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OP, please edit your post to include paragraphs by end of day today or it will be removed. Thank you.


You were going to answer a job call with your Fortnite game and headset still on?


Why do you think he's looking for a job lol.


asserting his dominance


Yeah, but only after the second time they called!


Impressive šŸ‘Œ


This was my first thought too!


I donā€™t blame him. I once answered a job recruiment call while at a restaurant and there was circus music playing in the background.


*why yes, the company I work is a clown show how could you tell?*


I was actually unemployed at the time of receiving the call. Maybe not the best impression Iā€™ve made!


Did you get the job? šŸ˜‚


No šŸ˜‚






The current state of our youth. Yay


They are having fun šŸ˜


Dude's probly in his 30s too


A.I. Scam bro, they got you. No glitch in the matrix just new technology


This sounds horrible .


Ive heard of false extortion cases where youll be met with what genuinely sounds like your daughter or whatever on the other line. Then the parent would have texted their daughter, gotten an answer, something like a ā€œwhat are you talking about?ā€ Take it with a grain of salt though, i cannot remember my source from this for the life of me. Mustve just came across the story online asp


Happened to my grandparent before he died. Fucking enraging. People are monsters.


Happened to my dad. His voice was faked and the scammers called my aunt and uncle pretending to be him. The calls went to voicemail and apparently it sounded just like him. His own brother couldn't tell the difference. The only reason it failed is because the call wasn't from my dad's phone number.


Oh man, this is so scary. My mum fell for a whatsapp scammer pretending to be me, even though I thought the whole thing was obviously dodgy and scammy from the start when she showed me. She's just not prepared for that kind of thing and would definitely fall for an AI voice of me. Next time I see her I'll warn her of this!


And all that's required for that is phone number spoofing.


My mom called me at the beginning of my kids school year and asked if my oldest was ok? I was like yeah heā€™s at school. Why? She got a phone call, it sounded like him asking for money because he was in trouble. School is a few blocks away so I went over, talked to the office, oldest was fine and clueless. Then it came out that a lot of people were getting scammed with the same premise. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


How does this work? How do they get the voice of the person? Sounds like a lot of work.


AI technology can replicate a person's voice with 10-15mins of recording. If someone's ever posted a video of themselves online, that's a potential data source. The rest of it, I don't how they're doing that. How they're getting a person's contacts and such. Maybe from records searches or Facebook or something like that.


More likely targeting Discord gamers, easy to find voices there and a lot of targets are younger


You can get people's family members/contact information just by googling the person. I've tried it and found it has my parents and stepmom plus their phone numbers and the city they live in. My mom almost fell for a few scams where people called her saying I owed money or the cops are on their way.


The latest advances in ML and AI are much faster. Any voice can now be replicated[ using only about 3 seconds of their speech](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2023/aug/humans-unable-detect-over-quarter-deepfake-speech-samples#:~:text=While%20early%20deepfake%20speech%20algorithms,clip%20of%20them%20speaking1).


So glad I have no pictures of myself on my phone or online or videos.


My grandma got a call from someone sounding just like my husband. Iā€™ve seen many reports of it happening way before ai got big.


There was a guy who scammed a Chinese company out of a few million I think by impersonating the entire board or whatever with AI and only the target was a real person so instead of just one person they faked the entire team and I believe it was also a video call so combining a bunch of AI techniques to impersonate them. So something as simple as just a voice on a phone call is probably fairly simple if someone was able to pull that off. [Yeah just found an article covering it](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/02/deepfake-scammer-walks-off-with-25-million-in-first-of-its-kind-ai-heist/)


This happened to my grandma. They called her saying I was in a car accident and needed money urgently. She said she believed it at first cause it sounded so real but then she asked what my middle name was and they hung up


Nice work, Grandma! šŸ¤Ÿ


I'm gonna be fucking pissed if this happens to my bf or I. Just thinking about how it could cause a cried wolf situation or something.


