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I can see the person walking away who is the supposed ghost in white with their back towards the camera. Way ahead down the hall. The distance they covered seems to match the time from when they’re spotted in the shot to the point they are shown on camera again walking away down the hall in white. The “ghost” captured is wearing white and that seems to be the only person matching the caught “ghost” Edit: furthermore the “ghost” in the video appears to have short hair making it seem like it’s a male. But it’s only an illusion because you can see the nurse actually has her hair in a pony tail, Making it seem short.


Yep. 100% that's the person.


How do you explain that shadow that pops up?


An object blocks lights causing whatever is in the background gets a shadow.


I’m really confused about what is going on here. Why is she scrolling through the video and holding it there instead of having that video on the screen fully and then pausing at the part she wants? Am I supposed to be looking at the video playing on the left or the pause on the right?


So both videos are from 2 different angles & phones but are shot around the same time. The reason why she is scrolling is to show that in the other video no one is standing by her.


Instagram username


It's so that the video on the right freezes on the first frame so you can see the "ghost" (which sure seems to just be the person we see walking away).


Just pause that video then, why hold it there? That’s so fucking weird.


It’s videos like this that make everyone super skeptical of anything posted lol


I work under the assumption that most people who post here are lying…. or they’re too eager to believe ghosts exist so, they see spirits everywhere.


Why not work under the assumption that it should be viewed as neutrally as possible? I get that it’s annoying that so many people are bullshitters, bots and true believers, but that doesn’t mean it’s good practice to take the assumption that they’re all like that. Or *any* assumption. I don’t really go one way or the other with ghosts, but I do like looking at these sorts of things. However, I’ve never actually joined this sub because of how nasty and sarcastic so much of it is. Like my mother and friend believe they’re seen ghosts, I wasn’t there so I dunno. Don’t really care either, because it’s in the past and can’t be confirmed either way because of that. But I would never, ever suggest they share those stories here. Ever.


The only way to get karma on this subreddit nowadays is to deny deny deny. So filled with toxic people that will downvote any comments asking neutral questions


I got sexism, mansplaining and condescension here too, so yay. Kinda par for the course in these kinds of fields, I guess.


Mansplaining? How do you know everybody’s genders? And what does gender have to do with this discussion? Seems like you’re the sexist here


When dealing with the paranormal, you should be skeptical. You can't exactly treat the supernatural with neutrality because by the nature of the universe, anything supernatural just simply should not exist. So I would say that it is best to be skeptical of *all* posts that make extraordinary claims or references to supernatural and that you should only trust what you're observing if it can't be ruled out by science and rationality. Sharing stories about your experiences with some funky stuff that happened is totally fine. Whats not fine is *expecting* people to believe your word of a blurry still image of a it-kind-of-looks-like-a-face in a window That being said, the reason why this post in particular is getting a lot of negativity is because: A. Its terrible quality. Its a video of someone elses phone. B. Its confusing. We were givin nearly zero context as to what is happening or what we're supposed to be looking at. C. Its easily explainable. It was most likely just a real person


That’s not a good take. Look, I have a scientific degree. If you admit to having a priori beliefs and assumptions regarding the validity of a premise before you examine it, and openly incorporate those beliefs into your examination, then you are not performing the examination or experiment correctly. The notion that some fields, even silly ones, are deserving of greater skepticism is irrelevant; that is a personal opinion, and personal opinions may bleed into scientific study, but they are not part of science itself. Do I think that every picture of a ghost is legit? Ha, no. I believe the vast majority of them are bunk, even the ones that I can’t definitely prove are bunk, simply by their nature - there are too many photographs of dead demonic nuns for me to think that it isn’t a part of a cultural trend, and not evidence that all those ‘70s nunsploitation flicks were telling true stories. There are a few left that tickle my curiosity, but I cannot say that they’re real or not real. I can offer *a possible explanation*, but without the ability to re-create it on-site and under the exact conditions at the time, nor with much information outside of “This happened and it happened” from a stranger, it has to remain firmly in the realm of “unexplained”. Doesn’t mean that it’s real or not. Doesn’t mean that it’s “paranormal” or not. It just means that at that point, I cannot say, in a technical sense, whether or not it’s one of the other. What little evidence exists may suggest where it lies, but until *definitive*, or at least much better, proof exists that it’s real or fake, I categorize it as trending towards one or the other without a clear assertion that it fits completely into either. And then I just leave it at that, because unless I move the goalposts, presuppose certain premises, or otherwise allow bias into it, I can’t give an absolute answer.


