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Not a house, but an office building. A super new office complex with multiple buildings and a high end hotel was built on land that was the local tenderloin. Lots of deaths of addicts and drunks for over a century. Sex trafficking. The usual. The complex was part of a gentrification. Lots of weird there. All the floors were badge controlled. You could only take elevators to your company’s floor(s) and the lobby. You could only enter your floor(s) with your badge. Where I sat on our floor was the only spot where I could see the set of doors from the elevator lobby. Several times a day, I would hear the sound of the doors opening and then banging closed (metal, dual security doors), but no one would be there. Other people swore they heard someone call out to them, but no one else was nearby (really big floors). Or that they heard footsteps on the sections with tile floors, but no one would be there.


Oooh that would freak me out!


We were only there for a few months and we were glad to leave.


This sounds really interesting. Can you provide a specific location or vicinity to that place? Thank you.


Sorry, no.


This reminds me of that movie A Ghost Story. If you haven’t watched it I highly recommend it. It’s such a beautiful yet sad film.


My son and his girlfriend rented a brand new, stand alone house that was definitely haunted. She called me one day terrified because she was hearing loud walking up and down the hallways and felt like someone was watching her. She said that as she moved room to room she could hear and feel it walking behind her. I asked her why she didn't call our son and she said he just brushed it off saying he heard it all the time too but he just tried to ignore it. I listened in while she had me on the phone and it was LOUD, like someone having a temper tantrum. They were seeing shadows moving day and night, feeling like someone was touching them and when she got scratched up they left. It escalated so much, they ended up never staying there and found another place and paid two rents until a friend of theirs agreed to take over the lease. The friends left after only 6 months and complained of the same things, and our son said they'd just told them they'd left because it was too far from work and hadn't told them about the "ghost". I don't think spirits only inhabit older homes, I think spirits are quite transient but maybe they're drawn to older homes because they've had longer to collect all sorts of energy? I don't think all haunted houses are haunted by previous residents/owners.


maybe the house was built on something?


Seriously sounds like demonic. Experienced similar in a house except for scratching. Footsteps running up to doorway from across room, dark, matter like shadow like a dog, knn no Ockham on bedroom doors, sliding sounds like sliding closet doors opening & closing middle of night, voice-mimicking. In our case, prayer and getting closer to God helped and it really chilled off, sometimes weird stuff might still happen, possibly more explainable, but we’re mostly left alone.


Amazingly I actually have something to contribute for once: My father's house was built in 1997, specifically for my parents. The only people who have ever lived in this house are me and immediate family, and nobody has ever died in it. As far as I'm aware, the land it's built on is not "cursed" in any way, and the neighbourhood as a whole began construction in the mid-80's. I'm person of science and believe that most things can be explained by logic, but also that energy cannot be created or destroyed and it must go somewhere. My mom's mom passed away 2 years before I was born, so I never met her. My parents have video of me when I was 1 year old pointing to and waving at a corner in the kitchen for several minutes in a row, occasionally trying to say something to whoever or whatever is was. My mom swears to god that when I was 2, she watched one of my stuffed animals get playfully tossed to me from nowhere, with no one else in the vicinity at the time. At 3 years old, my mom walked into my room to find me with my closet open, me facing into the closet, and a board game between me and the closet; I was actively playing a move as she walked in; when asked what I was doing, I told her "playing with Nona!" (what we called mom's mom) and when she asked me what Nona looked like I described her perfectly despite having never seen an image of her. By the time I was 4, my parents had gotten separated and divorced, so my mom was no longer living in the house with us and doesn't have many other stories from her perspective. However, my dad, who is a skeptic but is spiritual, told me about something that happened when I was 7 that I have no memory of for some reason. He swears he saw me swinging on the swing set by myself but the swing next to me was swinging too, despite there being no wind. As mentioned, I don't recall this incident, so I don't know if it's possible that I was simply playing with the extra swing myself and my didn't see me messing with it.


