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BNBs aren’t that awful or different from boutique inns?


Literally this! Lorelai was sooo snobby about BNBs and I'm like...The Dragonfly Inn is a glorified step above BNB.


The Dragon Fly wasn't a BNB? The only difference I can see is they rent out for groups and events, hence the kitchen. The Dragon Fly is AT BEST, a glorified BNB.


The dragonfly inn looked almost exactly like the Cheshire Cat or whatever it was called.


This perhaps my biggest pet peeve about the show. It’s so crazy how much she hates it that I sometimes think she must be joking? They’re the exact same?


The EXACT same. It seems like the only thing she didn’t like was that they all ate together but everyone was perfectly nice and she basically does this when she has the town dinner that everyone is invited to? It drives me nuts that’s she’s SO mean when the Cheshire Cat literally looks the same aesthetically as the dragonfly inn.


Maybe it reflected how much she hated herself in that moment for ditching Max, the best guy she dated who bored her. Maaaaaybe too deep for the CW though.


Lorelai’s wedding was even obviously inspired by Alice In Wonderland as well, so it was really weird how much she mocked The Cheshire Cat for being too kitschy or whatever her issues with it were, I feel like the Lorelai from later seasons would have got way more of a kick out of it


"She named the place after an Alice in Wonderland character. This is my worst nightmare." Then has a VERY Alice in Wonderland themed wedding which she loves and calls perfect lol


THIS! Doesn’t she also say in season 4 during the town meeting like “it’s a little town inn” IT HAS 10 ROOMS! Thats basically a BnB come on


Yeah and let’s talk about the floral wallpaper while we’re at it


I feel like BECAUSE she’s in the hospitality industry, she has strong niche opinions about it. That’s kind of what I like about that whole bit, it’s like when you have a friend who’s really into crochet, and they get really mad when you accidentally call it “knitting”


As an innkeeper at a place that gets compared to the Dragonfly Inn all the time.... this is 10000000% true. Yes, there is a spectrum when it comes to the offerings and experiences at BnBs and Inns but its not cut and dry like they make it sound.


Lorelai (to Christopher): "You're a great guy with a great heart." No.


I love how every single post someone finds a way to trash Christopher




"Thanks Lor. By the way, how do you feel about the suffragette movement?"


!! and also simply "it's CHRISTOPHER" no it's ......christopher.....


The redhead did not have fat thighs


Even if she did, fat thighs are snazzy ngl


And apparently they save lives 😄


And even if she did, don’t shame the girl because Asher was the real creep.


The worst line in the entire series.


That line aged so horribly and infuriates me every time I hear it.


So true, what kind of journalist calls someone a hippo?


Yeah Rory and Lorelai were incredibly fatphobic the entire series. And Paris! Remember her line “I hate that she’s thin”. As if Paris herself wasn’t already thin?? Lmao


Bit odd when Suki who is Lorelais best friend is definitely on the chubby side


It’s also so not Rory. Problematic as they could be, she was trying to be funny to the professor by being catty…just felt so off.


Why was she dressed so frumpy when she confronted Rory?? Why did they do her dirty like that??


Because ASP and DP love to punch down, and fat-shame.


Are you talking about the ballerina? In that case, different redhead.The fat thighs comment was to Asher about that one girl who flirted with him at the book signing if I remember correctly.


I read it as her covering up because the article made her insecure but I don't know if that was intentional


That line was do digusting, an older professor is dating his fresh faced student and Rory's outraged comment is basically she's not even that pretty like.........


Carrying a water bottle around is not weird.


Lol that’s definitely an opinion that ages the show. Where was all the water when I was a kid? Idk. Now? Can’t go to the grocery store without it.


Exactly this. I never carried a water bottle in elementary school or even high school. I’d sometimes have a leftover vitamin water bottle that i’d fill up with water from a fountain but it always tasted weird and slightly like the drink in it before. It wasn’t until college that I started carrying one daily to class and now I can’t even leave my house without one.


I was at a Christmas lights walk with my best friend and her 7yo and we were 5 minutes away from the car and he literally could barely continue walking because he was thirsty and we had passed the food trucks (where he got juice) and she didn't bring water on the walk. It was like 1 hour and he'd just had juice and he was absolutely lost because she always brings water everywhere. And I very clearly had a flashback to me being a kid and my parents usually having water in the car but never ever bringing it anywhere so it was normal to just be a bit thirsty in between drink breaks. Only when it was very warm or it being hours between drink breaks were we ever thirsty enough to ask for water more than once. Having fluids in you at all times is definitely relatively new. Especially reusable bottles. Not saying it's bad to have water on you at all times but I do wonder about how much that's unnecessary learned behaviour, to be constantly thirsty.


