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Holy fuck dude. I got shivers down my fucking spine from seeing that picture. Why? BECAUSE NOT ONLY DID I FUCKING DREAM THAT TOO, BUT I FOUND A [PICTURE](http://openwalls.com/image/8362/lonly_tree_on_green_hills_1920x1200.jpg) OF ANOTHER PLACE FROM THAT SAME DREAM. It just looks so goddamn similar, man. I remember what dream it was, too. I remember that I was hot air ballooning over these huge, steep, DEEP turquoise hills that covered the landscape, as far as the eye could see, and I remember that there was a farmer guiding a herd of sheep along the hills. He waved to us. I just remember intuitively knowing that he was the friendliest, nicest, most pure good dude who ever lived. After awhile, I saw some reddish grass on a flatland and landed it there. After me and my 2 anonymous bikini-clad lady friends (it WAS a dream, of course there will be attractive females and unexplained clothing choices) started walking a ways, we came upon that opening. And then we swam. There was nothing sexual about it, just the purest, calmest, peaceful euphoria imaginable. I only remember it so well because that hole in the ground, along with the hot air balloon ride, and everything else from that dream, has sort of become my happy place. I get the most amazing sense of joy and tranquility when I really concentrate remembering what it was like to be there. I remember other things, too, but not the context. I remember walking on a really big rock, alone (I have no idea where those girls went), and just feeling the wind blow over me. There was something about a huge oak tree with a swingset in there, too, but I'm hazy on that one. Despite all of this, I'm too much of a scientist to believe this is anything but coincidence (well, mostly. I do sort of believe in astral projection, so my mind is open to some of the more far-out ideas). I personally think it was just my brain simulating a situation that would cause me to have the best mix of emotions that my brain knew it could have. However, I'm too much of a human to believe that this isn't fucking amazing and spine-tinglingly awesome. TL;DR: Enjoy your personal happy place, my friend. I'll see you there sometime! Ninja Edit: Shit, I just looked at that image again and realized I didn't even notice the hills (okay, probably mountains, but still) in the background. If the oak tree was in there, too, I would have shit my pants. Also, I just thought about that dream for like 10 minutes while I was writing this, and it must have been weeks since I've felt this good.


Fellow scientist here. That's an awesome story! As for a plausible explanation, it could be you saw a picture of this location at some point but don't consciously remember seeing it and your dream was your brain sorting that out.


Question. I've had many dreams where I dreamt of something, forgot it and then remembered it when I see the thing in real life. I can understand your answer for his but what about mine? : I dreamt of a scene from a TV series I watched like four years before it ever even released. It would not have been possible for me to ever see that scene since it didnt even exist at the time that I dreamt about it. (You seem to tend to recall when u dreamt a dream after seeing it in real life).


Yeah I've had the TV show years before release as well. I usually see places though. Some are reoccurring. Stuff is weird.


I see bits of everything. Places, people, shows, books, signs.


Another thing I notice is that if I see something and recognize it as something I have seen before in a dream, it's nearly always accompanied by a strong feeling of de ja vu. Sometimes I can then recall other snippets of the dream but other times its just the feel of the dream comes back. Very strange.


I see the windows XP background in that picture. http://i.imgur.com/lojmr.jpg


That's exactly what I thought when I saw it.


I dreamed of this place too. When I first saw the picture I immediately thought of that dream.


This has literally JUST happened to me! I've just woken up from a really vivid dream in which I was stood in the sunshine with an American guy he was buying this white house on the corner by the sea, the house was called trinity House.....I wake up with a stinking head ache and a really weird feeling....so I Google trinity House by the sea and I swear on the Google search a picture of the house that I literally just dreamt about and there on the search is the exact house o was just stood Infront of in my dream, In a place called at albans, this is so weird o have never been to at albans never heard of it and never had an association with a trinity House I'm baffled šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ˜³


I know this is old as shit, even your link has expired, but my dreams have been exceptionally vivid as of late. I stumbled on this. Not only did I have a dream of the OP place when I was 18, but I got a massive shiver when I read yours because in my dream I traveled there and many other places in a hot air balloon. Won't bore you with my details. Just found it wild to read yours.


Those types of dreams I call 'Grand Mall'! Congrats on that wonderful dream even though this post is 10 years old. I used to have flying dreams....I could just lift myself up and fly a bit higher than large tree tops. I would wake up thinking that it was something I just always knew how to do. Wish I could have those again. Sorry I'm late to this post.