Well the earth has been the earth as long as the earth has been earth so whomever died in that area over the course of forever could possibly haunt there. Lol


You’re not wrong 😀


Yes, it happened to my nephew Michael & his wife Rachel. They had a new home built on some land they bought out in the country. It started out of the blue one day while they were both at work. They're very young, no children yet. Their neighbor noticed that their garage door was opening & closing by itself all day. Then Rachel got home one night before Michael. She noticed all 8 of their heavy oak dining chairs are missing. She found them all stacked up on top of themselves in the master bathroom. At times you could feel someone sit next to you. Sitting on the couch you could feel when someone would rest their hands or arms behind you on the couch.Once while Rachel was showering she could see a male figure in the steamy mirror. She assumed it was Michael. So when she got out she asked him why he didn't answer her. My nephew had just stepped in the house from work right as she came out. So it wasn't him. Once in awhile an article of his clothing would vanish. Around Christmas time Rachel woke up to 3 people taking about trimming the tree and what to wear. It was creepy because you always felt like you were being watched. They stayed for 4yrs then sold it.


Ooh that’s super creepy


That’s so wild! I’m glad they got out of there! The chairs in the bathroom made me think of Poltergeist!




Modern houses can definitely be haunted, it can be anything from the land the house was built on, there could be history with the land rather than the home itself. It could also be the person living in the home, something could be attached to them! It could be recent attachment hence why the haunting has only just started, they could have been somewhere and a spirit/entity has taking a liking to them.


Don't forget the classic: bringing home a haunted item


That makes a lot of sense, thank you


No problem :)


I agree I work at a psychiatric hospital and some of the surplus land that used to be the hospitals gave yard was sold to a developer and most of the homes built are probably haunted


I lived in an apartment complex that was brand new and one of the more haunted places I've lived. It was in a town with a lot of pioneer history and less than 1/4 mile from the pioneer cemetery, but I also don't know if there was ever anything previously on the land. Some experiences off the top of my head: motion activated things would activate on their own; an unplugged dead battery laptop once continued the YouTube video it had been playing when it died and was left closed and alone; dog had the only full-blown too-scared-to-bark moment of her whole life, staring down a hallway, shivering, hackles raised and cowering behind the playpen; same hallway my then toddler waved "bye" to something I couldn't see that she was so excited to say "hi" to over and over in the closet on its way out the door. Watching her track the thing I couldn't see while happily waving and saying hi until the open doorway to the hall where she says "bye." Literally so many more things and even crazier, that's just the tame stuff 😅


Tell us some of the crazier stuff plz?


Lol, crazier as in they make me sound crazy. So I share sparingly 😅


The internet is curious!


Sometimes it's the land the house is built on that's haunted. Some people also use salvaged items, like antique door knobs, when building new homes. Sometimes those items have entities attached to them. 


Yes, either an attachment to the land or the person. The land usually native American or built on something else. Hell there's plenty of examples of people moving into new houses and being sp00ked


Okay thank you, i didn’t realize that but it makes sense


The ghosts could be haunting structures that existed a long time ago, and that is how they "see" them. Even though the new places are built, they are stuck in the past. Also, ghosts are usually haunting the land and not the structures So a new house could be built on a spot that is already haunted, or on a place where their home once stood.(home of the ghost) Sorry for my crappy writing skills)


Actually the land itself can be haunted, especially if something like a battle happened anywhere near there


Try visiting Gettysburg. You see and hear all kinds of things on the battlefields.


That's what I've heard a well..


Can confirm


Our house is 11 years old and sits on land that used to have an old delaminated greyhound track on it. And it’s haunted as hell


I think you meant to write dilapidated.




Sometimes it's not about the structure, it's about the land itself


TL;DR, Yes, here is my long story about just such an occurrence involving an old haunting, a new house and shared slab of concrete. This comes in 2 parts. I had to put my reply into 2 posts under this post because of whatever weird settings the mods have opted for in this sub.


