without crunching his numbers


Tbh that's more indicative at how mismanaged they made with Zhongli's change. Zhongli used to be shit. 


Thats why i never regret rolling Big Zhong.


Literally the only issue I had was the fact that his shield ran out going into phase 2, and she one shot him the moment I could move again lmao


Almost 70k HP Nilou went down to 8k in just two hits.




Befote he was Zhong'lttle


Wait guys you actually struggle in arlecchino boss fight?? Me with Neuvillete


Neuvillette is the only character you'll ever need


Mf clears everything with 1 E. Besides hydro element.


Yep. I literally haven't built anyone since getting him. He's just so powerful and easy to use


Gotta be the strongest hyper carry in the game.


As expected from the Hydro Dragon Sovereign


Dragon Sovereign vs Hydro slime. Who would win? I've seen some materials of Genshin characters... hmm... "struggle" with hydro slimes tho... must be tough enemies, yeah? ~~(ye joke is porn, dont hit me pls)~~


Hoyo put Neuv banner before Arle for a reason, now we know


Honestly, just give her higher poise to prevent Nuevilette staggering and give her more hp. Maybe increase her Bond application on the player if you really want to make it interesting. Her abilities themselves are pretty high damageand punishing if you mess up. I would personally prefer her and basically all Genshin enemies to be like 20% faster, but that’s more a personal thing. What I’m more happy about is that this is another “you actually just get to fight a cool boss” fight like Childe (at least back when our gear and teams were shit) and Shogun. No shit like the Whale or Scara (no Shogun empowered phase is still a fight, you just have to dodge different attacks and break a shield she puts up).


Finally someone who agrees that Shogun is a better fight than the last world bosses 😭


Shogun rewards you for knowing her attacks by giving higher uptime and having a well built team in terms of damaging electro shields can let you shave significant time off of her powered up phase. However, in either phase she can easily kill you if your team has improper defense/healing or you get too greedy on uptime during mechanics where she intentionally sits still charging large AOEs that WILL hit you unless you sacrifice uptime. She’s one of the best weekly bosses in the game. She’s an actual boss instead of a theme park attraction with a health bar and a DPS window.


Sorry to answer in short unlike you, but Shogun is THE best boss for me. Arlecchino is now a strong second with probably Childe third


If you meet a mediocre boss, you may find it unchallenging and move on. But if a casual fails a boss after three tries,guess what they do?Watch videos to learn mechanics and practice,or raging quit the game?


My usual Beidou, Yao2, Alhaitham and Fischl did perfectly well


Wow, you’re so cool to have the skills and characters to make it so easy for you. And no, I haven’t got in there yet. I’m dealing with health insurance nonsense right now.


shield? I just dodge, then if I'm about to get hit I switch to kokomi or neuvillete that have over 40K HP and tank it


Mademoiselle Crabaletta: A boss fight? ...this is what you people call lunch these days? Oh, well..


I struggled with Keqing, Yoimiya, and Wanderer Then I pop in my worst team—Navia Hyperbloom, with Navia, Yelan, Nahida, and Shinobu—and suddenly the fight became 10 times easier


I brought my Keqing team with Yaoyao thinking I was giving her a fair chance, but it was still easy. How was I supposed to know there was a charged attack incentivizing mechanic?




I beat her with neuvi, kazuha, furina, and Jean. No skill required


I fought her with a half baked Eula team but she still didn’t make it out alive. Did it first try though and the effects looked cool


I managed to do the story version with just the traveler... Regular version can't be that much harder right? just gotta learn the combos. 12k damage is a lot though.


I just used dragon strike diluc. Worked for me


My internet decided it was a perfect time to shit itself making me take a solid 2 seconds to switch characters


Yes, she's easy Yes, she hits like a truck


me with only Beidou and Kokomi, so easy


Literally me with c1 neuvi.


I had geo team with me so of course Zhongli was with me...


I did it with nilou - furina - nahida - baizhu Honestly it's not so hard , the animations are beautiful tho


I did, EM Raiden with Dragons bane, Zhongli, Furina and Nahida, so I can watch her beautiful Animations while also winning her


forgor to change my team beforehand and wasn’t too hard with a half built arlecchino, dendro traveler, kazuha and bennett and then i went back to bonk her with c6 furina ezpz


Ah and me, a f2p new player who has a gambling addiction didnt get geo daddy


I think first phase is a bit annoying But one second phase hits Furina-Neuv-ZL obliterates


Wait you guys actually struggle with this boss? *Me with Noelle spinning to victory*


I fought her right after the server was up with a Lv40 Alerchino on the team.


Is there a possibility they'll nerf her? Should I haste up with the quest?


I doubt they'll nerf her. She's not hard to beat. Though lots of casuals do play this game with bad builds... If anyone's gonna complain, it's them.


My first try was just Furina, Faruzan and Jean, and somehow beat it. But she took out my Xiao early.


Wait it was supposed to be hard? I smashed through her with neuvillette, Layla, and kuki


The hell, isn't she just standing there and taking hits? I thought why was it so easy? Am I playing the same game as you guys?


I went in expecting more tbh. Turns out she couldn't handle my triple crowned Wriothesley.


i legit no hit her in phase 2 💀 is she supposed to be hard?


Wait, really? I have the most inefficient team ever and I can beat her.


Wait...there's a new weekly boss?? Was there a new update??


Are you being serious?


I haven't touched the game in weeks, I got other things in life to do and other video games to play besides playing Genshin 24/7