I used to have that alot when I was younger. It's the most wonderful feeling being able to go against gravity.


Wonder if you can explore the island with Google maps?


People see the future. It happens to everybody now and then. It's common. It's too uncontrollable to be profitable, too unpredictable to be modeled, doesn't fit into conventional pictures of "how reality works" at all - so we blow it off. But it happens all the time.


Whenever psychic phenomena happen to me, it always seems like whatever the cognition always seems to be something so trivial, like the feeling that my phone is about to ring or what food I'm going to have for lunch.


me too. Also, sometimes I'll be spacing out for whatever reason, lounging on a couch or whatever, when I'll have a little "daydream". It will be a piece of experience, 5 seconds or so. Suddenly I'm (for example) walking down a street. 2 cars drive by to the right, my friend who is walking to my left says this and that, we pass a street sign of this particular type. All very precise, a 5 second slice of reality, this particular sign, these particular cars, this particular friend saying these particular words, the weather just so, the smell just so, the light just so - and all completely trivial. Then of course, a day/month/year later it happens in real life.


It happened to me once. I dreamed of brown blocks of flats on a small hill. I remembered this dream very well because it was so vivid (my dreams are usually very chaotic and blurry). A few weeks later I went to see a doctor in a distant part of my city which I'm 100% sure I had never visited before, and it was exactly the same place. It made me feel strange. edit: I thought this island looked familiar - there was a very similar one in Porco Rosso (a studio Ghibli anime). OP, have you seen it, by any chance?


I've always had this half-baked theory that our dreams are actually places/events witnessed through astral projection. Interacting with others' minds who are also projecting.


I believe anything is possible!


Slightly different but there's this house in town that I swear I used to go to when I was a kid (around 3 yrs old). My parents tell me there is no way. They have never been in it themselves nor knows anyone who has lived there. However, I would dream about it and I have vivid memories of sticking glass ornaments onto the large front window. I swear I've been there.


I still have a pencil drawing of a place from a dream I drew when I was 13 and living in New Jersey. It is of Kelbaker Road in California, south of Baker. I found it 15 years later.


is it possible a film ever took place there?


I had something simillar. Years ago, I visited my father's friend house, which was still in construction, but I was pretty sure I had been there before, even though my father only met him some weeks before this.


My grandma said she had multiple reoccurring dreams over driving down a street, and going into this one house for a funeral. She said after a while, she found herself driving down that street for real, but that house she seen wasn't there. It's weird, because she said she never went down that street in real life that she could remember, and she remembers things really well.


I do this quite a bit, but not only places but events and conversations. I don't know it means im on the right ir wring path. Part if ne thinks im just repeating the same shit over and over and that's why it happens and I need ti make different choices. Then there are times like now, when it hasn't happened in a while, and I spiritually feel very lost and empty. Sigh.


Happens to me with surprising frequency. No real way to explain it as far as I can tell but I'm not too worried about it.


I dreamed about this picture too, way before I even knew about reddit, and I didn't use the internet as often. When I first saw that picture I immediately thought of the dream. Weird stuff man.


I know right! Same here.


Fuck it, i dreamed it too. Long ago.


I dreamed about the layout of the orchestra pit green room before using it, right down to the photos on the lockers of people's kids. I had been in the theatre before, and back stage, but never past the door that lead downstairs. You couldn't see it from the pit, either.


I had a vivid dream about visiting a college campus about 10 years ago. I had never been to a college campus that looked like the one in my dream before (or seen , and remembered certain unique characteristics about the place in my dream. About 4 years later I started dating a girl (who would then be my wife). She took me to the college she graduated from to see a football game, but before the game she gave me a tour of the campus. It was the same campus from my dream 4 years earlier! At the time of my dream, I had only heard of the name of this particular university but did not even know what state it was located in, and had never seen pictures of it either.


past life memories perhaps ?


it makes sense, i sometimes seeing place in my dream that i have never seen before & it doesn't exists at all, so i thought how can my brain creates such a places


