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That’s your good boy.


*I'm not crying, you're crying.* ​ I've got a 15 year old pup who is failing and in her last year, and I'm sick already at what's coming. Can't let her see me cry.


I am so sorry I went through this last year at this time and I still am not okay it never goes away people don't understand why it still pains me. I wish you all the strength in the world 🙏


I understand this well mate, I'm sorry for your lost, my partners in crime past in 2018 and 2020 (two huskies), I loved them more than 80% of the people I know


After our old girl passed my son and I kept seeing her out of the corner of our eyes and feeling her jump on the bed. After about a month of it I said out loud, “Roxy, I know you’re worried about us but we’re ok. We’re so sad because we miss you so much. But you don’t have to stay here. We’re going to be ok. You can move on.” I didn’t tell my son I did this but a week later he said, “Mom, I haven’t seen Roxy out of the corner of my eye for about a week.” We both never saw her again. I say this because I hope it comforts you to think that maybe death is not the end of everything and maybe they do stay with us until we’re ready to say goodbye.


Gosh I hope so. It's even hard to write this.


I understand why it still pains you. And I'm sorry.


I understand why it's still pains you. We lost our baby almost 3 years ago. It seems like I still think about her everyday


I lost my 15-year old dog in December, and I didn't think I'd ever feel "normal" again. Although it's taken several months, I'm finally to the point that I'm not crying every day. Grief's a bitch, but there's always a light at the end of the tunnel, even when it may not seem like it.


I lost 2 of my best dogs last year, my mom lost her 2 baby dogs in the last month. They hang around. They know what you've done, for them & feel your love. They will always be with you. At least, that'd what I tell myself.


Cry with her. Seriously, go do it. Just sit there with her and cry and do it as much as you need to, or even just sit there and spend time with her. When we put our last dog down, we'd known it was coming for a while by then, and spending as much time as I could with him, crying or not (sometimes I'd just sit there as he laid there,) and getting one more big cry out before and as we put him down really helped me with the grieving process personally Grief is different for everyone, but I can almost certainly promise you that if you take the time to be there with her, cry with her, play with her as much as she can, etc. it'll help the pain and hurt from knowing you'll never see her again, knowing that in the time you did have you made the most of it. That is something I honestly really need to do as well. My dogs both turned 8 this past January, and while they are far from being old dogs and are still plenty spring and spry, I know that day is coming and I can see the signs, even if they're small, that they are getting older. It's going to fucking suck when they do get to that point where the best decision is to put them out of their misery, but it's something I know is coming and helps me remember on occasion to spend more time with them, pet them when they come up asking for it, even if I'm doing something else and want them to leave me alone for a sec. Sorry for the long post. I just saw your comment and it made me start thinking and I decided I should spill those thoughts into the page. You can completely ignore me if you'd like, or take my advice. Either way, I know the pain you're feeling, and want you to know that you've got people here if not in your life that you can talk to if need be.


I’m sorry for you and your loved one. Just know that they will be ok and they understand what’s going on more then you think. I just recently received a message from my friends dog who passed away tragically and the dog wanted me to tell my friend to please not be so upset that she’s gone and to stop mourning her because she is still with her always and is happy! I wish the best for you and your pup. They will always be with you! 💖✨✨


Always thinking about you and other dog parents nearing the big decision. Enjoy every moment.


Oh how I wish that my pups that have left this world would be close to me like that..


Story time! Tearing up writing it, so consider yourself warned. A few nights after the passing of my childhood golden, I had a dream about her. My nuclear family (parents/siblings) were all in the kitchen with our past pets. We had lost 2 cats and our golden that I grew up with, but they were all in the kitchen with us, and we were petting them. Crying, acknowledging we knew they were dead to one another, feeling confused. I “woke up” in my room with 3 young kids looking at me, maybe 5-8 in ages. 2 girls and a boy. They smiled and started to leave the room, and I asked them who they were. The little boy smiled and said “we’re not really supposed to say, but everything is going to be okay.” And followed the girls out of my room. I stood to follow but they were gone in the hall, and my mom was looking at me from her room across the hall. I woke up for real after that feeling shook. Went to tell my mom about the dream, and she tells me first that her friend got her a sympathy gift. It was a children’s book, about how children angels take dogs back to their owners when they need a visit. I cried a lot.


I F'ing love your story, thank you for sharing it Edit: do you know the name of the book?