Part 2: The New House. Anyway, flash forward. I've long since moved away, gone to high school, graduated and was around 18-19 when I went back with my grandmother and another aunt to visit my aunt and uncle, then we were all going to drive down to California. We were only spending 1 night there and this was the first time I had seen the new house since the old one had been demolished. It was a Wednesday and the local church was holding Wednesday night service. It was a small town and they took their church activities extremely serious, so much so that they had not only a Sunday service but a Wednesday service as well. It was mostly an excuse for the local residents to get together and shoot the shit with each other. Wednesday night service starts at around 5 or 6 and goes until around 8-9 depending on how long it takes people to catch each other up on the local town gossip and what-have-you. I was tired when we arrived and immediately took a nap, I was offered to go along to Wednesday night service but didn't feel like sitting around a church with a bunch of old people talking about grand kids and whatever. So I declined and stayed back while my grandmother, 2 aunts and my uncle went on to Church. It was around 7ish when I woke up to what looked like a bush standing in the doorway. It was about the size of a grown man \~6ft tall. Pitch black and emanating a menacing aura. It didn't move and I could only barely make out it's periphery as if the whole of the object wasn't there. It was dark, but I cannot recall if it was dark because it was physically black, or dark because of how evil the thing felt. It didn't move, it just stood there for a while until it suddenly was just gone. It felt like all the air rushed back into the room suddenly. I took my opportunity and left the room and went into the living room. Now to set the stage, the house had a very large front room that was lower than the rest of the house. It had a huge set of windows that looked out over the fields. Behind the living room was a dining room that went into the hallway that led to the room I had been napping in. Down the hall was a bathroom & master bedroom. A hallway wrapped around the back of the house leading to 2 more rooms on the other side of the house, a half bath, the laundry room in the hallway next too the entry way and into the kitchen that then opened into a breakfast nook and overlooked the living room. So, to get out of the house, one had to go through the kitchen, into the hallway that led down to the back side of the house. So there I was, the sun setting, overlooking the fields. Lights in the house were all on, but were doing fuck all to illuminate the house. They might as well had been candle lights. So I'm losing daylight rapidly, there is no one in the house and I am in the living room. Meanwhile in the back of the house I hear STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! as if someone is extremely angry and pacing in the hallway in the back of the house. Occasionally I will hear something fall over on to the ground in a random room. I'm hearing something, run from room to room as if it's searching for something or someone. Every once in a while I'll hear a voice that sounds like a man grunting or clearing his throat in anger. I knew the sun was about to set and I was about to either be in an extremely poorly lit, and haunted house... OR I had to go towards the sounds I'm hearing, to get to the front door and leave. It was not a fun prospect but I wasn't sticking around in that house after the sun went down. Not by myself, noooo fucking way. So I made a break for it. I could hear whatever it was stomping towards the hallway I was headed for as I ran for the door but wasn't about to look that direction. I just grabbed the door knob and busted out of the house slamming the door behind me. I Heard something slam into the door just as I closed it, as if to say "*AND STAY OUT!*". So there I was in the drive way with only the front porch light to illuminate my surroundings. There was no moon, the sun quickly left me, I had no phone, cell phones weren't a thing kids my age had just yet. So I had nothing I could do but wait it out. It felt like an eternity before my family members made it back from Wednesday service. They actually stayed late and ended up going out to dinner with some other towns folks as a "Welcome to town" thing for my grandma and my other aunt. So they didn't get back until almost 10 PM. Meanwhile all I could do was sit on a stump and listen to shit thump around inside the house. Occasionally I would see movement through the large bay windows and so I learned to not look at the house. When my family did come back I went back inside with them after recounting my tale and they just brushed it off as "*Oh that just happens here*". I did not sleep until the next morning when we took off for California and I was able to sleep in the car.


