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This is what my numbers generally look like, and I got a message from my nurse the other day saying "Your numbers look great! Keep up the good work!"


If your numbers continue to look like this, it may be that you don't actually have GD! (since it sounds like you're doing this to diagnose GD to begin with, and aren't taking the 3 hour GTT). In women without GD, blood sugars actually decrease in pregnancy. So if you don't actually have GD, it makes sense that your numbers are pretty low at the two hour mark! You may have spiked, but your body produced enough insulin quickly enough to bring that spike down.


Thanks for this explanation, it’s just crazy to me how little guidance I’m getting from my doctor surrounding this- I “failed” the 1 hour test with 164 and I have emetophobia so I was having a hard time forcing myself to do the 3 hour after my 1 hour experience. I’m thankful that this testing is an option but they didn’t even give me a range I’m looking for so no clue other than random internet searches what I’m looking at. And I learned to use the meter in like 2 min or less from a busy pharmacist so tons of room for user error here. I’m using an app to track readings and it flagged this recent reading as “low” while the rest are in range so 🤷‍♀️ I’m hopeful that maybe by the end of the week GD can be ruled out for now but trying to learn everything I can!


Disclaimer that I'm very new to this too, and I only started tracking this week because my initial bloodwork showed an A1C of 5.7, so I want to be proactive, but also gauge if I'm going to fail the 1 hour test they had me schedule early. From diabetes.org: The Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes suggests aiming for a fasting glucose level below 95 mg/dl, a reading of under 140 mg/dl an hour after eating, and a reading of under 120 mg/dl two hours after eating. I also found info that said before meal should be also be 95 or less.


Usually poor sleep and stress increase glucose levels!! But GD doesn’t ask ways act the same for everyone or follow normal rules lol You also just may not have GD!


That’s odd. Bad sleep and stress should raise your numbers, not lower them.


That’s what I thought! So when the first reading was 60 I was very confused and that’s why did it over again, I feel completely fine so idk how to know if my testing is wrong or am having problems with meter/strips?


Your other numbers are really good too. If I got poor sleep and then had a stressful day, my numbers would be way higher, even if I was eating GD friendly foods. If this trend continues, my bet is they will say you don’t have GD.