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“Impossible to 9 star” Bro was not playing in 3.7


One of the hardest time was when Kokomi was getting released and Rift Hounds came in. It was one of the hardest time since no one had a Properly build healer, very few people had healers.


Poeple can build healers same goes for learning how to dodge. The hardest abyss to everyone was infact the Hearlds, Lectors then them Constepated Beast. Using the excuse of I don't have a healer to clear the abyss is a joke Knowing how to actually play the game rewarded people with easier time during the real hardest cycles. Bla bla bla in other words SKill Issue


Rift wolves apply their hp drain even if you i-frame their attacks which can be annoying, but yes i agree


Getting debuffed even during Zhongli's burst animation was a real wake-up. Not that the rift hounds are that hard in the grand scheme of things, but hoyo definitely seem to go out of their way to enable healing to sell Kokomi and soft-nerf shields that trivialized everything in the end-game.


Constipated beasts felt really easy to me comparatively. Triple Pyro Heralds was a) hard if you don't have enough hydro characters b) super boring to play. Personally, I prefer cycles that don't shoehorn as much, but rather are challenging. Constipated beasts you could clear with basically any team, while very aggressive, rewarding learning the attack patterns.


Ooh have you tried Beidou against multiple Pyro lectors? She works like a charm tho you need a lot of ER


Neuvillette+Furina works like a charm for me. I can see Beidou working well though as well!


Dodging is Easy but they ignored shields and everyone off field took damage so unless you had Barbruh, Jean, Qiqi, Kokomi everyone took damage on Off Field. Their hp used to be on 20%, Healers like Bennet were useless. When Abyss lectors came I wasn't playing since I dropped game during that time. So I can't compare. Problem was if you get hit a single time, entire team would start taking damage so getting hit was not an Option and dodging is a huge dps loss. So even right now I try to Q Frame every Nuke attack and others I just tank with Bennet Heals.


Ugh those hydro and cryo abyss heralds on the same floor were the worst 😩


Not true ,my Noelle shone brighter than ever during that patch.


But my Razor was struggling. 😔


Yep, at this point every time I see Rifthounds on abyss or an Itto rerun (abyss will be made for him) I just start hearing Devil Trigger in the background


It was more that rifthounds had awful hit boxes and bad ai so they just ran away and lost agro. Most teams that are not zhongli have healers.


I used Barbara for that. XQ+Barbara+Zhong+Tao. My Barbara will cast her burst if the drain is too strong for onfielder. Still can clear it rather easily for me.


man fuck those rift hounds bruh, until Nilou came out I’d have to mald every single time they were in rotation


I got by with Prototype Amber on Sucrose and damage reduction ultimates like XQ / Beidou, so it really wasn't that bad.


Yup, 3.7 is the real hell. Meanwhile in this Abyss, the hardest is chamber 11-1. Somehow they came with the idea of putting shielded slimes that would totally ignore you and go for the objective.


It’s frustrating but wasn’t too hard for me. I just went Bennett xiangling dehya and xingqiu(idk why I brought him there)


Sumeru abyss and those Beasts were something else


Y'all have forgotten the dark times of the dragonspine era. Sheer cold in the abyss


sheer cold, high tide/low tide, slowing waters... imagine if these mechanics were still in the upper (lower?) floors of the abyss lmao


The high/low tide was fucking cancerous, given how many healers we have now, I think sheer cold would actually be pretty interesting to fight with now


Sheer cold now would just be marechausse enabler without furina for chars who dont have built in HP loss mechanics and thats it


Yeah, I know my account is much better now, but 3.7 was much worse than this abyss. I had no problem this time tbh but I can't talk much because I feel like my account is stacked


I started in 1.4 and barely got 36stars in the recent few runs Won't even bother trying this time, ehe


This one is easier. I couldn’t 36 the last 2 but this is fine


Same. This abyss was way easier than the last 2. Basically if the dancing robots are in the abyss, I'm not 36 starring it. Any abyss without them, I'm fine.


that is wild to me, I can pretty consistently clear them even with a non-plunge diluc team. don't mean to sound rude, but I'm curious, what teams do you usually run?


> I started in 1.4 Bro if you've played this game since 1.4 and you cant clear abyss 12 currently, thats a MASSIVE skill issue lmao stop being bad little bro, surely youve built your account during the past 3 years


>thats a MASSIVE skill issue lmao Yup, that's exactly what I'm saying. I lack the skill good players have, that separates bad players from the elite who can do it :)


I mean this is not a competitive game, skills don't matter here. I'm stacked so I'm able to do it. Someone who is not stacked, they might not be able to do it. It's completely fine. Just enjoy it.