That was wonderfully recounted. I can't imagine staying there unless one is convinced the entity is not dangerous. Nevertheless, it terrifies me to think of what it could do to them.


That sounds terrifying! Do your aunt & uncle still own the house? Did they just learn to live with all that? That's crazy.


My aunt passed away around 10 years ago, my uncle so far as I know still lives in that house and his son & his grandson lives with him, either in the house or in a trailer on the property. At least they did last time I was out there. He has 2 daughters that live near by that visit him fairly regularly.


Your house sounds just like a house I lived in. Lol. Stomps, sighs, sniffles, grunts, slammed doors, pacing.


Part 1: The backstory. My aunt and uncle bought some land in Oregon over 60 years ago. There was an old white house on the property that had been there since at least the 30's. The house was straight up haunted AF. My mom went to stay with her sister for a short time when she was in her teens (*They were vastly different generations, my grandmother had a sum total of 16 children*). So she stayed in a spare room and her niece who was about the sameish age stayed in the room next to her and my moms sister and her husband had a room on the opposite side of the house. Every day/night you could hear someone walking around near the back of the house and it sounded like someone was walking around *in the walls*. Everyone had bad dreams of a man standing over their bed attempting to get into bed with them or just being menacing. You always felt like you were being watched. Stuff would go missing only to show up somewhere else later on. Pictures would fall off the walls, stuff on shelves would come flying off. The standard haunting shit. My mom reported that she always felt like there was too much space between her room and her nieces room, as if the rooms didn't take up the whole space of the house. They decided after some time to just demolish the house and build a new one elsewhere on the property. So my uncle bought one of those do it yourself Sears houses and built it himself. They moved and the hauntings stopped. When they were demolishing the old house, they found a hallway between my moms room and her nieces room that went towards the outside and wrapped around the nieces room into a small room that had 1 chair in it, seated in front of a horrible demonic painting of the devil. Straight up, demons ripping apart humans with the devil in the foreground looking square at the person seated in the seat. They ended up burning it, the chair and what was left of the house. They lived on the property happily for another 40ish years before they decided to build a new house. They bought a double-wide manufactured home and wouldn't you know it, there was a ready made concrete pad that only needed minor repairs to be made perfect for holding the new house. If you're following along, it was the foundation for the old house. And yes, the hauntings resumed. Now, when I was young myself, I spent a few years living in the second house on the property and we had no problems there other than an odd incident in which I felt like I was floating on night before being dropped and falling off the top bunk of the bed. But nothing really sinister happened there. I went back to visit years later after graduating high school, at the new house on the old old houses location. NEVER AGAIN! I was only there for a day and I ended up spending most of it outside in the pitch black, moonless night because I couldn't step foot back in the house. So... Let me go into my personal experience in the new house. First, let me set the setting for you. My uncle owns a hay farm. Like, an animal feed farm. He harvest hay once or twice a year and that's what pays for the property. His nearest neighbor was up the road a ways, about a 15 minute bike ride or 4 or 5 minute car ride. When I was young around 9-11, this was FUCKING AWESOME, I had a whole half-a-mountain to play on. Woods, creeks, an old lady up the road everyone called Grandma who wasn't my real grandmother but took care of us kids that lived on that side of the mountain like we were all her grandkids. Always had fresh Chocolate Chip Cookies (*RIP Grandma Wigwire! I love you!*) I use to spend days my days in the woods, or exploring old ruins of now defunct farms, or I'd visit the neighbors who raised horses and go horse back riding. We also set up a patio of sorts on the concrete foundation of the old house. I always felt off standing on the slab myself.


I NEED to hear more about this creepy room they found. Was someone phrogging them?


The room and the associated hallway were completely walled up, there was no access to it. At some point in the houses history it had been remolded and the hallway and room just walled up. It wasn't unfinished or anything. Just not accessible. There wasn't anything in it other than the chair and the painting. We don't know anything about the people that lived there before.


