• By -


This exact thing happened to me when I was 19. I was not going to avoid a collision, so I closed my eyes. Too much time passed, and I opened them to myself driving *in the other lane*, past the accident. Still pretty sure I died. I have a vague memory of getting into an accident that hurts my head when I try to think about it.


IKR?? Like how do you even process that?


I dunno. It's happened to me a few times. Additional information: When I processed the memory of *straight up unaliving myself*, (I didn't ATTEMPT anything) in therapy, I later noticed *the scars from the incident that I didn't have before.*


Wait..what? You somehow remember killing yourself despite never attempting to and now you suddenly have scars that match the memory? Or am I misunderstanding?


I meant that it wasn't a suicide *attempt*. In my memory, I successfully committed suicide. To the degree that I can't really fathom how I might have failed. But I don't have a memory of how I failed. It's just waking up at home. With a new scar. From the event. So. That's fun.


So you attempted suicide.. don't have a memory of how you failed..and you woke up at home but you think you succeeded and died why? Sorry I'm confused.. If you woke up at home wouldn't that be the proof that your attempt did in fact fail? Since you're still alive? I'm trying to understand how you remember doing it successfully. Did you have a NDE or something?


I'm kind of at a loss for how to be more clear about this? I was going to write a sequence of events, but like, you don't need to read about a kid committing suicide. Here's the general: 1) Something happened to me and I didn't want to live anymore 2) I took VERY DECISIVE ACTION to make that happen 3) I sit and feel that happening. I close my eyes, and see the light and everything. 4) I wake up in my bed. There are no marks on my wrists. **Some twenty years later, I recovered this memory during the course of trauma therapy**. Upon doing so, the scars that I'd never seen *manifested on my wrists*, where they still remain. This has happened to me (and my partner) with memories is sexual assault, and physical violence. Each time, the scars appear where they weren't there before, but looking old enough to be from when I remembered. I hope that makes sense because I can't think of a way to say it more clearly. So, no. I didn't have a NDE, because I cannot fathom how I might have lived. The circumstances really didn't allow for it, because *I wasn't messing around*. And yet, here I am. I don't have memories of "how I lived". I don't have a way to account for the change in scenery. It was like it didn't happen until later in life when I recovered the memory. I should point out *it's not like I forgot about these things entirely*. I knew I'd attempted suicide, in some capacity. But a vague awareness.


Gotcha! Sorry, really not trying to be difficult! Just trying to understand. That makes sense even though it's wild! I can't imagine remembering something more clearly and *then* having physical proof of it showing up on my body. That's just nuts! I do understand what you're saying though. I honestly can't even imagine. I'm glad you're okay though and you've done therapy which has hopefully been beneficial for you.šŸ«¶ Just to add- so when you woke up in your bed after this first happened there were no wounds or blood? It was just as if it never even happened basically? I would ask how you're sure this wasn't a nightmare but the scars that showed up later are just...idk..crazy!


It's like I reloaded an earlier save game of My Lifeā„¢. Then, it's like I merged the two saved game files. Umm. One of the reasons I didn't dismiss it was because I knew why I did it, and it was definitely the kind of thing you might end your game over. I really don't have a good explanation. Hence, glitch in the matrix. My best explanation is basically that the first two paragraphs are, in effect, literal. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Very interesting! Also you said your partner has had the thing with physical proof/scars on their body from past trauma? That's even more wild that the same thing has happened to them. Literally never heard of this happening to anyone before.


