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S3 E10- *That’ll Do Pig* Lorelei giving Gran a tour of her home. They (Gran, Emily, Richard, and Lorelei) leave to go to dinner. Rory: *Have a good time!* Emily: *Nobody appreciates your sarcasm, young lady* I laughed so hard when I caught that, I snorted.


Just Rory being 100% sincere in her manners. In S01x018 Rory: “Grandma, This dinner’s delicious” Emily: *smiles appreciative of the compliment* Lorelai Sr: “Very good, young lady. We all believed you.” Like damn.


Yes! This is one of my favorite lines.


Yes!! I always tell others to “have fun” whether sarcastic or not, hoping that someone will respond with Emily’s line. It’s never happened. 😞


I laughed out loud just reading this! I totally forgot about that line 😂


I love that one too!!!


LUKE: Oh, well, I'm going to Doose's because we are out of food. LORELAI: How can you be out of food? LUKE: Well, it starts with the words, "Hey Jess, you do the ordering this week, okay?" and it ends with me selling Kirk a lettuce sandwich. I just really love the visual of Kirk insisting he just wants a sandwich, regardless of what he has available. I can picture the scene in its entirety.


Isn’t Rory’s response to this, “We’ve eaten those.” That’s the part that gets me.


Yes it does! I should have added that bit. It's Luke's delivery and the image it conjures of Kirk that always tickles me.


But, we know that's a lie. Lorelai and Rory wouldn't come within 10 feet of lettuce.


They get lettuce on their burgers


Even if they pick it off it leaves it's lettuce essence


There was lettuce essence on our burgers? 😂 (Probably not word for word, but close!)


Jason shows up at the inn. Jason won't go away. Jason wants a room so he can continue pestering Lorelai. The inn is full. Richard and Emily sail in with the classic "Are you trying to kill us?" and storm out. Jason: Can I have their room?


Honestly, Jason is great comedic relief. I don’t want him with Lorelai but I kind of wish he had stuck around because he always made me laugh.


I love when they are at friday night dinner & Jason's parents are coming, when he says, they keep moving everything, I used to be over there. That always make me laugh, it's so funny how he says that.


Oh yes that's a good one!


I love that whole scene, but especially that line 😂


I know right, I can just picture it in front of me too, Emily & Richard telling Jason, no no you can't sit there, move overhere... :)


Yes! That line read never fails to make me laugh. Jason was such a fun character. 


I know Jason isn't a Stars Hollow guy, but if we can have DAR plotlines we could surely get corporate shenanigans.


He has so many jokes that, on paper, seem lukewarm at best, but Chris Eigeman's delivery makes them hilarious.


Ugh, Digger! Ugh, Umlauts!


that was the main thing i enjoyed about their relationship, he matched her wit


My absolute favorite line was when Lorelei asks if he’s “P digger now“ 😂😂😂


Their banter is part of why I love Season 4 so very much.


Also the part where Sookie said she and Michel made a fake phone call to Jason and said his apartment was on fire just to get rid of him


I love Babettes “location location location” scene.


Was watching Like Mother Like Daughter the other day, and during the Puffs initiation when Francie is reading out the terrible poem, Paris is in the background silently reciting the whole thing looking so enraptured I laughed out loud.


Liza Weil doesn't get the credit she deserves. She gave 150% to that role and made me LOVE Paris despite her high unlike-ability as a character.


Liza Weil and Kelly Bishop… magic. I LOVE Paris and Emily.


LMAO that detail is gold


“At least she had a husband to kill.”


I love that line. My best friend’s mother once said “If only she was a wife” about my friend and I always thought it was similar energy


When Lane's wedding attendees are running to get to the next ceremony, because there are "58 seats, 62 Koreans!!"


My favourite part is when Patty says "Puh-lease" at the end of that statement. It really added to that comedic punchline.


Carrot stick?


Lmao. It made me laugh because that happened at a cousin's wedding! (A couple of toddlers/neurodivergent teenagers who didn't want to sit down and we had a whole bunch of folding chairs.) People were running to get the better chairs and I swear I saw a few aunties try to elbow people out of the way! Lmao. I literally stood and giggled because it was so damn ridiculous and I had that line in my head all the while!


I love this! Did you have any Gilmore-Versed person nearby to share this with?


Right before Emily and Richard's vow renewal, when Richard is trying to get Lorelai to help him pick out a necklace... Richard: Focus. Lorelai: I am a camera.


Also when she walks up to Emily with the necklaces and says “which one do you want.”


