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Friday night’s alright for fighting is the only acceptable answer, I wager. 😅


My favorite is when Emily is like “I was LOOKING AT a plane!”


“A child needs a mother AND a father” “OH my GOD!”


I can look at a plane if I want to look at a plane!


Is that the one where everyone argues, then laughs hysterically, then argues again and when the girls leave they are left feeling dumbfounded by the front door?




Ah yes, that’s my fav too! So chaotic lol


My personal fav moments from the fight: EMILY: It seams to me when I was in cahoots with him, everyone thought that I was a villain, and now suddenly you're in cahoots with him, and that's perfectly fine. LORELAI: Please don't say "cahoots" anymore. It's disturbing. LORELAI: This is really good sorbet. EMILY: I know isn't it? Theresa made it herself. RORY: Mango? EMILY: Passion fruit.


My jaw hit the FLOOR the first time I saw that episode. Such a wild stylistic swing for a show that normally has very functional but not flashy camera work


kenny ortega/ guy who directed high school musical directed that episode!!


He directed a lot of the flashier episodes. I rewatched it with a friend and it reached a point where any time we saw some fancy camera work we'd call out "oh I bet this is Kenny" and when the credits rolled, we were usually right


Yeah I learned a lot listening to Scott Patterson's podcast, and I can now tell a Kenny episode easily, and notice differences between a Dan ep and an Amy ep (written/directed/produced, I don't remember)


If you don’t mind (u really don’t have to) could you briefly explain the differences? I’m super curious


Townie/quirk heavy episodes are Daniel Palladino eps! Examples: -Bracebridge Dinner (tons of townie action) -To Live and Diorama (the whole diorama/town museum is veryyy quirky and it goes ok for so long as opposed to just a quick scene lol) -The episode where TJ says “ES-CA-ROW” 50 times


Oohhh ok I see thanks


I don't remember, lol, they just have different styles...I'd suggest paying attention to who wrote/produced/directed on your next rewatch and see if you notice things 🤷🏼‍♀️


Will do for sure


that's so cool, im curious how many he directed, gotta rewatch ig lmao


Kenny also directed “They Shoot Gilmores, Don’t They?” Which makes a lot of sense in the HSM context.


The camera work for this scene absolutely suuuucks. I notice it every time 😅🫠


What the fuck are you talking about? It's *spectacular*


Yep. Plus it gave us this image https://preview.redd.it/whkfyftyq69d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fba9d66c6390de5bf10c6b2183b55801c494888


This is my favorite. My best friend hates it because it's "too real." I told her that's why I love it. It reminds me of having dinner at her grandparents' house when we were growing up.


The same dichotomy as "Fishes" with The Bear.


Cocktail waitress, that's my mother's version of the C word 🤣🤣


It's a masterpiece 🤌🏻


The one and only acceptable answer.


This is the only answer. That dinner was fantastic.


This episode is amazing lol they way they filmed that scene is spot on !


did you know kenny ortega directed that episode? it just makes so much sense. when i first watched it, I had to look up who it was, i knew that episode was gonna be in the top ten highest rated LMAO.


I LOVE this scene so much. The switch of moods is great. When everything boils over with your family it ALL a comes out 😅


She wHaAaAuuUt?!


Mine too




This is definitely my favorite


There is none better!


The best episode 😂😂😅


200% this! :D


It's my favourite episode! I just watched it last night and I love it so much.


Hands down, no brainer!




This is absolutely the only answer.


Absolutely. It’s the first one that cans to mind… iconic


Every one fights in pair until exhausted 🤣


I love Emily making up the story about having dinner with the nazis. When Emily decides she wants to mess with you, she does a phenomenal job.


“No dear, *that* was a joke.” 💀💀😂😂 I bow down to Kelly Bishop, that was a freaking master class in delivering a perfectly written line!!!


She is the best!!


Right? It’s hard to pick a favorite but I do think Emily/Kelly wins by a slight margin, lol.


Oooh and her telling the story about how her friend Sweetie got her nickname.


my fave part of that is the cut to richard having no reaction and eating his dinner while she talks


I love the way Rory laughed at this!