Dog Heaven by Cynthia Rylant. We bought it for our son when our boxer suddenly passed at only 5 years old. Our son was only 4 when it happened. Really helped him through it. He’s 12 now and our 5 year old daughter now reads it. Amazing book.


Thanks! I really appreciate your comment, I’m a new parent and this seems the kind of book I would love to read to my little one


I got chills in my head as I read this


Wow this reminds me a lot of when my cat Orange passed, he was a Maine Coon mix and absolutely the best boy I ever had the pleasure of being friends with. The day before he passed, I knew he was suffering and the vet had told me it was time. I was holding him in my arms and I could feel his hesitancy... so I told him, "its ok Orange, you will have another life after this one. We all get new bodies." He passed the next day About a week later I had an incredibly vivid dream of a giant orange sea turtle swimming in the ocean geacefully, all the colors of the ocean were beautiful and I could see the sunlight coming down through the top, the turtle smiled at me and told me it was ok. When I woke up I felt distinctly that it was my Orange. I ended up telling the dream to my friend and she said, thats so weird.. my uncle was just in Florida where they had a big storm and a giant sea turtle approached him on the beach. It had happened the same day of the dream. Life is so beautiful and complex... I believe now we have many lives


Your pup still watching over you ❤️




I definitely believe animals cross over to an afterlife just as we do. What a good boy to still be looking over you.


I am christian orthodox. I looked it up what religion says. But I got mixed and unclear results. I really wish they go somewhere from the bottom of my heart. I miss my friend so much


Humans are animals too why would we be the only exception? We aren't really all that special in the grand scheme of things. If there's an afterlife we all go, and I bet your buddy would be there


From what I’ve read, most religions believe animals do have a soul. There are Bible passages that talk about animals going to Heaven and animals having souls. Islam openly says animals pray to God and praise Him, even if they cannot express their reverence and worship in a human language. That’s not even getting into religions that believe in reincarnation like Buddhism and Hinduism, both of which say that animals can reincarnate into humans and vice versa.


I think God knows clearly how much we all love our dogs. We treat them like people. And they never sin. So I don’t see any reason why they would not be in heaven with us. God wants His children to be happy. And whats better than spending forever with our favorite doggies !!! 😁🙏


>and they never sin You clearly have never met my chocolate lab






Well here’s the problem with that sin is a human made moral decision to disobey Gods commands. Animal attacks don’t exactly fall into this category of incidents. But nice try. Thats like sayin bear or lion attacks are sin. Sorry jus ain’t the same thing


Question. How would animals disobey God and commit sins if they arent even aware of his existence. That is a dumb argument ofcourse they dont commit sin if thats the case.


Oh I believe there aware of his existence. All creation is. It’s only people who are ignorant of this. Thus the test goes on. But since sin by definition is breaking Gods laws for mankind. Nothing to do with animals. They are just being beasts Wich is what they were made for. Sum for food sum more for wonder and love. God Made a beautiful creation for us to enjoy. But it’s full of dangers both spiritually and physically.


Fun fact. When king James was editing all the parts of the Bible he didn't agree with reincarnation and animal spirits was a part of what he left out. It's ok to have your own beliefs, your only know what a king hundreds of years ago decided you should know


This is one of the many things that lead me to losing my faith. Animals, they have all the emotions we have. All the feelings. Capable of memories, love, laughter, anger, and can have a bond with their kids. They can stress, get depressed, be hesitant, scared, etc. and you’re expecting me to believe that they don’t have souls?? So they just live to suffer Immense pain? (Wild animals suffer the most, most of their kids will die horrible deaths, and they starve very often) they experience all this for no reason? Yeah, sounds like a fabricated human superiority complex. Animals deserve heaven more than most people. It gets even more disgusting when you learn Muslims believe having animals in the house brings “bad spirits” oh the hypocrisy.


When I go...I wanna go where the animals go. People suck


That is awesome! Thank you for sharing that. My Aussie showed up in a large orb a couple years after he passed. When zoomed in he was so clear even my young kids could immediately see him


That’s amazing, you should post it if you still have the picture. Dogs are so genuine, I believe they’ve got souls!


I wish I still had the photo. It was over a dozen years ago, and lost track of it.


Oh we love our Aussies! We call them the Aussie Posse! Great dogs! Seems like he was still watching over (herding) you! 🐾


Now, imagine you just went through the brightest light and see colors we could never name as human. You walk hand-in-hand with the previous generations of your family, loved ones and friends, into a beautiful green, lush field full of flowers and sunshine. And then you see your dog running towards you. THAT is Heaven.