Same here, it freaks me out because it would make it so difficult if you were in a situation where you genuinely needed help. The only solution I can think of is coming up with a specific codeword to use with family/loved ones during an emergency call. Something unique a scam caller wouldn't think to say that could be slipped into the conversation to signify it's a genuine call.


This happened to my Mom about me. She called me in a panic asking if I was alright with my sister crying in the background and I was galavanting around my college town with friends, completely safe and sound. I couldnā€™t believe sheā€™d been a victim of such a thing, it seemed too early AI-wise. I remember telling her, youā€™ll know its me over the phone because I wont be complying with my captors, if they give me the phone to speak Imma let them know exactly what I think of them so my Momma knows its my feisty ass over the phone. I think itā€™s important to have a plan with family and friends given the prevalence of these scams.


This happened to my auntie! She was called while at work by ā€œkidnappersā€ who had her daughter and the girl was crying and pleading for help. Apparently it sounded just like her daughter and my aunt was all ready to send them money for her release until common sense hit her and she started asking the girl questions and the girl couldnā€™t answer or answered in a way that was out of character for her. My aunt hung up and reported them to the police and it eventually came to light that her ex husband was behind the scam and that was why he knew so much about their daughter, enough to find a girl to ā€œplayā€ her for the scam. Be careful bc itā€™s not always a glitch!


I know several people this has happened to. Luckily all of them had some sort of tell that gave it away before they paid anything but itā€™s real. Supposedly some of these calls you get from unknown numbers where no one is on the line are made just to record your voice saying ā€œhelloā€ and anything else they can get from you for said AI scam.


Itā€™s definitely not a glitch but fuck it is very scary. The fact that the AI was so accurate with the tone of her voice like that is mind blowing and the fact that they knew so many things about him too.


it scares me too that he says the voice knew how to convey confusion


Exactly, I swear there is not a single thing I enjoy about AI.


This is why I hate AI and think itā€™s such a slippery slope. Itā€™s not the best *yet * but in 10-20 years from now? I can easily see a future with manipulated audio and video getting people arrested for crimes they never committed. Or giving the real criminals a great defense (ā€œoh that video of the murder? How can prove itā€™s not AI?ā€) Not to mention the potential for scams like this. Political parties ruining their opponents with AI smear campaigns, celebrities reputations ruined, bullies making doctored images, quotes to mess with their victimsā€¦ I mean, there are so many possibilities for this to go so wrong. how are we even going to know whatā€™s real or not!?


This is why you need a secret code word with all of your loved ones now


I think about this all the time, How would you authenticate yourself to yourself. Like if you ran into a version of yourself, how would you authenticate that he is real and that he is a variant of yourself and then how would you trust it? How would you keep yourself from killing yourself, both as the person I am now and to the other me I encounter, How do I keep him from killing me. And if I can't even trust myself not to kill myself, how can I trust anyone else.


You should read Dark Matter by Blake Crouch lol it's exactly this scenario and one of my fave books! They just adapted it to a series on Apple TV.




Not sure if I believe him. He thought it was a potential employer calling, then he picked up, then it was his girlfriend from an other universe.


Wait. What don't you believe? That someone could assume a no-ID caller might be a job they just applied for, or that someone would be surprised to hear their GF on the other end of the no-ID line? I mean, it's the internet, & this whole scenario could be made up, or it could have a rational explanation (i.e. AI scam), but those things you mentioned totally make sense, regardless.


wow thats terrifying. if they can fool us younglings imagine how confused a 70yo would be. hate scammers to the core of my being.


