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A walk will help.


Best on experience, definitely! A 15-minute walk can make a huge difference.


Most def will help. When i have a heavy dinner, a 30-40 min walk after helps lower the number


Depending on how many carbs it might not prevent a spike but it will definitely help lower the numbers, as will drinking water.


I just got diagnosed too. I don’t know if it makes a difference or not but just because I read that it might help, I’m walking about 10 mins after lunch and dinner. I consider that any little activity helps since I’m a remote worker and have been slacking off walking my dogs.


A walk always helped me. Caroline Jordan has some good walking workouts targeted at lowering BGLs on YouTube that I followed as well in addition to her other non-walking workouts..


Yes will help a ton.


It will definitely help, and also if you spike you can walk after and lower it.


I use to walk twice a week before it started feeling like satans asshole outside and my numbers were great. I plan on starting post dinner walks next week to help lower my fasting numbers. My doctor said walks definitely help with spiking and the length of a spike. If nothing else it’s nice to get your body moving for like 30 minutes a couple times a week.


As an aside, while you figure things out, I can do a little bit (maybe 5-6 bites, half a cup) of pasta if I eat meatballs or even chicken parm with it first. No spike, even without walking. Protein first, always. Makes a big difference.


A walk always helps! But that doesn’t necessarily mean it will ~prevent a spike. But it can definitely lower the number which is necessary if the number is high. It’s hard but don’t beat yourself up while figuring it out.