You dont even disagree with me. You just said exactly what I said but with more words. Either you completely misunderstand what Im trying to say or I've completely managed to fail to get my point across. Either way i will reiterate. Everything deserves skepticism but some things absolutely deserve more skepticism than others. If someone were to say that climate change will raise the ocean levels, even though you can't prove that it will happen, there is a lot of evidence that suggests that it will. You don't really need to be as skeptical because A. Scientifically this is objectively possible. B. Because there is evidence Now if someone were to say god exists. This claim deserves much more skepticism. Of what basis does someone make this claim? What evidence have they to show? The way I determine how much skepticism I need for a claim comes down to whether or not I believe evidence is possible to realistically get. When it comes to ghosts, there is absolutely no solid proof that they exists, but i also do not have any solid reasoning to make the claim that i know for sure that they don't exist. Therefore, I am forced to take the stance of agnosticism on the subject. As a final note, this post still sucks and is low quality


If you were the same commenter as before, then you stated that you assumed that such posts were BS as a matter of course.


>If you were the same commenter as before, then you stated that you assumed that such posts were BS as a matter of course. I suggest that you actually reread and redigest my original comment, because i said nothing of the sort I never said that I automatically assume a post is bullshit. I said that paranormal claims require strong evidence. If there is no paranormal evidence, I have no reason to believe its paranormal. There's could be a plethora of any other scientific explanations, but its most likely not a paranormal explanation. Skepticism =/= denying outright possibility You said you're a man of science so you should know this


Nice to know that you assume science = man. Ugh. No wonder you were being so condescending. I put up with too much of this shit.


yeah, 90% of the posts here are bullshit karma/attention posts. or people whose eyes dont work, and believe anything


>I work under the assumption that most people who post here are lying I don't even think it's intentional lying. People want to believe so bad that they throw all critical thinking out the window and jump immediately to ghosts instead of dozens of more likely things.


In other words I don’t have anything relevant to say that’ll refute anything you just saw so I’m just being pessimistic since it’s the norm on this sub.


Why are we watching someone filming someone else going through her camera roll? Post the damn videos online! Every time I see this crap all I can think is they are trying to hide badly filmed and staged spooks behind even worse quality.


So like I posted it belongs to a personal social account & obviously not everyone is in agreement that it's anything special. I wouldn't want any hate coming my way over a video.


No. You can see the figure was wearign a white shirt. Later on near the end you can see a guy in a white shirt with the same hair and skin tone walking down the hallway. Its a person.


1. Ever been to a hospital? Half the staff is wearing white 2. How can you tell the gender of the person in the background based on only seeing a pony tail and claim it’s a man? 3. You literally can not see the skin tone of the person in the background in white I’m not saying it’s a ghost, but you are blatantly lying


Looks exactly like the hospital worker witht the pony tail with the white shirt as i said. Not a ghost


The person in the background may be that nurse but the person in the first frame looks nothing alike


I don't see a person at the end, only two doors


The amount of *nothing* posted here is astounding. This should be /rGhostsAren'tReal.


Right? I joined this hoping I was going to see stuff that was less obviously fake or an object that was misinterpreted.


I wish there were more people interested in using scientific methodology to tackle this stuff.


I’m actually more interested in those exercise videos that she has in her phone…


Just seem like someone walking up seeing someone recording and stepping back


I kept looking at where her finger was pointing and thought she was saying there was someone between the lady’s legs…super frustrated until I looked at the other video of the man’s face to her right.


Why are other people being total cunts about this? If the nurses couldn't ID this person also??? Not to mention the fact that regular people do NOT move like that? Swaying all fast. Also: The woman pushing the cart would've been startled had it been a person right next to her like that... She seemed oblivious to the fact. Thanks for sharing. Fuck these other assholes here on their highhorses.