Butā€¦ but ā€¦ how? ā˜¹ļø


**5:00 PM Yesterday** I was playing the new OG map gamemode on Fortnite (lol), sitting in a Discord call with my homies. Then randomly, I got one missed phone call from a number that didnā€™t have a Caller ID. Usually, I never answer random calls from numbers Iā€™m not familiar with. However, I was actually expecting a call sometime this week from a job I was recently trying to get, so I thought it might be that if it was even anything important at all. Anyways, as Iā€™m thinking about who it could be, I get a second call from the same ā€œNo Caller IDā€ number again. So I answer this time, and I say, ā€œHello?ā€ But I couldnā€™t make out what the person was saying at first because I was playing Fortnite simultaneously (lol, I know) with loud gunshots and SFX in my ears. Anyways, I take off my headset so I can hear them better, and I say, ā€œHello, can you hear me? Who is this?ā€ And then I finally hear a female voice say, ā€œDamn, thatā€™s how it is?ā€ But in a voice that sounds eerily similar to my girlfriendā€™s voice. Her tone of voice also sounds like sheā€™s actually offended after she heard me say, ā€œWho is this?ā€ So after that, I want to confirm itā€™s her, and I say, ā€œBaby, is this you? Why are you calling me from *67? It says you have No Caller ID.ā€ And they say, ā€œWhat??? Really? I donā€™t know, really??ā€ **In the exact same mannerism** of how my girlfriend would have responded if she was genuinely confused or didnā€™t know what I was talking about. So now Iā€™m starting to think she might just be messing with me or something. I say, ā€œWell, is everything okay? Whatā€™s wrong, baby?ā€ (Again, with the same exact mannerisms as my GF.) They say, ā€œIā€™m fine, but can I come over to talk to you? And you should buy me a Lyft instead of an Uber since itā€™s cheaperā€”itā€™s only $22 right now.ā€ For context, my GF lives about 15-20 minutes away, and we always take Ubers and Lyfts back and forth. Usually, the ride will be between $25-$30. But me and my GF share the same Lyft and Uber accounts, and when I open the app to buy the ride for her, I see that I have a $5 discount for my next 3 rides. **She was rightā€”it was $22.** Assuming the original price wouldā€™ve been like $25-$30, her alternate self wouldā€™ve also seen the $5 discount for those next 3 rides. How else could she know the exact amount compared to Uber from our addresses in that small frame of time unless they already had access to my account? šŸ˜³ Plus, Iā€™ve been at her house for WEEKS, and just today, I came back home to watch my auntieā€™s dog. I didnā€™t tell anybody I was coming home, so how did they know I was at home? šŸ˜¶ After I bought the Lyft for her, I said, ā€œI bought it; it shows heā€™s basically already there,ā€ because the driver was right around the corner. And again, sounding very confused, itā€™s like she looked at the app and then said, ā€œWhat? I donā€™t see it. Can you just send me the $22? I can just buy it myself.ā€ Now I pause for a second because Iā€™m like, ā€œDamnā€¦ maybe this could be an AI scam.ā€ But itā€™s not out of character for her to say something like that because I have sent her money before to do that exact thing. Something just feels off, though, because when I was talking to her earlier that day, I remembered her saying that she didnā€™t really want to come home with me. So now Iā€™m actually confused as heck. As I was thinking to myself about what was even happening, I quickly hung up, unmuted my mic, and told my friends what just happened. Then I called my GFā€™s actual number and asked her over and over if I was just talking with her about everything she just said to me. She answered hella confused and genuinely didnā€™t know what I was talking about. She said she was cleaning and had just gotten back from walking her sisterā€™s dog, but she insisted she didnā€™t call me at all. Now Iā€™m sitting here dumbfounded with zero explanation & I definitely think itā€™s true that we share alternate realities with a coexisting parallel universe because itā€™s known that radio signals travel across our universe & maybe very rarely we might come across one of those realities accidentally. Because i have no words at all and itā€™s the only explanation i can think of besides a AI scam but everything about it was too perfect and coincidental & itā€™s all Iā€™ve been thinking about since it happened. Make your reality however you want it to be, Thereā€™s a higher version of yourself that has everything youā€™ve ever wanted somewhere in a different universe you just have to manipulate the energy you create around you so that you can experience it for yourself. Let me know your thoughts or if youā€™ve had a similar experience.


bro out here doing gods work LMAO


I actually just passed it over to ChatGPT and told it to reformat it with appropriate paragraph breaks and to use two newlines between paragraphs then just copy pasted the result into Reddit. It did a decent job of it.