There was an episode of the BBCs “Uncanny” where the host interviewed an actor living in a brand new build. They were experiencing all manner of unusual, and seemingly unexplainable, phenomena.


There was a similar episode this new season where a family in Missouri built a house and had a bunch of activity.


I've lived in Missouri in this house almost two years my landlords said it's not haunted built in 1955 Only one time ever something's happened The ceiling light and fan have the wall switch and the chains you pull . I sleep with the fan on. It's never off. So you'd have to pull the string to turn on the light Me and my daughter were asleep it was 12:33 am and I woke up and my ceiling light was on - fan still on. Nothing else ever happened. I always wonder why tho lol


I liked her theory that some of the things she was seeing weren't from the past, but things that were yet to happen in the house!


My parents house was built in 2003 or so and we moved in 2004, and had only housed one family prior to us. It's haunted as shit. For whatever reason.


Weird! I wonder why


Lol here's something interesting. Take it with an ounce of salt. Or with the entire salt packet Perhaps houses can become haunted because of the colour used. There's an apartment unit that was painted bloody red hues and it looks like a chinese temple at night. All bloody red and the lights bouncing off looks red Some people said its bad luck and this colour attracts spirits!!


The land a new home sits on could be haunted it's not always old homes .


Yeah that’s what ive been getting a lot of feedback about… seems the history of the land has a lot to do with it. Which makes sense


Yep I’m Tejana and lived in east Texas as a preteen. House was built in the 90’s and my parents were 2nd owners. One day I fell asleep reading on a hammock right outside my room. I woke up startled feeling surrounded from what I sensed were 1800’s or earlier white settlers. They felt annoyed/angry at me. Idk if you’ve ever woken up to someone who is angry standing over you but a whole group of strangers was intimidating. Before I could even register what was happening I was inside my room, panting from running, looking at the hammock terrified. Then my brain woke up and I couldn’t really explain to myself why I was there doing that.. from sleeping to staring out a window in fight mode in about 15 seconds. Pretty fucked up for an 11 year old. They taught a sanitized version of Texas history back then but I know all about it now and it makes sense why they felt pissed off.


Brand new houses can be just as active as older ones ...it's all about location location location


A buddy of mine lived in a Chicago four-flat built in like the thirties where, in the seventies, a woman got tired of her husband's abuse and put an asterisk in the verb. According to my friend, who witnessed the angry spirit of a dead abuser, it was still a pretty haunted place in the nineties.


That’s so creepy! Id love to hear his stories


My family and I moved into our house just last August and it is newly built. It was finished that month and we're the first to ever live in it. Up until now, there hasn't been anything on the land in quite a while. The subdivision is new. I have no idea what used to be here or when the last time any buildings existed here prior, but our house is haunted and we've had a number of experiences since moving in. Apparently, there's a natural portal somewhere on the land we live on or in the close vicinity...so that's nice lol.


I moved into a brand new house in 2005. When I sold it in 2021, it was haunted. Several pets and family members had passed and I still felt their presence from time to time.


Mother’s house had older male figure she saw & some haunting type things occurred. No one of record died in the home. Wasn’t brand new, but relatively new, and previous owners moved to another state because this was just a vacation home to them. It could be something other than “ghost” appearing and also, I believe “beings” or energies can move into a place that has no connection to them, as far as other people may recognize. Could be the people, other objects, who knows? I once saw an illuminated figure, male, as you might think of a ghost or angel, walking across a street, broad daylight, sunny day, undisturbed by another person crossing his path. I was driving slowly per speed limit. It was amazing and in detail of clothes etc. If they can take a walk down a street, they could probably walk into a home that wasn’t theirs. I’ve lived in homes that I felt whatever was there was connected to the house, but I don’t believe we should be narrow-minded about the “supernatural”, since we know so little about it.


