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Wait, that guy can talk?!


Eric has taught his sphincter muscles to mimic the sounds of speech.


He IS a talking sphincter muscle.


Is that why his breath is so bad? I thought it was the coke.


Coke enemas.


Would've been better if he didn't


“I’m Eric.”


I guess we know why he usually doesn't.




Apparently not


"That's might white of you, Eric," KKK.


He was actually just saying "were right", but he has a lisp. Probably.


Possibly, or a Freudian slip


I hate Trump & his idiot sons. But I saw this & he said We were right, not white. They’re bad enough. There’s no need for fake outrage. There are plenty of other loathsome things they’ve said that are true.


When he isn't on coke yeah I guess. But he always says the wrong thing every time.


Don’t you mean jr?


Holy racism, Batman!


Nah, he's just claiming that whites are some sort of super race that never loses. Oh.. wait ..


I’m not discounting your statement, but when did he say that? Also, fuck all the trumps. But when did he say that?


To say you will win purely because you're white implies that.


He said the quiet part of loud


Is this the cocaine Cookie Monster one or the slightly more inbred looking one? 




I think this one is the slightly more inbred looking one


HaHaha, jiminy fkin crickets, I about snorted my coffee on that one!


One of the most Reddit comments I’ve ever seen You should have given him le Reddit gold after reading it


You think he was the son that left cocaine in the White House… ohh right wrong coke head.


This is the one that looks like the result of Gary Busey fucking a beaver.




Look, I don’t need some in denial fan or a weirdly resentful pieceofshit stalking me. Go do whatever it is you do during your turnip break and fuck off.


This is the grey one


You're thinking of hunter biden, trump Jr is the one who's dad isn't in office


I listened to the clip. it was a Freudian slip however you know all the white supremist in the trump camp were high fiving over it


He definitely meant to say “we’re right”, but still, fuck him.


Definitely a slip up for “right” but funny as hell that it’d happen to him.


We are a peaceful racist group!


Yeah we just like to kick it with the KKK and think 'Mein Kampf' is excellent bedside reading material! You know how it be fam!






I think he meant to say 'right' -- but either the alliteration or his subconscious got the better of him.


Yeah, it’s totally a coincidence. Same with the symbols, and the slogans, and the support for a new Reich, and, and, and


He just fumbled his Rs like a toddler, he said we’re right. Also that website is dogshit I’ve never seen so many ads. Why didn’t you just link to the video on twitter ffs


I agree. I dont care for the family but he just fumble in the worst way. Which is kind of funny. Of all things to say 🤣


I knew it was horseshit when menzmag was the only source covering it. We have Trumps election lies, wars, immigration, deficit spending, price of living, wealth inequality... Real issues people.


The phrase you're looking for is Freudian slip


The phrase you're looking for is pseudo psychology


You only say that bc u wanna sex your mum


Hey everyone, just ignore the racism. K?


No, he’s a racist piece of shit. Let’s just focus on the actual instances. K?


It is clear as day.


It's easy to dislike this guy but he clearly meant to say "right", and slipped. This is grasping at it's most extreme levels.


Not grasping, more Freudian.


I’m not convinced of that. I think a lot of people who dislike him and his family have already come to a conclusion and hear/think what fits their premise. I just see an incredibly common verbal mistake.


You see it as an “incredibly common” verbal mistake - you can supposedly see the political bias of others but not your own. One look at your post history and it’s clear what your thoughts on marginalized groups are.


The family literally has a history of white supremacy






Thank you


It’s times like this I like to quote a great scholar: “Fool me once shame on you, fool me - You can't get fooled again''


This comment is everything! Long live W


And I got a Trump ad on the page. Fucking disgusting.


You should probably go shower now


This quote from the same article by Eric Trump has been overlooked but it is extremely wild and ironic. "Ignore the facts, my friends. Ignore everything you heard and saw and what your heart is telling you RIGHT NOW. You MUST ignore all that. Yes, if you can ignore ALL THAT, you’ll come to one simple conclusion. My father is innocent.” -Eric Trump


Good god these people are fucking insane and delusional wtaf


That's kinda a weird thing to say as the son of a tangerine-American.