Really bizarre and interesting Completely different but regarding the scars, I somehow have scars on my body that I know didn't get those myself? Like people in my life who have had surgeries/accidents I will have their scars from those events on my body. Makes no sense


I think your guardian angel saved your life because it was not your time.. I just want to say, I'm sorry the past you went through such a difficult time and felt the need to take such action xx


Awe. Thank you. That's actually nice of you to say. šŸ’œ




I had a boyfriend who insisted we are living in alternate dimensions after we died and that's why the world is so whackadoodle. I ate 150 aspirin when I was a teenager and woke up completely fine. I had a terrible ringing in my ears but otherwise totally fine. And yes I've had my organs and levels checked a bunch of times since then. Maybe our world is so mad because we are all living in the craziest alternate reality that allowed us to still be alive


Two people have already suggested quantum immortality, which, sure? Basically you never die from your perspective, your survival just gets more and more unlikely. *Except I definitely observed myself dying, which isn't quantum immortality. It's dying.* This place isn't the same as my childhood. It's hard to explain. Like. That's not what cicadas sound like. That's not what barbeque sauce tasted like. It's the thing Mouse says in The Matrix. How would the machines know that tasty wheat tasted like? Well I'm pretty sure they got a bunch of them wrong. The thing where your favorite brands are disappearing and nothing you used to buy is still made the same way? Feels like what I'd do if I knew I fucked everything up, so people weren't too suspicious.


Kinda like Mandella effect stuff where everything is all kind of off. Spelled different. Different brands. Different lyrics. It's all a bit wrong?


Yeah exactly. I miss the sun and the air where I'm from.


Very interesting. I too miss the sky. It was so different


The sun was warm and didn't hurt my eyes in a tenth of a second. You could look at it. It wasn't great for you, but it didn't hurt badly or anything. And the air was... smoother? Like if the air is a milkshake, it was perfectly smooth where I'm from, and it has little crystals in it her that prickle you.


The clouds were so different too for me. Thicker more luxurious. The sky was just entirely richer.


Very true. There weren't as many different kinds of clouds as the same time back then for me. Here the sky is just random. The formations don't flow into each other or make sense. I'm still happy to be alive, but I miss home.


When I was 14 I took about 70 Tylenol and almost died. I was 24 hours away from being on a liver transplant list. When I was 15 I took 100 ibuprofen and nothing happened, not even a stomach ache.


So weird! So you never needed the liver transplant at all?


No, I was in the ICU for 10 days. I didn't tell anybody until I couldn't stop throwing up, and the doctors said it was too late to pump my stomach. I had to drink something awful every 4 hours, but I'm not sure what medicine it was. The medicine wasn't helping my liver from falling. It had no effect for 7 or 8 days. I didn't find this out until years later, because the doctors didn't tell me, but they told my parents that if the medicine didn't start to reverse my liver failure I would have to go on a transplant list. I think it might have been the next day that the medicine finally started to work. After a few more days in the ICU I had to go directly to a facility for 30 days.


It's called Purgatory. ;)


So what do we do?


Be excellent to each other.


This isnā€™t purgatory yallst


Why not




Here's a sneak peek of /r/QuantumImmortality using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I killed myself in 2012](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/comments/18k25bd/i_killed_myself_in_2012/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Something saved my husband after suicide attempt - insights?](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/comments/171czpe/something_saved_my_husband_after_suicide_attempt/) \#3: [The Time I Died on My Way Home From the Bar.](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/comments/166meku/the_time_i_died_on_my_way_home_from_the_bar/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good Bot ! šŸ¤–


Quantum suicide is the name for the phenomenon! I too got into a speed car wreck and closed my eyes, I hit the car though. The entire front end of my car was missing, and I was in ZERO pain. I hit a parked car going 70 MPH, pretty sure I died and came back instantly.


That's actually what put the nail in my suicidal ideation: There's no point. Even if I kill myself I'm still just going to wake up right here, right now. So don't bother.


after reading all the stories i have on reddit about quantum immortality i feel like i could never fuck with suicide, i feel it's such a gamble. even if you don't come back to exactly this same timelne, you could end up somewhere even more fucked. and say, missing siblings or parents etc.. you just never know what you're going to get.