I Always have this kind of thoughts :) thanks for the kind comment


Crying at work


Same 🤧


My mom just passed away. Thank you so much for this. ❤️


Holy crap that hit me hard. What a beautiful image.


You just made me cry 🤍🥰💐


Heaven indeed. I believe that all of our ancestors are looking over us with love, protection, and pride. I bought a family crest pin for my sister and I to wear as reminders that we are the products of so much love and labor. She wears hers on her lab coat lapel that she wears for her college chemistry lectures she teaches. I read on another thread that the only babies a mama can love more than her babies, are her babies babies. That made me feel very loved. There are a lot of generations cheering me on. I feel it. I imagine Scottish immigrants 6 generations ago smiling at me sipping coffee on my front porch, comfortable. When I snuggle in bed I feel the relief of my loved ones who went cold so their children could keep warm.


Yup that’s him 😊


What a good boy, still watching over you. I lost my best buddy a year ago, we had a vet come over and he passed in our living room with a stomach full of filet mignon. I still feel his presence here and there. I would love to have a picture like this.


Very cool. Had he taken a few pictures before your dog showed up? I think spirits know they can be seen in pictures. It seems that when someone is taking pictures, if any spirits are around, they will come into the frame. I've noticed the 1st few shots won't show anything. But if you keep taking pictures, one will try and photo bomb your picture


I'll ask my mom if she still has the other pictures


What a beautiful visit from your beloved boy ❤️ This is amazing!! My kids have a camera like this; if it is indeed the same one then all the pictures are stored on the camera (in colour!) so if there were more, they should be on there 🙂


I think they know too. When I go to haunted places, if I think I feel something, I’ll ask straight up just ask for them to show up in my photo. It’s worked a bunch of times. I’ll just say “please can I see you in this photo? “ and then when do thumb immediately comes up, it makes it more likely it’s not a coincidence. And , I mean, it’s not like I’m getting full bodied apparitions, but there will be an annoy or a weird smoke, or what happens to me a lot, is the whole picture will be completely unreadable , or blurry with a weird lighter mass in part of it.


Please upload your finds here! I’d love to see them, I’m sure others here would too :•)


It’s nice to think that our pets never really leave us. That’s a very cute dog.


Part of me hopes that my dogs are still with us - helping us to be patient with the next pup…but the vast majority of my soul truly hope’s hopes that my dogs have moved on, and are all in Dog Valhalla - dressed up in full suits of doggo armor, sitting around a table of delicious cured meats and cheeses, lapping-up the finest peanut-butter flavored milkshakes. Whenever they want to go for a run, Dog Valhalla folds out from in itself and *poof* they’re in a Summer field, running with all the other good bois and gurls. Wanna go for a swim? *splash* that field just turned into a nice/big/calm body of water. Want to see your people again? *woosh* DogValhalla CCTV has that too - and they can just tune-in and check-up on us in-between all the fun and non-pain.


I see the pupper


He’s still visiting you.💜💜💜




Cute! To me it seems like the doggy looks youthful again in the afterlife


This is so sweet 🥲 this post was actually recommended to me two days after our family pup passed. Hope he’s watching over us too.


so sorry for your loss, he definitely is❤️


Seems that you got a visit. Lucky you :-)


I saw flashes in my vision of my dog that we had to put down a year ago. She was there for a fraction of a second and then gone. Seems by instinct the 3 times it happened I jerked my sight away as fast as possible and then would look back. It really freaked me out. I don't know if it was actually a ghost or just my brain looking for her in the places she frequented.


I have had the exact same thing happen but with a cat that died recently. I will see him for a second looking at me and then he's gone.


After the experience with that dog I fully expect it to happen with the other two pets we have when it's their time. Shouldn't be for a long time though as they are relatively young still, thankfully. It must be a nice thing though. It scared me but it didn't feel malicious or like a haunting. It happened 3 times the first month and then hasn't after that.


a good boy only . That is cool as hell


What's the doll like thing on the left?


Aww that's nice! I felt my dog jump on me and on the bed after she passed too.


My wife told me that just today! She felt her dog doing that years ago, so weird


I can totally feel one of my deceased cats jump on the bed.


Wowwww 😢


Gave me the chills, baby is watching over you


That's the folds of the hoodie he's wearing. JFC.


The day after I had my 17 year old good boi put down (February) I heard his collar jangle like when he shakes his head. Sound was right from his bed. I shot up out of my chair like wtf. Miss that fella.