Was thinking that as soon as i seen your reformatted version šŸ˜…, man to think how bad just auto spelling and phone usage dumbed down everyoneā€™s most basic skills. Just imagine a whole generation that no longer needs to rely on personal knowledge or think for themselves. Yeah information bots are great and will be so much more then we could imagine butā€¦ Make it part of everyday life and a essential key to information and you have a world that is easily manipulated and fooled that no longer have individual thoughts.


I think the AI future is going to be a nightmare since you can take someones photos and a short clip of them talking and generate somewhat convincing videos with the primitive early tools we have now it's going to be a very troubling future when anyone could fabricate you or anyone else doing/saying things.


Especially things we cant even imagine, think about the internet in the beginning and what we thought a computer would be used for. Now weā€™re on the brink of quantum computers and what they will eventually evolve into will be a whole new beast. Not to mention the applications that will open to be incorporated into new technologies. Its already hard to know what to believe on the web and other medias, just think there will be a near future where you wont even be able to tell if what your experiencing in person is being manipulated. Nurolink type brain implant + quantum computers = a questionable reality


I just did this since people were complaining, u can delete the post if you want I appreciate you g šŸ˜­


Nothing wrong with the 1st post .


i wish i saw this comment before reading the whole thing i was struggling šŸ˜‚




I like how ChatGTP just randomly blamed shit on the aunt & sisters dogs šŸ˜¹


He changed the text a lot when he added paragraphs to his post. ChatGPT didn't change the text just the layout.


Oh! That makes more sense. ChatGPT sounded like an undercover cat mathematician all of a sudden


I had the same experience 10 years ago. So no AI at the time. At 6 AM a masked number called me and repeated with my then partner's voice with the exact same mannerism this sentence over and over again "Hello, what are you doing?", just a little muffled. No matter what I answered, it would repeat the same thing over and over again in the exact same tone. I freaked out and hung up. I know for a fact it was not my partner and we talked about this several times afterwards.


It is clearly an AI scam. People who were victims of those all say that the AI's intonation/crying/everything was exactly the same as the real person they claimed to be. Plus they asked for money so...


But for $22? If that was the case you'd think it would have been a bit more money.


22 dollars goes a long way in different places and also less attention since itā€™s not too much. Imagine doing this to thousands though


True. I should have stayed on the line longer to ask more questions and see if she was going to try to make me send it to a different cash app. She asked me for a Lyft first though & we were planning to talk sometime that day/this week, and the accuracy of the price is what mind-boggles me because the ride was indeed $22.


People are more willing to part with small amounts of money.


Plus he would surely know her details and would send it straight to her, not to the scammer.




They start with small increments to find their victims. Then the prices go up.


Yeah thatā€™s the bit I donā€™t get


Damn that was hard to read


I gave up


So did I


Yeah I got 2 sentences in and then gave up.




That was unnecessarily mean, presumptuous, and completely uncalled for. Some folks find formatting on mobile to be difficult. It isn't once one gets in the habit of doing so, but, for whatever reason, some people have a harder time with it. Maybe certain phones make it more difficult? IDK. He was sharing an interesting experience. AI might be even scarier than actual glitches, in many cases. The continuing capabilities make me feel uneasy, and here is potentially a prime example of how it's used for nefarious purposes. That is my own takeaway. Look, I don't enjoy reading walls of text, either, but it's not a reason to come at someone. There's enough animosity out there. A subreddit regarding "weird shit happening" ought to be friendly. Cut him a break. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜‰


Oh, looks like he fixed it.