I promise that when you give in to those impulses, you don't *care* where you end up, *as long as it isn't the same place as you are right now*. It's not a gamble at all. It's what you're counting on. What I'm saying is that for me, it *didn't change.* Missing sibling?! Fuck yes!! My sibling abused me so much!!! Missing parents?! **Sign me UP!! Do I get to make them disappear?!** And TBH, I wanted to die from getting fucked in the first place. Like. Yeah. I wouldn't recommend trying out suicide just to see what happens. I did it specifically hoping to wake up somewhere else, or nowhere at all. I woke up a few hours earlier, and whatever I'd done to try to leave just had a scar, and I was still there. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Wow, thatā€™s super interesting


Many years ago I had gone out to lunch with two coworkers. On our way back we were stopped at a red light and we saw an older station wagon on a collision course with another car and the station wagon seemed to pass through the other car, the three of us gasped and then one of the ladies said ā€œwe must never speak of thisā€ and we didnā€™t I still remember the child in the backseat of the station wagon looking directly at us. I have no idea if this is considered a glitch in the matrix or if the station wagon was some sort of time overlap or what but 30 years later it still bothers me


Wow! You know what would be cool, if that child or one of the people standing on the sidewalk that day read our stories and could tell us what they remember seeing from their vantage point.


If you think about it, it could be the same person..child in car grew up to be the one standing on the sidewalk


*Cue Twilight zone music* This happened around 40 years ago so that's unlikely, but it would certainly qualify as quite a glitch in the matrix.


Reminds me when a friend had a story about driving his friends to a club, then leaving the club late at night, not finding the car, thinking it got stolen. The friends decide to take taxis home. Next day the man wakes up and find his car parked in front of his house. Keys in his pocket.


My friend did this, so I immediately got him to check his Uber receipts, turns out he decided that it was better to drive home and taxi back so he wouldn't be tempted to drive drunk later, then got blackout drunk and forgot the whole thing. He was freaking out until I asked him to check and then the events loaded back into his memory.


This happened to me, too. In 2012, I was driving home at about 10 PM along a fairly busy 2 lane US highway. I was the only person in the car. I came over the crest of a hill and there was a tractor trailer truck in my lane. We were both going near the speed limit, 55 mph, and there was no way to avoid a serious collision. I slammed on brakes and tried to swerve out of the road, but I knew it was too late. I recall thinking that I was going to die. But, there was no collision! I was just suddenly a few hundred feet further down the road and still in my lane. It was like I'd been teleported ahead and out of the path of the truck. I started shaking violently and thanking God for saving me. Then there was a voice encouraging me to calm down and saying something to the effect that everything was all right. I don't remember the exact words or whether it was male or female or in my head or audible, just that there was a voice.


I am SO happy to read all of these similar stories! Edited: I think at some level there was always a part of me that wondered if maybe I had imagined the whole thing, because it was the most bizarre thing that ever happened to me in my life at that point. I'm sitting here almost crying at getting all this confirmation that this is actually a thing! This is something that really happens to people, and it would be way too random and coincidental that I could have imagined something like so completely unbelievable *that's actually real.* I mean, I know it happened, I remember it vividly, it's just nice to have all of this evidence that it's a real experience that has happened to other people.


I know what you mean. For about 2 weeks after my non-accident, I tried to block it out of my mind and tell myself that it didn't happen. But, that didn't last because my mind says that it DID happen--and a higher power intervened. BTW, like you, I am 67 years old and I almost had a fatal accident as a kid. At about age 10, I was sledding on a very rural road that had almost no traffic. For some unknown reason, a car came down the road driven by someone I didn't even know (and who, therefore, didn't live in the immediate area). The car was barreling toward me and seemed unable to stop in time. But, it did stop. It felt like there might have been a hand between my back and the car's front bumper and all I felt was a very minor tap. There could not have been a human hand because there was no one else there. I believe in angels, too.