I dreamt of being on a patio in winter, with beautiful pine trees covered in snow, and the snow falling lightly on my face, and beautiful drifts piled up on the edge of a fence, a week later (I had that dream monday night, my brother called the following day after not speaking to him for months, friday I go to his house) and his girlfriend comes over, we go over to her house, and I go out to smoke, and there it was, the patio, snow drifts and pine trees, then I got a little sick to my stomach and lay down on her couch, and have deja vu of her floor tiling. That also reminds me of a dream I had about two years ago, of san francisco, now I'd never seen san francisco, but I was aware of the golden gate bridge and how hilly the roads were, and long story short, I'd seen me driving in a very nice convertible, over the GGB, I'd seen the toll booths, the streets that went up to the tool booths, a bend in the road right next to the GGB that I hadn't even known had existed, and on top of that, I was considering moving to san francisco about a month before the dream had taken place. then the next night I'd seen myself walking up to the door of a house in san francisco, I looked frustrated as hell, and as I walked up to the porch, a woman opened the door holding a little baby girl who was very happy to see me (I don't have any kids, but it was obvious that she was my kid) then I somehow got into an argument over my gf/wife and she took the baby back to her room, and that pissed me off even more, and blah blah blah, long story short, I'm not sure why I had these "visions" or whatever you want to call them, but I just can't accept that people have meaningless visions. ~Edit~ HOLY SHIT I wrote a wall of tl;dr, sorry about that guys, if you want me to write an official tl;dr just ask.


I dreamt that I was in this place full toys and it looked like a library a few years later when I was in elementary school I went to the library and it was the same thing I jumped though, thank God I thought I was crazy for a minute.




Ohhh it's beautiful! :)


So, 11 years ago someone else had it too. I had a nightmare.Woke up early at 5am and dozed off again just to have some weird dream and sleep paralysis.In my dream me and my mom was at a station waiting for train and we forgot our luggage at the entrance of the station.So I went to pick it up,we got separated and my phone wasn't working so communication was cut and we missed the train. It was some common stress related dream up until now.The freakiest part is the name of the station.I remember reading it atleast 10 times and I'd like to tell that I've never heard or seen such a place.It was distinguishably different and I remember it vividly. After waking up sore, I searched the name and it is a effing real train station with the same architecture and features and yes, a bit far, but it's in my country. I often have vivid dreams like this.Sometimes it's so detailed that I can even tell someone's shirt colour.People says that I'm highly imaginative and making up a story but I do see them.


Ok this is an old thread, but need to add my experience. These are blowing me away. It wasnā€™t a dream, but a real life experience I had about 21 years ago when I was 10. I was visiting NYC with my family, and we went to spend the afternoon with an old family friends friend my parents had met years ago in London. The second she opened her front door to her apartment, I felt like I got hit with a wave of realization. I knew her whole apartment in detail and had an intense feeling like I had lived there for my whole life. I was so freaked out, and told my parents but they said they had never taken me here, and that they had never been there either. I told them to open the first door on the right in the corridor and that it was an office, with floor to ceiling wooden bookshelves on the back and right hand wall, with a kind of built in desk on the left hand wall opposite the bookshelves. They went in and came back out stunned and were like yeah thatā€™s rightā€¦ then I told them to go into the other rooms, the two doors on the left being bedrooms and the far one on the right being the bathroom and described them all in detail and they checked them out and I was correct. The living room I stayed frozen I also knew every inch in detail like I had lived there it was absolutely insane. There was a statue in the living room that had an aura around it, glowing and slowly pulsating larger and smaller around it, which my parents and sister couldnā€™t see either. The statue was a bronze metal statue of a woman with hair flying out in a crown around her head and besides the aura, it felt like it was staring into my soul and wanted me to focus on it. I have never had an experience like that before or since, and to this day it still blows my mind. Perhaps I lived there in a past life?!


Wtf I had a dream about this place years ago and this is the first time me actually seeing a real life photo of this.


this just happened to me (not the same place though). i was scrolling in facebook when i saw my friend's post and the place where he is was once appeared in my dream. i never been in that place and i never knew about it existing in reality. it gave me goosebumps. it is the place called temple of leah in cebu, philippines. i never been in cebu but i dreamed about it. i remember in my dream that i was in school trip and that i was really in awe wandering in that place. i even recall that i was lost in that place because i kept walking on the same path and ended up on the same spot even though i am trying to go out. my bus almost left me but a man wearing a roman centurior (the one with a helmet and there is red thing above it) helped me to go out. we exited in a back door and not in the entrance of the place. that was the end of my dream.


That happens to me for some reason often,can someone explain it?