Just watched this episode with my kid last night!


>"All right, fine. Sweetie's father was a very poor man - so poor that Sweetie and her four siblings all had to sleep in a hollowed-out tree trunk because the house was only big enough for their parents. One winter, there was no food, so Sweetie crawled out of her trunk, wrapped her feet in newspaper, and walked forty miles in the snow to the nearest town, where she stumbled into a candy store. The owner took pity on her and gave her bags of candy, a dill pickle, and drove her back to her family. He promptly offered a job to her father, who gladly accepted and eventually owned that store and turned it into one of the most important candy emporiums in the world. And that is how she got the name Sweetie. There, how was that?" https://preview.redd.it/j2c6lz8x349d1.png?width=704&format=png&auto=webp&s=95e975f60a366d1b953c6bd3d811763017460e16


This one always makes me think, well, there’s where Lorelei came from.




I have lol’d so many times at this scene


Wait I thought it was a true story


No lol it is so ridiculous but also it is the exact kind of ridiculousness that occurs in all fairy tales so it makes it even more hilarious. Sleeping in a hollowed out tree trunk? Wrapped her feet in NEWSPAPER 😂 Driven home with candy and ONE dill pickle? I’m now laughing all over again lol.


Such a great delivery by Emily!


Yup, this is the one. Even my mom, who *hates* Gilmore Girls, loves that scene.


The whole skit about the family mausoleum and who is going to get kicked out into the annex is peak comedy.


"Oh...I vote for Cecile. Horrible woman..."


Knock knock.


“It’s never what you think!”


Love that line too. And the point where Emily and Lorelai give Rory identical "I told you so" gestures towards Rory when Richard comes down and also votes out Cecile.


YES, i came to say this one 🤣


I always laugh so hard at that!


I love when Emily and Richard gave the girls post-its to put on objects they wanted to be gifted in the will after E&R are gone.


This is my one too! You like the bowl? Put a post-it on it!! Makes me chuckle!


After Lorelai and Christopher eloped in Paris, and hadn't bother to tell Emily and Richard yet. Then Emily plays the message Lorelai left on her answering machine at Friday Night Dinner. "Hey! Just wanted you guys to know Christopher and I are back from paris. GG is all set and ah...we just ended up...getting married. So, anyway, see you on Friday, bye!" "You told me you told them" "I didn't say they were home when I told them."


I just watched this episode. This is gold.


I love how she plays it again and again with that look in her eye knowing it’s working 😅


It’s Emily way of pay back to when Lorelei kept teasing Emily about her mugshot from being pulled over. 😝


Where did all the anvils go is a classic one


With the bonus discussion about Bob and his sad little going-away party.




I love that one.


Also culs de sac


And panscake!


I love this one!


This is not just my favorite friday night dinner scene, it's one of the best scene of TV's history.


Just watched that one last night. Classic GG.


Friday Night is Alright for Fighting is always my favorite but I also enjoy the episode when Rory is snowed in at the Grandparents house. Emily: "These Dinners are the only proper meal that child gets all week!' Richard: "Rory, are you in any way malnourished, or in need of some international relief organization to recruit a celebrity to raise money on your account?" Rory: 'I'm good" Richard: "She's good, Emily."


I particularly like how fascinated Richard and Emily are that Rory is making a frozen pizza!


Omg yes yes Richards response to Rory asking if Emily knew where a baking sheet was!


The one where Lorelai and Christopher break up Cz of Sherry’s pregnancy. He shows up unannounced and when Lorelai says she’s really hurt, Emily asks him to leave. I love the dialog, “You know, you need a mask and a horse to do that.”


