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When Rory doesn’t just tell Emily “Grandma I wrote the date down wrong for when Yale starts, mom is running errands for things I need for college and that’s why she’s not here”. I feel like Rory has it in her to be up front with Emily, but she has to go through the baking of a soufflé and viewing of various ballroom dancing competitions and her mom finally coming to rescue her and their confrontation, all for the plot


And also, “Grandma you’re a champion at shopping, help us get some of this stuff.”


You can't tell me Emily wouldn't have an in at certain stores and be able to get them to stay open late/just deliver things.


Emily would have had them sipping champagne on a setee while an army of personal shoppers march different options past Rory so she can get everything she needs , it would be the highest quality and expertly packed to never jostle or leak. She would have had a fully stocked bar cart charcuterie and lobster rolls with fries on deck (the fries are for Rory and Lorelei's fast food obsession )


This is the time you put Emily’s powers to use!!


YES. That is the last thing rory of all people should feel the need to hide, it was a simple mistake


I get it about the wrong date, but Emily would definitely have blamed Lorelai. “No Rory, this is the kind of thing your mother should have double checked. It is not your fault that Lorelai is incapable of simple planning, and I shouldn’t be robbed of my evening with you because of it “


I actually heard that in Emily's voice


It has a certain rhythm to it


Emily is one of the few voices that are just so distinct I can actually conjure up that sound in my head. That kind of thinking doesn't normally happen in my brain.


Even so, Rory wasn’t afraid to stand up to Emily at this point. Wasn’t this only episodes after she told Emily “I think you’re being really stupid” when Emily/Lorelai were tiffing about Lorelai paying back the Chilton loan?


I kinda get this one, because Rory and Lorelai knew that Emily would've found a way to blame Lorelai for the mixed-up dates.


They also knew if they told her at all that day what was going on, that she would insert herself into it, and probably the move in the next day as well.


Simple communication would eliminate a lot of episodes of all shows and I spend the whole show frustrated that they don't just say something like any normal person would. Miscommunication that is simply rectified by clarification or simple communication is also the basis of a lot of episodes of a lot of shows. Equally frustrating.


hehe yess! that’s why I titled this “it’s for the PLOT!” 😂 thought it worked well. if tv was real life, I’d be going crazy!


this has slightly annoyed me as well. Just say what errands she’s running! I know Emily can spin things around, but might as well tell her! However, I noticed Rory does this a lot. Like when Logan tells Lucy about how Rory and Marty know each other. Rory told her mom that Logan basically told Lucy, out of the blue, in the middle of dinner, that Rory and Marty used to be friends. But that’s not 100% true because Lucy asked how they met…which prompted Logan telling her. She never told Lorelai that!


The episode where they celebrate Valentine's Day at Martha's Vineyard! They eat dinner outside in the middle of winter, practically on the beach like it wouldn't be completely freezing outside...!


And that Luke, an avid outdoors man, didn't pack any practical clothing or supplies.


Oh so true! I didn't think about that one!


Especially as Luke kept complaining that he was freezing the entire time. Yet somehow warmed up for that. Not to mention, they leave the mess for later while they admit there’s a raccoon problem on property.


That’s because winter follows California logic in stars hollow. Middle of December and the sun is at high noon at 6am. Pitch black at 5:30 but high noon 30 minutes later


I'd think Luke would be all "let's do a real lobster bake" and get digging in the sand. But nope, Luke has never even eaten lobster.


Oh my gosh yes! I always block this episode out of my memory, it’s so weird. Like twilight zone in Gilmore Girls I was freezing cold on the Maine coast in the middle of July. I can’t imagine the winter 😅


When Lorelai and Christoper sleep through dinner in Paris so he manages to get a three star Michelin star restaurant to open for them in the wee hours of the morning since he’s rich now. I know it was meant to be a grand romantic gesture but it felt ridiculous. These restaurants deal with millionaires all the time. If they held no boundaries just because someone had a little cash, the people in charge would lose their minds. I’d only buy it as remotely being plausible if Christopher had inherited Bezos-level money or if he was an A-list celebrity. Even that’d be a huge stretch since it was like 5 a.m. or something. What restaurant owner or head chef is answering a call from a random number at that hour?