Not a very nice thing to say :( he's just trying to share his experience


Itā€™s legit unreadable, tho šŸ˜­


I read it, but I have a really high attention span for reading


I just read it so looks like itā€™s legit readable Mr. Dramatic lol


I havenā€™t read all the replies but this happened recently to my godmother. Sheā€™s fairly tech savvy and ā€œwith itā€ and she had exactly this but regarding her son. Her son was calling asking for a ride home - Uber / Lyft - and she was so confused as he is a grown man with a family who lives across the country. So she hung up and called his actual phone. Was an AI scam


Scary that it can imitate someoneā€™s voice to the point you know who it is (supposed to be)


AI scam, happened to a close friend and he panicked so much, I explained and demonstrated AI voice cloning and it blew his mind. In more detail, he received a call from his mom, the voice was spot on and she asked him to leave cash to a man nearby because she lost her cash card. He was convinced it was her but the next moment she was at his door. He told me he was terrified and didnā€™t believe it was a scam because her voice was completely identical and she even called him with his nickname that she only uses. Scammers find crazy ways to do their thing in 2024.


Did you lose $22 on Lyft tho on the ride she never took?


No, whatā€™s crazy though is when I was recounting the incident to my girlfriend after I hung up on the other person, she said, "WTF, I'll just come over rn to talk to you." So, whoever prompted me to buy the Lyft, it worked in our favor because she ended up coming over. šŸ˜­


Lyft driver here, it's usually a minimal fee based on how far the driver drove to pick you up. As a driver I usually get $2-4 but who knows what they're actually charging the customers lol


Sounds like AI


OP, weā€™ve received a lot of reports that your post is impossible to read due to you not using any paragraphs. Please add in paragraphs to your post to make it more legible, otherwise it will be removed due to our low effort rule. Thanks.


Not gonna read this until you put in paragraphs.


Sadly this was likely an AI scam. I know people who get calls from their grand daughter (who also happens to be sitting right beside them) - sounding desperate for money to get her car out of a tow yard. Another time a guy I know got a call from his mom who was panicking saying she needed money for gas because her card didnā€™t work. - this guyā€™s sister just texted him saying ā€œMom and I are settling in to watch a movieā€. This is so common. These calls always want money.


AI has been calling and stealing your voice in order to scam and piece together conversations to scam you and your loved ones. Itā€™s going to get worse


Itā€™s a common scam now to use AI to sound like someone you know. They can even spoof their number


It does sound like a weird story but I'm not sure I'd leap straight to a matrix glitch from it. It sounds more like a woman who phoned a wrong number, and just sounds a lot like your girlfriend. Before you say that's not possible I once had a 20 min phone chat with someone who I was completely sure was my brother but turned out to be a friend of my husband (this was on a landline phone with no caller ID).


My mother had a half hour convo with a wrong number. The caller sounded like a friend of hers and she sounded like the person they were trying to call. It wasnā€™t until they asked ā€œAnd howā€™s doing?ā€ that she had to very awkwardly say ā€œumā€¦I think you may have the wrong number.ā€


That's awesome... please tell me they stay in touch.. lol




JFC. I weep for the future.


Idiocracy is prophecy. Just look what has happened with their "shoe of the future", Crocs.


Nuke us all now and be done with it.


So did the Lyft driver show up at her house right after that? You were charged the $22 correct?


