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Yes, exercise is one of the top recommendations to control numbers without meds. It can backfire, however, if the exercise causes pain or fatigue. It can increase your cortisol enough to offset the benefit of the exercise.


This!! A power walk works for me, but running would increase my blood sugar significantly. I stopped running several weeks ago though. And I have to time the exercise perfectly for it to work. If I need to test at 10:30 am, I’d have to walk from 9:45 until 10:25. If I walk too early it won’t help by the time I test.


Sometimes i wonder if this is another contributing factor to my stupid fasting number. I wake up in so much pain from the day before and hobble downstairs to take my blood sugar and sometimes it seems like on days when I’m in extra pain it’s a little higher. 🙃


Definitely, but the key is to walk right after eating. Your body is immediately putting those carbs to work and turning them into energy for your walk. I don’t walk fast at all, like a 25 minute mile, and I still find a 30 minute walk will keep me in range.


I went for a moderately strenuous 20 minute walk immediately after lunch yesterday, and it bought my 2 hour post meal glucose reading back down to my fasting level (4.7). Was very impressed, I’m gonna keep doing it for the rest of my pregnancy and hopefully it continues to work! 🙏🏼


Sometimes. There are so many contributing factors, it's hard to do one thing and have a consistent effect. I'm my case, at least.


I ate a bowl of udon yesterday and then did 5 minutes of squats (too dark out to walk) as my mom read that squats are a pretty effective alternative to walking - 92 for my 2-hour reading after the udon. I was surprised but the squats seem to work so much better for me than walking!


[This article](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/04/well/move/walking-after-eating-blood-sugar.html?unlocked_article_code=1.2k0.PssL.O3Y_YRmWIfdb&smid=url-share) came up in my feed just a few posts below yours. And yes, for me it definitely helps.


Walking has definitely helped with my post lunch and dinner numbers!


Walking is an absolute game changer for pp numbers. Even 15-20 minutes helped for me. On the other hand, biking did almost nothing. 😐


It has really helped my partner right after eating. She used to wait for 30 mins after meal and then talk a brisk for 15 mins


I've noticed that walking after a meal definitely helps my post-meal numbers, but it has done nothing for my fasting numbers, unfortunately.


Anytime I eat a meal I know is gonna spike me I go for a long walk in my neighborhood and it always puts me in range it’s great


Yes! I was advised to walk 15 - 20 mins after each meal.


The more I worked out the higher my fasting would go, it was weird. I’m on nighttime insulin and it’s fine


Unfortunately it’s the opposite for me. I have a very active job, work out four days a week, and walk my dogs. It always makes my glucose spike when I start moving. Starting insulin this week.


Walking made a huge difference in my pregnancy! My fasting was always in range, but a postprandial walk would allow me to eat more carbs without spiking. Generally, I ate in about 20 minutes, got ready for a walk, and walked until I needed to test at 1 hr. I also think all the walking helped keep me more fit and contributed to my speedy delivery and fast recovery.


Yes! Last night my 2 hour post meal number after dinner was 108 mg/dL. Then I went on a 15 minute walk before winding down for the evening and I decided to check my sugar after the walk because I was curious (if you exert too much energy that you’re releasing cortisol it can cause glucose to go up) and it went down to 93 mg/dL.


Walking at least 10 minutes after meals definitely helped my numbers. Even if it wasn’t a fast walk it still helped!


Yes, walking after meals brought down my numbers and helped with my insulin resistance which allowed me to stay diet controlled and avoid medication.