I'm so shocked. Racist conservatives. Who would have guessed.


I thought white meant surrender 🧐


Biden is white ya?


Every president we had was white except the black one and the orange one.


Eric Trump: “calling all white supremacists, calling all white supremacists…do you hear me, over?” Like the bat signal for racists


Im the linked video it sounds like he meant to say, "we're right."


Can he walk and chew gum at the same time ? Every one said Eric was thick there you go they were right !


He's saying "right", but it still would track.


How so?


By listening.


I think he needs glasses, as Biden is also white.


Not a fan of this family but it does just sound like he misspoke, or possible Freudian slip. Hard to tell but, benefit of the doubt he does sound like he just misspoke “right.”


RNC next month in WI everyone. Come one come all. They are not prepared.


What the fuck kind of shit website is this


https://youtu.be/5UDLxDTkaQ8?si=wBNrzp6_xTuAXx3K "It's all right, cause it's all white."-Chris Rock


If my father had been cheating on my mum and paying off porn stars to keep quiet, I'd have more self respect than to stand there defending him.


What if he cut you in on the porn star action?


He did not say that…come on


Is anyone actually surprised. I fully understand white rich people OR White Nationals side with Trump but why do so many others? There's so much information out there now that shows he has done nothing but work against them. I know it's not the majority but enough minorities along with blue Collar America goes to bat hard for this clown. How much more evidence do those people need.


Wait a minute, I’m white! *piano jingle*


As untrustworthy as it gets.




Aaaand fuck Eric.


Eric's not as dumb as his brother. But he does appear to think his father is going up against Obamna. Which means he is still a high risk of choking.


MAGA is a NAZI death cult


Why does this surprise anyone? The Trump family could live action eat a baby and they would be supported


Next step he will shave dis head


It was at an event where he was getting heckled.  It seemed like he just lost his nerve, maybe it was s Freudian slip, but it seemed pretty clear to me he meant to say "we're right".


I’m no fan of these guys. Or most politicians for that matter. But he said ‘we’re right’. You can argue that word ‘white’, sounds like ‘right’ when most people say it in a sentence. But even entirely out of context it sounds like he says ‘right’. So this headline is dumb and a distraction and negative contributor to healthy discourse.


Another case of saying the quiet part out loud


Well there’s a reason they keep Eric in a dark closet. He has a kind of honesty thr won’t help the GOPs agenda of getting their facist daddy in the White House




Is this any surprise to anyone. They’re fucking racists


At least he's telling some truth, there.


There you go.


Isn’t this the one that daddy hates?


This post is misinformation. He was clearly intending to say "we're right". Obvious lies like this undermine OP/sub/reddit credibility.


Daddy gonna be cutting off his weekly allowance after this one. Trump was reportedly starting to move the needle among black voters.


lol he meant to say RIGHT. Good lord the people willing to spin what others say. Thank goodness I don't do public speaking, you all are twisted.


Such misinformation


So Biden is not white lol?


This was deliberate … not a misstatement or a mistake…. We gotta take these MFers seriously


But yet his daddy says they have done more for black people since Lincoln, SMH..


he looks like a 90 year old very thin old lady, except he's a dude and 40


Holy fucking mask off Batman.


Surprising a white republican acknowledges white privileged


Rich, corrupt white guys tend to win


Lmao so fake


He's going to deny it. He will say that he said "right" and it's false news. But all of MAGA heard it. He meant to say it and then deny it. It's a standard trump strategy.


Seriously, does ANYONE BELIEVE that the Trump Bros. have not both told the same exact lie on the same exact form that Hunter is on trial for now?


I WONDER IF THIS FOOL REALIZES THAT HIS DNA DISPROVES HIS THEORY OF BEING WHITE? Modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) originated in Africa, and much of human evolution took place on the continent. However, there are many uncertainties and competing theories about where, when, and how. Some studies suggest that the earliest ancestors of modern humans emerged in southern Africa, while others support an East African origin. SO....YOU ILLITERATE SMART ASS, LOOK TO YOUR DNA AND HOLY COW BATMAN>WE ALL, EVERY LAST ONE OF US, CAME OUT OF AFRICA AND DUE TO THE ENVIRONMENT WERE ALL BLACK BABIES IN THE BEGINNING OF TIME......AND OUR SKIN COLOR ONLY CHANGED DUE TO THE "E-N-V-I-R-N-M-E-N-T AND THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "R-A-C-E" BLACK, WHITE ,YELLOW,RED,PURPLE OR OTHERWISE.....!!! MOM


No one in MSM highlighted this and it never got traction but this Crime Family sweat privilege!