"This one, that one for my birthday"


When Rory meets Christopher's parents for the first time and instead of shaking her hand she curtsies. Then Lorelai says "did you just curtsy?" i always laugh at her reaction


Me too lol.


The curtsy is maybe my favourite scene in the whole series


So I'm currently watching this episode but the one where it's Rachel's birthday and Lorelai buys all the clothes for Luke and is helping him but the belt on when Rachel walks in and the whole "this isn't what it looks like" "Looks like you're dressing him" "Well then, it's exactly what it looks like"


Oh nooo! That scenes is so cringy for me


At the Yale game where they are eating the steaks with Y on it. Emily asks Lorelai a question and Lorelai asks back and points with the steak and says: "Y do you ask?" It's so silly but the first time I saw that scene I laughed so much!


I’ve been watching the show for years and I never noticed that the steaks were in the shape of a Y until a recent rewatch 😅


Also with it so early she asked if she was even wearing underwear and then realized what she just asked lol


The time Richard and Emily show up at Lorelai’s house for dinner (S6 sometime), the door goes, and Lorelai maintains conversation with her mother while going to the door and quickly telling Luke her parents are there. The way he goes from smiling and walking in to silently turning on his heel and leaving absolutely sends me and I don’t know why


Rory: It's culs-de-sac. Lorelai: No way! Rory: It is! Lorelai: The plural of cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac? Rory: Yep. Lorelai: That doesn't even sound like English. Rory: That's because it's French. Lorelai: You know what I mean. Rory: I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Lorelai: Words should sound right to be right. Rory: That's not how it works. Lorelai: So, what, the plural of yo-yo is yos-yo? Rory: Yeah, 'cause that sounds so natural. Lorelai: As natural as culs-de-sac. *** Lorelai: Who, Lane? She's Super Waitress. Able to leap tall pancakes in a single bound. Or is that pans-cake? Rory: Very funny. *** Luke: When there was a lull, she cleaned the menus. Without being asked. Lorelai: Do you mean mens-u? Rory: Stop it! *** Rory: It'll be nice and quiet with no roommates around. Lorelai: Where are the rooms-mate? Rory: Um, Janet's mountain climbing, Tana's home, and Paris went skiing with her boyfriend. Lorelai: So you're just ignoring the plural thing now? Rory: Yeah. *** Rory: He could redeem recyclables. Lorelai: You mean recycs-lable? *** Lorelai: You knew that. Richard: Yes I did. Lorelai: Come on! Richard: Everyone does. Lorelai [to Emily]: Did you? Emily: Of course I did! Lorelai: So everyone in the entire world knew the plural of cul-de-sac was culs-de-sac? Richard: Yes. Lorelai: Okay, so Mariah Carey is out with some friends, and she's had a couple cocktails, and she glances down from the roof and says, "Oh, look at all those culs-de-sac"? Rory: Why are they on the roof? Lorelai: It's a rooftop bar. Richard: How have you been saying it? Lorelai: Cul-de-sacs. Richard: And no one ever corrected you? Lorelai: No, because that's the way it should be. Even if it isn't technically correct, it should be pronounced that way. Rory: Mom, let it go. Lorelai: I will never let this go.


This is not getting the credit it deserves lol


Recycs-lable always gets me


Ahhahaa same! It's classic Lorelai! And Rory's reaction is golden!


In Women of Questionable Morals.. Lorelei: “great now I’m not even the town whore” Luke: “If you want I can leave a little something for you on the dresser tonight” Lorelei: “It couldn’t hurt”




I feel like Emily climbing through the window doesn’t get enough love when people list funniest Emily moments. I belly laugh every time.


What makes me laugh is how childish Emily is being. It’s not so much the going out of the window, it’s more Richard saying that she better not be going out the window and Emily pausing to decide if it’s worth it or not 😂


“She was ATHLETIC!”


Yes, this scene is so, so funny!


Lorelei: “You know what they say about people who assume things, right?” Emily: “No, I don’t. What do they say?” Lorelei, stumbling over her words: “oh! Uh, that you… shouldn’t do that…” Can’t remember which episode exactly, but it always makes me laugh 🤣


On a related note, I love when in another episode Michel says, "You know what they say about those who assume," and Lorelai says "what?" And Michel responds, "I dont know, something about a donkey, it's a stupid American phrase!"


Also this exchange: (after Emily confronts Lorelai about kissing Max at Rory's school) Lorelai: It was a mistake. Emily: A mistake? A mistake? Is that what you call it, a mistake? Lorelai: Well, I tried calling it 'Al', but it would only answer to 'mistake.'


