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The 8th house is the house of death, not the house of rebirth. In fact, I suggest that there *isn't* a house of rebirth, and here's why: the house system is based on astrology, and natal astrology leans quite heavily towards being a system by which we analyse a single lifespan. You are born at the ascendant, you live via the houses, you die at the 8th house. How would a system like that appropriately describe another life? It's a bit like suggesting it can describe (with any complexity) the life of your cousin. That's not to say that some people haven't tried to cover reincarnation in astrology, so doing some research to that end (from traditional astrologers - not modern) would be a good idea. Also, 'just to see what would happen' is not a useful way to do divination. It leads to people fundamentally asking 'what does this chart say?' rather than focussing on an actual question they can answer. It gets a bit circular, and the chart often can't be trusted on that basis. This question, if the chart is adequately reflective, is also a bit strange - I presume from it you believe that you (or all people) are forced to continually incarnate until a certain point at which they aren't, and can move on in some other sense? So what does that look like? What forces a person to keep coming back and what would allow them not to? Are they, in fact, entirely without agency in whether or not they return? A clear and solid understanding of what is actually being asked is probably important.