Same, Emily is such a BAMF in that moment


Lorelai: So, where did you say Dad was? Emily: Away on business. Lorelai: Location's top-secret? Emily: Oh, Germany. Lorelai: Germany. Is Dad's firm insuring Nazis Emily: Your father doesn't know any Nazis. Lorelai: I know, Mom. I was just- Emily: What? Rory: Joking. She was joking. Emily: Oh, hard to tell. later............... Emily: Fine. Oh, wait, Rudolph Gottfried. Lorelai: Another cousin? Emily: No, a Nazi that we knew. I'd forgotten. We stayed with him once in Munich. Nice old man. Interesting stories. Lorelai: Mom, you socialized with a known Nazi? That's despicable. That's heinous. Emily: No, dear, THAT was a joke. emily is hilarioussss 😭


I love one of the lines that happen in this scene when they're discussing Claudia. Emily is a master. "Rory, correct me if I'm wrong, but men have walked on the moon, regardless of whether your mother remembers it or not?" "That's the rumor." ETA: "I don't think Claudia's planning to die a second time."


lmao yes!


I say “that’s the rumor” at work ALL THE DAMN TIME because of this episode and no one gets it. (I’m the lone woman in a boatyard of 20 men lol not a GG fandom unfortunately)


i tried to format this better and it wouldn’t let me 😭


I love it when Rory tells them that she got into Yale and they both don't react until lorelai pipes up that they're both happy about it and the Richard and Emily and so crazy about saying they want to call everyone and then they remember to congratulate Rory so they both kiss her on a cheek each.


“We’re happy, celebrate”. -Lorelai 🤣


Nothing but smiles!


Pass the Johnny Machete please


At least she had a husband to kill


“God lives in London?”


I LOVE SHRIMP! Who else loves shrimp?!


Deflect, Deflect, Deflect


My husband has literally yelled the shrimp line while me and my stepdaughter were arguing… more than once 😂


I love that!


I like the one where Richard and Emily have separated but haven't told anyone. They're so scattered. I love the comical juxtaposition of their usual uptight, prim and proper to their current state of flustered and unprepared. It makes me laugh every time. The traffic. The ice. The "I got an A on a paper." LORELAI saying "Uh, okay, so every time they ask you about school or traffic, just do a shot." ‐----‐--------------------------------------------------------------------------- My favourite exchange of the night: LORELAI: You gonna let go of that purse, Mom? EMILY: What? LORELAI: Well, you're holding pretty tightly to your purse there. You look like someone's Tante Flickman. EMILY: Oh, well, I, uh, just...there. [She reluctantly sets the purse beside her.] LORELAI: Okay. EMILY: It's new. LORELAI: The purse? EMILY: Yes, it's new. I'm trying to break it in. LORELAI: Sure. Otherwise, you'd get blisters.. ‐----‐--------------------------------------------------------------------------- And of COURSE, Emily calling Rory Lorelai. "Well, she was close...."




The one where they serve spaghetti and meatballs, which we all know can only lead to fighting.


Mine too lol


The one where Emily & Richard separate always cracks me up. The awkwardness portrayed by E&R is so spot on and some of the best lines are delivered in this scene.


![gif](giphy|l2YWktQgCfKNQm1iM) This entire scene!


God, Lauren’s hair looks amazing in this scene.


jason and i are acquiring a small company, run by bob


Lorelai: "Ugh, how can you possibly say she looked better with the dark hair?" Rory: "She did! The blonde just seemed like she was trying to be her sister." Lorelai (while waving a meatball on her fork): "The dark hair makes it look like she's trying too hard not to look like her sister, plus she does not have the nose for dark hair." Rory: "What does that mean?" Lorelai (still waving a meatball): "Dark hair is like a giant, light up arrow pointing to what is wrong with you, blonde hair, it all sort of blends in, in a haze of beige" Rory: "Nuts, you're nuts!" Lorelai (violently pointing the meatball at Rory): "\*gasp\* You're double nuts!!" Emily (while taking the plates away): "Alright, that's it. No more spaghetti and meatballs. \*Maid's name\* Come get these plates!" Lorelai (in protest): "What? Mom!" Emily: "Everytime we have spaghetti and meatballs, you fight." \*Rory inhaling food before it's taken away\* Lorelai: "No, no, we're not fighting, we're just, uh, bonding!" Rory (while her plate is being removed from the table by Emily): "\*squeal\*, Ah, grandma, I'm starving!" Emily (to the maid): "Take these away. Mr. Gilmore's also." Lorelai: "Mom, come on." Rory: "We won't fight anymore." Emily: "No, spaghetti and meatballs is just too much excitement." Enter Richard Richard: "I'm sorry about that, I left work early today and apparently that caused everyone's IQs to drop 60 points. Wh... My food is gone." Emily: "The girls were fighting." Richard: "Well, I told you not to serve spaghetti and meatballs, they always fight when we have spaghetti and meatballs." Lorelai: "That's not true." Rory: "We fight just as much when we have Chinese food." Emily: "Can we please talk about something besides food?" Lorelai: "Starvation? Scurvy? The Donner Party?"