Rory’s 16th birthday party episode. I think Emily says “they’re her schoolmates, I assumed they were her friends” or something like that right before


It's the episode with Rory's birthday parties! Emily says she assumed her classmates were her friends or something Lorelai and Emily are peak as a comedy duo


The moment when Michel scolds Lorelai, after Lorelai meets Michel's mom: "Why in God's name would you tell my mother that I do not eat carbs?".


A little to the left. I am currently training a puppy and I am going to try my damnedest to make it happen.


love that part also bc when Jason says teaching a dog to sit is as useless as teaching them ‘a little to the left’, actually broke my brain bc true


But when you sit, you get a cookie!


When Lorelai and Emily are at the spa and they’re walking down a hallway and Emily is chattering on and on. Then they go into a room with a door that says “QUIET ROOM”. The scene goes quiet as we see the door close, then moments later Lorelai is pushing Emily out and then just whacks the door by the words. And Emily just sighs and says fine or okay and they go back in. When Lorelai whacks the door to point out that the room is supposed to be quiet, that sends me every time.


I literally showed my mother this episode and fast forwarded to this part 🤣


When Paris gets asked out for the first time and she’s freaking out and Rory says something like “how do you know it won’t work out?” And Paris goes “because I’m a genius, Rory! I have deep and powerful clairvoyant abilities!” 😂


Jess: “Talk into the clown.” Dean: “I am.”


I especially love this because Jess was such a jerk to Dean for no reason.


It's times like these that you realize what is \*truly\* important in your life. I'm so glad I had all that sex. \-Miss Patty at Fran's funeral


Probably not underrated, but when Luke pushes Jess into the lake


Best scene ever.


"It's getting late, so either shoot us or go away." "Dear Mom and Dad, I'm in labor. See you later, Lorelai? You, say 'excuse me, Mom, I'm having a baby. Give me a ride to the damn hospital!" "Are you on his side? Do you like that moustache?"


Lorelai: You know what I think is even better than traveling? Time-traveling. Do you think that's possible? Lynnie: I would have no idea. Emily: Lorelai, are you having some kind of breakdown? Richard: You're very quiet, Christopher. Christopher: Well, I, uh- Lorelai: Lynnie, as a psychologist, tell me what do you think of The Sopranos? Lynnie: Actually, I miss Adriana. Lorelai: Oh, so do I. Emily: Lorelai! Lorelai: What? I was serious about that one. The entire conversation between Lorelai and Lynnie is so comical.


It’s really hard to separate Lynnie from Jan


Lorelai saying that watching a Congressional vote on CSPAN is like watching the Men’s Warehouse security camera for 3 hours. I snort everytime 😭


"To Live and Let Diorama" HARRIET: Okay, mother. I'm hungry. You hungry, too, Joseph? [The light shines on Joseph again.]


“And I love Jesus!”


I love the deadpan "It smells like home, Ezekiel."


I’m going to make an embroidery piece with this quote. I love it so much.


I cry every time I watch this scene, it is arguably the funniest moment in the whole series. I made my dad watch that scene one time when it was on tv, and after that I would occasionally catch him watching GG 😂


And I love jesus!


The scene where Jess and Luke talk about remodelling Luke’s place and they each say “Maybe we can hold hands and skip after” 😭😂 I laugh every single time- especially after Luke puts a hole through the wall and says it!


i died when luke said it 😭😭😭


When TJ is walking down the aisle at his wedding and says something like, “still dry. Thanks, buddy!” Lorelai: You dried his armpits? Luke: I don’t wanna talk about it. I always laugh at that.


If that's a crack at my housekeeping skills... Well then ok.


Lorelai to Rory upon her seeing Emily's panic room: "I can protect you from shrapnel and Agent Orange! Ask me how!" I die laughing every time.


https://preview.redd.it/bfdgw617xt6d1.jpeg?width=1106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf260c6c6c624ba0895ff2bc6e33fd2a34a90697 everyone’s reaction to this masterpiece


Emily’s meltdown while shopping absolutely sends me every time 😂 “GET ME A DAMN APPLICATION!”