Plus the whole time warp thing. They wake up and it’s 4am. They shower and get ready, it’s still 4am. They wander around looking for something to eat and it’s still 4am. They get back to the hotel and that’s when Chris realizes that he can bribe someone AND IT’S STILL 4am!!!!


Yes! This drives me crazy every time!!! That and there's no way Lorelai, who is junk food focused all the time, didn't travel with a carry-on bag full of snacks...I don't buy it.


This is the part of that episode that bugs me. Time doesn't progress during their problem thus solving the problem. By the time the restaurant had rounded up that many employees and opened, it would have been at least 6 or 7 IF they'd actually started the process at 4am. But even then, who did Chris call? How was this even accomplished in a restaurant that no one staffs between 2am and 10am at the very least?


You’re asking all the right questions Like legitimately, how do you find the owner or chef and their phone numbers?? I don’t think that’s public


I completely agree. With a restaurant like this, I wouldn't be surprised if they opened during the afternoon hours. Therefore, 5 am would have been completely insane. And for Chris? I wouldn't open anything for him... Not to mention, I am SURE there are breakfast places opening by then (if it is weekdays). I know the French are a bit different, but I have been to Paris, and I think I remember there being some places open that early or 6 am. I could be wrong! I'm trying to not think of this is in too much of an American perspective because we're workaholics that get up early hehe


Also the fact that they couldn't get food in Paris in the middle of the night? There are so many McDonalds and Burger Kings that are open during the night.


Mmmmm I actually feel the complete opposite about driving back and forth to Stars Hollow. I rewatched S4 for the first time in ages a little while ago, and it struck me how often Rory went back and, personally, I wasn’t a fan. She’s 18, she’s in college now, and while I understand the importance of keeping her relationship with Lorelai relevant, realistically speaking, she’d be off living her life, coming home way more sporadically. Technically speaking, I think Yale and most schools require freshman to live on campus. It’s not about the availability to drive back and forth, but it’s part of the college experience and it has to be done a certain way depending on your school.


As for your actual question though —LOGAN PROPOSING. I’d die on my hill that it made absolutely no sense (( not after the hay maze scene imo )) and the only reason for it (( PLUS THE ULTIMATUM )) was the narrative’s need to end the season with Rory single and her relationship with Logan fractured in case they did get renewed for an eighth season.


I've never thought of that! But that is a very good point. They could have just kept dating...like? Season seven writers are something else


I went to university in New Haven (not Yale, actually went to SCSU like Dean did, we do not claim him) and my hometown was the equivalent distance of Stars Hollow to there. Initially, I was going home every weekend. I think I did it the first semester then went down to every other weekend and sometimes only one weekend a month. And I didn’t even have that much of a social life. It was just far too much back and forth. Even if I could do my homework there, it was somehow easier to do it at home. Honestly, if I could do it all over again, I would not go home nearly as much as I did. I love my mom but I do somewhat regret not having a typical college experience. Not even not partying but just attending games and meeting more people. I actually don’t think they showed her going home that much. They show her trying but mostly she’s just attending a 2 hour dinner every week and even then she ends up missing a lot. Plus, I was paying a lot to live on campus and they required you to have a dining plan. Might as well get as much use out of it!


I feel the same; I’d do college a lot differently if I got a do-over lol 😅 I think with Rory it did get a little better later on, early S4 was just too much imo (mid-week walks along the square with Lorelai and Lane just because // those horrid date nights during the week while she was dating Dean again) but even after S5 her college circle was still rather small. Which makes sense because it’s TV and you can only have so many characters, but still. I wish we’ve seen a bit more of her regular school shenanigans outside of Logan and Paris every once in a while too.