That’s great. I do a ton of work in this field and children will always connect easier than adults. It’s amazing


Oh my gosh!!! That’s amazing!! Bittersweet I’m sure 🥹♥️


I saw the dog before ever reading about the picture and your dog. It’s the first thing I saw.


That's your wee dog alright how nice is that to no he's still around.v🐾


That pup is looking after the baby!


Awh that’s wholesome asf I love this


Dogs are angels 🥰


They truly are. No stops, just straight to heaven! ❤️🐾


I love it and it’s so comforting! Thank you for sharing. ♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️




“Just checking in on ya!”


My Gigit came to tell me goodbye 🫂 she weighed 5 lbs and always slept on side while I napped on the sofa after she died I was laying down and I felt her little paws and felt her lay down . Nothing since that day, I think she moved on


Awww….🥹 your sweet baby is still there with you and he wanted to make sure you knew it 🥰🥰🥰🥰 he’s beautiful btw 😍❤️ I’m so sorry you lost him 💔 at least you know he’s still watching over you ☺️❤️


I love that if he was saying this about a human most comments would be skeptical and looking for explanations. But because it’s a dog all the comments are so supportive.




This is so sweet. My childhood cat I had for 17 years would always sleep on my bed next to my legs and after she passed I swear I could feel her tiny feet walking on my bed sometimes half sleep.


My dog was put down today, this makes me feel so much better that she’ll still be with me


Holy shit. That is so awesome.


Probably the only time I’ve seen something that actually deserves to be here. Defs looks like he has come back to say hi


Sorry for your loss. You pup is watching over you and your family.


My dog was put down when I was on a summer vacation (she was sick, but my mom promised nothing would happen to Sasha when I left for the week). I come home, silence. Mom tells me they had to put her down as she got too sick. She would sleep on my bed every night. I had a fluffy down comforter, and she was a medium/large dog. That night, I was laying in the dark, wide awake without my dog, and I feel the bed shake, and at the end of the bed is a big indent where she would sleep. I cried in the dip and told her how much I loved her and will always love her. I really do think she came to say goodbye. I love you, Sasha 💓 Edit bc tired and meant to say- your photo is very special! Love like no other.


I always feel the presence of my cat Snowflake, since she passed, and I swear I see her out of the corner of my eye sometimes. I believe our pets, especially loyal and loving one, still stay around trying to protect us.


Was he wrapped in a blanket when he passed? It looks like there’s a blanket wrapped around him.


Bruh I don’t see shit


Someone posted a image like this with a similar dog not long ago. Blanket pup visit. My pups favorite spot was under the blanket, all bundled up with me. Hope this image made you smile.


I wish my dog would return as a ghost. That would be wonderful.




Sometimes it can simply be both. If the dog spirit wanted to send a messge why not through some smudge on a bad quality photo? Assuming a lot of things ofc, but what is there to lose in this case?


This kinda implies that in death the dog leaned how to communicate through smudges on a camera, which means they've learned what a camera is, how it works, how to affect the image, and how we interpret that image, without being able to show himself on the image. This begs the question: why the gain in information? Why didn't they appear before and to someone they never knew in their life? Did the dog have to learn this information in the afterlife? Is there school in the afterlife for learning these things? Why?


Not really. It only assumes that the dog can have the intention to communicate post death and via that intention theforcethatmakesthingshappen creates the effect on the photo.  I have no idea how to make my heart pump or my lungs to breath, yet it happens all the time. We don't need to know how to do things for them to happen..


Yes, the cutest pareidolia.


Yep, that pic looks like 75% of every dog I’ve ever seen in my life.


Wishful thinking


Always so nice to see them again. I’m so happy for you and your family.


I dk 7 years.. think it's a random blot in the picture


I’m gonna cry!! This is so sweet!! 🥹


Definitely just a trick of the eye. But comforting nonetheless. Whatever consoles you.


This is great and it reminds me of my 1st dog coming back in spirit form a couple days after he died. I believe animals have a better sense of knowing that they're dead so they cross over compared to some humans who still think they're alive and haunt a place. But just to be sure, you should let your dog know its ok to cross over (if he hasn't already) to prevent him from being in limbo.


My golden retriever passed away in December. I hope he’s still hanging around like yours.


Awww 🥹🥰


Totò!!! 😇🥰


This is so cool! Thank you for sharing.