Which I myself find very ironic personally cause the first time I managed to 36* the abyss was that specific abyss that everyone found to be the hardest lmao


Its still funny that everyone had to build thoma that patch bc they asked us to run burgeon. I still lost anyways bc my nahida kept nuking herself with over 1k em


Unironically Burgeon Diluc was goated that Abyss. Bloom and Burgeon would shred the hydro shields on the Lector and Baptist, while his claymore and Pyro infusion shattered and melted the Cryo Lector’s shields


This. Never in Genshin had I ever been so frustrated with an abyss. It took me 115 resets to 9☆. I only did it to prove to myself I could. I didn't bother in the subsequent resets. I beat 4.7 abyss first try. I mean yes I used Neuvillette and Arlecchino but still...


Note that once the theater releases on 1st of July, the buffs will also be active in the Abyss. Might just be the final push that some players need


Curious how that will work out, actually!


Do you know which official hoyo post confirmed that IT buffs will also affect spiral abyss? I don't have an official proof that it does.


The imaginarium theatre announcement post says the buffs work everywhere if im not mistaken


Okay so it looks like each IT reset will have a buff that can apply even for spiral abyss, but it will only apply to a select 6 characters total per reset


1st July? Ugh so long....


With the extended duration, this abyss will still be running then though


Is there a limit on how many times or qualifications to borrow characters? Wouldn't this be a god send for F2P since there's bound to be some suck- I mean chads that have C6R5 Arlechino that you can borrow.


Im not sure if there's a limit to how many units you can borrow, but any gicen player can only have 8 support units at a time and i think you can only borrow from 1 player at a time, so you'll still need some of your own units


This Abyss feels a bit too much of a dps check. Mostly in terms of total hp, as there are more enemies. Individually this cycle’s enemies seem a bit weaker. As non of the enemies have difficult mechanics or are too threatening. I personally find any cycles that have either Coppelia or Coppelius more difficult.


There's too many waves for me. I cannot kill that many waves spawning in different locations in time, it's just too much


Why do they have to spawn in different locations? This makes it annoying as fuck


If they spawned at the same point, it might be doable for me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Meanwhile Neuvillette can hit the next wave enemies across the entire arena with his ridiculous laser beam This is 🐲 Neuvillette, a on-field carry with👤40,000 HP 💪 250% Crit Damage 🤷‍♂️ Extra 36% CR from Marechusse 💦 Unstoppable 🚫 Penetrates shields 🛡 Can self heal 🧱 Insane AOE 🐯 Braindead single target ☝spin to win 🕐 can solo abyss 🧙‍♂️ hardcounters the weekly boss 👺… AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 🗣️🗣️🗣️"


Me failing with Neuvillette - Furina - Kazua - Charlotte in 2nd half [https://en.meming.world/images/en/1/17/Monkey\_Puppet.jpg](https://en.meming.world/images/en/1/17/Monkey_Puppet.jpg)


Yeah I tried that team and it didn't work out for me either. Not enough hydro app for the shields. I ended up running a Neuv Taser team first side (only other team I have built). And Double Hydro HB with Furina and XQ. Was just enough DMG with 10s to spare.


Twily Sparkle plz! Nostalgic! Remember the good old days when you would see pony avatars and names literally everywhere? I miss those times


Try this team if you have them: Neuvilette, furina, nahida, kuki Hyperbloom. Kuki full em. This is like one of the easiest and fastest killing teams I have.


Lmao showmaker copypasta


Just prerun to the spawn locations, its not like its random


My guess would be this: Whatever tool the devs use for enemy placements is similar to the one we get for events, and does not hide enemy spawns based on waves. So if they place enemies in the same place their icons overlap and it becomes more confusing to edit.


Because Hoyo doesn't want to have to innovate or create new ways to challenge you, so instead, they place the enemy where it will take 30 seconds to actually get to them, thereby wasting 30 seconds of your 2 minutes. This is the reason we always are in the same "abyss hall" stage, as the developers probably know every inch of that place and where to spawn enemies so you waste time without a specific few characters.


It is a hp spongfest imo. I started 12 1 and thought I can still 2 star it. Then I saw how much fking time they're taking to die. Quickly abandoned the challenge, took my 600 primos from 9 10 11 and logged off. Technically I'm still getting 50 primos more for doing only 9, 10, 11 instead of 550 for doing 9 star 9 10 and 11 and then 6 starring 12


I was scared when I saw alot of people complaining about this abyss but honestly if you got through 3.7 and 3.8 abyss you're fine. Yeah this abyss is harder but at leats theres not permafreeze heralds, one shot consencrated beast and time waster bosses.