I had a dream of a place I never been to and In the dream I never saw this place before never knew anyone from there but then I woke up and I saw that place on TikTok then I googled pics of it and they looked like my dream.


I had a dream about the highway to a beach before, i only remembered that i had dreamed it when i actually went to the beach. This is the [highway](https://www.dangerousroads.org/images/stories/__Roads00000aa/BigOverseas%20Highway0.jpg)


i having a dream too but not that in the picture. five out of many i dreamed that i visited(in the future). i really dont know why. i always recollect my vivid dreams even if 2 years ago and so on. dont know if this was like a astral projection but the question is you dreaming or visiting the future(not in real time visit).


Had this very same thing happenā€¦. Once had this dream (happened a few times when I was younger) that would occur multiple nights.. so same dream but multiple times, one being this place right here. [https://www.google.com/search?q=the+backrooms+level+115&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwja_Lv8wJ72AhWNIjQIHUduAIYQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=level+115+backrooms&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgYIABAIEB46BwgjEO8DECc6BAgAEBM6BggAEAUQHjoECAAQGFDCCFiTFmCyGmgAcAB4AIABlgGIAbwGkgEEMTAuMZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=vLUaYtquDI3F0PEPx9yBsAg&bih=617&biw=414&client=safari&prmd=ivsn&hl=es-pr#imgrc=5EwqcasSG_t_1M](https://www.google.com/search?q=the+backrooms+level+115&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwja_Lv8wJ72AhWNIjQIHUduAIYQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=level+115+backrooms&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgYIABAIEB46BwgjEO8DECc6BAgAEBM6BggAEAUQHjoECAAQGFDCCFiTFmCyGmgAcAB4AIABlgGIAbwGkgEEMTAuMZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=vLUaYtquDI3F0PEPx9yBsAg&bih=617&biw=414&client=safari&prmd=ivsn&hl=es-pr#imgrc=5EwqcasSG_t_1M) I was watching this video and right when I saw that pic I freaked outā€¦. Because not only was it somewhat close to what my dreams were like, but it was COMPLETLY the same in every way, EVERY detail of that placeā€¦ freaked me out


I dream of a place I never knew it's existed and it's actually in my own country, but it's far from the city. I never heard of it, never even step foot on that side of the country. I remembered from the dream that I was in my neighboring country and someone told me to go to this place and I only get the first name of the pagoda. A few days after the dream, I found the exact pagoda in that area on Google Maps. I still have no idea why I dream of it though.


I had a dream about a shelter type building that had basketball courts in it and a ping pong table and pool table when I was 10 and then when I was 12 I went to a church camp in North Carolina called look up lodge or look out lodge and that building ended up being in the middle of the woods in the exact layout of the dream and everything


Aight I know this was old thread, but would like to leave my experience here. I've dream about a place and a scene where I can only remember that when I experience it in the present. It's my habbit to take a note of my dream when I wake up in the morning if I can still remember it. But dang, happens to me a couple of times now. It was like a glimpse of a short vision of a place that I will visiting in the future.


Hello. I have an unhinged feeling. As I glance at the topic name "glitch in the matrix" this event becomes even more bizarre. As a child, or young adolescent teen I dreamt of a very random place. Nothing I could see in person or pictures. I often dreamt of this first story pool area in a hotel looking facility. The pool room also had a balcony on top with all windows to look down at the water. Some work out machines on top, it was always an empty room. I forgot all about it , until two days ago. Now at almost twenty two, I came to the location in real life. I traveled to this hotel my friend worked at an hour away from where I live and they were going to give me a tour. While arriving , walking inside the hotel seems a bit odd. My friend told me that the second and third floor are all ballrooms, banquets, and event parties. It was closed for remodeling from the public but he took me around the rooms. The designs looked old, vintage, more of a back room lay out. I even stated, 'these look like backrooms...' after he showed me a mirror that had a hidden door to the breakfast area in a banquet room off to the side. Coming down to the first floor, he showed me his room but on the way I saw my dream pool. It was next to his room, with windows along the side for me to look down at this place. It was the same as my dream I had years ago multiple times. I still don't understand what this could be . I had to go home , and caught a ride three hours later because it was very hard to leave. Like the matrix wanted me to stay the night there as originally planned. Any thoughts ..?