I don’t really have many college friends 😅 I feel like that’s just normal depending on the person and Rory strikes me as that kind! Although I wish they would’ve showed her roommates more in season 4


Oh, you and me both! I’ve always been a one best friend kind of person and to this day that still does it just fine by me. However, vicariously I guess I would have liked to see Rory have a fuller college experience. (it’s personally why I do like Logan for her and in her life, but that’s not here nor there 😅) Like I know a lot of people enjoy Paris and all, I do too (and I can not imagine the show without Liza), but Paris ambushing Rory at Yale, imposing herself as her roommate from then on, imo took away a little from other friendships. Like when Lucy and Olivia show up later on the show, they were more than a little ditzy and goofy, but it was nice to have Rory making different friends like that. Though to your point, I agree it is her baseline to keep her circle small —she worked at the Yale daily news for almost her entire time at Yale and yet kept everyone there as acquaintances at best 😅


Eh, I moved an hour and a half away for university, and at the start, I went home at least once a month for friends' birthdays, holidays, laundry, etc, but it tapered off over the years. Not entirely unrealistic at the start. Especially since Rory and Lorelai were so codependent


Once a month. Rory was going back *all the time* —weekends, mid-week, town meetings, all on top of giving up her Friday nights virtually for the entirety of her degree. It’s better S5-onwards, but I had honest whiplash rewatching S4 by how often she was going back.


I had a friend who was an hour away at college and went home ALL the time. Every weekend, classes got cancelled, anything.


An hour is an easy drive!


I went to college literally one bus stop from my house. My second year my dad mad me move into the dorm instead of living at home. I only went home on vacations. My daughter went to college 2 hours away. She came home every weekend. It just varies by person, not so much by distance as long as they are somewhat close.


Ohh yess I do get that, that's why I said, "it's for the plot," :) even though to me, in a logical sense, it is a waste of money! My college does require students to either live on campus or with your parents, but that would be annoying if Yale does campus only


I had to look it up 😅😅 https://preview.redd.it/1gjels1mvm7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc841ca156a6308dddc576791e92bd348d5b55f It was the same when I attended school, so rings true to me. In my personal opinion, I think Rory coming back as often as she did (( attending FNDs through college 🫠 )) was more of a stretch to fit the plot and not very realistic at all.


Ohhh! I feel like they should have mentioned that in the show then! I did feel like she attended Friday night dinners too much, because Friday's are really the relax or fun day for college students (in my experience, at least)


Living on campus in the dorm is a huge part of the college experience, especially your first year. Even if I was 30 miles from home I’d opt to live on campus.


Yess I’ve heard that. I just don’t like people and if I can stay home in my sweet bedroom and have an actual kitchen and bathroom available, I am staying home!


Not sure how old you are, but I highly recommend staying in the dorms your first year of college - it’s a huge stepping stone to independence and transitioning from childhood to adulthood


I’m 21 😂 as an introvert, I don’t feel that way but my parents did stay at college because it was far from home and they seemed to have a lot of fun!


It was mentioned in the show...Rory made an agreement to continue Friday night dinners with her grandparents in exchange for them paying for Yale.


Oh no I know!! :) I’ve watched the entire series probably multiple times a year since maybe 2014-2015! However, when Chris started paying, she was not actually obligated…and there were many times they say they’re going to have to miss Friday night dinners for a certain thing! Example, Rory saying she might not come to Friday night dinner because she thinks she’ll have a date with Logan. To me, sounds like she’s allowed to miss once in awhile :) hence my point


Ok I misunderstood...got it!


No worries! :)


Ok I misunderstood...got it!


That's interesting, because didn't Emily say to Lorelai that Rory could still live at home if she chose Yale over Harvard?


Yes she did!! I don’t think the writers did a lot of research 😂 not sure if the Yale rule was in place in the early 2000s though


You can’t drive from Yale to Florida in one day — but you can drive it without stopping. There were four licensed drivers in that van. I’ve done that kinda trip many, many times. It’s not fun, but it makes total sense why Rory and Paris were like “oh, let’s make butt divots on the bed!!”


I had assumed Paris drove the whole way because of Glenn's comment when they get out of the van, but it is possible they all rotated driving And for sure without stopping, but I guess they don't say what time they got there. I assumed it was like a bit before midnight or so, but it still seems sooo goofy!