Great response! Thank you


>If they can take a walk down a street, they could probably walk into a home that wasn’t theirs. Many years ago I lived in an apartment that didn't have anything weird going on (I remember thinking to myself right after moving in how nice it is to be home alone and feel that I'm truly alone). Some years later there was a short time period when I felt like I was being followed home. Nothing malicious, just a feeling of having someone right behind me. I knew my neighbors might think I'm crazy if they'd hear me whispering "I don't want you to come in, you can't follow me home" at the building door, but I did so every time and I always entered the building feeling alone. I never felt anything following me when I left home, it was only when I was coming back and didn't matter if it was day or night. It wasn't scary and eventually stopped.


I lived in a haunted house I had built. On land that hadn’t been occupied before. It’s because my son has had multiple NDEs. He is a spirit magnet.🧲


Most of the time it’s the land the home sits on. Unless something tragic occurred in the new home. It’s also what’s close to a new home. A cemetery, high tension electrical towers, a battlefield. A neighbors house that’s haunted. Or even if underneath your house if there is a high concentration of quartz, granite, limestone and even flowing water i.e. and underground stream.


I lived in a new house in Princeton that was haunted. It was on a battleground apparently.


Possibly the spirits are tied to the land, or to previous structures that were there before they were torn down and replaced.


I worked in a brand new restaurant that had something going on. I'll never forget closing one night, I'm there alone and walked up to the saloon doors to have the left one swing open 3 inches or so...


Worked in a haunted liquor store that was only built a few years previous. Only business to ever exist there and they basically put it on old grazing area so there’s never been buildings there before. At night when closing up alone myself and others regularly experienced bumps and bangs as well as stuff getting moved around on us. Didn’t do anything nasty so it never bothered me. Seemed fond of messing with Budweiser (Bud Heavy) so I called it “Bud.”


I love that story!


When I was a kid, I read a Hans Holzer book in which he investigated a mobile home owned by an exotic dancer.


Someday I’ll read his Elvis books!


I lived in a very haunted house/neighborhood. The house was built in 2002, we moved in in 2005. The stories would take hours to remember and write. Multiple witnesses (residents and visitors) from different cultures and beliefs all reported seeing and hearing the same things. A girl in a white dress in our houses and yards. She liked pianos and keyboards. I was a teenager at the time, and the attention that was focused on me and my friends was a lot. Which makes sense to me, because a younger girl would gravitate toward the cool teenagers. My dad (divorced parents) was sleeping on the couch one night while "babysitting" -i was a wild teen lmao- and heard faint, old sounding radio chatter for a notable amount of time. The second he moved to investigate, it stopped. Not sure if it was the same night, but another time he was staying on the couch to babysit teenage me (lol) he heard a young girl's voice say "I'm over here" from about 10 feet away at the base of the stairs. The stairs seemed to be a focal point of activity.


The potential haunting of a location does not rely on the structure alone, either an older or new construction. What is important, is the land where your house is sitting. Here in Arizona. We have very little in the way of history pertaining to land, was it indigenous, farmland or even a mine from long ago. Which makes it difficult to identify if a location could be haunted. Here also, the recording of land records, who owned what, only go back to the later 1800's. So, the home is normally not the reason for a potential haunting to occur.


The land could be haunted from way back.


Never saw Poltergeist?


I did, but that was a movie and im more asking about real life accounts


Sorry, Professor Venkman.




Did you not see Poltergeist?!


I hear its extremely common to buy a brand new home in Temecula California to find out it’s haunted. A lot of homes were built over old Indian Graves site http://www.socalhistoryland.mysite.com/article_5.html https://tmspress.org/5264/culture/top-4-most-haunted-places-in-temecula/


Been in several. That’s part of construction and helped me to understand that this phenomenon has nothing to do with dead people.


I've worked in a haunted office building , lived in a haunted newer apartment complex, and own a haunted brand new build house.