I was able to easily 3 star every chamber up to floor 11, save for one. Floor 11, chamber 1 part 2 is so annoying, since I keep getting frozen


It's not harder than the last abyss (personal experience) but rather the annoyance comes from the multiple waves existing only to mess up rotations Funny thing is that I helped a friend to 36* his abyss and had a comfier time than on my own account even if his characters are just average optimized compared to mine.


This time, Floor 12 is kinda easy tho. Or it's because my Nilou bloom team can blast through anything in the first half, while my Navia brings freedom to the second half. The real nightmare is Floor 11 Chamber 1.


Oh, you took Navia to second half? What’s your team? I was thinking about first half for her, I’m so much behind the timer in this abyss and looking for new teams


I did too and my team is Noelle Navia Gorou Furina


I brought Zhongli - Navia - Furina - Bennett. I normally don't use Zhongli and Bennett but this time I kind of HAVE TO use them or I won't be able to do it in time.


Oh, I see I’ll keep it in mind, ty


I also took her with C2 Furina, Yelan and Charlotte. She did quite alright but first half needs to be cleared in under 1:25.


I did navia, yae, yelan and Kokomi Basically just rammed through everything


iirc the dendro core can also damage your monolith which is weird. So just Sucrose or Venti.


Yeah I didn't use Nilou bloom in Floor 11. I used Sukokomon.


Haven't started 12 yet, but 11/1 had me ready to toss my phone out the window. I don't even Abyss super seriously, I just play through to 12/1 and give up because 12 is always more annoying than fun for me... But this 11/1 was so utterly ANNOYING. Like, I managed to beat it and the thing was at like 61% when normally the same time of challenge in the past I've been able to get in 95+%.


The slime. I have to bring my Sucrose out of her bed and force her to do the hard work of grouping them or else they will just shave the thing's HP off like an ice cream cone in summer.


Those slimes were such a pain, and id never thought id hear myself saying those words


I did Floor 11 with Neuvi/Zhong/Kazuha/Furina for part 1 and Raiden National for part 2.


Putting a horde of cryo and hydro slimes together is sadistic


Lmao this is what hoyo meant with "anxiety". The second it gets even a LITTLE bit harder everyones crying 💀💀😭


I didn't even notice a change in difficulty between this abyss and the prior one💀💀 I'm not even that good. Just common sense, "ah, yes a pyro Abyss lector, let's not use Arlecchino or Hu Tao on that side. Let's use a fuck ton of Hydro instead."


I went with arlecchino double hydro and cleared fine lol. Just replaced my anemo unit with xq


Literally, second half go neuvillette, first half go hyper bloom


Yeah it pretty much tells you what teams to use Water uptop Bloom/fire and electro on the bottom


other way around lol


To be honest, I found the last abyss more annoying because of the bigger element checks. It just depends on what characters you have, I suppose.


Couldn't 36 star the last one and can 36 this one. Really what's harder depends on what kind of teams you have built imo.


OP has been playing for 3 years and owns Neuvilette and Nilou, still can't 36 star. Genuinely how?? Like I get it if you're casual and dgaf, power to you. But I genuinely don't get how you have a 3 year old account with the perfect characters for this rotation which require next to 0 skill to execute, actually care enough to go complain online, yet still can't clear. I mean I guess it just speaks to the fact that most players are not very good gamers and Genshin, as a gacha, is just going to have a different core demographic than something like Valorant, Elden Ring, or even like Zelda. So Hoyo is right that players will have "anxiety" from end game being difficult at all.


I basically 33 star. I've 36d before but I don't have neuv so it was a touch harder to clear floor 12


>Genuinely how?? As you say: Not being a good player. The chars alone don't carry you through it, even if they obviously help tremendously. One note though, this post is not a complaint, it's supposed to be funny. There's a reason why I posted it in memepact :) I have no problem with harder content and I like that they did it without lowering the rewards for worse players like me while the good ones can strive for more.


Love the new abyss. It is the first abyss in a year that actually forced me to change my team and rotation to get 36 stars.


Nice! I like that there's more challenges for players while keeping rewards for everyone else the same with the buffs to 9-11 primos,heh


took about a hour not impossible but yea Also its a complete upside to people who can both clear and not clear as basically if you clear floor 11 now you get the same primos as clearing floor 12 before (and just 2 staring would give you a net bonus on floor12) i dont really get why there so much complaining


"absolute elite players" my brother in barbatos just read the skills and fix a rotation. 4 years is enough to know that youre gonna need to build units for the 1 of 2 or 3 actual difficult content in the game. and its never too late. if youre having a bad time in the abyss right now its never too late to build units that you think you will need in the future. doesnt have to be perfect 80/200 2.5k atk c6 monsters. just have decent main stats and 8/8/8 (depends on character) and use events and the overworld to practice how the character works. everything you fight in abyss has a lesser version in the overworld where you can learn its moveset. rant over. /rebaka. "next floor 12 will have duo consecrated beasts with a hydro and a cryo lector. then after that a ruin guard."


