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The confidence with which a Zionist threatens violence while expecting to completely trample on the basic rights and freedoms of another human being is... unsurprising.


It’s soo blatantly obvious who the evil one are


And 100% she will think that she is the victim here


Yeah, these people (zionists) are going to milk the antisemitism cry for as long as they can, which is going to cause actual antisemitism against innocent people.


It's lost all meaning


The Semitic peoples aren’t specifically Jews. Zionists *are* antisemitic by definition.


Someone called me an antisemite the last time I made this point 🤷🏻


My comments usually get removed when I point that out


Anti semitism as a term was created as a reference to Jews, in Germany where there were no other communities of Semitic people. Nice try at cultural appropriation.


>which is going to cause actual antisemitism against innocent people. Exactly


That’s probably what Zionists want, get more Jewish people to move to Israel thinking it’s the only safe place for them


She should have been violently arrested right there but I guess that treatment is reserved for Palestinians.


I have a really hard time holding myself back with this comment, but here I go. If an individual treats me with violence, I will respond with violence immediately. If they have a knife, I will find a rock or a stick. especially in this case because this woman just came in and started breaking down something that wasn't hers. Also, Israel is committing genocide right now.


At least they had the camera guy going around and documenting. He tried to take her piture and someone was trying to get in the way of the shot. You’ve got your zionazi badge on, smile proudly for the camera!




I didn’t see a lollipop guy, you mean the Canadian flag guy? Well the cops were right there, the protester was within rights to document a knife wielding Zionist.


I am not sure if she even got arrested. I have been reading about it on twitter since the video was circulated around the uoft encampment social media, but I did not get clear answer if she was arrested


OP from a previous post said the police spoke to her briefly and sent her on her way with no arrest.


[they do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w_5DBffk3Q) [it all the](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPXAKve2244) [time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uM1-PS5ViE). --- Helps that the far right, white nationalists, zionists, and police are all in one giant bed together. Even if none of them really like each other, they all hate the left and those who push back on their violence.


The reaction to the protests is honestly shattering all the myth of a free society that the west claims to be. In 2005 when the right-wing Danish newspaper published the Mohammad cartoons and goaded the Arab world for months on end until the protests happened, at one point Iran did ask the Danish government to kindly ask the paper to knock it off since it was hurting international relations, but the Danish government said 'no can do, freedom of speech'. But the same government had zero problem arresting protestors and clamping down on many others at the protestors and probably a lot more stuff than I am not hearing about. If they fired higher ups in universities over voicing opinions in the US and Germany they probably did the same there. I even looked up Denmark right now and they claimed to have arrested Hamas linked terrorists who were plotting something last December, but there were no follow up articles since. The smart money says they probably found zero Hamas links and no plot and probably released the suspects. But I have no confirmation. However I know that Hamas does not operate internationally and given how much support people are giving Palestinians right now having a plot to randomly kill people is not in their best interest.


Imagine just assuming you can be a terrorist on camera.


Probably an ex idf soldier


She thinks she’s in Israel and can kill as many people with no repercussions


Fascism comes in a variety of flavors.


Right? My first thought was that is the federal crime of brandishing a weapon.


I’m more appalled that she had the nerve to smugly deny it knowing she will get away with it even though it was clear she thrusted towards people


I really hope she got charged, that was a threat


and also robbery


Armed robbery, menacing, possibly illegal display of weaponry (brandishing or whatever municipal law it is). Shit if I did that, I'd probably face at least one felony if the cops didn't shoot me immediately


Well you do it to peaceful protesters, duh


Well the evidence is there for everyone too see. If it was the other way round, It would make national headlines, instant arrest and remanded in jail until the trial date.


Apparently she didn’t


Narrator: She didn't. On the fear of being called antisemite.


She wanted to be attacked and claim to be the victim.


I mean everything since October 7 has been “self defense”. They’ve been “defending themselves” for 8 months now. Edit: “ “




More like 75 years


Since oct 7th? They have been doing this for ages. There are hand full of states where you can criticize USA but not Israel. There are laws literally written where you lose your funding if you criticize Israel.


that was definitely a credible threat with a weapon. glad to see a cop in the frame (for a change).


Represents her country perfectly.


Israel is not a country, and if it is, then she's certainly not from there. Just another zionist psychopath.


It is a country. A deeply radicalized, increasingly fascistic, hyper-nationalistic, neo-colonialist state with all sorts of condemnable traits but a state nevertheless. And yea, she's very likely not from there but probably propagandized into feeling toxically defensive when it's being criticized.


The most peaceful zionist


Tiny person, tiny knife, big delusion


Huge fucking grin.


Disgusting Karen.