Yeah I know right! It feels like people come to this sub JUST to debunk EVERYTHING. Even if this is real, people will find a way to argue against it. Such haters. Is it so hard to just look at it and move on even if you disagree with it? I do it all the time. The world doesn't have to know my every disagreeing thought.


This comment right here, wish I had an award to give you. Honestly the mods need to start just banning these people, ruining the sub


Idk nurses tend to walk pretty fast.




I will stop being dumb when you guys stop being armchair Ghostbusters paranormal experts: Let people post their content, be cordial, then move on with your fucking day. Not hard.


Armchair paranormal experts are literally the only paranormal experts. If I were to differentiate then I’d say the people calling bs are much more qualified than the opposite.


>If the nurses couldn't ID this person also We have no reason to believe this is true just because OP says so. >The woman pushing the cart would've been startled had it been a person right next to her like that... She seemed oblivious to the fact. Why should she be startled, or even care, that one of her coworkers is standing next to her? If you saw this video with no context and no spooky story, you'd have no reason to believe any of the people in it were ghosts.


That's fine. There are ways to deep dive into it without being a prick is all I'm saving.


No, that really isn't all you're saying. You're slinging around misogynistic slurs at people who don't believe this video is evidence of the paranormal, and acting as if skeptical, critical thinkers are idiots for not accepting it at face value.


Thanks & yeah I honestly have been waiting to post but I kinda figured it was going to be this way. I get the skeptical nature but some are being jerks about it for sure.


The aggressive downvoting would be funny if it didn’t hide comments.


Because this is Reddit.


If people wanna be rude about someone making a post then fine- That's their wasted energy... I just hate seeing someone adding to the sub then immediately getting dogpiled by people that had nothing better to look at anyways.


I'm with you there, it's exhausting.


00:24 in the quick shot of the group photo her friend is in the middle holding a coke bottle, to her right in a black cardigan is a woman in a ponytail, note the large forehead including the small distinct v-shaped widow’s peak on her hairline. 00:20 the ghost has the exact same forehead, and if you look closer it has the same widow’s peak as the woman and it isn’t that far fetched to assume it’s her in a ponytail also which is appearing as a man with short hair through a video blur. Edit: don’t attack the OP for this as lying as they could have well thought it was a ghost but it isn’t, it’s just that woman caught in a weird video angle.


I work at CHLA and let me tell you this is possible


My brother worked there for years and experienced the ghost of one of his young patients who had died earlier that day. He said he was in the hallway and waved to my brother and then started running away. Some other weird things happened while he was there. He said that always freaked him out and hates thinking about it. I’ve had to spend time there when my daughter had the flu and once when she had a seizure. That hospital has a very weird vibe to it overall.


It sounds like his patient said bye to him


Can you share your story?


The original, now empty, Los Angeles County/USC hospital building oozes with strange vibes. I once used the Credit Union ATM In the lobby. That was my last time.


People in this sub are just nasty. It’s a wonder anyone posts anything in here anymore.


On any other post you might have a point but this one is just garbage


Yeah, but the nasty and rude comments are on EVERY single post regardless of what it is.


Do you believe that those bad actors represent the whole subreddit? I won't deny that they exist, but in my experience, I typically only see them in great amounts whenever the post actually is low quality.


I see them every post, regardless so I do think they make up the majority here, or are just the loudest. Quality is subjective when it comes to this kinda thing. If you believe that most people are your average joe and just happened to catch something really creepy and post it, why berate and belittle them so much?? I don’t know why anyone posts anything in this sub, tbh.


Ok it’s really pissing me off that she seems like she’s pointing to someone with her thumb (even though I don’t think she is), because I cannot for the life of me see anything in the video to the left. Anyone that can lend a hand? Thx


You cNt be that stupid. Haven't you ever seen a shadow before???


Looks like the same person at the end of the hall at the end. Both wearing white and how fast they were moving out of the shot would explain how they got down the hall.


So they decided to run down the hall and then started walking at a normal pace?