This may sound kind of dumb and its happening less often to me now but at times I would space out or something like that (but its more of a blackout for 2 minutes) and see places I've never been to, only to later go to a place get a feeling of deja vu and figure out that this is the place I saw when I spaced out in the past, sort of like I saw the future and found myself in that place, it happened multiple times to me, everytime, I found myself in that exact area I saw. I found myself waiting anywhere from 3 days to 2 years, to end up at a spot that I had seen while spaced out. I might have seen a picture of those places and seen them while spacing out but I, without fail have always ended up in those exact places that I have (dreamed? I don't really know what they were, it was just an odd time where I spaced or blacked out or somtin). I don't want to believe that my brain is taking pictures I saw and copying it onto my memories making me think I can see the future but that sounds like the most logical reason. Could anybody help explain this for me?


We see so much on a day to day we don't consciously always remember everything but the brain files it away for us to use in our sleep.


Lately for the past 4-5 years I've been having so many dreams of places I've never even seen or been to n so many times I end up seeing the places I've dreamed about. It always leaves me questioning, but I never have a definitive answer. The problem I have with these "researchers" is that majority of them seem to always put down things like "It's due to coincidence" or respond with "You've been there and don't remember". But a lot of people seem to never write the fact that God speaks through dreams, and not to be rude but I know where I've been so I know I haven't been to any of these places. I recently was shown a video of a guy walking around New Zealand and I was in shock to see that many of the places that were in that video, were places I had previously dreamed about. I have also dreamed about New York city and other places being destroyed by a giant tsunami and then I heard news later on that places were being flooded and suddenly having tsunamis. Yesterday my partner took me out somewhere nice that I've never been to and I was in shock again because I had dreamed of that exact place but with a different scenario, not only that but I had dreamed about the places around that neighborhood too. A lot of my dreams are of places, and a lot of my dreams are short too and usually have weird scenarios in them. I've been trying to find answers as to why this is constantly happening to me and what to do about and see if anyone experiences the same or similar events like me.


I'm so curious which part of New Zealand you dream about.


I also have these experiences. I'm assuming we both ended up on this 9 year old post down Google rabbit holes about dreams haha.


Lol yes and now I feel better about looking at this now


It sucks this post was 9 years ago and Itā€™s the only one I can find about this but I have been here too in a dream. I told so many friends/family about it ā€œa beach inside of a cave.ā€ I have dreams like this all the time and the always have a specific ā€œvibeā€ to them so now I recognize when Iā€™m ā€œdream touringā€ a specific place


Hello, I'm 23, from Malaysia, i don't have a passport and never been any country before. I just woke up dreaming something, not sure what was that, but only remember some details, im on boat or something idk, I'm sure I'm on water moving, and saw a Orange building with "S* VARENA" written on (right hand side). (*- I don't remember that). So I went on Google and search for S VARENA, i saw a place called Varena, i saw some orange buildings there but i couldn't find something with the letters on. I searched about unknown places in dream, then saw this post on top and I'm sharing my experience here. I don't remember anything else from the dream. I'm sorry for my English and the grammar errors, I'm so anxious rn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I often have similar experiences - dreaming of a certain location and then finding it in real life. Sometimes they are definitely something that i have seen but didn't recognize consciously, but not all of them. Here is one weird story, when i was about 4 y.o., i was dreaming how i walked through a floristic shop, that looked like a tunnel. Year later in my town was built a new house and in the first floor was exact same shop like from my dream. After few years i had a dream that i am again in this building and walked to the second floor and there was a cosmetic shop, with specific details. After few years in this same building they opened cosmetics shop on the second floor, that again looked like exact copy of my dream. So i basically dreamed all this and it was built later, it still give me shivers even to think about this.


I dreamed about an ancient place that I didn't know was real. In the dream I met a bunch of people, and was told that the place was called the tomb of Petra. I looked it up and it's an actual place. I had never heard of it or seen it before, but it was the same place, just older and dirtier.


Likely never gonna be seen, but I had a nightmare about this ordinary house. I knew if we went there, it would be really bad. Turns out it was, nothing that pulled headlines, just was a lot of bad stuff happened in my life at that place.


For as long as I can remember, I've been dreaming of places that I've never been to. I recently told my friend that I'm starting to believe that we live in another dimension together because she is almost always in the dreams with me. I have reoccurring dreams of the same exact weird places, apartments, rivers, towns, & definitely a lot of red rocky wilderness. I believe in past lives as well. When I'm dreaming, I know each place like it's the back of my hand. I feel connected to these places on a soul level.