“Did you get permission to hang it?” *pulls knife* I’m sure a jury of her peers will aquit, 80 years ago some awhile killed her grandpa so it’s ok to be completely unhinged.


Pulls knife, threatens people. Zero consequences.


You cannot scrutinize the Zionist. Not in our government when they are stealing our children's futures. Not the lawyers poisoning our children in the family courts.


why was she not arrested. assault with a deadly weapon in view of cops gets a "stern talking to." Crazy.


but college students exercising their right to protest requires force


The Zionist are filled with such hate and predisposition to violence. They want to sit in a fairytale castle and destroy everything and everyone who just so much as questions them!


Crazy old bitch


The Zionists have killed American marines, American civilians -Rachel Corrie (and most likely the 911 attack) and now just slaughtering…I mean continuing to slaughter the Palestinians and they get rewarded regularly from the USA with continued support! Make it make sense 😣


>most likely the 911 attack Say what now? 🤨


You know a sub is cooked when "The JEEEEEEEWS did 9/11" is well received.


Why wasn't she immediately in handcuffs? destroying someone's property and then pulling a knife when they try to stop her.. that's clearly arrestable.


The cops are there to protect the Zionists.


Mean and hateful person. Treat everyone with respect. Unless you're the one getting attacked, that is.


God promised it to meeeeeeee! In the book my ancestors wrote they were very clear it should be mine. ~ Zionists




She shoulvd hit the floor and arrested


represents israel perfectly


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.


And if anyone had pushed her back for holding a knife THEY would have been the protagonist. These Zionists are the most disgusting evil people on the face of the earth.


Won't see Ben shapiro covering this


Colonizers are parasites, period


I’m glad that tall cop was there to talk to her about putting out knives. He’s obviously not happy.


notice how she is not arrested. if it was a pro palestinain protestor who pulled out a knife they likely would've been shot, and at the very least taken to the ground and immediately put in cuffs.


\*old zionist woman with knife shows up\* "It's the students who are being violent!"


The gaslighting on this topic has been disgusting. Especially in light of the 200 violent pro israel protesters at ucla after the accusations of violence. Then Seinfelds wife turns out to be funding protests (on the same day as the violence at ucla) after the usual: "soros and billionares are funding the pro palestinians!" bs. We won't see this on the news but one random student insulting another gets 24 hour coverage. Also we of course will hear about holocaust denial and the holocaust being mocked by randos but not the mob that chanted: "second Nakba!" as they attacked the ucla students.


Yup. I remember they also used to say how it wasn't "real students" but "outsiders" doing the pro-palestine protests. And that that was why it became violent. Bill Maher, Seinfeld, and numerous other pro-zionist voices all talked about it. Then [CNN did an expose](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uM1-PS5ViE) on it and discovered that, no... it was the other way around. Not only were the pro-israel protestors the outsider non-students of the campus, but they were also a coalition of zionists and white nationalists. Then suddenly, stories about the violence dried up from the media. No more talking about the violence there. --- The worst part is, this isn't even the [first](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w_5DBffk3Q) [time ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPXAKve2244)pro-zionist protestors got violent without repercussions. It's a trend with these fascist a-holes. And yet every time violence erupts again, it's the same old song and dance.


Have you heard about a conspiracy theory that the media is controlled by a particular tribe? Nah it’s way out. 😏


Zionists are violent terrorists.


0 condemnation for this


If you pull a knife, you better expect a serious take down.


And obviously, the people with her warning her that cops are around and trying to keep people from taking her picture... classic israeli behavior


Israel is the worst




Biden has been way too supportive of Israel, but I don't think he's the one telling these cops to let Zionists get away with violence.


What kind of psychopath does that for humor? Kidding or not like who the fuck actually does that? Fucking psychopaths that's who. The type of humor that takes being locked down in a country with no one else other than people that have the same sick ass humor for like 50 years or more. God damn this sounds just like redneck neighborhoods.


She got caught


How many of these counter protesters are ex IDF soldiers??? And why are ex IDF soldiers allowed to be around us normal people??????


We have some bad ones here in Canada. ADL member Nicole Ziegler was arrested for hate crime when she threatened pro Gaza life protesters with throat cut gestures and Ilan Reuben Abram who brought a nail gun to an anti genocide rally and discharged it. So this one is the third terrorist incident by Zionists in the greater Toronto area


**Knife = threat with deadly weapon = assault.** The cop should have cuffed her on the spot. I am less troubled by what the knife lady did, and more troubled by what the LEO did not do. A good cop doesn't get to decide when he/she enforces the law. They simply enforce the law. If a portion of the people know that they will have their crimes ignored, they will do more crimes with greater confidence. The cop's inaction will create more social chaos.


Deport that Bitch.