When I was six months old I became severely hydrated and almost died. When I was eight, six months before the trip to Peru that I mentioned in another comment, I fell off a high enough wall that I could have ended up breaking my neck and being killed (or at least have a permanent spinal cord injury,) but I only fractured my wrist. In college I was running while looking the other direction, and was just about to turn to look where I was going when I suddenly heard a really loud voice in my head yell STOP! I froze, turned around, and saw that if had turned my head and taken one more step at that speed, I would have run straight into a small metal rod that would have gone right through my eye into my brain, because it was exactly at my eye level. Another time in college I was getting ready to make a left turn from a parking lot onto the road, when I heard that voice yell STOP! again. I had just started to pull out of the lot but slammed on the brake, and right then a car came speeding by while changing lanes into the one I was turning into, and they would have hit me hard if I had kept on going. 20 years ago I was dying of malnutrition and dehydration because of very advanced ulcerative colitis and proctitis. I got down to 95 pounds (I'm 5'6" and a good weight for me is in the 140s), and an ER doctor tried to send me home even though I told him I was losing 2 pounds a day at that point and had lost 30 pounds in four weeks. My primary got me a bed in a different hospital and I had surgery five days later to remove my colon. My surgeon said it was shredded, the worst he'd seen in 25 years, and it was so bad that it was a miracle it hadn't ruptured in the interim. He told me that the only reason I probably hadn't died right there in the hospital was because I was put on a massive dose of IV prednisone when I was admitted, but if I had gone home I would've. Crazy shit, right?


Somewhere a guardian angel is asking God for a raise and more PTO.


Did you press charges or something against the other doctor?


I did not, because everything turned out OK so there were no damages to be gained from a lawsuit, but i'm figuring he probably got into a shit load of trouble because it definitely could have gone the other way. When I felt well enough after my surgery I called the ombudsman at the first hospital and gave her an earful. She got really upset, had me go over it again in detail and took copious notes, and told me who the people were who she was going to send the report to. As in up to the top of that particular food chain. I knew I wasn't ever going to be able to find out what happened to him, but at least hopefully after that nobody would die from his incompetence. (All he did was draw blood and decide that since my electrolytes were fine -- HOW???! -- I should go home and call my primary "after the holiday".)


I was on course to be hit by a snow plow going to work early one morning when I was 19 and pregnant. Somehow ended up on the other side. I have no explanation. I remember seeing the headlights right at my passenger side window and braced for impact.


After my first (yes šŸ˜”) car accident a voice told me ā€œYouā€™ve been in a car accidentā€. I immediately argued with it until I realized I was in the ditch and the broken windshield came into view. My parents always talk about what a miracle this was that I survived with just a concussion. Both my worst accidents I was hit between 55-70mph on my driverā€™s side door. I have never thought of the quantum thing people are saying in this thread, but I feel like my near death experiences definitely changed my life trajectory each time. Maybe not for the better. This thread is an eye opener.


I am ambivalent about the concept of quantum immortality, because a similar thing happened to me last year. I was at a red light waiting to make a left hand turn to get on the freeway at a stoplight. The light turned green and as I turned I noticed a car speeding through the light coming straight at my passenger side door. Suddenly, after a brief moment of confusion (or something like a fugue state) I was back at the light again waiting to turn. The light turned green, I waited, the car blew through the light as before, but this time I hadnā€™t begun my turn. I was subsequently able to turn and avoid the collision. Maybe it was precognition and I ā€œlived that momentā€ in my head before it happened, or maybe it happened and I slipped into another reality. I honestly donā€™t know and it puzzles me to this day!


I've heard a number of similar stories. I think 'spiritual intervention' is causing the glitch in these cases.