That’s sweet . I have a few videos of one of my now noncorporeal cats who passed away in 2017. I also have a a couple of videos with noncorporeal cats that I don’t know but we’ve accepted as our family . We tend to think they come back and make visits but from what I’ve had other people say and in my personal experience they don’t really leave for the most part . They stay by our side and make the decision to crossover later with a loved one .


Awwwww 🥹🥲


That's very sweet


Aww you can even still see the same “heart” nose.


Ohhh mate. This is the first one I actually believe. That must have felt so amazing to see. Made me smile too.


That’s really cool!




So cool! Looks like he's curled up in blankets


So beautiful ❤️






That’s awesome!


I see that sweet pup too. What a good boi - he’s still looking after you. 💕


That's friggin crazy


That's a dog face for sure. So cool!


That’s beautiful! He’s just letting you know he’s still with you. 💖 My cat still visits me every now and then. I’m also lucky enough to get messages from him & talk to him. Amazing moments!


Holy Shit




This is beautiful




One of the most liked and commented photos I have seen on this sub in a while. You deserve it. If the afterlife exists, the good boys should be the ones that get there!


That’s definitely a dog in that photo


Oh yes, definitely that’s your little doggo! How very special ❤️




Cute dog. Sorry for your loss. Toy camera but there would no way for your 2 y/o nephew to be around when the dog lived. Quite possible it’s your dog watching over you or double exposure.


I can see it






I believe that is your dog. People think I'm crazy but every once and awhile I hear my JackJack snore. It could just be me in the house and I'd hear a Jackie snort/snore. He died three years ago from complications of diabetes. I get visits in dreams from people who have passed in my family and from past pets. They are still around, and they love us dearly.


I believe. So sweet he appeared to show you he is ok.


That's awesome!!!


What is the toy camera? Name or whatever?


I think it's something like this one https://amzn.eu/d/euT0gX4


Ghost dog good boy!


quite possible


When I was a kid, I remembered this big white dog, that would sometimes come into the room and it was a nuisance. Everyone but me seemed oblivious to it and this dog would not leave me alone. I always wondered if this was a dog ghost and only I could see it…


This is amazing!!!! I believe 🤍


I love this so much, hope my good boy still follows me around when I ate a ham and cheese sandwich


My staff passed away about 7 years ago. I was in a weird place. Set up a TV feedback loop with a camera to a screen (like a visual spirit box). My boy turned up. Makes sense they hang around to protect us until our days are done


Awww this is so sweet . Your pup is still with you .


I believe it’s pareidolia. The camera produces very low image quality so it may make darker areas look bigger than they really are. PS: I hope I’m wrong.


That’s so beautiful Sorry for your loss, my pups are my children




They are so loyal, they never really leave us.








I love that. I always love when I can tell my passed furbabies are nearby.


OK took me a while but I think I finally see the puppers


Great convinced ghost photo.


I think i see 3 dogs in total. Still scanning for more 🧐




What are you guys seeing bc I can’t see it at all


I see it too! Sweet little American Eskimo dog.


Dog upper right or sleeve dog lower left


Yup! 🥰




Your boy is always by your side 🩵


Wow ! 🤩


toto loved you so much hes chosen to stay by your side waiting until the day you meet again. My old cat passed away five years ago and for the first few years whenever I layed down to go to sleep I could feel her jump on the bed like she used to do.


In so many pictures like this I would say that it’s just angles or what not. This, however, is real. I definitely see a dog.




AMAZING! Just popping in to say hi! 🐶 Sorry for your loss, I believe that they are around us and this is a perfect example of that.




wow. can you feel her ever? I wish I could feel my good boy.


I love this for you all!


I see them too! They are with you 🩷


Looks like he came to check on you. ❤️ How sweet. One of my dogs passed due to cancer during covid. My partner took her to the vet because we felt like it was time. She was having such a tough time getting through the nights. We weren’t sure if the vet would be on the same page. But in our hearts, I think we both knew what the outcome of the visit would be. At that point in time, the vet was only allowing one person per pet. So my partner went on his own. I’ve mostly had ghost-type encounters in my dreams. Never in person. I remember the exact time that she crossed the bridge because I felt her there with me and it smelled very strongly of the scent of a medicated ointment that we had been putting on her. I looked at the time and clocked it in my memory. When my partner returned, I asked him when she passed. And he told me the exact time, which was the same as when I had felt her presence. ❤️ She was the sweetest dog I’ve ever had.


He’s watching over you


Jealous, wish my loved one would visit me


Looks like he was trying to take a picture of the dog


My moms deceased cat who I have never met, showed herself to me on the property she was buried on.