You just described in verbose print what "get good" means, hehe The people who can 9star floor 12 ARE good, they ARE in the elite of the playerbase That vast majority cannot do that, that's exactly what separates elite players like you from bad players like me :) Ftr: I have tons of chars lvl80/90 or 90 and many triple crowned or 9/9/9. Still cannot do it. I am 100% sure you could do it with my account, because - again - you are among the elite players who just are good


You ain't wrong. I wouldnt be surprised at all if half the people saying abyss is a joke and its easy actually never beaten it. There should be a rule that before anyone says an endgame mode is easy they should comment a screenshot of their stars and their units + builds.


While I personally don't find Abyss to be much of a challenge anymore (to the point that I self-impose restrictions on myself, like 'Always use my Keqing' or 'At least try not running Xiangling this time') I do know that the mode is more than challenging enough for most players who haven't spent the time in this game than I have or have the units that I have. So I would never try and make people feel bad for struggling with it. I kind of wish there were a bit more Abyss floors, but with no primogem rewards. I'd play that.


I'm sure many who say it's easy genuinely feel so. What they just don't realize is how insanely good players they really are compared to the vast majority of the playerbase ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Day 1 player here, Full Starring Abyss since years, blah blah... This abyss took me more tries than past ones months ago, I wont say is easy but there were worst like triple Herald.


thats just quitter talk dood. but i respect your opinion even though i respectfully disagree. my advice to people who want to actually do it is pick the correct characters and do "random bullshit go" until it clicks for you. youll be surprised how easy it becomes sometimes.


Let him call me a elite player i resetted all day for 36 stars let me have this


You are elite <3


Same i totally didn't spend like 2 hours fighting coppelius last rotation because my clorinde kept dying. Yep definitely not lol


10/10 all these talks of Abyss 12 being hard is really an unfounded fear of difficulty. I wouldn't even consider myself an elite player, I mess up my rotations fairly often and panic burst to i-frames a lot, still manage to unga bunga 36\* clears.


I hope this doesn't come across as hostile, I'm just genuinely curious: You disagree that only the elite can 9star floor 12? What is your take then, do you want to say that ANYONE can do it? <- if this is not what you think, how would you call the % of people who CAN do it? If you are against using the term elite, what would you call yourself and other top players who can do it then? For the record: I failed with Raiden - Yelan - Bennet - Xiangling Neuvillette - Furina - Kazua - Charlotte as suggested there [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/1dgv6jb/abyss\_infographic\_v47/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1dgv6jb/abyss_infographic_v47/) And also failed with Kirara - Nahida - Fischl - Miko Morgana I also tried Nilou - Kirara - Nahida - Kokomi though I don't remember who I used on the other side in that run ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ The chars alone won't help if you are not a good player ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I also failed with Neuvillette on 2nd half, but found Kokomi + Furina (+Nahida+Kuki) just works better, their hydro app gets rid of the lectors shield faster, maybe you could try that First half I used Raiden national, maybe if your issue is you get knocked around, Xingqiu is better than Yelan here


What does your artifacts look like? Any link on enka etc...


i disagree with anyone being a bad player. i was also at that level and my wake up call was when they introduced consecrated beasts. i used to just blitz abyss and never cared for the stars until it hit me that i CAN do it if i tried. so i tried and tried and tried. watched countless videos that had the same roster that i had. watched how they did rotations and ignored tutorials or showcases that tell you to have c2 of this or c6 of that. i didnt clear it then. but the next cycle i tried again. and again. until i did. and from there it becomes much easier. the first thing you have to work on is your mindset. defeatist attitudes is one of the major reasons why people fail on anything. thats why i respect your opinion because i know the feeling of thinking you have a "skill issue" but i respectfully disagree with the fact that you do. never compare yourself to others. at the end of the day though if you really think that you cant then no one has the right to push you. but putting yourself in the position where you show self-pity and defeat like this post and your comments here will certainly make people push you.


