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Why tf are ppl so lame in here bruh we need a mod or something to kick the niggas acting like feds “erm actually this is not good for you” like bro I think everyone knows that 🤦‍♂️


no cap shi annoying asf






Ikk why don't thay moderate this shit


Y’all so triggered when someone post real hard drugs on here


goblin subreddit when someone posts an actual hard drug : 😮🫨


real shi


Bro the only comment I see being repeated when someone posts drugs is this, kinda ironic.


My god do I miss the OG discord like a moths Fuckk😭 shit was top tier ENTERTAINMENT


Man just be safe, have some narcan. Enjoy


always have narcan on hand


The narcan won't do him any good without someone to dose him with it if he falls out. Even with a spotter, sometimes people die silently.


I think he knows that


Hopefully you don’t get addicted. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy 🥲


i used to be addicted before i graduated hs i cooled off on it tho cuz it was affecting my life and i was doing bad in school


I hope you know some of these sketchy fentalogues can cause withdrawals in as little as 24 hours. I bought a dime bag of street fent a few years ago and kept hitting lines for roughly 24 hours. I felt like I had been doing H for months the withdrawals were so bad. There's no warning with this shit like with real H. It's just straight to hell.


i get these from the same person everytime and ive been tapering for a while but i aint knew abt no fentalogues shi sound weird 😹


You do know that those are fake 30s that likely contain fent/fentalogues or nitazenes, right? It's also really hard to taper with those, because the dose isn't going to be consistent in each pill. Best of luck to you.


went from 4-5 a day now one lasts me multiple days so i think im doing pretty good i tapered benzos too and quit yayo cold turkey


and also i know they are fake ive had real ones like once or twice but they're hard to get ahold of


Theres a difference between a "comedown" and actual withdrawls. If you had zero tolerance, you're not going to wd like you've been doing H for months by doing fent for a day. With zero tolerance, that comedown will make u feel sick asf, nausea, shakey, and just straight shitty....but those ain't wds. Unless you JUST came off dope and got clean less than a month ago.


It legit felt like I had been using H for months and took 4 days to stop. Idk wtf was in that bag. It's the only one that ever did that to me and I'm very experienced with fent/H/opiods in general. It wasn't like any comedown I've ever experienced and fent doesn't even really have a comedown until you start getting sick.


Be careful bro before you know your once a week/months turns into everyday before you know it. I know this isn’t what you wanted to here. But man looking at these pills gives me chills 6 years wasted on blues


i throw my shit out if i start using too much so i dont have that problem anymore ive learned about moderation over time


That’s good man. I wouldn’t be able to do that lol 😂


it hurts a lil bit inside but i know its for the best if i was still on xans i wouldnt be able to do that for shit i had a huge problem with the xannies


hope you got narcan on standby, these killed me.


i do you would know if you read other comments but if they killed you how are you commenting 😭


because i was brought back in the ER, f\*ck it let them kill you idc.


Stop being so soft. He just thought you were joking soy boy


only for you McButterz


i dont rly need ur input but they aint gon kill me jus watch my updates on this subreddit ive been tapering for a long ass time went from 4-5 of these a day to one lasting me multiple days and i got myself off benzos and blow so stop being a little sissy and stop talking not everyone od's cuz not everyone is a pussy😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨




Lol. I've OD'ed prolly like 20 times. People who actually truly 'die' from ODing require not just A) Narcan, but also B) an AED to restart the heart, and C) Possibly a shot of Epinephrine (adrenaline), often times with a bag of electrolytes like calcium, magnesium, dextrose....potentially along with IV lidocaine, corticosteroids, Activase, and antiarrhythmics like Amiodarone. This is WHILE chest compressions and intubation is performed, to ensure the blood/O2 continues to pump throughout the body while the paramedics attempt to restart the heart and breathing (hopefully the Narcan will perform the job of allowing the patient to start breathing again....but it can't actually restart a heart that has been stopped or bring people back from the dead). Narcan is for people who have ODed and have either extreamly shallow breathing, or whos breathing has stopped...but the heart is still pumping (while it might be a slow pulse...it's still pumping) and they are still alive. Narcan won't magically start a heart that has been stopped for several minutes...not usually (it can if CPR is performed while administering it - at least there's a better chance of it restarting if you are doing chest compressions after giving narcan). I'm not a doc and haven't practiced in the medical field in over 15 years. So, I'm a bit rusty on what's up to date with CPR, running codes, and protocols for cardiac arrests and infarcts.


this is true, i didnt actually die and revived, i was just out and needed 7 hits of narcan








will do!