Not sure if anyone will see this but I desperately need help. One night about 2 months after my best friend of 8 years randomly blocked me ( not sure if that's important) I had an extremely vivid dream of me and this girl going to a house about 8 miles away from my house. The house was abandoned and there was old abandoned cars all around the house had no door knob or lock and completely an abandoned wreck inside. Well the next night I couldn't sleep and at 2 am I just walked to where the house would be to put my mind at ease. Well the house exists I didn't go inside and ran home (I was 18 at the time). A week after in the daylight I went again making sure it wasn't a dream again but sure enough in all the details I remember it exists and I whent inside and looked around. Almost a year later my best friend and I reunited and I told him about it and we go late tonight he's very spiritual and he gets freaked out about it screaming we have to leave we didn't go inside but I think we are going tomorrow in the daylight.


I had the same experience today morning. I was scrolling through insta a came across this post. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnStsiHrVkk/?igshid=YjNmNGQ3MDY= I have been to this place months before in my dream and I didnā€™t know this place was real until I saw this reel today morning šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ.


Me too! I came online looking if anyone has had a similar experience because I had a dream weeks ago about being at a fabulous lounge. I remember very specific things about it. Today I saw it on social media and thought I had maybe astral projected but I donā€™t believe in that and itā€™s 45 min away from my house so would have been too far anyway lolll, but my sister said it may have been from a past life. I googled the name of the restaurant and sure enough itā€™s been around since 1949!! And it looked more like in my dream in the old pictures of it than it does now. Itā€™s called the Marine Room in La Jolla, Ca. It definitely felt like the ā€œitā€ place to be from my dream and I ran into people I knew, like it was the cool spot.


My dream started with my funeral and then I was taken by two bearded men in white robe to a railway station. There was a boy that was 2 years older than me following these two men as well. However they abandoned me at the station, the two men only took the boy with them. The boy said he's from Jeddah and they're heading there. The map was also shown in my dream. I was spooked when the same map was shown in National Geographic the next day. The place Jeddah is in Saudi Arabia. I am thinking of visiting this place and look for the oldest train station nearby. I believe something is waiting for me there. The dream happened 27 years ago and it's still fresh in my head.


I had a dream that I was in a shopping mall sitting In a shopping mall on a wood bench looking down at tile floor. Years later, I was in the UK. I was sitting in a mall on a wooden bench. As soon as I looked down at the tile floor I looked up at my friend and I said I've been here before. He just laughed at all. I was very serious. Everything was exactly the same as in my dream. What is this called?


deja vu


I remember having a dream of chernobyl I didn't know anything about it at the time till randomly the video of chernobyl showed on my YouTube recommendation


I dreamed about a elementary that I never in my life went too and I seen it like 10 years later when I went too go pick up my niece and walked around the school it was exactly the same.In my dream I was a student there running from something. WEIRD!


I had another weird dream manifestation on 9.27 I know the date bc when I woke up I Googled Chester and still have the search history. But the dream was quick and basically I was underground it was kind of dark and the walls were charcoal color and I don't remember exactly if the name Chester was in vintage light bulbs or if they were around it & I just remember it said Chester in vintage style letters and there was like 1920s jazz playing then I woke up. So then the other day we went on a field trip to the subway museum which is in an old subway station and underground obviously so the tour guide took us through a few vintage subway cars and the 1st one we sat down and when I look over at the guide I see this. Can't seem to attach pic but basically it was on the end wall of the car, the only vintage ad on that entire wall and it was an ad for Chesterfield cigs but all I saw from where I sat was Chester bc the field was cut of by the train pole from where I viewed the poster. It was a baseball situation and just said Chesterfield in lrg print, and "at every game." So everything was similar to the dream, the subway car was vintage full of vintage ads, there were vintage while light bulbs around the poster as well. There was no jazz playing but jazz is ubiquitous in our subway system. I also have screenshot of my Google search from 9.27 bc the dream was so weird I woke up and Google Chester. That's not the 1st time this has happened or very weird stuff has happened but dream with some evidence to show. I have evidence from some of the weird serendipity that has happened. I don't have time to write about this stuff all day though and talking about it just makes me feel batty.