Bro really said "Get good and believe in me that believes in you!" ~~Your drill is the drill that will pierce Celestia!~~


I appreciate you trying to help and I agree with your general statement about mindset. Am I coming across as self-pity-ing? That was not my intention, this was supposed to be a funny meme based on the observation of many not managing 9stars and myself failing too - which I personally don't mind at all ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Let's forgo the use of the term "elite" and "bad player" then but what you said at the start there is exactly what separates good players from not good ones. You cared enough to specifically look into things and learn and improve, that's what made you good in the end. The gigantic majority does not do that and consequently stays at the level you initially described. And there's really nothing wrong with either approach ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ If that's defeatist that's okay, I am fine with that :) What I just find funny is how people have a hard time accepting that their skill level is way beyond average, however they got there. That warrants something like "elite" or "good player" imo.


> Am I coming across as self-pity-ing? That was not my intention, this was supposed to be a funny meme based on the observation of many not managing 9stars and myself failing too - which I personally don't mind at all ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ i guess you can say that i took this post way too seriously. its your comments that are showing that way and im not trying to argue or come off as trying to "save" or make fun of you here. youre correct that what i did is what actually separates the 2, but skill level demands practice. if you cant do that from the start then yeah thats an aactual issue. you cant expect everything to be handed down via silver platter. you have to have effort to try. thats the very basic of the things you need to do.


No worries, I didn't get offended or anything The comments are actually really interesting, that's why I engage with them so heavily right now. It's surprising to see so many have the exact opposite perspective. Then again, anyone who cares enough about the game to frequent a subreddit dedicated to it and to engage in discussions there is very much not of the super casual crowd to begin with, hehe


For the thread, drop an Akasha (website) link if you can, it'd help identify what you need to do to improve. Now with that said, I heavily disagree with the notion of "good" and "bad" players. Sure, there is certainly a level of skill that some can have. Some players can hard max their dps with teams without healers or sustains, or teams that require good aim or technical prowess. However, the increase is so small that it becomes barely recognizable, like the change in game from AR 59 to 60. What I will say is that artifacts and team comps are VERY important. No amount of training can take a team with poor artifacts to the next level. No amount of enemy grouping and attack pattern recognition will make your Neuvillette do any more damage. Characters alone often can and DO take "bad" players and make them "good," because some characters can void bad artifact levels and such. If you would like to consider the "elite" as those with good artifacts, constellations, and weapons, then go ahead. But it isn't a skill issue, because it doesn't take skill to learn your team comp and what weapons, talents, and artifacts you should have. It takes luck to get your team together, but it certainly doesn't take skill. Maybe practice, maybe time.


I just did that after someone told me it only needs my id [https://akasha.cv/profile/717888262](https://akasha.cv/profile/717888262) Currently in the process of loading all chars there, heh


Since your hu tao is one of your better units, i'd probably suggest hu tao-xq-yelan-sucrose/barbara. Xq + yelan + on-field catalyst can deal with the shields pretty well, sucrose can also help you group them to get more application from your xq's swords. Then for the other side aggravate yae should do the trick


Yeah, those teams are a bit of problem. The biggest bottleneck to clearing this abyss is the abyss lectors, and also getting through all the waves in 12-1-1 in a timely manner. That means for first half, you ideally want units that don't rely on circle impact and have high damage uptime (imo aggravate is best at this, you can clear any given wave with half a rotation's worth of abilities which speeds things up a lot). For second half, fast application is king. The enemies don't have too much hp so bringing a dps monster with mediocre application like neuvillete + furina is worse than bringing units with lower damage but much higher application like xq + yelan. Grouping the lectors is also very important to make sure as much as possible of your hits hit both of them at the same time. A great budget option that covers all these bases is taser, since sucrose + xq + fischl + beidou all do pretty good damage to the shields. Morgana is also not great for second half since cryo does 1/4thbthe damage that hydro does to pyro shields, and ganyu doesn't have amazing cryo application to begin with. Your nilou team would probably do better on second half since nilou triple 3 + kokomi is actually pretty good at breaking shields since it has a lot of decently fast aoe application.


"Elite" might not exactly be a wrong description, but it gives the impression of "only players with hyper investment or godly mechanical skills can pass", which isn't true. The abyss does test those things, but the most important thing is knowing your matchups. I'm not a particularly good player, and I only started clearing abyss on Dehya's banner because that's when I started diversifying my built roster and paying attention to my units: strengths and weaknesses instead of going "haha yes, electro waifu goes brrrr" As for your teams, Neuvi is surprisingly not great against the pyro lectors and needs a second hydro unit to clear them in time. You have Furina with him, and they work great together. However, he also has enough self healing to forgo Charlotte in that comp, since her healing is kind of overkill and the thing he needs the most is interruption resistance. So dropping her in favor of Zhongli or Layla will make executing his rotations absolutely braindead easy, since you won't have to dodge anymore and won't get staggered out of your dps window. Neuvi Burst > Shield up > Furina Skill + Burst > Kazuha Skill + Burst (try to swirl hydro) > Neuvi Charged Attack X2 > Neuvi Skill > Neuvi Charged Attack. Rinse and repeat and everything should be dead For that first team, I'd drop Yelan in favor of Nahida. She lets you tag entire waves that will get aggravated by Raiden's wide swings to make things faster, and is just as useful in single target (and trivializes ASIMON). Yelan is almost exclusively single target, and you need AOE for that first room, and Raiden Taser also doesn't do enough damage to chew through these giant HP bars. Then swap XL for Miko or Fischl since you won't be doing any vapes and bob's your uncle. Or you can swap Yelan with Chevrolet if you have her, doesn't even need to be built, just lvl 70 for her passive to buff Raiden and XL, but without dendro you might struggle with ASIMON a bit