I don’t remember ever, a single time, having a water bottle as a kid. We would drive through the middle of nowhere for 8 hours in the car in summer with 3 kids and 2 adults with zero water. It is absolutely a new thing.


Yeah. I’m about Rory’s age and we literally never brought water on long trips let alone short ones. Around when the show came out is when I remember everyone starting to have bottled water.


Tbh I drink an insane amount of water and it would feel mad weird to not have a bottle with me, so I agree 100%


I went to music school and studied opera so it wasn’t weird to carry a water bottle everywhere. We were so hydrated in that department lol.


I wonder if the not carrying water bottle is a cultural thing since a lot of people say that as kids they used to not have it with them. In my family and among my friends it was super common to have a water bottle or a thermos with tea at all times, I’m from Europe tho so I guess it might be cultural. That’s why that line always struck me as odd but I chalked it up to a different culture


In the US it would have been really unusual to see someone carrying a water bottle around with them everywhere until, idk, 2008 or so. Maybe even later? I studied abroad in 2009 and I was walking all over the place without a water bottle then.


Like what is weird about being hydrated !? I got great skin and a cute water bottle so


I just watched this episode (the season 4 one where Rory goes on the date), and I was so happy Lorelai pushed back against Rory’s problem with carrying a water bottle. “Hydration. Very creepy.” 😂


Regular exercise doesn’t make you a boring person


They’re skinny despite the fact that they eat mountains of junk food but skinny people who work out and fat people are the worst! 🙄🙄🙄


You have to have their magical metabolism to fit in


This. I watched this show when I was very young and I wonder how much of the body shaming actually stuck with me


They were weirded out by Paris’s relationship with Asher. But it was so much worse than it just being gross because he’s an old man with an old man’s body, etc. (Rory was also very upset by the cheating on Jamie, which was really bad too, of course). Asher was a predator, and the power imbalance was serious.


Especially because he was notorious for always targeting young women. The fact that it was a pattern is insanely predatory.


TV and Media really normalised all kinds of predatory shit back then. And no one called it out. It's insane and gross what used to colour the fabric of our culture/reality.


Not just back then though, cough “pretty little liars” cough. But yeah, I hated the whole Asher/Paris thing.


Oh that show was.. wow. Yeah. Terrible. I think the cut off for this is maybe everything pre- Me Too? I grew up with casting couch jokes too and that's just "how it goes." As if sexual assault is some law of nature.


Legally Blonde called it out! But it's true for most other media in the early 2000s, unfortunately.


I wonder how he was never fired. If this happened in my uni a professor dating a student (and quite openly at that, remember they were making out in public) he or she would be fired immediately since that’s so predatory and also puts the student at an unfair advantage compared to other students


Possibly tenure? I remember paris saying how he had it “ages ago” and this normally protects from individuals being fired.


Might be a little pearl clutchy of me but the way they joke and laugh at the expense of others always has me side eyeing. Playfully teasing people right to their face is one thing cause the persons right there but the way they’ll comment on people’s weight and stuff when talking about them, not my thing. But it was indeed the early 2000s and being mean spirited WAS humor back then so hey.


They were that way in AYITL too. The pool scene, they were making fun of overweight people.. they called that one guy fatback or something to that nature.


"Back fat Pat"! I cringed at that. Felt like it was maybe meaner than their usual kind of mean.


That's right and they said it to his face and made it seem like it didn't even phase him. The GG were usually not nice.


It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if ASP was *that* girl, herself.


It’s also on brand for the two hot girls of a small town. They both have a tendency to be Mean Girls and I feel like the writers are inviting us to criticize them.


Rory did not need a full body X-ray after a motor vehicle crash.


And her doctor never would have agreed to it!


Right? Insurance would have never covered it!


I actually disagree with this. I'm a radiologist and car accidents are one thing the ER usually won't mess around about. Even if the patient says they didn't hit their head or lose consciousness, bare minimum they all get a head and cervical spine CT to rule out. And always a chest xray and a pelvis xray. And then obviously whatever actually hurts. Probably the only hesitation would have been that she was a kid, but she's a teen, and if EMS saw that car, she was getting scanned. I always took it as they are checking *again* at Lorelai's request. For what it's worth, drunk people get a lot of scans too. If you show up drunk, no one is trusting that you didn't hit your head and forget about it.