I assume Paris drove most of the way because she’s Paris. I just didn’t get the feeling they stayed overnight anywhere else. Having routinely driven 15+ hours for trips, or being trapped in the back for a similar amount of time, I can tell you that everything about that scene just felt like that to me. I could be wrong though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Drove from New Haven to Central Florida last Thanksgiving in 19 hours, you make great time in the middle of the night


YES!!! During rush hour, you eat. Gives you a chance to be out of the car and fill your gut. Otherwise, you can fly.


I can only imagine how scaryyy driving with Paris was. I got pulled over in New Hampshire for tailgating, so curious how she got away with driving like a maniac 😂 It just felt like they got there sooo fast


Yess I feel the same! And I am the same way, living 15 hours from my paternal family, used to live 16 from my best friend, and seven from my maternal family, it has been rough! If I had a choice, I'd go straight there too, but my dad hated that (for the longer drives, at least), so the hours in the show didn't feel like they matched up for me


Makes sense. My dad hated stopping. He’d go until everyone was begging him to *pleeeease* let us sleep 😂


I live in CT. My dad once made it to Florida and back in a 48 hour span but it was with minimal stops. I think we left 6-7 pm and got there around 12-1ish the following day? The only stops we made were for gas. I definitely see Paros doing the same.


I can see it too. We would stop to pee, eat or get gas. That was all we were allowed to do or my dad would act a fool 😂


Using Luke having a daughter to create tension with Lorelai. For me it felt very forced and random that he would have zero idea that he’d gotten someone pregnant that he was serious about. April says she pieced it all together through love letters. So Luke was dating, having sex, and writing love letters to a woman but then she had a secret baby? That’s kinda crazy, even if Luke “didn’t like babies”. How horrible to keep a secret child? And just in general people in the show where they break up with their SO and never see them again. I always question, where did Dean go after he and Rory were done? He disappeared off the face of the earth?


Oh and Shane!!! She was dating Jess and once they broke up you never see her again. If the town is that small I don't think they could avoid their ex's that well even if they wanted too.


Yes. And then later on Luke confesses to her that he used April to push Lorelai away But it just didn’t feel right. They made a huge deal about Rachel, but Anna? Never talked of until April shows up. Definitely did not execute this plot line well !


Exactly, and even if Luke and her broke up, no one ever heard about her again from the town? No one knew her? They are the busiest bodies we know, someone would have learned and gossiped about this. But FOR THE PLOT people just drop in or out of everyone’s life.


for me it was when Jackson lied about getting a vasectomy, I know it was to add drama to the plot and whatever but watching it as a woman genuinely really hurt my heart, it almost normalised something that is completely outrageous and forced Sookie into a situation she was very uncomfortable with and it really broke my heart that they added it in as a subplot to (and idk how correct this is) to give a reason for Melissa McCarthy’s pregnancy, I feel like there’s so many other ways they could’ve went around it


I also feel it was too convenient to say nothing happened until now because Sookie remained on the pill but stopped and conveniently never mentioned that to Jackson. Not even blaming her but plot wise it’s such a stretch. I think it would’ve been better to say it failed or it wasn’t done properly. Even for plot reasons, there were alternatives to write in Melissa’s pregnancy without having Jackson do this.


That’s also something that I feel they messed up on writing wise. Whenever I watch it I always have a small concern about the fact that Sookie just never talks about it again or the fact that she stopped the pill and there isn’t a scene depicting her discussing this. It’s just poor writing, imagine a young girl who has no parental education on sexual health watches that episode? It normalises things that are really not okay


They rarely talk about birth control on this show. It comes up a handful of times and then it’s dropped. Like, Rory mentions she wants to have sex with Jess at some point. Lorelai doesn’t offer to get her on the pill (as she almost required with Dean). The subject isn’t brought up again outside the Trojan joke until Lorelai asks if Rory is using some form of protection with Logan. Even then, they don’t say what kind. Just that she’s “covered”. And why is Lorelai not on the pill in S5??? She had an unplanned pregnancy at 15, you’d think she’d be smarter. As you said, a young girl watching this will think it’s normal.