Idk why but I immediately red that as “we’re white sharks”. Maybe it’s the cold dead look in his eyes. Or the fact their father is an apex predator. Well, maybe not an apex one, but… you know


He said, We’re right… 🤦 you fucking people…


I'm hearing right not white.


Is Joe Biden not white? Or are they thinking of Dark Brandon?


He’s just saying that if the immigrants lived like white people in their home country they might not need to collect welfare in ours. For example, they could spend their aid money on infrastructure rather than on another civil war. Or they could take the money they’re saving by being on section 8 and use it to bribe congress to send their home nation billions in subsidies.


This is fake news. He said they are right, not white. In an email statement to Newsweek Wednesday afternoon, Eric Trump clarified his words, writing, "I cannot wait for the day we win, we will, we are right." He further wrote: "honestly would take legal action against anyone who suggests otherwise as 1) it makes no sense and 2) it would be blatant slander."


“We’re right”- the actual quote. Gaslighting: Reddit karma farmers bread and butter


So fake r/Global_…


Racism today is funny cuz the mainstream is okay as long as people hint at it, and will call black folks crazy for speaking on it. But statements like this are seen as "too far." Either way I'm glad it's out in the open so there's no doubt now I guess


I hate the guy, but it's pretty obvious he said "we're right".


Will someone, preferably Donald Drumph, just give the “kid” a hug.


The racist apple doesn’t fall far from the diseased tree.


The cocaine is kicking in. The cocaine cowboy is ranting


Wrong Trump that's Don Jr. Eric is the moron of the family.


Eric is the moronic cocaine cowboy


He probably takes it anally, bc he is a connoisseur.


That’ll pucker his cheeks


Why even cover his drivel? This fool has never even learned to wipe. (from the bottom-up, Eric)


That’s not what he said. He said ‘right.’ I don’t doubt he’s racist but stop this silliness.


No one likes liars he said we’re right it makes you look bad


Stop posting this crap, he said “right” not “white”. And no, I’m not a fan of him or his Dad, but you don’t need to lie…


He said white, it is pretty clear. Whether he "meant to say it" is another argument. But he said white.


And do you think he would deliberately say that publicly in the way he did?


Yep. Eric is not the smartest. He probably doesn't know how to dog whistle.


he literally SAID white, isn’t that clear? that he MEANT right is also clear, however, if any of the perceived enemies of this sad family in this American tragedy had the same flub, the public would do the same thing. He DID say white, flubbing his speech and giving us a Freudian slip doesn’t negate that he said it…he’s practicing that family tradition of word salad.


You tell yourself wherever you want to believe mate. Listening to it, it’s obvious he meant to say “right” and that it sounds more like “right” to me than “white”. Not that he isn’t a racist prick like his family, so Freudian slip I’ll give you. Cba to debate it anymore, bye


Must be a “proud boy” of convicted felon Donal Trump.


Can you guys actually watch the video before commenting? I don’t like this guy either but he clearly says “we’re right” not “we’re white” https://www.newsweek.com/eric-trump-comments-outside-courthouse-white-right-1905951


Echo chamber mentality is strong here. I don't like them at all, but he clearly said "we're right."


We,re right not white FFS


To be fair I think he meant to say “we’re right” Freudian slip of the tongue…perhaps.


White supremacists see white supremacists behind every tree.


The amount of false narratives on Reddit is crazy.


I hate the Trump family and have been speaking out against them since before Trump announced he was running for president the first time. However, I hate that I keep seeing this headline. It is a blatant lie. The Democratic Party shouldn’t have to stoop to the Republican parties level of spreading lies. It was clear that he said “We are right” not “we are white”.


What are they right about?