Most of their takes on music. I will defend my early 00s music to the bitter end, lol.


Rory’s reaction to Clara playing Avril! 😭come on Rory, like you wouldn’t bop along too.


Kyon was right when she tells off Lane: Avril Lavigne rocks. You're such a snob. If it's not Joy Division, you don't like it. Well, you can't dance to Joy Division!


I loved this part! I sometimes felt like the music tastes were based on the writers' opinions rather than the characters'. For instance, Lane calling Fleetwood Mac a guilty pleasure: I feel that would be an artist she would listen to proudly and unapologetically?


Fleetwood Mac was considered quite cringe in the 00s. I blame Bill Clinton for using Don’t Stop as a campaign song. We’ve come back to realising the worth of FM now, but it took a while.


Ah I see, thank you for the context! I'm not American and Bill Clinton first became president the year before I was born so I would never have known that. I'm glad we as a society have decided Fleetwood Mac are cool again lol, their music is great!


But later on she calls them one of the great bands that were affected by break ups. Which is it?


As a pretty die hard Avril fan I loved kyon for that lol


sometimes i wonder if the wombats were inspired by that line when they wrote “let’s dance to joy division” lol


Plus Jess and Rory's reaction to Lindsey liking Matchbox Twenty! C'mon man


Only jess's reaction was bad. Rory defended her.


Oh she did, didn't she? Well, that just means I'm gonna have to start my rewatch soon, I forgot about that


Jess' reaction was a glimpse straight into the writers' room's thoughts on music


I was such an Avril stan at the time. Lane also had that comment about Avril at her bachelorette. I hated the disrespect. 😂


Agreed! At Rory’s first night at Yale, when Lorelai said, “If you play Evanessance, you will be severely mocked” had me roll my eyes. Amy Lee can SING!


I hate that line so much. What a way to start a party by threatening to mock if you make the wrong song choice.


Saw her/the band live a few months ago. She's still just as good, of course.


It doesn't bug as much when Lane and Rory do it because it's not uncommon for teens/young adults to be like that. But with Lorelai it gets annoying real quick.


I'm actually the opposite. I get why Lorelai does it because she thinks her generations music is best. Some teens are like Rory and Lane, but I felt it was so unrealistic for both of them to hate on almost all of the music that was trendy at the time. Especially Lane since she was so into music. She couldn't find one current band she liked?


Indian food smells delicious.


One day, me and my husband were on his motorcycle headed to a diner for a late breakfast. Passed our local Indian restaurant which was preparing for their Sunday buffet and it smelled SO AMAZING we had to turn around and change our dining plans. Waited 30min for them to open but it was worth it. You can't just smell all that goodness and then go eat toast and eggs lol


Same! I love Indian food!


Ugh now I want Indian food


Agreed, but I have co-opted that “burn the house down” line for a number of other smells throughout the years.


as an indian that comment was insanely rude saying that indian food is stinky




Their fatphobia is gross.


They were that special combination of fat phobic but also made fun of anybody who tried to eat well and exercise….


It was especially hurtful when they would make a joke next to Sookie. Makes me wonder about the actress’s feelings


Same! It was just mean writing imo.


100% agree


Agreed. The lookism in general! When they were going through the ballerinas for Emily to sponsor and making fun of one of the girl’s skin, it actually made me uncomfortable. I hate that kind of humor coming from women especially. Mean girl vibes.


Yeah this hasn't aged well. What I hate the most is the fact their eating of junk food and fast metabolism was entirely made up. Even with heaps of junk food you barely see the actresses actually eat any of it and I think I read an article saying they were really careful with their diets. This is such an unhealthy picture they painted of them...


They were luckily they had an insane metabolism. The way they ate they should have been on my 600lb life.


Oh yeah burgers every other night for dinner with fries and ice cream from the diner, at a minimum insanely high cholesterol 😂


Extremely problematic by ASP and DP.


Loreali should have taken the damn watch with diamonds


Omg yes. The whole shopping spree they were getting dragged along by Emily.


Emily was my hero in that scene.


It was such a weird line to draw! They love materialistic stuff like that and Emily probably wouldn’t have remembered she purchased it a few days later.


Having blonde hair does not automatically make a woman stupid, mean, lazy, narrow-minded, or worth less than someone named Lorelai Gilmore, even if they dye their hair blonde.