Characters can definitely carry you. You dont need to be an elitist to 36 stars this abyss. You just need the right teams. I often see people underestimating Kokomi Mono Hydro a lot. You should give it a try this abyss if you are still struggling as I saw you have the units. Run a Hyperbloom comp first half like Nahida Kuki XQ Zhongli, or Nahida Kuki Neuvilette Zhongli. Kirara if you dont have ZL. Then on second half go Furina Kokomi Yelan Kazuha. Seriously dont underestimate this team, it sheeted and simulated as much damage as Neuvilette Kazuha Furina Baizhu which is one of the best teams in the game. Except its even better for shield breaking than the Neuv team, which makes F12-1 a breeze. It falls off compared to Neuvi on chambers 2 and 3 because it lacks Neuvi's crazy AoE though, but still has more than enough to 3 stars all chambers. [Seriously look at this, I had a full minute left](https://streamable.com/zvnrj7)


From what I can gather, ppl usually 36* by either doing overwhelming DPS or by using specific team counters to the  abyss layout. Chambers are often designed to sell the current banner character. For instance, the current abyss layout promotes dendro teams on top side with the first chamber incentivising non circle impact teams and the last chamber, Asimon, allows you to skip his invis phase with quicken. Based on the teams you're using, Rational is less effective on the top side since it's more single-target oriented. The yae team also lacks an anemo unit like kazuha which is a significant damage loss. The easiest teams to clear this abyss would be a Hyperbloom comp on the top side, either Alhaitham or double Hydro, and Neuvillette + Furina on the bottom half. You might also want to consider swapping Charlotte for Zhongli, as he can break the Pyro shields faster with his ult. I'd also recommend saving kaz's ult right before the pyro lectors transition to thier shield phase so that it can be infused with hydro. That'd make clearing the first chamber alot easier I feel.


do you want advice on teams and rotations? i might be able to help 


Just a reminder, there's gonna be a Theater buff for certain characters so if anyone got these units (i forgot which ones it'll be, but you can check the livestream) and is struggling to 36*, you might want to wait until july 1st


Jokes on them, because I never do floor 12.


I really hate when hoyo "increases difficulty" by adding a hell amount of tiny enemies making them appear one for one. It's not hard, it's just tedious


The same ppl that say this is "EASY" are also the same ppl that reset 500 times to barely squeak by 3 hours later on a chamber. They tend to gaslight players into thinking you are crazy because they themselves DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK WORDS MEAN. Edit: If you did beat it easily with your juiced account then I'm not talking about you. There is no need to reply to me with your anecdotal "I actually do know what word easy means" story.


Interesting phrasing but at the core it probably applies to some, yeah


I've seen it in this comment section. One guy told you it was easy. You called him elite. He told another person that he doesn't feel elite because he resetted a bunch of times. If he he had to reset it a bunch of times IT IS NOT FUCKING EASY.


That much is true for sure, yeah, hehe


If they took that much time and attempts, "easy" would have to be sarcasm. I took 3 tries in this abyss. First fail was because I underestimated the difficulty and brought ayato solo hydro on the 2nd half. Then I added yelan and found that single target hydro was not ideal for double pyro shields. Third try I brought furi neuv, who I usually try to avoid because they make things too easy. And they easily decimated the shields with kazuha to set up a hydro burst before the pyro shields appeared. Would this still be considered "easy"?


Nah you have the correct puzzle pieces and investment to dumpster it. I don't have a Nuev so I have to jam a square peg in a round hole. I've 36 starred abyss in the past so I don't feel like putting myself through hell restarting 500 times to do it again. I got 2 stars on every chamber and said that will do 😅


It’s always been like that?


