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So this is always a hard one. If you could give some details of your budget thats very helpful as the real question is whats the best you can get for what you are willing to spend. Also are you talking laptop or desktop PC? If you are open to a desktop and already have a TV or extra monitor around you can probably get something pretty decent for not very much. I like to recommend people try and find a used dell PC something with an i7 6000 series or higher so like an i7-6700.Something like [This](https://www.ebay.com/itm/285765786259?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=BF3VjAoYRwi&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=vVFpFMsMT_q&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY). you'll want at least 16GB of RAM and an SSD probably 512GB minimum to start but if you can find one with a 1TB SSD in your price range that would be better That gets you your basic PC then all you really need is to get a dedicated GPU(Graphics Card) and if you don't do a lot of heavy gaming you can get away with something like this one. [Nvidia RTX 2060](https://www.ebay.com/itm/325706160994?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=g9aeTGxjRo-&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=vVFpFMsMT_q&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) These are just examples and you will probably want to do a bit of research if you tackle it yourself. Honestly if you want a little help with this you can look at Facebook marketplace and see if you see anyone that seems to be selling a lot of refurb PC's or whatnot. A lot of people buy surplus PC's clean them up and flip them. They are usually pretty nice and would be willing to work with you to get something setup for your budget. I used to do this as a side job and would occasionally get these kinds of requests. I always felt really good after working with someone and getting them a good machine within their price budget. If you wanna dm me i'd be more than happy to have a discussion to see if we can't find you something that will work for you!


Oh, sick!! Thank you so much, that’s actually really helpful. And luckily I do have a monitor (I already use it for my consoles lol) and would love a desktop! I’ll shoot you a DM, thank you so much!


One option to consider would be getting something akin to a chromebook for work and then a Steam Deck for games, since you are familiar with consoles.


really depends what games you want to play, i second the other comment about the steam deck but you'd have to check that your favourites are steam deck compatible. other than that, my biggest recommendation is to get an actual desktop. i have a gaming laptop, i love it, and i love being able to play halo in bed when i'm lazy. but it was also over $2000. a budget laptop is going to run your games like shit and you have to clean the fan pretty regularly, which is easy to do on a desktop, but i'm not sure if you'd be comfortable taking apart a laptop. if you need help with the specifics i'd definitely check out /r/buildapc!


I m not sure it helps but if you are US based , a laptop from 2023 would do the trick. As manufactures have dropped the 2024 models.


350 dollar for the valve steamdeck lcd model. Excellent budget entry to pc gaming. 500 dollar for steamdeck oled 512gb model.


I would be so down to help you!! What’s your budget?