Who are they talking about with the hair colors at the beginning? I always wondered.


I thought they talked about Ashley Simpson but I'm not sure.


I have no clue! I wonder too


The Hilton sisters?


It’s about Ashlee Simpson. Jessica had a reality show first with her husband and then Ashlee got her own show where she dyed her hair dark in like the first episode. And there was always talk about how Jessica was prettier than Ashlee because Ashlee had a bigger nose. She eventually got a nose job.


When Lorelei had to pick Emily up from jail then showed Richard and Rory her mugshots at dinner


I love Richard’s giggle when he first sees it!


I love all of them. I like the earlier ones where Emily asked Lorelai to go to the funeral of a second cousin. Lorelai refused to go and said not this time, and Emily responded "I don't think she's planning on dying for the second time."


Lorelei is picking stuff off her salad and Emily is like. "What are you doing?" Lorelei says something snarky about what she's picking off her salad. I can't remember exactly. Emily was like "Since when do you not like ---?" Lorelei says "Since I said 'ew, what is this?' and you said '---'.?" Avocado? Artichoke? I cannot remember what I was...


It’s avocado!


Thank you!




The one where Lorelei and Rory show up to Friday night dinner and the maid tells them they’re out so they sit on the couch eating pizza


Friday Nights Alright for Fighting is definitely number 1, BUT I love when Chris storms in and Emily is the one to tell him to leave; biggest reality check from all three GG imo. I also love the one where they are like “Never having meatballs again” lol


Friday night is alright for fighting is absolutely iconic and the best. I will take no criticism on that episode.




Always Friday Nights Alright for Fighting but my other favorite quick scene is when they have spaghetti and meatballs 😂


In addition I’m adding in the one where they are separated, Richard gets drinks before dinner which sparks the conversation about Richard’s valet, culminating in the conclusion that he’s a geisha.


I love the one where one where they talked about the King size candy bars. Or the one when Gran came to dinner.


The one where Rory tells them she’s going to Yale is one I always enjoy. Lorelai: “Really, we’re happy! Both of us! Me and her” Rory: “she and I” Lorelai: “everyone in this room named Lorelai is over the moon about the going to Yale.” Rory: “Which means everybody else in the room not named Lorelai can also be over the moon.” And when they break and announce they are calling their friends and “make sure to gloat about that dimwitted son of theirs who couldn’t even get into Brown!” Then run back to hug Rory before rushing off again!


The one where richard and Emily bring back marzipan from Switzerland. "Those nuns kick you know what"


“They’re for whomever now.” Love it!


When they “make up” after Rory moves out for sure! The yelling and gaslighting mixed with laughing and regaling tales of Emily talking trash to Sheera is pure Gilmore perfection.


The one with the walnuts in the salad isn't my favorite, but is the one leaving me with the most questions. What salad is she serving that would have walnuts in it? Why would a maid randomly put walnuts in a salad? What did they do with all the unacceptable salads? Why didn't this terrible maid put the walnuts away after the first or second mistake? Why are walnuts in the salad such an issue? Emily fired a lot of maids for a lot of seemingly dumb reasons but how is this woman even a maid given this ridiculous issue?


The one where they fight


Where did all the anvils go?


The episode where you hear everyone argue and have their own individual arguments for like 10 minutes straight. Cinematic


SAVE THE CORNISH GAME HENS! see also: I am Kayak hear me roar.


