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I like it bc mini gnar has no waveclear whatsoever however the lack of health does leave you extremely vulnerable in a lot of matchups. They nerfed minis base health into the ground bc of pro play, building shiv just exacerbates the issue. Gnar is currently 3rd lowest base health in the game (not counting dismounted kled bc he has Skaarls health bar) and 2nd lowest at lv18, above only Yuumi. It can be good in situations where the waveclear can help you avoid your opponent, or they just can't trade with you to begin with. But I wouldn't even consider it into his tougher matchups.


I feel that shortcoming on health in the tougher match-ups for sure. I am wondering about a shiv rush into divine sunderer then full tank from there on out?


I tried on hit build with gnar with rageblade etc and the mini gnar damage was insane, however mega form was more or less useless. This what i learnt. 1) people build items which support both mini and mega gnar to ensure u are strong at any point in game. Mega gnar has low cds and good wave clear so u need sheen item with damage. Mini gnar needs attack speed, damage and ms to kite. All in all trinity gives all :). Now stattik seems nice, can help u wave clear, but doesnt help mega gnar as much as trinity. I mean it will be good in lane for kiting and wave prio but bad in the long run as u are delaying ur core item.


I would play It only for troll games


Static shiv broken, so it works on all champs