That was an AI scam 100%


Fixed it before reading it...That was painful to look at. Yesterday at 5:00 PM, I played the new OG map game mode on Fortnite (lol) while sitting on a Discord call with my friends. Out of nowhere, I got a missed call from an unknown number with no Caller ID. Normally, I donā€™t answer random calls, but I was expecting a call from a potential job, so I thought it might be important. As I contemplated who it could be, I got a second call from the same "No Caller ID" number. This time, I answered and said, "Hello?" but I couldnā€™t hear clearly because of the game's loud gunshots and sound effects. I removed my headset and said, "Hello, can you hear me? Who is this?" I finally heard a female voice say, "Damn, thatā€™s how it is?" The voice sounded eerily similar to my girlfriendā€™s, and she seemed genuinely offended when I asked, "Who is this?" To confirm it was her, I said, "Baby, is this you? Why are you calling me from \*67? It says you have no Caller ID." She responded, "What? Really? I donā€™t know, really??" in the exact manner my girlfriend would have if she were confused. Thinking she might be messing with me, I asked, "Is everything okay? Whatā€™s wrong, baby?" She replied, "Iā€™m fine, but can I come over to talk to you? And you should buy me a Lyft instead of an Uber since itā€™s cheaperā€”itā€™s only $22 right now." For context, my girlfriend lives 15-20 minutes away, and we often take Uber and Lyft. The rides usually cost between $25 and $30. We share the same Lyft and Uber accounts, and when I opened the app, I saw a $5 discount for my next three rides, making the ride $22. Assuming the original price was $25-$30, her "alternate self" would have seen the $5 discount. How could she know the exact amount unless she already had access to my account? I had just come home from my girlfriend's place to watch my aunt's dog and hadnā€™t told anyone, so how did she know I was home? I bought the Lyft and told her, "I bought it, and the driver is already there." She responded, sounding very confused, "What? I donā€™t see it. Can you just send me the $22? I can buy it myself." This made me pause. Could this be an AI scam? But it wasnā€™t out of character for her to ask for money like that. Something felt off because earlier that day, she mentioned she didnā€™t want to come home with me. Confused, I hung up and told my friends what happened. I then called my girlfriendā€™s actual number and asked her repeatedly if she had just talked to me. She sounded genuinely confused and said she was cleaning and had just returned from walking her sisterā€™s dog. She insisted she hadnā€™t called me at all. Now, Iā€™m sitting here dumbfounded with zero explanation. Iā€™m starting to think we share alternate realities with a parallel universe. It's known that radio signals travel across the universe, and maybe, very rarely, we might come across one of those realities accidentally. Itā€™s the only explanation I can think of besides an AI scam, but everything was too perfect and coincidental. Let me know your thoughts or if youā€™ve had a similar experience. Make your reality however you want it to be. Thereā€™s a higher version of yourself that has everything youā€™ve ever wanted somewhere in a different universeā€”you just have to manipulate the energy you create around you to experience it for yourself.


I once had a call from my mom where it was her, but it was like two sides of her. One side was angry at me for something I did and the other was checking in on me to see how I was doing. And their voices were clearly the same person, but swapped between good cop/bad cop the entire call. Never had that happen before or since, but it was eerie.


There's a common scam that exists right now. Basically, let's say I had surgery. My husband would be my carer. Well, the scam is that another dude will call someone else, like my mom, and he'd say he was in a car accident and was arrested because of it. He'd say his jaw was damaged, which is why he sounds different. And he needs her to send money to him right away so he can get back to taking care of me. Somehow these scammers know (1) who had surgery (2) who is that person's carer and (3) who is a likely candidate for being the one the carer would call and (4) that person's phone number. Nowadays, with AI, I'm sure they could do this same scam without the accident hurting the jaw thing. So, yes, it could be a scam.


It makes sense since the hacked the one of the biggest insurance companies recently


This was definitely one of those AI scams


Typical fortnite player.


The you in the Berenstein Bears universe is sleeping on the couch tonight because of what you did, extremely confused. Hope youā€™re happy.


Ah the old take a call from a potential employer while playing Fortnite thing.


Probably phone scam. If you ever clicked on any link, they were easily able to retrieve information about you. That easily explains this situation. Be careful.


Correct that it is likely a phone scam but "If you ever clicked on any link, they were easily able to retrieve information" Is a gross exaduration. Clicking on 99.9999% of links you find using google will be safe. Clicking on most links and not accepting cookies is safe. Just dont click on sketchy links in sketchy emails and dont download anything from sketchy places.


Exaggeration* sorry but "exa-duration" was hurting me inside


U wot maight? Luk iz gonna chat az I wont :)


Lol no comprende' mi amigo no habla Austrailiano lol


Do you not get that little red line that highlights misspelled words on your device?


Oh I see it. Who is it to tell me how to spell. English is a living language, let it breath!




Okay. I'll level with you, that one was just me trolling. šŸ˜


How could it be a scam that so perfectly replicated their habits and relationship unless it was a scam perpetrated by someone who has been stalking them for months and months, listened to their talks and learned their travel methods? Seems like lot of work to scam someone out of $22. But itā€™s very hard to imagine a phone call from another dimension. This is a mystery to me.