“I don’t think Claudia is planning to die a second time.”


The one after the falling out with Rory and the grandparents! Emily telling them what she said to Logan's mum! Richard saying 'Ruthless woman'


Probably the one Emily and Richard missed when Lorelai and Rory ended up ordering pizzas on the white rug. But it comes second to the iconic Friday night dinner. I don't need to specify. Everyone knows which one I'm talking about.


when they reconnect after Rory moves back in with Lorelei and they have all the random arguments and laughs and Emily tells them what she said to Shirea (sp?) honestly might even be my fav scene (and I think it's the one you pictured)


the “look around and when you see something you like stick a post-it on it” when they’re telling rory & lorelai they are updating their will and want them to have what they want 🤣


the “look around and when you see something you like stick a post-it on it” when they’re telling rory & lorelai they are updating their will and want them to have what they want 🤣


Absolutely this one and I loved all the friday night dinners!!!


The one (season 6?) after Rory returned to Lorelei and Yale and it was scene after scene of them all letting go it all out.


![gif](giphy|xUPOqEbTCF9dJqxqN2) This second


When Chris comes to visit them with Sherry in season 2 and Emily loses it when he subs in for Rory at Friday night dinner so she can go out with Sherry. They’re talking about the Volvo: Lorelai: “It’s also great for cranking Metallica” Richard: *”Cranking Metallica?”* Lorelai : “Yeah!” Richard: “If that’s some sort of drug reference it isn’t funny”


The one when Jason brought the present for Richard’s mom.


A book on French Antiques


I think it’s the dance-a-thon where lorelai makes her potato say “I’m completely jazzed, too!” Still quote it all the time.


For sure “Friday nights alright for fighting” First off love the name which i’m assuming is a play on elton john’s classic “saturday nights alright for fighting”. But the friday night dinner scene itself I just knew was going to be great when the camera direction and movement changed drastically Idk why I could just tell it was going to be funny switching from character to character really quickly but also any time you think it’s over and they’ve made up -like when they’re eating the sorbet i think?- it just keeps going it’s great.


Friday night's alright for fighting, obviously. I'm always sad and confused why there weren't more Friday night dinner scenes in the show. 


“What were you doing LOOKING at a plane?!?!?” Simple as that.


I love many of them but one that always makes me chuckle is when Emily and Richard are separated but trying to hide it. Both of them just acting so weird and unfocused is soooo funny to me. And Emily clutching her bag super tight and almost brining it to the table 😭😭 aaa it’s so funny


When Emily served chocolate pudding, when Richard and Emily were separated.


Jess with the black eye!


That one makes me so mad! Emily for once is being super gracious, and all Rory had to do was wait until their car ride home to ask about it, but she can't let it go, and then they both blame Jess for the dinner not going well.


The one where Rory announces she’s going to Yale is a personal favorite of mine.


I’m not sure but I absolutely love when Rory told her grandmother that morning that she usually just has a pop tart and Emily was like, well we’ll get so and so to whip one up lol


Two hours later…🤣


Does the frozen pizza count?


Only if it has grated Parm on it 🤣


I like the one where Rory fixes frozen pizza and Emily and Richard both like it.


Hands down!!


When Emily and Richard pretend they’re not interested in the fact that Rory is choosing to go to Yale. Then, when they are told this is really what she wants, they show how ecstatic they are.


Where did all the anvils go?


i don’t remember the episode, but the one when they start going to friday dinners again after some time and they fight and laugh and fight (i don’t know how to describe it)


the one before the dance marathon


The one where they’re fighting with spaghetti and meatballs and Emily has their plates taken away… Richard comes in looking for his plate and then goes “Well I told you not to serve spaghetti and meatballs they always fight”😂😂😂😂


Spaghetti and meatballs makes everyone fight


I told you not to make spaghetti Emily 😂


Spaghetti dinner.


The one where Lorelei or Rory brings someone along and it's very awkward.


"Would jou like another BEER, Luke"


It really did sound like nitwit juice that time.