There are so many throwaway food opinions on the show! A few people upthread mentioned about the Indian food smell comments, how Lorelai doesn’t like Thai food, etc. Basically anything too gourmet or too “ethnic” lmao.


Mashed banana on toast is delicious and I will die on that hill


It’s half the BRAT diet! It makes total sense Emily would make that for her daughter when she was sick.


But it also totally makes sense that it wouldn’t hit as well when you have back spasms. When you have a stomach bug putting mashed banana on toast gives some flavor and it might stay down.


yeah it’s kinda weird how *disgusting* they found it. like… it’s a banana and a piece of bread. acting like it’s worms and dirt or sm


I actually used to make it all the time back in the day because of that episode


In Belgium it's not weird to put mashed banana and brown sugar on sandwiches. At the cafetaria next to the public pool in my town they even sold them as 'monkey sandwiches'.


I used to eat that *a lot* especially when I was sick.


That Dean was a great boyfriend.


I’m watching GG for the first time and there’s something about Dean that is …. weirdly aggressive?


He's just always so angry. His default emotion is rage. It's really odd.




I completely agree, he always struck me as the type that could have easily become physically abusive if Rory wasn’t so agreeable He was also protective of her in a way that wasn’t loving but more like a dog pissing to mark his territory, like ‘you can have this because I own it’


Totally! 🚩🚩were raised when Rory was constantly asking “are you mad at me ? Please don’t be mad at me!” Like girl what are you afraid he’s gonna do? Let him deal.


I’m rewatching for the millionth time, except now I’m 30, and I’m sitting there thinking “Holy shit, he’s awful” at least once an episode whenever he pops up.


I just rewatched the whole series plus AYITL and I wanna puke every time Rory talks about how amazing and great Dean was to her. i’m like.. he was manipulative and emotionally abusive?


That community colleges are trash and if you go there instead of an expensive Ivy League university you’re a second class citizen. This show’s depiction of community college is something that always really bothered me. As if going to an expensive university is the best thing for every person, when in reality it’s not. Community college is a great affordable option and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. ASP comes off as extremely elitist and obnoxious.


Add to that Rory's dislike of Dean working in construction & saving for a house. Getting a trade qualification & owning a home is a much better goal for a lot of people than going to college.


For sure. Plus he wouldn’t have to deal with crippling student loan debt which he definitely would have had! I’m glad things seem to be turning around now and people are starting to turn their backs on overpriced education and being more open to the trades.


For sure! Part of growing up is realizing Dean likely went on to become financially independent way sooner than his peers and certaily had a vastly better career than Rory.


Rory is excited for Dean to go to community College. It's just not what she wants for her life.


She’s excited when he says he’s going to a 4 year college, not community college. I think it was the episode where she was dating Jess and she and dean went out for pie, Dean tells her he’s applying to I think Connecticut state? Rory says “What happened to community college?” Dean says Rory changed his mind for saying “he can do more,” she says “you CAN do more,” as if community college is settling and not doing enough.


>as if community college is settling and not doing enough Early 2000's called! That's exactly how it was sold at that time period though. Community college was for people who weren't smart enough for real college. People who didn't go to college at all? Losers. Things have changed a lot in the past 20 years, thankfully.


Lorelai tells Jason that she doesn’t like Thai food.


Their taste in movies. I’ve tried watching a lot of the movies they reference on the show and they’re so boring lol


I feel this way about the books Rory reads like I’m going to stick with my cute romcoms and fantasy books instead of moby dick thanks


She reads some of everything. She loves Isabelle Allende and Jane austen too. I think she was reading everything she thought ought to be read by an educated literary person.


Her reading list is pretty much a white male English teacher’s list. My friend pointed out there’s little to no authors of color on it.


She mostly seems to read books that sound impressive there doesn't seem to be any personal taste involved, which makes it understandable that her choices are mostly dead white men. The push to include more diverse voices in the literary canon didn't gain traction until more recently.


Their judgment of some characters’ quirks, while others are totally fine. Example: they often judge Kirk’s quirks, but Sookie’s quirks are fine. Luke and Michele have similar “quirks” (not actual quirks, but to the girls, eating healthy is a weird thing), but Luke isn’t judged for it outside of mild teasing. Michele, however, is looked down on for this by the girls and Sookie. Which is weird from Sookie because she’s a chef!


I don't know how they can eat Red Vines. Those are disgusting.


