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I once read a quote about Gilmore Girls being the equivalent of taking a Xanax. I don't know why that's true, but it is.


It’s better than Xanax for me at least. Xanax made my anxiety worse, but GG always soothes me


So true lol


For me its the lightness with which Lorelei deals with her mothers criticism, I find the humour therapeutic. And the cosiness of Stars Hollow and a place like Lukes where you can always swing by for coffee and pie and a “friendly” chat.


Relatability. I can relate to some characteristic of almost every character. And I like that no one is perfect. My favorite characters are sometimes assholes. The usual assholes sometimes have a shining moment. It all feels realistic overall, even when specific incidents make me want to throw something at the tv. Christopher is the exception. He’s always a smarmy asshole.




I just watched “Christopher Returns” where his first words to Lorelai, **in front of Rory,** are, “Nice shirt. Take it off.” I wanna snap his head off his shoulders. Then, he lies about his business. Then, he sits silent while his parents attack Lorelai at Emily and Richard’s house. Then, when Lorelai refuses his outta-nowhere proposal he promptly leaves town even though he said he wanted to be a part of Rory’s life. So, he was trying to manipulate Lorelai by lying about wanting to be a father to Rory. I really just don’t have the words to describe what a despicable piece of garbage Christopher is.


Can you honestly say Lorelai wouldn't have said something similar to Chris or a love interest in front of Rory?


Being privy to Lorelei and Rory’s conversations make me feel like being part of an intelligent, hilarious ongoing inside joke


Definitely!! I get the exact same feeling!


The cozy aspect draws me in. Being able to walk to Luke’s diner and get a meal or coffee, the store is right there, Lorelai’s outfits, the way they can order all that take out and not gain weight, the songs they play (the La La La/Bu Bah Bahs used to get on my nerves but they grew on me), the chemistry between Luke and Lorelai, the interpersonal relationships.


It’s cozy and safe.


It’s just nostalgic for me. The clothes, the time period, the colors used? Idk. Something is so comforting about the first 3 seasons especially.


The way it’s shot and how it’s slightly grainy compared to HD stuff now is really soothing and aesthetic


Great question! Had never thought about it from that perspective before. Definitely the way music is seamlessly integrated. The basic score or how the troubadour(s) are used. The latter is the one saving grace of the otherwise horrible last episode in Season 6. And ASP does even more with it in AYITL.




Luke and Lorelai 💕


It’s girlhood at its finest


And my boost of serotonin


They talk constantly which I love (similar to Entourage they just keep babbling) And the cosy feel with the music that makes you feel like you're "returning" to your favourite place, an idyllic suburb where everyone's kookoo and that's OK


The constant talking makes it great to rewatch because you catch new things each time


The dialogue! So entertaining and Lorelai is witty af


It's gentle & meandering


It feels like home more than any home of my childhood ever did


I love watching the complexity of the characters. I let a year or two go before I rewatch it. I’ve usually been in a new place in my life or just general growth in maturity. College, engaged, married, new mother, 2nd kid, 3rd kid. My changing relationship with my mother. Life experience has allowed me to watch with a new perspective. I see the flaws of Rory as teen and the naivety even up into college. The flaws and immaturity, but also strengths in Lorelei. The complexity of Emily. I always learn something different about them. I’ve gone from faulting them too much to allowing them leniency and understanding. Watching romantic relationships hits a little different each time. First loves, fighting, not being loved back, wanting to want someone are all things that I can relate to. It’s made me reflect on myself, my relationship with my mother and daughter. Of course the humor and coziness it has. Something always reminds me of it when I am not watching it, specifically Lorelei’s humor. When I get excited about something I’m cooking I think of Sookie. I could probably write a whole Yale essay on the impact it has on me. It’s one of my favorite shows and if Netflix ever removes it I will definitely look for it somewhere.