What ever bullshit they were claiming that day. I didn’t say I agree with them, but if you actually listen to it it’s clear that he says right and not white.




You know there's video of him saying it right 🤡


Its not exactly news that the Trumps or even conservatives, in general, a racist AF. It only.takes a few Nazi and Confederate flags to confirm that. But Eric Trump also said this: "Ignore the facts, my friends. Ignore everything you heard and saw and what your heart is telling you RIGHT NOW. You MUST ignore all that. Yes, if you can ignore ALL THAT, you’ll come to one simple conclusion. My father is innocent.” -Eric Trump




Are you crazy? Riot against the openly fascist dictator that has said repeatedly that he wants to arrest and kill all his political opponents? Do you even history, bro?


They don’t care, especially on some random news site no one besides OP has ever heard of.


Everyone here... I am sorry but this sounds like BS. I've been following both sides closely and this just doesn't make sense it doesn't sound like something he would say the rest of the statements in the article they don't sound real either. But of course make your own decision.


He said it on the news buddy, there's video of him saying it. He was saying a lot of "wh" words and instead of right, he said white. Since he comes from a long line of white supremacists, it's a pretty funny screw up.


In an email statement to Newsweek Wednesday afternoon, Eric Trump clarified his words, writing, "I cannot wait for the day we win, we will, we are right." He further wrote: "honestly would take legal action against anyone who suggests otherwise as 1) it makes no sense and 2) it would be blatant slander


And? What's your point. He still said it, and again, coming from a family of KKK members, that mess up is fucking hilarious.


No, he did not. That's disinformation


Not only are there multiple videos of him misspeaking, he even admits to misspeaking. So yes, yes, he did say it and it's hilarious.


What I find hilarious is that he misspoke so badly that he had to tell Newsweek what he actually said. 😆 And Newsweek published it. 🤣 And now it's been proven that the video clips were altered. Somebody did a bad job of trying to smear him. 😆🤣 And the most hilarious thing of all? People bought it. 😏😅😂🤣🤣🤣


I find your mental gymnastics almost as hilarious as Trump shitting his pants in court. There's no proof that the video is altered. Why is it so hard to believe the guy misspoke? It happens to people all the time.


How do you know he shit his pants? You'd have to be awful close to......... Well, yanno. And my shrink says my mental gymnastics are fine. I I don't need to work my brain any harder than I am. Why is it so hard to believe this guy misspoke? In this day and age, Eric would have to be a slope headed, knuckle draggin' Neanderthal to say something stupid like that, especially in front of microphones and cameras. It is a presidential election year. Do you believe everything that everybody says? If you do, I have a bridge to nowhere and some swampland that's perfectly good for anything you want to do with it. And it's cheap. And you can believe me. 🙄 Especially the media? They're going to focus on anything that the opposition candidate says, put a spin on it, blow it out of proportion and trot it out as factual. Whether it is or not. *"If it bleeds, it ledes."* That's the newspaper man's motto. That goes for news outlets on the left and the right. They're in business to sell advertising. The more sensational it is, the more clicks they get, the newspapers or magazines they sell. And the more people buy into it. Whether it's true or not, especially in an election year. I always love to see the retractions three or four months after they've published something. It's very telling. This is no more than an electioneering year politics. "Don't vote for that guy, his whole family are white supremacists. " That's like beating a dead horse. It's been done so much, and so often, that is not even funny anymore. It's transparent What is occurring. But , like I say, the left is going to trot that out in an effort to sway voters to vote for their candidate and not the opposition candidate. Pretty sad. And pathetic. Besides, you give him more credit than he probably deserves.


There are multiple nose-witnesses over the years that have verified that he wears diapers and shits himself. That's not uncommon for someone in their 70s. Eric misspoke in front of multiple cameras and microphones, they didn't all re-edit the audio in a giant conspiracy. Misspeaking isn't a matter of stupidity, it just happens sometimes. And yes, the left is going to remind you that you're voting for a white supremacist that comes from a long line of white supremacists. I don't see the issue here. If you don't want to vote for a white supremacist, then don't. If you do, then do it, just don't go clutching your pearls when someone tells you that you're supporting a white supremacist.