I love the whole scene when Jason joined the Gilmores at Friday night dinner right before his parents showed up and Emily and Richard were freaking out. (None of these are in order) Jason: they keep MOVING THINGS… the drink cart, the chairs… ME — I used to be over there. Emily: You look nice tonight. WHY DO YOU LOOK SO NICE?? Lorelai: Well, I washed my hair… Also Emily: What is that God-awful glare?! Rory: Umm, I think that’s the moon, grandma.


lmao yes the Emily moon comment, even reading it makes me laugh


i suppose it'll move on its own at some point


S7 When Lorelai and Chris get married in Paris and visit Emily and Richard for friday night dinner and Emily mentions she has a gift for Lorelai and she gets really excited and Emily goes You're like a dolphin at feeding time to Lorelai


I always wonder, is it the same gift the were going to give her for marrying max, or does lorelai just never find out what that was


There's a theory that the ice cream maker was from Emily.


wolf girl WAS exhibited in 1999, so. like. its possible!


This just made me remember the present and I burst out laughing!


i 4/4ths don’t care.


Something about her delivery on this one makes it funnier than it should be.


When Lorelai and Rory “egg” Jess’s car with deviled eggs. The next day when Jess is irate, Luke walks up to the car and says, “is that paprika?” I don’t know why but it gets me every time.


Got a handful of barbie


“I’m sick of people touching my stuff!”


Drunk Rory is hilarious


nice comeback! Dorothy Parker know about you?


After Emily gets her eye surgery and Lorelai has to drive her around in the huge suburban car. Lorelai make some comment after Emily gets in and then you see Emily lean out of the car & it’s just her head with her sunglasses and hat peering around the door. I crack up every time.


“I haven’t been strafed in years!”


I will cry laugh every single time when Paris is on the street begging for coins to call Doyle during the museum opening blitzed off the punch. The sounds and mannerisms KILL me


That episode was wild haha


Lorelai trying to do comedic relief during dinner with Christopher's parents, especially a bit about Bush, made me cry laughing last time I saw it


“His face is too tiny for his head? What kind of a thing is that to say?”


"Well then, if Katie Heddington has a *scab* on face, Rory will *definitely* be the prettiest one there." (I think that's the same DAR lady who refers to Emily as "the cobra"? She has small parts but such great comedic timing!)


Also when the inn burns down and Michelle yells at MrsPatty on how she answers the phone and the next call she answers “yeah?”


“No, little Lorelai, it’s not the cost that is the problem”


Which one is this from?


Michel sassing college-aged Rory for using a bunch of one color of post-its, because it made it appear that more guests were checking in than checking out, I believe. Maybe right about the time she returned to Yale? Or became editor?


Ooh. Deep cut. Was this Michel to Rory about using his post-its?


Not sure if this is underrated, but when Lane and Zach tell Mrs. Kim about the pregnancy and Zach starts yelling “Hit *me*! Hit *me*!” when Mrs. Kim gets up. Also, when Mrs. Kim says Lane will sit in front of the tour van and Brian kicks rocks in disappointment.


When Trix comes for the first visit- Emily calls the Inn. No, hello, nothing - just Emily: I need the coat rack Lorelai: The bird flies at night


It's the fish flies at night! My favourite exchange in the series lmao


Omg how did I miss that! Yes, thank you!


"I'm a cat with no legs!"


I quote this to my husband often


“Got a hand full of Barbie” is one of my absolute favorite lines.


jason’s dog. “a little to the left” that part always gets me😂


I tried teaching my dog but he just gets too excited for the treat 😑


When Lorelai is upset about Jason taking Crystal to the fibromyalgia function, Jason says something along the lines of ‘the only women i ever want to think about are you… and Eartha Kitt’


When Paris said “hot men run in packs” referring to Rory’s grandpa hanging with Asher Fleming


When Paris is telling Madeline and Louise that she is dating a professor and Rory mouths, "He's old!" at them.


Damn I missed that!


Lorelai’s reaction when Luke told her she was basically a cartoon character, utter shock


The whole conversation about the male ballet dancer…


I bet Gregorio would be good dipped in chocolate…


When Emily tells Lorelai that she had a wedding gift for her and Max but she's gonna hold onto it since the wedding is off and Lorelai processes to follow Emily around to get her to tell Lorelai what it is lol the part where Lorelai jumps out to scare Emily and then you hear her go "Lorelai, get away from me..."


Jess - "Someone prepared deviled eggs to throw at my car?" Luke - "Man, they must hate you a lot."


Oh gosh so many! Lorelai to Rory on the phone: “You know what? I have someone standing abnormally close to me right now. I'll call you later?” Rory: “Okay. Say hi to Kirk for me” And when Lorelai thinks she might be dating Luke but isn’t sure and asks Rory to see if she notices anything weird and they walk back inside the diner and Luke says one thing to Lorelai and she knocks everything off the table and Rory goes “Well THAT was weird” 😂


"Why haven't we got any stools in here!?"