This thread is crazy. A few years ago I was driving home from work to the apartment that I shared with my fiancĆ© at the time (now husband). I knew for most of the drive something bad was gonna happen but it still came as a total shock when a drunk driver in an F150 barreled toward me driving in the wrong lane and didnā€™t even break before slamming into me. For the first few moments after the crash I assumed I was dead because I couldnā€™t hear or function. It felt like I was that cockroach guy in the Men In Black movie- like I knew how to function but I couldnā€™t get my body to respond how I wanted it to. I remember thinking ā€œcall Joeā€ (heā€™s the fiancĆ©) and I just couldnā€™t wrap my mind around finding my phone and then making it call him. Then I looked at my stereo and the screen was saying his name. It seemed surreal and then I realized he was calling me. And more unlikely still he was outside our apartment when the crash happened, and even though I was quite far away from him he heard the crash and instinctively ran toward it. I was not injured besides a few bruises from the seatbelt but my car was destroyed. When we went to the impound to take my belongings out of it, the front was completely smashed in. Everyone kept saying "I dont understand how you walked away. " Nothing has felt like it actually happened since. I dont know what other way to describe it. Joe and I for married, I still look at our photos and it seems like it happened to someone else. I ended up getting this amazing job that, to he honest I was deeply unqualified for and ended up really excelling there. I got back into theater and just kept landing great roles. Both of my two best friends from high school were diagnosed with cancer like 6 months apart from each other. It feels like tv. It doesn't feel tangible like something I experienced in the first person. I'm kind of lost. Like i am in the passenger seat and I don't know who is driving or where. I think about this a lot. I really think I died in that crash.


Have you ever heard of walk-ins? I just remembered about this and it might be applicable to you and to other people in the sub as well. [THIS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walk-in_(concept)) can explain it better than I can, see if it resonates. Some years after my sister died, a psychic told me she was going to come back as a walk-in and I would encounter her again (and presumably recognize her) by the time I turned 40. That was 27 years ago now. I'm not aware of that meeting happening, which was very disappointing because I looked forward to it with great anticipation.


My cousin said she was a walkin. She didnā€™t know the term at the time, just that her old soul checked out & a new one stepped in. She suffered childhood trauma & this is when the switch happened. I guess some could say it was the trauma that affected her brain but that is not how she explains it. She says she used to be someone else & now she is another which kind of remembers childhood events but as if she is remembering from the outside. Not like itā€™s her personal experiences.


From what I understand it can happen when someone has a big physical or emotional trauma.


I wonder if only some of us are "real", or have souls. The rest of us are NPCs. You might be among the lucky ones who can't die until old age finally claims you. The universe will twist itself into knots to keep the stories of people like you moving forward.


What is the purpose of this though? Why? Why us?


Entertainment for the "gods"?




All of us are real, or none of us are. I'm not sure any of us can die, but regardless, we are all equally valuable...however much or little that is.


Something similar happened to me. https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/s/jBYZsb9CdL


Thanks for sharing that, and someone who commented on that posted a link to someone who had something similar to happen to them when they were on a motorcycle. It's really cool to find out after the decades since that happened that other people have had the same experience.


We had this happen driving in snow on an interstate. As we approached an accident scene I looked in the rear view mirror and realized the SUV approaching would not have time to stop. Then somehow the SUV behind me went through (or around?) me and took out the car in front of me. I kept going with no damage. Scared the living daylights out of me.


This happened to me only instead of a car wreck, it was a huge guy with solid black eyes. I know how outlandish that sounds but I had a friend with me and we both witnessed the same thing. He was in the middle of the small side street my friend lived on. He was looking down when we first seen him. He was wearing a big black trench coat in the middle of the summer in Arizona. He looked up as we approached and both my friend and I immediately started screaming because his eyes were black and the feeling in the air was horrifying. I closed my eyes because there was no avoiding impact. Nothing. Look in the rear view mirror, nothing. He's gone. We get to her house and we are both hysterical. Her mom thinks we're on drugs. We weren't. I'll never forget that. Ever.


Like a Dementer


More like a professional wrestler but evil lol


Iā€™ve had the same thing happen. I was driving from where I was attending university to my families home on the coast for Thanksgiving. It was dark and storming and as I was cutting over the mountains on a route I didnā€™t normally drive I remember going around a curve too fast, knowing I wasnā€™t going to make it, and watching and feeling the whole world spin. And then I was driving down the road beyond what I am certain was my death on another timeline.