One of their comments before Rory goes to Yale and they say something about "what if your roommate is a Linkin Park fan?" and Rory has some over dramatic reaction of "ughhhh, then I would HAVE to move" I've been a huge Linkin Park fan forover 15 years. I have the logo tattooed on my wrist in honor of Chester Bennington, and I even named my dog Bennington (we call him Benny for short❤ )


For sure, their elitist attitude about music - Lane included. There's nothing wrong with rocking to Linkin Park or Avril. One of my favorite little moments in the show is when Lane scoffs at Kyon's Avril Lavigne shirt and she calls her out with "Avril Lavigne rocks. You're such a snob. If it's not Joy Division, you don't like it. Well, you can't dance to Joy Division!"


Kyon was so real for this 🤘🏽


Lorelai mocked evanescence as well. I love their music


When Lorelai is helping with the first night at Yale and she says the girls should bring music, but then is like “but if it’s Evanescence you’ll be severely mocked” 😭 I adore Evanescence and Fallen is one of my favorite albums.


Same with No Doubt! Like why the hate?


Always bothered me too. I mean you can have different taste and still recognize great artists in other genres than the ones you like.


That Dido’s music is bad. I grew up on Dido and I think she’s cool.


Dido is cool !


Paris having sex did not make her “not a good kid” I like Lorelei but god, did I have (still kinda do) a hard time getting over that comment. Rory, while so very flawed, was indeed a good kid but not because she was a virgin?! Alright, rant over 🙃


From what I read, even Lauren Graham had an issue with that line.


Sookie’s jalapeño mac and cheese for the kids birthday party sounded delicious lmao


I mean... Body shaming.


evanescence is a good band and people who enjoy their music should not be mocked


As a baby emo whose first real emo album was Fallen, this was my first realization that people looked down on goths and I was *baffled* by this.


Too much to count. I think the Palladino’s have some very fucked up politcs/ideals tbh and it bleeds through a lot into the viewpoints they give to Rory/Lorelai. For one thing I think the show is borderline white supremacist in how it portrays art and pop culture. 10,000 references per episode and you’ll never hear mention of any non white celebrities, authors, artists etc. Oh actually they mentioned Lenny Kravitz in an episode I just watched where Lorelai wonders aloud how he has so much money and that he must’ve rooted through Nicole Kidman’s purse while they were dating. Lovely.


I didn’t even think of the line in that context when I heard it, but I know I thought it was INSANE not to know how iconic Lenny Kravitz was at that point. And I was a real-time watcher of the show.


They mention Clarence Thomas multiple times and also mention Eartha Kitt. Just two off the top of my head, but I know there's more. It's truly unfortunate that media in general is so heavily whitewashed, but I don't know that the intent was malicious here.


There's Lorelai's Louis Armstrong impression. But that's sort of... erm... problematic. A bit.


Yeah Eartha Kitt is the only other one I could think of too. Ultimately neither of us can say for sure because we don’t know the Palladino’s, but as a POC I do get a certain vibe from ASP, I could be off base but it’s what I feel.


That Dean was a perfect boyfriend. And can’t stand how they make fun of other bodies/weight. Rory can be mean-spirited as hell!


I love Kiki Smith's "Wolf girl"




Exactly, just like Emily's idea for the winter/Romanov wedding theme. It has everything that Lorelai loves, but it comes from her mother so it's a big no


Same. I can't put my finger on why but I also think that Lorelei would like it. Like I know she doesn't but I just feel like that doesn't fit her character.


I avoided Indian food for the longest time because of the comments from both Lorelei and Jess about the smell. Indian food is the best and it smells amazing!!


They way they are shady with their boyfriends. Hanging out with their exes, telling half truths or just completely omitting information. Rory did this to Dean with Jess (calling Jess, kissing him, hanging out with him), and then AGAIN with Dean to Jess (she totally downplayed their friendship to Jess, and often straight up lied). Rory going out to dinner with Jess without telling Logan. Rory not telling Dean about her kiss with Tristan. Lorelai encouraging Rory to not tell Dean about the Tristan kiss. Lorelai not telling Luke about the Christopher drinking night. Lorelai lying to Jason about who Luke is. It is so sketchy, and if the genders were reversed it would definitely come across as more skeevy than they play it off in the show.




I think bashing the performance without having a dance background is fair as a reviewer of the show. That's just their job. But the comments about her body really are jut unnecessary.


I can buy the ballet may have sucked as we didn’t see it, but the comments on the body were a step too far.