11/8 - 514CT Iā€™ve been waking up off and on all night long. Somehow going back to sleep and continuing the dream. In my dream Iā€™m visiting my family, left my son with them and was exploring the town on my own. I somehow get lost and when i try to find my phone I realize I donā€™t have it. Iā€™m panicking but keep walking because I have to find a building that has a phone to call my grandparents home. I come across this religious school. All it says is St Cuthberts School. I walk through a full parking garage and come out on a busy metro street. That was slightly confusing to me because I donā€™t remember seeing anything on the other side of the school. I proceed and come across this library. Irl Iā€™m a book worm and have visited many libraries in my state and have several library cards to multiple libraries. Anyways - this library was the most beautiful and intricate library Iā€™ve ever seen. The wood work and flooring were in pristine condition. Iā€™m in awe of said library. While taking in my surroundings I wait in line to speak with a librarian to ask to use their phone. In the midst of asking for help she and 2 other women take me to the train station. The librarian tells me to follow her and the fellow 2 women tell me to stay with them. Thereā€™s a rush of people and I lose the librarian. I stick with the 2 women and I find ojt the town Im trying to get off at wonā€™t be on the scheduled route until tomorrow. I start to panic telling ppl I need to get to St Cuthberts school. Because I know how to get to my grandparents home from the school but no one is listening to me and one just told me thereā€™s no school. I sat there confused and got off on the next station. I found the librarian and she told me I just have to jump. Thatā€™s all she said. I woke up 20-something mins before my alarm goes off and had to look up whether or not St Cuthberts is a real school. And it is. As soon as I opened my eyes I was telling myself ā€œSt Cuthbertā€ over And over again. Iā€™ve never heard of St Cuthbert. Never been to the school. Iā€™ve only been on a subway once but donā€™t remember it because Iā€™m so claustrophobic that I passed out. Itā€™s just a weird dream. Iā€™ve never been there but itā€™s a real place.


Several times I have dreamed of what seemed to be a random place, only to find it exists. Sometimes the dream is so intense that I can't stop thinking about it, other times I might forget about it until I realize, I was here in a dream.


i know im late, but this happend to me to... i've dreamt about this place and a few years later i tried to join the military and what do you know, i remembered the barracks even though i had never been there before, its the weirdest thing...


I've just had a dream about my crush inviting me to a place I never knew existed. I woke up remembering the question from my dream " Would you like to go to Voster in Scandinavia." Woke up and googled it.. There is actually a place called Voster in Norway. How crazy! I need explanation badly :D


It happened with one place, and I dismissed that because I could have seen a picture online before. But then it happened again, and this time it was an internal room of a building of which no public pictures exist.


Sometimes I think they might be a msg from our angel guides that we are on our right pathĀ when we recognize IRL the place/event in our dreams?Ā  I dreamt of a house (when I was a kid still living in my home country Australia). I wasnā€™t familiar with the house IRL but was in my dream. Forgot all about it until this last w/e.Ā  I now live in Germany and was following my nav to my destination which took me a weird back way through an old looking town, I suddenly saw the house (exactly!) as was in my dream when I was a kid.Ā 


This happened to me and I've just found out that the castle exists but in the dream it was in more disrepair


I know this is an 11 yr old post, but I am happy I am not the only one. This just recently happened to me. I found a picture while going through pins on pinterest and I came across the place I dreamt about. I was absolutely shocked when I found out another person dreamt about it as well. Only, they had dreamt about it a few months prior. I reversed searched the photo, dropped my little guy on GM, and went down the same street I dreamed about. It was a Psychic Shop in Santa Cruz.. I have never been to Santa Cruz! The shop seems like it's only been up for about 7 years. Not many reviews and no website. I just remember the door being open and the lights being on. I went in, got blessed with that Florida water, talked a bit, and all of a sudden I was walking through the back door and going down the street again. I did more research and I found out that there are three types of psychic dreams; Precognitive, Telepathic, and Clairvoyant. I do tarot readings, dabble in the craft, nothing too crazy. My dreams have always been very vivid, but I have never seen a photo of the same exact place I have dreamt about but never been. Very interesting to say the least. I have had moments where a person's name has been thrown around in shows, books, or movies and all of a sudden they call me up after months or even years of not speaking. I say something and it will just come to me, or I have a feeling and it happens. I think I was having a waking psychic dream, I was walking around and it was like they could feel my spirit. Anyways, I love this shit. I already have crazy dreams but this one made me wonder..