Please see flair


Mrs Kim: Tomorrow is church. Lane: This would be after church. Mrs Kim: After church we think about what we learned in church.


Cribs baby, watch it


there’s a scene with luke and lorelai sitting at a table at the diner talking about how to open an inn. and jess walks by in front of them holding the coffee pot. another customer holds her cup up to him to fill and he pointedly looks at it and keeps walking without filling it.


This just reminded me of the scene where Jess tells Luke and Nicole he’s going out for “about an hour”, then Luke takes him outside to talk, Kirk tells Nicole he loves their communication, and we see Luke smack Jess upside the head, they come back in and Jess says “guess I’m not going out for about an hour” lol


"Mrs. Kim says fries are the devil's starchy fingers!" & "Loin fruit."


All of these are amazing! I swear the older I get the more I appreciate Emily. Also the way she doesn’t realize that Lorelei gets the sense of humor and quick wit from her makes it that much funnier. Emily is so witty and hilarious.


When Rory is getting sentenced at court and Emily goes like „I shouldn’t let her go with that ponytail!“. As if her hairstyle would have changed anything


Ask him where all the anvils went!! The whole anvil scene really. Love this thread - had me fully laughing out loud.


The cutaway to Brian asking for the bulgogi gets me every time.


Emily’s delivery of “well that’s insane”, while testing out wallpaper samples in the pool house after Rory moves in always gets me.


When lorelai tells Rory no one is paying attention to her breakup with Dean and in the background Luke and Dean are in a physical brawl and lorelai almost spits out her coffee 😂😂


Lorelai: “Did you ever know, that you’re my hero” Rory: “OMG” I rewind and rewatch that scene every time, laughing as Lorelai chases her down the street.


When Luke is in the diner with the lawyers in S4 and keeps trying to insist he wants nothing from the divorce. And Lorelai vouches for him by saying "So basically when Luke Danes says he wants nothing, he means nothing. Because when I think of Luke, I think of nothing."


And right before that… Stein 1: Mr. Danes, I'm an impatient man, I'm a busy man, I'm a sensible man, I'm a skeptical man. Luke: Oh, you're four different men, huh? Are they all named Stein, too?


Lorelai: I hate president Bush. Straub: What? Emily: Lorelai! Christopher: Oh boy. Lorelai: He’s stupid and his face is too tiny for his head and I just want to toss him out. Straub: That is the leader of our country young lady. Richard: Ignore her. Francine: His face is too tiny for his head, what kind of thing is that to say? Straub: I see your daughter is just as out of control as ever. Whenever Francine says that line, I am in tears. It’s one of my favorite scenes ever.


Lorelai: Tomorrow, if you have time, I'm planning on despising everyone who says, "Hey, how's it going?" Luke: You're on. Rachel: Hey, how’s it going?


Oh now that’s just too easy.


6x22 Taylor comes into Lukes and says “Lukas, have you eyeballed whats going on outside” and Luke goes “eye what?” and Taylor screams “balled! eyeballed!” and they are talking about all the troubadours lol😭


The entire scene when Emily is picking a ballerina to host! Talking about the well endowed ballerina and Emily chooses the “maybe” pile. Rory says “you go girl”. The entire scene tickles me.


After Rory and dean break up Babette comes in and yells “Rory SWEETIE” in such a raspy voice. It kills me every time lol


"I'm going to go make out in the coat closet. Don't eat my chicken." "I'm putting that on your tombstone"


When Michel says “No little Lorelai” about the sticky notes system thing and how they were staring at each other when Lorelai walked in


When Lane goes to tell Zak she's pregnant and he thinks she's dumping him so he says "anything you say to me you can say in front of Bryan". Then Lane says she's pregnant and the way Bryan just gets up and leaves. Hilarious. The look on his face!


I’m not sure if this wording is right but Emily saying ‘well at least she had a husband to kill’ - sends me every time


"You were kissing her teacher!?" "They told us to get more involved with the school!" " who's your friend, Rory?" " I don't know, but this is Tristan."


Jess: Talk to the clown Dean: I am (Rare W for Dean)


I think of Lorelei’s date with Rune often 


Bye, Loon!


Richard: Pina will serve tiny, proper servings. Johnny Machete needs to be presented in a heap. Rory: Johnny Machete? Emily: That’s the name of this vile concoction. Rory: It’s delicious! Lorelai: It's not bad... Emily: It’s twelve different colours! Lorelai: Come on, Mom, eat it. Emily: It looks like someone already did.