I mean, depending on where the scammer is $22 might be a lot. Also think of it like an hourly wage. Scammers scam for a living, so if they do this just once an hour for 8 hours, they make $176/day, which is $880/week. Again, depending on where they are this might be good money.


I love reading but I ainā€™t reading all of that lol


Itā€™s an AI scam


this post sounds like it's trying to scam us out of out credit card numbers


That happened to me years ago, and Iā€™m talking like 10/12 years ago. I got a phone call from my ā€œdadā€, stating that he needed money because he was involved in a car accident and he killed someone. The person sounded exactly like him, and it was really scary. Turned out to be fake of course, so I canā€™t even imagine how much more realistic it would be now with all the AI technologies going on.




And the AI scams have begun. I'm so sad about this


Omg people really complain about people's writing on here. I read it fine, but my brain thinks in neverending sentences šŸ˜‚ Thann you for sharing. I love the conclusion and I agree with you. Before I got to the end I was just thinking "yeah we just need to figure out how to travel between them" but you got to that re: energy. I guess that's manifestation? So wild you had this happen. I love it though!


All the paragraph comments are the AI scammers you so fear lmfao


I vote scam.


AI scam. Anything involving personal details I call them back these days if itā€™s not from the correct number


Someone may be using AI to clone your gfā€™s voice and mess with you


gonna be honest op this ones incoherent


Para Graphs Bruv


Everyone on this thread is AI except for me


People on Reddit are so strict lol. The downvotes are crazy, that is a freaky story. Too bad you couldnā€™t record it. If she calls back out your gf on the other line secretly


I mean I read the whole thing but it was a hard read. Yes, the story is good for the sub, but OP should definitely put it into paragraphs. Makes it more enjoyable for everyone.


I agree. Iā€™m just saying the downvotes for the lack of paragraphs is ridiculously funny




Ahhhh shit.


When does your cars warranty expire?


I get that this could potentially be a scam.. BUT This one time when I was in elementary school, roughly early to mid-90s (before cell phones were common if they even existed) someone called my house and left a message on the answering machine. It sounded like me saying I was ready to be picked up from school. It could have been another kid who had accidentally dialed the wrong number, but it sounded exactly like me and the call I would typically make when I was needing a ride home if I had missed the bus or had after school activities. I never figured out what happened there.


This happened to my Mom as well. She received a call from someone claiming to be her grandson & he needed money. She asked what his Dad's name was & they hung up. Thankfully my Mom is very leary of all phone calls she gets as they usually are some type of scam or marketing ploy....so sad!


There was another similar story to this on the rattled and shook podcast or radio rental - not sure which, where a person got texts from a contact in her phone that she didnā€™t remember ever adding in. It was her boyfriendā€™s name and she got some texts from it that confirmed the person texting had also found the number in his phone and didnā€™t remember putting it there. Her contact name in the strangers phone was a nickname only her boyfriend called her. Her boyfriend was asleep next to her. It was spooky!




His "gf" called and asked him to order a Lyft for her so she could visit. He did. She said she can't see it on their shared account, he should just send her the money instead. He thought it was suss, hung up, and called his real gf on her number. Gf was confused and said she hadn't called.


r/scams. Thanks for catching me up!


That's wild. Does the call show up in your call history, along with the call time? You should check. Some glitches erase evidence.


That's true usually my glitches erase themselves.


Iā€¦canā€™t read this. šŸ˜­ How tf are people reading this with no breaks and very little punctuation? šŸ˜¬šŸ˜­


What the fuck is bro yapping about šŸ˜‚ Radio signals crossing parallel universes, you're either mentally ill or it was an AI scam but I'm leaning towards the former.


Confused why everyone is so angry there are plenty of posts in this sub written without line breaks? If you canā€™t read it then ā€¦donā€™t? OP did not ask at any point for grammar and writing tips lol




U know some of us are DYSFUCKICIC on here(like me) so watch what you say..


