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You should not be eliminating all carbs. No doctor recommends that. You should be getting more than 50 grams per day at minimum to avoid ketosis.


You should be eating complex carbs and fruit still. Baby needs a well rounded diet, still!


Definitely need more carbs. I started to go low carb bc that was the only way to get the numbers in range, and my mfm Dr explained it's healthier for baby for me to go on insulin if needed (was needed) to get my glucose in range with my expected carb intake than to cut the carbs lower than what they are wanting. I was even told if I'm going to eat something more carb heavy than my target to take a little extra insulin. I'm happy to say baby size has gone from 99% to 96% and I'm now expecting a 8.5-9lb baby instead of a 10+lb baby. I started out bigger and my expected carb intake total is 170 per day. I've been lucky to only go from 287lbs at 4wks prego to 298lbs at 34wks prego. Getting induced at 38wks for GD and pre-existing hypertension.


You need to follow @gestational.diabetes.nutrition and also meet with a registered dietitian at your hospital. Not eating any carbs is probably the worst thing you can do. It will eventually send you into diabetic ketoacidosis. Also, I got my highest BGL reading the day I didn't eat for 7 hours and had 1 dolma. Probably due to gluconeogenesis. Your liver does NOT like it when you skip meals when you're diabetic. And right now, during pregnancy, we are diabetic. Don't skip meals. It'll cause your body to think you're dying or something and dump a ton of glucose thinking it's saving your life. Your body is already under mad stress due to pregnancy, don't give it another reason to be mad stressed. If you're having trouble eating due to nausea or whatever, they can give you meds. Otherwise, you should be doing: Breakfast - 15-30g carbs, snack - 15g carbs, lunch - 35-60g carbs, snack #2 - 15g carbs, dinner - 34-45g carbs, snack #3 - 15g. I did what you did during my first pregnancy until I had my meeting with the registered dietitian and she was HORRIFIED when I told her I said I'd cut out all carbs. Do not not not not NOT do that.


Just wanted to piggyback onto your comment- I have had 3 meals & 3 snacks a day since my diagnosis like 20 weeks ago. The other day I had a horribly upsetting doctors appointment and i knew if i ate lunch I’d throw up. I just ate small snacks all day until dinner when things had settled down. I ended up getting the highest reading i’ve ever had for dinner and we couldn’t figure out why. Now we’re pretty sure it’s because I had almost no carbs throughout the day and then ate dinner which was my normal carb amount. I didn’t spike but it was much, much higher than normal for dinner and also a “safe meal” so we were incredibly confused.