“Pink is for girls, Blue is for boys.” I see nothing wrong with gender neutral baby showers.


I don't know that "soup is good food" was meant to be her actual opinion. I assumed it was a reference to the advertising slogan or subsequent Dead Kennedy's song.


The monkey lamp was weird, sorry.


Acting like the world was going down everytime they had to go the the Friday night dinners. It was just one time a week and in exchange Chilton and Yale is paid for.


Their hate of marzipan! It’s almond flour and powdered sugar with either some rose water or orange water, egg whites, almond extract, and vanilla extract. It’s so good! Edit: apparently this isn’t the traditional recipe just an adaptation my Finnish grandmother would make. Also there are egg whites in her recipe.


I absolutely agree with disagreeing with their hate for marzipan (it’s a staple for most European countries) but I have to be annoying and correct you… marzipan isn’t almost flour, it’s peeled almonds with caster sugar, powdered sugar and some water. No vanilla extract. There’s perhaps a version of it the way you described, but that’s not genuine marzipan.


Marzipan is the only food I will not eat even out of a midwestern sense of politeness. It makes me literally gag. And I love almonds! And sugar! I also think the candies themselves are beautiful. But nope. Marzipan is a big no from me, dog.


I’d never claim ownership of a tree.


They made fun of Linkin Park. I love Linkin Park!


Therapy is not just for people with severe mental illness (when Rory goes to see the “shrink” at Yale)


That Lorelai is some kind of self-described coffee connoisseur but also believes that Luke’s generic diner coffee is the best coffee in the world.


This. I drink an insane amount of coffee and like all types. But the only way Luke's is the best is if he's using the best beans. I just don't buy it. I'm sure it's fine and probably good. But "really really good". Nah


In addition to a lot of the above: Mallomars suck


Lorelai (and Rory at times) thinking she built her own success and didn’t have a silver spoon in her mouth. Especially when she lectures Logan about it. She had literally every privilege possible, and even though she declined help from her parents when Rory was born, she was still a young, white, well-to-do, attractive, educated teenager who would easily get a job and always knew she had something to fall back on. Poverty and failure were not a risk. Forcing hardship on herself does not give her the right to act holier-than-thou towards Logan.


Yeah and in general (while I understand why they don't) I hate how it's never acknowledged how much of a privilege it is to even have a safety net to fall back on, like Lorelai getting help when they had termites, or knowing they'd always have Emily and Richard to cover Rory's schooling.


Exactly, like how worried can you actually be when you have unlimited funds at your disposal, in exchange for the minor inconvenience of having your mom use it to see you more often? That whole scene where she lectures Logan about how she worked so hard for her success always infuriates me. Obviously she has worked hard. But she thinks not having a college degree is such a hardship, when she was raised by Ivy League educated parents lol. And they make it seem like Mia was so generous hiring her, a white, affluent, private school girl looking for a job. I wonder if Mia would have hired her if she had been a person in actual poverty.


Lorelei hates avocado. Avocado is good!


Barry Manilow has some fun songs. Shame on Lorelai for mocking Luke!


It was Lorelai that had a guilty pleasure for Barry Manilow! Rory teases her about it.


She mocked Luke for liking Jimmy Buffett. "He's so mellow!"


That Rory is special. Tbh she’s one of the most basic and boring characters I’ve ever seen. So she’s smart? That doesn’t make her special. She’s had that whole town filling her head with the fact that she’s “special” and when she didn’t get her way or was faced with a truth she didn’t agree with, she turned into a spoiled brat.


She didn't make something of herself from nothing. If it wasn't for the education she was given, the confidence she inherited knowing that if there really was a problem then there was a soft landing waiting for her, and her years of seeing her mother running a large household and social engagements then she wouldn't have had the skills at 16 to start the life she did.


I like Jackson Browne!


I like linkin park


I'm a huge lover of pop music and I know they, and Lane and Jess tbh, would make fun of a lot of what I like lol.


1. That Sookie is this amazing chef 2. A lot of their snooty views of music and other people’s tastes 3. Their comments about Indian food’s smell. It smells and tastes delicious. 4. Dragonfly Inn looks almost exactly like Cheshire Cat and I never understood why they hated BnBs so much when the Dragonfly was basically a BnB


Lorelai said she likes stale Chinese food to Luke. Ugh maybe the fake Chinese food? Authentic Chinese food always taste 100% better fresh.


They're kinda "not like other girls" a lot But it's understandable because at the time, society was much worse about women