I think Gilmore Girls really jumped the gun with not talking about birth control, as you said there are SO many opportunities to talk about it in a way that would do justice to the plot but the fact they don’t just (and I mean this in the most respectful way) reminds me of the time period of the show which kind of drags the whole “progressive new girls who are different” persona down a bit. Especially considering how Lorelai got pregnant at a young age and Rory hurtfully uses that against her (I.e. the whole you never went to college you wouldn’t understand thing) surely in that sense Rory having an extensive conversation about it would be justified. I think the most worrying thing for me is the idea that Sookie had to accept what Jackson did. Getting pregnant is a BIG thing that takes a lot of time and dedication to do and her passively accepting this as her fate as a way to compromise for Jackson wanting so many kids really broke my heart, no woman should have to compromise her bodily autonomy like that and the show never really highlighted how wrong they were for that


I hate this part the most of all!! Not sure why making him get a vasectomy happened to begin with. It wasn’t really funny and it felt weird


My family drove from Ontario (which is almost 8 more hours from Yale) to Florida in 22 hours. With that many adults, you take turns napping and driving. That’s the least worrisome “for the plot” thing. I also lived only 30 minutes drive from my family in college and barely went home. There’s lots of things in the show that could’ve been changed but those two don’t exactly strike the chord. 


Wow that’s impressive! And yes I know :) these were just on the top of my head! I have many others but I’d have to rewatch the series again to collect them all, they were just examples though! The college one is just a big one to me because it seems like a waste of money and my drive is pretty easy for around 40 minutes, but I was just wondering if anyone else felt this way about other things in the show (not really about the specific examples I gave)


I really like April but... the whole April storyline. My major gripe with the show is that the later seasons seem to lose the plot entirely, and a lot of the main characters become either caricatures of themselves (which is extra un-fun because everyone is already a strong personality) or just straight up become unlikable. So when April shows up and they use her to make Luke a reticent, scared, insecure jerk, who doesn't tell HIS FIANCE about his surprise daughter, it really shows how much the writers have lost the early seasons Luke. If anyone's going to understand the responsibilities of an unexpected child it's Lorelai. To have him not tell her for one episode would be okay, if they had to do it at all, but to have him sit on that secret was awful. She was his person. He would have wanted to talk to her about it. It just makes no sense :/


Very, very good point. Luke ALWAYS confined in Lorelai. That was their relationship. It’s almost like the writers wanted us to hate Luke


That time Rory had “a half hour between classes” and took a nap. I didn’t even go to a school with a large campus and luckily my dorm was like a 10 minute walk from where most of my classes were, but even I wouldn’t risk that. Let alone she’s at Yale, which is much bigger and there’s definitely not enough time to take a nap, then walk/take the shuttle to wherever your class is.


Glad I’m not the only one who has thought this!! Especially that scene she has little time to nap and someone keeps talking to her


I went to a college about 15 miles down the road from my parents. In low traffic times, it could be less than half an hour door to door. I still didn't go home that often in my junior or senior year. It wasn't because I had a bad relationship with my parents either. I just had stuff going on


That makes sense. Sometimes it is annoying to drive 40 minutes to get to home to study/do homework, then I don't want to study anymore


There's also the infamous first day at Chilton outfit. No way she didn't have something more appropriate or the courage to keep the stupid jacket on. If I was wearing those shorts at a fancy school no one is convincing me to take my jacket off, not even Emily!


Forgot about this one!! I knew there was one that bothered me more. THIS is my big one. I know how many clothes Lorelai has AND her and Rory borrow each other’s clothes all the time ! And I don’t think it’s rude to keep your coat on…especially for like a 10 second conversation But it’s for the plot, for the plot…😵‍💫


Lane Kim bleaching her hair and then dying it black in the same day without it falling off! Her hair would’ve been fried.


The purple wig was soo fake and tacky looking too…


Dean/Jess attending town meetings. I know there's one where Dean's getting paid by Taylor to hold up a poster or something, but I think both boys are at a few just so that they and Rory can look at each other longingly. I know Lorelai brings Rory because she finds them amusing. But Dean going seems implausible for a teenage boy, and Jess even moreso because he hates Stars Hollow.