Its harder sure, but not that much harder than previous end-version cycles


Well that’s why they gave you guys 30 days to get over your victim complexes and lock in


if you are talking about the 16.06 abyss cycle then imo it's FAR, FAR EASIER than the previous few ones, especially the Coppelius and geo automaton the name of I forgot, I first tried every chamber except 12-1 which only required one retry, but that may just be thanks to Neuvi Arle Haitham and Venti


I only ever do floors 9 and 10 to save my sanity, so the extra 100 I get for those floors now is very much welcome lol


I couldn't 9 star Floor 12 before so this is only an increase for me. I seriously hate Spiral Abyss. It's anti-fun.


When all else fails, resort to hyperbloom


Nothing is impossible if you ~~whale~~ believe hard enough jk the theather buff thingy carries over to the abyss and overworld I think


jokes on them, I have never 9 stared the 12th floor this isnt new




I am not an absolute elite player, i buy welkin and sometimes bp. Trust me this abyss was way easier than 3.7


1.3 floor 11 vs 4.7 floor 11 which is more rage inducing


I only started in 1.4 and I genuinely don't remember when I first tried abyss ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ What happened in 1.3?


https://youtu.be/6et3UXv6oSc?si=1Jn6zghMeqheZ_nj This is the best video I can find of someone clearing it 😭


That "small" roster of chars compared to nowadays, haha! Really nostalgic to an extent


Never did abyss in first place as my strongest is Ningguang


tfw you are not allowed to bring the Jade Chamber to every fight


Dude, I am a filthy casual, and I 36 stared the abyss first try. My advice for everyone is Neuvillette, Furina, Kazuha + Shielder also Hyperbloom team


Calling oneself filthy casual then proceeding with metaslave advice. Nice.


So, am I one of the absolute elite players? That's a nice compliment =D


I personally never repeat floor 12 until I get 9 stars. If I get 6 stars on my first attempt, it's good enough.


Rift hounds abyss PTSD intesifies


I tend to do Abyss towards the end of the cycle but this time I went straight in early. I saw some memes about 11-1 which turned out to be piss-easy, but floor 12 was annoying as hell. Funnily enough on my first try 12.1 and 12.2 gave me trouble and 12.3 was the one I got 3 stars on. Going back to do the first two chambers again was... painful. I tried several permutations of hyperbloom similar to my first attempt, and finally settled it with the good ol' reliable Nilou Bloom instead. 12-1-1 with Nilou Bloom made it relatively easy, but 12-2-1 Megu Kenki was annoying as all hell because of it. Took me an hour to clear the whole floor. The second team was just Neuvi, Furina, Kazuha, Xianyun more or less brute-forcing their way through. The annoying thing is the enemy distribution. Always spawning in pairs across the room, 4 times in a row, and they specifically picked a diverse selection of elite enemies with large health pools. It's an Abyss designed to waste your time and test your patience, not skill, granted that's what Abyss has always been about. Thanks a lot mihoyo.


I never do floor 12 unless there are no dog shit bosses with impossible i-frames. I found this cycle quite enjoyable, despite the horrible waves and blobs haha but I got 6 stars, which is more than fine to me.


Healthy mindset. I always clear f12 to get the artifacts and mora and if it feels like I could get 9 stars I retry a few times


Even with my standard Archon team on one side and Neuvillette on the other, it was pretty tough. Almost as difficult as the 3.7 Abyss, and probably would be just as bad if Neuvillette didn't exist


Well i suppose i should take this as a compliment then


Strangely I struggled with the last few floor 12s (mostly due to the electro lectors) but had no issue here. I did have mostly limited 5 stars but at c0 (r1 with Arlecchino) but same as the last cycles too.


I would love if abyss floor 12 were harder, but not in terms of DPS checks, but in terms of dodging and overall skill checks. I hate damage sponges.


Welp. I'll take 150 more primos... Not much difference in star levels.


Version 1.2 floor 11 still takes the cake for the hardest interation. Mainly because not many people had enough characters. Not many people had Venti.


I have trouble with all the floors past the static ones. The two teams thing is annoying ad fuck.


you should've tried floor 11 chamber 2 first half of 1.3 abyss without venti, that shit took me more attempts than malenia


They increased rewards?


Oh shit! I forgot rewards are increased now. I just autopilot on claiming them just like before lmao. Also, this abyss isn't that hard compared to the Sumeru monstrosities back then.


The abyss this time felt triple as long compared to when you'd normally complete a single chamber after entering floor 11. Was wondering what you guys meant by difficulty then got humbled by the massive hands of the mobs in the current abyss.


I felt that


Only 12-1 was a bit tough because 4 waves of enemies spawn and in different places, far from each other. It was easy afterwards


12-2 had 4 waves too in one half. Absolute nightmare, heh


Yeah but it was less hard, for me at least


I had to use 3 different set of teams of get 3 stars for each chamber on floor 12 😅


Joke's on MoyoHuyo, if i get 6 stars at floor 11 it's 50 more primos than usual.