Not new but recently completely rehab'd. Been watching this house for 23 years. No one has stayed more than a year. Was closed up for about 4 years. New owner only there for 8-9 months. For Sale. Again. You tell me By the way, great locale.


My house was haunted until my SIL lived with us for a bit. She was the only one who saw a full apparition. When she moved into a newly built condo, Mariah (the ghost, yes we actually know who it was) went with her. She has videos of stuff flying off the Christmas tree there, odd floating orbs and other stuff like that. Our house has been less weird since too.


Woah, scary!


Who was it that haunted you two? How did you know her name was Mariah?


Yeah I think it depends on the land and what is was used for previously


The land a house is built on is never new. It has history and people have died there.


You also have old houses that aren’t haunted even if there are deaths.


That’s quite true also 😀


Yes! If the house is built on a burial mound or on top of an old cemetery or some sort of village, I’ve heard of several hauntings in our CA foothills, usually research determines there was a cemetery or it was the grounds of Indigenous Tribes originally and the home or homes, were built top


Yes, it happened to my father’s family. They bought a new tract home in suburban Chicago that was built on farmland. Everyone in the family saw a woman in a blue petticoat at some point during their stay there. My father was skeptical until a blue light ascended in his room and dipped behind a dresser. At first he thought it was a car headlight, but the shades were down. Then he thought it must be an ordinary light that somehow got turned on. He went behind the dresser to turn off the light only to realize the glow was coming from nothing he could see. He was an adult man at this point, but was scared shitless running to get his dad. By the time his father returned to the room with him, the light was gone. Brand new house on open farmland. No connection that they were aware of to any deceased relative. The ghost didn’t have a face (or at least no one saw it). It appeared as a blue light or a blue petticoat that faded away at the torso.


It's usually the land that's haunted. That's why brand new homes have haunting. They we're built on them.


I have a personal story if you want I can share. Happened to me when we moved to brand new house. The house was new but I must admit it was built on the old location where sawmill was located


Yeah lets hear it


Yeah, it really does happen. Brand new construction on land we believed to have never been developed. There really are no rules and it bites.


True.... 🤔


The land on which the building was built on can be haunted. I experienced that.


The Uncanny podcast did a Christmas special last year with Daisy May Cooper who had weird stuff happen in her new-build home. It's an interesting listen.


You hear and see more old ones because it looks spooky if you are filming and rather more rich than poor folks will produce whole movies or docuseries about anything I lived in a brand new home that nobody had lived in before there was mild activity. But I was only there for a short while


I grew up in a new-build house and I'd see lights cross a doorway sometimes.


If it's on an ancient burial ground.


Sometimes when a brand new house is haunted it's not the house itself that's actually haunted but the ground it was built upon. In America you have to be careful of old land areas that were native burial grounds long forgotten. Or cemeteries that the grave markers were thought to be just weathered rocks and dozed outta the way. Either way the spirits wanted their rest in peace but didn't get it. So a new house becomes theirs too. They've got more right to be there than the living do. Just don't do a seance or bring in a psychic or a ouija board. It'll just piss them off.


I can’t believe you trotted out the “native burial grounds” trope.


Well, in the south where I'm from, my brother in law is a Cherokee. So I'm due that I have nephews that are half. In the area I'm in there's Cherokee, Cree, Chactaw, Seminole and others I can't pronounce. Mostly all the towns and mountains, ridges, rivers and valleys have Native American names. And there are a lot of burial mounds all around. Some have been plowed up and are farm land, I know because I'm an amateur archeology and paleontology but and have found many arrow, spear, axe heads as well as remains that didn't need to be disturbed. In those instances I called the state Native archeology department and advised them where they were and what I'd found. The farmers weren't to happy about it, but tough. I wouldn't want someone dumping cow shit and growing corn on my grandfathers grave, would you?? So I feel, living where I do and having relatives, friends and neighbors that are of native American ancestry is ok in their book and mine.