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This would be a fail at my clinic; usually you need 2 elevated numbers, unless one is over 200 or your fasting is elevated. Your fasting is 1 below cut off but your 1 hour would be sufficient for a dx if you had my med team. Some places also have 90 as the fasting cut off instead of the more common 95.


My clinic fasting cutoff I believe is 99 for fasting but I'm not sure. At this point I'm just hoping my glucometer was off by enough that the blood draw comes back lower than my glucometer did. 😆


My glucometer was off by +15%! Hope yours is too!


It's just a little cheapy from Walmart so I really hope so! Been tracking my fasting and post meals between tests and all have been within range and I haven't been eating particularly healthy as to not skew results, so hopefully that is a good sign.


I mean, they aren’t “off”. It’s just the device has a +\- 15% tolerance. That’s why you can’t draw any conclusions off of 1 data point. You need like two weeks worth of data


Well, mine was definitely very OFF. each of my glucometer readings was nearly 75% higher than my lab results came back as. Going straight in the trash. 😅


I had one number (my one hour) above 200 and that was considered automatic fail even though all my other numbers were within range.


That's what I'm worried about, do I'm hoping my glucometer is a bit off! I know they're not nearly as accurate as a blood draw, but I couldn't help myself. 😆


My fasting number was 92, it was considered a fail (threshold was <92) alongside my 1 hour number of 188 (threshold of 180). 2 hours was 130, which was ok but my clinic considers the fasting number and 1 hour to be failing the test even if the 2nd hour number was ok


Odd that your two hour threshold is so low, my Drs office 2 hour needs to be below 155


No my result at 2 hours was 130, the threshold is 155, same as your clinice


Oh I must have misread your comment! Yeah I'm hoping my glucometer is off even by just a bit. I probably shouldn't have done it cause now I'm even more anxious but I couldn't resist, I hate waiting for lab results!


My lab test result came back same day and I was super upset about the diagnosis. Hope you pass!


Mine always seem to take forever. I'm sorry you have to deal with it, I will be super upset too. Thank you! 🤞🏻