Ngl the current circle is one of the easiest I've ever encouraged, even the prev was harder than this one. The only problem now is the waves of enemies, there are too much of them (imo) in general it's just a usual abyss here


i mean, at leasts boss sides in 12 are easy, imaging if it was some boss with a shield or venut so its basically just second half thats hard


thx for the compliment


You're welcome! Keep rocking that thing!


My only problem with this abyss is (again) that boss dorito that likes to go invisible for some reason, and waste your time if you don't have an electro character. Other than that, it was decently fun and challenging. However, since I'm a low spender and usually invest vertically in a few characters, I can see why most players would struggle with a higher dps check —it's not that it requires more skill, just a higher damage output which is unrealistic for most f2p accounts.


Ig depends how you define elite. Are these those who play since 1.0 every single day and get every single character Or are those invested players that know who to pull for and what to build? Sincerely, a guy that tried to make my favourite 1.0 4\* shine giving her best supports, but failed, and then proceeded to use 5 character to 9\* in third try


Damn it's really that hard? Might just reinstall but I feel like my neuvillette's just gonna shit on everything again


It was always impossible for me so no difference lol


You couldn't clear 12* because you are not good enough. I couldn't clear 12* because I am at permanent 400 ping during combat. Verdict? Spiral Abyss sucks.


It's not elite players only, it's either elite players or those who own Neuvillette


At first I thought it was impossible and I would have to test many teams. Then I just add Nahida to the Alhaitham team and cleared it at 7:00 exactly xD (I'm stubborn and don't like to play with Nahida)


Last abyss was worse because needed pyro in both sides which made me run 2 different teams. I could have done it in one but I rather use Nahida against the electro lectors than hutao. This one left no room for error, which ofc I don’t make.


For this Abyss, I just straight up don't have enough DPS to beat it. That 1 random Ruin Guard and those 2 Knights at the end of Floor 12-1 ruin everything for me. That Ruin guard fucks with the whole rotation and the fact that it's so far away also just stinks. And then those Serpent knights serve no purpose apart from being time wasters. Like they test nothing and are just. There


it's the only elite part of society I'll ever be a part of. Let me have this /s


The heralds are the big issue for me. I feel fairly confident I could 9 star if I could get a good team to swiftly take care of them, start over with my actual good teams, then take however long it takes with that team to beat them before going to the next floor with my good teams and beating them down.


And takes twice as long to reset now... so we won noting


it's not floor 12 that needs attention, usually I just one run it whether I got full stars or not. floor 11 chamber 1 is the one that should get complained. I need to retry several times to get full stars there. without sucrose and kazuha I don't know if I can do it. I'm afraid they will keep increasing difficulty below floor 12 and eventually makes floor 11 very hard to casual players.


That’s the one with a billion slimes that spawn on opposite sides right?


If you have furina and neuvilette you can easily 36 star the abyss..I started in 3.3 and have been consistently doing 36 stars since 4.1 due to neuvilette


I have both, have used both and still failed :D


Maybe it's just skill issue or you have worst artifacts on them..watch zyox abyss clears or sevyplays abyss clears..I can say you can definitely clear the abyss after watching them


I’ve never gotten a single star on floor 12 so nothing’s changed for me.


Ow, guess I'm elite now


If you can 9star floor 12 then you are, yeah :)




Implying it ever was any different.


Apparently I'm an elite player (I just log in do dailies and far what I need)


Compare to the vast majority who cannot do it... yes, you are :) Of course there are still different levels within that elite though


i know this is a meme sub.. but maybe someone can find some use for this info. i beat this 4.7 abyss (36 stars) using: 1st half = Ei, Xingqiu, Benny, Xiangling. 2nd half = Nahida, Furina, Barbara, Kuki. good luck!! (\^\_\^)


I tried that exact team in the first half and was already close to the 3 minutes in every chamber with it before even starting the 2nd half :D


I honestly can't imagine anyone doing that chamber with 2 pryo heralds without neuvilette or childe


as a f2p i dont even consider doing f12-1 cause the mobs are so ridiculously tanky for no reason that its just unfun to do you either need artifacts so good that your character can do millions per screenshot by itself or drop so much dough into the game that you could open a bakery and i can do neither because I a) artifact system in this game is straight up GARBAGE with its bullshit "oh a double crit stat with energy recharge piece? OH BOY HERE COMES DAT DEFENSE FLAT THAT EATS ALL THE FUCKING ROLLS BECAUSE FUCK YOU!" b) i dont have 1000 dollars to throw on a game just to get a character to c6