The scene where Richard and Emily are all awkward when Lorelai and Rory come to Friday night dinner after Emily is peeved Richard cut Jason’s clients out and Emily’s staying at a hotel or such.


Emily: I’m just breaking in my purse.’ Lorelai: ‘oh yes, because…Blisters…’


Everyone thinking Jess and Dean fought only for it to be revealed he got attacked by a duck


Pairs: “we have to talk” Rory: “ah! You’re like the popup book from hell”


I think the one where they come back from Yale and are showing Emily the pictures. "Yes. This one makes me feel like I'm in your finger" Emily says.. or something like that. I lose it every time.


“you’re not really going to smell it?!” will make me laugh forever. the thought of luke trying to pick up rory’s scent is funny, but lorelai’s delivery is perfect.


When Emily and Richard are searching the pool house and she tells him she did this to Lorelai all the time...she once found a drawer full of tootsie tolls Richard: Perhaps it was what was under the Tootsie Rolls, Emily. Emily : Under the Tootsie Rolls! Oh, my God, I should have looked under the Tootsie Rolls! Oh, that's going to bother me. God knows what she had in there


Idk if it's underrated but it's this moment between Dean and Jess when Dean goes to Luke's to place an order for the construction crew. Jess: Oh you're Taylor's errand boy now Dean: And you're Taylor's waitress Jess: Say that a little closer Dean: I thought you had a girlfriend


Babette: “You just wait till spring, you’re gonna wake up one morning, walk out and *POWWW!* Color comin’ outta your yin-yang. I’ll see you girls tomorrow.” Lorelai: [To Rory] “I’m going to have color coming out of my yin-yang.” Rory: “Then maybe you’ll finally get a man.” Lorelai: 😮😲😧


Oy with the poodles already!


I don't really think this is underrated, but it's a very good line


I just bought a card that says that!


“Holding a bunch of something that smells amazing” “Pot roast”


It's a two way tie for me. The first that always makes me grin is when the Reverend and the Rabbi are taking the piss out of Taylor when he tries to talk them out letting the Town Loner protest from the church. The whole scene is just perfect. My other fave is during the Night of Living Art, when Taylor is freaking out back stage and Patty tells him to smoke a cigarette, and the "Could you start?" When he tells her he doesn't smoke.


"He's always been a cat person, he's just never had a cat." (Caps off one of my favorite exchanges in the entire series, but also summarizes Kirk so nicely.)


Omgggg, in 3x06 when Luke finds out Jess has been working at Walmart. The gigolo line gets a lot of love (and rightly so), but their whole exchange is gold. Luke: You’re like the all-American boy. Jess: Call me Dirk Squarejaw. Luke: Look at you. Jess: What? Luke: Eating apple pie.


Just saw the one with Asher Fleming’s wake and Emily shows up complaining that Richard will make her go to “that insufferable man’s funeral” and it was so callous … couldnt stop laughing


When Taylor insists that the historical society inspect the Dragonfly before Lorelai can start construction on it and she snaps and grabs him by his lapels and asks him why he has her jumping through so many hoops and he goes “Lorelai, I’ve got church later” while she still has him yoked up. His delivery kills me


Richard yelling “Why don’t we have stools in here?!” when he and Emily are in the kitchen talking about how he had seen Lorelei.


I love the scene of Richard and Emily when he is trying to calm her down because Lorelei will still talk to him. He casually walks out and Emily says “cuz you’re the FAVORITE!” makes me laugh every time!


Another that gets me is in the first season when Cinnamon dies as Michel shows up to the wake and the guy in overalls walks past: “Yoo-hoo. Hee haw man!” And when he babysits Sookie’s baby: Lorelai: “It’s okay Davey.” Michel: “Davey?” Lorelei: “Yes, Davey. Sookie’s baby.” Michel: “I’ve been calling him Truman.”


When Lorelai says to Luke "if you're going to get him something inflatable, make it a blonde." I watched the series when it first aired and I was a young teen. It wasn't until one of my many rewatches as an adult that I caught the line & was like 😳🤭😆


I just watched that scene a day or two ago and laughed SO HARD.




Kirk's line outside the car store when Lorelei implied that he bought everything "There are still a number of items inside."


The beach episode “I need my ball back!” “Yeah you need a couple of them pal.”


"My mom's not wearing any underwear! What you don't."


Don't sit on any cold benches!