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Last week.


You missed the last episode


Such a good episode. 


She didn't ascend to heaven like they thought. Ralph the teenage cholera ghost did. Flower was trapped in a well and they rescued her last week


Thank you!! I don't have cable. I watch via air TV and the channel would mess up and it got annoying as I would miss what's being said.


😆 "trapped in a well" that is so her 😆


Does nobody respect spoilers anymore?


Why did you watch it out of order? Why didn’t you watch the last show that you hadn’t watched when you skip shows this is going to happen


I don't understand how you go on a discussion forum for a current show and not expect people to talk about what's currently happening


I don't understand the need to reveal spoilers within an hour of the damn show being aired! Why can't people block out the spoilers in their headers >!You are all jerks for not using spoiler tags!<


1. the header was literally just "flower" 2. Did you really think anything right now with the title flower would be anything other than a spoiler. 3. OF COURSE Thor is going to break it off with anyone he connected with when flower came back so therefore not a spoiler if you know flowers back


Because time zones are a thing?


Did they not know people were watching the new episode? If you want to avoid spoilers, the thing to do is not go on a forum specifically for the show


OP put it out there right on the main feed without any effort to cover it up. They could’ve used spoiler font or even a tag. “Discussion” isn’t an appropriate tag for an episod that hasn’t aired on the West Coast. There’s a spoiler tag for a reason. You don’t even have to go to the sub to find it! Just because OP is out there wanting to watch and ruin doesn’t mean the rest of us who might be looking for updates on, say, the NFL Draft which IS airing right now nationally, have to avoid Reddit entirely because they want to be an asshole. EDIT: I still think you’re an AH for defending this, but you didn’t make the original post so I fixed it to give the blame where it’s due.


I did none of what you're accusing me of and the title of the post isn't a spoiler, who forced you to read this post?


Admittedly, maybe they should have used the spoiler flair but I don't know why you would look at any posts in the sub if you want to avoid spoilers


Because it was right there in line with the completely unrelated post I was trying to read? And like three sentences? Kinda unavoidable.


I don't respect those who insist others should not discuss a show on the subreddit dedicated to that show because they also seem to insist on viewing posts about it during the very narrow window between when it originally aired and when they could "first" see them. Spoiler babies annoy me, especially on a subreddit for a show that has show (via major spoilers in preview clips) that it is definitely more about the journey than random plot points.


Especially since it’s not even aired on the West Coast! I mean give some people a little time.


You sound like the people who complain about “spoilers” in the ‘Jeopardy’ fb group I’m in 🙄


If only people could stay off forums that are specifically for discussing the thing they don't want to see discussion on. You know the episode just aired, what do you think new posts are going to be about?


Yeah, that's not how reddit feeds work. Given the fact that I can actually read more than one word at a time, dipshits who posted what happened in the show spoiled the experience for me. Watching the episode this morning was ruined. Thanks guys, given me all the more reason to block this group.


It happened last week so it's not a spoiler


>!Flower being discovered was in last weeks episode, Thor breaking up with Nancy was not!<


So was the idea always to bring Flower back, do you think? Or maybe something happened where the actress wasn’t going to be available but then was again, weird contract issue?


The actress had a baby. She was on maternity leave. So yes, the plan was always to bring her back.


Thanks! I didn’t know that but now it makes sense!