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Yes! It’s to check to see if you happened to develop type 2 diabetes after birth


To add to this question, do you continue to do blood sugar checks and follow the GD diet after birth while you're waiting for the postpartum test to see if you have type 2 diabetes after birth?


I did not. I told myself I would while I pregnant (not as strictly) but that thought went out the window as soon as my first meal was a burger and curly fries from Jack in the Box! Lol




Thank you!!


Thank you! For some reason I expected an A1c rather than a 2 hr glucose test lol


You should have annual A1c done too since the increased risk of type 2 diabetes is a lifetime risk.


I'm in the U.S. and at my 6 week postpartum follow up, they only checked my c-section incision and that was it. My husband is my primary care doctor and he ordered an a1c test for when I was about 3 months postpartum which came back fine. In the hospital after I had my son, they let me have a regular diet right away and didn't check my sugars at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


I never had to repeat the glucose drink test post partum. I did get A1C annually but only after a few years post partum when I advocated for myself (I started just feeling sick after some meals like when I had too much sugar). I’m schedule for A1C in August, 3.5mo post partum. I was prediabetic between baby 2 and recent pregnancy 11 year gap) with diet control to avoid insulin.


I had one 6 weeks PP! I took it right before thanksgiving and celebrated with so many mashed potatoes when I passed 🤣🤣


LOL yes best way to celebrate!


Yeah I've been given the forms to schedule this after baby's birth and I've been told the GP will now schedule me for a yearly blood test too


I just completed my postpartum gtt at 8 weeks. It was 2 hours instead of 3 and ordered by my mfm. I passed, but my pcp said he will continue to order A1C bloodwork every 6 months for the next 3 years to monitor. ETA - my pcp has a special interest in diabetes and is definitely conservative, but I don’t mind!


I was told to go to my PCP for an A1c , but I need to get one first. Definitely on my agenda


My endocrinologist checks my A1C 3 months pp, and then every 12 months


I did not do a test besides A1C at my primary dr. That is 3 months after birth. They told me to eat normally!