Looks like they’re walking fast the whole time to me. Them leaving the shot at first may make it seem like they’re running but I don’t think so.


The other woman is walking, you can see the person in white is now twice as far but in the last frames is certainly not moving twice as fast


Idk what to tell you. Looks like she’s walking at a brisk pace the whole time. While the other is just walking. Edit: and again, I don’t see a change in pace from the first frame to the last. We see a flash of a face and it leaves the frame.


Great story, I got a shiver. But I think that's the person up at the crossroads . . . I still like it.


He's at the end of the corridor, it's a person lolz.


Bruh you literally see a person wearing the white shirt walking away when they turn the camera around


None of you knew who the person was in a PUBLIC hospital…… oh, it must be a ghost then, as that’s the most logical explanation 🤦‍♂️


The story is that the Nurse was leaving with her belongings before taking photos & videos with fellow staff. In the video you can see a small possible Hispanic or African American Male pop up next to her for a split second. Nobody was able to identify who this person was but some staff believe it was a male who happened to die earlier that year on campus. I also work in Healthcare & I have personally experienced things that I can't explain at the Hospital I work at. I have seen monitors, TV's & toys turn on with no patients in the rooms. Other staff have also seen shadow figures as well as actual ghosts of patients. I am now convinced that Ghosts do exist.


It's a guy, a person. He probably saw the camera and left. That's how motion works. Check the building cameras and you'll be back to reality.


Also towards the end of the 2nd clip you see someone in white further down the hall.


Course there is. If you're invisible you wouldn't need to move out of the frame.


I believe you, he does look sus, otherworldly


Did the person filming see the male or not?


Did she just Sieg Heil?


*Thank* you. This hijacked the whole vid for me 😅 wtf


Why does this video have so many upvotes? There can’t be that many gullible people here.


I believe it. The hallway is pretty slim and from that angle it’s impossible to “walk away from the camera” what is he gonna do? Slide across the floor? The people here are delusional as fuck calling everything fake. Like open your eyes and watch the fucking video instead of complaining and mass downvoting people who believe it and has an explanation behind it. YOU are the ones ruining this sub not the other way around


Tried the advice; opened my eyes and watched the man in the video walk down the hallway.


Totally agree with your take on the haters, as I call them, I really don't like these subs for this very reason. They are trying to control this sub and many people will not post because of this. In the rules it says to be respectful to people, then these people are rude, but it is just not being stopped. I notice you were down voted, so sad.


Literally. I know this sub is to try to explain an unexplainable thing that going on in a picture or video. If people wanna believe it then let let them believe it. And if you don’t and have a theory that’s fine too. Just don’t be rude about it. And atp the downvotes don’t bother me here. It brings more attention to the bottom of the page lol


There’s something not right about the way the face moves out of shot. Feels not the way a human moves.


That’s crazy


Stop posting this stupid horseshit. What even is the point of this sub anymore?


Leave then?


I work at a Children’s hospital in NY and, man, sometimes we also see things we can’t explain. I 100% believe this would be a ghost.


Whats up with the nazi looking salute?


If the fanger wasn’t blocking the whole dang thang I might believe it but all I see is a fanger fanger blocking the supposed shadow


Finally some good material. Creepy stuff


Pretty crazy stuff


I know, it's wild when i accidentally get someone else in my shot


This one is interesting.


Imagine you could do screenrecordings. But yes, this video is spooky.


My only question is why are they carrying empty cardboard boxes? Anyone at chla or healthcare know?


Wtf is this lol


Lol come onnnnn 😄😄😄😄


No . No possibile ghost here


The person in all black?


You can see her in the beginning of the video, and the ghost seems to be wearing a white shirt


It moved like a ghost does


In your expert opinion, how does a ghost move?


I can see the tiny shadow pop up every time, but I'm having a hell of a time catching any face by her legs.


Its not the shot she has her finger on. Its the video to the right. Its a guy in a white tshirt.


the one on Sunset and Vermont'ish!


Why does she give a nazi salute tho?


I see this is an accurate representation of Kanye these days.


Maybe if she moved her fingers.....


Thts wild