Maybe youre dead? All of us here have died suddenly and tragically and have jumped to another version of us that's not dead. Sad to think of a timeline with all those sad mums.


Iā€™ve had a similar experience. I was on a country road and came around a curve to a herd of deer frozen and scattered through the two lanes. In the second that I saw them I realized there was no way I was getting through them without hitting one or more and I was in a smaller sports car. The next thing I knew I was on the other side of them and they were in my rear view mirror still blocking the road. Canā€™t tell you what happened between point a and point b.


Before this, have you ever heard of anyone else experiencing the same thing?


Only on here, not that itā€™s something I ever really talked about openly. At the time it happened I didnā€™t tell anyone because I somehow felt that the thing that didnā€™t happen was my fault, although looking back thatā€™s ridiculous, it would have been an accident. Iā€™ve only told a couple of people about it since IRL.


When you saw them, did you close your eyes?


Rakhe hari mare ke, mare hari rakhe ke.


Guardian Angel


I find this so intriguing. I believe your story is real (and I'm sure my telling you that doesn't matter). I really think there's something to a potential alternate reality being real. I have found that I'm seeing residual images of people in my peripheral vision where the real people are already in a different position from where I saw them. For example, I was at one of my jobs the other day and I saw what looked like the residual image of my co-worker laying back in her chair when in reality she wasn't there (she was likely in another room with a patient). I noticed this today also where it seemed like a co-worker was behind me (like on her way to get something), but I looked back she was still with her patient (there was no way she could've moved that fast).


That made the hair on the back of my neck stand up!


I believe in almost every paranormal and ultradimensional thing, but this sounds a very lot like visual hallucinations (Iā€™m bipolar and get them).


Interesting. I have type I. I didn't know this is common with the disorder. It was weird because the actual people were there in real time. The independent incidents happened days apart from each other. I don't feel manic in any way, either. The last time I noticed something like this was years ago. How is it explained? Like the brain is temporarily working faster than usual?


Same, type I. I said to a therapist once ā€œYou know when you see someone there but they arenā€™tā€¦ā€ (thinking this was what people meant when they say, out of the corner of my eye) and she was like, no honey. lol She helped me a lot though, be less scared and not see myself as broken. ā¤ļø Edit: I actually donā€™t know how it works. I take Lamictal and it is incredibly helpful, which is an epilepsy medicine so my theory is that bipolar is many mini seizuresā€¦like all the time.


I take Latuda as monotherapy. I have been mania-free for 4 years now and am really happy about that. Do you have headaches with yours? I remember my headaches were significant during an active manic episode back in 2020.


Iā€™ve always had very bad headaches yeah šŸ˜• Definitely canā€™t say Iā€™ve been mania free that long, congrats! Hopefully the meds keep working for me this time šŸ™šŸ»


I googled this: "Yes, people with bipolar disorder are more likely to experience seizures than the general population. This includes seizures caused by epilepsy and other types of seizures. In fact, bipolar disorder is one of the most common mood disorders in people with epilepsy, with some studies estimating that up to 50% of people with epilepsy who have bipolar disorder also experience bipolar symptoms." I didn't know this. I wonder if I was experiencing a seizure with an episode and wasn't aware.


Itā€™s incredibly possible and likely. Out of curiosity do you ever have someone whisper your name in your ear or some other word or phrase, or hear a crowd milling or the sound of a radio from another room? Or someone taps you, you turn, but no one is there? I am the lucky one that gets audio and visual and touch šŸ˜¬ I never get scent hallucinations though.


No, none of those audio hallucinations. When I was in deep psychosis years ago, I recall feeling tapped on my body. Do you think having a mental health wellness concern makes us more perceptible to paranormal activity? How do you distinguish between paranormal activity and phenomena attributable to a manic or psychotic episode?