Do you hit the foil or snort em


i used to smoke em but i got sick of the taste n the smell so i snort em now


yeah personally I’m not a fan of burnt popcorn smell either. they smell way better when snorted plus it’s longer lasting high.




The blues took my brother from me and almost took me as well, 1 can be 10× more potent than the previous. Be smart if you're going to be dumb.


i take every possible safety precautions but i dont need ur input


Take every precaution if you want, it only takes one. If you don't need input why you posting this?


because some people interact with me like normal people not other degenerates thinking theyre better than other people cuz they do different drugs


Soo you only want positive input ? Stay away from them blue presses.. I was on them for a couple years. Nothing good will come of them. Trust me....


Dude why are you taking them


cuz i like drugs?


Playing Russian roulette with ur life


i always have narcan n i dont pop full ones anymore cuz i lost my tolerance


Half of one could be the same as 2 of another there’s no telling how much goes into pressies or if they even try to add the same amount to each ine


You clearly don’t understand volumetric dosing. Any drug can be done safely. Y’all act like duragesic patches never existed and fentanyl is some lethal poison that kills anyone that comes in contact with it. Dude probably has a tolerance that allows fentanyl abuse, only deadly if you think it’s legit pharma and take a few or rail the whole thing.


I’m with u except for the fentanyl in a pharmacy is not the same as whatever fent-alogue is in that pill


Yeah, street fent is cut to shit and typically much, much weaker than pharma fentanyl by weight. I see so many people claiming they are doing several grams of fentanyl a day when the reality is they are doing a few grams of cut and 1-10mg of fent at most. This leads to people thinking they have wayyyy higher tolerances than they do, no one is selling pure fent/analogues on the street.


most street fent is RCs that are stronger than fentanyl itself as well as it mixed with other cutting agents.


Huh, that’s weird. All the ones I get pop for fentanyl on test strips and urine tests after use.


But he’s not the one dosing them


You are only proving my point. There’s x Amount of drugs in this pill and x amount of water in your solution. Every spray will have the same dosage, not rocket science.


But one pill could have say 5mg another could have 1. I thought he said in another comment he just popped them


yeah ik that the first one i got a couple months ago had me nodding with just a tiny bit but i always check the hotspots now so i can be more cautious


Your gunna do you either way tbh, preventing a death by commenting on redit is not something that’s gunna happen, but depending on your religion family situation ect, start making a will and get in good graces with whatver god u think you’ll see at the end. This is risky behavior and if you don’t plan to stop than plan for the worst


i plan on stopping in the summer cuz im going to college n im not addicted to 30s when i realize im doing too much i cut myself off n flush them😭


Are u not able to get real ones?


i cant get real 30s i can get real bars, lean, norcos, n adderall but 99% of plugs w 30s have fake ones ive only done real 30s once or twice


it doesnt matter, it kills everyone evntually. its russian roulette, might as well start clocking a revolver to your skull.


so ur telling me to commit suicide? thats awfully nice of you!


no but if thats how you're taking it thats how you're taking it. good luck goofy.


Lol This is such fear mongering bullshit, this new generation of “addicts” are soft asf.


not really these presses are not equally dosed and the statistics would argue that as well.


Im sure ur aware but u realize if you OD, ur probably gonna nod out too fast to realize what’s happening, and before u can administer narcan or get help. Just be safe homie, don’t lose ya life over an opioid high


i do realize that but when i snort it it takes a couple mins to take effect so ill realize if its hitting to hard im not tryna justify opioid use but im just saying im as cautious as possible im not like the mfs on the street doing tranq or benzodope and half the time i have a friend with me thats either sober or just on weed or smth thats not a hard drug


Fair enough. Keeping a homie with you is definitely a good move Be safe either way tho brotha, you never really know what’s in the pill and you certainly never know how you might react


Ye if u have a friend who can administer it that’s safe. But if ur snorting it and get a hot spot then u most likely will nod off before u even realized what happened and wake up in a hospital or not at all.


Yeah, so don’t risk your life bc if you die you cant keep taking them


i guess but one 30 lasts me multiple days i only like getting a subtle high from it cuz if i get too fucked up i get hella itchy


You can do any drug safely if you’re not an idiot about it.


Yeah, with pure fent powder you could do volumetric dosing but there’s no way to really know how much is in the pill for certain


It’s pretty consistent that pressed 30’s are fent. It’s just the quantity of fent that it consists of varies.


Which makes them so dangerous… I wouldn’t be saying what I’m saying about pure fent powder, this trusts the producer didn’t fuck up which the margin of error with fent is quite small


It’s so small that it’s a ridiculous chance to take