Oooh interesting take. That would’ve been a fun story line where Dean or Jess confesses this- going to town meetings just because she’s there


In ayitl firing all those incredible famous chefs, who's cooking everyday?


Right! What an entitled part of ayitl (in my opinion)


The fact that Loralie is so casual about letting Christopher see Rory at all. My best friend and her mom remind me so much of Loralie and Rory with how close they are and everything. Like I think they have a healthier relationship boundaries wise than is shown on Gilmore Girls, but my friend has always said her mom is her best friend. Her dad was also very Christopher like. He had to go to court to get visitation rights to see her when he finally decided he wanted to be in her life because her mom was like "you're not just popping in and out disrupting her life like that". Also, the fact that Rory even wants anything to do with Chris. Especially later on when Loralie clearly isn't okay with how he acts. Like I get the whole wanting her dad to want her, but it doesn't really make sense that she would be so pro Christopher when he's clearly never earned that from her.


Yes! When Chris first shows up, it’s been like quite awhile since they’ve seen him? And he has NEVER been to Stars Hollow before?? Meaning, he has never visited in Rory’s whole life I feel that no mother would be okay with a dad like that just coming in all of the sudden. But I guess Chris is “charming”


Exaxtly, It just seems really out of character, in my opinion, for either of them to want much to do with him.


You just got me to look it up, it's like 35 minutes from Yale to her grand parents' place. And wasn't there an episode where Emily says if she went to Yale she could live at home. Hmm. In my current city a 35 minute drive means you're still in the city!


Yes that’s true and yes me too! A lot of the local places have the city name in the title, and we’re like 30 miles outside of the city!! Accidentally put the city name instead of writing “city” 😂


Just watching ayitl and it doesn't make sense the nuns living in a nursing home right off the square. It's never been mentioned before , we've never seen a nun before, heck I've never even heard catholics mentioned before. Why nuns , it could have been anyone running a nursing home.


Rory not commuting killed me! College is expensive! I drove an hour from the New Haven area to Danbury every day to save money on room and board. I would have been home all the time if I lived on campus. But I guess when Richard/emily pay for your college and you go to Yale vs a CSU, there’s more incentive to live and stay on campus


At least someone agrees! I didn’t know it was such an unpopular take. I thought it was normal to think that way but apparently not! And yess, that’s my reasoning as well. Money doesn’t actually matter in this case


Okay I will say though nobody on the writing team ever looked at a map of CT so the “far to drive” thing nags me for that reason specifically


I lived 25 minutes from my college and still lived on campus. It too, was for the plot.


Rory had early classes and getting to sleep an extra half an hour or 45 mins instead of commuting is definitely worth it. She also seemed to go home quite regularly, so not sure why you think she didn't visit often. It wasn't every weekend or anything, but it seemed to be a few times a month at least. The episode where her and Lorelai keep missing each other is because they were both just busy, Lorelai with opening the inn and Rory with finals.


I should clarify my post, I wanted to know other people’s “it’s for the plot” not about mine. I just gave examplesss. I feel bad about everyone commenting about the Yale thing and Florida one 😭 And no I don’t think she visited that often as she could’ve, but that’s just me being me because I drive so far to everywhere, it feels like no big deal to me. But I completely get it’s for the plot and for college, that’s the point of the “it’s for the plot”


Idk, I drove from Boston to Florida for a spring break trip. We drove through the night and it took us 26 hours.


I think I should clarify this part too 😅 I think it’s totally possible! Of course it is to drive that far without stopping! My dad used to do a straight drive from Arkansas to New Hampshire when he was young. But what I mean is the time frame seemed weird to me :) because they don’t really say what time they left or arrived, from what I can recall. It seemed like they left later in the morning, so the times didn’t seem to match up. but it is Gilmore girls where 5 am looks like 8 am (for CT) so I don’t know. And again it could’ve been midnight or later when they got there, but it didn’t feel like it to me