Personalised AI scam is more likely. Does your girlfriend post video/audio of her voice online? They would use that to train it.


They get your voice by calling you everyday about insurance or tax relief or just a hang up call everytime you talk to these strange callers they record to use a.i. scammers have eveolved. And now that ai is getting fluid with its speech man it's gonna get rough. Always do callbacks if it's someone you know don't trust it.


guys ..out of context but i made a post too, they took it down and mailed me that am not having enough karmas and likes ???? why everything has to be so complicated :')


Curious how this would work exactly if its a scam? If they ask to send money and you regularly send money back and forth. Wouldn't you just end up actually sending them money to their own cashapp/venmo? Idk who would send it to a new/unknown cashapp/venmo/whatever especially with someone you are that close with. In my case, I would just be confused since we have a shared bank account


My dad got a call supposedly from his grandson asking for money. It wasnā€™t. I can see with ai and voice changing technology that scam could be more sophisticated now.


Could it have been a deep fake of your gf voice?


Could you please edit your post to include proper punctuation and paragraphs so that we can make some sense of this long-ass, rambling train of thought?


Iā€™m not surprised that someone who seemingly doesnā€™t know what paragraphs/punctation are also thinks an AI scam call is someone from another universe. God help us all.


To all the people saying this is an AI scam, how would the scammers have access to a personā€™s loved oneā€™s voice?


just say yā€™all canā€™t read long passages


I really want to read this but ā€¦.. no paragraphs


Paragraphs please.


What do the MODs mean by edit to include paragraphs? Sorry for my ignorance, but it wasnā€™t like he wrote one long paragraph


Thats exactly what he did. It has since been edited to add paragraphs. Which is why you now see it with paragraphs


10 years back I got a call with a routine sentence,You home? I'm coming. The voice was weak and distant,like the trunk call of yesteryears. And then again without a break within seconds, You home ? but this time full bloodied. When he arrived,I asked did you say twice You home ? he replied No.


Who was he though?


A friend who used to call with a routine sentence,before visiting me on his evening walk.


In this reality we use paragraphs - GL to u


Really weird. I wonder what it was all about. Glad things worked out regardless.




This happened to me but friend only recalls it. Apparently I called from an unknown number screaming at him at like midnight or so saying really profane things. he said it sounded exactly like me but I didn't have a call in my call log going out and his showed up as an unknown number. Still don't know what happened there...


AI scam for sure .. someone that knows you


Sooooo if the job called and heard gun shots and wildness on the other end, would that be a good first impression? It takes less than a second to pause it before you answer, I promise your game will still be there when your done with the call.


I did pause it numb nuts thatā€™s what I said




This sounds like voice cloning AI


sounds like an AI scam tbh. the info referenced is specific, but limited enough to have been gleaned from access to your email.


Thereā€™s no alt universe, just humans trying to get stuff for free.


My friend has been getting voice mails from a scammer impersonating a musician she follows. The messages are 100% Nick's voice and 100% computer generated.


It's AI for sure, but worse than that it sounds like someone you know. That's how they knew your girlfriend's mannerisms. Someone in your friend circle was trying to steal from you.


Lmao .... a scam. Dum8@$$.


First of all, if you are expecting a call for a job interview you NEED to put the headset down before picking up. Second, it was clearly a scam. Come up with a ā€œpasswordā€ (really a pass sentence) to verify family. Third, people still talk on the phone? lol iā€™ve made 3 phone calls this month and two of them were the same call that the other person had to hang up for 2 minutes.


Itā€™s wild to think that in an alternate universe your girlfriend is chewing you out for cancelling the Lyft šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


There is no new OG map.


So controlling


this defo seems like an AI scam, there was a story where some ppl called a mother and had the voice of her daughter saying she was scared and acting like they had her kidnapped and they wanted all kinds of money. sounded exactly like the daughter too, but it turned out to be an AI scam. it's pretty fucked up what they're able to do with voice AI, all they need is a recording of you saying literally anything from anywhere online.