Look how they gently touch her shoulder and lead her away to talk, when she was literally just getting out a knife.... while they would roughly manhandle and pepper spray totally-peaceful pro-Palestinians.


100% POS Zionist lunatic


What a freak


No charges?


Afaik there was no charges. You can find more by searching on twitter relating to knife and uoft encampments. Unless this has changed, I don't understand why she was not charged. She has also been identified already.


Campus police said nobody tried to press charges but that isn't true.


That's weird. You should still be able to press charges, given they identified her name. She was literally lunging the knife at someone with video evidence. I wonder if someone else can send in a report. Does the victim need to report it or does it not matter?


Campus police and intentionally useless and have been trying to say 52 division was handling it. They gave a different story everytime I spoke to them.


This is social media, group. Let's get her charged.


What a piece of filth !!


Brandishing is a felony


If you pull down someone’s sign like that it’s destruction of property and is most definitely illegal.


not down with pulling knifes on people.


Anyone know where to stream adventure time? Hamas made a huge mistake in getting the US involved. Gaza is fucked. In a couple of years they’ll start talking about rights for women and better education. How do you think they expand? We have to save the poor savages (i.e. save the children). What they are going to do is impose their moral and legal expectations onto Gaza. There is no better way to destroy an ideal than to destroy the culture of the people who produced it. That happens to be right down Americas alley. They don’t need to kill the people of Gaza. They just have to teach them that it’s ok to show some skin. So, I’ve never seen adventure time. I’m interested though. Guess I’ll google it. Edit: If it’s not obvious, I’m being hyperbolic. It will take many years just to rebuild, but the mistake has been made.


Most well-behaved zionist.


The world has finally recognized Israeli genocide.


they gave her a gentle talking to for pulling a knife on someone.


Why doesn’t anyone pepper spray her? She’s threatening them


Remember kids, if someone brandishes a deadly weapon at you, you can use lethal force against them.


Old bitch pulls a knife, I'm knocking her ass out


Pro Zionists are ruining judaism.


Zionists are fucking psychopaths, like truly. But honestly you’d have to be to support a genocide


I don't go anywhere without a pocket knife. But I have never been compelled to show it to anyone who didn't ask to use it.


Anybody else expect the genocidal racist to be armed and delusional? Very surprised.


Disgusting behaviour.


I need an update on this someone halp


Some of that western civilization we’ve heard so much about.


Glad the world is finally seeing the true color of these innocent folks


ofc the comments are switched off


Name that turd.


lol, that lady is going to jail


Such a pig...


Zionist tier entitlement right there.


You can see from her expression that she knows she can do that, and the police won't do a damn thing to stop her.


The security should have escalated the situation into immediate arrest because shes evidently armed with a weapon and a violent threat to others...


Crazy people, harbingers of peace..


That's why I live in a stand your ground state...


Tearing down the banner is one thing but bringing a knife to cut it down is insanity. It's a peaceful protest 😤




Would have been nice seeing that nose flattened


“…..Are we the baddies?”


These evil Zionist


Why wasn’t she arrested???


Zionazi terrorist


They’re very comfortable with murder apparently.


Oh why is this subreddit fine when pro Palestine demonstrators are being emotional and irrational but when Jewish people are doing it it's faced with only hate ?


Start treating them how they treat you. I would’ve took her flag broke it and lit it on fire if she wants to play that game 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Watch out for the Jewish OWO coming soon!! 👀


Zionism is another word for deranged.


She did nothing wrong. (I shouldn’t get banned from this sub for just saying that, but I will)


She made sure to show the woman the knife and the moment the woman informed everyone of it, she laughs it off and puts it away as if the woman is overreacting.


My how the turntables.


Such peace loving civilized people


It's a shame those protesters didn't defend themselves from the terrorist making violent threats and waving a weapon at them.


Kick her out of America.


Lol pulls a knife on a someone ana doesn’t get arrested. The fuckin privilege these people have man if that was an Arab looking person pulling the knife, straight to jail. Yet they cry antisemitism at every argument against them. Fuck Israel free Palestine from bloodthirsty psychotic Jews.


Lock her up Unless she can prove she is above the law


Tear that ugly shit down!


Don’t get me wrong i am not condoning pulling a knife. But 99% of people pushing the Palestinian narrative know next to nothing about the actual situation or history. Iv seen so many wildly anti-jewish comments now its disgusting. Shame on everyone. A terrorist organisation elected by the people of Palestine who all come from different tribal groups and all hate each-other came together with the common cause to take all the billions of aid given to them and use it to indoctrinate the youth into wanting to murder jews. They then launched an attack, and Israel with a strong retaliation is defending itself by pushing hard and fast. Yet somehow they are painted out to be maniac genocidal monsters with no soul killing purely innocents. Seriously?