This is a deep question for me because I have explored meditative/spiritual/psychonautic/hypnotic states of consciousness a lot and believe in everything paranormal (I actually believe itā€™s all normal, just that we may not have scientific explanations for it yet). I distinguish between it all through much practice. I have spent a lot of time recognizing my ā€œvoicesā€. Here is where Iā€™ll start to sound crazy (and may be crazy, but donā€™t totally care because I trust my experience of the world). I have spent so much time observing my own thoughts, thoughts that I feel are oppressive/handed to me from somewhere/ manic thoughts/ depressed thoughts / messages from ā€œthemā€ (my word for gods I guess) / etc. So I can recognize the tenor and vibe of these different types of thoughts and distinguish them fairly easily. I donā€™t know if the state of my mental health made me more perceptive to this, but it *did* make it more essential for me to explore and understand this (or else I truly would have gone stark raving mad before now, and even still do when I slip into psychosis).


Okay that's just crazy! I think you were meant to live (as in maybe you wouldn't have had you crashed) and God/his angels saved you! That's just my belief though. Glad you're okay! That's wild!


I've come close to dying several times starting when I was only six months old, and I recently turned 67 so I think you're right. Another weird story happened in 1965. A young woman had lived with us while she finished her degree at our local university, then she joined the Peace Corps and got assigned to Huancayo, which back then was only a tiny village, high up in the Peruvian Andes. My parents decided we should go visit her over winter break, and we took a taxi to Huancayo. So my mother was sitting in the front between the driver and my father, my 10-year-old sister was in the back seat behind my father, and I (8) was behind the driver. (My mother was squashed in tight between the two of them and would have been much more comfortable in the backseat with us, so I don't know why she was sitting there.) At one point when the taxi went around a curve, my door opened up and I fell halfway out. This happened almost 60 years ago and I can still remember that the side of the mountain seemed to go down endlessly. I froze, then I felt a man's hands pulling me back into the car. I couldn't figure out who had done it and was as confused as I was shaken, because the driver was driving, my mother was completely stuck between the two men, and my father had no room to turn around, let alone reach across to the other side of the taxi. So yeah, I absolutely believe in angels or something like that.


Wow that's crazy! Must have been so scary. I definitely believe in divine intervention. Sounds like you had this experience multiple times! Glad you're still here. I'm sure it's for a good reason.šŸ«¶


You didn't try to hit the brakes? Collision might have been unavoidable, but why not reduce your speed and make a bad situation better for you and everyone else?


And then you woke up lol - GL to u


Oh I was definitely not asleep, I still remember being sweaty and red faced from hauling ass after parking (Atlanta in the summer. šŸ„µ), and apologizing for that and for being about 10 minutes late. If I'd gotten stuck behind that accident I would have missed the interview completely, because emergency vehicles hadn't arrived yet and there were obviously injuries.


What color cap were u wearing? lol j/k -maybe if when you looked back and there was no accident then alternate timeline - I personally wouldā€™ve needed answers n stopped to talk to the witnesses and damn sure would be in no condition to go to an interview lol crazy story though if real n means u got a purpose to fulfill- GL to u


I was so completely stunned at the time since I had no way to process it that I kind of blocked it out and just kept on going to the interview. I must have still been extremely flustered because I really messed up the interview lol


I wouldnā€™t be able to get over that incident lol - I hope u now have a Dashcam! -GL to u


Nope, and nothing like that has ever happened since. I've had weird almost-accidents happen both in and out of cars, but nothing like that. For example, one time I was driving on the freeway when I was really tired and heard the sound of somebody pounding on my car *from the outside*, then heard my father's voice hollering at me to wake up. This was before he died, but I was living in Florida and my parents lived on the other side of the country.


I couldnā€™t handle weird shit lol n crazy to hear your dadā€™s voice - very lucky, you should play the lotto tonight! lol n fr donā€™t drive tired and get a Dashcam! (Great for many reasons) - GL to u