You seem to be the one that has no idea what you are talking about. Hamas and Israel have had a ceasefire for 2 years. Israel has bombed Gaza twice for 3 day periods during that time. Once for people at the border releasing balloons to cause fires in September 2023 and once completely unprovoked in August 2022. In 2023, the IDF and settlers killed 200 people in the West Bank through the end of September. In September, Netanyahu went to the UN and declared that Palestine no longer existed and the entire area was Israel. During the last 57 years, Israel has occupied and oppressed the Palestinians. They took the land in a war they were the first attacker. For decades, they have been annexing land after ethnically cleansing it. The IDF harasses innocent Palestinians in the West Bank to keep them in their place. The Israeli government officials, military officials, media figures and random people declared openly that they wanted to kill everyone in Gaza. You are surprised that they are seen as genocidal? Very few people support Hamas. You seem to not support anyone in Palestine being able to live.


Don’t get me wrong i am not condoning pulling a knife. But 99% of people pushing the Palestinian narrative know next to nothing about the actual situation or history. Iv seen so many wildly anti-jewish comments now its disgusting. Shame on everyone. A terrorist organisation elected by the people of Palestine who all come from different tribal groups and all hate each-other came together with the common cause to take all the billions of aid given to them and use it to indoctrinate the youth into wanting to murder jews. They then launched an attack, and Israel with a strong retaliation is defending itself by pushing hard and fast. Yet somehow they are painted out to be maniac genocidal monsters with no soul killing purely innocents. Seriously?


Don’t get me wrong i am not condoning pulling a knife. But 99% of people pushing the Palestinian narrative know next to nothing about the actual situation or history. Iv seen so many wildly anti-jewish comments now its disgusting. Shame on everyone. A terrorist organisation elected by the people of Palestine who all come from different tribal groups and all hate each-other came together with the common cause to take all the billions of aid given to them and use it to indoctrinate the youth into wanting to murder jews. They then launched an attack, and Israel with a strong retaliation is defending itself by pushing hard and fast. Yet somehow they are painted out to be maniac genocidal monsters with no soul killing purely innocents. Seriously?


Nut jub


Mostly peaceful brandishing


And the media will report it as someone got arrested at a pro Palestinian protest and make it look like it was a pro Palestinian protestor instead of a counter protestor or a bully creating violence


wow she nearly got away with being so blatantly antisemitic


Terrorists embedding terrorists


The fact that she looked shocked that the officer pulled her aside. I know she’s used to pulling out knives on Palestinians all the time in Israel,while the IDF protects her.


They're just like MAGA, the pepsi to their coke


Only Zionist will threaten you if you say no to them destroying what isn’t their’s


Gods chosen ones


Person of color flashing a knife wouldn’t get that treatment




Why these so called jewish people acting like that, Viva Palestine 🇵🇸


Please tell me this asshole has been arrested for attempted assault. Please o please.


Hands first, 9mm second. I carry for a variety of reasons. The knife would fully justify my following actions.


Someone brandishes a knife at me, I'm pulling my concealed carry. They're only this bold because they think there will be no consequences for them. It only takes one Zionazi to get popped for them to realize they aren't invincible.


Deport her back to Israel?


The Most Moral Protestor.


It’s beyond entitled already. What happened to them in the past is beyond reprehensible but what they’re doing right now is just as bad. The cycle continues.


...and NOTHING will happen to her. She slept in her own bed that night.


Did she get arrested for this? That’s assault with a deadly weapon just pulling it out like that.


Also fuck the fallout ghoul trying to prevent that cameraman from documenting the situation.


Really hope that bitch got arrested.


zionists are the karens of religion


Fuck Hamas.


Very wise statement there


Just found out the new president of the country of Mexico is a Jewish woman. You heard that right. The county of Catholics had a president that is Jewish. Maybe Chapelle was right


But if someone were to bum rush her in that exact moment and land a few good shots to the dome they’d probably be in the wrong. If I saw this I would have no qualms about dropping grandma and providing a swift kick to the kidney. The entitlement of these monsters is sickening.


zionist think they can do anything just because the halacost happened. What scum


Correct me if I’m wrong and in no way do I condone her threatening anyone with a knife but…. Did she pull the knife on them or was she using it to cut down the banner and then was brandishing the knife about after that. Yes she pointed the knife at them in what appears to be a threatening manner.




I hope she was charged.


Yea in the uk she would’ve been on the floor, uk police ain’t gently escorting you with a deadly weapon defuq


Not arrested for having a weapon and pointing at someone?


Typical Zio behaviour. We need to protect our society from these animals.


In the US that could be a glock, don’t FAFO by buying into this “intifada revolution” bs. These ain’t your grandparents Jews,